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Judith Reed

"I'm only trying to help."

0 · 397 views · located in Coon Falls, Virginia

a character in “For Your Entertainment”, as played by shatari19




Judith Anne Reed



View above pictures. Judith is about the same height as Darrin. She is very thin, perhaps due to running after Darrin's two children. She has no tattoos and only her ears are pierced. Her eyes match Darrin's though her hair is a more natural red than the brown of her son's.

Judith is a very kind and generous woman. She loves helping those that cannot help themselves. She's become more serious, as of late due to her son's drug habits. Before all of the troubles with Hannah and Darrin, Judith was always smiling or laughing. She loved life.

+The Band
+Her Son
+Her Grandchildren


Judith married Mick Reed as soon as she'd graduated from high school. It didn't take long for them to have Darrin. The two had been so very happy. All they'd wanted was a child. Shortly after Darrin's birth, Judith found out that she could have no other children. She couldn't believe it. All that she'd ever dreamed of when she was a child was having a house full of children. She became very close to her son as he grew older. If she could have no other children, then she would make sure that her only child knew that she loved him. When Darrin created the band, Judith had supported him completely, unlike his father. As the years progressed, she was given two grandchildren. Though she was not able to see them as often as she would have liked, she would often call to speak with them. When she'd received the call from Darrin, informing her of Hannah leaving, she'd been furious. What kind of mother would leave her family like that? When Darrin had come to live in Virginia once again, Judith began getting into arguments with her son over his drug habits. It was obvious to her that he was over-doing it.

So begins...

Judith Reed's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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What time it was..or even what day, Darrin had no idea. As of late, he was so drugged up he could barely keep up with the days or time. He couldn't even recall the last time that he'd actually gone downstairs to see any of his family. His mother would still come up to his bedroom to try and speak with him, or to try and convince him to leave the room. At one time, he would have been thankful for his mother's constant pestering. Not anymore. Due to the large amounts of alcohol and pills that he would take, he couldn't stand the constant pestering. He would often lose his temper with his mother. He'd recently began locking himself in his room. He didn't want to see anyone. He felt as if he was slowly loosing everything that he'd ever had. As Darrin lay in his large bed, merely starring up at the ceiling, he wondered..why had Hannah left him..them? He'd always given her everything that she ever wanted. He could see no reason for her to leave him nor their children.

As he'd just woken up, Darrin had yet to take anything that morning. He was able to recall that his mother had mentioned to him that they would be welcoming someone new into the home. Who was it? The handsome man racked his mind, trying to recall what he'd obviously forgotten. Suddenly, it hit him. A woman was coming to stay with help out with the children. What was her name? Darrin was sure that his mother had informed him of the woman's name. It didn't matter. He wasn't planning on having anything to do with her. Gently sitting up, Darrin looked over to the nightstand. On top of it sat a beautiful lamp, a clock, a pill bottle, and a large glass container that held some forgotten kind of alcohol. Gently rubbing his face with a hand, Darrin debated with himself for a moment. Of course he knew that he shouldn't be taking the pills or drinking so much, but it helped him to forget the past three years. In the rare moments that he wasn't out of it, Darrin did feel terrible about ignoring his children. He was no good at being a husband nor at being a father. Just these thoughts were enough to drive him to quickly pop a few pills and drink a few shots of the very strong alcohol.

It wasn't long before Darrin began feeling the effects of the mixture. Slowly, he laid back down on his bed, pulling the blankets up and over his head. Darrin recalled the events that happened nearly three years ago, as he closed his eyes. When Hannah had disappeared that awful day, Darrin had been worried sick. She had been supposed to pick the kids up from school and daycare but had just never shown up. Luckily, the kids teacher's had called Darrin to let him know that she still had his children. He'd picked them up, at first being quite angry that Hannah hadn't gone to get them. He'd taken them home, fixed them something to eat, made sure that they finished their homework, and put them to bed...and still no Hannah. It was by then that he'd really started to worry. Darrin had begun calling her phone, calling her family. No answer and her family hadn't heard from her that day. Becoming frightened for his wife, he called the police. They wouldn't be able to do anything for forty eight hours.

Darrin had stayed up most of that night, worrying. In the morning, he had to get his children ready for school and take them there. He'd called Kris Manser, his closest friend, to let him know what was going on. By around noon, he received a text message from Hannah. All that she said was that she no longer loved him, the kids. She needed a life of her own. Darrin felt his world collapsing around him. His entire being belonged to Hannah and she didn't love him. He didn't know how to react. Slowly, as the next few days passed by, Darrin found himself not being able to really take care of his children properly. He had called his mother, asking her to watch them until he decided what he was going to do. Judith had flown out to the family's large home in California. She'd spoken for a long time with Darrin. She could not believe what Hannah had done. She attempted to comfort her son, to no avail. He was too far brokenhearted. She took her grandchildren and flew back to Coon Falls, keeping them at her small home.

