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Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion

Sycrem City


a part of Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion, by dawnfire07.


dawnfire07 holds sovereignty over Sycrem City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Sycrem City is a part of Heart of the Wild~Royal Rebellion.

1 Places in Sycrem City:

5 Characters Here

Moses [0] "Patience young ones, justice without temperence easily becomes revenge"
Rorek [0] "You're not even a challenge."
Maximus [0] "Put the rabble in their place, right sir?"
Neese [0] Im not your little play thing
Flare [0] "We must get our freedom back, whatever the cost!"

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"Astria!" Flare found the fox on top of the roof with another fox. 'Two foxes? Weird.' "Astria. I need you to come with me. I heard a human in town has some type of device called a walky-talky. It allows people to communicate with others over long distances. Your fast and sneaky, so your perfect for this job. I would invite Neese too, but I can't seem to find her. Anyway, you up for it. These things would really help with the raid on the castle."


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Astria tilted her head to the side, save the kingdom? Save it from what? She was confused as to what Todd was talking about, until he talked about the 'coup'. She started laughing, "Oh.... yeah, I know what you're talking about.." She stopped her laughing when she saw how excited Todd looked, he must like the humans, he was so eager to stop this rebellion. "Yeah.. Well I'm actually part of that group..." she said slowly, she didn't want this to get too awkward. "The humans haven't been nice to me or any other animals I've known, so I've joined the rebellion." Astria started to explain herself, so Todd would hopefully understand, maybe she could even get him to join.

Astria turned her head to the where she heard her name. "Flare? What's the rush?" she asked as she saw the jaguar walk up to them. "Walky-talky? What kind of names are these humans coming up with? Jeez.... Uh... Yeah, sure I'll get it." Astria walked up beside Flare. "Just show me the place." She looked back at Todd, "I gotta go..... Duty calls." she giggled, "I'll see you around Todd." she said with a smile.


"So how come I didn't see you at the meeting earlier?" Rorek asked Sean. "Oh I was there. But of cours-se you big four-legged animals wouldn't never notice me s-s-slithering around." Sean replied cooly. Sean began to slither up Rorek's leg, and Rorek tried to shake him off. "You know I hate when you do that!" Rorek said and kicked Sean off. He backed up and looked at Sean who was saying nothing. Rorek grunted and looked at the sky, it was a full moon, he started to smile - Rorek loved full moons. "Well Sean, I've gotta go. It's time for my nightly routine." Sean looked up at the sky as well, "Ah... Well give my regards to Lady Luna." he said. Lady Luna was the name Rorek gave to the moon, he felt that just saying 'moon' was boring. Rorek ran off, heading outside of the city and into the forest. Once he reached the forest, he slowed to a walk and stopped on a small hill. He stood tall and gave one long howl to the moon, he was sure that his howl would travel all through the city.


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#, as written by Krypt

Todd struggled to keep his jaw from dropping while she had been in front of him, but now that she was walking away in the moonlight, he couldn't stop staring at the spot where she had previously been standing. It even took all his effort to give a hollow farewell to her, not even recognizing his own voice as he did so. She, a fellow fox, was part of that rebellion, which went completly against his upbringing? No, there had to be something else. She had seemed so nice before that jaguar beautiful. But now he couldn't look at her without seeing disgrace. Before that jaguar was came and talked, he was proud to be a fox. Now he thought traitor. That jaguar. She was that common denomonator. It was her fault. She must have intimidated Astria into doing her will, maybe she threatened to hurt Astria. That must be it. Why else would such a noble creature like a fox stoop down to rebellion against their masters? He had to do something about that jaguar. Not directly, of course, but it would hurt like a direct blow. No...he would do something to crush that jaguar, just like she crushed the image of the noble fox.


Maximus continued to sleep, letting out a light snore every so often...when will morning come to wake this beast?


