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Enter Raynedale Asylum

Enter Raynedale Asylum


(Full!) Enter into Raynedale Asylum and uncover Dr. Raven's dark secrets. Maybe you'll be "cured" in the process.

2,683 readers have visited Enter Raynedale Asylum since MorphineKisses created it.

Redux are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


These are the codes to put into your character applications. Please remove the parentheses in the codes when adding your information. If you need help finding an image for your character, feel free to PM me and I'll be more than happy to help you out! :) I can also make an icon for your character to use as an avatar! I really like using images so it helps to deepen the visual aspects of the roleplay, so if you need any help at all, I'm here! :)

Code: Select all
(Insert Image Here. No anime characters please.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Please include a written description.)
[*][b]Eyes:[/b] (color)
[*][b]Hair:[/b] (color, style, any oddities)
[*][b]Skin: [/b](color, any markings, scars, tattoos, piercings)
[*][b]Other:[/b] (height, build, other bits and pieces)
[*][b]Clothes:[/b] (You are allowed 2 full sets of clothes. Please describe both sets) [/list]


Code: Select all
[b]General Personality Description:[/b] (How are they normally? Do they have mood swings? Are they happy most of the time? Sad? Describe it.)
[b]Demeanor:[/b] (What happens when they get upset? Afraid? How do they cope?
[b]Disorders or Abnormalities:[/b] (What's wrong with them? Why are they at Raynedale?)
[b]Likes:[/b] (What do they enjoy?)
[b]Dislikes:[/b] (What do they hate?)
[b]Fears:[/b] (What are they afraid of?)


Code: Select all
[b]Personal Items:[/b]
[*][b]Item 1:[/b] (Item description here)
[*][b]Item 2:[/b] (Item description here)
[*][b]Item 3:[/b] (Item description here)
[*][b]Item 4:[/b] (Item description here)
[*][b]Item 5:[/b] (Item description here)


Code: Select all
[b]Backstory:[/b] (Describe your childhood up until you get put into Raynedale. You can be as brief or as detailed as you like, but at least make it 5 sentences long.)

Toggle Rules

***If you are applying to the roleplay or already accepted into the roleplay, PLEASE read the OOC threads on the regular basis. I am going to post responses to everyone there and also update everyone on the status of the roleplay, including vital answers to any questions anyone may have.***

  • No God-Modding other characters. I know you guys know what this means, but do know that the Head Nurse and Doctor will be able to restrain you in some fashion at one point or another during the game if the need arises. I will not go over-board with this, but it needs to be said anyway.
  • Spelling and Grammar: I know not everyone here is a professional writer. Mistakes happen. But please put thought into what you're posting. Use a spell checker and Google if you don't know how to spell something. It's there for a reason :)
  • Post Length: I'm not going to say you have to post a book each time you post, but I will say to please make each post a minimum of 300 words. If you use Firefox or Chrome for web browsing, there are very easy to install extensions that provide a word count checker as well as spell checkers for any window you have open. Here's a link to a few of the ones for Chrome ( ... -bloggers/) and for Firefox ( ... src=search for Word Count and ( ... src=search) for Spell Checker.
  • Post Frequency: I want this Roleplay to last as long as possible, so PLEASE do NOT post just once and leave. Don't speed post either. Limit yourself to a max of 2 posts per day to avoid people getting behind on the story. I understand people have lives and will not be able to post everyday. That's FINE :) Once every other day or every two days is good too. As long as you're consistent with your posts, I'll be happy and so will everyone else :)
  • Leaving the Roleplay: I understand that things happen. Either you don't enjoy the Roleplay anymore or something in real life pops up that keeps you from the interwebs. That's ok and I won't harbor ill feelings toward you. But PLEASE, if you are going to be leaving the Roleplay, PM me to let me know, leave a message in the OOC thread, and TRY to find a way for your character to exit the game. This can be done in several ways and we all can work together to make it a speedy exit so that you can take care of your business. :) Also, if you're going to be absent for more than 5 days, please let me and the other members of the Roleplay so that we may plan around your absence :) Thank you!
  • Be Mature: This roleplay will almost certainly have mature themes to it. If blood/gore upsets you, cursing upsets you, or mild sexual themes, then please don't join. If things get sexual between patients, if it gets graphic PLEASE take it to PMs so that we don't upset the Gods of RPG. Thank you :)
  • Be polite: Just because your character doesn't like another person's character doesn't mean the player behind the character doesn't like the other player. It's a game. So please be nice to the other players when talking OOCly :) That would be awesomesauce.

Ok, so that's all the rules that I know of right now :) WHEW! I know it's a lot, but they all had to be said. Please read them, I put a lot of work into them, heh.

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in

Group Therapy Room

Group Therapy Room by RolePlayGateway

"Please enter the room and take a seat at one of the chairs situated in a circle."

Dr. Raven's Office

Dr. Raven's Office by RolePlayGateway

Patients have 1x1 Therapy Here.

Raynedale Insane Asylum

Raynedale Insane Asylum by MorphineKisses

"Welcome to Raynedale."

