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Steven Rivers

A writer who reads the book of fate

0 · 201 views · located in The D&D world in the near future

a character in “Heroes Campaign: Next Generation”, as played by Dekar


Rivers has combed back brown hair and a very confident demeanor. His hawk like brown eyes give him a crafty appearance that is sometimes offset by his seemingly bumbling nature. He is often seen with a trade mark brown coat and a large tome.


Fickled, aggravating, knowledgeable, and talkative Rivers is seen in many ways. While some enjoy his company just as many find him off putting or even outright annoying, but he bears a strange sureness of himself that allows others to know that he is not to be ignored.

High Concept: The Bardic Prophet
Trouble: "I'm Afraid I Can't Tell You That"

The Book of Fate (River's Book of Prophecies)
A Damn Fine Coat (His Magic Coat)
The Storyteller's Muse (Muse the Crow)
Flee's Like a Boss


An odd looking pistol, several knives, various other magic trinkets, and a large tome. His brown jacket also seems to bear some magic.


Little is actually known about Rivers other than that he is from a distant land. Most believe that he comes from Altrica though.

So begins...

Steven Rivers's Story


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Character Portrait: Steven Rivers Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Renji Tengen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Aaron being focused on other things didn’t take any notice of Rain’s sentiments and simply walked into the stadium with his large hands in his pockets.

At the seating the brown haired man turned to see Rain in her coat. He looked at her for a long moment then paused to fish a large book out of his coat. Adeptly turning to the page he wanted to he skimmed it and looked up at her with a quirked eyebrow.

“Well not exactly what I would expect from a future hero but I suppose it takes all kinds.” He says looking at her appraisingly then shrugging and then going to lean on the railing with a sigh. “Well it’s a fork, but I’d say overall the odds are really stacked against the convenient outcome.” He complains aloud to no one in particular.

Down in the arena the announcer introduces the two fighters.

“On the East side! The champion of the arena! The man who is built like a mountain and is twice as tough AAAAROOOOON!!!” There is a loud cheer from the crowd who watched expectantly as the most famous hero residing in Kahn steps out. Unlike the relaxed expression she had seen earlier Aaron’s face was now stone serious his eyes gazing intently upon the other man who was emerging from the opposite side.

“Aaaand in the other corner we have the God Slayer himself the man rumored to be the most Skilled Swordsman Renji!!!!!!!” The response to Renji’s introduction was mixed with cheers and boos, he was the visiter and many simply wanted to watch Aaron beat his face in.

Renji signaled over the announcer who looked at him confused but then simply complied to the fighter. Taking the sonic augmenter crystal from the announcer he addressed Aaron. “I am Renji Tengen! I have come to dethrone you champion. Now please name yourself so that we may have an honorable battle!” he demanded. Most of the crowd jeered at the extra formality accusing him of trying to delay the fight because he was scared but Aaron simply shrugged.

“I am Aaron the Undefeatable, Champion of this Coliseum.” Aaron replies evoking a roar from the crowd. As he announces himself a beautiful crystal sword appears in Renji’s hand and the man smiles as he takes his stance.

~in the crowd~

The brown haired man shakes his head with a sigh. “He’s done it now, why’d that idiot introduce himself?” he complains. Then his eyes shift back to Rain. “So who do you think is going to win this fight?” He asks her shifting his attention back to the stadium where the two had begun moving slightly, and measuring distances.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Renji Tengen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
The brown haired man sighs a bit at her response and then continues to gaze at the fight which was not beginning. “I’ll put my money on Renji, if Aaron wins though I’ll be more than happy to celebrate as well.” He tells her.

As if those words had finally started the fight Aaron’s eyes roll back and he is overtaken by a blind frenzy. With tremendous speed and a rock hard body he charges towards Renji, who’s eyes remained trained on him.

Renji’s expression had turned into a calm mask as the furious titan charged towards him. “Upon wings of victory I fly.” He chants and then suddenly he was no longer standing on the ground but was instead floating above the arena with flowing wings of golden light.

