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Tai Sela

"Magic is a frightening force indeed... but I will show the world what mere will can do."

0 · 247 views · located in Golden Leo Guild-Hall

a character in “Golden Leo: A Fairy Tail”, as played by Tigeress


Name: Tai Sela


Gender: Female

Appearance: A woman of a exotic appearance, she is unusually tall looking, perhaps nearly six and a half feet, with a slender powerful build of a athlete. Her hair is a darkened red color, and her blue eyes seem to extremely glossy, a film-like covering that all of her people are born with to protect them from the sun and sand. One can see their own reflection in those eyes, but it gives her a otherworldly appearance, making her seem more outlandish than her demeanor already suggests.

Her face is tanned, with tattoos running through it wildly. This further separates herself from others, making her even frightening at times.

Color/Location of Stamp: As she isn't particularly "proud" of the guild, she chose to have its stamp on the back of her neck, hair covering it.

Personality: Tai Sela is mostly known as a passionate person, with very simple likes and dislikes. It is perhaps this simplicity that makes her so direct, as she is very focused on a subject at the time. She tends to be intense all the time, making her difficult to have a simple chat with. It is perhaps because she feels little in common with those that are around her. She does not "Hate" them, but often her demeanor comes across as such.

She enjoys being by herself, and those that can corner her alone can often discover the thoughtful intelligent nature that makes up her "true" self, not just the general appearance of dislike for everyone. In these moments, one can see her weaken a bit, opening up her heart a tad. These moments make her feel foolish though.

Spiritually, she is greatly committed to her tribes many superstitions, many of which would seem strange to others. (For example, holding a bucket of water with one hand is considered a blasphemous crime. The obvious reasoning is that water was precious to her tribe, so both hands would be used.) She tries very hard to keep herself in check, as she understands that other cultures are different.


Strength: 6 (A powerful body built from dedication from war, yet not as strong as she wishes.)

Defence: 5 (Very difficult to destroy, especially when combined with her robust body)

Agility/Acrobatics: 1 (while slow on foot, the speed of arms is considerable)

Magic: 0 (completely incapable of using magics)

Magic: N/A

Signature Abilities: While completely lacking in abilities of magic or specific "Abilities". Tai Sela seems to have a profound ability at using what tools she has to her advantage.

- Indomitable: A strong will seems to have bolted her spirit to its mortal shell, making her difficult to kill, while always pushing the energy to continue the fight to the end, no matter the task, thus increasing her tolerance to physical and mental discomforts, and her recovery time from these disabilities.

-Experienced Brawler: Outright lack of training combined with raw experience with her weapons give her a unique edge over most warriors, who have not had such practical pasts. In terms of sheer useful ability, she is a effective warrior, knowing many simple, yet effective martial skills, not all of them honorable.

- Lucky: Some people seem to always be there at the right time and the right moment to get the best seat or the freshest meal. Cards seem to more often than not favor her, and every coin flip seems to be oddly as she predicts...

Equipment: Being a self-taught warrior of some tribal clan long forgotten, her "equipment" is perhaps laughable by modern standards. She wields a heavy (which explains her lack of "Agility) iron great sword, covered in etched stripes (each stripe is for every 10 battles lost, many of them personal ones against herself), which lacks the hardness of steel and carries more weight. It is overall a ugly thing, large chunks missing from its use, but despite this it manages to be a frightening tool, tearing opponents in ragged wounds that heal slowly. The pure weight of the blade tends to crumple those beneath...

At her belt are several iron orbs, which are used like a pitcher, throwing them as hard as you can to smash a target under its weight and speed. Being physically fit, these weapons can generate a huge amount of force.

Her arms are covered in large iron gauntlets that are designed to deflect attacks towards her person. Each of these are decorated with large bells, a tribal belief that they keep away harmful spirits, also to greet the souls of the dead as they pass from this world.

The rest of her body is generally clothes in rough red leathers, stitched with iron plates in the chest region, giving her a somewhat exotic feel, but they protect well against the rain and minor injuries.