Darrin stayed in California for another three months before he'd completely stopped caring about his career. He tried to leave the band, though his bandmates wouldn't hear it. Darrin resorted to calling them extremely hateful names, saying hurtful things. The other men became very angry with Darrin and at the time had not cared that he was leaving them. Darrin flew to Virginia to be with his family. He told his mother that they would be living in his large home that was located on the outskirts of the town, near the falls. At first everything seemed to be all right. Darrin had seemed to be holding up as well as could have been expected. Slowly, as Judith would come over to the house everyday, she would notice that Darrin was usually drunk or had been taking some sort of drugs. He'd lost weight, didn't seem to care about his appearance, his eyes were usually bloodshot. His behavior had begun to change as well. Darrin had begun to have a bad temper, he'd lost any interest in singing or practicing his guitar, he was trying to push many people away from himself. Judith was beginning to worry about her son. No matter what Judith or her husband Mick said to Darrin, he just wouldn't listen to them. It had gotten to the point that Judith was staying at Darrin's home all the time. She was afraid to leave the children alone with the messed up man.
As he lay there, un-moving, Darrin could hear Taylor and Nichola running down the long hallway. He wanted so badly to be there for the young children..but how could he be when he couldn't even help himself?


It was a bright and clear morning at the Reed house. From the outside, the home looked quite peaceful. A place that one would want to visit. The house was located a bit farther out than many in the small town preferred to live. It was well known around Coon Falls that the Reed's son had moved back home almost three years before with his two children to be closer to his family. The reasoning behind his move had been kept a mystery at first but then the media had begun releasing news about the event that, in the locals minds, had led to the move. They had left the Reeds alone for the most part. There had been a few older women that had spoken with Judith Reed a few times, trying to find out what was going on. It had been no secret that Darrin, Judith's son, was famous and part of the rock group Unfinished Belief. Naturally, everyone wanted to know why the band had broken up. Judith had not said much except that her son had felt that a break was needed. Rumors were circulating around the town still, no answers were found.

When news began to spread that Judith was looking for a nanny to hire to help with her two grandchildren, all of the girls in town had applied. Even some girls from different states. Judith had not been sure how so many people had found out about the position. She'd not really advertised it except in Coon Falls. The task of finding someone who would truly care for the children and not care who their father was had been very hard. She'd interviewed at least two hundred girls and had thought that it was a lost cause until she'd met Adrianne Johnson. She'd liked the girl from the start. She spoke with Adrianne several times before offering her the position, which the girl gladly had accepted.

Judith was currently moving about the kitchen as she heard the children running down the stairs. A small smile graced her face. Considering everything that they had been through, the two children seemed to be holding up as well as could be expected. They were always playing together, having fun. Judith was glad. At first she'd been very worried. Taylor seemed to be the one suffering the most. He'd known his mother, been quite close to her. Nichola, on the other hand, had never known her mother. She didn't seem to mind not having the woman around. "You two better be dressed." Judith yelled, "Miss Adrianne will be here any time." Judith smiled as she heard grumbling. They'd not gotten ready. She heard their footsteps as they quickly made their way back up to their rooms.

She began fixing breakfast, putting out several plates. She decided to fix something easy, eggs and toast. While quickly cooking, Judith quickly pulled her hair up into a messy bun. She really needed to get her hair cut. It was getting quite long and was always getting in her way. The children came running down the stairs once again. "It's time to eat. Go ahead and head into the dining room. I'll bring your plates." The children quickly made their way into the dining room and took their seats. Taylor sat quietly whereas Nichola was beaming. The young girl was exited about the new nanny. She hoped that the woman would want to play with her and Taylor.

Judith brought in the two plates, sitting one in front of each child. She then left, back into the kitchen, picking up the drinks for the children. She made her way back into the dining room, sitting the cups down. Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. She smiled, quickly making her way to the door. She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. Judith slowly pulled open the door, revealing the woman that she'd been waiting on. "I'm so glad that you're here! Come in! I'd like to introduce you to the children!" Judith said, gently leading the woman into the home. She waited a moment before leading the woman into the dining room. Judith had insisted that Adrianne stay with them while she was working for them. She'd seen no reason to make the woman drive out to the home every single day. "This is Taylor, he's the oldest, six. This here is Nichola, she's only four." Judith watched the three closely. She hoped that they would get along. Judith wondered if Adrianne had noticed that the children's father was missing from the breakfast table. She tried not to worry about it. She gave the three time to speak with one another before ushering the woman into the kitchen. "I'll give you a tour of the house after we take Darrin something to eat. I'm..actually not sure if he'll even open his door but we can try. I know that I hired you to take care of the children, but..if you could possibly try to get through to my make him see that he needs to straighten up, I would be so very grateful to you. He just won't listen to me." Judith quickly made up a plate for Darrin and then led the way up the stairs.