Unfazed by his prey’s quick escape Aaron vaults into the air in pursuit. There were ecstatic shouts from the crowd as the champion leapt into the air, and the cheers grew as Renji suddenly dived down towards the rising warrior his crystal sword colliding with Aaron’s fist.

When they both landed blood spilled from Aaron’s fist, but ignoring the pain and damage he turned around and flung himself at Renji. In response the swordsman moved away at a speed that seemed to make Aaron move in slow motion. Then with equal speed and impressive skill he suddenly closed the gap and struck Aaron in the arm.

Aaron swung his fist but with a skillful tumble he fled out of range again. The cheers of the crowd had quieted and the spectators watched quietly as Renji repeated this hit and run maneuver, while Aaron continued to charge forward blindly like an unstoppable juggernaut.

Back up in the stands the brown haired man glanced back at Rain. “Aaron might be stronger than Renji, but a warrior without strategy is just a glorified monster.” He says to her as he continues to watch.

Blood leaked from numberous cuts on Aaron’s body as Renji’s sword seemed to ignore all of the magical protection and blessings that made him seemingly invincible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Renji Tengen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
The brown haired man smirks and gives her a cynical shrug. “I don’t think it matters much, but it’s not uncommon for people to call Aaron a monster. You’re watching this fight have you ever seen a human fight like that?” He asks, but then his eyes snap back to the arena as something surprises him.

Renji’s stance tightens up as Aaron stands stone still taking in deep breaths, but what was surprising the crowd wasn’t the sudden stop, but the blood which had been pooring like a fountain out of Aaron which had suddenly stopped.

Aaron looks up at Renji with calm eyes as his wounds suddenly frost over. The air around him seems to drop in temperature. The seething anger had been replaces with a silent cold rage. Letting out a breath Aaron began to slowly walk towards Renji.

The Godslayer didn’t faulter though and in an instant he was within strike range again, but this time when he swung his sword the flat of Aaron’s hand deflected the flat of the blade and the frost rager landed his first solid hit of the fight sending Renji flying backwards 10 feet. The swords man didn’t hesitate from the attack however and suddenly he was on the other side of the stadium as far away from Aaron as he could get.

The crowd suddenly erupted in cheering as Aaron revealed his ace in the hole and one that had surprised everyone in the stadium. Aaron and Renji continued their exchange as neither was able to get a clean hit on the other and the fight had turned into a slow war of attrition.

Up in the stands the brown coated man was watching with more interest, but his initially impressed expression recedes back to a neutral expression.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Renji Tengen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
When Rain said it looked like he was going to lose the bet the man simply shook his head. “I doubt it to be honest. Aaron is giving Renji time, some of his other abilities will start activating if this keeps up.” He says as he turns towards her and watches her introduce herself and extend her hand.

“Rain huh?” He asks curiously and shakes her hand. Surprisingly enough he actually pronounced it correctly. “My name is Rivers.” He says his eyes appraising her again as if he was looking for something. But after a few moment his goes back to the way he was before.

Then suddenly down in the arena a huge concussive force was heard as Renji display a feat of inhuman strength launching Aaron several feet into the air with his palm after Aaron had grabbed his sword. Purging the ice that had begun to form on his arm Renji moves towards the calm rager again taking advantage in the fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers gave her a bemused smirk. “You are quite a curious person and you are pressing quite fervently into the past of someone with whom you have only just become acquainted.” Rivers replies waving his hand.

Though I’m afraid your analysis while quite interesting is also not entirely correct, “After all I could have learned the language from an English book, they exist you know? But how I know the language is of little consequence. Especially to the daughter of a great hero.” He replies turning his face back to the fight.

The two fighters had maintained a stalemate to this point and Rivers suddenly had an idea. “Well then how about a bet? If you win I will tell you what you wish to know, and if I win you will allow me to travel with you, and I will still answer a single question you ask.” He offers with a smile then turns back to the fight.

