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Ella Brown

"We survive by remembering, but sometimes we survive by forgetting."

0 · 448 views · located in The projects of Chicago

a character in “Forgotten Ones”, originally authored by lightningpoint, as played by RolePlayGateway


Ella Brown

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"They woke me up again,
It's gonna be another restless sleep tonight,
The ghosts inside my head,
Are moving furniture and eating dynamite..."

Name:Vendela "Ella" Brown
Age: 15, going on 16



Ella used to have a long blonde mane of hair which was always styled in perfect curls; she was rich so she had an image to protect, or so her mother used to say. One day after she ran away from her house, consumed by anger and sadness, she chopped her hair with her pocket knife in uneven locks, and dyed her hair a darker shade of bronze. Now she wears her hair loose and unstyled, which reaches just above her jawline. Her eyes are big and doe-like, looking like two rounded olive green marbles, which always seem to be gazing into space. Her nose is small and rounded, giving her a doll-like feature, although she is anything but a doll. Her lips are light pink, with her lower lip fuller than her upper lip, which is a feature that helps her attract men more easier. Her skin used to be a shade of creamy white, but with the time it turned into a sickening pale pink. Her cheekbones are high, but her cheeks are hollow. Heart shaped face which contains a scar from her past, adorning her from the corner of her left eye to her lower lip giving her a forbidding and darker look than the rest of her body. Her body is long and slim, with the right ammount of everything. Like her grandma used to say "Not too much, but not too little for a man not to enjoy." She stands at 5'6, rather short for her age. Her legs are long and skinny, her stomatch is flat and rather hollow, showing a small ammount of her ribs. She inherited most of her looks from her mother, but she has her father's "piano fingers" which are long and slim, perfect for playing the piano. But it's not like she plays it anymore.



Ella may look like an innocent little woman, but she's far from it. She's quiet, and most of the time keeps her thoughts and opinions to herself, but she likes to throw sarcastic remarks now and then. Her father was a stubborn man, but he was nothing in comparasion to her. Ella's one of the most stubborn persons walking through the face of Earth. Her stubborness often gets her in trouble, but could also be seen as a virtue, because once she sets her eyes on something she won't stop until she gets it. She's cunning, intelligent, witty and has a short temper, which means she gets easily angered. She may look sane on the outside, but inside she's comletely broken. Most of the time she's trying to find ways to kill herself without any pain, and without any of her mates knowing, but she stops herself most of the time. Even though the ghost of her past still haunts her, she still has some humanity deep inside her. She doesn't believe in love, heck she's seen what it causes. She likes to flirt, a lot, and make people uncomfortable. It amuses her.



Vendela Callista Brown.
Vendela: vandal, of the vandals.
Callista: cup; fairest, most beautiful.

Ella was born in a cool autum eavening, in October 15th. Her mother and father where two very important and rich people, owners of a big line of hotels all around the Caribbean Sea. Vendela hates being called by her full name, that's why she nicknamed herself "Ella", which she thinks suits her better than such a fancy name as Vendela. On Ella's twelfth birthday, her father killed his wife in what thought was secrecy, but Ella saw it all. The images still burn her mind as if it had happened yesterday; first him raping his mother, then killing her slowly, torturing her with a kitchen knife. Three months after that, her father became alcoholic, and Ella confronted him about evrything. Her mother, his addiction, her. After that, his father raped her next, slashed her face with a knife and commited suicide, that looked much like a murder. The police assumed that Ella had gone mad and killed her father, but before they had the chance to interrogate her, she escaped. She lived in the streets fot the next three years, selling her body for money to other desperate men to ruin again, and again, and again. Now she's much more composed, but still doesn't sleep much at night, too afraid that her father may come for her and hurt her again.

Weapons: Ella carries a pocket knife inside her bra all the time. She doesn't care if she's around her mates, she trusts nobody.
Role in group: Ella's the group's prostitute, along with Kendra. She lost her virginity along with her humanity long ago, there's nothing to care about anymore than survival and money. But because of her young age, many men don't want to get involved with her, afraid that they may get into illegal problems, so she has developed the bad habbit of pick-pocketing. She could take your wallet from your bare hands, and you wouldn't even know she was there.

