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Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades


Jack of Blades has returned again and wants to destroy humanity out of revenge. Only new heroes can beat him and get rid of him once and for all.

2,015 readers have visited Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades since Aniihya created it.


It has been 50 years after the revolution and after the invasion of the darkness. Albion is in the midst of its industrial age. Bowerstone has become a large city with tall houses in its downtown area and factories in its outskirts. Small steam powered vehicles drive the cobblestone roads. A train goes from Bowerstone past the Mistpeak Mountains into the neighboring country. The Heroes-guild is back up and running but until now, the heroes arent able to handle anything bigger than thieves, hobbs and bounties.
Now an old enemy has reappeared: Jack of Blades. He has reappeared from the void and has resurrected the Queen of Blads, the Knight of Blades and their minions. They want to destroy Albion out of revenge. Now the new heroes have to stop them before they can accomplish their goal.

Areas: Albion and Aurora

The Blades: The blades are an organisation of fiendish villains who want power over Albion. Their headquarters are now in the deserts of Aurora. Their leads are Jack of Blades, Queen of Blades and Knight of Blades.

The Heroesguild: The Heroesguild is at its earlier site near the lake. It is small but is home and school to about 30 heroes.

Character sheet:

Weapons (One melee weapon (or two small blades) and one gun)
Magic skills (Fire, Ice, Dark, Earth, Summoning etc., pick two types)
Alignment (Someone with hero blood isnt always good; evil, neutral, good)

Toggle Rules

No godmodding
No one-liners

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Namira shrugged and then moved to jump on the ship with Duke, glancing at Ezio with a grin on her face."You can kill..Hollow men and CONFRONT Jack of Blades but you can't deal with a boat? Come on Ezio if you get seasick I promise not to tell any of our guildmates....more then likely.."She said muttering the last part with an innocent grin on her face.While waiting for him and Lily to get on the ship she and Duke ran towards the front of the ship and leaned over watching several creatures swim underneath the oceans surface.

"Dum Dum Dum De Dum" She said singing a song she had more then likely just made up. Several seagulls were squawking and flying above the ship, making poor Duke go crazy with excitement."Calm down boy or there going to throw us off.."She said gently patting the dogs head.Of course the bird flew to her side and sat almost obediently as well, just like most animals did when Namira was around."The con of being a nature freak...damn animals never leave me alone.."


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Ezio glarred at her and noted "I have almost drowned and been eaten in the ocean. Twice. Do not test me with this...." he noted. He managed to actually step on the boat, although it didnt take long for him to be holding the main sail pole for dear life. Ezio definitively had problems with the Ocean. It wasn't the water though, Ezio had gone swimming pleanty of times. Its the ocean Ezio has a problem with. A big one. About half way through the voyage, the engines began to put out smoke and a few engineers went to fix it. This of course only caused Ezio to hold onto the pole more, till he had to move to a different pole when that one started to break.

A few days and nights past durring the Voyage. Ezio notably never went near the edge of the boat since they left port. Ever. Reaver he could Handle. Hollow Men, no problem. A super evil jack of Blades, easy. The Ocean. Never going to happen. He pretty much was ether asleep or holding onto something the entire time. And at one point he attempted to make a Cullis Gate on the boat....without much luck.

Ezio looked at her and noted "You do realize this is partially your fault for getting people so annoyed at you the Cullis Gate sent us to Aurora...." he noted, only then did they hear a large knock at the bottom of the ship. It would have been cast as nothing, but it got louder and louder and louder. Soon, a large sea serpent wrapped arround the entire ship, beginning to break it. IT spat out Smaller Sea Serpents that grew Human like arms and legs, notably also holding Bone weapons. Just another reason why Ezio does not like the Ocean....


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#, as written by Aniihya
As they were at sea, Lily seemed to be amused by Ezios fear of the ocean. But a sea serpent came and smaller ones with it. "Time for some real action." Lily said taking her black cleaver out. It began to glow with a dark and somehow very evil aura. In a blink of an eye, she disappeared but then a hand came through the back of a serpent and out of its chest. Lily then pulled her hand back and grabbed the heart, ripping it out. She took a lick from it. "Buah. Tastes horrible. Human hearts taste better." She said. Then her cleaver stabbed through another serpent. She then yanked the cleaver like sword up and cut the top of the serpent in half. By this time, she couldnt suppress her true nature anymore and began tearing through the serpents with her sword, showing her joy of killing and having a psychotic laugh. "I want to play. I want to kill. None of you will leave me and whoever tries to or turns against me will die! Hahahaha!!" Lily laughed, having a scary look on her face.


