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Indigo Taylor

"I only sing in the shower. I would join a choir, but I don't think my bathtub can hold that many people."

0 · 582 views · located in Everest Hill

a character in “Everest Hill Preparatory Academy”, as played by PatchworkHeart


Indigo Neve Taylor || Indi Or Blue || Seventeen || 26th December || Heterosexual || Monaghan ~ Ireland


Eating Disorder - Anorexia;
Indi was never as painfully skinny as she is now, in fact up until she turned eleven, Indigo was almost considered obese, this being what caused her stop eating originally. Indi found herself not being able to stick to diets she therefore decided upon stopping eating entirely.
Of course, this sudden occurrence didn't just happen for no reason, Indi was being bullied at school because of her weight and while she could withstand the verbal abuse, once she started coming home with bruises all over her body, she couldn't take it anymore.


✔Being able to trust people
✔Small spaces
✔The dark
✔Stars & space
✔Laughing | Making people laugh
✔Nice nicknames & giving her friends them
✔Apple juice (it's about the only thing she'll have)
✔The Killers
✔Singing on her own
✔Fantasy novels
✔Video games


✘How fat she is (or so she thinks)
✘Cruel nicknames
✘The smell of food - it actually repulses her
✘Not being able to lose enough weight fast enough
✘Prank calls


~Being bullied again

~Never being loved

~People judging her

~trypanophobia; Fear of needles


Most people would assume, considering her predicament, that Indigo likes to keep away from the lime light and isn't very outgoing at all.
These people would be extremely wrong. Indigo is definitely a bold character, and with her confidence, large eyes and huge puffy blonde hair, it's hard to miss her. The only thing suppressed by Indigo would be her love of singing, and that is purely because Indigo doesn't believe she's as good as she really is.

The only time you'll see Indigo angry either she's being beaten at video games (it's a small obsession of hers) or you're insulting her favourite band, The Killers (a huge obsession of hers); all in all, Indigo is a very calm person, making her perfect for someone to talk to about their problems because she'll never get angry or upset and also, Indigo really does enjoy giving out good advice - Which usually is helpful.

Indigo's very curious and adventurous; she's no stranger to the outdoors, much rather being out there than cooped up inside. Granted Indigo is a huge dreamer, and she's always concocting all sorts of stories and little poems in her mind and sometimes, Indigo finds herself falling asleep in the most strangest of places, be it up a tree or on a swing - This is what the doctors say causes her insomnia.

Sometimes, people can find her a little overwhelming which is fine because, frankly, she is. Although, Indigo is more verbally energetic than physically, mainly because she finds herself getting very tired frequently, caused by her malnourishment. Indigo is still very playful, however, and does enjoy physical activities, it's just that she can't keep doing them for a long time before she becomes exhausted.

When it comes to others, Indigo is alway spouting out compliments, not in the gushy kiss-ass way but just pick-me-ups if they're ever self conscious, which actually is really rather hypocritical seeing as Indigo herself doesn't have all that much self confidence, although her over bubbly personality would make you think otherwise, it's pretty much all pretend because she feels as if, if people see the real her, they'll hate her and once again, the bullying will commence.


Indigo Neve Taylor, a big, healthy baby girl was born to Mrs. Sophia Taylor and Mr. Richard Taylor, Sophia only being nineteen at the time, while Richard thirty - Their love was never going to be accepted, and so, they decided to runaway together, start a life somewhere better where nobody would care about their age difference.
It wasn't like a fairytale romance, though, it was more like a life in hiding. The couple had to literally shut themselves away in a tiny cottage in Ireland for the first few years of their baby girl's life.

Indigo loved her parents incredibly, they were the people she always turned to and lying to them never once crossed her mind. That was, however, until Indigo turned thirteen, going into secondary school is scary as it is already and so Indigo could hardly handle it when the bullying started. It started with a petty 'fatty' or 'cow' now and then, which while stupid and generic, also still hurt Indigo, it got progressively worse toward the end of year seven.

They would physically hit her; sometimes even throw rocks at Indigo. She would end up coming home covered in cuts and bruises, but there was no way she could tell her parents what was really happening and therefore Indigo would just make up some lame excuses. No, instead of telling her parents, Indigo decided to face it alone.
Starving herself, was what she thought was the only option, she would never be able to last on a diet - Indigo had tried too many times already - so staying away from food completely was all she could come up with, besides, this way she would start to see results quicker, right?

A few months past and, Indigo couldn't even stand the smell of food let alone stomach eating. So she just stuck to her small sips of apple juice, hoping that her parents wouldn't notice how she'd cheek her dinner and then either spit it out after, or eat it and then purging herself after dinner.

anything else to add?

So begins...

