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Fairytale Hunter



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Fairy Heart Guild
Spring, 1335

Firelight a large city located on the west side of the Avon river boasted the most beautiful buildings, even the city walls were trimmed with silver. The many years of peace have soften the city and now all is known is peace and beauty, a grave mistake in these times. In the center of Firelight sat a small castle, still large compared to the building around it, the castle housed the small royal family that governed the city and its people. But that's not the focus of the story, a couple blocks away stood another large building not as large as the castle but much more lively and colorful. The three story building had a Gothic architecture even though it was Gothic it was painted a red, blue, yellow and white but directly above the double door entrance had the words "Fairy Heart Guild" in gold and silver. It was said that the color represented the four colors fairy hearts came in the same colors a flame could attain.

Within the always opened guild were a dozen or two new fairy hunters chatting and enjoying merrily within the first floor that was designed in a pub-like fashion. Though the one that truly stood out was the old man sitting at the bar sipping rum as if it could flood the world out. The old man was draped in a brown hooded coat to keep the nonexistent cold away, even with the extra clothing he could not hide the white beard, hair, or bandages that coated his hands.

"They sure are a lively bunch aren't they...," the old man's voice strained as he took another sip of his drink deliberately allowing the hood to shadow his face revealing nothing but his mouth as he spoke and drank.

"Yes, they sure are I think it's about time you started though," The young bartender said as she went through the process of drying a mug with a rag.

"I do suppose so...,"


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Character Portrait: John Avernus


0.00 INK

Late Winter, 1335

What is it that makes young life feel so unbearably uncertain? Aren't we bound to whichever roots we happen to come from? But if that's the case, how are we to know what we're capable of without having a grasp of where we come from? In search for such existential truths, John left had left his small village without any regrets or worries. Walking along no path, but rather the eastern shore of a river with no name he was aware of. Just travelling towards what he believed to be the south of England. With every step his surroundings became more and more covered in the deepest and darkest forest he'd ever imagine to see. Day and night only defined by the creatures roaming it rather than by a difference in illumination. For some uncertain reason, the young man felt no trace of fear rushing through his body. Every day, he woke up from the dirt. He felt the crust of mud on his legs break as he managed to stand up again. Once or twice, he saw alien lights from the distance. It had been too long for him to have retained the track of time and yet he feared leaving his self-imposed pilgrimage. Leaving it or even loosing sight of it for even a single moment could finally mean the loss of any possibility to discover -or should I say retain- any connection to his origin. It is fortunate to say that the river not only proved a companion and protector during his solace, but also a nurturing mother. It's waters being the nurturing milk that allowed him to keep on walking and it's fishes the only food he was able to prepare without walking out of sight.


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The odd duo walked through the streets, large packs on each of their backs as they shoved through the crowds. "Kern, come on! We're going to be late if you don't pick up the pace! You have long, spindly legs so use them!" Elsie fussed at her monsterous companion who at the moment was draped in the illusionary form of a normal man. A very tall man but normal none the less. He growled in response as he trudged at a casual pace, his long legs easily keeping up with Elsie's frantic steps. "Well if you would have listened to me in the first place and left when I said to do so then you wouldn't be running late." Elsie huffed in frustration, gasting a hard glare over her shoulder towards Kern. "Oh hush, you fuss more than a group of old women." Kern grumbled to himself but kept up his pace.

The bright building was quite obvious and Kern sneered at it. "You would think they'd like to be a bit more inconspicuous wouldn't you? It looks like a pixie vomited on it." Elsie smacked his arm. "Must you have a complaint about everything? Let's get inside before they start without us." Kern rolled his eyes as Elsie dragged him in. "Oh what a tragedy that would be." She pulled her companion inside and shuffled through the chattering crowds to sit at a corner table near the back, more so for Kern's comfort than anything else.

His eyes raked across the crowded room of fairy hunters as he made his way back and sat next to Elsie. No doubt this bunch could see clear through his disguise but he hoped they could. He hoped even more that these fledgling hunters would be afraid of his true appearance. That's one thing he missed quite a bit, striking fear into the hearts of humans.


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Character Portrait: Amadeus Hughes


0.00 INK

#, as written by Leon21
Amadeus strolled down the streets of the city, trying desperately to not let his clothes drag in any mud or puddles. That would just look so, so awful. For Pete's sake, it would make him look like a peasant! Amadeus was nice for a noble, but he was still a noble, and that made all the difference. He may have treated peasants with a general sense of decency, but that certainly didn't stop him from being arrogant and wanting to retain the good image of his class. He was nice, but only to a certain extent.

He arrived at the guild's home, or at least what was said to be their home. They had said this was where he should arrive for the meeting. Personally, Amadeus found it a rather bland building. It looked just like any other pub. He had personally thought it would be a bit more... impressive. Sure, the guild was technically supposed to be a secret organization, but, still. Couldn't they at least buy a building that looked like something other than your average pub for peasants?

His distaste only grew as he walked into the pub. It was completely filled with peasants. Amadeus had not been expecting that. This was a guild, for Pete's sake! He had been expecting nobles, or at least middle-class people. Not peasants! Surely he had to be in the wrong place. Hesitantly, he walked over to the bar, cringing slightly as he brushed off the bar stool before sitting down. Why was he even staying here? He should be heading off to his home, not staying in some shabby pub for peasants. Deep down, he knew why he was there, though. He was curious, suffering from a case of curiosity that could only be sated with answers.


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The old man gave a small grunt before chugging his drink and slamming it hard on the counter causing the group within the pub to grow quiet or whisper as he drew their attention. After a strained attempt he stood up on the top of the chair he was sitting on and then the counter itself. They all started at the back of the old man as he stood there with his back turned towards them.

"We act merry, we laugh, we even drink ourselves into a stupor but you cannot hide the fact that we are afraid, truly afraid of what lies beyond the walls of this very great city," Those words silenced the room, even those that were whispering before became silent. "But don't worry, fear is not something to be ashamed of. Fear if done right can be hammered into true strength, but not all can handle that and that's what I'm here to do. Weed out the weak, for we are the Fairy Heart Guild and we don't take kindly to pathetic fools."

At those last words the old man turned towards the crowd revealing his deep scarred face and completely bandaged arms and the ones near him could even see his legs were wrapped as well. Jumping off the counter he began walking among the crowd.

"I need only strong individuals, the rest can leave." Those words caused whispers to run throughout the crowd.

"And how are you going to find out who are the weak ones?" A young tall and skinny lad that happen to be next to the old man asked.

"Easy," Within milliseconds the old man drove his right fist into the gut of the lad causing him to double over, "a pub brawl will do."

With that he pulled his fist back letting the lad that he just punched to fall onto the floor on the brink of passing out. "I can dance to that," The voice belonged to a huge man that resembled a bear, without hesitation the bear-man charged the old man with the rest of the group jumping into the fray. One after the next the old man continued to dominate, some were easy to place into submission and others had to be knocked out.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors