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Dallan Nasman

"My mother says I should stick to cooking, but my dad says I should be a professional boxer... so I can beat the shit out of people and not get in trouble for it. I don't think anyone else agrees."

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a character in “Everest Hill Preparatory Academy”, originally authored by ISpeakTheTruth, as played by RolePlayGateway




Dallan Kellach Nasman || Dal, Dally, Mr. Grumpy || 17 || December 18th || Heterosexual|| Sandefjord, Norway
Dallan is 6'1" with short blonde hair, light brown eyes, and skin that's very much on the lighter side. He has a few scars on his arms and two on his face from previous fights he's been in, but all in all Dallan is your basic seventeen yearold.



"Once I tell you, it won't exactly be a secret anymore, will it?"

What had happened on January 17th during Dallan's tenth year of school? Well, Dallan's easily triggered anger and unbelievable jealousy finally met. The result? Things quickly turned ugly. As in, broken nose, bruised faced, bloody, putting someone in a coma, ugly.
He won't ever talk about it, but on January 17th Dallan basically exploded. His girlfriend Bekka had been spending a lot more time with her friends than she had with him, and Dallan's jealousy once again got the better of him.
He confronted Bekka about it, but didn't get the reaction he had expected. Bekka plainly told him that she'd rather spend time with her friends, and then to support her reason one of the guys said that they had way more fun when Dallan wasn't around.
Without even thinking, Dallan threw the guy on the ground and started beating him.
The rest is pretty clear. The poor boy was in a coma for three weeks, before he got out of it Dallan had already been shipped off to Everest Hill.


-Lefse "It's basically flatbread."
-Rice Pudding "It sounds better when you call it riskrem."
-Halloween "Apparently I take the 'trick' part a bit too seriously."
-Dogs "I used to have a dog, then he ran away and got hit by a car."
-S'mores "To be honest, I've never actually had one. I hear their good, though."
-Coffee "No cream or sugar, those are for tea."
-Cooking "It's the one thing that I do where I don't mess everything up."
-People Who Mind Their Own Business


-Liars "Why can't people just be honest?"
-Cats "I also had a cat once, my dog ran away while chasing the stupid thing."
-Christmas "It's turned into a selfish holiday."
-Alarm Clocks
-Bears "They're all cute and cuddly until one decides to rip your face off."
-Hot Chocolate
-When his parents or anyone else call him Dally
-Nosy People
-When people call him Mr. Grumpy


-Clowns " When their in the circus, that's fine. Anywhere else... no."
-Himself " Ha ha, laugh all you want. I put a guy in a coma for fucks sake! No normal person does that!"
-Someone finding out how aggressive he can be



Dallan, in his own words, is somehow unbelievably bad at being good. If he thought more about what he's doing in the current moment rather than three hours later, he would probably be alright. But he doesn't. Dallan rushes in to things too fast without thinking about the outcome. He's reckless, imprudent, and lets his mind wander off before it can even decide where it's going.
Once an idea pops into his head, that's all Dallan is focused on. Does he plan it out? No. Does he think about the outcome? A bit. Is the idea even the least bit realistic? No. Does he continue with it? Nope.
Dallan fails to understand that certain things call for work if they're ever going to be completed. Any amount of effort put into planning is completely nonexistent for him. He goes with whatever crazy thoughts run through his head and then stops chasing them once he gets bored.

Back home in Sandefjord, Dallan is well known for both getting extremely jealous and his troubles with controlling his temper. As expected, the two quirks of his don't exactly get along very well and he has the history to prove it.
Dallan sometimes forgets that he's not the only person capable with emotions. When he's upset he'll take the anger out on the people around him as treat them as if they mean nothing more to him than a speck of dust.
His rages can become extremely violent and he's been known to harm people when he's in the middle of one. His tendency to easily become jealous of other people doesn't help his explosive anger in any way. In other words, it just adds more power to the bomb.
Dallan doesn't know how to handle and control his emotions properly, so he stands by and let's them blow up in his face instead.

It's not rare to see Dallan with a smile on his face, though. He's not always that one angered guy who goes around yelling in everyone's faces.
He likes to joke and have a few good laughs. That is, he's sure he'd like to if people would stop suddenly walking in the other direction when they see him down the hall. The few people that Dallan believes are really his friends are... actually no one. Wow, isn't that depressing? No? Good, because Dallan doesn't think it is, either.
He'll gladly talk to anyone who's willing to actually hold a conversation with him, but just because they make chitchat doesn't all of a sudden make them a friend of his. No, they're just people who aren't worried they'll say a few wrong words and end up with a black eye.



"Ooh, so you want to know my entire history now, do you? That's personal stuff, you know."

