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Hidden Realms of Sparorcica

Hidden Realms of Sparorcica


After staying hidden for half a millennium the super naturals have been discovered, a mounting war between them and the human race, is bound to rip the world apart at its seams. What role will you play?

2,853 readers have visited Hidden Realms of Sparorcica since Lux_Disraeli created it.


After living in a peaceful state for over a millennium, the supernatural world and the human world is pouring over on each other. It is 2105 now, out of resources to mass produce weapons such as guns, people have returned to the skills of blacksmithing along with other ways to make a living reverting back to the dark-ages.

Sparorcica was once known of its beautiful forests, open meadows, lush oases, and for its three crystal clear oceans. Now as its forests are now few and far between, the meadows and oases are more a thing of folklore. The once three huge oceans are much smaller and aren't the crystal clear water of before.

The humans are broken into to different types the city dwellers, and the slayers. The city dwellers are unaware of supernaturals still thinking of them as pretty stories told. The slayers are out for blood blaming the state of Sparorcica on all of the supernatural races.

In the supernatural world the old days of feuding between the races is long gone choosing instead to form a counsel to help each-other with the new problem of the slayers.

Toggle Rules

The rules are simple:

Don't be rude to the others posting.

Don't reply to a post with a one or two lined reply.

Don't make yourself unharmable, everyone can get hurt.

If you are involved in an rp, and you have to be absent for more then two days, please either give a reason why your character isn't going to reply. Or let the parties involved know out of character.

Check the OOC page for a list of the currently known races.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in


Sparorcica by Lux_Disraeli

What side will you chose?


Silverhollow by RolePlayGateway

The lands that many of the werewolves call home.


Meadowbush by RolePlayGateway

Fairyfolk call this place home.


Clearfay by RolePlayGateway

A small fishing town home to Merfolk

Shadowmarble Haven

Shadowmarble Haven by RolePlayGateway

One of the last standing human cities

High Counsel

High Counsel by RolePlayGateway

The hidden meeting place for the supernaturals.

The Oblivion

The Oblivion by RolePlayGateway

Slayer's bar


Wonderland by RolePlayGateway

Slayer training academy

Kingdom Sanctuary

Kingdom Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway


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Gabrielle grinned spraying Lyric with a water bottle giggling as her arms started to shift into scales. Lyric quickly threw a towel on her arm and cussed under her breath. Lyric stared across the table at Gabrielle her eyes flashing from blue to red, a huge smile working to Gabrielle face. Lyric stood up glaring at her reaching for her knife "Stop it or so help!" Gabrielle snorted out a laugh "Take it is watertart" Lyric shoot her a lock before grabbing her my the wrist putting the dagger to her throat "I will kill you with out batting an eye."

Noelynn walked in her heels clicked on the floor, she roll her eyes "if you two can't..." a blurry of fur flashes as Noelynn hit the ground as Lux pinned her to the ground a low growl left her lips but a smile still on her face. A deep throaty growl leaving the wolf. "Lux do you have to" Her eyes went wide as Lux started opening her mouth leaning down letting her breath crawl across Noelynn's neck "Dont you dare!" Lux let out a laugh before licking the side of her face. Noelynn giggled pushing Lux off of her. "You damn hound" a smile played on her lips. "Go change back and come out here so I can start this before our fairy gets her wings ripped off. Lux gave a playful bark before running off to change back, Noelynn smiled at her as she ran, she was always fonder of her then the other members envious of her playful nature the wolf brought out.

Lux made her way back into the living room sitting between Lyric and Gabby, Noelynn called the group to order.

"Now the Slayers have really stepped up, they are going to start the same bullshit as before, as far as I am aware the number of Vamps left myself as well is 25. On the other hand the Wraiths are gaining numbers at a scary rate. I fear we need to move the rest of the Vamps out of the city." Lyric leaned forward "Clearfay seems to be a low spot on the slayers hit list imaybe there? I know a larger number of the fairyfolk have moved in." Gabrielle smiled softly witha simple nod. Noelynn looked over at Lux "How are the wolfs fairing pup?" Lux look up her eyes giving away her days of crying "I've lost a handful of pack members, damned slayers caught them on a hunt." Noelynn put her hand on Lux's shoulder "We will find those bastards."

The four of them sat and talked about other problems, before they all went different ways. Lux was last to leave staying behind to clean up after Gabby and Lyrics spat.

