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Freedom For Our Kind



a part of Freedom For Our Kind, by DeeDeeLuxXx.

Upper-class dwelling.

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Largest city of Neederwing. Large mansions of houses for the rich and powerful.
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Upper-class dwelling.


Solice is a part of Neederwing.


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Jared was sitting on the side of this bed staring out his window. The garden below was beautiful this time of year but he wasn't allowed out of his room anymore. He didn't' fully understand why either. He knew something had been wrong with him the day he'd somehow pushed that woman over the balcony without even touching her. Ever since then his parents have kept him locked away in his room only allowing him to come out and roam the third floor, which his room was on.

Sighing he looked up at the sky through the dirty barred window, it was a beautiful shade of blue. Little to no clouds hovering in it. Something ached inside of him. It longed for him to be outside in the real world. Being stuffed inside of the house like this had made him far beyond depressed. Standing he shook his head before yawning and stretching. Wiping his right eye with his left hand and then his left eye he squinted looking around the room. He'd just woke up a few minutes ago and had done his daily ritual of staring out at what he'd never see in person again. The thought crushed him all over again but he shook the depressed feelings from himself. He was determined to enjoy today.

Heading out of his massive bedroom he headed down the hall towards the bathroom. He had a change of clothes draped over his right arm and a fine towel in his left. Taking the brass doorknob in his right hand he squeezed it, turning it. Opening the door he stepped onto the marble floor with his bare feet. He could feel the smooth cold stone under his feet as he moved towards the bath preparing to start the draw. The room was as big as some of the servant quarters in the house. It made it feel airy yet cold and alone. Everything was made out of marble and sandstone.

As the tub filled slowly with steaming water he turned staring at himself in the mirror that ran across an entire wall. Removing his burgundy silk robe he let it fall to the ground in a pool around his feet. He wasn't what you'd call muscular but he was well toned. He'd had nothing else to do in months but stare out his window and workout. Staring at his pale vision in the mirror he sighed once more. He used to be so tan. Sluggishly he turned and headed over slowly dipping himself into the steaming bathwater. It was heated by a coal furnace that was deep in the belly of the house. Father had installed a few years ago before it became the newest thing to have in one's house.

There was a knock at the door and Jared smiled. "Come in." The door opened and Esella was standing there. She was staring at the floor as she shuffled into the room.

"Your father has sent me to you again." She whimpered. Nervously she tugged at her sleeve as she raised her head to meet his eyes.

"Do come then. I have felt the stirring lately." In truth he was glad he'd sent her. She had been his favorite servant since she arrived three years ago. He'd grown instantly infatuated with her. He was pleased beyond words when she started showing up since he'd been locked away. He'd never sent her away instead fully enjoying himself till he could no longer.

"As you command, sir." Something about the way she said it drove him wild. Slowly she undressed and made her way into the tub with him. He'd immediately grab her pulling her into him. She offered no resistance. For she too had secretly wanted him since she'd laid eyes on him.

An hour and a half later she emerged from the bathroom panting. She fixed her shirt and shuffled away. Feeling refreshed and invigorated Jared slowly clothed himself. He put on a fine deep blue silk shirt and a pair of black trousers.

Back in his room he stopped. Something was different. Something felt wrong. He quickly scanned the room for any differences and his eyes stopped on a piece of parchment rolled up resting against the bars of his window. Moving quickly he shut the door behind him and grabbed the parchment up. It had a strange seal on it he'd never seen before. H.K it read. breaking the seal he quickly unrolled the paper holding an end in each hand he read it.

Dear Jared Finkledink,

Sorry for the suspicious manner in which you received this. Yet I could not deliver it in person nor could anyone see it delivered. This letter is of the utmost secrecy and could mean life or death for you. Your parents have done a decent job of hiding you ever since they found out about your power. I know that you don't have a clue what that is yet, or why it is your being locked away. But I can tell you. I can keep you safe, give you education, give you training and most of all I can grant you freedom.

I myself am a person whom is capable of using magic. Do not be alarmed. There are ways for people like us to know who is not on the level and who is. I happen to have the resources, means, and desire to find others like us. We are being taken by the king in his madness and greed. Our kind's ancient history and rites are being burned so that no one will know of us. He fears us and what we can become.

