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Guns and Dragons

Guns and Dragons


As technology began to rise, magic became a myth. But when magic returns, it's futuristic technology against an ancient power. (OPEN)

1,434 readers have visited Guns and Dragons since HaiKana16 created it.


In the year 2096, humans have everything they need. They have clean air. Clean water. All the entertainment they could ever hope for, through the highly advanced technological systems. And a single god. Except for one problem. There's more to the world than meets the eye. There isn't just a god. There isn't just the physical. For some people, those who choose to excel in their existence, they choose to go against what the people teach them now. Instead, they look back into the past. Through texts, and books long forgotten, they glimpse back into the world of magic. And what awaited them took them for the ride of their lives.

Hundreds of people around the world are rediscovering what the human race had had centuries ago. One thing that was just as real as the soil underneath their feet had been around much longer than the earth itself. Magic.

Now that multiple humans have begun their magical practices, it has become impossible to hide it from the regular public. Politicians, Christians, Kings, and even entire countries fear, segregate, and attack the peaceful magicians. The situation has escalated into a full blown World War 3. But magicians aren't fighting alone. They have certain beings fighting along side them. They are called familiars, astral entities, spirits, etc. No matter what they're called, they are very real. And very powerful. Normal humans have highly funded organizations specifically made to fight against a peaceful practice. They have developed technology that can harm magicians and familiars alike. And they're not afraid to use them, even claiming that they fight out of God's will.

Which side are you on? Are you going to fight for God? Or are you going to fight for something that's been around for longer than Him?

Setting: This roleplay is set in The Iron City which used to be New York City. After years of advancing in technology, the entire city itself has become a device. All the buildings are made of metal, and function like a giant computer, mainly keeping security. There are cameras at every corner of every street. Normal humans, called Regulars, drive smart hover cars, which are designed to never crash. Magicians need to be careful about using their magic in public, for they can be caught anywhere in the city. The only safe place for them is under the streets, in an underground secret facility for magicians, called the Palace. Here, magicians can meet, either teaching each other, sharing stories, practicing magic, and other simple things. Maybe even plan a way to find a place on Earth where there's still trees left, and build a city for magicians. Then they would have a fighting chance.

Regulars are looking for the Palace, and Magicians are looking for a place in society.
Remember, all Regulars are prepared to kill a Magician.

Character sheet for a Regular

Physical Appearance: (Hair color, eye color, body build, etc.)

Character sheet for a Magician

Physical Appearance:
Type of Magic User: (Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness, etc.)
Familiar's Race: (Cat, dog, bird, dragon, unicorn, etc.) P.S. Mythological creatures exist in spirit form. Not physical. Meaning you can hear them speak to you, and if in a battle, they can manipulate physical objects, or sometimes manifest themselves.
Familiar's Name:
Familiar's Gender:
Familiar's Age:
Physical Appearance:
Familiar's Special Gift: (Grant wishes, create things out of thin air, etc.)
Familiar's Personality:
Familiar's Backstory with Magician: (How they met, or how they came to be partners)

Toggle Rules

1) No Godmodding.

2) Play nice. No inappropriate behavior such as any form of harassment, insult, or sexual content will be tolerated in this rpg.

3) Be realistic, detailed, and creative. No one liners. At least 3 lines per post.

4) Your character cannot be all powerful. You must have limits.

5) Romance is fine, just don't go overboard. Same with swearing.

6) Have Fun!

That's all I have for now. If I have to, I'll add more later on.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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MacBeth grinned at the white stallion, and let out a little laugh, "Hello Poe." She put out her hand, and stroked his neck ever so gently. "It's nice to see you." Then she turned back to Havin, "Havin, this is my friend, Taytan, and her familiar, Poe."


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Diango tried to get a scent of someone who knew how to use magic. Dioda still seemed frightend a bit as she walked after Diango, looking around to make sure no one had seen her. She looked at her hands and closed her eyes.
Diango stopped and turned around to see a black panther, bigger then normal. ''You're already learning how to control them,'' he said with a big grin on his face. Dioda nodded and looked around. This wasn't so bad and she was warm too.


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((You pronounce Bores, Borez, kay?))

"Hello, Taytan, Poe," Havin started, "My name is Havin Ores, and this is my familiar Bores."

Havin thought for abit. Should he show MacBeth how to see if they have ancient blood. Well he knew how to, his father told him, and it's not really magic. He decided against it. He might show her it in the future. Yep, in the future. Havin smiled, turned around and said, "I hope we meet again, Macbeth."
He walked away.


