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Takanori Miu

"How do you NOT know who the Beatles are?? What, do you live under a rock or something?"

0 · 676 views · located in Newberry

a character in “Glee Club”, originally authored by _NotTheNormalOne_, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Takanori Miu


Age: 16

Stereotype: The Music Nerd

Personality: Takanori is usually the shy quiet guy, who sometimes snaps sarcastic combacks to bullies (which gets him a fist to the face) but when you really meet him, you learn he is fun to hang out with, and really does know his music.

Sexuality: Straight, but anything can change ;)

Appearance: Takanori is tall and skinny which makes him the perfect targert for people to pick on. Most of the time, Takanori wears oversized sweaters, glasses and his hair is neatly combed over to the side. Sometimes though, he might wear the occasional loose fitting clothes, a beanie hat and even go without his glasses and use contacts.


+ Music
+ The Beatles
+Non sterotypes
+ Video Games

- Jocks
- Sterotypes

Background: Takanori lived a normal teenage life. He grew up with his two parents, and his annoying older sister, who is currently in college. Takanori made few friends (usually with other nerds) and he didn't socialize much. He spends most of him time trapped in his room, which he turned into a mini music studio.


I am a Gleek

So begins...

Takanori Miu's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Takanori Miu Character Portrait: Saki Asuhara Character Portrait: Coach Dwayne Taylor
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Aire was looking at herself in her mirror that was in her locker when she heard her Dad, pulling her books from her locker she shut it and smiled "Hi Dad, got here early today didn't you?" she asked remembering not seeing him at home today. She then looked to see a new girl come and go to the locker near her, gah new girls, she eyed the girl over...she wasn't bad looking kinda pretty she thought...but stuffed that thought down. She was never nice to new girls, it was part of her thing at school, she had to stay at the top and being at the top you just couldn't be that nice, Newberry was a harsh school, there was many cliques.

Aire looked back at her Dad "I hope Kendall and Jessi will get here soon. Its been too long since ive seen them last" thought it really only has been a day since she seen them. She then looked down to the right of her locker a few down from hers Takanori was trying to get his lock open. He was one that she had fun picking on for boys especially his looks and his stupid beat up truck, soooo nerdy she thought and laughed to herself.

She so wanted to say something but kept her mouth shut because her Dad was there "ah.. Dad I need to go socialize...catch up with friend ya know?".

She then saw another new girl, what was with this with all the freaken new girls, well they will learn who is on top soon she thought to herself they will learn, she heard the girl say "Am I missing something", since her Dad was here she was going to be 'nice', walking over she smiled a little "Hi im Aire, one of the head cheerleaders, I couldn't help but over hear you, do you need help with something?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Takanori Miu Character Portrait: Saki Asuhara
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Saki was startled slightly by someone "Hi im Aire, one of the head cheerleaders, I couldn't help but over hear you, do you need help with something?" Saki turned and looked at the very pretty girl. She could tell that she was probably a popular girl especially if she was a cheerleader.

"Ummm my names Saki, Im new and I'm just looking for my locker is all" she said in her quiet mousy tone of voice. Saki glanced over at the guy she had seen go in ahead of her struggling with his own locker.

"I think it's over there by that guys locker... but thank you for offering to help me, it was nice to meet you... excuse me" she said as she made her way over by the guy. There was a locker in between them and she smiled over at him as she started to put in her combination. With a few clicks the locker came open, Saki glanced back at the girl that had tried to help her before and she felt that maybe she had been slightly rude. But as there was a teacher standing there in the hallway perhaps, that was the reason she didn't get teased.

Being teased was nothing new for Saki, the little mousy book worm that studied instead of hanging out at the mall, or spending forever on her cellphone like everyone else did. She pulled her back pack off her shoulder and set things in her locker, still making side glances at the guy standing next to her. He was kind of cute and had glasses, she smiled and then shook the thought out of her head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Takanori Miu Character Portrait: Saki Asuhara
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Takanori had finally managed to open his locker. He took off the lock and glanced at the girl, who seemed to be looking at him. Embarssed, he turned right when his hand had swung open the locker. There was a cracking sound as Takanori banged his head agaisnt the locker. "My god, I hate myself" he groaned as he staggered backwards holding onto his forehead. Not only did he hit his head, he did it in front of two girls! Two good looking girls at that. Takanori blinked a few times, then realized his vision was blurry. His glasses had fallen off, probably when he got hit. Takanori dropped his bookbag and dropped onto the ground on his hands and knees, searching for his glasses. His good day had skipped to bad and went straight to worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Takanori Miu Character Portrait: Blue Tyme Character Portrait: Coach Dwayne Taylor
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Aire watched the nerd boy, seeing him hit his head on his locker and also lost his glasses, this was pricelesss she thought and laughed to herself. She then looked back to her Dad "uh yea sure Dad I will" kinda sounding bored she looked to the new girl and did a once over with her eyes. She then slowly put her hand in the girls and shook it then took it back "Im Aire nice to meet you Sonny...Ill get you all settled in".

She patted the girls back and smiled to Dad "no worries here Dad ill get her all settled in to Newberry...umm why don't you go back to your football stuff....I need to go socialize" she made shooing hands then pulled Sonny with her looking around for her friends.

She started down the hallway and when her Dad was out of sight she started becoming her regular bitchy self. When people got in her way she pushed them to the side "get of my way" she then started talking to Sonny "you will learn Sonny there is a top and bottom in this school, and if you want to be on top you better stick with me, Newberry High is all about the football and cheering. We have been #1 in both sports for a long time now. Im the head cheerleader and Blue, hes pretty hott" she really thought he wasn't, she just liked to say this so no one got ideas that she was a lesbian "and he is the top football player, you will meet him later" she kept rambling on about the school and such until she stopped at her regular place where her friends usually met before class started, it was near the trophey case and there was a bench she sat down at "This is where me and my friends hang out most at, you will meet them soon, they are pretty cool" she smiled at Sonny.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brianna Newman Character Portrait: Jessi Jones Character Portrait: Airedeia Taylor Character Portrait: November Tyme Character Portrait: Sonny Miller Character Portrait: Kendall Murphy
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(Kendall is sending a text to "everyone she knows", who is every student in this RP, so EVERYONE is receiving it)    

'Being early is worse than being late'  Kendall silently decided. Despite spending forever picking out an outfit she had gotten to school too soon (curtesy of her mom) and was sipping a chai latte in the cafeteria, writing a text to everyone she knew. 

Kendall: hi everyone! so, my b-day's tomorrow, and i'm throwing a party tomorrow nite @ my house! 

Kendall added her address and hit send. When she saw Bri walk in, she waved her over, smiling. She saw that Bri looked a little tired, but decided to ignore it.