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon Character Portrait: Kira Brooke Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
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Kira gazes around, finally complete with her breakfast, besides the few sips of orange juice which remained in the bottle. Wiping some crumbs from her pink lips, she notices Reyna sit beside her. She looked interesting; her hair quite pretty. With a quizzical stare, as the girl began to tap out a rhythm on the table, Kira finally parted her lips to try and speak with the girl. But, once again, as seemed to be happening so much that morning, she was disrupted by two Asian twins who came in to sit at their same table, and who then struck up their own conversation with the girl. And, again, as before, Kira snapped her mouth shut. It wasn't as if she wanted all for the attention for herself, or anything. It was for the simple fact that she felt she had been too slow to start, and interrupting someone else's conversation could be considered rude...

The two twins were interesting, and her ice blue eyes stare at them. They were both beautiful, their hair a nice blonde color, and their facial structure delicate; their skin smooth. Even the male looked beautiful. Was that strange?...She did catch one of their names...October...and interesting name. It was at that time that a loud smash of seemingly someone's food sprawled across the floor. Kira quickly turned in her chair to see what had occurred, in curiosity, only to be met with Jasmine who stood behind her with a wide grin; a hand on the back of her chair. Her heart leaps within her throat, unknowing of what was about to occur. Kira didn't know this girl, but had noticed the small little cruel glares and actions in which she took towards the other females in this asylum. Was she next?

Having looked like a deer in headlights, she takes the time to compose herself before finally speaking. "H-hello..." Her voice sounded strange even to herself. Picking through her mind, Kira tried to think through all the names that cluttered her brain. Which one fit this girl? She knew she had heard it before at some point. "Uh...Jasmine?.." She says, almost as if asking if this was, indeed, her name.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie Character Portrait: Kyle Xavier Graham Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
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0.00 INK

Kyle's head hurt. His nose was throbbing; the pain had finally caught up to him. Ahh, shit. Kyle lightly touched his nose, the pain flaring up. I bet the bastard's broken. He picked up his tray and walked towards the kitchen are to dump it off. Kyle looked around the cafeteria, taking a good look at everyone there. He didn't mind many of them, the tortured souls (like himself) that just wanted to get better.

Kira seemed nice, although Kyle felt a little sorry for her (having heard about what happened to her sister). Minsu was rather the same: she seemed like a nice girl with a demon on her back. Aaron Kingsley, on the other hand, was a sick little bastard who Kyle wouldn't feel bad if he were to have a horrible accident. That Alvah character wasn't any better, those boys were a special kind of evil altogether. Then there was the little group that (at least in Kyle's mind) that there didn't seem to be anything truly wrong with. There were the Asian twins with separation issues, the hypochondriac guy with the gloves, the depressed kid who looked like a stoner, and the girl who was scared of the dark. Then, there was Jasmine. Kyle couldn't stand her, the main reason being that the girl was so obsessed over her appearance, she developed a disorder over it. Not only that, she felt like defacing everything that resembled being clean or pretty! But then there was Reyna, who was the exact opposite of Jasmine. She was absolutely beautiful, but she seemed not to even realize this. She had obviously had some serious problems with relationships in the past, the scars (at least the visible ones) could attest to that.

Kyle dumped his tray in the bin just as Jasmine dumped a tray to the floor. Kyle instantly knew it was on purpose, and added it to the growing list of why he didn't like Jasmine. Everyone else didn't really seemed to notice (save for Freya, who was currently covered in her breakfast), and deep in their own conversations. The thought crossed Kyle's mind to go and join one of the groups, he decided against it. He head was throbbing now, the the nurse would give him a lot more attention than the others would. It took Kyle only a second to locate Nurse Jackie, whom he quickly made his way to. He tapped her on the shoulder and cleared his throat a little. Excuse me, Nurse Jackie? As you probably remember, I did a number on my face earlier. well, now the pain is really starting to kick in. is there any way I could get aspirin, or something to that effect?

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#, as written by Belynta
Freya was daydreaming about being on an island. She was lying on the warm sand bathed in the suns rays. Everything was bright and warm and comforting. Exactly the opposite of the place where her body sat still mechanically eating breakfast. In her mind Freya was drinking a cool glass of lemonade and watching children playing in the sea. There were no voices trying to make her do things, there was nothing to upset her or make her angry. She was at peace.

A feeling of warmth in her lap and a loud clattering sound broke her reverie and Freya looked down at herself in surprise. Her jumper and skinny jeans had uneaten pieces of egg and bacon on them and also grease stains. Freya looked up and saw Jasmine walk past with a satisfied smirk on her lips. Freya felt hot suddenly and with the heat came the voices.
They whispered in her mind subtle at first but gradually getting louder and more persistent and harder to ignore. Freya put both hands to her head in an effort to shut them out but it didn't work. She was angry and the voices fed the anger telling her what she should do to the girl who had dared attack her.