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Flare silently moved across the abandoned Town Square. "All right Astria. First we sneak into the house. We don't get caught, and when we're outside, we run." Flare proceeded to move across the stone floor and pushed the door, which slightly creaked. She ran inside and jumped onto a shelf. "There! The walky-talky's!" They were on the table. Flare tried to moved behind the cups without moving them, but unfortunately, luck was not on her side. She accidentally knocked a few down and they broke with a crash.'There goes the plan for being silent.' Flare thought miserably. She jumped onto the table just as an old man stormed into the room. "Huh?" His voice had a slightly high pitch that sort of hurt Flare's ears. "Why you littl' critter!" Flare's eyes widened as he grabbed a broom. She frantically jumped off the table as the broom crashed down on it, all the while forgetting about the walky-talky's. She ran out the door with the old man yelling funny sounding curses behind her. Flare laughed when she stopped. "Now that you think about it, that was kind of fun wasn't it Astria? Astria?" 'Oh no. Now where'd I lose her?' Flare slowly trudged over to where she had last seen Astria, which was inside the house of the man that now hated her.


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Kaya ran over to were she heard the man shouting "what happened?" she asked hesitating because of Flare's size compared to her own. she looked in and saw Astria,oh its that fox i saw earlier! oh shoot!shes in trouble! she thought rushing in,keeping to the side hugging the wall and climbing up on to a desk with bunches of papers on it. She pushed them over and jumped up on the mans head,hissing/growling.


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Flare had a dumbfounded look on her face. "Did that little racoon just jump on that grumpy old man? Hmm. I guess even small animals can have their hero moments." While the racoon wrestled with the old man, Flare sneaked her way to Astria. "Psst. Astria. You okay? Let's get out of here." Then Flare looked at the table. "The walky-talky's! I forgot them. Is that why you stayed behind Astria?"


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#, as written by Krypt

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
Max watched as the tail of his little informant tapped the ground apprehensivly. He would raise up his tail just a few centimeters off the ground, and then touch it back to the Earth, raise it, touch it back down, and repeat. His little informant must be uncomfortable, and that was his way of releasing stress. Or maybe Max was just making this whole thing up. His informant had just told him of the planned rebellion staged for tommorow, and one can only imagine his fury. As he watched his informants tail, he thought black thoughts, of how the princess, no, Flare, no...that traitor, planned to throw away her title, her prestige, and her life, just to help a few petty cases of uncomfortableness among a small group of animals who were uncomfortable around humans.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
No, he would stop her. He would stop all of them. He wouldn't let Flare get her filthy paws on whatever note or scroll or whatever his infomant had told him about. He would alert all the horses in the stable, even those big brutes from the cavalry, and he would alert all the hunting birds of the royalty so that he could have an eye in the sky. He might even design some sort of sign that would scare the humans into placing more rangers on the battlements.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
He thought deviously of all the horrible things he would do to Flare once he saw her. She had taken his trust and ground it into the dirt. She had lied openly to him. She had taken the greatest gift the humans could give her, a life, and threw it away. She didn't deserve to die. She deserved to see all the death and contention she was going to cause because of her stupid little war. And he was going to be the one who made her watch it.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
"If you don't stop that, I will rip your little foxy tail off. Got it?" Max growled, glaring at his informant, before darkly musing of what he would do in the morning.