The home was three stories high. All of the bedrooms and the children's playroom were located on the second floor. Judith came to stop at the very first door on the left. "This is Darrin's room. He usually keeps his door locked and honestly, I'll be surprised if you see him at all. I can't even tell you the last time that he came out of his room." Judith attempted to smile at the woman. "Your room is the one next to Darrin's. Feel free to redecorate it as you wish. Just let me know if you need anything and I can get Mick to pick it up." Judith gently knocked on Darrin's door. She waited a minute, not hearing her son at all. She sighed heavily. "Darrin? I have your breakfast. Are you hungry?" Judith eyed the locked door. "I'll leave it downstairs for you if you decide you want to eat." Judith led the way back down the stairs and back into the kitchen. She placed the plate in the microwave and then turned to Adrianne. "I'll let you take your things to your settle in. When you're ready I'll be down here. I'll show you the rest of the property when you're ready." The older woman began cleaning the kitchen, signaling that Jane was free to settle into her new room.


When their grandmother had introduced the nanny to them, both children had eyed the woman for a moment. Nichola was the first to speak up. "Hi! I'm Nichola! Who are you?" the little girl asked, eyeing the woman and smiling brightly. The girl didn't seem to care that her brother was being so silent. She'd become used to it. It was rare that he'd talk to anyone but her. "Nana says that you're gonna be staying with us! Is that true?" Nichola was beaming at Adrianne. She wasn't used to having another woman, save for her Nana, in the home. She'd never known her mother, so did not understand why her brother seemed so bothered by the woman's disappearance.

Taylor was eyeing the woman, almost as if he didn't want anything to do with her. He only wanted his Mommy back. He still could not understand why she'd left them. He didn't say anything but merely nodded with his sister as she spoke with the female. Taylor wondered if his father knew this woman was going to be staying with them. He couldn't imagine the man being happy about it. He would have to speak with Nichola later to see what she truly thought of the woman.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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Adrianne looked in her back seat at all her bags as she drove. She couldn't believe Judith had asked her to stay with them as she worked as the nanny of the house. She was slightly happy though since it was a bit of a drive out to the family's house.

When she arrived she decided to leave her bags in the car until she was told to settle in. So with that she got out of her car and walked up to the house. She knocked on the door and waited, wondering what was in store for her. She didn't know a whole lot about the situation, just that the father of these children wasn't willing to care for them at the moment and so the grandparents needed help. She found it terribly sad that a father would neglect his children like this.

As the door opened, Adrianne gave a smile to the older woman. She had grown fond of her after the few times they had spoken. "Thank you very much." She said as she walked through the door. She followed the woman so she could be introduced to the children. When she walked into the dining room she gave a friendly smile to both the children. She couldn't help but giggle at the little girls enthusiasm.

"It's very nice to meet you Nichola. My name is Adrianne." She said with a sweet smile in her Scottish accent that wasn't as difficult to understand as some. "Your Nana spoke right, I'm am coming to stay with you guys. I'm here to care for you and play games with you guys." She said happily and then looked at the little boy. She could tell something was off with him.

"You must be Taylor. It's very nice to meet you also and I'm looking forward to spending time with you and your sister." She said sweetly before following Judith into the kitchen. She nodded at everything she said and wondered why her son was acting the way he was.

As Judith headed upstairs, Adrianne followed closely behind. She looked at what was to be her room and smiled. "I shall be sure to let you know if I need anything. Thank you so much for your hospitality." She said kindly. After the older woman said she'd leave her to get settled she headed back downstairs and to her car. She gathered some bags and took them up to her room. It took a few trips, but once she had everything up there she began to unpack.

As soon as she was done she walked out of her room and looked down the hallway. What a large house. I think my rooms even bigger than the apartment I was living in. She then began to head back downstairs, but stopped in front of Darrin's room. Why is he neglecting those sweet children? She wondered to herself as she stood there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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Darrin, laying upon his bed, had ignored his mother's call. He did not feel hungry at all and honestly he wasn't sure why she even bothered to get him to eat. He felt no reason to and would usually wait until everyone was in bed before leaving his room. However, perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go ahead and eat. He gently but groggily sat up on his bed. He looked around his bedroom, taking in all of the nice and expensive things that his fame had gotten him. Yet..with everything that he'd accomplished he'd not been able to make Hannah happy. Darrin could feel a deep sadness ripple through his body. If he couldn't keep his happy then how was he to keep his children happy? The man ran his hands over his face and his palms came to rest of his forehead. How did his life come to be so terrible?

He looked over to the bottle of alcohol. He briefly wondered if it would make him feel any better by drinking more. In the back of his mind, Darrin knew that abusing his body the way that he now was would do no good in the long run, however..he just couldn't seem to stop. He sighed heavily as he slid off of his bed. Standing there in his room, Darrin's thoughts strayed to the newcomer..the nanny. For the life of him he could not recall her name though he was certain that his mother had told him. He couldn't imagine it being easy to find someone that did not know of him or his band. He couldn't even go out without at least one person recognizing him. There was a time when he'd truly not minded about such things. He'd always adored his fans and even enjoyed taking pictures with them..talking with them. He'd not been out in public since Hannah had left. He could only imagine the swarm if he did leave his home.