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Namira let out a sigh and then her mouth widened as Lily began devouring one of the creatures hearts."Lily uh..oh hell nevermind."She kept her eyes on a smaller serpent and quickly pulled her blade out and slicing it in half, watching as it's lifeless body flipped around on the ship. After they all managed to kill all the beasts Namira sat down and started laughing wildly."Y'know all this is starting to get to me I think, the fact that EVERY where we go isn't safe, it's kind of awful."Just as she was about to continue a large hawk swooped down from the sky and landed on the ships deck, holding a note on it's leg and beggining to flap it's wings towards Namira."For me? Who the hell...."She paused for a moment and then gulped as she noticed the handwriting."Dammit, it's from Blaze, The Newest Bandit King.Hes asking me for a duel....."She threw the letter on the ground and let out another sigh. The Bandit Kings came and went but this guy was supposedly one of the meanest and cruelest bandits since the first.

"Looks like as soon as we head to Bowerstone...I'm going to have to go...."She dreaded going by herself but a challenge was a challenge, and this guy was a bandit anyways."


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Ezio sighed. He was at least actually moving on the boat now, but he definitely didn't like it. He made his way over to Namira and noted "Well the sooner we get back to Albion the better....". He then sighed and went over to the head of the larger serpent. "I wonder how many of these are there?" Ezio asked, kicking it. Ezio then saw Lily eating the heart, and he.....he......he.....(eww, my shoes!). Anyways, he couldn't wait to get off this boat....

As they neared port he got more active. Which was probably a good thing. About 4 days ago, Jack found some Shards and sent them after them. And its taken this long for them to reach them, seeing as they took the fastest ship ever made. However, The Shards, instead of attacking them, began to attack the boat, to make it sink. Ezio looked at Namira and screamed "Worst trip ever!".

However, being so near land, Ezio pulled out his pistol and began to shoot them. Not with his best accuracy, but enough so that the bullets hit them. "Amazing, isn't there more powerful things he could have sent? Or is this just because he is unfamiliar with all of the more current technology. Because my guess is these are probably the few things he knows how to operate!" Ezio told them. Ezio kept hitting its weak spots now, but not much luck. Shards NEVER go down easily.


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The Hero of Bowerstone was at the mercy of a humble Gunsmith, to put it bluntly. A very ominous tiding indeed.

Argon Lucas, despite his mastery of Will, would have never been able to fortell the good-natured gunsmith creeping up on him while he was alone in an alley and smacking him over the head with the blunt of his favorite pistol. The gunsmith, Ivan Ekemov, was not entirely sure why he had done so. It felt as though the sinister book the man had been holding had...Called out to him. He doubted the man would have simply gave it to him, so Ivan had to resort to more...Drastic measures. Granted, Argon would live through it if left alone...But the Normanomicon had other plans.

"Kill him!" The book hissed, "He will become the first of hundreds in our undead legion..."
Ivan blinked. Undead? What was this book on about? "Undead? I can't raise the dead..."
"Of course not you simpleton! But, I can. Kill him. Kill him now."

The book was practically screaming at him now, but it seemed to only be heard by Ivan. It would appear to others that he was talking quietly to himself.

"You're a book. Why would I listen to you?"
"Because I'm a very powerful book! I'm talking to you, am I not? I commanded you to approach this man, the Hero of Bowerstone, and take the book from him! And you did it! I posess power beyond your wildest dreams and I can give some to you if you help me..."
"If you're so powerful, why are you a book? Couldn't you, like, turn into a dragon or something?"
"...What do I look like? Jack of Blades? I can't do that!"
"Jack of Blades? Isn't that the drink they serve with razors in it?"
"He was before your time, Ivan. Before your time."
"How did you know my-"
"You will find I know a great deal about you and most other people. Now please, kill Argon Lucas and we can get on with our quest."
"I never agreed to any quest..."
"What would you rather be? King of Albion or a boring gunsmith?"
"Perhaps a bit of both..."
"Then kill him!"

