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FFX: Sin's Return

FFX: Sin's Return


Spira is in danger. A select few beings called 'Aeon Wielders', is Spira's only hope for survival from Sin and its malicious plans..

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Spira has gone through troubled times lately. Lady Yuna has grown to old and recently passed away. Rikku,Image Tidus, Wakka, and Lulu, now old and gray, watches as they send her casket off into the waters of the Moonflow along with her Staff and Old Memories. Brightly colored Pyreflies danced around the sight. A few of the more lively colored Pyreflies lingered around specific children of her friends that shes grown attached too, only to disappear inside the children when no one was looking. Times have changed. The Al Bhed rebuilt their home, the races have became equal, some of the creatures have become friendly and begun to communicate, and the Summoners have disappeared since it has been long since Sin has tried to harm Spira. Though upon Yuna's death, Tidus has grown rude and corrupted, people thought that it was just because of his old age, though people started to noticed when he got truly upset the earth would shake and the waves would get more violent. As the years flew by, it was Tidus who died. Though his death wasn't as peaceful, upon his death, an old freind has came back to Spira...


It rose from the Moon Flow, all of Spira shook violently, Mt. Gagazet begun to collapse part by part, along with some of the more mountainous regions of Spira. Though it was soon when Sin disappeared Far into the waters of Spira. Leaving Spira to its random earthquakes and violent waters. The Al Bhed saw that the Earth seemed to be shifting slowly, and that it wouldn't be long before the Cities would collapse, and the creatures of Spira would become violent and endangered. Without the Summoners, Spira was left unprotected from Sin, and the dangers of the Shifting World. Though Ex-Summoner, after Ex-Summoner, found teenagers and young adults, who held the spirit of an Aeon inside of them. Though there were few that actually wanted to help Spira, they were beyond anything the world has ever seen. They must defend their world from Sin, and the Aeon Wielders that thought that Sin was best for Spira at the Moment. And find a way to save the Spira from the shifting before its too late.

All the Aeon Wielders have dreams and visions of Past events, these dreams include the love affair of Yuna and Tidus. They know that Tidus is Sin, and that they not only hold whats left of the Summoners that can destroy sin, but they also hold whats left of Yunas heart...and that is their best and most valuable weapon. Though will they be able to complete the obstacles in their pilgrimage to the Awakened Sin?

Other Information

- The Aeon Wielders: I'm not looking for that many, I don't want this role play to be overpopulated. I'm going to take about 4 others including me, making it 5 role players in total. Now, Each of us will have a specific Aeon so chose an Aeon that hasn't been chosen. The other Aeon Wielders would have Sided with Sin, and be our Enemies(They are NCPS) we will battle them here and there until they are captures and held prisoner for The Day of Judgment(Where we fight Sin).

FYI- The Magus Sisters are off limits for the taking. They are going to be the Aeons of Triplets. Who are also going to be our enemies.

- The Features of Spira aren't too horrible(Yet). As we progress through the role play, it will get worse, we will come across crippled and corpses, the creatures will grow more violent. Surprise after Surprise. :)


1.) Follow the basic rules of the site.

2.) No god moding.

3.) No powerplaying, or killing someones character.

4.) 75-100+ words per post.

5.) Original Character, no canon, though being descendants is fine(No Tidus+Yuna descendants though).

6.) No one can pick the summoning class.

7.) NO DISCRIMINATION! against yaoi and yuri relationships, a characters racial make up, etc.

8.) You are allowed two classed from the entire Final Fantasy Chronicles. Want to be a Dragoon with the skills of an Alchemist...go for it!

9.) Keep the role-play PG-16. Enough Said.

10.) You will be given 3 special abilities, though you start out with one. It could be as creative as you want, as long as its not to powerful. Common things would be Rapid Attack or Multi-Cast.

11.) Contact me if you have any questions.

Character Sheet

I have made this to were it will follow that of the Application

Your Characters First name or Nickname.

Your War-cry, Battle Cry.

Characters Avatar
Must be your Characters Aeon, if you can't find one for your Character tell me and I will find you one.


Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] First-Nickname-Last

[b]Age:[/b] (15-21)

[b]Gender:[/b] (Male/Female)

[b]Race:[/b] (Original FFx races. May Mix two Races.)

[b]Aeon:[/b] (Chose wisely)

[b]Class(es):[/b] (ClassXClass, duo classes remember)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Written descriptions only. No less then 5 complete sentences. I want all the details of your character.)