Darrin made his way slowly to his bathroom that overlooked part of the house and garden. He slowly took his clothes off and proceeded to get into the shower. He pulled the curtains closed and then turned the water on. He stepped beneath the downpour, allowing the warm droplets to run all over his thinning body. He closed his eyes and found himself thinking about the band. He could remember the day that he decided to start a band with his friends. He had been wanting to do something to make a difference. All throughout school, Darrin had always been picked on and bullied quite badly. He'd even thought about killing himself at one point when it had gotten very bad. He'd wanted so badly to help those that were going through what he'd gone through. He had begun speaking with his friends, telling them his concept for the band that he was wanting to form. They'd all loved it. A band that would have a reason for being. Darrin nor any of the other men truly cared about money or fame. No. They wanted to help have reason for being. So, after the Unfinished Belief formed, they quickly gained fame and fortune. They were greatly loved by their fans for their kindness and honesty. Darrin swore that he would never let his fans down..

As he opened his eyes, Darrin realized that everything that he'd ever stood for..was lost to him. He had given in to everything that he'd ever tried to convince his fans not to do. He turned around in the shower, bathing himself. As his did so, he couldn't help but wonder what his fans would say now..if they could see him. They'd stop being my fans.. The thought saddened him. He was pathetic and he knew it and yet..there was nothing that he could do to change it.

Darrin finished his shower and got out, drying off. He walked over to the sink and shaved his face. He then proceeded to brush out his hair and dry it. Once he was finished, he walked back into his bedroom and to his closet. He quickly found a outfit: a old band tee, jeans, converse, and a black hoodie. He then grabbed his phone, cigarettes, lighter, and sunglasses. He quickly put his sunglasses on his face but then proceeded to push them up on top of his head, capturing his fading red hair. He walked to his bedroom door and opened it, coming face to face with a strange red haired woman. Darrin stopped, confused. "It's impolite to stand in the way of someone..especially in their own home." he asked, eyeing the woman. He quickly slid around her and made his way down the stairs. He wanted nothing to do with her.

he entered into the kitchen and saw his mother washing some dishes. She turned around when she saw him. 'Darrin! I didn't expect you to come down. Are you hungry? I can heat up your food if you'd like?" Darrin remained silent for a moment as he walked through the kitchen. "Yes..that would be fine." With that, Darrin made his way into the dining room and sat down. It wasn't long before his mother was sitting a plate in front of him as well as some ice water. He quietly began eating, ignoring his mother..the nanny..his children. He only wanted to be left alone.


When Judith heard someone coming down the stairs, she had assumed that it was Adrianne. She had been wrong, however. It was Darrin. To say that she was shocked, was an understatement. As soon as she saw him, she quickly spoke. "Darrin! I didn't expect you to come down. Are you hungry? I can heat up your food if you'd like?" She only nodded when her child said that he would eat. She watched him as he went into the other room. Judith began heating up food and fixing Darrin something to drink. As she waited for the food to get done, she thought about how glad she was that she'd sent the children outside to play. At least if Darrin lost his temper they wouldn't be around to witness it. She sighed softly. She hoped that Adrianne hadn't ran into Darrin. She could only hope that if the woman had, her son had been kind though she doubted it.

Judith pulled the plate out of the microwave and picked up the drink. She took the items into the dining room and sat them in front of Darrin. The man said nothing to her and honestly she was not surprised. Judith quietly left the dining room and reentered the kitchen. She began doing some cleaning though the kitchen was not dirty at all. It was really more to keep her busy than anything. She still needed to show Adrianne around and wanted to be somewhere the woman could easily find her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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Adrianne jumped when the door opened and the she saw the man standing there. She had to admit that she did stare at him a little bit, but was just about to mover out of the way when he called her impolite. Her stare turned into a glare as she felt her fiery red head temper bubble up in her. She knew she needed to calm and control herself, but not before she spoke. "Well I think it's impolite to ignore your mother and your children, but that doesn't stop you." She spat as he walked down the stairs. She instantly regretted what she said and realized she may have just made matters worse. She was kicking herself as she slowly made her way down the stairs. She slowly made her way to the kitchen to find Judith.

When she arrived she saw she was cleaning things, but Adrianne thought that the kitchen looked spotless already. She realized she had probably been waiting for her to come down and so Adrianne felt a little bad for making her wait. "Sorry for making you wait so long Judith. The room is very nice though, thank you for allowing me to stay here." She said sweetly while giving the older woman a smile. She looked around for Darrin, but figured he probably disappeared into the dinning room or something to eat. She almost wondered if she should go and apologize to him, but ignored that thought for the time being. She lived here now and she could do that any time.