Freya stood and walked towards Jasmine, unaware she had a hard cold smile on her face, she stopped behind Jasmine and pushed the girl from behind, hard. The part of Freya that wanted to get better, that wanted to be cured fought to walk away but the voices were too loud.
"No! I won't do it!"
"Its not like that!"
"I am not afraid!"
To those watching it looked very much like Freya was arguing with herself and in a way she was. Someone clearly won though because Freya glared at Jasmine not caring if she had fallen or not.
"You pissed me off, never a good idea!"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minsu Kim Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley
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0.00 INK

Minsu stared at the man and tilted her head to the side. Her eye smile showing. "Well," she stood up with a finalizing tone. She needed to use the bathroom. "I'll leave you. I guess I'll see you around. Minki, by the way," she said and grabbed her plate like it was a disease, holding it from the tips of her fingers. She left Aaron and tossed the untouched plate into a trash bin, her face curling in disgust as she heard it drop down to the bottom. She passed the rest of the patients, eyeing them slowly. This was the second time that Minki had found her way into Minsu's body inside the asylum. The first time was only when she was locked inside the room. Minsu had regained control over her body quickly since she had come out in the exact moment when the bright lights turned on in the morning. It had scared her back into her shell.

Minki walked out of the cafeteria and yawned, slipping into the girl's bathroom. She did her business and began to wash her hands in the sink. "Time to get the nurse," she dried her hands and smiled into the mirror admiring her own beauty. "Minsu, you're staying there for a while," she giggled and left the bathroom. Looking around she found that most of the patients were already assembled in the cafeteria. She really didn't feel like mingling with the others. None seems to pose a specific threat to her. Minki leaned at the entrance of the cafeteria waiting for the nurse of some official to cross. She was anxious to do something.

Doing any harm now, less than an hour outside, wouldn't be very clean or organized. She liked to plan out her kills to perfection. She chuckled at the thought. Right now she was picking a target, looking back into the cafeteria and into the hallway no one sparked interest. Sparking interest would mean bothering her or pissing her off.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minsu Kim Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose
The woman stated her name then left without much fuss, much to Aaron's delight. With her gone he could now eat in some semblance of peace. He finished the remainder of his food rather quickly, trying to forget the rather annoying interruption from the one called 'Minki.' He didn't bother learning anyone's name, because no one ever talked to him, this 'Minki' was the first one ever to do it. And for that, Aaron thought, I should be somewhat more polite to her than the other whores...

Aaron enjoyed talking to people, mainly to dissipate any silence, but still, he was a human and required some sort of intelligent interaction with others beyond sex, yet no one ever spoke to him, it was his own fault of course, for being so frighteningly... creepy... but he saw this as other's problem and no his own. For now though, he can achieve some sort of interaction with this 'Minki,' even if she is ugly.

Aaron finished his food and put away his dishes, he then slowly made his way to the bathroom. He washed his hands then did his business, and washed them again(he is afraid of soap so he only washed them with water). He then continued out and sat down in the day room, as far from the windows as he could get.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya McAllister Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette Character Portrait: Gabe Carter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Redux
Gabe sat in the Cafeteria slowly eating his breakfast. He takes his time, enjoying each individual bite. As his eyes wander the room, he notices the cheerleader standing against the wall and hears the gentle scratch of her pen against the concrete behind her. He raises an eyebrow at her, but continues to eat. As the rest of the patients begin to file in, Gabe watches each one and thinks to himself, "These people are so fucked up, not to mention how many germs they must be carrying with them. God I don't want to even think about it..." He pushes the thoughts from his mind as he finishes the last piece of bacon on his plate.

He stands up and begins to walk to the trash can, but stops as he hears the sound of a tray hitting the ground behind him. He shrugs a bit and throws his plate in the trash along with his spork (of doom). Just as he turned to exit the Cafe, he sees Freya shove the cheerleader from behind. Chuckling, he thinks, "She deserved it, stupid bitch." The sudden violence didn't phase him, however, and as he leaves the rest of the patients behind in the Cafeteria, he unzips his hoodie, slides it off of his shoulders, and casually wraps it around his waist and ties it in a knot. "Damn, I need a smoke. Where's that nurse?" He looks around briefly before deciding to head to the Day Room, thinking that's where everyone who smokes is gonna end up anyway.

As he enters the Day Room, he sees Aaron sitting as far away from the windows as possible. "Kinda odd, but oh well." He takes a seat on the couch next to Aaron and with another chuckle says, "Sup Motherfucker?"

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Greyson Fairbaine Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon Character Portrait: Freya McAllister Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie Character Portrait: Kyle Xavier Graham Character Portrait: Kira Brooke Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
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0.00 INK

Nurse Jackie stood in the middle of the hallway awaiting the rest of the patients to file into the Cafeteria. She didn't notice that Greyson had already entered the Cafeteria and so she was unaware that he had left his scrubs in his room. As the twins passed her, late as always, they didn't have their night clothes either. A tiny flare of anger welled up inside her. She dropped the bag of laundry at her feet and with a heavy sigh, undid her ponytail, letting her long chesnutt tresses fall to her shoulders. She threaded her fingers through her hair and collected it back up into a ponytail before wrapping the scrunchie back around it and pulling it tight. She often messed with her hair when she was feeling antsy or angry and this time was no different. Picking the laundry bag back up, she followed the twins to the Cafeteria and stopped in the doorway, counting the patients to see if they were all there. They were. Walking to an empty space of countertop, she placed the laundry bag ontop of it and began to count the scrubs one-by-one. "Damnit, I should have used gloves. I forgot about 'freak-boy's' nasty pants." She held her breath as she sorted through the bag and counted a total of 9 sets of clothes. She tried to remember who all gave her their clothes and came to the relization that Greyson was the only one she didn't see walk passed her. "He must have left them...Well I'm not going to get them, he is..." She straightened back up and took a rather large breath of fresh air, trying to calm her anger, before approaching Greyson at his table.

