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Rei Soriyu

"I..don't care."

0 · 789 views · located in Castle Academy

a character in “Ghost Rule”, as played by Bluelium


Rei Soriyu

Face Claim: Rayet Areash {ALDNOAH.ZERO}

Speech colour: 7B3D95

Thought colour: 9F8EA7


The Basics

Name: Rei Soriyu

"If you'd read the title, you'd know my name."

Age: 15

"Not too young, not too old."

Gender: Female

"I hope you know my gender just by looking at me."

Sexuality: Homoromantic Homosexual

"Why do you even care?"

Role: Student

"Well, I am 15."

Species: Human | Alive

"At least, I hope I'm alive."


On The Outside

Height: 5"2'

"Look, I'm not short, my generation is just generally very tall."

Weight: 116 lbs

"I think that's the average."

Body type: Rei is rather slim.

"I'm not even close to fat."

Overall appearance: Rei is of an average height and slim figure. Her brown curly hair is cut short, framing her face and her big round eyes are purple. She often wears a white hoodie, zipped close with denim shorts and a pair of light brown boots.

"You don't say."


School Life

Reason for Enrolment: Rei often started fights, which eventually lead to permanent exclusion in her first school. Once she moved to another school, she was expelled again; this was for vandalising multiple windows, walls, and floors.
"..I don't have to explain myself."

Year: Second year

"Makes sense. "

On The Inside


"Don't interfere with what I like and we won't have a problem."

    ❤ Her Hoodie ~ While it's a strange thing to like so much, Rei feels safer wearing her grey hoodie, especially with the hood up.

    ❤ Bread ~ For some reason, bread, in all shapes and forms, is Rei's favourite food. She particularly likes bagels.

    ❤ Quiet Places ~ Rei savours quiet places, as she's not a fan of crowds or too much noise.


"I will smother you with a pillow if you give me ketchup."

    ❤ Loud Mouths ~ People who talk too much annoy Rei, she finds their excessive talking gratuitous and frustrating.

    ❤ Ketchup ~ She finds it revolting.

    ❤ Intense Friendships ~ Rei dislikes it when people touch her too much, even if it's just on her arms or shoulders; she also dislikes being around the same person for too long.


"Snakes are scary, I'll admit that."

    ❤ Pathophobia ~ She's afraid of contracting diseases.

    ❤ Ophidiophobia ~ Rei is deathly afraid of snakes.


"I'm flattered."

    ❤ Brave ~ Rei is quite brave, especially in situations where nobody else will step up or do anything.


"I try not to dwell on my weaknesses."

    ❤ Rejection ~ If Rei doesn't like the idea of something, she won't try it and she'll just walk away. This stops her from trying anything new.

    ❤ Stubborn ~ Rei doesn't believe other people's theories and usually doesn't agree with their ideas if it isn't similar to hers; she's quite stubborn.


"I just like to think, it's not weird."

    ❤ Pausing ~ On longer sentences, Rei often pauses for long periods of time; This isn't because she has trouble constructing sentences; she just likes to think about what she says before she says it.

Personality: Rei, at most times, is rather stoic or apathetic; sometimes even dismissive. Rei often does things alone, mostly because she doesn't like large crowds or large amounts of people; she doesn't completely reject the idea of being with one or two other people, though.

"Get to know me instead of asking stupid questions."

History: Rei's home life wasn't necessarily bad, it just wasn't good, either. Her mother was an extraordinarily busy person, so she rarely interacted with Rei. The majority of the times their conversations only occurred over dinner, even then, the small talks they had were forced. Rei's mother also didn't take much time out of her work to do any activities with Rei; This forced Rei to find her own ways to entertain herself, unfortunately, the young girl took to discovering negative activities, such as fighting or vandalism.

"None of your business."


So begins...

Rei Soriyu's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hitomi Yuuki Character Portrait: Michi Akiyama Character Portrait: Inoue Chiyo Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Astraeus Black Character Portrait: Koyama Kei
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BGM: â™Ģ

A crowd of new students are gathered in the main building of the boarding school called Castle Academy. Regardless of their reasons for being here—be it their parents sent them here to this school for superficial reasons, or if maybe they actually cared, one thing is for sure—every single one of them has done something worthy of being sent here. Some students have parents with them, wishing them well and sending them off. Others have no parents present. A faculty member stands in front of the crowd, explaining the rules of the school (curfew is 8 on school days, lights out at 9, no sneaking out in a blizzard, no running in the halls, etc etc) to the presumed rowdy delinquents. The students will step up one by one afterwards to one of many tables set up in the citadel to gather their information—class schedules, room assignments, roommates, things like that. After they've gathered these, they'll be off to their own devices before lights out in nine hours.

The school is peaceful in some regards, but the spirits are stirring. Somewhere in the castle, they are speaking . . .



