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William Quercus

An old hermit from Haven's sewers.. and the guardian of a few revolutionary, albeit dangerous secrets.

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a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by GBA


William Quercus

Mysteries of the Cave - Mario & Luigi: Dream Team


Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Alignment: True Neutral


Physical Description: Apparently around the size of an average human and clad in dull, green scales with pale skin, William Quercus is, technically, a simple lizardman; one almost always hunched over (making discerning his true height an impossibility) and wearing a simple, gray-ish brown robe that almost reaches down to his feet, with his long tail sometimes poking out underneath. He often takes with him a walking cane that, coincidentally, doubles as a magical staff, along with a lantern for trips to dark areas, which he can conveniently hook onto the top of said staff.

Personality: A hermit and typically not a people person, Quercus more often than not isolates himself in the innermost reaches of Haven's sewer system beyond a series of well-hidden secret chambers that he himself had carved out, in which he conducts research and experiments on.. well, anything, really. Caring not of the politics, the prejudice, and the countless clashes of 'good' and 'evil' that go on aboveground, as well as seeing very little peace for himself by remaining up there, he hides out down below, where he can carry out his never-ending quest for knowledge, remaining largely undisturbed (Although, beyond all of that, there ARE a few other reasons as to why he isolates himself from the rest of the world..).

However, you can't learn everything there is to know by simply remaining underground, and the sewers themselves do not offer many sources of research (or at least new ones, in William's case), so whenever he tends to have free time he departs them, heading out on a pilgrimage of sorts to the rest of Unitas. These journeys usually take form in the hunts or studies of plant and animal life and sometimes trips to temples or libraries, but in some very rare cases, they can also merely serve as a vacation for the lizardman, which usually happens whenever things go FUBAR in Haven.

To those he comes across yet does not know, Quercus tends to be largely apathetic, seemingly coming off as a heartless passerby and being only interested in assisting others if it happens to serve his own priorities, or if he ends up benefitting from it, all the while making sure never to divulge his identity. However, the lucky few who are able to earn his trust and get to know him, or have at the very least treated him well, can see that he CAN be a pretty stand-up guy - for them, at any rate.

History: There is very little known about William Quercus, as the lizard man IS mostly an enigma - although it can be said he, or rather, a creature like him, has resided within Haven's sewers for a long time.. among whatever else that might lurk in the dark.

Equipment: Despite Quercus' frail appearance, he is nevertheless incredibly well-versed in the magical arts; his time spent researching and experimenting with various elemental and arcane spells, summonings, necromancy, even demonic and holy pacts alike having paid off quite well, evidently, although he rarely, if ever, seems to use these abilities. Those who seek to do him harm, steal from him, or impede his research, however, should not take him lightly.
Being a lizardman, William is also capable of remaining submerged underwater for exceptionally long periods of time, and is largely resistant to poisons. Years of toiling in a silent sewer has somehow sharpened his sense of hearing as well, so he can easily tell if someone is following him, or if he himself is about to encounter someone - so long as they make some form of noise, at any rate.

Other: Quercus frights easily, and knows the sewer system of Haven like the back of his hand - anyone trying to pursue him down there will quickly realize the pointlessness of tracking down the lizardman in his home turf, and if aware that he is being specifically targeted, it is likely he will attempt to escape to his hidden sanctuary, and remain there for a long time - or at least until the search for him dies down.

So begins...

William Quercus's Story


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Character Portrait: William Quercus
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#, as written by GBA
Elsewhere within the sewers, beyond a series of tunnels not marked on any map and in a grand chamber stuffed with enough books, ingredients, and appliances of both alchemical and scientific nature to make this place a researcher's veritable dream home, sits old and weary William Quercus; secretive hermit and knowledge-seeker.

In one of the lizardman's gloved claws, meanwhile, lies a scalpel; before him, an occupied makeshift operating table - the entity in question occupying it looking eerily similar to one of those infected citizens that were unleashed in the recent attacks on Sicherheim and the Rusty Slums, this one however sporting many incisions and looking to be rather deceased. Despite that, though, the bits of black ooze and the few ghastly yellow eyes on the infected parts of the specimen seem to still be "alive", so to speak; pulsating and writhing about in agony, which has Quercus incredibly puzzled as to what the parasite could be trying to do at this point, if anything, as well as wondering how it could sustain itself despite the death of the rather fragile host.

Eventually, however, Quercus decides to stop his examination of the infected citizen for the time being; placing the scalpel he was holding into a nearby dish for sanitization and lifting up a great transparent container from the floor, locking said container over the operating table with an air-tight seal. Sitting back in his chair, Quercus stares at the gross yellow eyes dotting the unusual specimen before him (which glare back) before smirking; pulling off his gloves as well as unrolling the sleeves of his robe, before he takes out a feather pen and book, beginning to jot down some notes..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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Elsewhere in the sewers, Terrus and Duma fall into the filthy water rather loudly. Mechanical laughter echoes around them as Terrus gets up, drawing his spear and staying close to Duma.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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Elsewhere in a tunnel just beneath the Templar station in Sanctuary, Lucas and Lightning proceeded onward, leaving as much distance as possible behind them. They eventually make it out the tunnel into the main catwalk complex of the underground.

" you know where I've been stewing for the past month," Lightning said.


"...I'm sure you were surprised that I learned to use magic this time around. The reason, well..."

"...! Wait, you mean to say - ?"

