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Hiruka Sorayuki

"As they always said, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguisable from magic."

0 · 329 views · located in Japanese Empire

a character in “HIDDEN _in plain sight”, originally authored by chrian., as played by RolePlayGateway





" When life kick you down, just keeping up your hope and smile. Because eventually, things will turn out alright. "


ใ€ Goya wa Machiawase : Hello Sleepwalkers ใ€‘

ใ€ Dialogue : #3D93DA : Thought : #042c62 ใ€‘

ใ€ Face Claim : Aoba Seragaki | DRAMAtical Murder ใ€‘


" Bring me some machines and I'll tackle them with no problems. "



Hiruka Sorayuki
Meaning : Winter's Noon Sky

Hiru-kun | Sora-chan



Biromantic Homosexual




" Sometimes, it's fine to accept that life isn't always kind with you. "



Blue / Light Brown

6'2'' | 155 Ibs



Hiruka is a young man with an appearance which is commented by many to be "fragile and feminine", which is something he'd never taken pride of. He had a fairly skinny build and not noticeably fit, he still showed himself to be quite athletic and he'd been trying to improve his frame by working out everyday. What makes up for him is probably his impressive height that towers most others he came across. His skin is quite pale, but not to the point where it seemed to be unhealthy.

He had gradient blue hair that flows to the length of half his back. Though he isn't very comfortable if people touch it. Sometimes he did tie it into a pony tail when he wanted to feel some wind on his back. His light brown eyes often emitted a calm, somewhat innocent feeling to them, no matter how odd they seemed to be at times. Though they can be quite intimidating when Hiruka is serious. He has quite some scars scattered on his body, but most of which had faded by now, thankfully.

In term of clothes, Hiruka is always being seen wearing a white and blue jacket. Underneath is a navy long-sleeve shirt, blue jeans and a blue studded belt. He wears matching shoes with dark blue leg warmers. He once wore studs, but stopped since they didn't seem to fit him. Other than that, he'll just wear things that he felt comfortable in the most. And one of his prominent trademark is a large, retro pink headphones that hang around his neck and a watch which acts as his phone. He wears them so often that they seemed to be almost inseparable with him.



" It is only what is happening in the present that is mattered. "




โ—‡ Calm โ—‡ Determined โ—‡ Kind โ—‡ Sociable โ—‡ Cunning โ—‡

Hiruka is a calm and collected individual, who always bring forth a soothing and peaceful aura to anyone around him. He rarely ever loses his temper and can seemingly keep his head cool no matter the situation, with a gentle smile ever presented on his face. Despite having an outlook of someone who is fragile and needed to be protected, he's in fact a lot stronger and more determined than most people think. Once he had set his eyes on a goal, Hiruka will never stop until it is achieved.

While it is true that he had an appearance that attracted a lot of people (which is mostly males, specifically), it is his kind-hearted and caring personality that made him a lovable person. He always helps others without anticipating of being repaid in any means and always looks out for those who are important to him. He's outgoing and get along well with many types of colorful people and never judged anyone just by the outlook. It can be surprising on how easy it is to become friend with him.

But that is not to say Hiruka is completely a harmless and innocent guy. He will never let anyone bully or looked down on him, and he's totally capable of resorting to deceit and manipulation when the situation calls for it.



" Whenever you need, just call, and I'll be there "



โ—‡ Technology : Even before the discovery of his power, Hiruka had already hold a love for technology of all types, ranging from smartphones to vehicles.
โ—‡ Music : Hiruka could listen to music almost anytime, anywhere possible, which explains why he's always carrying his headphones with him.
โ—‡ Reading : It might not seemed to be a popular hobby with younglings nowadays, Hiruka finds that it is truly relaxing when he indulge himself in a book.
โ—‡ Friendliness : It's understandable, since Hiruka is always nice with almost everyone around him, he'll expect them to show some hint of friendliness with him too.
โ—‡ Games : He's not an addict, but there are times when Hiruka can stay up all night to play games.

โ—‡ Dishonesty : Hiruka is observant enough to see whether if someone is lying to him or not, so he hates that someone is being dishonest.
โ—‡ Betrayal : Hiruka can be really forgiving, but betrayal is something that he might never forgive nor forget.
โ—‡ Dairy Products : He doesn't know why, it just that ever since he's small, these kinds of protein had always been nauseating for him.
โ—‡ Noises : It's really hard for Hiruka to concentrate when all there is around him is noises. He'd prefer places with quietness when he needed to focus.
โ—‡ Arguments : It is his nature to be peaceful, so of course, he hated conflicts and disagreements of any kinds, and will usually be the one to settle things when they heated up.