Taking the course of action he had decided on before he had even met Astria, Todd had concluded to go and tell the palace horses. They were loyal, right? And they had power enough to stop that jaguar, and release Astria from her foul clutches...right? So stealing into the courtyard in a similar fashion that he had earlier that day, he made his way to the stable. It occured to him that if it was that easy for him to get over the battlements, what about the rebels who came over. He made a mental note to mention that to the horse that he ended up talking to. The stable began to loom overhead, its wood panaled walls seeming dark and foreboding in the moonlight. Stealing up the wall with the help of a few conviniently placed crate and barrels, he made it in through an opening near the roof. Coming in and onto a loft that was above where the horses were, he spotted the horse he had talked too earlier. Er...more like tried to steal from. In his head, he had imagined himself confidently strutting across the floor and gracefully coming down in front of the horse with a look of confidence on his face. But in reality, he ended up slipping halfway down and ended up sprawled out in front of the horse, with a look of bewilderment on his face. After an akward confrontation, he managed to tell the horse of all that he had heard from the roof, putting special emphasis on how wicked the jaguar was. He seemed to have convinced the horse, but while he was waiting for an answer he occupied his time with his tail, as he often did, much to the annoyment of the horse.
Todd had been about to ask if he could stay the night, for he still had no place to go, but at that moment a stable boy came into the building and roughly shooed him out, with threats to kill him the next time he catches him hurting the horses. Silly boy, how was a fox supposed to hurt a horse? But the threat stung a little bit, and made him wonder for a split second if it was boys like these who made the rebellion worth while. But he disregarded it, deciding the most people were like those who raised him. Downhearted at his lack of a burrow to snuggle up in once again, Todd contented himself for the rest of the night by shivering under the drawbridge of the castle.


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Astria followed Flare and listened to the plan, she nodded her head, "Alright. Sounds simple enough." She cringed when the door creaked, she never like that sound, it was blood-curdling to her. She walked into the house slowly, unlike Flare who had run in, and stayed on the floor, again, unlike her partner. When the cup fell to the ground Astria instinctively hid behind a chair, it was pretty dark, so the human hopefully would not notice her. "So much for being quiet..." she muttered. Astria looked at the corridor, a human was coming down the stairs, and quickly at that. She backed up to be safe, the old man had seen Flare and he had already gone for the broom, for an old man he was pretty smart and fast, he certainly didn't want to waste time. Now was her chance. The man was distracted, so Astria quickly jumped up onto the table and made a bee line for the walky-talkys.

She stopped a few feet from them when the man saw her and he started to come at her with the broom. Astria was about to jump away but she saw a little grey blur jump onto a desk and onto the man's head. It was Kaya! She looked at Kaya and smiled, "I couldn't have asked for better timing! Thanks!" Astria turned back to the task at hand, she nudged the walky-talkys to the edge of the table and jumped down to the ground, taking a ruffle of papers with her. She placed the papers underneath the walky-talkys. She then jumped back onto the table and pushed the walky-talkys off the table and they landed onto the paper perfectly. She saw Flare coming back into the house and jumped down the meet her. "Uh huh." was all Astria said, and she moved to the side to show Flare the walky-talkys, "We needed these right? So let's go before Kaya loses her grip. She grabbed one walky-talky in her mouth - two were too big to carry in her small mouth - and motioned Flare to pick up the other one. She ran through the man's legs and waited outside of the house for Flare.


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Kaya lost her grip and flew across the room hitting a wall. She gave out a little squeak and landed with a small thump,the man was yelling at the retreating animals in intelligible the human language,and had turned to were Kaya lied.She quickly jumped up and hissed at the man,the man jumped for her and slammed into the wall opening a hole in it.Kaya quickly scrambled out of the house and ran outside, panting.


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Flare was about to leave the house when she saw Kaya. 'I can't leave her like that!' Flare quickly ran over to and grabbed her by the scruff, then proceeded to leave the house. Holding the walky-talky with her tail, she ran outside to meet Astria. "Okay, let's get out of here."


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Astria looked back and could see Kaya being thrown off the old man's head. She was about to go see if she was OK, but Flare had already picked her up and headed toward her. "Right." she responded, but because of the walk-talky in her mouth it came out in a muffle. She ran to the end of the street, and then slowed her pace to a walk as they got further away from the man's house. She wondered where they were going to put these, they'd have to put it somewhere the humans wouldn't go, and make it hard for the humans to get to it if they did happen to find it. As she followed Flare to wherever she was going, Astria looked at Kaya, "How are you feeling? I saw how hard you hit that wall... That must've hurt." she tried to say this as audible as she could, even with the walky-talky in her mouth.