Argon let out a moan as he prepared to get back up, but it was already too late. Ivan withdrew his pistol, spun it in his hands a few times, and shot once at Argon. The sound of the shot was lost in the hustle and bustle of the city. Likewise, the bullet was lost in Argon's skull, apparently killing the esteemed Hero of Bowerstone instantly. Argon went limp after convulsing for a few seconds. It was done. Unbeknownst to Ivan, Argon had survived, defying all laws of science and nature. Truly, it was nothing short of a miracle. However, Argon would still be in a deep unconciousness and probably wouldn't wake until Ivan was long gone.

Ivan examined the corpse for a minute before spinning his pistol once more and holstering it with ease. A totally unnecessary gesture, but he liked to show off.

"So...Er, book...What should I call you exactly?"
"I am the Normanomicon. The Book of the Extremely Dead. I am the most powerful tome the world has ever-"
"Can I just call you Norman?"
"...Fine. Now is not the time, we need to raise him and get out of here."

Before Norman the Normanomicon could finish, someone who had slowly been creeping up on Ivan and Norman made themselves abruptly known, in the form of pointing a very nice looking pistol at Ivan's head.

"Do not move, or I will shoot." Reaver said, the tone in his voice very much implying that he would do just that if Ivan attempted anything.

Ivan remained silent, clutching the Normanomicon in his hands, not daring to move a muscle.

"Ivan, that's Reaver. He'll kill you if you try anything and, even worse, I'll be sent back to square one. Just repeat everything I say..."


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#, as written by Aniihya
Lily felt something odd. "I feel that a great hero has been strongly weakened and I feel the strong presence of the Normanomicon coming from Bowerstone. If it possesses someone, then it will suck them of their youth to gain power. I know because I was the author of it when I was still in the dark court. Compared to the Necronomicon, it has a soul and doesnt care about innocence and therefore will use the possessed to kill innocent people. It will have to be destroyed. I stored some of my power in the book to avoid having to need to take the youth of others." She said. "We need to get to Bowerstone quickly."


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(fuck no, i need him for later, and heroes dont die that fast....or like that......EVER..... Furthermore, no one just goes arround killing people, especially heroes. And no one person can just auto kill a hero like that. I am calling for serious breaking of standards. Also he is my NPC and i shall choose when he dies.)


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Namira sighed and waited for Ezio to hurry up and kill the Shards. Realizing it was taking longer then she would have expected she released a large amount of Will energy as she threw a large fireball at the Shard, causing the explosion of it to rock the boat and send her flying off. Duke began howling and barking at her as she slowly began swiming. "THIS....IS...THE WORST..TRIP...EVER EZIO!" She said screaming. "NO NEED TO...GET ME...I'll just.....oh hell I'll swim." She began to frantically wave her arms forward and backward but within moments she realized she wasn't getting anywhere. "Ezio....I think something touched my arm......"She looked down at the sea and her eyes widened.



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(Heroes tend to defy that stuff. Its Hero Blood stuff. Cause when you think about it, Heroes have always been able to take multiple bullets with little to no armor. And the Necrominom is at least smart enough to know not to trust Reaver.... xD)

Ezio shot at one of the shards, which was getting to be a real pain. Not even most spells worked on it. Then he noticed Namira. "Hold on, i got an idea!" he shouted. 2 of the 5 Shards left surrounded him and they both attacked. He jumped out of the way, and in such, they ran into and destroyed each other, because While shards are tough SOBs, they are also powerful ones taht can destroy each other easily. He then charged up some massive Will power and hit the Shard, trying to take it over. The Shard tried to fight off the Will, but eventually, Ezio managed to get his own Shard. One of the other Shards soon attacked and they destroyed themselves. Ezio only had one Shard left. It began to go towards him, but then did something else. It put a giant hole in the ship.