"Ahem..." she coughed, waiting for him to look up at her. "I see you forgot your laundry. I'm not your maid. I'm not going to pick it up for you. You know you're supposed to bring it out with you in the morning. This isn't a new rule. After you're done eating, go and get your scrubs and bring them to the Nurses Station, please. I expect you'll remember that next time, hmm?" She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a not-so-pleasant squeeze. "Enjoy your breakfast."

By the time she had finished sorting through the laundry and talking to Greyson, Alvah, Minsu, Gabe, and Aaron had slipped out of the Cafeteria unnoticed. What she did notice, however, was the splatter of a tray of food being pushed off of the table by Jasmine, followed by Freya shoving her from behind. With a twinkle in her eye, Nurse Jackie headed toward the girls, her bright blue eyes darkening with each second. She reached Freya first before Jasmine had a chance to respond and grabbed Freya by the arm, just above her elbow. Her grip was firm and unyielding and she used this grip to force Freya into the nearest chair.

"Sit down, NOW!" She stood over her and inbetween her and Jasmine, with her back to Jasmine as she spoke.

"I don't tolerate little girls who can't control themselves. Now take a breather and calm down."

She turned to face the food counter and yelled over to Sam. "Hey Sam. Can you clean this up for me? Seems someone has decided to make a mess out of your food." Sam responded with a nod and went to retrieve a small hand brush and a dust pan along with a damp rag to wipe up the drink.

Turning back to Freya, she placed her palm on the table in front of her and leaned down until she was eye level with her. "We're not going to have any more problems now, are we?" Her angled eyebrows gave away her emotion. Her voice was laced with disdain, as if she were talking to a three year old child. Not waiting for an answer, she moved aside to let Sam clean up the food on the floor and what remained of the food on the chair Freya was sitting in. Jackie turned to Jasmine and placed her hand on her shoulder from behind, whispering in her ear, "Don't even think about retaliating. I may not be physically in the room with you all the time, but there are cameras everywhere and I've got Staff available to take care of you if need be." All the while she whispered, a thin-lipped grin was plastered to her face. Deciding she was done here, she stepped back to the doorway of the Cafeteria and turned aroud to face everyone still present.

"Ok everyone. I think breakfast was eventfull enough for today. If you're not finished eating by now, please finish quickly and head to the Day Room. I'll be there shortly to hand out cigarettes to those that have asked me. You can take a drink with you if you'd like."

As she headed to the Nurses Station, Kyle approached her:

"Excuse me, Nurse Jackie? As you probably remember, I did a number on my face earlier. well, now the pain is really starting to kick in. is there any way I could get aspirin, or something to that effect?"

The anger in her subsided enough that she could reply to him in a cool and collected manor. "Let me talk with Dr. Raven about what I can give you. It looks like you pissed off a bouncer at a club, if you ask me." She smiled a genuine smile at him and almost felt a bit of sympathy for the poor guy. "Maybe I can get ya something a little stronger than an asprin," she said with a wink. "I'll see what I can do. Go ahead and head to the Day Room and I'll be there in a little bit. I've got some stuff I have to take care of first but I won't forget about ya."

After she finished speaking with Kyle, she entered the Nurses Station and picked up a phone to call the Security Room, which was held in another part of the hospital. She talked a little bit with James, in a hushed voice, before hanging up the receiver and then picking it back up to call Dr. Raven about Kyle's nose. She talked with him at length and then hung up the phone before collecting a pack of cigarettes from the dispenser and heading to meet the patients in the Day Room.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvah Demetrius Bergmann
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0.00 INK

Alvah, when he had disappeared from the cafeteria, grabbed a towel and walked into the showers. He stripped down faster than most people could and turned the faucet, closing the curtain behind him. It was one of the only things that made him happy anymore without trying to figure out how it worked. He would normally sit under a shower's hot water for up to an hour at times if he could, just sitting there and letting his body get attacked by the steam and heat. This time though, he knew they were going to be giving out his cigarette soon and he didn't want to miss that. So after about 10 minutes, which was abnormally short for him, he finished the rest of his shower and dried himself off. While doing so, he re-examined his tattoos, which littered his arms, back and stomach. However, even if he scanned his entire body, his eyes would constantly go towards the Roman numerals that were placed onto his chest: CXII. One hundred and twelve... he would sometimes sit there and just stare at them for an hour before moving, just remembering how that number got onto his chest or what it meant.

