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"I will kill all from the shadows. And when none remain, I shall take my place on the throne."

0 · 213 views · located in The Holy Grail

a character in “Fate/Heaven and Earth”, as played by Grantgreatsword


Class: Assassin

True Name: Mordred

Gender: Male (Homunculus)

Appearance: ... &id=479569 ... &id=353830 ... &id=479572

Assassin apears as a knight in fine dark armor bearing a longsword. He stands 180 cm tall and is well built. Assassin is usually seen wearing a dark helm to hide his face. But occasionally removes it to reveal a fair faced man of about 20, with piercing blue eyes and glowing blond hair.


Personality: Mordred was origionally a Knight of the Rounds. And being one he was seen as one of the most honorable and chivalrous men around. But deep down he was far from the perfect knight. He hated people and always considered any troops given to him as disposable. And while his actions never showed it, he wanted nothing more then to kill his father, the King, and take his spot on the throne. But Mordred was smarter then that and waited until the King was away. He stole Clarent and Arturia's prized Avalon, and proceded to start a rebelion within Camelot. It was for these underhanded tactics he was given the class Assassin. Mordred himself always hopes to be pared with a master capable of defending themselves, because if he could have it his way he would run around killing all the other servant's masters, leaving his master all alone.

Motivation: If he ever obtained the Grail he would go back in time and put himself on the Throne of Camelot. He would be a fair ruler, but one better then his father, Arturia.

Character Alignment: Lawful evil


Weapon and armor: Clarent, a sword of peace meant for knighting and ceremonies as opposed to battle, Mordred stole the blade from Arutria, and used it to cause her the wound that eventually led to her death. Assassins dark armor is that of a knights. But he wears it like a second skin, so it doesn't impeed his speed or hiding. When near shadows it almost seems as if it allows him to fade into them.

Presence Concealment- It is possible for Assassin to disappear completely and become almost impossible to be detected.
Eye of the Mind - Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action.
Disengage- Assassin can easily break away from combat if need be.

Combat strenghts: Assassin is very fast and very agile. He is capable of striking very fast and is often able to land several blows before the enemy can prepare a proper defense. Assassins true power lies in his ability to completely hide himself and wait for just the right moment to strike. He is able to inflict massive amounts of damage on opponents who were not aware of his presense.

Combat weaknesses: Assassins main weakness is the fact the he is not nearly as powerful as other servants. Although his strikes are strong they do not compare to the strikes of the saber or beserker classes. This problem is only made worse do the fact Assassin was a knight. While he has cast most of his honor aside, there are still times where he will choose to face an enemy head on. Instead of hiding and attacking. It was do to this weakness he was killed in a one on one match with Arturia.

Noble Phantasms:

The Strike of a Traitor: Assassin is able to shoot out from the shadows and deal a blow that automatically hits his enemy. The blow if not fatal, but causes continious bleeding and pain to whoever it hits. It was this attack that caused the wound to King Arturia that later killed her. To use this Assassin must be hidden from his opponent. Type- Anti unit

The Shadow Over Camelot: With a wave of his sword Assassin is able to create an area of darkness that can extend to 1000 ft while remaining centered on himself. The area can last for several minutes and is imposible for anyone to see within it, with the exeption of Assassin who can see normally inside of it. Light does not exist within this area. Type- Support

Avalon: The legendary scabbard of Excaliber. It made its wielder immortal and unkillable in battle. Assassin stole it from the King of Camelot and used it for himself. Assassin however is not a master of it and only scratches the surface of its abilities. It also costs him a lot of mana to use it, so he can only use it once or twice. But once used Assassin becomes impervious to one attack, as he literally removes himself from existance and comes back after the attack is finished. Type- Support

Mana Cost: B


Mordred is a homunculus created from sperm extracted from Arturia, who was a pseudo-male at the time, after Morgan, Arturia's sister, enchanted her with sorcery. He was developed within Morgan's ovary and born as a complete male clone of Arutria. She raised him as her son, telling him that if he hid his status by never removing his helmet and obeyed the king, he would some day defeat the king and use his right to inherit the throne. He had a much higher growth rate and a shorter lifespan as a homunculus, and came to be one of the knights of the round table on Morgan's recommendation. Despite being a masked knight of of unknown origins, his abilities in swordsmanship and straightforward mental chivalry allowed him a place in Camelot. He bore the obsession placed on him by his mother, but at the same time, his childhood innocence brought him to have adoration for Arturia.

He felt shame at his twisted birth, which caused him to have an unconscious jealousy towards normal people, but he hid away those feelings to strive hard to be an ideal knight that protected the way of the knights in such a way that could only be found in picture books. Morgan eventually shattered his innocence by revealing that he was a child born between her and Arturia, and that the king would never accept such a filthy child. He was initially proud to be the son of the king, thinking that it was even a blessing to be a superior homunculus, capable of succeeding the king in name, mind, and body. Arturia completely rejected him, and refused to recognize him as an heir. Mordred believed the reason to be that he was not accepted was due to the hatred Arturia bore towards Morgan, and that no matter how much he would work to excel over others, he would forever be viewed as a dirtied child. The love he had up until that point was so great that Arturia's rejection made his hatred burn.

Mordred took the chance to rebel once the distrust of the Round Table towards Arturia grew and Camelot fell out of her control while she was on an expedition to Rome. He became the leader of the rebellion representing the national discontent towards their king, claiming that he was the one fit for the throne. Though Mordred claimed to hate the king, he really only wished to be called "son" by her. During their final clash on a hill of swords, he lamented that the country was destroyed beyond repair, and that he would have prevented it had he been given the crown. He was defeated in single combat, collapsed while impaled by a spear, and finally removed the helmet forced upon him. With the face identical to Arturia, he reached out to touch the king at least once with his blood soaked hands while saying "....Fa-ther", though his final wish was left unfulfilled as he fell.

So begins...

Assassin's Story