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Lacie Gold

I know it was a mistake at first, but I love her more than my own life.

0 · 872 views · located in Manhattan, New York

a character in “Friends”, originally authored by Sweetiebelle, as played by RolePlayGateway




Lacie Gold

Racey Lacie, Lacie Pie


Face Claim:
Zoey Deutch



+ Amber
+ Holding Amber
+ Playing with Amber
+ Reading
+ Music
+ Writing
+ Long walks
+ Nighttime stories
+ Parks
+ Quiet
+ Calm

- Loud
- Obnoxiousness
- Annoyance
- Cliffhangers
- Drama
- Illiterate people

X Getting someone to actually appreciate her
X Letting someone get close
X Someone taking her baby away

Positive Traits:
+ Being an excellent mother
+ Her strength of will
+ Her literacy level
+ Her ability to understand
+ Her ability to take a joke
+ Her need for enlightenment
+ Her positive spirit

Negative Traits:
- Emotional fragility
- Her secret need to be wanted
- She has a tiny temper at times
- She sometimes "judges a book by its cover"
- She's very internal
- She tends to not tell others how she's really feeling


Lacie is very friendly, kind, and compassionate. She has a kind heart, usually tries to reach out to people and will go out of her way to make others feel included. She hates to see others in pain, especially people she cares about. She also has great love for animals, and despises seeing them in pain as well.

Lacie is extremely skilled in social interactions, due to the natural charisma in her personality. She is able to easily charm people into liking her, and it doesn't take much effort for her to get others to do what she wants. She is also very adept at politics, coming up with clever and inspired ideas to solve problems. Despite Lacie's natural charm and intelligence, she hates the head games that politics entail.

Lacie is rather idealistic. She believes strongly in equal rights for everyone. She holds great disdain for the elitism of many privileged families, finding it selfish, snobby, and unfair. She also dislikes the treatment of less privileged people as property. She can get somewhat worked up when talking about such concepts.

Lacie prefers to carefully think out a plan before taking action, though she has complete faith in her friends ability to protect her. Despite her belief that no one should depend on another, Lacie relies heavily on her friends to protect her, often turning to them whenever she is hurt or afraid.

Despite Lacie's strength, she can be quite fragile at times. During a very tumultuous period in her college years, right around the time Amber was born, she began using a pain outlet such as self-harm in order to control the emotions she felt inside. Being an extremely internal person, she found no other way to get the pain out than to inflict it permanently in her skin. She claimed to her friends that she had no wish to die and she didn’t like feeling pain, but that the pain of cutting gave her something to focus on, so that she didn’t have to feel it inside.


Theme Song:
Better Than I Know Myself - Adam Lambert
She secretly wishes that she had someone to help her take care of Amber


So begins...

Lacie Gold's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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Lacie started her day with Amber in her left arm and a sippy cup full of milk in her right. She bounced Amber up and down while quietly trying to get out a bowl of cereal without waking her friends. She sat Amber down in her high chair at the corner of the table and placed the bowl in front of her.

"Okay, sweets, time for breakfast." Lacie whispered, kissing Amber's soft brown curls and handing her a spoon. The child had finally learned to feed herself, but still couldn't reach the table or sit still in a chair. While Amber was eating, Lacie started a pot of coffee, knowing everyone would need it. Jae, James, and Aria had moved in a few days ago and were still getting adjusted to living together, especially with a roaming toddler. But, everyone loved Amber, so it wasn't like it was problem. Turning to look at her daughter, Lacie smiled and Amber smiled back, spilling milk and cheerios from her tiny mouth. Lacie made a suprised face with cheerful eyes.

"Uh oh!" Amber said and Lacie chuckled, wiping her chin and discarding of the empty bowl. She picked Amber up out of the high-chair and placed her on the ground in front of the island. Lacie got an idea then and smiled mischeviously at her mini me. "Hey, Amber, want to do something fun to wake up Aunt Aria and your uncles?" She asked and Amber smiled, nodding her head erratically. Lacie smiled at her, nodding as well. "Alright, when I count to three, we're both going to scream as loud as we can, okay? 1...2...3!" And with that, they both screamed at the top of their lungs, effectively awakening the rest of the household.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: James Ahern
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James woke with a start, rolling out of his bed. His elbow smarted, but he could deal with it. There was screaming. James listened a moment, wondering if something bad had happened. He stood, legs bent arms out, ready to move as required. He smiled, relaxing when he heard the giggles within the screams, realising it was Lacie and Amber, no doubt giving the flatmates a morning wake up call. He cast a look to his phone, seeing several notifications were already waiting for his attention. He reached for his phone but let his hand drop before he could pick it up. He knew himself well enough to know that if he picked up his phone, breakfast would be long forgotten.