“This looks like it’ll be wrapping up soon, the bet will simply be who do you think will win.” He explains and then awaits her response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers Character Portrait: Aaron Character Portrait: Renji Tengen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers smiled at her response. As he looked down at the two bloodied men, he doubted that either of them was going to be in a position to have any sort of meeting after this was over. “Don’t look so surprised you are the one who pointed out the oddity of speaking in fluent English.” He had honestly taken a bit of a shot in the dark and just taken the most logical conclusion.

“As for the bet I gave you the choice to pick, I would have taken whoever you didn’t.” he replies calmly, though he had assumed she would pick Aaron.

At the same time the two combatants seemed to have decided it was time to end the fight. Aaron moved forward his entire body covering with frost and Renji raised his sword for a swing then cried out. “Come forth by glorious steed!” And before either of them were within striking distance he swung down the sword and an enourmous mammoth appeared ramming right into Aaron and sending him crashing against the opposite wall.

As several of the crowd members gasped Aaron managed flip the massive creature onto its side causing it to crash against the arena’s barrier. But it was too late the crystal sword had become a bow in Renji’s hands and he drew back and arrow of searing light chanting. “This arrow shall fly true and upon it’s brilliant glory I swear Victory!” Then leashing the arrow it pierces Aaron’s chest before he can react.

The bow vanishes and Renji stands starring in surprise as the giant trudges towards him still pierced by the brilliant arrow. But in the end it proved too much and two thirds of the way to his target Aaron finally collapsed.

“And the winner is RENJIIIII!!! WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!!!” The announcer shouted after he had finished the 10 count.

Not wasting any time Renji turned around and left the stadium. He would be crowned the new champion at tomorrow’s victory feast and he didn’t seem to deem it worth staying for the crowd’s reaction.

Rivers let out a sigh, but surprisingly it seemed more disappointed than relieved. “Well this will complicated things.” He complained despite having just won the bet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
As she starts moving towards where Aaron is he reaches out and grabs her shoulder to stop her. “Hold on a sec, the question first then we’ll go.” He says then upon hearing the question he laughs.

“Not a bad question, though one you would have found out quicker than some of the others you could have asked.” He says getting the bout under control. “I will add that I am sad about Aaron losing it’s going to make life a lot more complicated, even if you don’t understand why.” He tells her and then looks her in the eyes so she could tell he wasn’t lying.

“And to honor my end of the bargain I will give a straight response to your question. I want to follow you around for two reasons. The first is because this is the most effective way to minimize the dangers caused by this fight’s outcome. And the second is that if you are actually a hero’s child then as long as I’m with you the castle is less likely to drag me back and lock me in the library.” He says, giving no further explanation his hand tightens a bit and suddenly the two of them were in the Infirmary where Aaron was being treated.

The big man was unconscious, but some of his wounds had already started healing, his constitution and recovery were truly monstrous.

The setting changes from Fort Kahn to The D&D world in the near future

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
“Hahaha, that’s so you’re getting used to it huh?” Rivers laughs as the girl seemed to be at wits end because of him. Several people in the room turned to him with scowls but he waved them off with dismissive gestures.

“As for why I think being with you will help, you are the daughter of a hero, and from what I’m guessing an important one. The castle will hesitate to evoke that ire. Though the others might not, unfortunately I don’t have that information.” He sighs as he watches the clerics try to heal Aaron through his considerable spell resistance.

“The other questions you will get your answers to in due time. I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.” He says leaning against the wall. “And for gold, you can stay with me for now. I’ve got a room at a local tavern, I’ve been working as a storyteller for a while and when I left the castle originally I procured a large travel fund.” He says with a bit of a shrug.

“Of course I won’t force you, if you’d rather stay somewhere else you’re free to.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers scratched the back of his head and closed his eyes a bit dully. “To be honest, I don’t actually know what the 5 great heroes looked like.” He admits with a slight frown. He wasn’t exactly proud of this fact. “Well I’d assume you are probably the daughter of one of the girls…” he admits.