He stopped and put his clothes back on before grabbing his hair dye and putting the black back into his hair, then adding the streaks of dark blue. He started putting dyes in his hair when he was 12, his first tattoo when his mother finally let him out of the house at 14. To Alvah, they were the only thing that connected him to the real world, only real anchor to reality. He gave a small smile, remembering the day his mother got him his first tattoo, the only thing she ever really did for him. It was the large one on his back, a Tribal Tattoo that meant nothing to him. His mother picked it out for him, probably to appease some sick fantasy for her next customer. That was how he got half his tattoos or piercings, when a client asked for a boy with them.

He shook his head, and walked into the Day room fully dressed. There he waited for Head Nurse to show up and give him his cig.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya McAllister Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie Character Portrait: Kira Brooke Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
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0.00 INK

Kira panicked as the girl suddenly shoved Jasmine from behind, almost sending her sprawled over her. She quickly stands, the chair scraping loudly against the floor and tumbling over. Seeing that nurse Jackie was heading over, she decided breakfast was officially over, and quickly gathered her garbage to toss out. Pulling her hoodie back over her head, her face was, once again, hidden from the world. At least, by the shadows that allowed her to hide, anyways...Kira, without worrying for Jasmine or the other girl, or even nurse Jackie, quickly walks off towards the Day room. Although she was walking, she wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. Never did she want to be a part of anyone elses problems...

Stepping into the day room, she gazes around hesitantly. Already, a few people were there. It was apparent she had lagged too long...With a soft sigh, Kira takes a seat, plopping down hard. Staring down at the floor below, Kira mostly stays silent, thinking through all that had exactly happened. Although it had only happened a few moments before, it was still surprising. Heck, it was always surprising to her. Although it practically happened every morning. What did she expect? It was a room filled with crazy people. Something bad was bound to happen...But still, conflict wasn't something in which was in her nature...Or was it?...Suddenly, the thoughts of her sister crept into her brain, and she bites her bottom lip hard. A small drop of blood slides from the broken skin of her lip down her chin....

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#, as written by Belynta
Freya didn't resist as Nurse Jackie pushed her into a vacant seat, the voices raged at her to hurt the nurse but she fought these back, and she nodded once in agreement that she would not try and attack Jasmine again. At least she wouldn't then but of course Freya would not ignore it if Jasmine continued her aggressive behaviour towards her. The part of Freya that wanted to get better took strength from Jackie's harsh words admonishing her for not being able to control herself, she used these words to try and strengthen herself against the voices. God how she hated them and wished them gone but they were horribly insistent. They would whisper to her and rage at her demanding she do as they told her, but what they wanted her to do was often horrible and horrific and Freya shrank away from such ideas. She was determined that she would not lose control again like she did that fateful night, she would not allow the voices to take over and she certainly wouldn't lose control over someone like Jasmine.

She waited until Jackie had called an end to breakfast and had moved away to speak with others before she got up from the chair. She wiped off most of the food staining her front and glared at Jasmine once more before walking out of the cafeteria. If she hadn't needed that cigarette before she definitely needed one now. The day room was becoming quite crowded by now with many of the other patients having left the cafeteria. She wondered how many of them wished to be back in their rooms and away from the others. It didn't bother her on the whole as she was quite a sociable person but clearly many of the other patients did not play well with others. But then she reminded herself ruefully, thinking of the incident in the cafeteria, that she didn't always play well with others either. One in particular, whom Freya thought was Kira, looked really uncomfortable and had even bit her lip causing it to bleed. She looked so nervous that Freya felt a little guilty as what had happened in the cafeteria was hardly the girls fault and had clearly upset her.

She walked over to Kira and smiled hesitantly. "Hi, I just wanted to...apologise for what happened in the cafeteria. I don't normally act like that or at least I try not to. I am sorry if it made you nervous."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley Character Portrait: Gabe Carter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zentose
Aaron was minding his own business when one of the males sat near him and said, "Sup motherfucker?" At that moment time seemed to slow down as dozens of conflicting emotions spread across Aaron, anger, hate, distrust, arousal, a veritable tsunami of voices filled his mind, none really distinguishing themselves.

Then the voices stopped, replaced by a single one, saying, He is probably not refering to your mother, many of these white coon-fanatics have odd greeting such as this...

"Is that suppose to be a greeting of some sort?" Aaron said, smiling and turning his gaze directly into the man's eyes. It was the first time he got a good look at the man, he was unfamiliar with his name, but he knew him well enough. Aaron usually ignores information given to him by people he deems unimportant, but ever since he came to the Asylum, he has used all his shrewdness, just in case...

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya McAllister Character Portrait: Kira Brooke Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
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Kira's ice blue eyes look up towards Freya, who suddenly seemed to be speaking to her at that moment. She had been so deep in thought, she hadn't even noticed the girl enter the room. The blood still stained her lips and chin, and she hesitated, seeming to think over her words. Quickly whipping the blood away with the sleeve of her hoodie, she smiles softly, although all but her mouth was covered by shadows, now, from the hoodie, as she turned her face towards the floor. "It's fine, really...Things happen in here...It really wasn't you guys that made me so nervous...Well, kinda...but not the main reason..." She mumbles, trying to explain herself, although knowing she was horrible at speaking with other people.