[b]Special Abilities:[/b]

Code: Select all
[b]Personality:[/b] (Short and sweet.)

[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Battle wise and personality wise)

[b]Strengths:[/b] (Battle wise and personality wise)

Code: Select all
[b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] (Everything your character wears.)

[b]Weapon:[/b] (Can not put none, everyone must have a weapon. Magic doesn't count.)

Write it out in first person, though the role play won't be in first person we are going to do this like FFX. And at the end put "And this is my story", like in the FFX. Also put italics around your Bio.

Also, if you have a theme song you may post it here.

Aeon Wielders

1. Linger :: Valefor

2. Soki :: Bahamut

3. Digi-kun :: Shiva

4. Epsilon :: Yojimbo

5. XigRawr723 :: Anima

6.) Xiphoniii :: Ifrit

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in


Spira by Linger



Bevelle by RolePlayGateway

"Bevelle is at the heart of Spira, even today. It's also the place where I was born. I suppose that makes it my hometown, but I can't say that I have a lot of fond memories here." ~Yuna

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas looked to the leader of Yevon after he also noticed the black garbbed people. He wondered who they were but wasn't going to let it bother him, soon he shook his head in a slight disgusted manner. "I didn't have a choice in this manner.." he said calmly and followed after Azrael. He looked to the male and placed a hand on his shoulder, "It get's easier.." was all he said as he leaned against the railing bowing his head, He felt no need to look anyone else in the eye, he felt no need to talk to anyone. He was ready to get this over and done with, once this was over he'd disappear again. Hopefully this time he'd hope that nothing would make him resurface again, he was happy alone. He looked to his little Dragon and continued to scratch under it's Chin.

He looked to Azrael and tilted his head, "You seem relaxed now..what cleared you of the doubt..?" He asked calmly and patted the Dragon on it's head as it let out a puff of smoke from it's nose in happiness from the pleasuring scratches to it's head. He looked to the rest of the group, A loud and poorly-mannered Gunner with Some Dragoon training the only female he knew nothing of. A assassin looking male, and then the gambler. He laughed softly, what a rag-tag group of kids, he already felt like they were destined to fail.

He didn't know why but he truly felt like he couldn't trust any of them except himself, he hoped the feeling would pass with time while he was around them. He patted the sword on his back for comfort as he drew it and looked at the engraved designs on the blade, the symbols of his clan, the power it held in his hands. He felt comfort in the cold steel and slipped it back in it's sheath. He then looked to the sky, the sight of the airships still flying for them, the sounds of the cheering people, he felt the hunger to just leave it all behind to flee and not have to deal with the stress of being a 'hero', but what good would that do? He'd die sooner or later because they'd need his help, they needed to stick together. He felt that, he knew that. He pulled off his helm, he felt like his head was weighed down to much as he held the helm in his hand his shoulder-length black hair falling over his face as he panted. He felt anxious he felt cold and hot, he felt the need to vomit uncontrollably already, though he wasn't nervous in the least in the battles that would be coming.


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Liam stepped upon the platform, his face hardening quickly. He had followed Azreal's gaze when he stopped moving and frowned. He only managed to catch a glimpse of one of the figures, before it disappeared nt the crowd, but he knew that outfit. Cursing under his breath, he moved surreptitiously closer to the boy, and muttered under his breath, allowing only the two of them, and the other Aeons who had boarded the platform by that point, to hear him.

"I fear we may be watched. And no, I don't mean that in a good way." He continued looking around, but could not see them. "I don't know exactly who, or why, but I recognized the traditional assassin garb on at least one of our so-called well wishers. Trust me, I would know. We may not have to worry if this Machina gets us up sometime soon, but just in case, be ready. Just try not to show any sign of realizing it. I don't want to provoke anything. Azreal, what do you make of this? You obviously noticed them first."


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Zell walked out into the crowd and was astounded. He simply walked out with his hands in his pants pockets, looking complacent but he actually felt a bit overwhelmed by it all. He hadn't really thought about it until recently but now it really hit him. This was it. It all starts today. He felt excited, to be honest. He looked around. At the front, Azrael seemed to be a bit scared at first, but from the looks of it, Carina, the girl right in front of Zell, somehow calmed him down. He grinned, then looked behind him. Riley was waving to the crowd without a care in the world and, surprisingly, so was Liam. Lucas was looking like a statue as usual, even in this bright, cheery scenery. I take back what I said... he thought. He looks even more depressing in that mask... He looked back as the Yevon began his speech before the Machina came.