Nova stares at the piece of paper in his hand, surveying it from top to bottom, once more, then twice again. Lights out at nine...? Jeez... that's so damn early. What are we, kindergarteners? He rubs the his shoulder, through the knitted fabric of his sweater with sleeves too long, and looks around sheepishly. One wouldn't be able to tell that this is the young man who was kicked out of three schools for being a smart-ass (though, the kid looks like a NEET, so let's face it—everyone could tell he probably never showed up to class.) just by looking at him. The raven pushes up his glasses and sinks his head slightly into his sweater. There's got to be some kinda mistake. I mean, I'm not really a delinquent or anything! Nothing like these guys... I don't commit crimes or... or you know, anything! I just mouthed off to some teachers, and my shitty parents sent me here for it. Somewhere near him, he hears two students he presumes to be old residents of this lousy school say something about how the "ghosts" must be "angry", and at this, Nova shivers. Ghosts...? He can't deal with those.

Nova groans and flops onto a big, comfortable chair miserably. There's absolutely no way he's going to move from this chair now that he's decided to succumb to self-loathing and, as a new addition to his awful feelings, fear. He looks down at the paper he received from one of the tables and skims through it again. At the very end of it, there's something he's appeared to have somehow missed the first dozen times he's read it to himself:

❛For as long as the blizzard starting either tonight or tomorrow lasts, there will be no exiting the school unless it's an emergency. The gymnasium will be used for P.E. instead of the open fields. Sneaking out will not be tolerated. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to working with you to become better! ❜

Nova crumples up the paper and tosses it into the fireplace, leaning his head on his palm. It's going to be a long few fucking years.


The darkest room during the day happens to be club room 2A, which hasn't been home to a club for quite some years now. There are cobwebs forming in the corners, even, and Bertholdt does not mind them that much. Being a connoisseur of scary things in his living years, he's quite fond of them. A long legged spider drops from one of the webs on its own thread, weaving as it goes, and the white-haired ghost watches it from his spot in the air, looking as though he's laying on a table on his back. During the day, ghosts can't do much, unless students were to wander into the darker, dingier parts of the school—the parts that are not quite off-limits, but where nobody dares to venture alone.

Bertholdt sighs and lets himself fall to the ground, though he does not make a sound—ghosts, after all, do not thump, as they aren't making physical contact with this world. Despite their abilities to make themselves tangible in this world, their movements and footsteps will not make any noise. Noise is depended on by other tangible objects, like glass plates or bells or wind chimes. Ugh, those last two seem awfully boring. I like plates myself. My shadows can throw them for me~ â™Ē

Rolling himself onto his stomach from the floor, he presses his cheek to the wooden floor, as though he's trying to listen for anything downstairs—any movement of new or old students, most likely. When he comes up with naught, he sighs and soundlessly taps his nails against the ground, looking around the empty abandoned club room.

❝Oi, Chiyo-chan, are you in here? Can you sing me a song? I'm bored out of my damned mind, and I need something to, uh, lift my spirits. Ufufu...❞


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hitomi Yuuki Character Portrait: Michi Akiyama Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Astraeus Black Character Portrait: Ingram Garver Character Portrait: Nova Kriess
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ImageSpeech ~ #6F0A06 || Thoughts ~ #B84743
Astraeus was uncomfortable. He had been woken up earlier than he normally would be by his parents and half shoved into his father's car along with most of his belongings. His little treasures had been left at home and the fact that he couldn't bring them along had left him scowling for most of the trip. 'I earned those damn it...'

Now however, he was stood in the middle of a crowd of new students in the main building of the boarding school his parents had signed him up for. He wasn't paying overly much attention to what was being said by the faculty member, he was sure his parents would repeat it to him several times later anyways. Instead his gaze was wandering from person to person, absently noting any shiny or otherwise interesting things they had on them. But he could feel the heavy stares of his parents on his back and stead of snagging a few trinkets for himself, he settled for idly rubbing at the tattoo around his left wrist. 'Well... This is awkward...'

A short while later, once the speeches were over and done with, found Astraeus stood toward one side of the room, his parents drilling the mentioned rules into his head while the teen stared blandly at the paper in his hands - he had collected the information from one of the tables under the watchful eyes of his parents before making his way back over to them. "I get it mother, no leaving during blizzards, no running in corridors and lights out at nine. I. Get. It." He sighed a little as the dark haired woman fussed over him some more, his equally dark haired father stood back and watching the scene unfold with and amused smile. Astraeus shot a half-hearted glare at the man before giving a lazy wave as the two finally left. He did love his parents, but they were a bit much at times.

With that done with, he took a hold of his parasol before moving over to a group of chairs not far from him. If there was anyone else nearby, he didn't think to pay attention to them. At this point all Astraeus wanted to do was catch up on the sleep that his parents had made him miss to get to the school. Once there, he half threw himself onto one of the empty seats, quickly curling up as much as he could before allowing himself to doze off. He could worry about everything else once he woke up, he just hoped no-one disturbed his sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hitomi Yuuki Character Portrait: Michi Akiyama Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Ingram Garver Character Portrait: Nova Kriess Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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"Hey, Inori?

Sorry for writing to you this late. I'm mostly writing to tell you that I may not be able to head home for the break. Snow's coming and we may be locked in for quite a while. Not that it matters that I'm in Castle though. Even if I was to get out, my flight's pretty much grounded. Better stay where there's free lodgings rather than spend a fortune on outside accommodations.