History: Born to a desert tribe across several oceans, Tai Sela had traveled aboard ship most of her young life to arrive to the guild. It was a simple quest, and one that was most important to her people. To find water and a new home for her clansmen. Unfortunately, Tai Sela has found that these new lands were horrible, warring with each other and were wasteful, so very wasteful, spilling water onto the streets as if it would never run out.

She made a decision that these new lands would have to change before she could ever hope to bring her kin to these troubled shores. However, without any way of doing this, she fell onto hard times, starved into a beggars life. Whatever ambitions she had of shaping the world into a more peaceful state fell onto practical desires. The world had instead shifted her into something unrecognizable.

Eventually joining The Guild as a way to redeem herself for some of the horrible things she had done, she has not forgotten her promise to her people, whom she misses now more than ever. Her heart is forever a foreign flower, in a land she cares nothing about. Yet she reminds herself that the stars are the same, and that her clan looks to the same vastness of space.

Fun Facts:
- Tai Sela enjoys cooking, and is great at "Hodge Podge" styled dishes, in which one takes whatever ingredients are available, and mixes them ALL together, yet somehow produces a tasty dish. Stews, shishkabobs, salads, seems to be her specialties.

-Loathes people touching her. If your going to touch, even in a handshake, she had best like you. Her tribe had DRASTICALLY different beliefs on mannerism, so people who are simply trying to be polite can sometimes upset her.

-Tai Sela is illiterate, or rather, is unable to read the modern writings, as they are in a completely different language than her own tribal past. This often leads to mispronunciations of words as well. Unfortunately, she's embarrassed by this lack of knowledge, and refuses to be taught otherwise. Correcting her on this subject is a easy way to annoy her.

-Unknown to many, Tai can sing rather well, knowing multiple ballads and tales in her own tongue. This leads to her being very interested in others stories. People find that she can warm up very easily to a someone who can spin a good yarn.

-She loves nature, admiring the beauty of such things. She often speaks romantically about such things, and one can find her staring into the night sky for whole nights.

-Has a soft spot for jewelry, perhaps because her people have no such thing.

-Glass items are extremely fascinating to her, as her own people were experts in the production of it. Items of her clan occasionally show up in market places, but due to its high quality and exotic diverse coloration, it is often too expensive to consider purchasing.

Roleplay Sample: The blistering sands burned with their usual radiance, glimmering like thousands of tiny flecks of gold in the light of a glorious sun, which stretched its powerful blessing upon the people of Savi, who had all gathered for this day. One of their own would be leaving them. It was odd to be saying it in such a manner, but it was the simple truth. There was little hope for this child to accomplish the task that was thrust upon her young shoulders, but she had been marked for greatness, and thus was their way.

Tears filled the young ones blue eyes, doubt filling her inexperienced soul, and those around her hearts wavered. A crying child would not be the one to save them... this seemed like complete madness, no matter what the spirits have said! It was complete and utter foolishness, and yet it was their only hope. "Be strong!" one kinsmen shouted, encouraging the cub, no... HIS cub. No matter what greatness had been thrust onto his offspring, she was still his only one.

But staring into those doubtful, clueless eyes... what could he do? He knew that this child had no idea of how to complete her task, yet the hope that made him go this far with practically throwing his child to the Great Sea seemed so prevalent... They were going to die if the words of the spirit had not held true.

The little one nodded, and she turned, slowly, trying to hold herself together. She would not cry, for she had a duty, a task far more important than her own "Feelings" she could not be weak, for everyone would perish. She did not once look back as each footstep sounded onto the wooden planks that served as the bridge to this strange vessel, a ship that carry her across the sea to lands unknown.

It was in this manner, that Tai Sela learned of being Indomitable, to be a force that never weakened, despite every reason to be. The spirit must be hard as stone, it would be her strength in the coming years...

So begins...

Tai Sela's Story