The setting changes from High Counsel to Shadowmarble Haven

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#, as written by Ralinis
Valken was getting ready for another night at The Oblivion, a bar that Slayer's frequented often, in downtown Shadowmarble Haven. It was a small place, that held a rustic feel, the hard wood floors creaked with every step, and the bar stools scraped the floor each time they were dragged across it. The bar was topped with polished oak wood and a thin layer of glass, in hopes to prevent the wood from getting damaged the wall behind him was a large mirror with lights and bottles on display. Two large flat panel tvs at both ends of the bar, displaying various sporting events. He watched the door on the far wall from him, expecting patrons at any time, hoping there wouldn't be any trouble tonight.

A few people were already sitting around chatting and enjoying their drinks, as Valken wiped down the counter top, from a drink that had been spilt. The front door swings open a four men all clad in black combat armor come walking in, and in that instant Valken knew that trouble wouldn't be to a minimum that night. The four men sat at the bar and shouted out their drink orders as if they owned the place. They chat among themselves as Valken pours their drinks.

" Those wolves didn't even stand a chance. " The man drinks an amber liquid from his glass. " They weren't expecting us to be carrying guns. "

Valken thinks to himself, " Guns huh? Black Diamond maybe?"

" They might be shitty ones, but they all fire just the same. " Another one of the men says as he lights up a cigarette.

Valken looks up, wiping down a glass. " Sense when does Black Diamond hunt down wolves, doesn't Wyn have something better for you guys to be doing? "

The cigarette man laughs. " These ain't no normal wolves boy, you've heard of Werewolves right? "

Valken shrugs. " Yeah, you can't tell me someone like Wyn actually believes that bullshit? "

"Bullshit? Them wolves are real, and a menace, They been runnin' raids on Mr. Clinton's armories, and he's gettin' tired of it. " The man with the drink says, " and We've been gettin' paid good money to put the sons of bitches down like the worthless mongrels they are! "

A loud cheer comes from the other three men.

Valken does his best to hold back his anger, a growl almost leaves his lips.

The smoking man catches this. " What you lookin' so pissed about boy? we're doin' you a favor, who knows when they'll be knockin' this place over. "

" Im just against senseless killing. " Valken laughs a bit. " Even if it is the killing of... " He makes air quotes " Werewolves. "

The drinking man jumps up, knocking his stool over, sending it rolling away from the bar. " You listen to me, boy! "

Valken cuts him off. " Sir, your going to have to keep yourself calm, i dont want to have to throw you and your friends out."

The drinker, now drunk, continues. " We're Black Diamond, if it weren't for us and Mr. Clinton, this city would be wasted."

Valken looks to the smoker. " Calm his ass before I have to ask you all to leave. "

Before the smoker can say anything, the drunk slams down on the bar top, and points at Valken, " You, me, outside right now! " he exits the bar.

Valken sighs, as he follows him out. " Listen buddy, I dont have time for your shit, so I'm going to ask you once nicely to leave. "

The drunk man laughs. " Scared I'm going to kick your ass ? "

Valken shakes his head. " No, I'm really just not in the mood for a fight. "

The drunk man shrugs. " Well thats too bad. " and he starts to run at Valken.

During his drunken charge the man pulls a combat knife from a holster on his chest, it's blade glints in the moon light, but it doesn't cause Valken to flinch, the man swings it at him, but Valken catches the mans arm in his left hand, stopping the stab dead in its tracks, and using the mans momentum he thrusts his right hand into the mans throat, knocking the wind out of him, and picks him up slightly, before slamming him down onto his back knocking him out cold. Valken dusts his hands off on his pants looking to the other three men. " Would anyone else like to try something? "

The three men move to their fallen friend, and start to drag him out of the Oblivion's parking lot. Valken shakes his head and walks back into the bar, hoping that the rest of the night wouldn't so troublesome.

The setting changes from Shadowmarble Haven to The Oblivion


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She stood outside the bar, staring up at the sign taking a slow drag from her cigarette before flicking it into the gutter, watching the ember jump along the street. The wind started to pick up making her eyes widen "No way it can't be that easy." she took another sniff rolling her eyes "Here and gone, it must of been a few hours. Lyric's visions never led me wrong before I should of high tailed it.." She cut herself off and what came in daggers in hand and killed them in a Slayer infested bar? She shook her head as she walked in to the bar the boards whining under her. She sighed walking over to the bar, dress in typical slayer gear. She wore blue jeans with leather accents her daggers on her hips, steel toed boots, a tight green tank top, her brown hair tied in a messy pony tail.