OOC: Excuse my english. It's not my native language, and I'm trying to do my best (:

So begins...

Ella Brown's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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Ella Brown

The sound of tires scraping through the streets of Chicago, the yelling of men asking for more alcohol in bars, the chirping of ravens hanging on the wires, and the distant police sirens where music to Ella's ears. She had become used to the vulgar smell and noisy atmosphere of what was her new home. She'd decided to call the alley her home, along with calling her mates her family. Why not? They understood her, they where like her, they knew what it felt to be alone. That made Ella feel a tad better than before, the knot on her throat losening a little. Walking down the narrow streets while kicking a pebble with her used tennis shoes, which once where white and now where an undistingable color between brown and black, had become something Ella did frecuently almost every day.

Yesterday Ella had gotten herself a man to sleep with. Her shirt was backwards, her jeans uneven, her shoes untied due to the hurry she was on to leave before saud man woke up to find her running away. Her arms and hips where covered with new bruises. The man had been a rough one, she had to admit that, but he offered her a hundred dollars the night. She couldn't turn that one down. It was sad that at such a young age, Ella knew so much. Meanwhile she fiddled with the man's wallet taking out money, counting it, and putting it back inside. Of course she took his wallet, pick-pocketing was a bad habbit she couldn't control anymore.

She raised her head higher, exposing a bruised cheek, a gift from another drunk man the night before whom she angered unintentionally. The alley came into sight, and instantly Ella's shoulders tensed a little. She was afraid of what the others might say about her. She despised what she did, and what she was. Her right hand shot up to her left wrist, touching the healing cuts she'd done a week ago with her pocket knife. She hadn't showed those either, and the thought of the others finding out had her eyes welling up with tears. Suck it up, barbie, she thought, composing herself a little more. As she entered the alley, she noticed that everyone was already there.

Great, everybody's gonna see me now.

"I brought some money," Ella said in a husky voice, "And a credit card," she added quietly, hoping no one would notice her, and opening the man's wallet and taking out the cash.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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Nathan Smith

Nathan watched as Kendra came in, then stood in their huddle, and threw $175 in. His eyes widened a bit, he loved the look of money. Then Jon threw $20 in, which slightly surprised him, but he left it alone, he didn't want to get on anyone's bad side. Next Vincinda ran in, throwing some money in and going off on her own to sit somewhere. Nathan didn't know too much about her, they didn't really talk. She seemed nice, but he really just trusted anyone in their group regardless if they were nice or not. Kendra suddenly got all motherly, cleaning up a bad cut on the girl's lip.

Nathan liked that she did that. It was weird, Kendra was only a few years older than him, but she seemed to care for them all like his own mother would have.. Or so he hoped at least. He liked to pretend he was taken away from his parents for a dumb reason, and that they were great people. In a way she was like the good mother he'd never had. In his eyes Jon was more of a fatherly figure, just in the sense that he was the man of the place. Though he didn't exactly think of the other girls as sister, David would be the oldest son, Vincinda and Harley would be the older sisters, him and Ella would be the middle children, and Jynx would be the youngest.

Thinking of Ella, she then strode in, looking beat up. He winced, he could only imagine why she was covered in bruises. The problem with Ella being a prostitute as well was that usually none of the men wanted her once they found out her age, which was already a bit obvious looking at her. He felt bad for her, and wondered why she didn't just stick to pick pocketing with him. He never really asked her though, trying to give her space.

He suddenly remembered something and turned to Jynx. "Hey, I forgot to tell you, I found some old cards that no one was using.. I think one's missing but.. We can still play right?" he suggested. He then asked, "Hey Jon do you know any card games you could teach us? I've never really played before."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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Jynx turned and looked at Nathan, who said he found some cards. She knew how to play poker really well, but only because her mom was an obsessive gambler. Thinking of her mom only made her think of her dad and how he treated her. All she had told everyone was that she was kidnapped by a gang, never that she was passed gang to gang and raped by them, or that her dad raped her since she was nine.

Trying not to cry, she smiled weakly at Nathan.