"A fal'Cie, found deep underground here. I didn't even think it existed...until that day. Everyone thought it meant to destroy Haven, so I was sent down to investigate. But it turns out I was picking the fight...and for that I was punished."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA

Back over in Quercus' home, the lizardman suddenly perks up, abruptly halting the pace of his writing; the sound of something being thrown into the sewers' waters reverberating through a number of pipes that lead back into his room, catching his attention.

Cautiously setting aside his book and grabbing a tall walking staff instead, Quercus hobbles over to a cleanly sawed-off sewer pipe protruding through one of the walls of his home; putting one of his ears close to it and listening to whatever might be going on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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Lucas and Lightning can just barely see something moving beneath the filthy sewer water...


Quercus can hear the faint sounds of conversation between a man and a woman, along with faint, mechanical, insane laughter.


Terrus also hears the laughter getting closer, and stays on his guard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

"!" Upon seeing this, Lucas and Lightning freeze, readying their weapons cautiously. Lucas's DRACOS Junction began picking up the moving object's subtle vibrations...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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The DRACOS Junction can clearly pick up that this creature is robotic in nature, and appears to be vaguely serpentine in design. It pauses for a few seconds before slithering off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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Lucas gave a faint sigh of relief when the creature left.

"...Anyway, we can't stay down here forever," Lightning said. "We need to leave to another nation. I'm afraid the senator's commands won't be limited to Haven..."

"...Right. Let's go." So Lucas and Lightning proceeded onward down the catwalks, seeking the way out of Haven.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
On a darkened wall within the tunnel, a small number of beady, sickly-looking yellow eyeballs suddenly open from behind Lucas and Lightning; silently watching as the duo walk along.


Quercus, meanwhile, backs up from the pipe, having heard bits and pieces of Lucas and Lightning's conversation. Not too surprising for people to be taking a trip through the sewers, Quercus thought; it seemed to be becoming more and more commonplace these days.

From what he could put together, though, something big was apparently going on in Haven at the moment that had them in a hurry to leave - not that he really cared. What interested him the most, of course, was that earlier sound he heard; it was too sharp and quick to just be simple chemical waste dumping, he knew that much. Perhaps a body, or singular item being dumped instead? That creepy laughter certainly didn't dispell those theories.

Either way, he figured it needed some sort of investigation, and, who knows; it might offer up something else for the lizardman to research. Thus, quickly grabbing a lantern from a nearby desk and hooking it to his staff, Quercus then hurriedly departs the chamber.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

The creature pauses for a bit when hearing Lightning and Lucas speak, but it's drawn more towards Terrus and Duma thanks to the former's loud splashing as he wades through the muck and mire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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As Lucas and Lightning proceeded along the catwalk paths, another figure's set of eyes watched from the shadows above - eyes giving a slight red glint before the figure took a quick leave from the area...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
The small cluster of beady yellow eyes on the wall, meanwhile, suddenly disappears as some sort of slimy, tangled thread-like mass soon starts to silently crawl after Lucas and Lightning.


Close to where Terrus and Duma are at, a part of the sewers' walls suddenly opens up, revealing a secret path within as Quercus cautiously steps out - said path quickly closing over once more as Quercus blows out the lantern from earlier; looking around the tunnel he's in and listening closely, as he tries to determine wherever the splashing noises might be coming from.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

Something serpentine slithers by Quercus. It seems to be heading for the source of the splashing noises...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

"?" Lucas's DRACOS Junction quivered again - it could sense something else approaching. Just to be sure, Lucas and Lightning checked behind to the source of the disturbance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
Thankfully, Lucas and Lightning turned around just in time; the thing that was following along is still there, suddenly sprouting several yellow eyes once more as it shrieks and leaps at the duo, the thread-like mass of the strange monster shifting into sharpened tendrils as it soars through the air after them!


Alarmed by the creature that slithered past him, yet figuring it might lead him to the source of the noise, Quercus cautiously follows after it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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Soon enough, Quercus can get a good view of Terrus, carrying Duma, splashing along through the water.

"Is anyone the-" began Terrus, calling out.

Suddenly the creature from before leaps out of the water - a thing of numerous metal parts grinding against one another, arranged in the shape of a snake but with two spiked tendrils where arms might go, and a jagged mechanical tail. It tackles Duma out of Terrus' hands, dragging her below the sewer water, and Terrus quickly dives in after.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
"..Oh. Oh dear," muttered Quercus after seeing this; raising his arms and clasping his hands over his head in recoil.
Without thinking, he quickly leaps into the sewer water after them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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In the water, Quercus can (barely) see the three glowing eyes of the mechanical creature as it swipes at Terrus (in the form of a merman). The creature has Duma strangled by the neck with its tail and seems to have a clear visibility and mobility advantage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

"Incoming!!" Lightning said, slashing the monster with a Firestrike.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Vinisha Character Portrait: Lightning (Claire Farron) Character Portrait: Duma Character Portrait: William Quercus Character Portrait: Terrus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
The monster shrieks again as it is slashed in two; the tangled, unnatural mess making up its halves falling to the ground and writhing in agony.. before they both suddenly bolt off in different directions, back into the darkness.


It's around this point that Quercus comes to his senses - cursing himself in his mind for not thinking this through properly. Nonetheless, he starts waving his staff around in the water; apparently trying to cast a spell of some kind (with a fair amount of difficulty), as an unholy rune slowly takes shape in the depths below the serpentine creature..