She walked over to the bar a cocky smile on her face, "Whiskey on the rocks" she said looking up at the bartender. She leaned back on her heels clearing her throat her cocky smile faded quickly to a one of confusion easily passed as impatience. Ok, don't panic..he could be new and not know how to pin point another wolf, even if he is a slayer's lacky doesn't mean I couldn't take him.. She looked up sizing him up as he poured her drink looking for any signs of bands the slayers put on "pets" finding none she started to chew her lip. He set her drink in front of her, she reached to take the glass letting her hand brush his. "Thanks, all hail the revolution" She grit her teeth as the words left her mouth, he looked at her with an unreadable face "Burn the beasts to the ground." he simply said. She forced a painful smile tears glistened on the edges of her eyes. A pair of slayers walked in giving a warm smile to the barkeep as they say "the normal Valk" Lux lost her temper.

She downed her drink in a gulp pushing the glass to him. He reached to take it she quickly grabbed his wrist, giving a light squeeze showing him her strength with out hurting him in a low feral growl of a voice she spoke through her teeth, "You filthy damned traitor,Your kind are hunted and murdered and you sit and serve the slayers!? Do they pat your head, rub. your tummy tell you, your a good boy we you sniff out a fellow wolf?!" Her temper getting the better of her as she starts to grip his wrist harder feeling her nails begin to turn into claws. "I should slit your wrists right now" Her voice becoming more and more of a growl her temper taking over losing control over her change.

She looked over seeing the slayers around her she smiled softly as her nails returned to normal her voice becoming light and playful, her eyes still ready to light him on fire if they could. She waited for him to point her out to the two slayers. She watched them pay and head off to the back of the bar where it shifted to pool tables. She sat eyes locked with him as he started to talk.


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#, as written by Ralinis
His voice is low when he speaks to her, " Where better to learn about Black Diamonds operations? " Valken looks around to check if anyone hear him talking. " Your little out burst almost put both our lives on the line, and i dont know about you, but i dont plan on being put down any time soon... "

She breaks eye contact, looking back to the bar top letting go of his wrist.

Valken looks around again, spotting a waitress, he lets out a sharp, " Hey! Jen, get up here for a moment. "

She walks up to the bar. " What's up Valk? "

" I need to you watch the front for a few, i need to go out back to the office. "

Jen looks from him to the girl sitting at the bar. " But you never take any personal time Valk hun. "

He looks to her, "This isn't personal, its business. "

The waitress nods. " Oh, okay, well, yeah i can watch the front, but. " She grins. " When am I going to get to talk business with you? "

Valken shakes his head and sighs, looking back to the girl sitting at the bar, and motioning for her to follow him. The two enter a small hallway. "Name's Valken, you can call me Valk if you like, seems like very one else does. "

He opens a door into a small white room, with nothing more then a desk in one corner, and a cork board for one wall, underneath the cover of a large projection screen. He offers her a chair, before sitting down behind the desk. " It's not every day i have a fellow Werewolf walk into my bar, and start calling me a traitor, so before we go any further, i think you should explain a little more about yourself to me, before i find it safe to assume, it is you who is actually the traitor. "

The setting changes from The Oblivion to Sparorcica


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She narrows her eyes "Careful mutt have you crossed a pure wolf yet? Seeing as I lost four young pack members I suggest you bite your tongue on calling me the traitor. I am on the High counsel, have you heard of it?" She rolled eyes when he didnt reply fast enough for her liking "It means I am at the fore front of the battle waging around us while you shit on your ass being pet and thrown a bone or two."

She bites back a bit of the growl in her voice "Name is Lux, and no none of the damn slayers have a pet name for me" she stiffens "Look I came here because I tracked the bastards that killed members of my family, but seems I just missed them now, I know I shouldn't of lost my cool but hell can you blame me? I am fighting every damn day so to see a house pet wolf pisses me off to no end."