Dallan was born in Oslo and lived there with both parents for his first two years of life. At age three, Dallan's father got a better job in Sandefjord as an electrical engineer, rather than driving out there every morning and driving back every night, it was decided that the family would choose the easiest option and pack their bags and move.
Dallan's mother was a stay at home mom, but even with just his father working, the family made good money.
His first few years in school weren't the best, far from it. It soon became a routine for Dallan to go up to the teachers desk after school and receive a note for his parents to read about their child's bad behaviour. He didn't share, he didn't listen, he picked fights with his classmates because he disagreed on one little thing they said. Being sent to see the principal had little to no effect on him, he was hopeless.
As their one and only child, Dallan wasn't living up to the expectations his parent's had set for him and was proving himself to be nothing but a big problem.

Middle school was when things started to get better. Dallan found that he really didn't like failing and asked his parents to hire him a tutor so he could catch up.
Glady doing so, the tutor was hired and Dallan was slowly beginning to raise his grades. It took a lot of work on his part, since whenever something was wrong Dallan would get mad and throw something across the room.
Tenth grade in high school was when big trouble started. Full on fights happened and soon enough phone calls were being sent home as well as threats of suspension.

The build up to the worst part had been going on since October of Dallan's tenth year. His girlfriend, a nice girl by the name of Bekka, had been spending more time with her own friends than she had been spending time with Dallan.
Wondering what was going on, Dallan quickly turned a simple situation into a swirling mass of chaos. After confronting Bekka of giving her friends unfair attention and then being told to step away by one of her friends, Dallan did the most reasonable thing he saw fit.
He beat the poor guy senseless and knocked him right into a coma. Obviously after that Bekka broke up with him and a few weeks later Dallan was shipped off to none other than Everest Hills Preparatory Academy.

Dallan's thoughts were that since so many people didn't want him around, he had to be sent to a whole other country. The reality was Everest Hills was the best chance he had to get an education, after hearing about Dallan putting a kid in a coma, barely any other schools were willing to take him.


Dallan is most fluent while speaking Norwegian since it's the language he grew up with. In elementary school he was taught a bit of English, but not enough to have conversations that aren't about the weather.
During middle school Dallan learned German, but he never really picked up on it and really only remembers how to say good morning.
Since attending Everest Hill Prep halfway through grade ten, Dallan has had to work on his English quite a bit. It's obvious that he's improved, but Dallan occasionally uses the wrong words when he's talking.


So begins...

Dallan Nasman's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darian Summers Character Portrait: Adam Tew Character Portrait: Zander Mattheson Character Portrait: Mic Samson Character Portrait: Scott Hudson Character Portrait: Tristan Hill
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#, as written by Mashotu
Mic Samson

Mic, hated the the world currently. Why? Because he was awake. He didn't like morning because this was when all of the blessings from above completely avoided him. Instead, he would always wake up in a terrible down. So, he go up, grabbed some essentials for the day, and went into the bathroom that was down the hall. It was there, that he pulled out a little baggie and rolled himself up a nice fat one. It was no secret that people smoked in here, so if people smelt it, they'd just think it was some fancy ass cigarette because of the smell.

After the first few puffs, Mic was finally starting to gain his chipper mood back. He finished his weed and headed to the showers to do exactly what the name entitles. Shower. 'cause he could not walk around smelling like beggars on the street. Sure they were nice people some of the time, but that doesn't mean he has to like their smell enough to want to wear it.

Coming out squeeky clean, Mic walked back to his dorm, pants on but shirt in hand, only to find Jo on here way to wake him up. "Looks like I beat you, this morning." He said, giving his friend a wink.

Adam Tew

Adam had actually woken up to nightmare that morning. His eyes shot open and he was freaking out mentally until he realized he was in his dorm. Not at home like he had been in his head. He glanced at the clock and realized it was only 3:24. He groaned, but knew there was no way in hell he was going back to sleep, no matter how tired he was. So, he stayed awake until his alarm hang. Unlike most people, he was quite fond of his alarm. Mostly 'cause his was set on his phone so he had an awesomely catchy tone to wake up to.

He rolled out of bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was always the first to wake up in his dorm, not because he didn't like sleep as much as the next guy, but because his body refused to sleep more than five hours until it gives out and has him sleep till about noon when he'd gone to bed at 12.

