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Winston Da Costa Lovecraft


0 · 570 views · located in Li'l ol' planet Earth: 1990s

a character in “Good Evening, Monsters.”, as played by Hells13


Race: Human

Full name: Winston "The Looove Doctor" De Costa Lovecraft (Named after H.P Lovecraft's marvelous books and the existence for Cthulu.)

Age: 70, that's a little old, you beautifull otherworldly beings you.


Height and Weight: Well I am tall (for a jew) standing at 5'6 but a rather fat large man as well, at about 220 lbs.

Complexion: ...Please tell me you're not "on" anything are you? Well what can I say? I've got wrinkles, couple of liver spots, and my face and body is as white as any Germ-Pole that you know.

Body Type/Health: Well I'm a hefty fellow. Hefty enough to put on a red suit, a white beard, and a "Hohoho!" will most likely get me a job at one of them shopping centres. Like multiple times before but alas it hasn't happened yet. About my health... I have cancer. Lung cancer to be more precise and am taking Chemotherapy as treatment. As treatment for Chemotherapy I have been recomended (by my docter) that I smoke marijuana to cope with my illness. Legallly.
To that I reply to the world oh so bluntly: "Suck it!" then take another toke of Tetrahydrocannabinol from my blunt.

Facial features: Oh, just a few wrinkles around my face, my 'stache, (which you'll never make me shave even with a poisoned blade aimed at my jugular) and my eyebrows which are not as thick as they used to be in my precious youth. I've also got a nose that can pin me to a Deoxyribonucleic acid test (DNA test for you slower folks) with a beloved fictional character called Pinocchio. My head is also balding, giving me a larger forehead but my white hair (though dissapearing) is long enough to cover the back of my head.

Distinguishing marks: Besides my moustache? I was young. Very young when I had gotten the tattoo "190481" written in black ink across my forearm. It's still there.

Apparent Temperament: When men and woman look at me, they probably think "Wow he's old" or something along the lines of that. Some people look at me and I look at them and they wonder what I'm thinking. I'm a nice guy, I am, truly but some people, they think old is "useless". That it's "meek" and it shrinks back in the corner when you shout at it. To these punks why waste my time on uneducated neanderthals to anything but a quick insult?
"Oh look! I've found the missing link in evoloution, a cross hybrid of ape and human, with 1/4 the brain power of a ten year old child."

Other people (decent people) have told me I have a calm feeling around me but I'm not sure if this is some gibberish to do with aura or the fact that I permeate the scent of marijuana from my suit.


Hair and eyes: Besides my balding hair, it's long and white, yet manages to cover the back of my head with ease. I'm also a hairy guy from the chest down; white hairs are quite littered everywhere. The colour in my eyes are a nice hazelnut brown.

Casual wardrobe: I admit my casual wardrobe is just classy and I do oh so much love my tweed suit. It makes me look a professor from one of those prestigous schools all of those high school students try their lives to get into (Oh wait, I am!) and then have their dream crushed with a rejection letter. MMMmmm...Tweed.

ACTION TIME wardrobe: Action Time? What are you 12? Why you degenerate juvenile! Pish posh! Action time? I'm afraid not because there is no such thing as an "Action Time" Wardrobe. I am only one man after all.

Etc: (optional)

Well what can I say? I'm your loving grandpa, hippie, and typical professor rolled up in a ball of skin and meshed out. Most of the time I like to stay calm, or rather most of the time I'm calm either way, mainly because of my treatment for Kemo involves lighting up some weed, and I'm rather quite set for the next few hours that shall transcend me. I grew up as a gentlemen in my time as well as a rebel, holding the door for ladies, saying please, thank you, Madam and cursing the Nazi's behind their back so they wouldn't hear me. I carry this in my manner and my speech, and though I hope for the best of people I can't help but be so frusterated at humanity's hindsight of problems that can be easily solveable.

Are you fat? Need to lose weight? Here's a good tidbit of advice: Eat less, move more. No diet pills, (which are the legal and deadlier form of Metaphetamines) No miracle diet, nothing but eat less and move more but noooooo! People just LOVE to suffer and squirm. (I'm a different matter; I'm old and don't care about my weight) I could talk more about this with the governments stimulus plan, 14 trillion dollar defecit, and inner city violence if I must. My intelligence in these manners excede me, not because of my field of study, but actually because of the collected opinions of other scientists and educational leaders. In my line of work (or any line of work for the name of science) communicaion is key! So I have learned to speak with these different leaders, some of them suffering from narcissism, worthlessness, shizoprenia, british, and Asperger's syndrome. I learn to accept people for who they are or in the very least tolerate them.