I've been thinking a lot lately. I know you've warned me about it, lest my insomnia kicks in again. But I just can't help it. I know it's been over a year since Minatsuki disappeared. I thought I would've moved on by then. Guess I was wrong. It's not as if I'm just hanging on blindly though. No. I've got reason to believe it. What that reason is, I'm not sure I can explain it well enough. I'm not even sure you'll believe me if I do. It's that inexplicable.

As I'm typing this, I've come to realize that my old habit of cracking my knuckles has come back again. It probably started when I stopped smoking. You told me it wasn't something a girl ought to do but--I guess I just couldn't live without having a vice. Everyone's an addict. We just have to choose our drugs wisely.

Tell mom I said thanks for the deposit. I really wish I could've gone home. Really. I'll probably be home by the late spring or early summer. When I come back, maybe I can show you my finished book. Like a vampire, all I have right now is time. By the time I get there, I'll probably be done. Along with any revisions needed.

I'll see you soon. Next time, we'll go get a nice dinner. Not the cheap stuff that we used to go on. Wine, tablecloths, candles--that kind of stuff. Keep your diary open for me in the summer.

Your other half,


Message sent. Now all she's gotta do is wait for the reply. Haruto yawned and stretched. Even with a laptop, writing still takes quite the amount of energy from her system. Satisfied, she closed its lid, putting it on sleep mode as she walked out, locking her room's door as she made her way outside.

Outside, the wind was rather chilly. Winter was definitely on the way. Haruto shivered slightly upon the wind's caress. It was one thing she hated about stone architecture. The place gets pretty damn cold. And yet, she never bothered too much with wearing a proper jacket. Rolling down her sleeves is the most she's done to stave off the cold for now. Though with the way the weather's been acting up, it won't be long until the temperature drops even further.

Haruto walked over to the transport terminal. She knew about the trips being cancelled and the flights being grounded. Still, she decided to take a chance. She figured it wouldn't hurt and she's got nothing better to do anyway so, might as well try her luck. Maybe one cab decided to take a chance and maybe the skies would clear up allowing her to fly home. But no dice. Whatever fortune she lived on a few days ago was probably used up.

"Ha! Never a cab around when you need one..." Haruto smirked to herself as she stood up from the waiting shed, having waited for almost half an hour in the cold. Seeing that she'll have to make peace with confining herself inside the "Castle", as she calls it, she headed back.

The cafeteria wasn't exactly the toastiest place in the school but, it was at least warmer than outside. She headed to the counter to order her usual afternoon snack. A couple of dumplings and some coffee. She figured it was best she save her funds. It would be a long month and she didn't want to be broke before the term ends though she could always count on Inori if she suddenly found herself strapped for cash. Problem is actually getting it once the snow thickens.

From her spot, Haruto could make out the new transfers walking on about. It reminded her of her time when she first transferred in. Back then she knew nothing. Now, the whole place seemed like a secondary home. Adapting to places is one of the traits she takes pride in.

"Good luck'll need it." Haruto mutters under her breath as her eyes glanced from the hallway to the newspaper she picked up on the newsstand. Sipping her coffee, she proceeds to read the headlines--one of her few connections with the outside world.

Vampire terrorizes New Haven as election period nears!

Haruto almost laughed at some of them. "As if the threat of flying monsters would get the right people elected...These people never learn..." She almost sighed as she took a sip of the coffee. It was going to be a long night.

"Maybe I ought to kill time in the library instead...After I finish this coffee. Don't know where they get their beans from but, it ain't half-bad." Haruto noted to herself as she read another article. Vampires have long worn out their welcome for her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hitomi Yuuki Character Portrait: Michi Akiyama Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Astraeus Black Character Portrait: Ingram Garver Character Portrait: Nova Kriess
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Rei Soriyu


{Thought= #9F8EA7}
{Speech= #7B3D95}

As Rei entered the gates of the school known as Castle Academy, she sighed inaudibly, 'Another year in this hellhole.'. Despite her hatred for the school, anything was better than home. As clichÊ as that sounded, it was true.

There'd been a running rumour throughout her first year of school that there were ghosts, angry ghosts. Rei often didn't believe silly tales like that, but who does?

The piece of paper that displayed the school rules was squeezed tightly into a crumpled ball. She knew the rules, she didn't particularly care about them either. It was too early for this, it was too early for anything right now; mornings weren't Rei's thing. The young girl decided to go to the cafeteria, in hopes she'd wake up properly from some of the coffee they sell there.

Pushing open the doors that lead to the said cafeteria, Rei took a deep breath and begun making her way towards the counter. Once she'd received her coffee, she sat on one of the tables, noticing a red-haired girl on another table. She looked familiar, and was certainly older than Rei. What was her name?

Rei didn't realise she was subconsciously staring at the girl, so she averted her gaze. She may not have cared what people thought too much, but she didn't want to appear as some kind of stalker.

The young girl took a sip of the hot coffee, burning her tongue on it accidentally. Rei wouldn't describe herself as reckless, she was just eager to wake up, especially since it was the first day of school. She pulled her hood up, feeling a little more comfortable under its shade.