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She watched Havin walk away, and called back to him, "Diddo." Turning back to Taytan, she asked, "So, what do you plan on working on today?" She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling a little cold in the chilly area. Telepathically, she asked Trojan, Hey, can you warm me up a bit, please?

Alright MacBeth, Trojan replied. His spirit moved closer to her, and he breathed on her, manipulating fire magic to flow into her body.

Instantly, she felt the effects of Trojan's magic, and felt much warmer. Thanks, she thought to him, uncrossing her arms.

No problem, he said back.


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Dioda looked at Diango and nodded silently. She turned back to human and thought. She had been scared for humans anyway and now she needed to contact one, one with the kind of powers she had.


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Taytan stroked Poe's neck and looked at MacBeth. "I don't know. What do you think, Poe?" Her eyes turned to the horse. Well, you need to practice changing your appearance. That's a good start. "Disguising it is then." she said smiling at MacBeth.


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''Diango, let's just forget it,'' Dioda said with a sigh, sitting down against a building in a dark ally. She looked at Diango who stopped and turned around to look at her. ''Why?'' he asked her, sitting down before her and looking at her. ''I just.. What if they are mean? Maybe they want to kill me,'' she said softly, looking down at the ground. ''They won't, I promise,'' he said and licked her hand, smiling at her.


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MacBeth smiled back at Taytan, who decided to practice disguise. "Good luck with that," she said to her, gathering her things together to head out. "I need to get going. I have homework to finish, and I don't need another F on my report card because of the Palace. I should be back tomorrow, so in the mean time don't burn the place down." Which is what she always said whenever she had to leave the Palace. Even though it was underground, a person would be surprised at what a magician can accomplish. Heck, they could even burn a piece of paper underwater, so nothing is impossible to them.


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Dioda walked on, following silently after Diango. She was a bit scared of her powers and didn't dare to shift, scared she would stay the way in what she shifted. She just hoped that when they found someone she would be told what it was. She even thought she was dreaming but after a few small bites of Diango she stopped believing it.


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"Bores stay hidden while I'm up above," Havin said, a bit wobbly, but kept on saying to Borez, "I need to see someone...from my past."

The sprite flew into Havin's coat pocket as they walked towards the exit. As he left the Palace and made it to the top, he wondered how he would get to the grave. He could fly, which is always a good way to go, or he could take a cab. 'Some things never change' his grandfather said. He didn't really know alot of the past, only that there's still cabs, and skyscrapers, etc.. He flagged up a cab, jumped in, and told the cabbie to go to Westford cemetery.

They went in silence and after the ride he told the man to stay there. He walked in the cemetery and found his family's graves. His mother, father, grandparents, greatgrandparents, and his brother he never met. Tears rolled from his cheeks. The story on his brother was that he was sick when he was born and died. His brother was older than him. And his parents, died in a cross-fire of magicians and normal people. and his grands died of old age and so on.

After that, he wiped his eyes and face, put a rose on the graves, and walked to the cab. He told him to go back where he picked him up. Later he paid, got out, waited for the cab to leave, and followed the tunnel to where the Palace was. Everyone feels loss, everyone feels love, everyone feels hate. Havin didn't feel them. He wanted revenge on the Upper's. For casting them out. Discrimination and prejudice. He thought, I want revenge. But I can't. I want them to die. But they can't. I want all of us to live free. But we can't.

He yelled in the tunnel, "I can't live!!!"


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MacBeth was walking in the dark tunnel, heading for home up above. Suddenly, she heard a distant cry that sounded like 'I can't live!' She picked up her pace in the same direction as the voice she heard, and called out, "Hello?"


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Dioda stopped and nodded at Diango. She looked around, seeing a kind of palace in the distance. She didn't know who lived there but had a feeling there would be others like her. She was only 16 years old and didn't know anything about people like her. She had never even heard of them, let's stand seen. She sighed and made her way to the palace slowly.


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Havin heard some call 'hello.' "Hello?' He called back, not really wanting to have a conversation as he heard footsteps coming his way.


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She heard someone call back to her, and she moved even faster. Shouting at the top of her lungs, she asked, "Are you okay? Do you need any help?" In her mind, she asked Trojan, Can you go up ahead to see who it is?

Yes, Trojan answered, I'll be back in a moment. He shifted his spiritual body, and swiftly flew through the tunnel.

MacBeth felt Trojan's warm presence move forward, and she slowed her pace slightly, but kept walking onward.

Trojan covered the distance between MacBeth and the stranger down the tunnel within seconds. He was surprised to find that it was Havin. Gently pushing his thoughts into Havin's head he asked, Havin, are you alright?


