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Walker McMullin

I really hope you don't mind, but... I'm a bounty hunter.

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a character in “Forged Marriage”, as played by Thundergod1020


Name: Walker McMullin

Age: 20

Gender: Since you apparently can't tell from my face, I'm a guy.

Personality: I'm a carefree guy, if a little foolish. I'm not exactly one to "look before he leaps", and I have been known to get into some trouble due to my age and my job, but I'm the kind of guy who you can always depend on to be there when needed. I can get a little jealous, but only because when I love someone, I love them and them alone. At times, I can be solemn, but I try to remain as cheerful as possible. I have been known to revert to my old personality when provoked, which usually ends badly for all parties involved. This is indicated by my eyes turning golden from their normal blue color.

History: I come from one of those big families, you know, the ones that can recall their ancestry back to the first civilization? Well, I ran away when I was little because they wanted to control every little bit of my life and ended up being taken in by a guy named Alecren Vollified. Weird name, I know, but he was a cool guy. He taught me how to defend myself when I was little, then how to use a gun. Turned out he was a sweeper, and he had made more than a few enemies with the local gangs by bringing their leaders in. He was shot and killed one day while we were bringing back groceries from the store. One funeral later, I took up his gun and became a sweeper myself. I went in and single-handedly took out the entire criminal gang with no lethal shots, just like he'd taught me. A darker side of me appeared that day, and I started calling myself the Black Cat, a little nickname the gangs had started giving me, due to the bad luck that they would have if I crossed their path. Zagine had left me everything he owned in his will, both because he knew I hated the life I had been living with the McMullin family and because we had been all we had, so housing had never been a problem. The darker personality I mentioned earlier? HE was a violent one, who did whatever it took to get the job done. I shiver just remembering some of the things I would do to get my marks... But this is where my life came back and bit me in the ass. I ended up shooting a little girl once while on a mission, and thankfully, she lived, but because of me, that girl would never be able to walk again without some crazy-expensive surgery. My family came to me and told me they'd clear up everything to get her walking again, but in exchange, they'd arranged a marriage to a girl I don't know. I only accepted their offer for that little girl, Sara. After all, her dad's dead from his sentencing, someone needs to take care of her.

Sara(Who I've adopted.)
Being a bounty hunter
Taking potshots at a running gang member, aiming at his legs so he doesn't die, but doesn't escape.

The McMullin Family
White chocolate
Being restrained

Stuck with:

So begins...

Walker McMullin's Story


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Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Walker ran through the streets, chasing his target down. He then knelt down and drew Hades, it's silver and black stock and barrel glinting in the light as he aimed through the crowd and pulled the trigger. 500 feet away, his target heard a gunshot, and was promptly in the middle of a cloud of something that was making him all itchy and his eyes all watery. As he rolled on the ground Walker walked up to him and grinned.
"Like it? I call it the Weeper! It's totally harmless in the long run, but boy, does it sting when you're shot!" The target, upon hearing this, drew his own gun at Walker and fired in desperation. A blur of metal, and the bullet fell to the ground in front of Walker, Hade's side not even scratched from the bullet it just stopped. Walker then aimed at the man's head.
"Care to try that again? I'm all out of Weepers, and your bounty IS dead or alive..." The man closed his eyes, nodded, and put his hands out for Walker to cuff.
"Bad day?" The man asked after he had been cuffed a little too tightly. Walker laughed weakly.
"Bad rest of my life, more like. I'm getting married to someone I don't know because a stray bullet took a little girl's legs away, and I made a deal with a devil I don't like to make sure she's safe."
"Have you ever considered arson and explosives?" The criminal said, raising an eyebrow.
"This is why YOU'RE the one in cuffs. Now come on, the boys downtown miss you." Walker said, dragging the man with him.


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Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Walker walked out of the police station with a $10,000 check for the bounty he had brought in.
{Well, this should cover my expenses for the next month... Add in food, and I'm left with... Needing another $2,000...} He hung his head as his stomach growled. {Ah well, something will turn up!} As he walked down the street, he was met by one of his family's servants.
"Sir, you are to come with me to meet the girl you are to marry today." the man said as he kept pace with an ever faster Walker. "And have you been eating properly? If you are in need of money, your family is sure to-" and was immediately shushed by Walker as he turned to face the man, his eyes golden instead of their normal blue in his anger.
"As far as I'm concerned, Sven," Walker said, his hand on his gun, "my gun and Sara are the only family I have. I wish to have as little of a connection to that damned family as possible, understand? The only reason I'm jumping through their little hoops is because they are paying for Sara's health and well-being. Anything less, and I would have turned their offer down faster than you can think. Now, where am I meeting her?"
Sven nodded, and spoke.
"Come with me, I'll take you to there." He then led Walker to a car, and they drove off to meet her.