She starts to get up heading to the door, "you'd better get back out there or that slayer in training discovers your the thing she is training to kill." She smirks a tiny bit "I'd have that meeting with her fast she was ready to pounce on you the moment you called her over to you." She let out a laughing growl watching his face try not to give away his thoughts, she took it as a sign she was hitting the right spot. "Seeing as you are the pet of them, and save the bullshit about you keeping tabs on them, I've yet to see you at a single one of the wolf meetings. I should take your little mate from you, an eye for an eye huh.."she snarls out the last word with venom "..Brother"

The setting changes from Sparorcica to The Oblivion


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#, as written by Ralinis
" Pet pet pet? is that all you can say? " He beats her to the door slamming it shut, " I've never heard of your fuckin 'High Council', might be way my attendance is so low, your highness. " anger laced through out his voice. " I've been alone my entire life, no pack to support me, i was bitten, i was brought into your damned war with out a say in the fucking matter, you fight your war i fight my own. "

He pulls on the cord of the projection screen it shoots up, revealing various photos of warehouses and patrol guards, " Years of scouting, years of trying to find this Wyn bastard, years of putting my ass on the line to even figure out who the hell he is... Every day i serve those Slayers drinks, hoping that one of them will get drunk enough, and drop a nice piece of intel, someone has to have a damn idea on how to get inside those places." He points to the board almost shaking with anger. "And if even one of them found out what i was, i'd be fucked. " He shakes his head.

" Here i thought i might have found an ally, but i guess not... " He opens the door, walking back to the desk, sitting in the chair with a loud thump, covering his face with the palms of his hands, before sliding them down to his chin and looking back up. "Oh and as for the Slayers that killed your pack members, i crushed one of their windpipes for causing too much noise in my bar, i would put money they brought him to Kingdom Sanctuary, I'd get moving, you dont want to lose their trail, if your quick you might catch them before they give him a nice room. "

The setting changes from The Oblivion to Sparorcica


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Her eyes softened as well as the rest of her body listening to him explain himself. Her eyes lit up as she talked about where to find them. "Thanks for the tip, look I didn't know you are a pup or I wouldn't have flown of the handle." She walks over to the desk sliding paper from him grabbing a pen out of the cup on his desk. "Here this is a safe line for now we kill phones weekly, this is new I just bought it." She looks at him then to the door then back tohim "Look I will be back early in the morning these slayers have to be repaid for killing pups for hunting," her eyes glaze back over with anger she body starts to shiver "Damn I am going to have to change to get this to go away." She said half to herself before looking at him "Back way out of here" He looks at her with a confused brow "Is there a way out I have to change now?" she said with a touch of panic in her voice."The back way out is just outside the office I will cover you as you run out."

She starts to pull her tank top off Valken puts his hand to his temple "Hell Lux just claw the door when your done." he mumbles something about crazy woman as he steps out. After her change she pawed the door, after a few moments of him not replying or letting her out she started to panic Oh you have got to be kidding me, I am smarter then thisshe starts to snarl as the door clicks open for her, he just gives her a quick -scared you didn't i- look. She snapped at him before bolting out of the office and out the back door he had make shift opened for her with a shoulder looking bag over her back with her clothes.

He watched as she ran, not even three breaths later Jen walked back to the office "You done I am sick of dealing with the normal drunks, they are so...touchy" He nodded at her.

The setting changes from Sparorcica to The Oblivion


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#, as written by Ralinis
" Yeah, everything is done here. " Valken stares distantly into the direction that Lux had run off in.

" Valk, hun? whats wrong? " Jen places her hand on his shoulder.

He shrugs. " Dont touch me... "

" Woah! easy, what happened? what's wrong? "

" It's nothing. " He shakes his head. " Listen i need you watch the bar for the rest of the night. "

" Wait... what? i had plans after my shift ended... "

" Cancel them, I need you here. " His voice tone flat.

" But... i can't just not show up to training... "

Valken places his hands on her shoulders, leaning closer to her. " I'll make it worth your while, just stay here, got it. "

she lets out a soft and low sigh. " Yeah... sure whatever. "

Valken moves out of sight, allowing him to shift into his wolf form, he bobs and weaves through back alleyways as he follows lux's scent.

The setting changes from The Oblivion to Kingdom Sanctuary

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Lux made her way to the hospital, she had picked up the scent of the men the fur on her neck rose up a painful howl boomed around her. Yeah good idea some pack leader you are, might as well get a megaphone and yell here slayer slayer come out and play. You can take them if you keep your emotions in control, you can hunt with out a pack. Besides the slayers are stupid enough to think female wolfs are myths.