James rubbed the sleep from his eyes before padding into the main living area. His hair was a mess and he could could barely figure out what two plus two was, but he didn't really mind when he heard Amber giggle. He gave Lacie a mock disapproving look.

"Hey there tiger,"he ruffled Amber's hair, sitting at the table. The smell of coffee was gradually getting stronger and James was debating if he really wanted a cup. If he didn't get one now, he definitely would later. Caffeine was an incredible discovery as far as James was concerned, even more so when deadlines were rapidly approaching. " what's my favourite girl up to today?" He asked Amber, letting himself forget work for a moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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Lacie giggled along with her two year-old when James came into the kitchen, hair mussed and eyes unfocused. She slid a cup of coffee his way, knowing he would want one whether he realized it or not.

"What's my favorite girl up to today?" James asked Amber and Lacie smiled, glad that her friends had accepted her situation so readily. Lacie looked at Amber, smiling and cocking her head to the side. "What do you want to do today, baby girl?" she asked, and Amber pursed her lips in the cutest way before answering.

"I wanna go slide!" She said and laughed, her laugh tinkling like a thousand bells. Lacie smiled and nodded. "Okay! We'll go slide!" she said, preparing her schedule to leave a big gap for park playtime.

"James, what's your plan today?" She asked, knowing that all of her friends had office jobs, while she was still living off of government funding since she didn't have the chance to finish college before Amber was born. Amber's father had been a slimy rat that didn't give a damn about either of them, and had left her in the dust when she was 7 months pregnant. That was when she had called Aria, and her best friend had helped her through everything. A few short years later, everyone was back together again living in an apartment in downtown New York.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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Ariana wasn't asleep.

She had been lulled awake by the sounds of the busy street outside, of the bustling crowds and the scent of coffee that now wafted from outside her door and enticed her to come to the kitchen. She lay awake at least five minutes before Amber and Lacie began their scream fest, grazing her smooth forehead and warm belly with gentle hands. Her eyes were trained on the ceiling and her heart beating rapidly from the nightmare she experienced only an hour prior.

It was always the same nightmare. She would be asleep. She would be in some imaginary world where love was real and there was no such thing as heartbreak. And then there would be pain, a sharp pain that would snatch her from her world of bliss. Try as she might to ignore it, it suffocated her - consumed her. Then there was blood and it took her so long to realize that the shrill sound that left her ears ringing were own screams. That was how Aria truly woke up in the mornings and at least this time, she didn't actually wake up screaming.

After a few minutes, she kicked the blanket and sheet off her body, revealing the oversized jersey she wore and the black shorts from her cheerleading days. Running a hand through bed-messed hair, she slipped into the slippers she pulled out yesterday and headed out herbedroom door. She heard little Amber talking to one of the guys and ignored the pang in heart, painting on a sleepy smile when she entered the kitchen.

"Morning, guys," she exclaimed, voice still slightly raspy from sleep. Hazel eyes met doe-brown and Aria smiled at the exuberance in Amber's eyes.

"AUNTIE AWIIIIIII!!!" Amber couldn't pronounce her Rs that well, but her exclamation of excitement at Aria's presence only had her smile widening. Aria hoisted the child up into the air, pressing her thumbs into the child's belly which led to fits of giggles to the ticklish toddler.

"Good morning, love. Thanks for the wake up. I really appreciated it." Over Amber's head, Aria tossed Lacie a playful yet menancing glare. Retribution would come. "But now, Auntie needs coffee." She grinned at her friends good-naturedly, a dimple appearing on her right cheek.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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James cradled the coffee Lacie had slid to him, taking a sip while Lacie and Amber made their plans for the day. Before James could answer, Aria emerged from her room. She swept Amber up, much to the delight of the toddler.

James considered Lacie's question, "I've gotta finish up a spread for the next issue, send that for approval. The obligatory team meeting, I think I have a photo shoot today too, I need to check my diary. And I need to check my phone, there were a few messages there so a few more things have probably come up, just to keep me on my toes."