As they boarded, he saw Liam walk over to Azrael and whispered something to him. Zell didn't care though. He preferred to just take in the sites for now. A few moments passed and decided to take out his card out of curiosity. Two hearts. M-maybe I lucked out of that bet... he thought, looking gloomier. He decided to take his mind off of that and looked into the crowd. A moogle floated up to him and dropped a small bag at his feet. He then noticed an older woman, a much older woman, waving around her arms and whistling at him. Looking back at his card, it then increased to three. Zell looked at the bag disgustedly as he was tempted to kick it off into the crowd.

He decided to pick it up and looked inside just to see what it was. He pocketed his card and untied the string, then opened it up. Looking inside, there was only an odd, round, metallic object inside. The object seemed mysterious and alien in design. Inside was also a piece of paper. Curious, he opened the piece of paper and it read, 'Good Luck'. Zell looked inquisitively at the golf-ball sized object for a bit. He honestly had no idea what it was, but he figured he could pawn it later for a good amount of Gil later.


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The Yevon leader, Lani made a speech "My People, of Spira. We have all gathered here today, for the answers to all our problems lay within these young beings. The Aeons," Lani paused, "The Aeons that once defeated the enemy that a few times before tried to do us harm. Though it was us that did it harm!" Everyone cheered and clapped, and Lani smiled "The time has rose again, for us to send out our guardians into the world that they hold so dear. For in time, they will prove themselves the heroes of Spira!" the cheering got louder, "Well are we ready for the day to begin?" As Lani was saying his speech, he looked to Azrael, who's nervousness ended, but then started frantically looking in the crowd, his expression changed to a worried one, he then looked at Liam, who followed Azrael's gaze and also seemed worried. Riley too followed their gaze, but didn't notice anything, so they must of noticed something he didn't. He looked at Zell who seemed to be messing around with his playing cards, then Lucas who seemed to be uninterested with Lani's speech, then to Carina, who Riley thought looked kind of cute, she just seemed to be listening to all the cheers. Azrael looked at us and then ran on the platform that descended, the rest of us followed.

When Liam came on he told us, "I fear we may be watched. And no, I don't mean that in a good way. I don't know exactly who, or why, but I recognized the traditional assassin garb on at least one of our so-called well wishers. Trust me, I would know. We may not have to worry if this Machina gets us up sometime soon, but just in case, be ready. Just try not to show any sign of realizing it. I don't want to provoke anything. Azreal, what do you make of this? You obviously noticed them first." while looking around for them. So that's what they noticed! Riley thought as he waited with the others.


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#, as written by Linger
Why do you seem so familiar?

"I don't know...maybe it was the feeling of knowing I'm not alone is what comforted me." Azrael said with a smile, then petting the head of Lucas dragon,"What's its name?" Azrael asked Lucas without any hesitation, though as Liam approached, Azrael could already tell that Liam meant business. Azrael moved his hand from the dragons head slowly placing his hands in his lap. Watching as Laim approached him, there was something about Liam that Azrael couldn't put his finger on, he was like a stranger that he once knew, something that lingered in his dreams, watching? Willing? Warning, as every second passed by. Azraels heart beated as Liam came closer. For every step that Liam took, there was a swift kicking of the legs almost as though his legs were made just to swing gently.

"I fear we may be watched. And no, I don't mean that in a good way." Liam had spoken looking around, Azrael only watched him. The sun beamed off of Liam short black hair, though shadowed his long scar, that didn't frighten Azrael at all, though Azrael was interested in knowing what lyed behind this life long mark that held its secrets. Azrael watched as his green eyes moved through the distance into the crowd of people. His build was curious to Azrael, almost as if it was in slow motion, Liam looked back at Azrael, snapping him out of a trance like state,"I don't know exactly who, or why, but I recognized the traditional assassin garb on at least one of our so-called well wishers. Trust me, I would know. We may not have to worry if this Machina gets us up sometime soon, but just in case, be ready. Just try not to show any sign of realizing it. I don't want to provoke anything. Azreal, what do you make of this? You obviously noticed them first."

So he watched me?

"Well, um," Azrael started, fiddling with his fingers. His mind was elsewhere, though he regathered his thoughts the best he could,"I did see a few of them, 7 to be exact. I felt them, they do not mean us well, though I do not know if its us they are after, they could just be thieves looking for a quick steal." Azrael shrugged it off,"I don't want to make pessimistic assumptions without analyzing the situation better." Azrael smiled at Liam staring deep into his eyes.