It was only going to get worse from here.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hitomi Yuuki Character Portrait: Michi Akiyama Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Astraeus Black Character Portrait: Ingram Garver Character Portrait: Nova Kriess
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{Dialogue Color || #E18AE6 | Thought Color || #A1CFF0}


Ingram stared blankly at the faculty member standing in front of the crowd of new students. They were giving a speech about the rules of Castle Academy, but honestly, Ingram was only giving them half of her attention. She was practically bored out of mind at this point in time, and she was sure that she could figure out all of the rules herself, or that her parents, who were standing behind her and hanging onto every last word that the faculty member said, could get her up to speed if she missed any rules.

Bored eyes now roaming around the room that they were all standing in, Ingram wondered about the place that she would be spending years of her life in. The outside had gotten the girl pretty excited, the academy had certainly lived up to its name, seeing as it definitely did appear to look like a castle. Who knew what creepy things resided inside of a castle, it was all so very exciting to think about! Although Ingram's heart beat faster in anticipation, her face remained a blank slate.

Once all of the rules had been mentioned, the new students were asked to come up and grab some papers from a table in the front. Grabbing her own, Ingram looked over the paper that had the rules on it, realizing that she had been dozing off for most of the speech. As she got to the part about the blizzard, a slight sparkle could be seen in her eyes. What a great setting! Stuck in a castle during a blizzard, what stories could unfold.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by her parents walking over to say goodbye. While her father simply ruffled her hair, words had never been his strong point either, her mother grabbed her into a giant bear hug that lasted for much longer than necessary in Ingram's opinion. As her mother clung to her, she continuously reassured her that this correctional school would be good for her, although it sounded more like she was trying to reassure herself more than Ingram.

Gently pulling her mother away from her, Ingram looked into her mother's teary eyes and quietly stated, "I'll be fine." Patting her mom on the shoulder, Ingram than turned around and walked away. This would have surely seemed like a harsh thing to do from an outsider's perspective, but Ingram realized that the longer she stayed around her parents the harder it would be on her mother. She didn't look back as she heard her father attempting to drag his wife away, her sniffles growing louder the father away from her only daughter she got. Ingram couldn't help the small sigh that escaped her lips, her mother was so dramatic, it wasn't like they'd never see each other again.

Walking towards the center of the room, Ingram looked around curiously. She wondered where she should explore first. As her eyes moved across the room, she noticed something that peaked her interest. Walking over to a group of chairs at were placed close to where everyone was gathered, Ingram stared blankly down at a boy curled up in one of the seats. Looking him over, she took note of his unnaturally pale skin. Her interest suddenly skyrocketing, Ingram flopped down in front of the chair that the boy was laying in, tucking her knees underneath her.

He certainly had the coloring of someone who had the life sucked out of them. Reaching out a hand, she tentatively poked the pale boy's cheek. He didn't feel especially cold, but you never know. Tilting her head, Ingram suddenly spoke up, "Excuse me... Are you dead?" She wasn't really sure if that was the right thing to say to somebody who might possibly be dead, but it was something.

Continuing to poke the poor kid's cheek, Ingram watched him closely, as if his spirit would fly out of his body at any second. Was it wrong that she sort of hoped that this kid was dead? 'Probably' She thought to herself with a quiet nod, that was something that she should most likely keep to herself.

{Dialogue Color || #FF0084 | Thought Color || #6B238C}


Michi couldn't help but sigh in exasperation as the person standing at the front of the room droned on and on about the academy's rules. He was beginning to wish that his old school had just expelled him and his father had just let him go to a new normal school. But no, Michi's father had to pretend like he was such a great and honorable man and send his child off to a correctional school for his wrong doings. It was all so ridiculous that all he could do was laugh, his father didn't have a good bone in his body. The only reason that he had even been sent here was to save his father's reputation, not to help Michi.

His mother and father hadn't even bothered to show up. His dad had said that he had some 'work' to take care of, and his mother just followed her husband around everywhere that he went, so if he wasn't coming she wasn't either. They had sent one of their chauffeurs to take him here. Looking over his shoulder, he noted that the driver was still present with the others, likely waiting for Michi to tell him that he could leave before exiting.

Turning back around, Michi rolled his eyes at the ridiculousness of this whole situation. His attention was only pulled back to the faculty member in front when the mention of a blizzard came around. 'A blizzard? Great, things just keep getting better and better.' He thought sarcastically, crossing his arms in front of himself.

Once all of the rules had been explained, Michi went up to grab the necessary papers before heading towards the driver that his parents had sent. "You can leave now." Michi said, annoyance obvious in his voice. The man stared at him awkwardly before nodding and mumbling a quick goodbye, then he practically rushed for the door.

Looking around, Michi suddenly felt strangely alone. He usually tended to push people away, so it wasn't like he wasn't used to being alone. But being in an unfamiliar place with nobody that he knew around left him feeling anxious and small. Like he could be crushed at any second. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm himself down. He couldn't let anybody notice his anxiousness.

Walking off towards the side of the room, Michi choose to lean against the wall and wait to see what the other students did. He wasn't quite sure how everything operated around here, and he didn't want to screw up on the first day. He'd just follow everybody else once they ventured off. Michi was determined to not make a fool of himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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Vampire terrorizes New Haven as election period nears!

