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King Decius the Conqueror

King of Selven, Tamer of the Mountainfolk, Avatar of the Heavens

0 · 208 views · located in Eternic

a character in “Erternic”, as played by The Grand Architect


Decius stands at 6' 2" (188 cm) tall and is strapped with muscle. He has fair skin, short chocolate brown hair, and piercing green eyes with no facial hair to speak of. In the War of Subjugation with the Hastroni, Decius was gifted with a half-dozen scars from his encounters with Dwarven and Gnomish warriors, the most prominent of which spans from just below his left eye, across his mouth, and to his chin. He is also missing the tip of his right pinky finger.


Decius is cold, distant, and calculating. His tactical mind is matched only by his piety, as one would expect from the king of the Selven. Decius would see the world enlightened by the gods of the Selven, and as such is practically unwilling to bend to the whim of the heretic and nonbeliever, firm in his belief that what he fights for is a just cause.


Ferox and Kathur, The Twin Axes, enchanted so as to never dull; Kel-Ubal, plate armor forged deep in the mountains and enchanted to protect the wearer from the heat and pressure of the deep; signet ring bearing the royal crest.


Decius was the only son of King Antonin IV, and therefore the only heir to the throne. His early schooling took place within the royal courts, where he learned the ins and outs of politicking at a young age. At twelve years old, Antonin sent Decius to train under Eros Barca, one of Antonin's most trusted commanders. When he reached adulthood, Decius studied the holy texts to train his spirit as he had trained his mind and body. He approached his father with the suggestion to spread the knowledge of their gods to the heathens dwelling in the earth. It took some coercing, but eventually the crusade was begun. Decius led a small elite force into battle, known as "Antonin's Chosen". They slew many dwarf and gnome alike, though not without losses of their own. The dwarves were hardy, and on more than one occasion Decius had barely managed to escape with his life. After one of his pushes deep into the Dwarven territory, Decius returned home to find his father had died of natural causes. A regency council had led in his stead. With the Hastroni nearly broken and suffering more losses by the day, Decius took the throne and offered peace on two conditions: the Hastroni would serve the Selven without question, and their military would put down arms and never reform again.

The survivors of "Antonin's Chosen" became Decius' personal bodyguards and stood by Decius as he ruled over his kingdom, eyes and mind ever searching for the next great opportunity.

So begins...

King Decius the Conqueror's Story


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Character Portrait: King Decius the Conqueror Character Portrait: Rosalie Alys
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Alys was growing tiresome of ruling a kingdom. Sure, the other option for a girl her age would be to be sent off and married to some wealthy man, but perhaps that would be better than this. It was just all so..boring. And quiet. Oh, the quietness bothered her the most. Someone needed to bring life to the castle, but instead she had servants scurrying around as if they were frightened of her. Had she ever done anything bad enough to make them frightened of her? Well..other than when she was younger..yes she was pretty harsh on them all. But of course she had changed now! Hopefully for the better, it seemed so.

It wasn't that Alys was a bad queen, she was just too young. If her parents had stuck around a bit longer then she could be enjoying this time of adulthood, but instead she was thrust right into queenship. At least she hadn't been forced to pick a king yet, though she did have quite a few suitors who would make a nice king. But then she would simply have to submit to them, and that wasn't fair. If only she had had the time to plan things..she could have escaped marriage like she'd planned. Run off and gotten herself into a "damsel in distress" situation, found a lovely knight to marry.

But no, of course not.

A few hours later, the lady left her chambers and made her way to the stables. It was the only place she felt at home in the sad castle. Going to her stallion, Caber, he greeted her with a nicker as he slammed his chest against the door, eager to get out. "Shh, Caber. We will ride soon enough." She cooed, running her hand down the horses muzzle as he tried to nip at her shoulder. Her thoughts suddenly strayed to King Decius. When would he get here? She had sent a letter to the king earlier in the week...

King Decius,

I, Rosalie Alys, Queen of Nohu, request to meet with you as soon as can be. I am sure you would not expect a Lady to travel so far, especially not all by herself, and perhaps you could make your way here instead. Of course a feast will be prepared for you and your court, and rooms shall be made for however long you choose to stay.