James would like to think that he had earned his job at the magazine through his own hardwork and dedication but there was always this nagging voice at the back of his mind reminding him that his dad was pretty tight with the editor-in-chief, the suspected petty nepotism taking some of the shine off James' work. He loved his job, most of the time, and he knew he was lucky to have a job but he wished he could be sure that he had got it from his own credit, "But you're day sounds so much more fun," He tipped his head back to Aria, "You up to much today?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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Aria wasn't sure about her friends drinking coffee black, but she knew she couldn't. Her coffee needed an extra kick. Giving Amber an Eskimo kiss, she set the child down and went to retrieve a mug. After pouring the rich, aromatic beverage, she pulled out some cream and sugar. Once her coffee was perfection, she perched herself up onto the corner, sipping her hot drink and letting out a near purr as the warm liquid slipped down her throat. She gazed at James as he spoke.

"Actually, I'm off today. You know, designers need to take days off to find inspiration," she joked casually, smirking and taking another sip of her drink. Amber toddled to her mother, gesturing with her hands for the woman to pick her up. "My photo shoot is tomorrow afternoon, so I'm free to hang out. Might even be able to go with this one to the park. We all know Auntie is much funner than mommy." Aria winked at Amber before grinning at Lacie. She then glanced at Jae and waved. "Hey, handsome. Any plans today?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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Lacie smiled and did a little hop of glee. "Yay! Sorry you have to work all day James. You know, unless you want to be the James from high school and just ditch." She smiled cheekily at him. Jae walked in then, grumbling and teasing Amber about waking him up. As Aria set Amber down, Lacie went and scooped her up, cooing and kissing her all over her face as the toddler giggled and squealed from the attention. "So, Ari's going to the park, James is doing James, and Jae, what are you doing?"

She twirled her baby girl in the air, raising her eyebrows at the person in question.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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"YESSS!!!" Aria exclaimed, doing a small fist-pump as well. She glanced at James and gave him a somewhat sympathetic look. "Darn babe, you picked the wrong day to be the responsible one. Maybe we'll bring you something back." Just as Aria finished teasing her friend, her stomach gave a light grumble and she sighed, setting her mug down.

While the others conversed, she padded over to the other side of the kitchen and found bread. Just to be safe, she placed four slices in the toaster and left out two more to toast just in case one of the boys or even Lacie wanted two slices of toast. While that bread baked and toasted, Aria tied the the oversized shirt of her pajamas up in a knot in the back because the bulkiness was annoying her and then reached into the fridge for butter. Thinking, she glanced over her shoulder at Lacie. "Lace, did we ever buy any strawberry cream cheese?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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James smiled ruefully, "Don't I always?" In truth, his hectic work schedule didn't bother him. He preferred keeping himself busy, it meant he didn't have time for relationships. They were messy businesses. He looked at Lacie, who had been ditched by some greasy weasel of a guy, and Aria who had just gone through a difficult break up. The way James saw it, if you didn't get into a relationship in the first place, you couldn't get hurt later down the line.

James drained the last of his coffee before heading to the bathroom. The spray from the shower worked in harmony with the caffeine coursing around his body to fully wake him up. He wandered back to his room, making sure to keep a hold of his towel this time. He searched through his closet for a clean shirt for work that wasn't creased to hell. Finding one, he pulled it on, threading a slim tie through the collar. He found his trousers crumpled in the corner of the room. How did...? Nevermind, he had them now, that was all that mattered.He pulled on his shoes, hopping out his room as he did. His hair was still a mess, but it was a fabulously artistic mess, as Ralph at work would say.

"I'll see you guys tonight," he said, grabbing his jacket from by the door, "have fun at the park Tiger," he waved to Amber before he left for work.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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Lacie smacked her forehead when Aria brought up the strawberry cream cheese. "Oh, crap! Sorry, hun, I totally forgot." Lacie said remorsefully, hinting at what motherhood had done to her with the use of the word "hun". She looked apolegetically at her best friend while cuddling Amber close. "I'll get some when we go out, kay?" She promised with a small smile. She didn't know if she would have enough from the government paycheck to finish paying the bills, rent, and all the grocery shopping. She knew she'd have to get a job soon, but she hadn't been able to finish college, so it would be nothing of substantial income in order to pay for everyone. Especially she knew once she started working, the government funding would probably stop. Suddenly Amber tapped her on her chest with a big smile, and Lacie forgot about her worries.