"SUNSET BRIDGE, New Haven - A vampire has reportedly attacked a couple passing through Sunset Bridge around 11:58 in the evening. Witnesses reported a black mass suddenly descending down on the couple while they were walking along a sidewalk. The black mass then supposedly swirled around in place for a few seconds before flying off, leaving a couple of dead bodies on the ground.

The couple was immediately rushed to the hospital by nearby respondents but were immediately proclaimed dead on arrival from massive blood loss. Their bodies did not have any visible wounds save for some puncture wounds on the nape. Locals speculate it to be the spot where the alleged vampire bit and siphoned their blood.

It has long been rumored that the vampire's hut was found somewhere close to the bridge but so far, investigations have come up with nothing."


"Even I can come up with a better story..." Haruto sighed as she finished the article, taking another sip of her coffee. Sometimes, she wondered how well the newspaper pays their writers. In the event she doesn't make it big as a novelist, would it be a good profession to fall back on? She's got the experience working for her old school's paper but she didn't exactly get paid during those times. She was gunning for broadcast journalism at first but, seeing as how her speech mannerisms need a lot of work, written seems to be the most viable option for her.

Turning the page, she immediately felt something was amiss. That nagging feeling one gets when she boards an overcrowded train dressed in her typical uniform. It's another reason why she's taken to wearing slacks underneath. People staring at her make her uncomfortable. As with the case with most people. Lifting her eyes a bit, she caught sight of another student sitting on another table, gazing into her direction. She wore a hoodie and she also has a cup of coffee in her hand. What blend she ordered, Haruto didn't know. Their red visages contrasts with their stonewashed surroundings.

So as with any man...or woman, for that matter, does when confronted with that kind of situation, she stared back. Not in a "Would you stop bothering me?" kind of way but more of a "Hope you don't mind if I stare back at you." kind of way. A little barbaric but, this is a correctional school. Gazes could mean anything ranging, from "Boss, Ex?" to "I've found our target." "For all I know, she might be trying to shove something on me and I'll turn up in an alley sooner or later with a cardboard placard plastered on my head."

The girl eventually looked away, much to the latter's relief. Somehow, she remembers seeing her before. Must've bumped into her a couple of times in the corridor. Course, she doesn't really remember them talking. Then again, Haruto wasn't the kind of girl you'd count on to remember anything. Half of the time, she can't even recall if she ordered pens with blue ink or black. Nevertheless, she kept watching. Hell, they were the only ones around save for the cafe lady. The girl immediately took a sip of her coffee. Probably didn't account for the beverage's heat as Haruto saw her visibly startled by the sudden influx of hot drink in her system. She immediately pulled up her hood but if it was because she was embarrassed or cold, Haruto didn't know.

"A blizzard at 2,080 feet, who are we kidding?" Haruto noted to herself as she caught glimpse of the advisory distributed by the school board. Mostly a list of things to do and not to do during the snow. The illusion of safety. Enforcing rules on a school populated by rule-breakers. Sometimes she wondered if the management actually knows what kind of people they let in the school. "Must be pretty monstrous themselves if they want to enforce these on us..."

"So, what did they lock you up here for?" Haruto finally asked the girl in the hoodie ahead, taking care not to come off as aggressive. They were gonna suffer being locked up in the school anyway, fated to spend the rest of their meals in the cold watering hole that is the cafeteria. Might as well get acquainted with a couple of faces. Besides, they might be let out sooner or later for good matter how far-fetched that may sound right now. "Not living up to the standards of a model citizen, I take it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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Rei Soriyu

{Thought= #9F8EA7}
{Speech= #7B3D95}

The stares and glances that were exchanged didn't cause Rei any discomfort whatsoever. To anyone else, it probably looked quite weird. Even so, this was a correctional school, weird was to be expected from students, Rei was just surprised a fight hadn't broken out yet, despite the fact that it was still morning.

The girl decided she should eventually make some friends during the holidays, though she wouldn't really say that staring at people like she did earlier is the way to go. There didn't seem to be many people she'd get along with, but what was the harm in trying? She was only going to be with them for the next few years.

Rei hardly noticed the girl wander over to her, as she was previously staring idly at her coffee, occasionally taking a sip. Once the red-haired student spoke, Rei's eyes slowly drifted to meet hers."Hm?" She simply said in a half-interested tone, before absorbing what the other student had said properly. Rei didn't mean to sound bored or uninterested, it was just her state in the morning.

"Oh. Yes, you could say that." The young girl replied to the other student's question, only then realising that she also asked what Rei was in for, "I'm 'in for' fighting and vandalism." She explained, the same neutral look was plastered on her face.