She changed back pulling her clothes back on throwing her hair into a pony tail, she took off at a run thinking about her lost pack mates bring tears to her eyes. She ran into the hospital almost making it past the nurses desk "MISS!Miss!! You can't just go back there like that!" she made her boots squeak to a halt pulling on her emotions "I...I'm so..rr..sor..sorry" She paused for effect " he was brought in he..he..his..windpipe...please I have to know...where he is..I have to see him..She leaned on the desk letting the nurse she her face she soften "ok ok miss,take it easy he is in the fifth room, your friends had to go. No one is suppose to visit but, look ok I know you want to check on him so you have ten min.." Lux took off down the hall not letting her finish giving a quick thank you.

Valken watched her performance from a distance he hoped she couldn't sniff him out, as he watched Vivian walked in.

Vivian walked up to the desk "Pardon me, but one of my students was brought in tonight, could i get into see him tonight just to see how he is doing." The nurse looked up 'Oh Miss Spark! Of course his girlfriend just raced back to see him not just a moment before you go here poor girl she look distraught, he is in the fifth room." Her eyes gave a flash of worry "Thank you, Jessica.' Vivian walked around the desk to the hall way before taking off in a run down the hallway.

The setting changes from Kingdom Sanctuary to Sparorcica


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#, as written by Ralinis
*undisclosed location*

Wyn sits behind a cherry oak desk in his windowless office, staring into a spreadsheet glowing from the monitor of his laptop. columns and rows of numbers fill out the screen, a grin spreads across his face, he turns to a man standing in the shadow of the bight glow. " so does this mean what i think it means? "

The man replies. " It does sir, Black Diamond is slowly containing the threats within the city, just a few days ago, a successful raid was carried out on one of the local wolf packs, we managed to put down four of them. "

" Just four? " Wyn's voice is calm, as smooth as silk.

The man in the shadows starts to studder slightly. " Y-yes s-sir. "

" Were they armed? "

" Basic arms, knives mostly, maybe one or two with bows. " the shadow man's voice now starting to shake.

"So... your telling me... My armed forces only managed to put down four wolves? what were their ages? "

" They looked to be young from the remains... you men, didn't leave much of them behind..."

Wyn stands up and moves over to one of walls, he rests a hand on it, and a ripple moves through out it, and suddenly sun light shone through, " Good, we have to show them who's actually in charge. "

The setting changes from Sparorcica to Kingdom Sanctuary

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#, as written by Ralinis
Valken broke into full sprint, tearing through the E.R. waiting room, running past the front desk, the nurse calling out after him, before setting of an alarm when he didn't stop. He rounds a corner, unsnapping the strap over the combat knife on his right leg, leaving it at the ready incase something went wrong.

The lights in the hallway cut out, and for a moment everything goes pitch black, until that flashing red lights of the emergency power system kicked on. He slowly walk down the hall, his back pressed to the wall, expecting at any moment for that Slayer to jump him. Much to his suppress he reached room five without any trouble. He cracks the door slightly and looks into the room, the Black Diamond member who he ha injured laid out on the bed. He doesn't spot Lux anywhere in the room.

" Damn it... did that Slayer make it to her before i could warn her? " He looks around, and over the faint hum of the life support, he can hear the creaking of a string, not any string, but the string of a bow. It stops and before he can react to it snapping, an arrow sinks deeply in to his shoulder, he lets out a grunt as he's forced to drop his combat knife. He looks back to the door and sees her standing in the hallway. " What did you do with her? "

Vivan shrugs. " Your the first one i've seen. "

He picks up his knife, and snaps a large chunk of the arrow shaft off, leaving the head in his arm to act as a plug for the blood until his arm had healed up.

" Well much more resilient then i though you would be, most normal people would be rolling around on the ground after taking an arrow to the shoulder. " She stops. " Then again, i get the feeling your no normal human. "

" Listen, I dont want a fight, i just whnt to know what happended to Lux, where is she? did you see her running of any where? "

Vivian draws back another arrow. " Sorry, but i dont answer to my suspects. "

The setting changes from Kingdom Sanctuary to Sparorcica


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Lux draws in a breath Damn it pup, haven't you heard choose your battles? I knew the slayer was coming before she left the desk. She looks at the exit then back to Valken, And I really did like this outfit. She slipped behind the door in the room across from five listening to the slayer question him Could you so not give away female wolfs, I swear pups

Lux took a huge breath letting out a deep howl, making Vivian drop her bow to her side running down the hall to get outside to find the wolf. silly slayers, you think they would you know listen to where the howl came from not the place it bounced from. She ran back in to the room looking at Valken tilting her head to the door to tell him to get out of there before turning her focus on the body she walks over a low growl from her lips. Lucky I have more honor then to kill your kind when a machine is keeping your sorry hide alive she walked over and changed back taking his arm in her hand snapping his wrist. She stops standing over him a few tears spill as she slams her fist into the wall a dull snap fills the air as she takes in a quick gasp of breath pulling her arm to her chest. She looked back over her shoulder,trying to keep from crying, hating herself for not killing the Slayer. She looked at Valken, "Didn't I tell you to get the hell out of here? What are you waiting for her to come back and give you a nice pat? You have just a couple moments before she get here I suggest you get the hell on your way Pup" She changed into her wolf form nipping at him as she bolted out.