(Sorry it's short, I'm not feeling well today so my brains not functioning properly haha.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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Judith stopped cleaning once Adrianne joined her in the kitchen. She smiled kindly at the woman. "I'm glad that you liked the room. Speak nothing of it. This house is big enough for several people..and then some." It wasn't lost on Judith that Adrianne seemed to be looking for someone..most likely Darrin. She said nothing, however. She assumed that the two had conversed shortly upstairs though she could not be certain unless she asked one of them. She would stay out of it unless she saw signs of one of them being angry. "Well, I suppose we should get on to the tour. Come along..we'll start down here." The older woman slowly led the way, a small smile on her face. The quickly reached the living room where the children were sitting on the two stools, watching some cartoons. Judith entered the room and moved so that the younger woman could stand near her. "This is the living room. The children usually either stay in here, in their playroom, or the yard. If they are outside, someone must accompany them. Anyway, we keep movies in the closet over in the right corner. Feel free to watch anything that we have."

She paused for a moment, watching the children. Taylor was, as always, being silent. Nichola, however was laughing and smiling, seemingly having fun with her brother. Judith smiled gently at the two. "You two stay down here. I'm going to show Ms. Adrianne around the house..okay?" She received only nods from the children. Judith nodded to Adrianne, asking her to follow her. She led the way down the long hall. It was not long before the came to a door on the right. Judith opened it. "This is the laundry room. You shouldn't have to frequent this room too often. I'll still be handling this. Laundry is done on Wednesdays and Sundays. However, if you'd prefer to do your own, that is perfectly fine as well." Judith moved back into the hallway. "That is pretty much everything down here. We can go ahead and go upstairs."

Judith led the way back into the kitchen and then up the stairs. When her feet touched the floor of the second floor, she paused, waiting for Adrianne to join her. Once the younger woman was with her, Judith began slowly walking a bit further into the hallway. "Taylor's bedroom and Nichola's bedroom are directly across from Darrin's and your's bedrooms. The door after Nichola's room is their playroom. Other than that, the rest of the rooms up here are just spare rooms that are rarely used anymore. Now, the third floor is the only place that is off limits. The entire third floor is..was used for when Darrin and his band would practice during their off tour times. Since he disbanded Unfinished Belief Darrin won't let anyone enter the third floor. I can't even begin to tell you the last time that I've been up there. He was so proud of that room at one time. Not only does he have instruments for the other guys, but Darrin also has a piano up there. The band's awards and pictures are all over the walls. I can only imagine how much cleaning needs to be done up there. Anyway, enough about that. Just remember not to go up there. I believe that the only things left to show you would be outside. It shouldn't take too awfully long."

The older woman led the way back down the stairs and out onto the small porch that was located off to the side of the house. Right off of the porch was the pool. Judith walked down to the pool and looked out at the sparkling water. "Feel free to use the pool any time. It's well kept. It's another thing that we don't use often enough anymore." Judith slowly walked away from the pool, leading the way to a wooden gate. She opened the gate and walked through. She had entered into the garden that she had attempted to keep up after Darrin had stopped caring about anything. Judith turned to Adrianne. "And this would be the garden. Other than that, I believe that you've seen everything." She looked down at her thin watch that she wore on her left wrist. The tour had take about two hours after all of the walking. "I did want to explain to you what exactly has been going on around here..just so that you know. Darrin was the lead singer and guitarist for the band Unfinished Belief. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of them or not but Darrin lived for the band. When they'd..Darrin and the guys..moved to California, Darrin met Hannah Costella. She was working at one of the restaurants there. They started dating..eventually got married. They even had two children together. It was shortly after Nichola was born that the woman left Darrin. You have to understand. Darrin had given himself completely to her and when she broke him. He's not been the same since. He's slowly gotten worse. I'm surprised that he even came down this morning. I know that he's been drinking..but I can't help but think that he's been taking something as well..I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm hoping that he'll realize what he's doing to the children. Well, I suppose we should head back in. The children are probably wondering where we've gotten off to."

Judith turned and slowly made her way back into the house. When she entered into the kitchen, Judith wondered if Darrin was still downstairs. She somehow doubted it. He'd not seemed in too good a mood that morning. She slowly made her way to the dining room and peered in. The chair that he'd been sitting early was empty. She sighed and cleaned away the plate and glass and took them into the kitchen to clean. She saw Adrianne. "Why don't you go and spend some time with the children? It'll do you all some good to get to know one another."


Darrin had remained silent as he ate, listening as his mother spoke with the young woman that was now staying with them. He waited for some time in the dining room as he knew his mother was showing the woman around the house. Thinking about her, he realized that he was still angered by what the woman had said to him earlier. She had no right to come into his home and talk to him as she had. He would not dwell on it, however. At last, his mother was heading outside with their new house guest. Darrin quickly got up and made his way back up the stairs and entered into his bedroom. He didn't lock the door this time but made his way directly to his bed. He lay down and closed his eyes. He was feeling drained. Even just going downstairs and eating had exhausted him. He could feel himself slowly drifting off to sleep..though no dreams would come to him.

((That's all right! ^^ I really didn't leave a ton to work with. :P lol ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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Adrianne nodded as Judith said they should get on with the tour. It definitely would be helpful to know where everything was in the house otherwise she was positive she would get lost so she followed Judith around. They started with the living room and she smiled as she saw the kids watching TV. They seemed to be such well behaved kids despite all the drama in their family at the moment. She didn't even think she was that well behaved when she was their age and she came from a rather boring background.