So now Ezio was getting close and closer to the Ocean and a Shard coming toward him. He then though of something. He jumped onto the Shard, which caused The Shard to do absolutely insane stuff to get him off. Ezio tried to take control of this one too, however soon found himself also holding on with one hand for his life while he used the other to take control. He began to slip. Right as he was at 2 fingers, he managed to take control of the Shard, and not sink into the Ocean. Then he saw the large serpent charge at Namira.

"Ok, lets see what this does...." he notes, ordering the Shard to attack the Serpent. The Serpent is hit by a powerful blast of Magic, and turns his attention toward Ezio. "Oh, i think thats the mommy Giant Serpent! And i think we just killed its mate and Children...." he noted. He began to fight it off using his Will power while trying not to fall off. He charged up his slow time spell, and hit it with a nubmer of blasts, which caused the Serpent to go away....for now....

Ezio lowered the Shard and picked up Namira and Duke (And Lily is she hasnt found her own way by now...). "Now hold on tight, there is not that much to hold onto, so let me get this over nice safe land as soon as possible...." he noted. Ezio seemed much happier and better now that they were flying and not on the boat, also he had it much further then he needed to have it over the Ocean.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Lily saw the others fight and then float away with the shard. Meanwhile, Lily had used a dark spell to build a boat out of serpent bones. Then she summoned a hollow man out of a shipwreck in the ocean. They both sat in the boat and Lily commanded: "Bring me to Bowerstone!" The hollow man moaned and began rowing with the bone oars towards Bowerstone. The hollow man didnt show exaustion and rowed very strongly and quickly. It seemed like they were picking up to Ezio and Namira. By the time the caught up to Ezio and Namira, the hollow man and quicker than before and grunting with each row.


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"Let's talk business."
Norman told him to say it...Should he say it? That seemed like a bad idea. Why would Reaver want business with him? Especially considering he just shot...Well, honestly, he didn't think Reaver was enraged about what appeared to be a murder. He was probably more curious or just aggitated. Still, it was worth a shot, right? Not like Ivan had any better ideas. Looking at it, he would probably get shot no matter what he did. Might as well give it a shot.

"Let's talk business?"
"Business? What business could you possibly have to offer me?"

Ivan began to sweat nervously as Norman thought over a response. This was ridiculous. Why was he taking orders from a book again? Oh, right. All-powerful, King of Albion. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

"Tell him if he stops waving the gun around, you can strike a better deal with him then the one the Shadow Court has for him."

Ivan nearly yelled out in frusturation. What was the book talking about? Shadow Court? Deals? Reaver not waving a gun around?

"I...Er...If you stop pointing the gun at me, I can make you a better deal then the one you have with the Shadow court..."

The only response Ivan heard at first was Reaver cocking his pistol in preparation for a shot. He couldn't see Reaver's face, but he could only imagine it was one of puzzlement and confusion from the tone of his voice.

"How would a lowly peasant like yourself know of that?"

The next line Ivan had thought of himself, and for that he was quite proud.
"Stop pointing the gun at me and I'll tell you."

Ivan heard Reaver slide the gun into his sheath before barking at Ivan to turn around. Ivan turned slowly, his eyes resting upon the richly dressed Reaver, who's hand was still on his pistol. Ivan had no doubt that Reaver could withdraw his gun put a bullet in his eye before Ivan knew what happened if his hand even so much as twitched in the direction of his own gun. In a nutshell, Ivan doubted he was as bad off as before, though at least now he could see Reaver.

"Tell him you're in posession of the Normonicon."
"I am in posession of the Normonicon, the very same book that gives me control over as many Hollow-Men I can find."

Reaver did not seem impressed.
"Why do I care? Now tell me-"
"Because...The spirit inside intends to take over Albion but he needs the backing of your factories and weapons to do so."

Ivan sighed before starting again. He'd sound like a nutcase...Unless...
"I intend to take over Albion using the powers in this book, but I need the backing of your factories and weapons to do it. If you help me, you'll be much more richer and much more powerful than ever before."

"Hey you forgot-"

Ivan stopped listening to Norman when Reaver began his response. Taking orders from a book was hard enough, he couldn't be bothered to listen to both Norman and Reaver at once. Besides, Norman wasn't about to put a bullet in him.

"And why should I not just kill you and take the book?"