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Clariss Aldor strode down the long carpeted hallway, past window walls revealing multiple cubicles with working employees constantly searching databases for signs of magic. When magical activity is found, she chooses the agents that go to that location, and take care of it. The Anti-Mage Organization was a well known company specifically designed for finding and terminating magicians. She'd only been working at HQ for four years and she already made it to the top as the head of the entire 24 floor building. It was one of the tallest buildings in the city today, and at the very top, she could see almost everything going on below. For two years, now, she'd been searching for the Palace, a major gathering place for magicians. If she found the Palace, she could easily weaken the network of Magicians set out in the entire city. As technology advanced, so did construction. Nearly every foot of the city was made of a metal or wire. All, except for the Natural Preservation Park, was made of metal and wire. Which is why the city of New York earned the nickname, the Iron City.
Reaching the end of the hall, she opened the white door, and stormed into the conference room awaiting her. Multiple men in suits stood as she marched in, "Take your seats." She commanded, hardly looking at the businessmen. Taking her seat at the end of a long metal table, she said, "Good evening, gentlemen." All the men bowed their heads respectfully, all mumbling something like 'Good evening'. Clariss brushed a loose strand of brown hair out of her eyes before continuing, "I believe we need to discuss the matter of expanding the Anti-Mage Organization to an international level." Turning her head to her left, she spoke to a man with Asian features. "Mr. Chong Ye, last week you said you had a building ready in Hong Kong. Correct?"
The man's voice trembled slightly as he answered, "Um, yes I did. In fact, I plan on running the Head Quarters myself, when it's established in Hong Kong. Of course, I will need the proper funding to start such a company. Say, 8 million American dollars?"
Clariss pondered over his suggestion, and a smile played across her face. "Alright, Mr. Chong Ye, you have yourself a deal." She held out her hand, and he gladly shook it. "Just know that you must repay every cent of 8 million you'll owe me, and you must report to me on a daily basis on how your department is fairing."
Mr. Chong Ye bobbed his head up and down, his cheeks wiggling violently as he smiled while doing so, "Yes, mam! Thank you!"
Another man stood at the other end of the table, "Mrs. Aldor, I also have the suggestion of having a building in England, for approximately 10 million American dollars."
"Gentlemen, I think this will be a very fine day." Clariss said, a wicked grin still stuck to her face.


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"Damn, it's you, and Macbeth," Havin started, "I'm fine. Just want some revenge on the Uppers, but can't. I want them to die, but they can't. I want Magicians to be free, but we can't. So how about me saying I can't live, when I'm pissed, sad, and confused?"

Bores came out of his pocket and looked around. "Havin, dude, I'm sorry about the disrespect, but shut up! I was sleeping." The sprite flew back into Havin's pocket.


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Dioda stopped at a tunnel and cocked her head. Diango barked one time and then waited for a respond.


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Ah, I understand, Trojan replied. I know what it's like to want revenge. Everyone does. But you just need to remember to be strong, and look forward to the future.

MacBeth caught up to Trojan, and Havin. "Oh," she said, "It's you. Why are you shouting in the tunnels? You know, Regulars might hear you up above, right?"


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Poe's head snapped in the direction of the tunnels. Taytan was almost done completely changing her appearance to a young girl with blond hair and a flower dress, but Poe's actions caused her to lose focus and return to normal. "Poe, what's the matter?"

There's commotion in the tunnels. Perhaps it is an intrusion. We should go there, after MacBeth. Poe said. Taytan nodded and mounted Poe. They galloped off into the tunnel. Poe used his invisibility and Taytan formed a dark cloud beneath Poe's hooves, muffling the sound. Soon, they came up behind MacBeth. Seeing that there was no danger, they ceased being invisible after halting. "What's up?" Taytan asked.


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James McConnor, the head hunter for the Anti-Mage Organization, stands atop a building looking at the street below him. He places his finger to his ear activating his comm device. "This is McConnor, i'm beginning the mission. This Mage is as good as dead." After reporting to HQ, McConnor jumps from the top of the building and lands on the ground. Because of his nano-technology enhanced body, he lands with no injury. He begins to walk down the street, as he does so he puts on a pair of sunglasses with the Anti-Mage Organization's symbol on the side.

After walking for a few minutes, James comes to an old, abandoned warehouse near the ocean. "At the location, this Mage doesn't have much longer." He speaks into his head set. "I'll bring him in for public execution if i don't kill him first." With that he approaches the decrepit building. He opens the door and he is met with a damp, musty smell of wet wood. He sneaks behind a stack of crates and peers around it, spotting a warm glow of light coming from the center of the warehouse.