"I don't know, I think you need all the cards to play... Plus, I'm kind of hungry. I think we should all get some food..." She looked at the entire group for some approval.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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Ella Brown

Ella stood quietly behind Kendra, gazing at the group from what she thought was a "safe distance". Her hands trembled a bit as she kept fidgeting with the money. Kendra had given the group an impresive $175 dollars, while Jynx had given only $20. It was good, but compared to Kendra it was almost nothing. Her mind wandered off into space, like she sometimes did, staring into nothing. Blinking she felt a stare on her, and looking around she found Nathan looking at her. He was a nice guy, her age too, but a little too clingy for his own good. But he respected her, and for that she was greatful. Finally deciding it was time to make herself known, she stepped closer to the circle and threw the $130 dollars she had won the other night, along with the credit card.

Stepping back again, she rubbed her hands up her arms trying to create heat. Her stomatch rumbled, which was embarazing. Her cheeks and the tip of her nose turned into a slightly crimson red, but she tried to dismiss is by looking down, hoping that her short hair would cover at least something.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you, I found some old cards that no one was using... I think one's missing... We can still play right?" She heard Nathan said. "Hey Jon do you know any card games you could teach us? I've never really played before."

Jon was a threatening guy in Ellas eyes. He was handsome too, but a complete asshole. Ella used to have a small crush on him when she first met him, but it vanished immediately once he opened that big mouth of his. Now she sees him more like an over protective older brother, or more like the brother she never had. She saw the entire group as her family, but only thinking about it brought thoughts of her own parents. Her eyes watered, but before she shed a single tear she wiped them away with the back of her hand.

"I don't know, I think you need all the cards to play... Plus I'm kind of hungry. I think we should all get some food..." Jynx said. Immediately her stomatch rumbled again in response.

"We should," Ella agreed, sending Jynx a small smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. Jynx was like a little sister to Ella, and as everybody else, she was protective over her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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#, as written by Kagerou
Vicinda appreciated that Kendra even cared. Most of the group didn't pay attention to her. "Thank you..." Vicinda said quietly. She took the cloth, holding it over her cut. She saw Ella enter, with a bruise on her cheek. Vicinda was concerned, but couldn't do much. Ella eventually threw her money into the pile. Then, the group was trying to decide what to do, from what the girl could gather. "Food~" She said, with a heavy accent. Her stomach grumbled as she said it. As she stood, she instinctively moved her hair to hide her scar. Still holding the cloth, Vicinda slowly joined the group. She saw Nathan holding something she didn't know the English word for. She was curious, but didn't focus on it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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"Who the hell did that to you, anyway?" Jynx heard Jon say. She knew the comment was directed at Ella, because she also wondered what had happened, but she knew well enough that you don't ASK someone about their past, no matter how recent. You let them tell you.

"Jon, leave her alone, she most likely doesn't want to talk." Her voice changed a little bit, feeling a little for Ella. However, she was almost jealous of Ella. When Jynx was being beaten and shit, she didn't get money. She didn't find it fair.

Life isn't fair, Jynx. Get over it. She reminded herself.

It made good money, buy Jynx felt like prosititution shouldn't be allowed in the group. Of course, they brought her in recently, so it's not like she could do anything about it. It just made her skin crawl thinking about asking men to do that to her... It didn't seem right.

"I'm going to get McDonalds." She stated, knowing that not many people liked to go into restraunts. She would have gone alone, but she honestly wasn't strong enough to handle herself after dark. Everyone else seemed busy with something, except Jon, which really ticked her off. "Jon, you can come with me and then get something to drink for yourself, I don't really care anymore." She hated being out alone at night, but she would never tell anyone. She also didn't want Jon causing anymore drama between everyone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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Ella Brown

Everything seemed to be alright. Nobody questioned Ella about what had happened to her, and she was greatful that they decided to leave her alone. That was until Jon had to open that big mouth he has.

"Jesus, what the hell happened to you?" Jon questioned, glancing over at Ella with widened eyes. She felt like shit, and she sure knew she looked like it. Prostitution wasn't something Ella was proud of doing, heck she wanted to stop. But it was that or starve to death and it wasn't a tough decision. Her left eye twitched with annoyance, and as she was about to open her mouth to try to shut up Jon, he then again spoke.