Though when she brings up the second room he raises a hand “hold on I never said I was getting a second room. I can get a room with two beds, but paying for another room is wasteful.” He insists though there didn’t seem to be any ulterior motives to him saying this which might or might not surprise her.

Then when she brought up the part about secrets he nodded. “One who has little to hide themself often demands others conform to the same, but that is the same as a fighter chastising a wizard for not fighting him with a sword.” Rivers replies with wave of his hand, a gesture he seemed to use often.

“A storyteller reveals answers as the plot demands it, to lay out all the information in the beginning would quite possibly do more harm than good. After all many’a true hero are not those who sought the role, and should they know of fate’s plans for them they might simply flee.” He tells her.

The setting changes from The D&D world in the near future to Fort Kahn


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers looks at the girl, quizzically, he was a little surprised of how little she knew about the town. “Well it’s not that the town doesn’t like outsiders, it’s just that they’ll get hunted.” He points out which was one of the main reasons most Summoners avoided fort Kahn.

After saying this he stretches a bit. “Well either way I’m hungry and we can have this discussion just as easily at the tavern with food.” He says then grabs her shoulder and suddenly they were a tavern. The bartender didn’t even bat an eyelash though several of the guests were startled.

Though after a few seconds they recognized Rivers and went back to their business. “Well order what you’d like.” Rivers says as he takes a seat at a stool.

The setting changes from Fort Kahn to The D&D world in the near future

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers finally looks over as the bard departed, his eyes seemed very attentive despite his disinterest. In front of him was an empty bowl of tiger rabbit stew. “You’d better eat before it gets cold.” He says to Rain before turning to the bard to get a quick word in as he left.

“A rebel destined for a much bigger stage indeed.” He says aloud so that both could hear.

Afterwards Rivers looks back towards his bowl of stew which the bartender had already replaced, and as he leaned in to take a bite a loud flapping was heard as a crow swooped in and landed on his head causing his to fall face first into his stew. Rising up with broth dripping from his face Rivers’ eyes shift up towards the bird.

“Was that really necessary Muse?” He asks the bird and it seemed to give him a self satisfied caw as is landed next to him and started eating the stew. Giving a resigned sigh he pushed it over a bit so the bird could get at it more easily.

“That bard was a strange fellow but should we check out the show?” he asks with an air of apathy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers shook his head about her story comment. “Stories are one of the most important essences of knowledge, spurning them is to spurn knowledge, you just haven’t heard the right story yet.” He says calmly.

Then watching the bird finish he reaches out and strokes its head affectionately and it caws in acknowledgement. His expression seems almost gentle as he plays with the bird, but his sarcastic mask returns as she suddenly sets down the rule.

“I refuse, too many time when that condition would be troublesome. After all I shouldn’t need to stop to inform you if we are trying to flee from danger, and in the end it won’t change where we end up.” He replies stubbornly.

“Right now we are in Dagoth’s Cauldron. A well known local bar about half a mile from the coliseum.” He informs her as he didn’t feel like listening to more complaints. "So are we going or not?" He asks her, not particularly caring himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers had sat silently listening to their plan with a bit of a frown on his face. He didn’t seem too thrilled about finally returning to this continent. Though when Rain asked him about it a playful smile returned to his face and he shrugged his shoulders.

“You accuse me of hiding things like a villain, as if my thoughts and mind were yours to own. Do you truly wish to hear all of the thoughts that pass through my mind?” he asks Rain looking her up and down with a smirk, as if he was appraising her.

“I think your plans are fine. The western continent is much bigger than the land you are familiar with, and assuming that they are some nefarious empire doesn’t show a lot of tolerance.” He points out as his eyes shift to Neil. “Also why would you bother to hide your nymph heritage, think about it for a moment. In a land where deities exist wouldn’t the ones connected to the forests smile upon the race that has devoted itself to guarding it?”