Though I do plead guilty of being an advocator of the environment and civil rights I have nothing to feel guilty of. After all, isn't the future of all life, based on what rights that we are given and how long we can make our habitat, Earth, last? I do say I'm confident but also wary when it comes to woman. I have this little radio program which broadcasts through the radiowaves of Europe and North America and comes on at 12:00 midnight called "102.5 The Looove Doctor" in which people call in to talk about their relationship/sex/overall problems and I, your glorious "Looove doctor" answers each and every one of them. With my age and devious experiance I can.

But do I love the stupidity of others! It's as refreshing as sparkling water and perhaps the only reason I have gotten so old without dying. I had this one gentleman caller named "Anthony Desamarilos" from Miami, America, saying that he does not have pleasure making love to a woman. So I told him he's gay and all of a sudden I get these flurry of insults, like "dickfaced sunuvabitch!" and I had said "You would like that don't you?"
I know, I'm a sadist
Then another caller, a woman, named "Bellavonte Kowalsky" in Poland wanted to know what she could do to seduce her husband. Ladies and gentlemen I am not joking, so after I picked myself up from the floor, giggling a little bit from my laughing pandemic, I recomended her to strip. Matter of fact I recomended her to buy lingerie from a Victoria's Secret, go home that night, wear it in front of the husband and force him to strip her. Doesn't that sound nice fellows?
Despite my knowledge in all things of the hump if I ever hit on a woman it'd be for a joke or a drink or just something. I don't want to hump in between a couple of legs, kiss, or even hug another woman (or man to make this totally clear). My wife was the only one that I could love and now no-one is.

I know what you're thinking "Awww" or "D'awww" or "What a pansy" but what sounds better:
1. Having sex with another woman and having your dead wife to haunt you from the afterlife to nag at you for all eternity (or perhaps a subconscious guilt that will forever probe your brain till the day you die)
2. Being haunt and guilt-free for the rest of your life but with no poon for the Jedi (picked this up from my students smoking pot with me)
I prefer the second one (mainly because I probably got a decade of years in the most before I shall part from this world and I shall always have my memories.)

Speech: My voice is a little bit raspy (Another effect of old age I'm afraid) and innocent in it's sound. I sound like a man who should be saying "Why thank you, my dear, may god bless you" as I've been told because apparently (and ironically) I sound like a priest yet am a man of science. Around the same time when I light up a joint (You'd be surprised how youngsters open up to you when you're at the back of the school smoking with them and the language you can pick up) my voice becomes soother and I sound like one of the three wise men coming to Jesus offering Frankincense (What? You don't know what Frankincense is? Oh you poor, poor, animal.) or Moses saying "Part the red sea!"

Pet Peeves: Nothing bothers me much--except for people that put animals above human beings. Like those Save The Animals infomercials they air on TV, dogs and cats behind bars, with one of those sappy songs playing in the background. Damn the animals I say! Especially dogs and cats! Human beings are on the top of the foodchain. Let's act like it! People have eaten dogs and cats! They're an excellent source of protein! People eat animals! They're ALL an excellent source of protein! We have an industry dedicated to just cow and another to just chicken but we're the only race who has a percentile that'd rather provide relief to an animal then a fellow human!
Why you never see a tiger giving the deer vegetables when there's a dying, starving, tiger right next to him that's in need of meat.
For some reason this whole save the animals farce illudes me and illude me it shall; it is only for the outcasts of humanity and their primal counterparts to care. I especially loath scientists as well.
Especially those string theory scientists; with their nonsense and inability to provide solid ground. Ignorance...and when people do this thing that they replace their swear words with a cuter counterpart, which unless you're 10 (like my grandkids whom I adore), doesn't look, nor sound good.