Ivan bit his lip. That was a good question. Norman wouldn't help him with this one, surely. Norman could easily use Reaver as Ivan...

"Because the true potential of the book is only known to my bloodline. If you were to use it, it would be completely useless. The Hollow-men you summon would merely attack you on sight. If I were to use it, I could control them...And use them to our mutual benefit."

Reaver raised his eyebrow and was silent for a full minute. Ivan nearly wet himself. Would Reaver kill him? Probably. If he got out of this, Ivan would never listen to another book again, probably.

Reaver finally gave his answer. "I shall consider your offer only after I witness a demonstration of this power."
"What do you mean?"
"Raise an army of Hollow men and go take over Brightwall or...something. I don't care. Just make it snappy if you want my help."
"Tell him it's a deal! Tell him it's a deal! I was going to do that anyway."
"It's a deal," Ivan repeated the unheard book. "I was going to do that anyway."
"Good. Oh, and take this. Maybe you'll find some use for it."

Seemingly from nowhere, Reaver produced one of his five Dragonstomper .48's and tossed it to Ivan before walking off. Nearly in shock at being in the very presence of one of the fabled Dragonstompers, Ivan caught at it eagerly and examined it in his hands. A Dragonstomper? Just for him! It was like Christmas, only it wasn't and Santa Claus was replaced by a megalomaniac sharpshooter.

"If you're done oogling that gun, we have a quest to continue on."
"Oh. Right. Where to?"
"Well, we can't raise the dead here for they won't make it out of the city while the guards are around...At least, not without weapons. We'll have to come here later. For now, we should go to the countryside outside of Brightwall and see if we can find any mass graves or ruins."
"No time to lose then. Let's get out of here...Wait, what about Argon?"
"What about him?"
"He's breathing..."
"After a shot to the head? Cripes...Oh well, don't bother with him. He's been unconcious this entire time. He never even saw you. Now let's go before he wakes up.
"Right. Right."

And with that, Ivan and Norman departed from the alley. Soon becoming lost in the mass of citizens as they made their way to one of Bowerstone's gates to start their quest.


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"Uh....did I ever tell you....heights aren't exactly my thing?" Namira said as she glanced over the edge of the Shard, her skin becoming a pale green."UGH JUST GET US BACK!" . She closed her eyes and tried humming to herself, not even wondering what else was going on or noticing Lily with Hollowmen.

"This is ridiulous you know!? FIRST...AURORA, now....THIS!?" She still had her eyes closed but she could feel the Shard move up and down in the air, knowing that Ezio wasn't....used to controlling one.

"Why did my Dad have to have Hero blood...WHY OH WHY!"

This whole experience had made Namira realize that this whole Hero thing....really wasn't all it was cut out to was kind of shitty at times. She slowly opened up one eye and glanced towards Ezio."And I have to fight the King Of Bandits....this day is just peachy KEEN!"


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#, as written by Aniihya
Lily made it to a canal with the hollowman. After getting off the boat, the hollow man turned into a pile of bones. She noticed the strong presence of the book and walked towards it. She then noticed Ivan who was holding the Normanomicon. She took out her cleaver, her eyes began to glow red and a dark aura glowed around her body. "Give me the book and you wont be hurt. I need to absorb its evil soul. It has caused enough trouble the last 1000 years. I created it and now I must destroy it. And I must find a guy named Reaver afterwards he owes the shadow court something." Lily said towards Ivan.


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(( I find it truly remarkable a single hollow-man was able to row you from the middle of the ocean to Bowerstone port before Ivan could leave the city. ))

Ivan turned toward Lily, who had decided to threaten him in the middle of Bowerstone Square. A few people turned to look at the woman withdrawing a large cleaver and threatening the local gunsmith most of them knew. Ivan looked to Norman, muttering under his breath.
"This chick wrote you?"
"Hah. No. Lot's of people have claimed to have written me, you know. Their egos are just that big. It's quite sad, really, the extremes people will go to, to claim power. If you must know, I was actually written by-"
"Look, we'll discuss this later. For now, I have a plan."
"I thought I was going to be making the plans..."
"You make the long term plans, I'll make the short term ones."
"Fair enough. Now, even though she is lying about writting me I warn you, I've seen her before. She's incredibly powerful, if you want to beat her you'll have to-"

Norman never finished his advising, as Ivan began screaming for help, drawing the attention of nearly everyone in the square.