"Who the hell did that to you, anyway?" Jon blurted out again. He can't shut up, can he? Ella thought. This question made her look away from Jon's accusing eyes, and try not to cry again. Even if Ella wanted, she couldn't break down and curl into a ball crying like a baby in front of everyone. She had to prove she was strong. So in order to do that, she balled her hands into fists, digging her nails into her skin and clenching her jaw, she turned back to face Jon eye to eye.

"Jon, leave her alone, she most likely doesn't want to talk," Jynx replyed. She was greatful that somebody was helping her out. She considered herself closest to Jynx that with anybody else. Maybe it was that they both where young and girls. She related to Jynx in ways she didn't with anyone else, and it eased her anger a little.

"Oh you know, a man who wanted sex and me offered money to eat. But it seems like you've been spending it in your fucking liquor," Ella challenged, spitting out every word with anger. She could feel her nails start to cut through her skin, making little trails of blood to emerge from her fists. She unclenched them, placing them at the edge of her hips, adding a little sassiness to her pose.

"I'm going to get McDonalds," she heard Jynx state, clearly wanting to ease the tension around. "Jon, you can come with me and then get something to drink for yourself, I don't really care anymore."

So Jynx's taking the dickhead with her... Hallelujah.

After calming herself a little more, Ella sat down resting her head in the wall, rubbing the bruise in her cheek. It hurt, but it wasn't as if she was gonna blurt it out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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Ella Brown

A million and one thoughts ran through Ella's mind while she tried to block out any other sound from the outside. She most likely did not like fighting, or getting angry at all. She may be the girl who's always depressed and trying to commit suicide in secret, but fights where something she did not enjoy or participated often for that matter. It would all be so much easier if Jon just shut the fuck up, Ella thought. He may be part of the group, but if she had to choose who she hated the most, it would be him without a doubt. But maybe that was just her anger talking, as sometimes she saw Jon as a protective figure. He may look tought on the outside, but there has to be something inside him that's not so fucked up. Something that Ella said must have clearly angered Jon, because before she knew it, she was snapping at her again.

"I put down money too," he snarled, makind Ella turn towards the source of the angered voice. "I've never spent all the money I get on liquor. But if you really want it to be that way, then I'm more than happy to make it happen." Ella's eyes widened as she saw Jon's actions. He was acting out of anger, but Ella was sure pissed off when she saw him take money from the pile. "There ya go, now I'm 'spending it on my fucking liquor'. Would ya look at that, Ella, you where right about me all along," he snapped again. Ella clenched her jaw again and only gave Jon what she could manage to make as a "death glare", narrowing her eyes and trying to put all her anger and annoyance in her eyes for him to see.

After Jynx suggested the McDonalds trip, which Jon reclutantly agreed to, Ella could only glare at Jon's big back.

"Fuck you," She mutered under her breath. She could have chased him and tried to apologize for what she said, or punched him hard to empty her anger on something. But she was just too tired. Too tired of everything.

Her stomatch rumbled again. Great! Just what I needed! A hungry monster to feed, Ella thought. She stood up from her crowched possition, took fifteen dollars from the pile, and walked to the oposite side of the alley, towards a chinese restaurant she knew and enjoyed.

"I'm goin' for food," she said quietly, but loudly enough for the others to hear.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester
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Kendra Martella

Kendra nodded, and smiled at Vicinda, who held the cloth to her lip. She sat there for a moment or two, and heard Ella come up. She didn't bother looking over yet, making sure the other girl was alright. She heard some people start fighting, and she quietly slipped away, not wanting to deal with it, be involved, or even hear it. She ran over to her pile of stuff, which was extremely small, a very beat up drawstring bag, containing scissors, for all those cutting needs, a needle and thread, she wasn't the best sewer, but hey, she wasn't probably going to keep going on a shopping spree every weekend. An old photograph, taken by a polaroid camera, of her and her mom in New York City in front of the giant Ferris wheel, a broken watch, that wasn't very expensive anyways, but hey, even a broken watch showed the right time twice a day. Last she had an over sized hoodie, which she kept for when it was cold. Feeling a bit chilly, she slipped it over her head, and put her arms through the sleeves. She grabbed at the wrist area of fabric with both hands, and made her way back to the others.