Pager: Besides this little pager that I've been given (Which is nothing compared to the one I've had at the university) I also have my own necessities that I had decided to bring with me.
Chemistry Equiment: No chemist like me would dare be caught dead without chemistry equipment! With my impeccable knowledge I shall make use of these chemical scoops, thistle tubes, funnels, droppers, flasks of every kind and equipment to conquer any job!
Chemicals Ha...ha...oh shit. I gotta find a way to get these on board a plane! (Boat alternative? Private jet? Mexico, then smuggle to the border? Fed Ex myself?) Maybe I can make my chemical purchase when I reach my destination...
My Cane: The three C's of my life! Well this here cane isn't like any cane you've ever seen. For's made out of wood...has a handle...and load shotgun shells. (.410 bore to be specific but it's all relative) You know when you walk around as a fully grown man look at something and said to yourself "I got to have that!" bought it and walk away from the store with a sense of accomplishment and a wide grin on your face? Some men buy a punching bag or a classy piece of art, or an escort and I bought a cane shotgun. Do you have a cane shotgun? No? Because if you haven't you are missing out.

My Mari-Medical Marijuana Good thing I said medical hahahaha (Please. My intelligence far exceeds yours to be able to forget such important matters)

Favorite color: A light violet, it's a very soothing colour

Hobbies: Playing around with chemicals, Drinking, Chess, Sudoku, Getting high,

  • Stupid people
  • Talking
  • Smoking
  • Science
  • Swing Jazz
  • Being clean and classy
  • Hosting "The Loooove Doctor" on the radio.

  • Effects of Chemo
  • Idiots
  • Ignorance
  • Killing
  • Disturbing the peace

Fears: Alright, let's go through my list. Dying, Guns, being shot to death, suffering a painful death, My lung cancer, My Chemotherapy, Handling blades unless cooking, being gassed in the showers, Nazis, NeoNazis, Heights and Rape. Besides that though, I'm totally fearless. (And that's not coated with sarcasm at all for you slower folks)

Agenda: Fear for one thing. Fear of dying a horrible death and just plain old death. Wanting to see my grandkids grow up to be fine young men and woman. It's what helps me get up in the morning.

What guarantees the fact that you'll stick around?: The simple fact that Chemo has run off a LOT of money. WAY more then any average professor like me (No matter how skilled) can stand for. I've already sold my two story house and live in a bachelor pad (so much like of my 30's) so I had only two choices before that man called. I can peddle organs out of my body or other people's bodies for money (like in Thailand) or start up a methlab in an RV, (Like that show: Breaking Bad) find distributors, expand my empire, go out in a flurry of bullets like Tony Montana dropping F-bombs every 10 seconds of my life and smoking cuban cigars which all sounds like a fun time...
...but there were too many zeroes to refuse.
And I fancy the thought of being killed by the voice on the other side of the telephone a rather "disturbing" death that I do not wish to encounter.
So I went.

Day job: A scientist researching various pheronomes and ways to improve them. Also a professor in Lund University, a prestigous university, in Sweden. I'd probably have to quit this job...but at night at a 12:00 I am the DJ and Host for "The Looove Doctor." A radio program that broadcasts across Europe and North America where listeners call in and ask The Looove Doctor advice (me of course) for their relationships, sex lives, and other questions.
I don't make much money of the latter job but by far it's the most enjoyable hour of my life because it's mixed with the stupidity of others, who bring joy to my life, and the daily satisfaction knowing that I've helped a relationship, broke up a bad one or arm a fellow man with the knowledge to bring women to their knees. (Take that in any matter you shall)

Where they hail from: Scania, Sweden

How they became what they are: (describe what happened. For humans... describe their corporate ladder climbing, idk 8D Can also be a more general HISTORY.)

Notable experiences since then: When I was a child about 10 or 12 attempting my escape from Aushowitz I was met with a man or a beast so hairy it had to be a werewolf (that was the term for it when I grew up and my knowledge at the time) who shoved me back in my cell with such strength I felt like passig out. When I looked up to this same beast, huddled up in my corner, it didn't strike me again but glared at me to keep my place. Now I know this was because there was six sniper towers outside and a platoon of soldiers guarding around the clock. I never forgot that face even as hairy as it was.

The next day about half of the women and children in Aushowitz were leaving (I was among them) because of a German man named Oskar Schindler. We were being escorted off the death camp to work in his factory but when I finally caught a glimpse of the man I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. He was the wolfman. Just with less hair.

Opinion of the others: Ebenezer: Why he sounds like a perfectly open-minded psychopath whom I'm going to see soon. What does that mean? For you cave dwelling neanderthalls ask, scratching your heads and rubbing your bellies. That means I'm bringing my cane for good reason.