"Help! Help! She's going to kill me! Guards! Guards!"

It did not take long for the guards to locate Lily, as she was glowing in hellish colors and holding a giant sword threateningly at Ivan. It was not long before ten guards arrived at the scene, pointing their weapons at Lily and demanding her to stand down. All they knew was that some lady was trying to kill the local gunsmith and that did not really go over well.

Norman, able to peice together how the crazy woman had tracked him, put himself into a "low power" mode, if you will. Henceforth she would not be able to track him by such outlandish methods as "feeling his power." Ivan merely dissapeared in the crowd as civilians surged forth, trying to get away. After moving a good distance away, he relocated himself to a bar and purchased a room to hide out in. Chances were low she would find him again.


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(Ununseptium, if you go back you will see 500 Hollow men die from one spell....but thats just a note there)(also, they neared port when the boat sank)

Ezio soon got the Shard over land, and notably, the height seemed to near ground level. It then flew into bowerstone, and Ezio almost flew it into a wall. Notably, sometime after taking over the shard, the weapons seemed to have been disabled. oh well. Ezio "parked" it right in front of Bowerstone, and left a note on it saying "If you try to steal it, it will kill you. just a heads up!". He walked into the city, seeing 10 guards and Lily threatening a Blacksmith with the Normanomicon. After putting, 2, 2, and 2 together, he got an idea.

"Namira, how fast can you run with a magic talking evil book from guards?" Ezio asked her, almost 100% sure she would know what he meant. Plan: Ezio's Pretty awesome recovery idea" was underway. And on a side note Ezio made a note to think of better names for his plans. Ezio pointed to Ivan and yelled "Hey, your the guy that stole my book! You have it right there!" he yelled, causing some of the guards, of the 23 that had come now, over to him. They surrounded him, although more of them surrounded Lily, for reasons that are really simple.

One of the Guards grabbed the book. However, the book seemed to bite the guards hand, and he backed away. "The book is evil! Burn it!" the guard said. Ezio wondered if they might need the book or if he should let it burn. It was a pretty good idea to let it burn, better then to let Max and Sam get it, who he believed were looking for it in Brightwall Academy. Anyways, he decided it would be best to be kept in case they need it, in The Library of Heroes, located in the Heroes Guild. He motioned Namira to try and get the book.


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Namira gave a small wave before diving for the book, her hands clasping around it. "OW!" She said as she book attempted to bite her."Damn it I WILL stab you!" She said shaking the book a bit before running away from Ezio and the others. Her heart began beating rapidly as she felt Duke follow her, her feet moving as fast as they possibly could to find the safest place. She noticed that there was a large abandonded bulding, one that used to be owned by Reaver as the infamous.."brothel". Namira glanced at Duke before quickly darting inside, while trying to not cry out from the book attacking her.

She waited while she head several people run past the building, feeling as though her heart was surely planning on giving her away if it kept beating that fast." you think the coast is clear?"She whispered towards the dog and then motioning with her head to outside. He sniffed the air and then nod, almost as if he understood her perfectly. Now all she had to do was wait for Ezio to take the damn thing from her..


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#, as written by Aniihya
"How can that book dare to deny its creator! Oh well. No one stands in my way when I try to defend true innocence." Lily said beginning to slash through the many guards. "I dont care if I am infamous. I am not human anyways. I need to get rid of that stupid books soul. After that the blacksmith can keep it and use the spells what so ever." After defeating the guards, she went out to find the book. "Come out come out where ever you are, Normanomicon." She said with a large grin.


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Namira let out a sigh and decided that really, this was all too much trouble. She tossed the book to the side and left it there, for WHOMEVER and whatever person found it. "Duke....lets go home..I'm tired of all this bullshit."She mumbled as she gave a quick click of her tongue as both Namira and Duke began running off, glad to have gotten rid of that annoying book.

