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Fusion Fantasy Neo



a part of Fusion Fantasy Neo, by Karasz.

The hi-tech citadel

Karasz holds sovereignty over Sanctuary, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,792 readers have been here.


This is the main citadel of Haven. With the advanced technology here, the elite here live in luxury. It's not just the wealthy - the top military candidates also live in this area.
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The hi-tech citadel


Sanctuary is a part of Haven.

4 Places in Sanctuary:

10 Characters Here

Hopscotch [210] Sweet, naive... and with enough strength to shatter several buildings.
Count Fredrich von Amsel [207] Sorceror and detective. But not much of a count.
Princess Parasoul Renoir [176] Leader of the Canopy Kingdom and Black Egrets commander.
Ignacious [161] "The great Ignacious will melt you down, use the remains as a fertilizer to grow plants, and then burn them down, TOO!"
Ninjacker [126] Formerly evil scientist. Now just a jerk scientist.
General Maven Ashbury [76] One of the top and most well-respected figures in Haven's military.
Theano [36] The whispering cleric of ancient Haven.
Slayer [23] You are a corpse who does not know it is dead.
Sir Steel (V2) [1] 'Sup, suckas?
Cloud Strife [0] Guardian of the Lifestream.

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9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: River Eidral Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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It would be pretty hard to aim at someone when you're being violently swirled around and around. Most shots just strike his armored spots (mostly the helmet) and bounce off. The man then used his armor's aquakinetic power to make the maelstrom burst, sending the officers flying in all directions.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: River Eidral Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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The officers, when they hit whatever, end up with broken bones at best.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: River Eidral Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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#, as written by Sockie
"Whatever it is we're looking at here, I'm sure we'll be able to handle it." says Ashbury, peering at the large screen.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: River Eidral Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

"Sure...for now," Andy said. "But if given the chance, they WILL seek to remove the rest of the remaining keys. I see...three gone - in Haven, in Coronach, and in Fantasma."

Andy looked to the screen again, and saw two of the Minils mimicking The Lurker's form. He cocked a brow in reaction, and suspicion.



Meanwhile with the armored man, he brushed back his helm's white faux mane.

"The most technologically-advanced nation in the world, and THIS is their law enforcement?" the man sighed. "Pathetic...No wonder the future is better off in the people's hands. Now then..."

With that amusing diversion complete, the man proceeded to Old Haven.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Ninjacker Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury Character Portrait: Sir Steel (V2)
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0.00 INK

As the man leaves, one of the cops shakily raises his pistol to fire on him...

Only for some dude in red hair to leap out of freakin' nowhere and kick him in the face, making him drop his gun! Before it can even hit the ground, the red-haired man cuts it in half!

"Dude," said the red-haired fellow. "You suck at your job, you know that?"

"W-who are you?" asked the cop.

"I'm the good guy," said the man. "And I'm here to clean up your act."

With a swing of his mighty sword, the red-haired man cuts the cop in half... followed by every other cop on the block!

"Pfft... too easy!" said the man. "If every other bozo messing this world up puts up as little of a fight as you, I'll be done before dinner!"

The cops can't talk back, because they're dead, but that was a pretty sick burn. Besides, before anyone can think about thinking about reacting, the mysterious man was gone...


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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Cole thought about what he was seeing and hearing. Haven, Coronach, and Fantasma. So whatever all that is hasn't hit Yuyake and Dream Valley yet. Dang, what is it with all this stuff going on?

Meanwhile, Tempo had sped ahead of Kaia and Rita to see if he could find Cole and Andy and started checking different areas inside.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
"And we'll handle them." repeats Ashbury. "Whatever they are, and whatever these 'keys' are. I can only pray that Coronach surrenders after that first strike..."


Tempo ends up coming across several engineers eating their lunches in one room. They all stare at him blankly.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

Tempo stared at them just as blankly for a moment before snapping out of it. "Uh, 'sup." Tempo said with a nervous chuckle before quietly closing the door to the room.

"Okay, not there," he said as he kept moving.