โ—‡ Expert Technician : Needless to say, with his love for researching and his abilities, it was hard not to perceive Hiruka as an excellent technician who can tackle just about any types of machines.
โ—‡ Cooking : Hiruka had to learned how to cook at a young age to feed both him and his brother, so you could say that he was quite good at it.
โ—‡ Martial Arts : Despite not looking like it, Hiruka can actually put up quite a good fight.

โ—‡ Adorable Things : Small and cuddly things had never failed to captivate his heart. And yes, it can be a weakness.
โ—‡ Swimming : Hiruka once had a problem with water before, so just the thought of dripping himself deep is scary enough, let alone swimming.
โ—‡ Suspicious : Despite being sociable, Hiruka doesn't trust a person whom he'd just met so easily.



" I don't care what others said about me. I'll just always be the simple me. "



Hiruka's ability is Technology Manipulation. Meaning, he can control technology and technological constructs such as computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". He can also tamper with the flow of intricate machinery and can allow them to assemble or disengage their programming at will.

Scanning: By touching a specific technological construct for a period of time, Hiruka can analyze the data and information of the device that is gathered such as how it works and how to utilize it. However, he can only scan things that isn't overload his brain's capability. At the moment, Hiruka is able to scan a plane, but he hasn't reached the level where he can scan something as complex as a spaceship.

Activation: Hiruka is capable of switching between functions of a mechanical constructs with mere physical force. For example, he can turn on the light around his apartment with just a clap, or switch on a car without having to put in the key. Similarly, he can also deactivate these mechanism like how he activate them. Simpler constructs are easily to activate or deactivate from afar, but more complex systems will require physical contacts.

Electricity Generation: As the nature of his power is to control specific electrons and instructs them which items to engage or disengage, Hiruka is also capable of generating electricity if he accelerates the flows and speed of particles. The voltage he's able to create is up to 750 volts, but due to its' sheer instability, Hiruka himself will also get an electric shock if he uses this ability for more than 5 minutes. There are chances that other people can also be affected, so he will only use this as a last resort.



" No one knows what will turn out from now. It's better to do what you can. "




Hiruka was born and raised in the old city of Hiroshima, where he has a pretty normal childhood like any other children would. Since the day he was born, he has always been a special child in the eyes of his family. He grew up normally and well, along with his brother, Makoto. Hiruka has always been a nice kid and he has many friends around him. He was truly happy that he was surrounded with people that he loved, until when his parents were accepted as members of the Empire's Council.

After they were raised to their positions, they were moved to Androma. Hiruka was only about 13 years old back then and little did him, nor do his parents and brother know that they're going to meet their demise sooner or later. His parents had hoped that Androma would be a place where their sons can grow and be success. Until one day, both of his parents were killed while they were on a trip to the Black Lands to do some "businesses" that the Emperor required them to do, because of the creatures that emerged within that land. And it turns out that they were granted with no protection.

The news hit Hiruka and Makoto hard. For young children like them back then, it was a shock that they could never capable of bearing. They were devastated the moment they saw the dead bodies of their parents. But what can they do? They were only kids and the horrible reality is they are alone now.

As a part of the Empire's program to aid children who lost their parents, they may choose either to live in an orphanage, or leading their own independent life in an apartment owned by the Council with monthly income to satisfy their daily needs. And, both of the Sorayuki brothers decided that they need to lean on no one but each other. Their new lives began since then. Hiruka and Makoto had lived such a life like that at the age when they supposed to still be under their parents' wings. And of course, it was hard at the beginning, as both of them had to do their best to put food on the table everyday.

But eventually, they managed to get through with the helps of the kind-hearted souls around them. They may not be the richest ones around, but their lives is satiable enough and there's nothing else that they would wish for.

Hiruka awakened his powers when he was 19 and it turned out to be a real surprise for him. At first, he was scared of how different he was, but eventually, he come to love it. He had managed to keep it as a secret from everyone, including his brother. Within two years, he never seized to hone and keep on discovering the fullest extent of his capabilities. To him, machines did have their own souls and lives, not just tools to use.

Now, he had graduated from high school and taken up a job as a clerk in a junk shop, as well as a freelance technician. He knows that something is amiss with the world he's living in. And that sooner or later, Hiruka will have to stand up to protect what is dear to him.



โ—‡ Father : Izami Sorayuki : 39 : Deceased
โ—‡ Mother : Miharu Sorayuki : 35 : Deceased
โ—‡ Younger Brother : Makoto Sorayuki : 18 : Alive


cs by StarlightPrincess
inspired by The_Queen , เชฝเซฎเซจฮ‘
modified by Chrian Blaire
filled by Chrian Blaire

So begins...

Hiruka Sorayuki's Story