No, it wasn't entirely them which upset her so much at that moment. It was her past...The past which all she could do was think about. It was all she had. She had no friends, no one who was close to her, not even here. So all she had was the horrid past to reminiscent on..."So don't worry about me...I mean, I can understand...Jasmine really shouldn't have done that to you, anyways...Are you okay?" Kira asks, with genuine worry for Freya, although she was sure a little food didn't hurt her...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minsu Kim Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie
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0.00 INK

Minsu noticed the small fight arising behind her and turned hoping to see something decent. It her displeasure the altercation was settled and Head Nurse Jackie seemed to have everything under control once again. Still as Minki, the girl stretched her arms out and started to make her way to the day room. Walking into the rather empty space, she started to feel rather tired. Yawning she sat on one of the couches close to the coffee table, daintily picking up a magazine, flipping through it mindlessly. Her thoughts were drifting off to her last kill before she was locked up in the asylum. Minsu herself only remembered bits and pieces of the crime, but Minki relived it like a child would with her fairy tales.

Ignoring the other patients in the room, she breathed in, trying to get the smell of drying blood into her nostrils. With no avail, she resorted to just picturing the scene itself. The man, her sick molester of an uncle, had been scheduled to go for a doctor's appointment that day. He was getting a cold checked up and was also expected to take a load of anti-inflammatory medication for a swollen ankle, from her last failed attempt at his murder. His doctor had advised him to go home and rest. Taking off from work the next day, he had told everyone he would be sleeping in for the following 24 hours. Minsu on the other hand was invisible more than usual that particular week, planning for the kill. She had killed him in his apartment. He wasn't found for two whole days since everyone assumed he was just resting up from his cold and swollen ankle. Minki smiled as she flipped to the last page of the magazine where a bottle of pink perfume was sitting softly on a woman's hands. Minki looked around once again.

Minki shut her eyes and allowed herself to return to her dormant state inside Minsu's body. Minsu opened up her eyes, blinking slowly, taking in her surroundings. She had no recollection of how she got there, only knowing that she did. Stiffly, she leaned back on the couch, breathing in the smell of cigarette smoke that lingered from previous days of the patients smoking. Leaving her face blank, she waited for Dr. Raven and the Nurse to give them further instructions. As usual, Minsu wasn't in the mood for socializing so she kept her eyes straight, leaving the closed fashion magazine to limp on her lap.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley Character Portrait: Gabe Carter
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#, as written by Redux
Gabe returned Aaron's gaze and stared right back into his eyes, noticing the blankness in his blue eyes. "I dunno where you come from, but where I come from that's a perfectly good greeting." He smirked a bit before running his gloved hand through his messy black mohawk, gently tugging on the longer strands of hair stemming from the middle of his forehead. "I guess you don't talk much, hm?" He cocked his head to the side as he spoke, his scruffy 5 o'clock shadow hiding the movements of his jaw muscles with each word.

Getting frustrated, he stood up and walked to one of the windows in the Day Room that overlooked the nearby woods. He could see a cluster of trees with a few bushes of flowers nearby, and the sight of it brought back many memories of his beloved brother, Daniel. The strongest memory that came through that day was the night in which the two brothers took turns fucking a "girl next door." Her name was Leeha and she had burning, fire-red hair that splayed over the pillow as they each took turns ramming into her. She moaned like a cat in heat as they ravaged her body for hours on end. After they finished, Daniel got so wrapped up in his emotions (not to mention he was high on heroine) that he wrapped his hands around her neck and strangled her to death. The two brothers buried her in the woods far from their houses and never spoke of it again.The memory was so vivid, but he soon popped back into reality and sighed heavily with sadness.

Deciding it was time for glove change, Gabe returned to his room to grab 3 more pairs of gloves and sticks them into his pockets before grabbing his pack of cards off of his desk. He walks back to the Day Room and places his cards on a nearby table before removing his gloves and tossing them in the trash can. He then pulls out the bottle of Germ-X, cleans his hands and puts on another pair of gloves as he takes a seat at the table. He slides the cards out of their package and begins to set up a game of solitaire while silently thinking, "I wish Daniel were here to play a game with me..." After setting up the game, he pulls out a picture from his pocket and places it on the table next to his card game. It was a snapshot of him and his brother. His lips curled into a small smile as he stared at the photo. He then turned back to his game and began playing as he waited for Nurse Jackie to come back so he could ask for a cigarette.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alvah Demetrius Bergmann
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0.00 INK

Alvah had plopped himself down in one of the com-fee chairs, those ones that were all plushy and brought everybody happiness: except Alvah. He had a blank face as he was leaning backward in a funny way, peering out the window closest to his person upside down. There were a couple of birds out there, and Alvah was watching them like a child. It was one of the only instances that he every really showed any form of excitement or complete attentiveness, for most of the time his life looked like a guy in a haze. When it came to birds, though, Alvah was mesmerized: the way they could just open up their arms, move them to go against the force of gravity, and then accelerate upwards into the sky, soaring above all the petty humans that were forced to walk. Planes, jetpacks, even hovercrafts couldn't capture how amazing birds were to Alvah. When he was younger, he tried to get his hands on birding books so he could finally call the ones that he saw by name, instead of 'blue-white bird' or the 'Red-Capped flyer' or the infamous 'Dirty-White Annoying Bird.' However, even to this day he has yet to ever look into one, let alone one it. For now, his mixmated names would have to do.