Eventually, he came across a corridor and saw Cole leaning against a wall with a large hole in the side of it. He didn't see Andy anywhere though, but it was a start. He turned around and started making his way back to the girls.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

Kaia arrived to Cole and Tempo's location. "Well?" She then peeked in and saw Andy speaking with Ashbury. "!"

"{dark chuckle} Yeah, you and I both know that isn't going to happen," Andy replied to Ashbury, back turned to her, "because you didn't retaliate against Coronach - you assaulted them. You dealt the first attack and started this war. They were at fault for nothing. You now are."

Andy then turned to face her again. "We tried to tell you...We tried to explain the inconsistencies of the real attackers! And you all just refused to acknowledge the truth. Now, because of that, all of us are going to pay the price!"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
"Excuse me?" asks Ashbury. "No. Coronach started this with that airship attack--it was their nanites caused the deaths of many in Sanctuary. As far as I can see, this was a retaliation. And I have no idea where you're talking about with 'real attackers' and 'inconsistencies'; I'm not part of that."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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" just pointed out one inconsistency," Andy snarked. "Since when does Coronach's military try to use outside weaponry? And I've seen more foreign weapons on the deck...Not to mention, if that airship's engine was run by a feystone, as per Coronach standards, then a simple shock wouldn't have shorted it out! But I suppose you would deny such facts...just as your pathetic excuse of a senator did so hastily. And really...since you too fell for the real attackers' bluff, you ARE part of th - "

It's then that a Minil flew through a nearby duct and latched onto Andy's back, sucking at his life force.

"AGH - !!"

More Minils flew in, attacking everyone in the command room and then heading toward the halls. There, most of them were met by Kaia's Cascade occult, getting bounded back.


In fact, there are several upon several more Minils flying about Haven, attacking anyone they can get their appendages on. They seem to have come in from Arsenal Cove's direction.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Ashbury and the other soldiers immediately open fire on the Minils in the control room with their automatic rifles. Unfortunately, they are too distracted to help Andy.

"These things... they're the creatures from Bacaina?!" observes Ashbury as she fills a Minil with holes.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
Outside in Sanctuary proper, Ignacious, gripping a beverage can, watches as chaos begins to unfold anew in the city from his perch high up on the hotel rooftop, giddy with amusement as the people out on the streets below start to run and scream in terror from the Minils.

"Say what you will, but you can't beat this place's sense of fun, that's for sure!" chortled Ignacious, taking a sip from his drink.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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"I gotcha, man! Hold still!" Cole said, running into the room. He held up his rifle and shot at the Minil on Andy's back.

As the Minils came into the hallway, Rita pulled out her nailguns and started shooting at them while Tempo bashed away at them with his yo-yo.

"What are these things?!" Rita asked.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

"Ggk - !" Cole's rifle shot nicked off the Minil, but also left a small gash on Andy's back (with a bluish-purple mist leaking from it). It healed up soon, though, but that didn't stop the injury from stinging.

"Th...Thanks, I guess." Andy used a controlled Rushing Bolt occult to target and strike approaching Minils only. "And these ones, I don't think are coming from Bacaina's corpse. They're more likely coming from the destroyed key near Haven!"

Kaia jumps in and uses the River Chase occult, tracking a ball of water to swoop around and snatch Minils, trapping them within the water before it collapsed on them. "They're quite plentiful now...I shudder to think of what will happen if one or two more keys are broken!"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
"Where is this 'key' in Haven?" asks Ashbury as she throws away her depleted machine gun, grabs a shotgun from another soldier, and begins blowing some Minils apart.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

"Like I said, it's gone - already destroyed," Andy said, using a small controlled tornado to suck in a bunch of Minils and crush them into dust. "It USED to be in the isle of Hierophant, or Arsenal Cove as it's called now."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

"Better question: HOW DO WE STOP THESE THINGS?!" Tempo shouted. Being the only one in the room that had to resort to melee combat, Tempo had to work extra hard to keep the creatures off of him. He was mostly just trying to evade them. One of them was able to land onto him, but was quickly shot off by Rita. I need some better gear. He thought.