He got ready for the day and exited his room. Placing his usual fake ass smile on his face he walked to go find something to eat. First though, he stopped by the drama club. The new play was going to be posted soon and no one knew what it was. So he wanted to see if the lead role was actually worth trying for. He knocked on his instructor's door but there was no reply. "Probably isn't even awake yet is he?" Adam wondered as he looked down the hall where the teacher's dorms would most likely be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darian Summers Character Portrait: Adam Tew Character Portrait: Zander Mattheson Character Portrait: Mic Samson Character Portrait: Scott Hudson Character Portrait: Tristan Hill
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Beep. Beep. Beep.
"Shut up." Dallan muttered as he hit the snooze button on the alarm clock that he was really regretting buying. Why did he waste his money? More importantly, why the hell did he set the alarm for so early? He should have set it for ten or something.
Yeah, ten o'clock was good.
The beeping stopped. Thank God.
Dallan closed his eyes in hopes to get in a few more minutes of sleep. He hadn't dreamt of anything that was worthy of remembering, but maybe he'd have a nice dream about eating rice pudding and flatbread. Yum.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Had it been five minutes already? Opening one eye, Dallan looked over at the dreaded box of noise. He rolled over and pulled the blankets over his head, maybe if he waited long enough, it'd shut up up and he'd be able to sleep for another hour or so... a wonderful hour of wonderful sleep.
Beep! Beep! Beep! The sound grew louder... then louder... and finally Dallan couldn't take it anymore.
"Shut up!" He shouted angrily. Reaching over, Dallan grabbed the alarm clocks cord and yanked it out of the plug and threw the box of noise across the room. It hit the wall with a crash, probably breaking something, and fell to the floor with a thud, probably falling on something.
That was better. Mr. Alarm Clock wouldn't be bothering him again until tomorrow.
"Sorry, Hill." Dallan apologized, wondering if he woke his roommate, and every other guy in the boys dorm. Maybe Tristan, as well as everyone else, had gotten used to the alarm clock being thrown every morning, Dallan shouting at the stupid thing, and things mercilessly being broken, so the noise didn't even wake them anymore.
On the other hand, probably not.

Dallan rolled out of bed, lazily arranged the blankets and pillows to make the room look like he put a little effort into keeping it nice, and threw on a pair of clothes that he probably wore a few days ago.
Looking around, Dallan realized he really needed to do his laundry. He shrugged. He'd do it later. Man, he missed his parents doing all that stuff for him.
Pulling on a pair of shoes, Dallan threw a pillow over at Tristan's bed.
"Wake up, lazy bones." He said, taking another pillow and throwing it at Tristan as well.
Dallan rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna look for something to eat before class, you want anything?" He offered, already opening the room door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristan Hill Character Portrait: Dallan Nasman
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Tristan Hill doesn't really feel the need to have a personal alarm clock, as his roommate already is quite gifted at waking him with the sound of an alarm followed by a crash and thud as his roommates alarm clock fell onto the ground. This has become a regular part of the routine, and Tristan doesn't really understand why Dallan doesn't simply keep the alarm clock in a drawer or something, where he cannot easily grab it and throw it. Anyway, the daily crashing of the alarm clock had led Tristan to decide that the investment in an alarm clock was unnecessary. Today is no exception to the regular schedule, and he wakes up just in time to see the alarm clock hit the wall and fall onto the ground. Also following routine is the apology that happens after the crash, coming from the bed across from his own. Rather than responding properly, Tristan mutters something nearly incomprehensible and rolls over, not wanting to wake up. He was up late last night, as he often was, and sorely needs a drink in order to drown out his current throbbing headache. Perhaps not the best remedy for such a thing, but alcohol does tend to be used as a panacea by him.

He doesn't even seem willing to wake up when pegged with a pillow by Dallan, something that he reacts to simply by tossing the pillow back in Dallan's general direction. It misses, of course, but then again, Tristan isn't even looking in the direction that he'd tossed the pillow- he's turned back around to cover his head with a pillow again. That being said, the mention of food is enough to make him immediately sit up and face his roommate, a warm smile on his still tired features. "You're a saint. I'd kill for some eggs or cantaloupe," he mentions hopefully, though the student is willing to take anything he can get. Besides, as soon as Dallan leaves the room, he can refresh himself with a drink. "Anything is fine, though," he adds brightly.

"And, for clarification, my bones are not lazy. I am a mean, lean, sports machine," he adds jokingly. He is one of the star players on the soccer team, and captain of the rugby team, though he honestly prefers the former- he's just better at the latter.