Suddenly, the birds flew out of the tree, and Alvah's wistful expression slowly returned to its dull, uninterested form, and he slowly wiggled his way into sitting straight up again. He noticed that many had congragated into the Day Room by now: One guy was playing solitaire (Alvah never had the oppertunity to play card games, so he watched - bored - for a while) and a few others were doing nothing special. He sighed, readjusting his body and then standing up to move over to the window. He hoped that Jackie would hurry it up and hand out his cigarrette already, for his craving was starting to kick in. He knew that he could drop the bad habit - maybe that would show signs of recovery and get him out of there - but no matter what he did, Alvah's craving always came right after breakfast. Always, it never missed a beat. In fact it should start coming into affect...

Alvah felt it in his gut and mind, this yearning for a smoke. It wasn't a slow-and-then-increasingly-more-difficult-to-go-without-a-smokeaddiction, more like a sudden Holy-shit-I need-a-mother-fucking-smoke-right-now-or-my-head-will-explode kind of addiction. He hated it, fought it off, but knew it would win anyway. No matter what he did, even if he ate more or had an alternative drug pumped into his veins, even those blasted pills, nothing could stop his daily craving. So he swallowed and stared out the window, waiting for Nurse to hurry up.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Minsu Kim Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon Character Portrait: Freya McAllister Character Portrait: Kira Brooke Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon
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"O-October... Right?" Reyna avoided eye contact and felt her knee bouncing nervously under her arms. She placed her hand on her knee and cursed herself mentally. Sometimes her emotions were so obvious and it was hard to control her reactions to people. It's okay Reyna... you didn't insult anyone... you're just being spineless. He's not going to hurt you. Sometimes Reyna had arguments with herself. She worried sometimes that people would hurt her... and sometimes she worried a flashback was going to take over and she'd end up hurting someone else.

October shot a smile to his sister as he nodded. "Neh, *Yes* This is my sister Autumn."he smiled before Autumn added in a "You can call me Bom if you want." The twins were all around nice and loving people--Unless angered. To most their looks is what throws them off on first glance. It was fun to toy with people using their looks- Some have thought the twins were like gods set from heaven and that they were perfect. the twins knew very well they were good looking and used it to get what they wanted. They used it in alot of their killings and it made things seem like a game. Autumn could lure rich business men in and take their money, heat and life. October could do the same to older women who wanted a cute young boy to cling to....To them it was like a game.

"Why are you in here,if you dont mind me asking." Both twins didn't even flinch when Freya McAllister and Jasmine got in to a small brawl. they just con tinued to talk
"Want my eggs?" Bom asked pushing her eggs over to her brother, or "Bommie want to trade juice?" The wins were in a calm state of mind and hoped no one would bug them.

When breakfast was called over the twins stood dumping their trays of food and walked to the Day room speaking in Korean. They knew no one could speak it-and if someone did they would switch to speaking Japanese or Mandarin. The twins were very smart and close. They did the best they could to keep their personal lives away from all the other paitents. But eveyone could see the close bond the twins had since family was all they had left. Yawning bom looked at Freya and Kira with a soft smile. TO her it was good to see others try bonding with another, in a place like this it is good to be friends- if not acquaintances- with some people. Both the twins eyes darted to Minsu Kim...They twins liked watching her from afar, she was like them in some way and they wanted to befriend her. Thought they felt like she didnt want any communication with them...So, they just stuck with watching her.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon
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Reyna sat quietly for a moment after October asked "Why are you in here, if you don't mind me asking." Her leg had stopped bouncing and she looked at the twins suspiciously for a moment before her lips parted and then shut again. Thank goodness breakfast was called to a close and everyone was moving to the day room. She didn't feel like trying to explain herself. In fact, Reyna didn't think she should be in here. Though, she would often argue with herself that she may hurt people, but it was just that people didn't understand. Or perhaps it only happened because she was often forced to relive the flashbacks in this place. She wasn't even sure anymore.

Reyna returned her half-eaten tray of food and began walking to the day room behind the twins who had moved shortly before her. She ran her hands through her long, red hair and admired it as she walked. Reyna always thought she had been lucky to be born with such red hair, and without those annoying freckles too. Red was Reyna's favorite. She hummed on her short walk to the day room as her fingers slid through her hair over and over again.