Those eyes seem so familiar, or is it just the way that I look into them that captures me?


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas looked down at the boy. "His name is Keiji.." He said softly and then when Liam showed up he looked at him. "We'll be fine..Seven of them..six of us..If no one else can hack it I'll take the other one.." He said calmly, he felt no worry from and plain assassin's he'd fought them before. Nothing special about them. "They probably have some business deal with some less then patriotic citizen of Bevelle.." He said calmly, Assassins, he liked the idea of getting some training in early in this little tour. "If your really that worried Liam let's keep up guard...We'll make it through this, we're not ordinary and we're far from under trained." He said as he looked towards both Liam and Azrael, he laughed softly at Keiji. "Keiji says that we're in for a bumpy ride.." He said as he patted the Dragon on the head.

He didn't know wither to believe it or not, but right now they could all use some issue of calm. "Liam, you think they could have got on board with us..I didn't see anything and Keiji here couldn't feel any harmful will towards us nearby.." He said softly. He then looked down at his helm and twirled it alittle bit. His eyes returned to Liam. "If they are tailing us, how much time would we have before they caught up to us..and what would be the best plan to counter act them..?" He asked mostly to himself then to anyone else. He then thought about it harder, his head swam with ideas of what it could be. He knew they'd be fine though, they had someone with knowledge of the Assassin's but they also had those that ride the winds..The Dragoons. He smiled at that thought. "Liam What do you know of The assassin's other then their Garb..could they be wanting one of us.. or all..?" He asked turning to the male, without his helm Zell was right he looked almost identical to it, his eyes unblinking and his face solid steel with no emotion visible.


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Liam looked down at the ground, slightly ashamed. " cold be any of us, or all of us, really. Most of the Guild will take a job for anybody, just for a bit of Gil. Or...and this is what I of the more honorable members of the Guild has sent them after me. You see, I once belonged to the Guild. It's where I learned my craft, especially my combat and subterfuge skills. But I left the Guild when I discovered what I was, and traveled here to Bevelle. Some of the higher ups probably weren't too pleased with me after that. If we discover that to be the case, I volunteer to allow you all to travel without me. I don't want to put Spira in danger because of my ego. I'll find a way to make sure they don't decide that you're worth their time, so you can all defeat Sin." Looking up, he got a glint in his eye. "Don't mistake me though. If it isn't me specifically that they're after, I'll not entertain delusions of grandeur, as in that case, me leaving would only make it harder.


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Zell leaned against the railing of the ship as the parade continued slowly. He listened intently as the group was discussing the issue of the seven assassins. " cold be any of us, or all of us, really. Most of the Guild will take a job for anybody, just for a bit of Gil. Or...and this is what I of the more honorable members of the Guild has sent them after me." Liam explained. He continued his story and then said, "If we discover that to be the case, I volunteer to allow you all to travel without me. I don't want to put Spira in danger because of my ego. I'll find a way to make sure they don't decide that you're worth their time, so you can all defeat Sin."

"Oh, cut it out." Zell interjected. "Even if they were after you, it's not like we'd just let you go." He looked off into the crowd, with a bored look on his face. "Besides, who'd like to wager the odds of them being after me?" Zell said as he playfully tossed up and down his new metal toy. "There are a lot of guys here ticked off at me for cleaning them out when I got here. But who knows? Maybe they could even be after Lucas, the sole survivor of a warrior family. How about the grand-son of the great Wakka, Riley? Or maybe even Carina, there are those traditionalists who despise half humans. There could even be those after you, mister Azrael." He said, looking at him. "By the way, you'd be surprised what you could find out in this cities underground information network." He said with a smile. "The alleyways are full of rats full of information. Hope you don't mind, I was out a bit last night, and I got curious about my new 'friends'." He turned around and faced the crowd again. "Point is, we are all possible targets. Not just by Sin and the monsters of this world. Isn't that why lady luck brought us together?"

"Indeed!" boomed Lani. "Without you all, everyone's lives would drown in despair. You must stick together friends!" Zell was annoyed by this person slightly, but said nothing. "Now prepare yourselves, the parade is almost over, then we can proceed with the next step!" He then faced back towards the front.

The setting changes from Bevelle to Spira


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#, as written by Epsilon
((Sorry,ignore this.))