"Yeah. In a minute, some of us are gonna run out of ammo and you do not want me to pull out my bigger guns in a small space like this." Rita said.

Cole had run out of ammo for his rifle and instead of reloading, switched it out for his sword, aiming it at the vent the Minils were coming in and using its flamethrower to shoot fire at the vent.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
"Good idea!" shouts Ashbury to Cole as she tosses away her depleted machine gun and grabs a shotgun from another soldier, blowing some more Minils apart.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

This has taken a while, but Kaia used psychokinesis to crush the last of the Minil swarm in this building.

"There might be others in the city..." Kaia said. "Come on!"

"Well, general..." Andy said as he prepared to leave, "have faith in my words, or live in doubt...Either way, the results speak loudest. These monsters will keep spawning, slowly but surely...with the intent of consuming this world."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

Rita ran out of nails as Kaia crushed the last of the Minils inside. So, as the group started to leave, she was trying to reload her nailguns as she ran through the hallway. Tempo skated out after her and Cole gave Ashbury an 'I'm watching you' gesture before leaving.

Cole pulled out his cell phone as the group was on its way outside. If the situation's escalating, we're gonna need some more help.

He started calling someone and was waiting for an answer.

Hey, Naomi here. You got my machine. Leave a message at the beep. *BEEP*

"Naomi, things in Haven are gettin' worse. I know I didn't ask you to come with us the first time, but I'll need you and Biz to get ready to move if we need you someplace. Just lettin' you know," Cole said into the phone before hanging up.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
"... I'll keep that in mind." replies Ashbury.

"Shouldn't we arrest them, General?" asks a soldier. "They are trespassing..."

"No, let them go." answers Ashbury. "If they hadn't barged in here, we might not have beaten those things."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

Things aren't any better out in the city. The Minils are attacking the panicking populace, draining several citizens of their lives. It's only a several because a great majority the Minils are being sniped by the Black Egrets. Parasoul intercepted swooping Minils with Krieg's napalm tears, knocking them skyward with the flammable globs stuck to them.

"Detonate," Parasoul said while tapping Krieg's spearhead to the ground, making the tears explode, taking their captive Minils with them.

"Commander! We've determined the source of these bugs," Molly said to Parasoul over the radio. "They're coming out of the ruins of Arsenal Cove!"

"Arsenal Cove?" Parasoul responded. "You mean what used to be the research fortress Hierophant?"


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury
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0.00 INK

When the group reached the exit, Cole, Rita, and Tempo looked out at the chaos that the city was engulfed in.

"C'mon, man. Look at all these things!" Tempo said.

Upon seeing the large swarm outside, Cole pulled out his sword again and Rita fished through her bag before handing Tempo her CD launcher. "These disks are really sharp. Try not to chop someone's arm off with them," Rita said. She started pulling out a few machine parts and quickly snapped them together into a large tripod-mounted gun.

"Let's squash some bugs," Rita said to herself. The gun started up with a whirring sound and she aimed her gun upwards and began rapidly firing nails at the the Minils.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Andy Canis Character Portrait: Kaia Terrum Character Portrait: Princess Parasoul Renoir Character Portrait: Ignacious Character Portrait: Rita Hernandez Character Portrait: Cole Evans Character Portrait: Daren "Tempo" Anton Character Portrait: General Maven Ashbury Character Portrait: Theano
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0.00 INK

Andy and Kaia made it outside, ready to take on the havoc caused by the Minils. However, Andy's body was engulfed in a lavender glow, reverting to his regular self.

"Whoa..." Andy said dizzily, "that was quite a rush there. But, uh, could've gone worse, right?"

"Andy..." Kaia replied with worry. She could tell that he wasn't as serious as when he assumed his Deus-X mode. Perhaps it triggers certain emotions, like with her own Deus-X?

"Anyhoo, doesn't look like the swarm is thinning," Andy continued, hopping onto his skateboard. "Let's get to exterminatin'!" With that, he rode his board upward on an electric line. Kaia flexed her wings, gliding along the ground in pursuit of the Minils.

Meanwhile, the cloaked lady entered town, also beholding the chaos resulting from the Minils.