The next place Judith showed her was the laundry room and she said she didn't have to worry about that too much since Judith would be keeping up with that. "Oh I can do my own laundry so that you don't have to worry about one more person." She said sweetly with a smile. She'd feel strange if someone else was doing her laundry. She already knew she'd feel strange with not having to clean the house since she was used to having to clean her own house on her own.

Next they headed upstairs and she got to see Taylor and Nichola's bedrooms. She took note of what was in them to know what they kind of liked. Obviously Taylor liked cars like most little boys so she figured she'd try and relate to him with that a little bit. Nichola seemed to be like any other four year old little girl and liked pink and frilly things. She wondered if she'd be interested in learning some dancing. Adrianne thought it might be fun to teach her some ballet and maybe put on a small show for her family. Maybe it could help Darrin come out of his depression too. She'd take that into consideration.

Next they went back downstairs and she got to see the outside. She became rather excited when Judith said she could use the pool. One of her favorite things to do was go swimming so she knew she'd make good use of that. She also enjoyed the garden and thought it would be a peaceful place to go for when she needed alone time.

When Judith began telling her the story of what happened to Darrin and the children, Adrianne listened closely. She had heard of his band, but she didn't know of them very well mostly because they weren't as popular in Scotland as they were here. Plus when living in Scotland and England she was so busy with her ballet that she didn't have much time for listening to music. Even when she moved here she still didn't listen to a whole lot of music. The rest of the story was told and she immediately got irritated with Darrin's ex-wife. How could a mother just abandon her children like that? She didn't understand that.

She followed Judith back inside, thinking of all that she had told her. When she told her to go and get to know the children she nodded. She was about to leave, but stopped. "You know if you ever need help with cleaning or cooking or anything I'd be more than happy to help." She said with a smile and then turned to leave.

She walked into the living room and found the children were still there watching TV. "Mind if I join you too?"She asked with a smile and she got a happy nod from Nichola and then just a small nod from Taylor. Nichola jumped up and moved so she was sitting right next to Adrianne.

"Why do you speak so funny?" Nichola finally asked after a moment of sitting there. Adrianne could tell that she had been thinking about it for awhile and couldn't help but laugh.

"I speak funny? Maybe it's you who speaks funny, little one." She said, still laughing a little and in response she got a confused look from Nichola. You could tell she was really thinking about what Adrianne had just said.

"But I talk like everyone else here." Nichola complained as she crossed her arms over her chest. This caused a smile come over Adrianne's face.

"Well you got me there Nichola. Anyways I talk differently from you because I come from a different place." She said and she glanced over at Taylor. She caught him looking over at her, but when he saw her looking at him he quickly turned back to the TV.

"Well where do you come from?" Nichola asked curiously.

"I come from Scotland. Do you know where that is?" She asked the girl and she shook her head. Adrianne then looked at Taylor. "What about you Taylor, do you know where Scotland is?" He was now paying attention to her and he also shook his head. She was glad she got his attention, she really wanted to get him to open up some. "Well it's far across the sea." She said with a smile. She sat there for the next hour or so talking with both of them and watching TV. By the end of it Nichola had fallen asleep on her lap and Taylor was sitting next to her watching TV.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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|| Three Months Later ||




It was around the afternoon when Darrin awoke that Friday. He slowly opened his eyes, trying to gather himself. He gently ran a hand over his face and then slowly sat up in his bed. He sat there for a long moment,trying to remember if he had anything that he needed to do. He sighed heavily. Of course he had nothing to do. Darrin slowly reached over to the small table that was located next to his bed. He grabbed a pill bottle and poured out a couple of the pills and tossed them into his mouth. He then quickly took a long drink of alcohol. He sat the bottle back down and just sat there on his bed for a few long minutes. He, at last, got up off of his bed and got dress in his usual sort of outfit: jeans, converse, hoodie, and a tee. He even made the attempt to fix his hair. When he was satisfied that he at least looked decent, Darrin slowly made his way out of his room and down the stairs. He entered into the kitchen to find his mother working about, as usual.

When the older woman realized that he was in the room, Judith quickly acknowledged him. " are you feeling today? Are you hungry?" The man eyed her for a short moment. "I'm fine..that would be okay. I'm going to go outside, I think." He didn't wait for his mother to answer but quickly made his way outside to the porch that was so close to the pool. He sat down in one of the chairs and pulled out a cigarette and his lighter. He quickly light the item and began to slowly smoke it. He could hear his children playing possibly in the garden which would mean that..Adrianne was with them. He hoped that they would not realize that he'd come outside. He had no doubt that the children would swarm him if they did see him.