Rei awkwardly sat there, glancing down at her coffee occasionally, eventually returning the question, "What are you here for?" She asked, waiting for a reply. Rei didn't exactly ask because she was necessarily interested, she asked because she was making conversation. Still, it was always interesting to know what people were sent here for. Usually, the response would be 'stealing' or 'vandalism'.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hitomi Yuuki Character Portrait: Michi Akiyama Character Portrait: Cian Silverwood Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Astraeus Black Character Portrait: Ingram Garver
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ImageSpeech ~ #50AC3A || Thoughts ~ #117275
Speech ~ #224A19 || Thoughts ~ #0A4446

Cian lingered in one of the doorways leading to the main room. It was the same old speech as when he had joined two years ago, but the familiarity of it gave him an odd sense of comfort. Of course, it wasn't that he wanted to be anywhere near the new students, but Alter had nagged and nagged and just wouldn't shut up. The green haired teen would rather have been in his usual spot in the library at this point, but he had to admit he was curious about the new students too. If only so he could try and spot who to avoid.

As the new students dispersed and said their goodbyes, Cian allowed himself to scan the room once more before quietly leaving. Hopefully before anyone spotted him and decided he would be interesting to talk to. Honestly, the mere thought of talking to a stranger was terrifying to Cian and so he would put it off as much as possible. Oh he knew that having to communicate with his fellow students was inevitable. He would be attending classes with some of them after all. Cian did recognise a couple of the students from his previous years here and assumed they were there to meet the new students too. Though he had never really talked to any of them either, and he didn't intend to start now.

Sighing a little, he shook himself out of such thoughts, if he allowed himself to become distracted then Alter might take over and that wouldn't end up well for anyone. Even now he could feel his other half trying to escape. Cian clutched at his head for a moment, hissing quietly as laughter spilled from his lips for a second before he finally wrestled the other back down.

Leaning against the wall, Cian could feel his energy just drain from him as it always did when Alter lingered too close to the surface. And with how little sleep he had been getting lately, he could feel that he wouldn't be able to hold the other back for much longer.

Maybe it was time to visit Bertholdt again. The ghost was one of the few people Cian talked to and even Alter seemed a little calmer in the other's presence, not that anyone other than him could tell anyway. Decision made, Cian dragged himself back into a standing position and headed toward the part of the school the ghost frequently inhabited, using the wall to support him the whole way there.

'You're no fun...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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Fighting and vandalism. As far as Haruto was concerned, the girl's circumstances weren't exactly new. She wondered how far do other people interpret a fight nowadays. "Haha!!!" She couldn't help but let out a slight laugh upon hearing it. She wasn't laughing at the younger girl though.

"Ah, sorry. Just that--I got into a lot of fights myself--" She explains while running her tongue across the chipped portion of her tooth. "Figured that might be the breaking point but, I guess not."

"What are you here for?"

"Uh...smoking." Haruto grunted. She knew the real reason why she was sent away but, she opted to go along with the official story for now. Not like it'll make a difference either way. "Long story though. Already quit more than half a year ago. Hadn't had a stick since." Haruto punctuated it with a sigh. Somehow, she missed the old habit. Might've helped a little since it was getting cold. Sadly, no one sells any. Or at least, any that she liked. "Weird eh? It gets you wondering how low we've fallen or how high these "paragons of virtue" have gotten themselves in. Not like they're perfect models themselves. Then again, you can't really argue if they've got the Wiz on their side. It'll just be playing chess with a pigeon."

She wasn't sure if the girl understood what she was trying to imply though so she stopped it there. Seeing that her food was all finished, Haruto stood up, disposing of the used utensils on their proper bin. The cup she used, she turned over to the dishwasher. She remembered wanting to go to the library, where she ought to find better entertainment. Still, she appreciated the conversation, even if it was a little short.

"Well, nice speaking with you kid~ Do you have a class? Might want to get going if you want to avoid the surge of latecomers gunning for the door. If not, well--it's your time. You do what you want to do with it. Unless you want to tag along in the library that is. Not much to see though and even less to do. But look on the bright side. It won't be as noisy as the cafeteria come break time."

Haruto doesn't normally invite people around to hand out in the library--given that you won't be able to talk much anyway thanks to the "observe silence" rule. But, seeing as the girl didn't seem like the chatterbox type, she felt it was right to make the suggestion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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Rei Soriyu

{Thought= #9F8EA7}
{Speech= #7B3D95}

In the two's short conversation, Rei had already finished her own coffee, hoping to dispose of the empty cup once she exited the almost empty cafeteria, "Smoking? I..haven't heard that one before." Rei admitted, tilting her head to the side momentarily.

Rei didn't have a class, thankfully, which was why she was so relaxed. After hearing the suggestion of joining the red-haired girl to the library, she nodded, "I don't have a class right now, so I'll come with you." Rei said, not even asking 'If that's okay with you.'. Manners like that weren't a priority of hers.

The age of the other student was a question that had lingered in Rei's mind throughout their short-lived conversation. After moments of thinking, she decided to eventually ask. "You called me 'kid', I assume you're older than me?" She inquired, averting her gaze to meet the other student's. Rei didn't even know her name yet and she was asking how old she was. It was decided that Rei wasn't such a people person.

The girl didn't take offense to being called kid, actually, she was fifteen, after all. She'd been called kid by other people, too, so she was used to it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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"I don't have a class right now, so I'll come with you."

"Very well..." Haruto muttered within earshot as she allowed the other girl to follow her from the cafeteria towards the library, where she had been spending most of her time lately. Like the cafeteria, it was still on the first floor though there is an extension which reaches all the way into the second floor, which serves more as a reading hub than an archive. Getting there wouldn't be tiring at all.