Indigo Taylor's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natalie Meade Character Portrait: Indigo Taylor
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'We hope you enjoy your stay
It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day

We hope you enjoy your stay
Outside the sun is shining
It seems like heaven ain't far away

It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day'

Indigo couldn't be more relieved she'd chosen such a relaxing song for her alarm, not that it didn't irritate her, of course it still did, but the slow tempo made for a nicer waking up and generally put Indigo in a better mood, especially after that 'I bet that you look good on the dance floor' (Arctic Monkeys) fiasco.
As Indi dragged a dainty hand through her fluffy hair, she let out a little yawn - Peering over at her maybe-sleeping-maybe-not roommate. Hopefully she hadn't woken Natalie up.

Picking out of the closet, the nearest, clean clothes she could find, Indigo carries them into the bathroom in which she begins her usual morning routine.
If there's one thing that Indigo despises about stepping into the shower, is the fact that she has to actually look at herself, see the bulging fat hanging off her, all the weight she is still needing to lose and yet can't seem to shift. How she hates her grotesquely bloated, fat body - Therefore, she shan't eat, it's the only proper way to get rid of the flab, fast. Diets don't work. Diets are bad. After being without much food for so long, Indigo could hardly even stand the stench of it by now, which pleased her; this made sure she would not relapse into her old, greedy, food guzzling ways.

Once showered, dressed and ready, Indi walks back to her & Natalie's dorm room, rummaging around her various bags in hopes of finding the illusive, orange iPod nano - Which seems to come and go as it pleases.
Finally (after a long period of time of throwing things out of her bag), Indi grasps the cool metallic surface of the music player.

Sighing, Indi notices the heavily tangled earphones and quickly begins to loosen the knot, what was the point in having the damn iPod if it wouldn't even let her use it.
Shoving the buds in her ears, Indigo lets herself be overtaken by Brandon Flowers' electric voice, pushing away the thoughts of her hideous body and soothing her mind.
Indigo then walks out of the room, sure she could barely stand to be in the cafeteria, but if people started to notice her absence, it would be pretty simple to put two and two together; then they'd spoil her plans and make her get even huger, force feeding her possibly.

As Indi made her slow way to the dining-hall, she let her mind drift to the mysterious play which was to be unveiled today, wondering what it could be and whether she should try out.
Making a memo to check after 'breakfast', Indi Pushed the dining-hall door open, immediately being overcome with a stench so disgusting Indigo felt like she was about the vomit, although it would probably be something more like bile - Seeing as there was nothing in her stomach to throw up.
Although she may feel this horrible on the inside, the friendly smile plastered on her face did not waver and give away her true feelings.

Grabbing a blueberry muffin (which she would be throwing away very soon) and a small glass of apple juice, Indigo makes her way over to a large table, noticing that the place was pretty deserted, save a few people whom Indigo watched with inner disgust as they consumed bacon and eggs, waffles or toast, how vile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anais Parker Character Portrait: Adam Tew Character Portrait: Indigo Taylor Character Portrait: Scott Hudson Character Portrait: Joanna Cater
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If Jo had been looking for Anais this morning, she might have been a little too late. While Anais may have been like any other teen and enjoyed her sleep, she had more energy than what she knew what to do with. So, when her soft alarm went off at about a little after six, Anais sprung into action. She tip-tied daintily on her side of the room and gathered her things for the bathroom activities. Once she was showered and had brushed her teeth, Anais hurried back to her room in hopes of not running into anybody while only wearing a towel and a robe. She snuck glances over at a sleeping Jo while she lotioned her body. Finally, she decided upon an outfit that she deemed practical, comfy and stylish enough to go about the day in. To make sure her feather earrings were seen, Anais gathered her long dark hair into a semi-loose bun with wispy strands framing her face. Checking herself once in the mirror, she sprayed an expensive perfume with a delicate scent onto her skin, jammed a few dark bracelets on her wrist, grabbed her bag and was out.

Before heading to her real destination, Anais went to the cafeteria and made her coffe just the way she liked it in her to-go cup. She actually kept the thing on her at all times in case of a coffee emergency. You never actually know when those might occur. With a sigh of a morning person after they got their first coffee hit, Anais pranced over to the boys' side. In the hallway, a few were emerging from the bathroom and a grin spread onto her face.

"Hello, sexy," she cat-called and laughed lightly when one pale boy turned a rosy shade. Still chuckling, she knocked on a familiar door. Not hearing an answer, she grasped the handle and turned it to open the door, calling, "Coming in." It wasn't like there was anything she hadn't seem before.

Scott was in a fitful state. At one point, the dream world wrapped him in a blanket of comforting warmth and peace. It clouded his mind with a calm nothingness, leaving his body in a state of bliss. Sadly, everyone had an alarm clock and his had to be in the form of a small body bouncing repeatedly on top of him. At first, he only groaned and attempted to ignore the unwanted attention. It was like one of those annoying headaches that continued tapping at your skull. Scott's logic was that if you ignored it long enough, it would go away. However, Anais refused to be ignored and smacked the back of his head. That definitely had Scott opening his eyes.

"What the fuck Ana -?" She punched him again.

"Sssshhhh," she reprimanded him and nodded to the other side of the room, where his roommate either ignored the little sprite or just slept very deeply. Either way, he was a lucky motherfucker. "Don't wake up Adam." Scott rolled his eyes and fixed her with a glare.