James smirks and attempts to walk closer, as the center of the warehouse comes into view he spots a figure in a robe kneeling in a the center of a circle, his face obscured by a hood. "Mage, your time is up. Your crimes against the government and the human race has condemned you." James begins to walk toward the center of the room. "I'm accused of "Crimes" and i don't even get to be mentioned by name?" The hooded Mage asks the hunter. "No, your kind... deserves.... no recognition!" McConnor charges at the Mage but runs into an invisible magical barrier and is forced back. "AHAHAHAHAH!" The Hooded Mage laughs. "Someone like you... i'm surprised you didn't see that."

James stands up with a scowl on his face. "No matter, your magic is no match..." James walks up to the barrier and places his gloved hand upon it. "For the intellectual prowess of the mind!" His glove sparks and ripples cross over the barrier raised by the Mage. As the barrier dissolves, James walks through. "Now Mage... its time." James rushes forward with inhumane speed, catching the Mage off guard he lands a kick to the Mage's face, forcing him back and out of the circle, while James is standing in it.. "Speed is only one part of my powers...., i doubt i'll have to use the other part." James brags as the Mage stands back up. The Mage begins to mutter something in a language James doesn't understand. "What are you up to...?" The symbol drawn on the floor begins to glow.

The Mage yells the last word of the incantation and McConnor seems to blur as he uses his speed to escape the spell, but his leg gets caught as a pillar of dark blue light, circled by black energy beams. McConnor appears on the other side of the room, his right leg burned badly. "Bastard, you'll pay for that." McConnor growls, his gloves pulsing with energy. McConnor stands up but stumbles because of the wound on his leg. "That was something I didn't see coming.... I don't like being outsmarted!" McConnor vanishes and appears in front of the Mage and punches him in the stomach, sparks travel over the Mage's body and he falls limp. "Your death will be public.... and i promise to make sure it's humiliating." He growls in the Mage's ear.

McConnor places his hand back over his ear. "Command, mission was a success. The target is incapacitated and i will bring him back for public execution, i did, however sustain injuries. Tell Madam Aldor that this is complete. Over and out." McConnor picks up the limp body and carries him out of the warehouse and makes his way towards the largest tower in the Iron City, The Anti-Mage Organization's Headquarters.


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After the meeting Clariss joyfully walked back to her office on the top floor. As she entered the glass room, she was greeted by her secretary, a smaller woman in a black suit and a tie. "M'am, McConnor just reported that he has successfully incapacitated the target, and is now returning to headquarters. However, it seems he was injured in the process, and will need tending to."
"Alright, as soon as he returns to HQ, I want him in the ER. Make absolutely sure he is treated properly, I don't want one of my top agents to suffer long." Clariss said in a calm and collected voice, taking her seat in a metal chair behind a desk with a glass top. "Thank you for the update, now please leave. I have much work to do." She pulled files from one of her desk drawers, and immediately started scribbling on it as she read through it. Her secretary silently left the room, leaving Mrs. Aldor alone. She picked up a small phone attached to the corner of her desk, and spoke into it, "Line, 572, ER."
Instantly, the device contacted the lobby for the medical floor, when a man with a hoarse voice answered, "Anti-Mage Medical Support, how may I be of serice?"
"Yes, this is Mrs. Aldor. I need you to prepare room 103 for agent James McConnor, and when he arrives I need you to dress his injuries and do a full examination."
"Right away, m'am." He replied, suddenly very tense.
"Thank you, that is all." Clariss hung up the phone before hearing anything else from the man, knowing that there was nothing else to say. She swiftly returned to working on the form in front of her, not so much as thinking about her wounded agent. She knew James McConnor well, and that it was most likely another minor injury. Things like this happened all the time.


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MacBeth turned around to see Taytan riding Poe up behind her. "Nothing much," she answered, "We're just chatting." Turning back to Havin, she said, "Try not to shout in the tunnels. If you're going to shout, you should either do it in the Palace, or at home."

Take it easy MacBeth, said Trojan, He's just frustrated.

"Okay," she replied. "I just want him to be careful, that's all." She walked past Havin in the direction of the damp tunnel's exit, and pulled her hood up over her head. From over her shoulder, she called back, "I'll talk to you later, just don't get yourself killed before I get the chance to."

Until next time, Trojan said moving back to MacBeth's side on their trek back to the surface.