He merely wanted to be left alone. He slowly took another drag of the cigarette. Suddenly, his mother was by his side and was gently handing him a plate. She sat down in the chair next to him but remained quiet for a few long moments. The two of them just sat there, Darrin slowly eating. "Darrin..sweatheart..Don't you think that it would be nice to spend a little more time out here..other than a few minutes? I think that it would do you some good. It's been far too long since you've gotten any sun. Besides, the children are in the garden playing. I'm sure they'd love to see you..spend some time with you." Darrin remained silent. He knew that these were all things that he did truly need to do. However, the drugs that he'd taken just a little while earlier didn't help to make him want to do those things. "I'll stay out here for a bit..but I can't promise you anything." was all that he said. Judith smiled at her son. At least he was going to stay outside for a bit. That was something to be glad of.

When Darrin was finished eating he sat the now empty plate on the small table that was next to his chair. The two adults sat in silence and Darrin was smoking another cigarette. Darrin ended up spending an hour outside and he was now beginning to feel the effects of what he'd taken earlier wearing off. His hands were beginning to shake a bit but he was doing a fair job at hiding it from his mother. Suddenly, a high pitched voice sounded..nearly causing the two adults to fall out of their chairs. "Daddy! Daddy! Of course it was Nichola. The little girl still adored him but he could not figure out why. He gave the small girl a smile. The child threw herself onto Darrin, wrapping her arms around his neck. Darrin wrapped his free arm around the girl. Judith was smiling at the two of them. "And just what have you been up to today?" he asked as the little girl pulled away from him a bit, remaining in his lap. "We were playing in the garden! Ms. Adrianne let us!" This brought a smile to his face. He was glad that they seemed to like their new nanny.

Darrin had yet to really talk to the woman that was now caring for his children. He'd seen no reason to. During the first few weeks that Adrianne had been with them, Judith had pestered Darrin about speaking with the woman..try to be nice to her. He'd refused and after a while his mother finally stopped bothering him about it. Taylor had come up to the porch now and was sitting at Darrin's feet, leaning against his father's legs. The boy was silent, as he was quite often. Darrin knew that he would have to go back upstairs soon but..for some reason he wished that he didn't have to. He loved his children dearly and missed spending time with them..however the pain that he was still constantly trying to drown away was greater than his love for his kids. Nichola had decided that she wanted to lay against his chest..and he allowed it. He handed his cigarette to his mother, freeing up his other arm. Judith smiled at the sight of her son and grandchildren and then smiled at Adrianne. "I hope they've not been too much to handle today. They're always on the go." Judith said to Adrianne. She knew how the children could get. They had their father's energy. Quite often they would remind her of Darrin. It was almost uncanny how much Taylor acted like his father. "Why don't you come sit with us? There's a chair next to Darrin's.' Judith kept smiling hoping that her son wouldn't get angry if the nanny did decide to sit in the chair that was so close to his own.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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It was a bright day full of sunshine there at the Reed house and Adrianne had decided to take the children outside for some fresh air. She had been at the Reed house now for three months and she'd become very acquainted with the children, Judith, and her husband. The only one she still didn't know hardly at all was Darrin and it still bothered her. He rarely ever paid any attention to his children and as a result she was now very close to the children. She cared for them dearly and felt that she would almost do anything for them, especially to protect them.

So on this day full of sunshine she was out in the garden with the children and they were playing tag with her. At the moment she was the one it and of course she wasn't really trying. She wanted the children to feel like they were better than she was. "Can't catch me! Can't catch me!" Nichola yelled tauntingly at Adrianne which caused the older woman to turn towards the small girl. She smiled and began running after her, roaring and acting like she was a monster. This caused Nichola to scream and run away. Taylor then jumped in front of his sister protectively, but a smile on his face as he did so. So Adrianne began going after him as he laughed. "Daddy's outside!" Nichola screamed joyously as she saw her father and took off running towards the house. Adrianne and Taylor stopped and watched the girl disappear. She then looked at Taylor who just had a huge smile on his face and she laughed a little while telling him to go ahead. The boy took off too and Adrianne made her way back also.

As she approached she gave a friendly smile to the group. "Oh they were no trouble at all Judith, they never are. They're great kids." She said sweetly and then she asked her to join them on the porch. Adrianne was hesitant, though, not sure at how Darrin would react. She barely knew the man so she didn't know what would happen, but she decided to take a seat next to him. "We're all glad to see you out of your room." She said as she gave him a friendly smile. She would like to get to know the father of the children she was taking care of a little better so she figured she should make friendly conversation.

(I'm so sorry it took me so long to reply, I was at a hair show all weekend.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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Darrin eyed Adrianne as she made her way to the seat next to him. He quickly took his eyes from her, deciding that perhaps it would be best if he wasn't looking at her. When she spoke to him, however, he found himself looking at her once again. He almost didn't know how to react. It had been some time since he'd had anything to do with anyone, let alone a woman. He was silent for a long moment.

Judith was worried that Darrin was going to completely ignore Adrianne. The older woman shot a sympathetic smile towards the other woman. She knew how Darrin could be..he was still trying to push everyone away from himself. If only there was a way to get him out of his shell. Perhaps she could talk with Adrianne later, see if the younger woman had any ideas.