"You called me 'kid', I assume you're older than me?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Chalk it up to an impoverished intellect and force of habit." Haruto answered the girl's question as she paused to shoot her a glance. "I'm in my third year though I was already here since last year. Don't really recall seeing you among the older bunch. That only leaves me with one assumption. Unless, of course--my speculation is way off mark?" She asks the girl in turn, expecting to hear the answer straight from the person's mouth.

Castle's library didn't look particularly large to Haruto as she stood before the ancient looking passageway. The one at her old school was almost three times as big as it was a separate building altogether. All books were sorted by category like humanities, science, social science, religion etc. Each of these categories had their own floor as well, with each floor having a much larger area than Castle's library and cafeteria combined. It was one of the long list of things that disappointed her upon setting foot on the correctional school. If anything, availability of books may be of concern, with the available books being dubious at best. As with many things around her, she eventually learned to adapt.

"It'll probably still take me the whole day just to scour for the stuff I need though..." Haruto muttered to herself as she made her way inside the humble interior. Regardless of the earlier scale comparison, Castle's library was still respectably large. One wouldn't probably get an accurate perception of its size from just looking into it alone. They'll have to actually waddle through lots of publications in order to get the stuff they'll need. Only with this realization did Haruto see the merit in making the earlier offer.

"Perfect timing. You said you have nothing to do right? In that case, would you mind giving me a hand?" Haruto asked the girl, lowering her voice so that it doesn't catch the attention of the librarian on duty. "I've been looking up on articles. News publications. This library is rather crowded and...a little bit disorganized so it's difficult to narrow down searches. Ah, this request isn't too tedious, as far as musclework is concerned. I just need you to look up some articles over at the archives while I browse through the physical copies."

Taking out a pack of mints from her pocket, Haruto instinctively plopped one in her mouth before meeting the girl with a serious gaze. "Keywords are...murder. Homicide. Suicide. How recent? Well, anything up to ten years ago. Any article that fits those guidelines will do. You can get a photocopy of these articles, as far as I recall. Course' I'm not expecting you to work for free. I'll buy you lunch." Haruto offered, wondering if the girl would accept. Morbid topics, that's for sure but, it's not as if they were breaking the rules. If anything, it could easily be passed off as just another requirement for accomplishing their long list of requirements for complying with their sentence.

"If you don't want to...well, that's fine as well. It's your time after all."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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Rei Soriyu

{Thought= #9F8EA7}
{Speech= #7B3D95}

A look of confusion briefly washed over Rei's face at the proposition, but her expression soon returned to a neutral one.'That's a little strange.'.

"Sure." Rei shrugged, nodding. While it was a certainly strange request, it would kill the time. Rei could also potentially find out something interesting. The girl pulled her hood back up, sticking her hands in her grey pockets. The library's shelves were very disorganised. It would probably take a long time to find anything.

That's when she found an article, 'Hanging in Castle Academy.'. The name of the person was Bertholdt Steinfield. Perfect. Well, not perfect, but it was useful. Scanning the file, Rei then left that area to search in another. The other article she found was a person named Kisa Amoruso, 'Body found with multiple stab wounds.' There seemed like Castle Academy had a large history of death. No wonder there were so many rumours of ghosts.

Both articles in hand, Rei made her way to the photocopier. The photocopier was slow. Extremely slow, but eventually, it showed the photocopied articles. The girl grabbed the original articles, and placed them back in a random shelf. It was unorganised, Rei wasn't exactly helping, but she didn't think it would make a difference.

Once she'd had returned the original articles, Rei made her way towards the red-haired girl, "I found two. You wouldn't think they'd leave any files about deaths here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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Judging by the expression on the other girl's face, she probably found Haruto's proposition weird. After all, it's not as if a random third year girl asks you to find her articles connected to various deaths and murders. Most Journalism courses are taken up during the fourth year in other schools she's heard of. Perhaps Castle follows the same system? Given that it was a correctional school though, it's highly unlikely that they focus on a lot of things academic around the place.

"Sure." Surprisingly, the girl accepted. "So you have a lot of free time as well huh?" Haruto thought. Why else would she accept the proposition? Unless she didn't bring any money for her own lunch which was probably impossible, seeing that she just ordered coffee a while ago.

"Cool. Well, I'll be upstairs. I reckon I'm not that difficult to find. Not in a library this small anyway." Having accepted the offer, Haruto and the girl parted ways for a while, with the former climbing up the stairs to the second floor.

Haruto has always had a favorite spot on the second floor. It was one of the desks on the right, near the gap that allows one to see on the floor below, near a wooden railing with a characteristic crack. Other people usually avoid those seats, preferring the ones close to the window because of the light. Plus, there was always the minuscule chance of the railings giving way. Thanks to this though, the girl could always come in the library with the assurance of a seat waiting for her.

Upon arriving, she immediately dug through the articles she's already gathered, sorting them by date and taking quick notes on various details. It wasn't exactly the most exciting task. Even if the news themselves were interesting, reading lots of prints in a day quickly gets tiring. Still, she had to do it, if only for her own personal reason and satisfaction.