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Taytan watched MacBeth walk away. Then she turned to Havin. Concern was all she felt for this guy. Well, that's what she gets for being a kind soul. "Hey, Havin, you need a friend? I'm here." She smiled kindly and dismounted. Or perhaps you would prefer to be left alone? Poe asked him.


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Dioda sat down and pulled her legs up to her chest. She wrapped her arms around it and sighed as she looked at the big house. Diango was sitting beside her looking at the tunnel, hoping someone with the knowledge of magic came soon.


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MacBeth shielded her eyes from the brightness of the evening sun as she rose from the mouth of the tunnel. The first thing she noticed after her eyes adjusted was a girl holding her knees to her chest. Sitting beside her was a dog, and almost immediately, MacBeth felt something familiar about them. Their energy resembled that of a magician's, and with haste she strode up to the girl and the dog. "What are you doing?" she asked urgently, yet quietly. Her eyes shifted back and forth, scanning the area for any signs of a threat from the Regulars. When her gaze drifted over the sight of the Anti-Mage Headquarters, she couldn't help but keep it there a moment. Deep down in the pit of her stomach she dreaded that the place even existed. For a couple years now, many mages were captured and imprisoned inside the building without ever seeing the light of day again for the rest of her lives. Not a single mage has ever escaped their grasp, and if it continued expanding at the rate it's been going lately, no mage would be safe on this planet, Palace or not.

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Character Portrait: MacBeth Jones
7 sightings MacBeth Jones played by HaiKana16
"If only people could see the wonders that surround them."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Havin Ores
Character Portrait: Taytan Herbst
Character Portrait: James McConnor
Character Portrait: Clariss Aldor


Character Portrait: Clariss Aldor
Clariss Aldor

"Magic is an abomination, and must be destroyed."

Character Portrait: James McConnor
James McConnor

"Those with magic.... Why do they have such a power.... and why don't i have it?!"

Character Portrait: Taytan Herbst
Taytan Herbst

If I die, I die but I will live my life the best way I could.......Kickin' ass.....

Character Portrait: Havin Ores
Havin Ores

War never stops. A war could be anything. Just ask yourself, what are you fighting for?


Character Portrait: Taytan Herbst
Taytan Herbst

If I die, I die but I will live my life the best way I could.......Kickin' ass.....

Character Portrait: Clariss Aldor
Clariss Aldor

"Magic is an abomination, and must be destroyed."

Character Portrait: James McConnor
James McConnor

"Those with magic.... Why do they have such a power.... and why don't i have it?!"

Character Portrait: Havin Ores
Havin Ores

War never stops. A war could be anything. Just ask yourself, what are you fighting for?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: James McConnor
James McConnor

"Those with magic.... Why do they have such a power.... and why don't i have it?!"

Character Portrait: Taytan Herbst
Taytan Herbst

If I die, I die but I will live my life the best way I could.......Kickin' ass.....

Character Portrait: Havin Ores
Havin Ores

War never stops. A war could be anything. Just ask yourself, what are you fighting for?

Character Portrait: Clariss Aldor
Clariss Aldor

"Magic is an abomination, and must be destroyed."

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Important announcement:
I won't be online from 23 April till 27 April. I'm going to England and there will be no Internet I think. If there is, I'll try to make a post every once in a while but that won't be like now. I won't be online for every day. Sorry for that but it's a school trip and I need to go.

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

No, you did a great first post. You gave me a good idea of what McConnor is like, so good job!

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

..... I'm so sorry.... i don't know what came over me.... Once i started writing that i couldn't stop.... Please forgive me, i hope it's good. I thought i would give everyone an idea of McConnor's powers.

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

Okay, I did make a Regular character, and I already posted with her. So, Regular characters should have a starting point now.

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

I think I'll make a Regular character to get you started, so you don't have to wait long.

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

Well, until HaiKana tells me otherwise, i guess i will control NPC Regulars.....

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

I need actually someone, magical or not to find Dioda. If just a regular, it needs to know a bit about magic. But, Dioda is 16 and just discovered her powers and needs someone to tell her what had happend, or kinda like that.

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

Until we get more regular humans, can i like control NPC's or something? this sounds really fun and i have no starting point....

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

Go for it! This RP is going to be a lot of fun, once all the characters are introduced and ready to go, there'll be lots of action. This RP needs more Regulars!

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

Well, it looks like you have alot of people with magic so i guess i'll make a normal

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

I'm definitely making a Regular :)

Re: [OOC] Guns and Dragons

I think this sounds like a lot of fun, i will make a char soon.

[OOC] Guns and Dragons

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