“The vast majority of people here are peasants, and followers, but due to the beasts that are common to this land I would say the average townfolk would be stronger than the average knight of the central continent, one must protect themselves after all.” He explains with a wistful gesture.

“You are free to enter the continent as you like, but I will be arriving with this fine gentleman in his most comfortable airship.” Rivers informs then giving a playful smile to Hawk who beams at the compliment to his airship, it also appeared that the two of them had already set aside some time and talked.

“As for names, you can call me Wyne here.” He says.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
In response to the princess pose Rivers takes on a frail pose. “Yes, now if only my prince charming would stop beating me every time I open my mouth. *sob* *sob* *sob*” Rivers replies as he glances at Rain and then looks away with an obviously staged shy blush.

Then as if it had never happened he sits upright and returns to his original posture. “Though if you’d like to hear all of my thoughts I suppose I can start sharing them, first I’d like to say that I’m approve very much of the form fitting dress, it leaves just enough to the imagination, very sexy. Then I wonder when I am going to get hit next for simply doing as you ask, after all you do seem to have a habit of beating me when you cannot win with words.”

“After that I think about how while Neil’s exclusion sounds sad at least he had friends and people to talk to, try getting locked up in a library for 3 to 4 years with only a crow to have conversations with and then talk to me. After that I think you probably have a point regarding the beasts and will say that for the most part they are larger nastier versions of your animals, but this continent also has strange creatures that I can’t describe too well and sometimes you can get on the wrong side of divinity easily, which can turn rats into formidable monsters.” He explains.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers sits silently listening to the conversation on him in a dress. He was honestly a little surprised by this turn, but in the end this was the direction the conversation had ended up in. No point in trying to change it.

As Rain and Neil, and as Shade slid in next to him he opened one eye after downing a mug of ale. Then without warning he reached up and tapped the back of his knuckle to Shade’s chest. “You say all of this to draw attention to me, but isn’t it you who is made to wear a dress Faith?” He asks Shade taking another swig of his mug.

“This is pretty strong.” He says as he gets a refill and turns face to face with Shade. “I am trained to play the violin, but I am good with any wind instrument. After all I am a storyteller blessed by the wind.” He says opening his arms in a grandiose gesture, and it seemed true at least to some extent. “And while I’ve got a bit of guitar experience, I think it might be worth it for you to try music of a different sort while you’re here.” He says with a grin leaning in a bit.

Though at that moment the chair was kicked out from under him and Rivers toppled to the floor. Disoriented and confused Rivers reached for his gun but couldn’t find it, as wind started building up around him he saw Rain’s hand reach down towards him and he stopped choking off the power that had begun welling up inside him.

Shaking his head to reorient himself he gets back to his feet and looks at her trying to smirk as he always did. “Princess Ai, I’d rather you didn’t look at me with those eyes of pity, it will only complicate this whole thing. As for being self-centered, of course I am. It is the nature of a storyteller to care about only himself and the tales he weaves.” This last part sounded very unconvincing, even Rain would be able to notice the hesitant hollow tone, he opens his mouth to say one more thing, but then instead he simply vanishes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
When Shade bangs on his door there is a total lack of sound. Well that is to be expected considering Rivers wasn't in his room. However, anyone who was in the hallway now might be able to feel a slight draft stretching further into the cabins than it should be able to. Out on the deck wind rushed around Rivers and he moved in a fluid dance like motion that almost made him seem like a part of it.

Muse watched from a railing as Rivers' feet slowly stepped onto the wind that rushed around him and he lifted off the air. Flight using magical wings was pretty common among powerful mages, but this was something different. 'Wind Walking' he continued to fluidly dance upon the gusts, not noticing if anyone or anything was watching, well at this hour he didn't expect any spectators.

His cares seemed to be blown away in the peaceful ritual.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
The wind disperses and Rivers drops to the ground as he realizes he had drawn a crowd. Several small green lights circled around him and he patted each one before it seemed to float away. "It seems that plenty of people have nothing better to do than stare at me walking on air." He says in a slightly bored tone, though his eyes shift to Rain when she makes her comment.