Humans: Love the average people and folks.

Werewolves: In dept. Especially since my failed escape turned to successfull from the Aushowitz Nazi death camp during Hitler's rule. I have never seen another werewolf but if I do I'll try, try as hard as I can to help him or her. They are just human and good souls.

Vampires: Never seen one before in my life but if werewolves exist so should they. They feed on human blood and live long, that's all I knew and heard of growing up to the raisin you see today. If they're like that disgusting movie, Twilight, which I had to go with a few of my daughters, I would automatically lose my notion of respect for the vampire race and wipe my mind clean of their existence. Back then, I had to go out of the theatre and puke in a trash can with my head spinning and heart beating in pain, though it probably was the Chemo, I still hypothesize it was the movie.

Witches: Say what? Ooooo Witches in their flying brooms going out to get you? Don't worry. One day you shall grow a brain and forget that ridiculous balderdash.

Criminal Record: Hahaha... I remember multiple times of being arrested when I was in America during those rallies for civil rights. Those were the good old days my thick friends, which I smoked pot (and done some the harder drugs), when I got cracked down by the Fuzz for civil disobediance.

Etc:: As you may or may not tell by this point I have this habit, a mighty bad one, to constantly point out my intelligence is far advanced then others.
Though it's true, my intelligence is superior, I am suppose to boast it. People nowadays are too thick to understand intelligence.

Specialty: Chemicals & Pheromones! (C'mon you folks should all know chemicals) What are pheromones you may ask me? Simple! They are the chemical factor which can escape a species that triggers a social response to the same species. What does this mean? It can influence people and animals! Man-made chemicals (distilled, refined, more potent) can, say, attract the opposite sex and pique their interest to you. They are strong and most often very, very, sexual. That's not always a good thing though. The queen bee of a hive can excrete a chemical that calls forth for reinforcements and worker bees for mating. Imagine if you get that same chemical on your back, talk about horror, isn't it?
Anyway it can offer a tactic that can drown out a target by way of sexual attraction they conjure up by themselves (Thanks to the pheromones) leaving their guard down. After their guard is down and seduction takes place during the night the target can be easily assasinated in a hotel room.
Perhaps it is a cruel method, unethical, but science, to my disdain, has always been unethical.
Though pheromones is my unique specialty, I'm also a good chemist as well and could reproduce some chemicals that would be grisly to be in contact with.

The supernatural: Besides Oscar Schindler, I haven't had any interactions with vampires and the such. (Not that I know of anywho.)

Social standing: Just as much social standing as your average old man. I'm recongnized (errr..almost) for my study of pheronomes in the world of science. Most people don't reilize the fact that you have to be the best of the best to be officially recongnized by the scientific community. I'm good but I'm no "Stephen Hawking" or "Albert Einstein" or "Galileo". In the real world I'm a good guy to be around and after a blunt or during my blunt some people can recongnize my sooth voice from the radio and approch me asking if I'm "The Love Doctor."

  • Intelligence - Grounded by science, knowledge, experiance and ability.
  • Multilingual - English, Swedish, Russian, Polish, German, French, and Spanish.
  • Accepting & Reasonable - Somehow I can imagine in the realm of vampires and the such aren't exactly the most reasonable people. Being able to talk to people and approach them with ease, kindness, and the such be they vampire or not is a skill (I can hypothesize) not a lot of people have nowadays.

  • Lack of combat prowness - I'm just not made for a 1 on 1 or even 1 on 1/2 fight against another human being.
  • Lack of Stamina - The simple thing to say is that a man of my weight is not meant to run. Ever.
  • Cancer-Chemo-Cannabis - For those of you who don't already know the only pain worser then Cancer is Chemo. If there's no Chemo, here I go hacking up blood again and going to the hospital. If there's Chemo I'll often feel sick, nauseous, and ready to puke and spend the next hours next to the toilet bowl. If there's Cannabiss (The painless of all three) I'll feel better, relaxed, but suffer from the effects of it. So I might forget some things in the short run, laugh at something that made no sense what so ever, grin like a child in christmas time, Hotbox the bathroom, be compelled to listen to Bob Marley and spout out some philosophical jibjab.

So begins...

Winston Da Costa Lovecraft's Story