Darrin finally spoke, startling his mother. "I was feeling claustrophobic." He paused for a short moment. He was obviously lying through his teeth. Even if Adrianne didn't pick up on it, Darrin knew that his mother would. He could already feel the older woman's eyes on him. He hesitated for a moment. He'd been about to continue talking to the young female next to him but for some reason he found that he no longer remembered what he was going to say to her. His eyes found her again though. He probably should at least try to be nice to the woman. Since his high was slowly coming down, Darrin was thinking much more clearly than he had in some time. Suddenly, Nichola was asking Judith to go with her into the house for something.

The older woman followed the little girl, as did Taylor, leaving Darrin and Adrianne alone together outside. Darrin softly spoke to the woman next to him. "So, I see that you've survived them for three months." he said, a hint of a smile upon his face. "They'll be back..probably wanted something to eat. Anyway, thanks." He was, of course, referring to her taking care of the children. Darrin was anything but stupid. He knew that he was not capable of it right now. He needed to help himself before he could even begin to think about taking care of his children. He looked away from Adrianne, merely looking out at the large pool. Darrin had to admit that by not having taken anything in some time..his mind was much clearer and allowed him to think. He needed to dye his was looking rather sad, he knew."I'm going into town in the morning..just so you case I forget to tell Mom. She'd likely freak if she came over and I was gone." He turned his gaze back to Adrianne, taking in her reaction. It had been three years since he'd been out in public. Just hearing that he was planning on going would shock his mother greatly. Maybe he could even get the children something while he was out. They would like that.

((It's all right! I try to be patient! :D Sorry this one was a bit short. I didn't want to go too far ahead without Adrianne's reactions/speech))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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((Ugh what a crazy past couple of days. Sorry I haven't replied sooner, I've had such trouble getting on haha.))

Adrianne noticed that Darrin kept looking at her and it made her feel a little awkward, buy she tried to ignore it. She didn't want to jinx him being out here and spending time with his children especially since she knew the children were dying for this. They constantly asked her what was wrong with their dad and why didn't he spend time with then anymore and she could never answer them to their satisfaction. So she was just glad he was out here with then.

When he said he was feeling claustrophobic she didn't write believe him, but she wasn't going to push it. If that's what he wanted to say it was then so be it, who was she to stop him? She watched as the children and Judith went inside and then say their silently starting at her hands. She was almost debating on getting up and going inside also, but then Darrin spoke. It made her jump when he did so since he had ignored her all this time she had half expected him to continue ignoring her. "Oh those children aren't any trouble. They're wonderful children, I just adore them." She said with a sweet smile. She wasn't lying either, she really did adore the children. Sure they had their moments, but they were good nonetheless.

He then told her he would be going into town in the morning and she peeked up a little, having an idea. "Oh you are? Mind if the kids and I come with you? I was planning on taking them to go see a movie." She asked, hoping maybe he'd be okay with it. It was truth too, though, she really did plan on taking them to a movie sometime this week. "You don't have to come with us, if you just wanna drop us off and pick us up that'd be fantastic. I just figured it'd make things easier." She said quickly so he didn't think he had to go with them. Of course if he wanted to she'd be totally all for it because it'd make the kids happy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrianne Johnson Character Portrait: Judith Reed Character Portrait: Nichola Reed Character Portrait: Taylor Reed Character Portrait: Darrin Reed
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Darrin listened as Adrianne spoke. He hesitated, thinking over the young woman's offer. Did he really want well as his children going into town with him? He guessed that it couldn't hurt anything. "That's fine with me. I don't mind going with you all." He turned his gaze to Adrianne. He'd not been out of the house in so very long. Though he knew that it would be hard on him, not being able to drink or take any of the pills that he normally did throughout the day, he thought that it would be good to stay out of the house for a bit. "I was planning on heading out sometime after breakfast so..if you want we can stop where I was heading and then go to the movies?"

Darrin had gone back to staring out across the property. He could hear the kids laughing about something, still inside the large house with his mother. Sitting there, with Adrianne, Darrin couldn't help but wonder why his ex wife would want to leave them. They had always been wonderful children. He just couldn't imagine what had happened to cause her to hate all of them.

Suddenly, Nichola was throwing herself onto Darrin once again. She caught him off guard but he quickly recovered, sliding one of his arms around her to make sure that she didn't fall to the ground. "Taylor and Nana are still inside. Taylor was being PICKY." Darrin smiled at the little girl. Taylor could be the more picky one out of the two children. The little girl turned her head so that she could see Adrianne. "Adrianne, aren't you hungry? Nana can fix you something. She makes the best sandwiches!" The little girl was smiling brightly. She then looked at her daddy. "Daddy, aren't you hungry?" Darrin laughed lightly. "No. I just ate. But thank you." Nichola was beaming then, glad that she'd gotten her daddy to speak to her. Darrin fell silent for a moment. He figured that Adrianne could tell the children about tomorrow.

((Soooo sorry it took me so long. XD I should be able to reply normally now! :D ))