Queen Alys

Maybe her letter hadn't been formal enough. Or perhaps the carrier hadn't gotten to him yet. Oh the things that could have happened.


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Character Portrait: King Decius the Conqueror Character Portrait: Rosalie Alys
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Anger? No, that wasn't it. Frustration? Maybe. Decius couldn't quite figure out what he felt as he crushed the letter from Queen Alys in his fist.

"She requests an audience, yet demands I go out of my way to accommodate her," Decius stated, his feelings masked by his level tone.

Decius' trusted adviser and bodyguard Septimus spoke up, "She does hold the hearts and minds of the Nohu in the palm of her hand, m'lord. I believe it wise to build good relations with the only other human kingdom."

"You speak truths," Decius responded, "However, it is clear they have abandoned the Gods," Decius waved his hand dismissively, signalling to the messenger who brought the request to take leave, "And for that I do not trust them."

Septimus nodded. It was becoming increasingly clear that the Gods would need to be brought to the heathen and heretical races. Decius' strength of character had convinced many Selven that it was their destiny to unify the world under them. It was general Selven understanding that the other races had abandoned the True Gods in their own pursuits, and would need to face repercussions for straying from the true path. The ideal option was enforcing slavery until the heresy was worked out of them. Truly, it was working on the mountainfolk. Decius' own arms and armor were forged by the very dwarves he had fought against, a clear sign that even when subjugated, life was better under Selven rule, and unity and cooperation very much possible. The prominent thought in Decius' mind as of late was of total unification of the mortal races, and marshaling their collective forces in order to purge Derton and exploit its resources.

"However," Decius spoke after some silence, "I will travel to Nohu. Perhaps if I can convince their Queen to return to the rightful beliefs, to take our flag as their own, we can avoid needless bloodshed. However, it remains to be seen what she wishes to speak of. Gather the council and inform them that I will be traveling for diplomatic reasons. I will go alone," Septimus began to protest, but Decius spoke through it, "It will be faster, and with much less fanfare if I leave on my own. I trust you to tell the rest of the royal guard to be on their best behavior while I am away."

"Yes, m'lord."

Decius stood and made his way to his personal armory. A Dwarven slave was polishing Decius' helmet as he entered.

"Thank you, Likot. Now make yourself scarce."

The Dwarf bowed and left the room. Decius began to equip his armor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fira Long Character Portrait: King Decius the Conqueror Character Portrait: Eric Vold Character Portrait: Rosalie Alys
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"Eric Vold" Fira repeated, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. "I know that name from somewhere." Was this man truly the man she was thinking of? The famous dark magick slayer? If he was truly for hire, the queen would pay him handsomely for his services, there was no doubt about that. But of course, that meant she would have to convince him to accompany her back to the castle to actually meet the queen. That probably wouldn't be too difficult, though it all depended on how drunk he currently was.

"My Queen would love to speak with you about a certain..job." True, Fira knew that the job was simply to train soldiers, but perhaps if she told him that now he would not want to come. Her Lady was much better at the persuasion thing, Fira was better with a knife.

It was a few hours later that Alys returned to the castle. A ride through the Frann proved her recent suspicions right, dragons were causing more and more havoc. The smaller villages in her kingdom, the ones that bordered the forest, had only too many reports of recent attacks. It made her nervous. Did they have enough knights to protect them from dragons? It did not seem like it, at least not now. Which was why she needed more men! But of course no one was ever interested, and she would never force someone to fight.

After untacking Caber, and taking extra time to groom the stallion, she began to walk him back to his stall. Stable hands ran all around the grounds, trying to take the bay from her, but she denied their help. Caber had always been there for her, ever since the night he was born on her..fourteenth birthday, and she would never miss this time with him. Tucking him away in his stall, she left him with an apple and a few carrots before handing out treats to some of the other steeds.

Another hour later and she was entering the castle, immediately repulsed by the inside air. The outdoors was so much more refreshing. With a quick trip to her room, she peeled off the black riding pants and dark vest and replaced them with brown trousers and a white button down. The servants gave a few worried looks, but otherwise ignored her "strange" apparel. What was the need to dress up? It wasn't like she had anything important planned, and those dresses were anything but comfortable.