You’re probably wondering how or why I am able to seeking out others but I cannot answer that now. The map that you received along with this letter cannot be seen by anyone of non-magical talent so it is safe to see. The letter, though, you must destroy. There are Huntsmen with magical abilities that can and will be able to see the contents of this so, remember; destroy this by burning it.

I digress. This letter is to inform you that there are people out there in Kronos who desire to arise against King Raphael Makos and his tyranny. But where can people like us possibly go to learn about our kind? Where do we turn to if we desire to learn a new skill? Where is the information on everything there is to know about being the way we are? No where! They were stolen from us! But, I, have the answer.

One again I can provide you and many others sanctuary, education and most importantly; opportunity and freedom! I possess books and articles and parchments of over a thousand years of history of our kind! I can, with the few that have joined me, teach you all about using magic and all the things we can do with it.

If you are capable of letting go of fear; follow the map. Follow the map and join the revolution to regain our freedom. Follow the map, believe in me and yourself and your fellow men, to be able to become powerful to take down King Raphael Makos. It is NOT impossible. But we cannot do it without you. This cannot happen if no one joins the fight.

What will you do? Also know that you are not safe. Someone has leaked information to the Huntsman that you are what you are. Even though you don't know what that is they will and they will take you. Know that I am a friend and that you must escape that house before they arrive. You must find Sanctuary.

Magically yours;
H̐̽̽.Ҟ. Ĥőłįķķ

Jared's mind had just been blown. He staggered back seating himself on the edge of his bed. He's always wondered why he was being locked away and what it was that he'd done. Now right here in front of him was a way to find out. He went to roll the paper back up when he noticed it was actually two pieces of parchment. Carefully he separated them and realized that he did indeed have the map. It was very detailed and even showed some things Jared knew nothing of. Cities and places he'd never heard of.

At first he thought this had to be a joke. It couldn't be real. But then he thought who'd be playing the joke? And why? He didn't have long to think though as he noticed some movement outside his window. Quickly he got up and took a peek. There were Huntsmen flooding into the estate. They were pushing servants down and out of the way as they forcefully made their way towards the house.

"Oh fuck. This isn't a joke." Jared's mind raced as he stashed the map and letter in a wad into his pocket. Frantically he ran about his room gathering up clothing, supplies, whatever he thought he could use he stuffed into an old rucksack he had. As he ran out of his room and down the hall to the door leading to the second floor he could hear people rushing up the stairs.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Knaves all of 'em." Turning he ran through the third floor to where he knew Esella would be. He'd only been in her room once. The one time he'd come and taken her without his father's approval. Busting into the room Jared stopped. Esella turned shrieking but quickly he reached out stifling her.

"I don't have time to explain. I need your help. You have to get me out of here." He was relying on blind faith and hope that the woman would help him. She stood there for a moment her eyes searching his before finally saying.
"Under my bed. Hurry, sir." Her eyes were beginning to tear up. "I'm so sorry sir. I never wanted this to happen. They promised me things."

At first he was confused and then it hit him like a brick wall. She'd been the one to leak the information. Had she come to him in an attempt to distract him? There wasn't time even as his anger welled up inside of him. He moved to her bed peering under it.

"Of course the old servant's way." Before the last renovation that added the furnace and turned the old servant tunnels into pipelines. These tunnels had been used to allow the servants passage through the house without bothering the nobles with the sight of them. Almost literally throwing the bed aside with Esella's help he quickly grabbed the ring on the hidden door and yanked it open. The smell of burning coal and steam rushed out. It made his eyes sting and he turned away. Taking one last look at the servant he saw her mouth the words, "I'm sorry." And with that he was gone.

He could hear her moving the bed back into position as he made his way through the highly cramped tunnels. Most of the space had been taken up by the pipes but he was able to squeeze through. After traveling aimlessly through the dark for what would seem like hours he could see light at the end of one of the tunnels.

Pushing up the trap door just a crack he peered out. He was on the outskirts of the estate near the main servant housing. Throwing it open he rushed up and out and made a full sprint towards the gate.