She took a seat far away from the others and still fiddled with her hair in front of her chest. Reyna found this a good way to avoid eye contact and kept her busy when she had nothing else to do with people around. Her eyes stayed down on her hands. Suddenly a shadow passed over her and she looked up to see a silhouette. Her heart fluttered, as it was most definitely the shape of her murdered ex-fiance. The silhouette's hand lift in the air to strike and she tensed up. As soon as the hand had gotten inches from her face, the shadow dissipated and Reyna jumped back out of her daydream, chest heaving as she cautiously looked around to see if anyone had noticed. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw everyone was still doing their own little things. Her hands fumbled with her hair, shaking slightly now. These little episodes were common, but a little embarrassing. She knew they weren't real. These weren't as believable as the bigger, less common ones that she had from time to time. Sometimes Reyna would be stuck in-between reality and her nightmares, not knowing what is real and what is not anymore. These were confusing states and would often cause her to harm the wrong people, or say weird things that had nothing to do with what's going on around her.

Suddenly, she saw that her hands were covered in blood and she had gotten it on her hair. Reyna had the urge to lick her hands as she lifted them, blood covered, in front of her face. She decided against it and wiped it on her skirt. As soon as the blood was there, it was gone and her hair was clean to be fumbled with again. Reyna sighed with her head down once more.

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Group Therapy Room

Group Therapy Room by RolePlayGateway

"Please enter the room and take a seat at one of the chairs situated in a circle."

Dr. Raven's Office

Dr. Raven's Office by RolePlayGateway

Patients have 1x1 Therapy Here.

Raynedale Insane Asylum

Raynedale Insane Asylum by MorphineKisses

"Welcome to Raynedale."

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Character Portrait: Kyle Xavier Graham
5 sightings Kyle Xavier Graham played by MadHatter
"What? you want to speak to me? Come in, come in! Mind the dog, if you'd please. What's that? There isn't a dog? Well ,that makes sense, I suppose. I never feed the damn thing..."
Character Portrait: Freya McAllister
8 sightings Freya McAllister played by Belynta
"Stop talking...I am ignoring you!"

The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dr. Thomas Raven
Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie
Character Portrait: Minsu Kim
Character Portrait: Alvah Demetrius Bergmann
Character Portrait: Gabe Carter
Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon
Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley
Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon
Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle


Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle
Reyna Lorelle

"Let me show you what I see in this music"

Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon
Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon

"Leave me alone and everything will be fine

Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley
Aaron Kingsley

"You look like my mother... Want to see my room?"

Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
Jasmine Cherette

I want the world to burn...

Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon
October Mir Park-Kwon

"Watch what you say."

Character Portrait: Gabe Carter
Gabe Carter

"It was my fault..."

Character Portrait: Alvah Demetrius Bergmann
Alvah Demetrius Bergmann

I am apparently cursed. Wanna join?

Character Portrait: Minsu Kim
Minsu Kim

"If Minki comes... Run."

Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie
Head Nurse Jackie

"Open your mouth so I can see that you've taken your meds, please."

Character Portrait: Dr. Thomas Raven
Dr. Thomas Raven

"I'm just here to help you recover..."


Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley
Aaron Kingsley

"You look like my mother... Want to see my room?"

Character Portrait: Dr. Thomas Raven
Dr. Thomas Raven

"I'm just here to help you recover..."

Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon
October Mir Park-Kwon

"Watch what you say."

Character Portrait: Minsu Kim
Minsu Kim

"If Minki comes... Run."

Character Portrait: Alvah Demetrius Bergmann
Alvah Demetrius Bergmann

I am apparently cursed. Wanna join?

Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie
Head Nurse Jackie

"Open your mouth so I can see that you've taken your meds, please."

Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle
Reyna Lorelle

"Let me show you what I see in this music"

Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
Jasmine Cherette

I want the world to burn...

Character Portrait: Gabe Carter
Gabe Carter

"It was my fault..."

Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon
Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon

"Leave me alone and everything will be fine

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Minsu Kim
Minsu Kim

"If Minki comes... Run."

Character Portrait: Head Nurse Jackie
Head Nurse Jackie

"Open your mouth so I can see that you've taken your meds, please."

Character Portrait: Dr. Thomas Raven
Dr. Thomas Raven

"I'm just here to help you recover..."

Character Portrait: Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon
Autumn 'Bom' Park-Kwon

"Leave me alone and everything will be fine

Character Portrait: Alvah Demetrius Bergmann
Alvah Demetrius Bergmann

I am apparently cursed. Wanna join?

Character Portrait: Gabe Carter
Gabe Carter

"It was my fault..."

Character Portrait: Aaron Kingsley
Aaron Kingsley

"You look like my mother... Want to see my room?"

Character Portrait: October Mir Park-Kwon
October Mir Park-Kwon

"Watch what you say."

Character Portrait: Jasmine Cherette
Jasmine Cherette

I want the world to burn...

Character Portrait: Reyna Lorelle
Reyna Lorelle

"Let me show you what I see in this music"

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Group Therapy Room

Group Therapy Room by RolePlayGateway

"Please enter the room and take a seat at one of the chairs situated in a circle."

Dr. Raven's Office

Dr. Raven's Office by RolePlayGateway

Patients have 1x1 Therapy Here.

Raynedale Insane Asylum

Raynedale Insane Asylum by MorphineKisses

"Welcome to Raynedale."

Dr. Raven's Office

Patients have 1x1 Therapy Here.

Group Therapy Room

"Please enter the room and take a seat at one of the chairs situated in a circle."

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