The setting changes from Sparorcica to Kingdom Sanctuary

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#, as written by Ralinis
He removes the rest of the arrow from his arm, as she runs out the room past him, walking up to the soon to be dead man, with the power cut to the Sanctuary, the life support wouldn't run much longer, Valken looks around the man's neck, noticing his tags, he removes them, and slides them into his pocket. He catches the glint of something else in the pocket of the bulletproof vest, a key card, perhaps to one of the guard houses.

"hmm... if i could get armor.... " His talking to himself is cut short by the sound of numerous feet moving towards the room, he quickly ducks out, moving down to the oppsite end of the hallway, as Black Diamond members come into view. One of them hold up a s.m.g, and lines up a shot a Valken down the hall.

Valk tries to dodge the shots as he hears the trigger pull, the bullets graze him shooting out the window behind him, making a quick escape route for him, he jumps through the window, bolting out into the streets and into a near by twenty-four hour convince store. He calmly walks up and down the rows of products, picking out a candy bar, then walking to the coolers and grabbing himself a drink, all the while looking out the windows of the store, seeing if Black Diamond had put two and two together and found out where he went.

Content that he had lost them, he walks up to the counter and starts small talk with the cashier. " Know what's going on over there? "

The cashier shrugs. " Dunno... said some man just burst through the E.R. and someone hear a wolf howl. Someone thought it was one of the wolf packs leading a raid on the Sanctuary cause thats were all of Wyn Clinton's P.M.C's end up. "

" So thay dont know what happened? "

" Not a clue. "

Valken nods. " Shame i suppose, you think people would have more respect then that... well, have a good one. "

He starts to walk out of the store, before the cashier stops him, Valk's nerves twitch a bit, as he turns around he hears the cashier say. " you forgot your change. "

Valk shakes his head. " Oh... right, just keep it, call it a tip. " he walks through the doors, reaching for the phone that Lux gave him, he dials the only number in the phone's memory. getting the voice mail he leaves a message. " Hey, listen, i got something that might help us get revenge on this bastard, either call me back, or meet me back at the Oblivion, when you get a chance. " He pauses for a moment, " I know your a wolf and all, but take care of that wrist, it still might heal wrong if you get to reckless. " he hangs up the phone, and begins his walk home.

The setting changes from Kingdom Sanctuary to Wonderland


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Vivian walked in to the gym, looking at a few of the newbies. She sided up Jen, "On your toes." she said softly before throwing a dagger at Jen, who grabbed it a few inches from her face. Vivian smiled as went on about her lesson plan for the afternoon. "Werewolves,are the topic for today. Can anyone tell me how to kill one?" The class burst into chatter. Vivian's phone buzzed in her pocket she pulled it out Mr.Clinton scrolled across the screen her eyes got big "shit, um class warm up for now I have to take this" she bolted out of the room quickly answered it. "Hello,Sir."

The setting changes from Wonderland to Shadowmarble Haven

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Lux made her way to the top of the stairs, Noelynn swung the door open "Luxxie why are you bleeding?! Whats going on?" Lux lifted her paw at her before she let her in ushering her to the bathroom, Lux shut the door behind her as Noelynn leaned against the door talking to her. "I told you to get me before you took after the slayers that went after your pack little one." Lux rolled her eyes "It is old blood Noel, I broke my wrist, when i changed the bones ripped out of my skin, it is all healed up." Noelynn opened the door walked in as Lux grabbed a robe around her self "Lets see that wrist" she gently took it in her hand turning it over "You wolves never stop amazing me, I wish I could heal that fast. Come on Lux I know you haven't slept rest then I will get you a drink down at the bar." Lux nodded heading in to the guest room Noelynn always kept for her.