She glanced back and then shook her head. Ezio could take care of himself....and she wasn't abandoning him or anything, she was simply going home."Duke remind me not to head into Bowerstone again ya?" She said chuckling slightly as the dog began to bark in agreement."Alright then we will never go to that ridiculously guarded, and stingy place again.....unless we ABSOLUTELY need to.."


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#, as written by Aniihya
(lets just skip to the next day)
The next day, Lily was hanging around in front of the guild. "Damn, I should have gotten that book yesterday." She said. People were standing in the doorway. "Who is that demonic beauty?" One said. Then the other replied: "I heard that was the resurrected Lily the Butcher. But she doesnt look as bad as she looks in the picture. Anyway an ancestor of mine died by her hand. She supposedly killed 43 heroes back then. Even though I dont like her for killing my ancestor. I am too afraid to avenge them." "Talking about me? Dont worry. I wont kill you. You havent done anything wrong yet. I just kill liars, cheaters, thieves and murderers." Lily said. The other guy froze in fear. She then noticed someone come: "Good day. I am here to talk to Ezio about his father. We dont know each other, do we? The name is Reaver." "Ah yes. The shadow court told me about you. You owe them something." Lily said. Reaver froze and said: "Th...the shadow court? How do you know them?" "I was part of it 600 years ago." Lily said. Reaver then replied nervously: "You need to tell me more later. Anyways, I need to get to Ezio." Reaver then hurried inside.


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(Well, thats amazing. If i recall, Ezio and Reaver still, and always will, hate each others guts......xD)

Ezio soon woke up the next day, and yawned, seeing a huge misty fog all around. Ok, this definitely was not where he fell asleep, he fell asleep in his room. He then heard a voice come up from behind him, and he jumped up, his gun in hand. He now faced a blind seer. "Hello Ezio, i suppose i dont need to introduce myself....". "Iv heard a lot about you Threasa, but what brings you.....why did you bring me here?". "Simple, very few heroes have stayed in Albion now. Your one of the few thats left, that has faced Jack of Blades, and escaped. More importantly, you shot him in the eye, which has caused him to want revenge. Of course, he always wanted revenge on humanity, but not you more then anyone else. You, and the rest of the heroes, must fend off Jack of Blades, before he can summon his full army in Albion. The legend speaks that The Young one and the Thief, along with the Demon must stop Jack of Blades from taking over the world. Now go, you have much to prepare for...." she told him, then the mist seemed to consume Ezio.

Ezio then woke up in his bed in the Guild. He was unsure what to think, except he realized he was holding something. 3 cards, the Young One, The Thief, and the Demon.


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Namira let out a long yawn as she awoke from her sleep. The sound of Dukes snoring had mostly been the cause of her awakening but it was something more then that. A bad feeling."C'mon boy....we still need to go deal with those....bandits."She said the last word with venom barely concealing itself.

She bloody hated bandits. The world would have been a much more...enjoyable place if there were no more of the creatures because truly they were not men."Boy what should we pack for this little adventure? Clothes?Toothbrush? treats?" At the last inventory item Duke let out an excited bark and jumped on Namira."Here I am discussing possible my upcoming demise and you get excited over dog treats?"

She would never truly under stand animals...or people for that manner."Anyways boy lets go find Ezio to tell him where were going. Not sure about dealing with that Lily person right now anyways."


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(nuuu, dont let this die! Someone post!)


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#, as written by Aniihya
Reaver came up to Ezio and said: "Hello Ezio." While avoiding eye contact. "Your father had been injured. He was shot in the head by a mad man who carried a strange book. I could stop the man from killing your father, but the man got away. You better go get that man, who knows in which position I will be in if that man actually manages to kill your father and become king of Albion." All Reaver cared about was his money and his position. "I dont think Ezio cares about you, Reaver." Lily said from behind Reaver. Reaver reacted with a nervous laugh: "Hehe, well isnt it the beauty Lily." "Dont give me that pretty talk. As soon as the Necronomicon is back in my hands, I will have my full powers back and then I will get what is overdue. I will take your youth. Or would you still be willing to take part in the contract furthermore and just bring two sacrifices, so you could stay young?" Lily said. Reaver then replied: "I... I dont know what you are talking about." "Fine then. At the end of the week you will be an old man just begging for someone to end his life."