The setting changes from Spira to Bevelle


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#, as written by Epsilon
Carina nodded as Azrael smiled at her,"Yeah, just slightly amazed," He had replied.
"I guess we all are." She assumed as she looked down at the children cheering shrilly,she thought she caught a glimpse and a swirl of a black cloak out of the corner of her eye.When she did a double-take,there was no sign to prove she had seen anything at all.Blinking a couple of times,she turned her attention to the guado who spoke in a loud voice that resonated with an air of such authority,it was hard for her to ignore what was being said.Not that she was trying to or anything,it was strange how she felt compelled to listen.As soon as an Al Bhed operated platform descended from the sky and floated above the ground,the rogue stepped after the other Aeon Wielders lightly,getting a few loud whistles from the men.She pulled out her cloak,draped it tightly around her and pulled the hood over her head, and snarling in disgust.She wasn't some piece of candy that strangers can drool over and being the only female made her feel worse.Carina waved at the crowd lightly,masking her true feelings as she stood in the centre of the platform.

Directing her attention to the many airships above,she pointed out that she liked the small blue one in particular,admiring the way it cut through the air like a hot blade through butter.Carina didn't really speak but just stared out at the colourful balloons in thought. I wonder if I'll able be ever to enjoy another sight like this.It's better than seeing a sea of sand back at Home. She sighed and turned back to the group,standing with her arms folded. Lucas looked to be more occupied with his dragon than the speech and not so long ago,a moogle flew up to Zell with something like a gift.Riley seemed to be examining the others just as she was.They are the strangers that I must be travelling with.. Carina contemplated with half the interest. By this point,she had completely zoned out into a world of her own thoughts of the parade as she saw Liam speak but didn't pick up on a lot,only the words, 'Watched,traditional, and garb.' Returning her gaze back to the stalls,Carina cringed as the loud shouting continued.It really was a big event but why wasn't she feeling as festive as they? Chuckling lightly as she saw a young girl by the age of seven wave at her,Carina pulled her cloak back and smiled.

As the discussion continued,Carina frowned at what Zell had said, "Well excuse me for being Al Bhed." She whined,pouting childishly before becoming serious, "Since we have the aeons on our side, wouldn't that make things a little more than fair for us?" The rogue then shook her head,feeling a little more disturbed than she let on. No,why would there be people trying to stop our progress? Don't they want to keep Spira safe like everyone else? "Leaving someone behind won't make a difference: they'll still chase after us. I know I am a rogue and all but I'll put that aside and say that as long as there's a reward involved...You get the point." I honestly hope it's not me...Now this is what I call depressing....


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#, as written by Linger
Once all the Aeon wielders were on the platform it moved slowly through the crowd through the streets of Bevelle, children waving, mothers crying. Though there was still no sign of the black hooded figures. Azrael watched with a smile on his youthful face with a small smile, trying to wave at everyone. Eventually they will be at the mouth of Bevelle where they would begin their travel alone, together in Spira. From time to time Azrael would look over at Liam, that would turn his smile into a childish, curious grin, then back to the crowd he would wave.

It seemed out of no where when the earth started to shake from under them, even though the platform that the Aeon Wielders were on where inches off the ground, it shook to. Azrael grabbed the rail quickly, for support. He looked out at the crowd of people, people begun to fall, glass from some of the building begun to fall. He gasped, he looked at who was under it. His eyes were fixated on a child, no older then 7 years old. He did not hesitate.

Azrael leaped from the rail, onto the shaking ground, keeping his balance as he ran to the crying child. He could hear his heart beat, racing, beating, pounding. He could feel or see nothing around him. The child looked up, though as she did, Azrael put his arm around her, bending over a little to get at her level. He stretched out his arm above him, and looked at the glass, blue sparks came from his hands, a long lightning chain emitted from his hand at the glass that was now only a yard away. It all blew up into tiny jewel pieces immediately. Azrael covered the child with his body, until all the glass fell. He looked at her,"Find shelter." He said softly, she just nodded and they both went their separate ways.

The earthquake was over, though a new threat seemed to have struck. everyone was running away from the mouth of Bevelle. Azrael frowned as he moved through the passing people. The the corner of his eyes he could see people with robes watching him, though when he turned to look. No one was there. He came to the end of the large crowd. He covered his gasping mouth with one of his hands at what he saw.

Sin Spawns...