"What was that Queen Ai? Well I suppose it doesn't matter, the Queen's fun will come when the ship has found it's ground and the time is right." He says his language returning to it's more cryptic style.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers was suddenly gone and then he was beside Rain leaning in to softly whisper in her ear. "If you go on insisting that I'm a girl I might end up getting the urge to prove otherwise." He tells her softly squeezing her hand before releasing her and disappearing again to where he had been.

"Even if you did take my chastity getting called Princess by an actual noble just seems kinda lame." he complains as he scratches the back of his head. "Besides my Queen is the type to take this kind of thing too far and risk all of our lives to try and continue some vain attempt at punishing me." he says while nodding his own confirmation.

Then after Rain leaves Rivers eyes shift to Lalo. "I don't need to hear it from the one who actually has some semblance of an idea what's going on." he admits with a dull and unamused expression. "If she continues like this she'll get herself killed and that'll be a problem for me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Rivers simply watched on. He rocked back and forth a bit in tune with the melody and when it was finally over he opened his hands in an almost defeated posture. "It seems that our little princess has talent." Smirking he watches the pair and a bit of emotion seeps through his smiling poker face and into his eyes, though which emotion exactly would be hard to tell.

Though seeing her and Lalo's hesitant expressions made him frown. "You two..." he lets out a thoroughly exasperated sigh and walk up to Rain staring her straight in the eyes. "You're taking this too seriously. I'm all for the band idea, I think you guys would make an excellent one. Who know you might even meet people and things that will help you and teach you a lot of things."

He holds a finger up in front of her. "The world's a big place, far to big for even heroes to carry on their shoulders and destiny cannot be forged by a single person." He suddenly takes a breath and a step back as if he suddenly realized what he was doing. This was probably the most straight forward advice Rivers had ever given the group.

"What am I doing?...honestly?" He asks as he starts to walk towards the deck again. Then taking another deep breath he began to say something and then stopped instead saying. "If you don't start enjoying the adventure Rain I might take it upon myself to liven the mood. In my own way." Then he goes to the deck.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steven Rivers Character Portrait: Lara Lascter Character Portrait: Narsh Zorander
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dekar
Lara as Lara stops coughing she nods at the two, they had pretty much summed up her sentiments in the matter perfectly. "Many of the Godslayers who are too dangerous have Keepers who watch them, as is the same with prophets, by that right Narsh is exceptionally in need of one. I've had him captive for almost 200 years." Lara tells them watching the large man fly off and sighs.

"Who knows what he's going to do now." She groans. "So without him to shed light on circumstances I'm afraid I'll need to ask, what are you all planning to do from here?" she asks them. "The town ahead has come down with a terrible illness. There's a fork in the prophecy where your group goes there and dies of the illness that's why we came to stop you incase something had happened to Steven." She explains.

In the meantime Narsh flew through the air. "Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt you or anything, but this twist is more interesting. I do so hate a boring path." He explains as he cuts through the air. The raw magic was greater than Renji's but Narsh seemed weaker overall by a decent margin.

"However, while I do owe you I've got some stuff to take care of so I'll leave you off here. He should take care of you." Narsh laughs and suddenly drops Shade. "I'll pay you back later." He promises.

Though as he says this Shade plummets towards the ground and the words "Aww~ hell," are heard. Another rush of air suddenly comes up from below Shade cushioning the fall and setting her down gently in the street. And then there is a white flash and Shade wasn't in the street anymore. Instead she was in an Inn room. A man stood with his hands on his knees panting.

"That old man huh? I tried taking a fork and he handed me a spoon." the figure complains his usually combed back brown hair a mess over his face. Rivers stands up to look Shade over giving her a quick pat down for injuries. "You seem fine, did he do anything?" he asks a tone that seemed to carry a certain level of concern in his voice.