"I found two. You wouldn't think they'd leave any files about deaths here."

The girl came up to her some time later. Haruto didn't even realize that she had been dozing off if not for the girl suddenly speaking up. Wiping off the drowsiness in her eyes, she extended a hand to take the articles. Two additional ones. Not really that impressive but, at least they were new--stories she's never come across before.

"Keeping track of these isn't too hard if you just think of them as "incidents" rather than "deaths". Besides, these are their students, regardless if we're all just garbage according to the city. Someone's got to remember them. Although--" Haruto's eyes immediately scanned through the murder article six years ago. "You'll probably wonder why such "incidents" occur in this school in the first place. Look-- At that point, Haruto didn't really mind that she was back to speaking in her normal tone of voice as she handed the article to the girl, given that they were the only ones on the second floor. "Kisa Amoruso. 17. Murdered in her sleep. Given that it happened here, I would have to assume she was in the dorms. That's an odd thing since this is a correctional school. You'd expect security to be a little tight because of it. I'm willing to bet they didn't have security cameras either."

Haruto pointed out small discrepancies between the school and the article. "Given that this one occurred six years ago, it seems that Castle's been operating for a long time. Long time to realize that what they're allowing to thrive inside this school are walking time bombs. Each of them can go off any time, given the right triggers. If you think about it that way, it makes you wonder how safe you are within these walls. And yet none of them has done anything about it. See, you usually have these people undergo a test before you let them in; see if they're actually repairable. Those who aren't...usually get locked up because let's face it: Some people are just born lacking a working moral compass. Yet Castle seems to be rather lenient on this. Do you have any idea why?"

Haruto paused for a little to see if she's still got the girl's attention. In the meantime, her attention was drawn to the suicide article, also dated six years ago. "Well, look what we have here. This is a rather interesting story you found. It's a story on a boy who--" Before she carried on though, Haruto glanced up at the clock. They've been inside for one whole class now. The next lecture may start soon so she can't really keep the girl around forever.

"Almost time for the next subject. Do you need to go? I can give you the cash now if you want since I'll be staying here for a little while longer. Either way, it's the same. You either listen to another lecture, probably on the sciences, ethics or all that stuff or you listen to a third year girl's ramblings on the things she found strange with this academy. Unless there's another place you'd rather be besides those two options?" Haruto asked her younger companion. Admittedly, she found her presence refreshing. She doesn't really get many opportunities to discuss her work with an audience.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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Rei Soriyu

{Thought= #9F8EA7}
{Speech= #7B3D95}

For some reason, Rei wasn't worried about any of the deaths that had happened. They'd happened years ago. The girl was rather intrigued in what they had found.

As the other girl explained, she remebered the varied faces of strangers that had flooded into the gates earlier, "How many of them could possibly snap, too?".

Looking around the walls earlier, Rei did realise the lack of cameras or security guards. The only time she'd see staff was when she was in class, or when the janitor would occasionally wander around, attemtping to clean the floors of its unmovable grime.

"Almost time for the next subject. Do you need to go?"

"I'm pretty interested in whatever we're doing now, and I don't really feel like listening to a lecture, I'll go to the class after this one." Rei explained, looking at the other student. The student realised she hadn't introduced herself, "It's Rei." She added.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haruto Itsuna Character Portrait: Rei Soriyu
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"I'm pretty interested in whatever we're doing now, and I don't really feel like listening to a lecture, I'll go to the class after this one."

"Alright. Just don't bite me if you have to stay for a couple of Saturdays for skipping." Haruto chuckled as she replied, moving onto another article, the one about the suicide.

"It's Rei."

"Hmm? Someone you know?" Haruto asked back without looking up from the black and white in front of her. Suddenly, the notion finally dawned on her as well. Her own thoughts tend to be disorganized at times as well, no matter what she does. "Ah, your name. Right." Haruto excused her lack of attentiveness as she gently pinched the bridge of her nose. "Haruto Itsuna, third year. Good to meet you Rei."

For some reason, Haruto found it odd that they were able to hold some semblance of a conversation prior to introducing themselves. Though most of them was her doing the talking and the girl, Rei, doing the listening. "So, Rei, my vandalism friend--" Seeing that the girl won't be going anywhere for a while, Haruto made herself comfortable again, placing her legs on top of her table's edge as she sat. "Enjoying life in the Castle? Any odd stories? About friends? Staff? Alumni you might know? Things that go bump in the night? Things that bump the neighboring wall maybe?"

Haruto wasn't exactly new at asking questions; she's learned to do that back in her old school. She's always heard rumors about Castle being haunted but so far, most of them was from secondhand accounts and narrations. There was some tidbit about ghosts only appearing during the snowstorms in the winter but she hadn't gotten a chance to experience it firsthand since she's always made it a point to go home for the winter. This year's winter was the first one she'll be spending inside the ancient walls.

"Yeah, it's kind of like my job you know? Writing stories. Not exactly the easiest job to get used to. How about you? Ever do anything as a sideline?"

Haruto was aware she's strayed a little off from the original conversation. But it didn't matter to her. She thought of picking her new acquaintance's mind for just a little bit.