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As the ground shook around the Aeon Wielders, Liam allowed instinct to kick in, taking over his actions. He leapt over the railing of their slightly floating platform, and by the time he landed on the ground again, he had already grabbed and strung his bow. He looked around quickly, looking for a threat. As buildings fell, he he saw Azrael rescue a small child. Nodding in satisfaction that the civilians were safe from that at least, he looked in the direction from which everybody was running. He rushed forward, eyes widening, to stand beside Azrael. Looking down on the boy, worry in his eys, he shouted for the civilians to hear him. "Everybody get back to the conclave of the New Yevon! Let us handle this!" He looked at Azrael once more, a strange feeling stirring in his gut. For some reason, he felt like he had to protect him. He didn't quite understand it. But he knew it to be true. Lowering his voice, he said so that only Azrael would hear him. "Don't get hurt, okay kid? Hang back, let the pros handle this. Lucas! Zell! Feel up to a fight?" He drew an arrow, notching it easily, as he ran up the nearest pile of rubble, attempting to get a good vantage point. Shouting down to the others, he looked across the arrow, looking for some kind of weak point. "Anybody here have any ideas how to beat these things?"


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#, as written by Soki
Luke's ear's perked up at the thought of a fight. "Oh finally something that I can do without hurting anyone!" He called as he put a foot to the railing and using his natural jump skill pushed off flying towards both Liam and Azrael. He stopped calmly and landed smiling as he pulled the sword from his back. "I do..let's charge this thing and find out where it's weakest.." he placed a hand on Azrael's shoulder and smiled. "Give it some of that magic of yours kid.." He said as he jumped up next to Liam. "I do have an Idea it's risky but well.." he shrugged and looked over. "would be the best kind of attack I can think of.."

He said it calmly and looked at the spawn, he didn't really know how to describe any of this right now, he could feel his heart thudding against his chest. The hunger to do battle, he shook his head trying to stop his mind from going blank and feral, he needed to keep his head about him, if he went nuts in a fight he'd up hurting someone.


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The earthquake made Zell fall over to his knees. Quickly picking himself up, he scanned his surroundings trying to figure out what had happened. People, were screaming, running in one general direction. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw several flashes of black rush through the crowds. He quickly turned and tried to look for it again, but nothing. Before he could even wonder what he just saw, he heard a loud crack of thunder coming from the other side of the street. Zell jerked his head back and saw that Azrael was rescuing a little girl. "Ruho--!,"he swore. "The game sure changed quick."

"Lucas! Zell! Feel up to a fight?" Zell looked back up as Liam called him over.

Zell sighed. "I guess the match play begins now?" He got up and jumped over the railing, rushing over to the others. As he did so, he drew a card from each of his wrist holders and, with a small flash, caused both cards to grow exponentially larger, almost looking like he's holding two swords. The group was already discussing strategies as he approached.

"Let's charge this thing and find out where it's weakest.." Lucas said as he looked over at Azrael. "Give it some of that magic of yours kid.." He said as he jumped up next to Liam. "I do have an Idea it's risky but well.." he shrugged and looked over. "would be the best kind of attack I can think of.."

"Heh, hey! Risky sounds great!" Zell piped up. "Can't get a big payout if you don't gamble big." With a wave of his arm, he summons three ghostly slots in midair, each holding a different symbol. "As for me, I have a few tricks up my own sleeves." He paused, then looked back at the others. "Well, if I had sleeves."


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Liam nodded. "Got it. I suppose I'll just start shooting then." He relesed his first arrow, then quickly fired three more in succession, heading for various body parts of the beast, then turned towards some of the smaller minions, and loosed several arrows at each of them. Grinning at the effect it had, as the pyreflies rose, he turned towards the others. "Well, the good news is, the small ones aren't much of a threat." His smile dropped instantly, however, as he looked at the large beast again. His arrows had done pretty much nothing. Cursing, he unstrung the bow, and held it in the middle by his right hand, weilding it as the double sided blade it was. He hopped down from the pile of rubble, and ran back towards his friends. "Well that obviously didn't work. I suppose I'll just rush it with the rest of you. Except Azrael. You should hang back and do what you can with magic. And stay out of the way, okay Kid?" He pointed at the beast with his hands clasped, two fingers on each extending, shouting. "Wood Veil!" Instantly, vines sprang up from the ground, attempting to grab it. As soon as one got a hold, soon did the rest as well. "There! That should slow it down at least! Let's go!" He began running forward with all of his considerable speed. "Let's get this over with!"