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Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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As Walker and Sven drove to where Walker was going to meet the woman to be shackled to him, Sven turned off to a hospital.
"What, is she sick?" Walker asked, eyebrow raised.
"No," Sven responded, "I figured you're going to want to have a certain someone with you." as he said this, a little 7-year old girl with long blond hair came running out of the hospital, and Walker's eyes lit up as he ran out to go and hug her, picking her up off of the ground as he did so.
"Sara!!! You can walk again!!!" he said, holding her close. Sara smiled in response, signing out her response with her hands.
<Yes I can, Daddy! Are we meeting New Mommy today?> Walker nodded in response, tearing up a bit.
"Yes, Sara... Yes we are..." he said, picking her up and carrying her to the car, Sven driving off once they get in.
(OoC: Whoever I'm paired off with, just have Sven drive up, I'll rp Walker getting out.)

The setting changes from Anime to Park


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin Character Portrait: David Bailey Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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He gave a nervous laugh when she talked about the both of them marrying, he had always thought he would have a year or two of being single. Not that he was the playboy type but he enjoyed having the freedoms of a single man. He felt bad about the curtsy he had never thought of himself in the way to deserve respect as that. But he was sure that if she hadn't her mother would have said something to her later.

"Well Scar it's nice to meet you..." he gave a goofy grin -"God I just sounded really stupid"- he thought.

"I'm sorry if you don't want to marry me. I know I am not anything special. Nothing good to look at."

Had David just heard those words come out of her mouth what happened to this beautiful girl for her to think such things.

"I'm not disappointed at all, You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen" he gave a warm smile and thought about putting his hand on her shoulder. But he didn't want to make Scarny feel any more uncomfortable then she already was.

He turned to her parents out of respect to them "You wouldn't mind if Scarny and I went for a walk around the park for a little while and chatted would you?" he then turned back to Scarny "Unless you'd rather not Scar".


Mimmi decided to go back to the spot where her parents had dropped her off a while before. That was when a car pulled up. It was a large black car but not a limo like her parents. The driver came out and walked up to Mimmi, he gave a respectful bow.

"Hello miss my name is Sven... If I may ask miss are you here for the" the man cleared his throat. "For the marriage arrangement by chance" he reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out and envelope.

Mimmi blinked out of surprise... this man was old enough to be her father maybe even her grandfather. Surely her parents didn't marry her off to someone so old.

The man noticed the awkward look on her face and must had perceived what she was thinking "I am doing this on behalf of my masters son. I'm afraid if he had been entrusted with the symbol paper he probably would have disposed of it" said Sven.

Mimmi gave a small sigh of relief and reached into the pocket of her sweater, after handing the paper to Sven and observing the symbols carefully it was determined that they did indeed match. Sven bowed again and then walked over to the car opening it.

"Sir the young woman over here is who we are looking for. I'm afraid she has been waiting for you to arrive sometime do try to be somewhat courteous to her... if you can manage it" said Sven.

Mimmi watched the driver as he went to open the door, she nervously bit down on her bottom lip and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. This was it hopefully he wouldn't think she was an ugly little girl and send her away as soon as he got a good look at her. She pushed her classes up on the bridge of her nose, and nervously shifted her feet around.

The setting changes from Park to Anime


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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The car rolled up to the park, and Walker stepped out, Sara in his arms, looking around for the girl he was going to be stuck with for the next however many years, at least until he could pay his family back for Sara's surgery.
<Is something wrong Daddy?> Sara signed. Walker smiled at how she always signed Daddy out in letters instead of just using the word for father, it made him feel like he was actually her father. Having adopted Sara two years ago, he had learned she was a mute right away, and immediately went and learned ASL so he could understand her. He had treated her like she was his own daughter, even when she had been confined to a wheelchair due to his idiocy when he had been chasing the bounty that was her father. He nuzzled her gently in response.
"You can always tell when I'm nervous, can't you?" He said, her giggling as he nuzzled her head. "Now, we have a Mommy to find!" And so he looked around for her, with Sara acting as a second pair of eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Mimmi blinked as he stepped out of the car holding a little girl in his arms, they way interacted with her was heart warming. She watched as the girl signed to him she concluded that she was either deaf or unable to speak. She smiled cause it appeared that this girl was his daughter, this was curious to Mimmi because he seemed almost too young to have a daughter. She shook her head and decided she should go and introduce herself, she walked up quietly and looked at the pair nervously "Umm... hello my name is Miriam Ronchester... but you can call me Mimmi" by the time the short sentence came out of her mouth Mimmi was blushing a bright crimson.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Sara grabbed Walker's shoulder and signed to him, and Walker turned around just in time to hear her introduction.
"A pleasure to meet you, Mimmi, I am Walker Nuhoa McMullin, unfortunately, and the lovely lady I'm holding is my adoptive daughter Sara Eve McMullin, and I pardon if I end up talking without an audible response, I'm talking to Sara, she's mute and cute! Sara?" Sara immediately began signing with her hands.
<It's nice meeting you, miss!> Sara signed, with Walker translating for her. <I hope you make my Daddy really happy!> It was now Walker's turn to blush, although not to the state Mimmi was in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Mimmi smiled and was surprised that such a young man had taken on such a big responsibility of taking on the parenting of a child; let alone a child with special needs.