Tristan forces himself out of bed stretching out his arms and failing to swallow down a yawn. He notices Dallan's made bed, but doesn't seem bothered by the fact that his, by comparison, is a complete mess. Both of them have plenty of dirty laundry, though, and so Tristan must try and find a semi clean pair of shorts and a shirt by guessing and trying to sniff test the things for whatever is less moldy smelling. It is a lengthy task, but something which he generally considers to be worth it, as coming to class smelling like he just rolled out of the dump is rarely the brightest of ideas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cattie Marcum Character Portrait: Zander Mattheson Character Portrait: Dallan Nasman
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Cattie clutched her pillow against her chest, her eyes shut tightly just before her she heard her alarm on her phone go off underneath her. Wait? How'd her phone get there? She shot up into a sitting position, her blonde hair in a mess in front of her face. Suddenly remembering that she had plugged up her phone and was playing a game on it just as she fell asleep. She guessed this meant that at some point and time during the night it got beneath her. Grumbling a few words under her breath she slid a hand to her phone where she turned the alarm off and gently brushed her blonde hair from her face. Taking a moment to look around her dorm she finally to the edge of her bed where she got a mirror out from under her bed and examine a few spots that were still left on her body from a couple of nights ago when she told someone that they needed to back of just a little.

Momentarily she examined the two bruises on her arms and one black eye that some girl gave her after punching her in the face when she was totally wasted on the streets. Oh well, its not her problem any more. Anyways she was used to the bruises. Cattie finally slid the mirror back and rose to her feet and she quickly fixed up her bed and went to where her clothes were and plucked out an outfit that she found suitable.

Right after finding clothes she had taken a quickly shower before messing with her hair and covering a least the bruise on her face the other two bruises were just going to have to be left as they were. She applied the rest of her makeup, checked to make sure it was good and then she finally sighed softly as she flipped through her phone. Double checking her phone for text messages from anyone she finally grabbed her bag and left the room with out even saying anything to anyone in her dorm. Actually she didn't know if anyone was even in her dorm room, lately she has been paying less and less attention to her roommates.

Messing with her hair she made her way to the dining hall where she'd finally eat something after pretty much skipping eating twice yesterday and now she regrets it because she is like starving. Hurrying into the Dining Hall she got a plate of food, something to drink, and went to sit down by herself since that's the way she liked it unless she felt the need to sit by a friend of hers. She moved her food around on her plate, softly singing the lyrics to Chiddy Bang's Opposite of Adult's. Every now in between verses she would take a couple bites and then restart over again or take up a little later on in the song. Usually if she would start again she would end up starting at a spot that she knew how to sing.


Zander snored a bit loudly, a habit her had ever since a small child. Before it he woke up to the sound of one of his fellow roommates telling an alarm clock to shut up. Yep, like that was possible. he wished it was possible then he could sleep in more. sighing softly he smacked his lips a bit loudly as he shifted uncomfortably around in his bed a couple times. Some times if he was lucky he was used to his roommate telling the stupid invention to shut up and his episode of throwing it across the room. Of course today wasn't the case. He finally turned on his side and looked at his fellow roommate whom of which had thrown the alarm clock across the room. His roommate was now trying to get most of the boys up now and Zander grumbled, smashing a pillow against his own face before sliding up into a sitting position on his face. Scooting slightly to the side ended up practically throwing the boy completely off the bed with a loud THUD! the occurrence was unexpected and it left Zander groaning softly as he slowly rose to his feet and rubbed his lower back. "Freaking bed side." He mumbled to himself as he messily threw his bed together. He never was really good at fixing up his area but he made it work right now. "Good enough," He whispered, flicking his hand at his bed.

The night before he had already taken a shower because he knew the bathrooms would be flooded with people unlike if you took a shower at night. Glancing around his room he went to wear his clothes were and suddenly became picky as he decided what to wear for the day. At last he decided just on a plain grey button up shirt, a pair of jeans and some simple black vans. He wasn't going to be fancy and for sure he wasn't trying to be fancy at all. He grumbled, sneaking off to the shower area where he quickly changed into his clothes then returned to grab his bag. He looked at his roommates. "Good morning by the way." He greeted them with a small warm smile. He sighed tiredly, then shook his head as he slowly walked from his dorm room. He was tempted to ask if they wanted to join him but considering he wasn't quite in the mood to talk right now he was just going to leave it how it was.

Surprisingly he hadn't taken that long, but that was the usual routine. He liked being quick to get and wasn't trying to be first at anything he just wasn't going to sit there to leave him any kind of time to think about anything. It was hard enough that he constantly thought about his parents, but if you gave him some alone time and some thinking time he would surely go a bit crazy within minutes. Rubbing his eyes a couple times he hurried down the to Dining Hall were he scooped a small amount of food onto his plate before walking to a vacant table where he plopped down and took two bites before he was pretty much done. after thinking about his parents even just a little he suddenly had lost his appetite and longer really wanted to eat at this moment so he kind of just left it the way it was. Finally he yanked a book from his bag and started to read it.