"Aren't you so courteous?" He growled sarcastically. Anais rolled her own eyes in response and slid off of him. Scott contemplated going back to sleep, but figured she's probably find other means of getting him up.

"Shut up and get dressed," she hissed, still trying to be quiet. It was still only a little past seven.

"I gotta get in the shower." Anais huffed impatiently and for a second, Scott smirked at her near childish reaction.

"Well, chop-chop, buddy. I want food." Scott grumbled something along the lines of bossy princesses, no real feeling behind it. Anais, despite her bossy and sometimes controlling ways, was in no way some princess. While she took another drink of her coffee and began making his bed, Scott grabbed the essentials and headed to the shower. The jets of warm water actually winded up waking him and Scott got a small boost of energy. But he knew it would be nothing like the high Anais was on.

"So, what am I doing awake?" Scott asked when they finally emerged from the room. He had called to Adam, welcoming him to breakfast with them. He wasn't sure if the guy heard him. Anais drank more coffee before he snatched her cup and stole some. While Scott wasn't exactly a coffee person, there was just something about the way Anais made hers that satisfied him.

"Hey, give me back my baby." She snatched her cup back and pouted for a second. "Asshole." That had Scott chuckling and a smile formed on her face. "Anyway, I have to make the schedule for volleyball conditioning, I don't want to wait in the omelet line, and I wanna stop by the headmasyer's office to confirm that it's alright for me to throw the play's after party. The party? Scott had almost forgotten about it. He remembered Adam saying something about it before, but he might have been listening to music.

"And that includes me because?" Anais shot him a look as they entered the cafeteria.

"Because you're helping me, dumbass!" She stormed off in an almost dramatic fashion, heading to her precious omelet line. Scott just went to the regular line and got some pancakes and bacon. Thinking quickly, he got a tray for his food and grabbed two things of orange juice. He knew Anais' schedule:coffee first, orange juice layer. As he looked for a nice window table, he spotted Indigo Taylor and a very rare, almost dopey smile appeared obvious face.

"Hey, Indigo," he called. He had always found the girl beautiful and one of these days, although he hated dances, he was going to ask her to one. Scott found the table that Anais would like and settled there. Moments later, Anais perched herself in the seat across from his. Scott almost gulped as she reached for her glass from his tray, a knowing and mischievous gleam in her eyes. Oh shit.

"Don't worry," she reassured him. "I'm not teasing." Before he could even release what could have been a sigh of relief, she added, "Yet." Scott only groaned and Anais laughed, digging in to her omelet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natalie Meade Character Portrait: Indigo Taylor
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#, as written by Issa
Natalie Meade

Waking to an alarm was something that Natalie had come to tolerate. The incessant buzzing of her phone alarm was usually what kept her on track when she spent hours studying. So an early morning alarm wake up wasn't something foreign to the young girl, however being woken up by someone else's alarm was not something she enjoyed. Natalie pulled her blankets firmly over her head, trying to shut out the sounds of Indigo's morning routine. Sleep wouldn't return, but Natalie was loath to get out of her warm bed.

In the end she waited until she hear the door shut behind Indigo before shoving her blankets off and pushing herself out of bed. Her bare feet padded quietly across her shared room and stopped beneath the window. The day is early, breakfast time, and Natalie hoped that today's studies would prove fruitful. Unconsciously her eyes drifted towards the part of the school where she knew the headmaster kept his rooms. Cheating was not something she approved of and sleeping with the headmaster to maintain her perfect grades had gone well beyond what she considered cheating.

Thrusting her mind far from thoughts of her dirty deed, Natalie turned back to her room. Quickly, as if to ward off further invasive thoughts, Nat grabbed her towel and a bag of shower items. She headed towards the showers, a quick walk down the corridor. Natalie turned the water on and stepped under the hot torrent a moment later. Quickly she washed her hair and cleaned before getting out and wrapping her towel around her. Bag in hand, towel firmly in place, Natalie made her way back to her room where she opened and peered into her closet.

Natalie wasn't the kind to hastily pick her outfit. She took time to ensure that she looked as tidy on the outside as she was mentally. Natalie was organised, both mentally and externally. Her wardrobe and outfits reflected that. Pulling open her doors she found neatly hung clothes and a tidy row of shoes. Today she decided to go with a skirt, striped shirt and a warm cardigan. Her outfit might not have been everyone's cup of tea but in Nat's opinion it was tidy, fashionable and reflected her personality well.

Dressed and with her bag of books slung over her back Natalie left her room, making her way down the corridor. She made her way to the cafeteria, breakfast called. The room wasn't empty. Nat could see her roommate Indigo sitting at a large table with a small muffin and glass of juice. Along from her sat Scott and Anais. Neither table called out to Natalie, instead she made her way to the area serving food and grabbed a healthy bowl of fruit salad before choosing a small table by the door. She pulled a text book from her bag and set to reading through the text, skimming the pages until she found one she hadn't yet read.