"Stowe?" She asked and Lacie smiled at her daughter. "Yup! We're going to the store to pick up Aunt Aria some cream cheese." Amber clapped and wrapped her arms around Lacie's neck, setting down in the crook. James called goodbye to everyone and Lacie gave him a warm smile since she didn't have her hands free.

"So, who's up for the park?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo Character Portrait: James Ahern
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"'re lucky I love you, girlie," Aria told her best friend and finished slathering butter on two fresh slices of toast. Slapping the two slices together, she bit into them as if they were a sandwich and sipped her coffee. "It's fine. I'll buy it when we go to the store. No real biggie."

Aria winked playfully to make sure that Lacie didn't take everything to heart. Despite Ariana's constant reminder that she could pay for some of the bills on her own, Lacie was adamant about being independent and tried not to lean on Aria's support so much. But even Aria could tell the other girl was getting stressed. After Lacie inquired about being ready for the park, Aria quaffed the remainder of her coffe and started heading out of the kitchen area.

"Give me a ten minutes. Real beauty takes time," Aria called over her shoulder and hurried to get ready for the day. She took quick shower and was out in five minutes tops. Teeth clean and hair brushed somewhat, Aria threw on the first outfit she could find. It took a few extra minutes to find the right jewelry and to at least put a light amount of makeup on, but she was ready once her beanie was on her head. Winking at herself, she hopped out of her room and struck a pose. "Whatcha think, Amber?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo
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Lacie smiled at Aria apolegetically and nodded. She waved as Aria left, laughing along with Amber when Ari mentioned her beauty getup. She turned to Jae, the last one left in the kitchen. "If you want, I could run to the store for ya." Jae eyed Lacie as Aria disappeared upstairs. "I've got to run a few errands before park time anyway." Lacie looked at Jae, surprised at the offer. Since she'd been on her own with Amber, no one had offered to pay for anything for her. She knew she looked ridiculous, practically gaping. She felt tears prick her eyes and she shook her head incredulously, Christ, Lace, it's just cream cheese...

"Um, yes, thanks! But only if you're able, don't go out of your way." She said, smiling gratefully at him. Just then, Aria came back down and Amber smiled and clapped at her entrance. "Hat! Hat!" She exclaimed, opening and closing her fist, aiming for Ari's hat. Jae chose that moment to make an exit and Lacie waved to him, trying to console her daughter, who was attempting to clamber off of Lacie and somehow fly over to Aria's hat.

"Amber! Quit! You can't get over there!" I unintentionally raised my voice and Amber looked at me with wide eyes, blinked, and immediately started to sob. "Oh, no, no, no! Sweetie, I didn't mean it!" Lacie cradled Amber close to her neck and shushed her, giving an apologetic look to Aria. Sometimes, you never knew what would happen as a mother.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacie Gold Character Portrait: Min-jae Shin Character Portrait: Aria Di Angelo
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Aria was pretty damn near flabbergasted when Lacie snapped at Amber. She took a small step back, eyes wide as she stared at her best friend in concern. Lacie's eyes were glossed over with - were those tears? What was she crying about? Was she still freaking out over cream cheese? Aria didn't have time to mull over it for too long as Amber began to sob and Lacie struggled to console the child.

"Hey, kiddo," Aria cooed to the babe and stretched her arms to the child, taking Amber from her mother. Amber clung to her almost immediately, trying to wrap tiny arms around Aria's neck and burying her face into Aria's shirt. It didn't matter that Amber's tears would leave a stain; there were plenty more where that came from. She rubbed the child's back soothingly, walking around just a little to ease her hurt feelings. Meanwhile, she stared at Lacie over Amber's shoulder. "Lace, calm down. Breathe. Everything's fine."

Back to paying attention to Amber, Aria walked into the living room and plopped herself onto the couch, still holding onto the babe. She had to ignore the clog of emotion in her throat at the feeling of holding a child in her arms - of the thought of holding her own child in her arms like this. She smiled down at Amber and pulled the child away.

Now, didn't Auntie tell you that we don't do cry-babies in this house?" Amber looked away, but nodded slowly. "Good. Remember that. You gotta remember that mommy can't always read your mind, babe. Tell her you want to get down next time and then come get hat, okay?" Aria took off her hat and set on the child's head of curls, smirking. "Now, go give mommy a kiss and say sorry."