Nathan seemed disappointed, frowning with some cards, and the others milling about. Kendra looked at Ella, who stood up and said "I'm goin' for food," at first she acknowledged that, nodding, and then stared at the new bruises, all over the girls body. A pang of worry ran through her, and sent a chill up her spine. She knew it was from another man.. Kendra thought maybe she should work extra, and that way Ella didn't have to prostitute as much anymore. She frowned, knowing she couldn't exactly help with the bruises.

As Ella began to pass her, something caught the corner of her eye. Cuts. On her wrist. She instinctively grabbed it, but careful not to touch them. She took a step closer, her face beside the girl's. She whispered something that only Ella would be able to hear. "You're not alone. And you don't have to be. Doing that won't help you.." she tried not to sound blunt about it. She had the same sympathy for the girl, if not more than the others. She felt bad Ella thought ending things would be better. In Kendra's opinion it was a gift to live, and things could be worse. She then said aloud, dropping Ella's arm and stepping aside, "Why don't you take Nathan, Harley, David, and Vicinda with you?" Without waiting for an answer, she picked up some money, and motioned for the four to come over.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: David Mckeniss Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Harley Winchester Character Portrait: Vicinda Tamatsu
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Ella Brown

Just as Ella was about to sigh in relief that all trouble was left behind, she felt someone grab her wrist. Her heart stopped, and the first thought that came into her mind was that it was her dad, comming for her to beat her to pulp again. Her head snapped towards the source that had grabbed her wrist, and her eyes came across Kendra's own. They where slightly narrowed, but filled with worry. She approached Ella slowly, placing her lips by her ear, as if she was going to tell her the most important secret of them all. Ella's heart beated so fastly she could feel it in her throat.

"You are not alone." Kendra said. I am alone, only not entirely.

"And you don't have to be." I choose to be.

"Doing that won't help you..." Doing what?

Then it hit her like a bullet in the back. Her cuts. She had seen them. Ella's heart clenched a bit, along with her jaw. She was not angry at Kendra, but angry at herself for not hiding them well enough for Kendra not to notice. She felt ashamed, because she saw Ella as a mother and it was as if she had just caught her eating the last piece of cake which she had clearly stated not to eat. Her gaze was casted down to her feet, and she struggled not to snap at Kendra. Ella felt her arm being released, breathing out in relief that she wasn't being pressed into spitting more information.

"Why don't you take Nathan, Harley, David, and Vicinda with you?" Kendra suggested. And as much as Ella wanted to say that she prefered to go alone, and have some time to think for herself, she didn't because Kendra had seen her scars, and she at least owed her that much. She nodded her head slightly, quietly spitting out a "Yes ma'am."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ella Brown Character Portrait: Nathan Smith Character Portrait: Jynx Taylor (Cheetah) Character Portrait: Kendra Martella Character Portrait: Jon Jackson
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Nathan Smith

Nathan felt a bit disappointed, and he went and threw the cards near where he slept. By the time he'd made his way back he'd heard the yelling, Ella and Jon were at it this time. He frowned slightly and watched. He sort of agreed with Jon, because he didn't seem too happy about the prostitution. Nathan was barely okay with Kendra doing it, but at least she wasn't showing up with bruises all over her. He found the whole thing somewhat sickening. These people paid for sex, and now a sick creep was paying for sex with a minor, his own age. The thought made him squirm a bit.

It was true it was none of Jon's business in the first place, but Ella didn't have to be so mean about it. He understood why she was defensive though. He ruffled his hair a bit, then watched as Jon and Jynx walked off to eat elsewhere. Then Ella began to leave, and Nathan fell back against the brick wall of the alley, leaning on it.

Kendra stopped Ella, saying something in a hushed tone, and then said she should bring the rest of them to eat as well. Feeling the hunger get to him, he took the money from Kendra, and stood beside Ella, and smiled at her. He hoped she didn't mind them coming, or just him depending if the others went.