"I'm glad to meet you both... < "And I'll do my best to make your daddy happy Sara"> Mimmi signed it was slow and a little awkward but she did her best. She had studied ASL on her own. She never really had a reason to use it but it was one of those things that had interested her. That was something she did allot as a child always having a full access to just about any books her parents would let her have, pick something she didn't know and learn it.

"But I think I've met you before Walker when we mere much younger though so you may not remember. I didn't until my parents said something to me about it" she sighed. Mimmi was happy to see that he was a good person, she didn't think her parents would set up something like this with someone who was cruel.

"Well... this whole arranged marriage thing is a little confusing to me, but I hope I meet up to your expectations?" she said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Sara smiled at Mimmi's response in sign language, although Walker raised an eyebrow to her saying they had met.
"I don't think so," he said, frowning, "I abandoned the McMullin family when I was five. They didn't even know I was still alive until last year."
<Daddy only accepted this because they paid for a surgery I needed.> Sara signed out of Walker's line of sight so only Mimmi could see what she was saying. <Before Walker adopted me, my daddy was a big, mean, criminal. A bounty hunter came in to take him away, and my daddy used me as a shield to stop him from shooting. The man had already fired, however, and I was left in a wheelchair after the bullet pierced my spine. Walker took me in afterwards, and made sure we were okay by hunting down other bad guys.>


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mimmi Ronchester Character Portrait: Walker McMullin
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Mimmi blinked curious as to why her parents had told her that, but she shook the thought off when Mimmi started to sign again. She watched carefully because Sara was quite fast and Mimmi was a little rusty. When the girl had finished Mimmi let a slight gasp of surprise, and then she felt a warmth in her chest this small girl had gone through so much and Walker being so noble had taken her as his own.

<"Well it's a good thing that he's your new daddy then. I'm glad he took care of you and maybe if your daddy doesn't mind having me around too much you might have me as a mommy."> Mimmi signed back and smiled at the girl.

She looked at Walker, "Listen I know this is all kind of crazy... but I understand if you're apprehensive about the marriage" she hung her head down at the ground. Walker had agreed to this for Sara it was all business for him, but if it helped this sweet child Mimmi was alright with it.

"I'm not expecting some whirlwind of romance, I'm smart enough to know better" she looked up at him "But if this is going to help Sara I'll work with you on anything you need for her... it sounds like she deserves to have a little happiness in her life" she said with a gentle smile.

Around this time her parents limo pulled up behind Walker's car her father exited not even waiting for the driver. Mimmi thought it odd as her father walked up tugging on the bottom of his suit jacket.

"Ah Mr. McMullin I see you found my daughter. I was afraid she might hide somewhere when I left her here... I assume everything is coming to order" Mimmi blinked at her father the thought of what Walker had said before came floating back into her head. And now here father was speaking with him as if he knew who he was.

"Daddy I don't understand... his family didn't even know that he was alive how could we have met before?" she asked him.

Mr Ronchester pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose "Well neither one of you were old enough to remember dear, he was around four or five and you were but a baby when the arrangement with his family was made. So you did meet in a matter of speaking that is, and I was aware of his departure from the McMullin's as well. It was not long after the deal was made that he left, we were afraid that other plans were going to have to be made... but Walker happened to turn up again so everything went according to plan in the end" he glanced at Sara questioningly.

"I suppose this is the young girl you adopted... interesting" Mimmi was surprised at how dry and uncaring her father seemed to be about all this. And hearing that this had been determined just shortly after her birth made her feel almost betrayed.