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(Errr, ok, wait, i need to think of what to post :3. Curses, im lost!)

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Albion by Aniihya


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Character Portrait: Ezio "Ace" Lucas
0 sightings Ezio "Ace" Lucas played by Mr. Baneling Squishy
A hero of Skill, some Will, and more Skill. Mainly The Hero of Skill.

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Character Portrait: Lily Oncoraud
Character Portrait: Namria Nightblood
Character Portrait: Lirriah Beivla


Character Portrait: Lirriah Beivla
Lirriah Beivla

"Size is hardly of issue."

Character Portrait: Namria Nightblood
Namria Nightblood

"Let's cut first and ask questions later yes?"

Character Portrait: Lily Oncoraud
Lily Oncoraud

"Jack of Blades wont take my victims away because he will be my victim."


Character Portrait: Lirriah Beivla
Lirriah Beivla

"Size is hardly of issue."

Character Portrait: Namria Nightblood
Namria Nightblood

"Let's cut first and ask questions later yes?"

Character Portrait: Lily Oncoraud
Lily Oncoraud

"Jack of Blades wont take my victims away because he will be my victim."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Namria Nightblood
Namria Nightblood

"Let's cut first and ask questions later yes?"

Character Portrait: Lily Oncoraud
Lily Oncoraud

"Jack of Blades wont take my victims away because he will be my victim."

Character Portrait: Lirriah Beivla
Lirriah Beivla

"Size is hardly of issue."

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Most recent OOC posts in Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Sooner or later. Feel free to carry on with your adventure in the meantime.

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Ununseptium arent you going to post?

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

I personally thing confusion has overwhelmed us, and we need to perhaps....skip to the next day, when we all wake up in the Guild? (excluding some, speaking of which, aren't we missing posts from someone?)

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Tossed the book to the side...? You never had the book in the first place! Ivan had already left!

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

just edit and let him have the book.

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

XD well goddamit! XD Do I need to edit my post or what?

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

ununseptium has a point. plus I want to play cat and mouse. I didnt intend to get the book in two posts.

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

"Ivan merely dissapeared in the crowd as civilians surged forth, trying to get away. After moving a good distance away, he relocated himself to a bar and purchased a room to hide out in. Chances were low she would find him again."

That's a direct quote from my post...

Also, just because it's a talking book, IT DOES NOT BITE. Also, I'm the one currently controlling "Norman," so I really think it's my call on whether or not he bites the guards and whatsherface, EVEN THOUGH IT CAN'T BITE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Also, there is no way guards are going to stop making sure the crazy woman with the claymore to investigate some CHILD shouting about a stolen BOOK!

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

No, i never said he recognized you, if i recall, he doesnt even know your name yet. He saw the BOOK, and lied. L I E D

And no you didnt. You never left. I checked. YOu did not leave. I am careful with these things!

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Charecter, the post you made is completely voided. One, you don't even know what my character looks like. Two, guards do not suddenly divert their attention from the crazy looking lady who's holding a claymore- to the 11-year old kid who shouted "That man stole my book!" Not only that, but I believe I made it clear Ivan escaped to an inn, rented a room, and holed up in there until things died down.

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

>: D Namira...doesn't like heights btw>>>XD

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

YOu know, its like your all begging me to use The Bonesmasher constantly....

The description of it in Fable 3: "...Designed to turn Hollow Men into very tiny pieces."

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

And he is only 62! Thats like, how old Garth was!

You completely disreguarded his hero status, and the fact he could take you down easily. He is like Garth, but better and knows about modern stuff and has a son....

Not to mention he is my NPC and only i can choose when he dies.....

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Um no. He could easily take you out

On another ntoe, he doesnt deal with Reaver really. Thats mroe Ezio. And finnally, he cant be killed like that. He is too pwoerful, and could easily defeat you before you got to the trigger. A hero cant be taken down that easy.....

Re: [OOC] Fable: Revenge of Jack of Blades

Doesn't really matter if he's a Hero or not. He's an old man that just got hammered in the head with a pistol from a very muscular man.

So no, I do not see a problem with that.

Doesn't really matter, though. I killed him. Fancy most people cannot survive a shot to the head.