The setting changes from Bevelle to Spira


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#, as written by Soki
Lucas shook his head, He got ready and leaped his sword in his hand as he swung it hard creating a wave of pure wind slicing through several of the smaller beasts as he landed on the wall and jumped again rising he whistled summoning Keiji as the little spitfire began to unleash small fire balls at the large creature, though not hurting it but drawing it's attention as Lucas readied his attack and slashed again. His wind slash did almost nothing maybe taking a chunk of the creatures skin as he landed and jumped back from an attack from one of the minions as he landed on another and jumped back again. "This is almost pointless..Are attacks do no good.." He called back and looked towards Azrael. "You'll have to weaken it with your magic first or we'll be sitting ducks.." he said as he pushed an arm out towards Liam, "not a good idea mate.."

He looked over at him his face showing emotion even though his face was hidden mostly by the mask. "Let's just make sure none of the little ones get to Azrael He'll have to do the one damaging the big guy.." he said calmly and smiled softly. "Keep that bow handy.." he said softly and swung his sword at an arc cutting through three of the small ones. "We'll need so range attacks to keep the little ones farther back.."

The setting changes from Spira to Bevelle


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Zell stood in front of Azrael. "Don't worry, I don't particularly care to get my hands dirty, so why don't we do this?" As he said that, many of the insect like sin spawn started charging them. "Let's see what lady luck has in store for us." With another wave of his arm, the symbols on the ghostly slots began to spin, and slowly came to a stop on at a time. The first slot...thunder cloud. The second slot...thunder cloud. The third slot is...embers. "Ruho! I've been on a cold streak lately..." The bugs charging came closer. "Gah, no time to cry!" He charged the enemies with his giant cards. Swinging them like blades, he was easily able to cut them down and defeat them. Then, a larger swarm came at them. "Tch, looks like I need to up the ante...!" He dropped the cards and quickly waved his hands, summoning a large water geyser to erupt from the ground, killing some of the sin spawn and scattering the rest of them. "It's okay kid," he said turning to Azrael. "I can handle the tyro." He said, now holding dice in his hand. He turned his attention back to the sin spawn bugs. "C'mon you pests, I bet you've never played against 'an arm' before have you?"

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Spira by Linger



Bevelle by RolePlayGateway

"Bevelle is at the heart of Spira, even today. It's also the place where I was born. I suppose that makes it my hometown, but I can't say that I have a lot of fond memories here." ~Yuna

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Azrael
Character Portrait: Carina -Areeya- Stenmark
Character Portrait: Zell Rouge
Character Portrait: Liam D. Angelou


Character Portrait: Liam D. Angelou
Liam D. Angelou

"Heh. You think running will help? I'd like to see you outpace this."

Character Portrait: Zell Rouge
Zell Rouge

Let the games...begin.

Character Portrait: Carina -Areeya- Stenmark
Carina -Areeya- Stenmark

'Tis thou who shoust be slain by mine blade.By mine determination will I stand triumphant!

Character Portrait: Azrael

May my magic defy the strengths of the enemy.


Character Portrait: Zell Rouge
Zell Rouge

Let the games...begin.

Character Portrait: Carina -Areeya- Stenmark
Carina -Areeya- Stenmark

'Tis thou who shoust be slain by mine blade.By mine determination will I stand triumphant!

Character Portrait: Azrael

May my magic defy the strengths of the enemy.

Character Portrait: Liam D. Angelou
Liam D. Angelou

"Heh. You think running will help? I'd like to see you outpace this."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Zell Rouge
Zell Rouge

Let the games...begin.

Character Portrait: Liam D. Angelou
Liam D. Angelou

"Heh. You think running will help? I'd like to see you outpace this."

Character Portrait: Carina -Areeya- Stenmark
Carina -Areeya- Stenmark

'Tis thou who shoust be slain by mine blade.By mine determination will I stand triumphant!

Character Portrait: Azrael

May my magic defy the strengths of the enemy.

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Spira by Linger



Bevelle by RolePlayGateway

"Bevelle is at the heart of Spira, even today. It's also the place where I was born. I suppose that makes it my hometown, but I can't say that I have a lot of fond memories here." ~Yuna


Bevelle Owner: RolePlayGateway

"Bevelle is at the heart of Spira, even today. It's also the place where I was born. I suppose that makes it my hometown, but I can't say that I have a lot of fond memories here." ~Yuna

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