The setting changes from Shadowmarble Haven to The Oblivion


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Noelynn walked in checking the crowd before clearing her throat giving Lux the all clear. Lux took a booth in the edge of the room, as Noelynn ordered the drinks giving the tender a quick once over a light smirk spread over her lips. "Whiskey on the rocks and a tequila sunrise, if you wouldn't mind" She gave a big smile before leaning towards him sliding him a bill "thanks pup" She winked and point to the booth Lux gave a half of a wave. "Wouldn't be an issue to bring it over would it?" She smiled once more before walking over to Lux sitting gracefully across from her.


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#, as written by Ralinis
Valk grabs the drinks, calling for someone to take over for him, he walks over to their booth and sets the drinks down, " Evening ladies." his voice tone drops to nothing more then a low hum. " We can't talk here, one at a time make your way to the bathrooms, and wait down by the office door, i'll meet you two as soon as i can, i cant keep running out back with every new blood that walks in, Black Diamond might not be the law, but they might as well be... " His thoughts trail off as he walks back to the bar.

Lux walked off at first, headed in the direction of the bathroom, her timing almost too good, as a pack of Black Diamond enter the Oblivion. They walk up to Valken at the bar, and slap down a photo.

" You seen this girl? "

Valk looks it over, seeing that is a picture of Lux, Noelynn notices this in passing, on her way to the bathrooms. " ...Yeah i've seen her. "

Noelynn stops almost dead in her tracks, expecting Valk to sell her out. But Valk starts to talk. " Haven't seen her in weeks though, somethin' happen to her? "

" She's a suspect in an investigation. "

" An investigation, eh? so what is this the part were you threaten to 'rip my bar to shreds' if i dont answer your questions? "

The man who had been talking nods. " Yeah, I'm glad you understand how this works, it saves us so much time. "

Valken shrugs. " Sorry bud, no dice here, you can turn around and go ask your questions elsewhere, I've got a business to run here, and last thing i need is for you scarin' everyone away. "

" Listen here, We'r- " Valk cuts the man who was talking short.

" Blah blah blah, Black Diamond, yeah, i know, that doesn't give you any more power then anyone else claiming to be Black Diamond here, Get a real Slayer in here if you want questions answered. Now get out. " Valk's eyes meets Noelynn's as the group walks back out of the bar. He mouths to her, " I'll be out back shortly. "

The setting changes from The Oblivion to Sparorcica


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#, as written by Ralinis
*voice over the phone*

"Vivian" Wyn's cold voice says over the phone. " I want to keep this short and sweet, not a word from you, unless I tell you other wise. "

The sound on the phone dies for a second, as Vivian does nothing to respond.

" Lovely you do know how to take orders." The voice goes silent again for a second. " As you know a few days a go four of my P.M.C's were in a local bar known as the Oblivion, are you aware of what happened? "

Vivian stays quite once again.

A short chuckle from Wyn as he continues to talk. " One of them picked a fight with the bar owner, a Valken Blut Vollmond. He sent them to Sanctuary, crushed windpipe, the man died when the the power to the the building went out and the auxiliary power was drained.

His voice stops for several seconds, Vivian almost questions if the phone lost its connection before he starts up again. " That death doesn't concern me though, what was taken does... His pass card was taken, it will allow entry into my bunkers, the last thing they need is to get into those bunkers and distribute my weapons. " Sudden anger rises in his voice. " Find this Valken and get the card key back, i dont care what you have to do to get it, just get it done. "

The phone line goes dead.

The setting changes from Sparorcica to Wonderland


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She flips the phone shut, "arrogant asshole" She walked back in to the group "Self workout then head HOME, not out to drink or party finish your workouts then go to the dorms" she lifts her phone giving the impression she was delivering a message from higher up the chain. A few groans left, Jen clears her throat "I have a shift at the bar tonight, I don't think a call will be enough.." Vivian cut her off "Valken or something like that is the owner right?" Jen nodded "I will stop in and explain the situation,now I have orders to take care of." She looked around "So help me if I find out you go out, you will beg me to turn you in to Mr.Clinton himself for punishment." The group sucked in a breath " " They all stumbled the words out, as she walked out of the gym.

She lit a cigarette as she started down to the bar it was a good mile walk, she past a group of black ops bitching about "the boss" till they saw her the group went silent she rolled her eyes "Boo!" She kept walking she hated the way the others treated her, no matter what was thought she wasn't Clinton's pet or rat. She tossed her cigarette in to the ash tray out side of the door walking into the bar.

She made her way up to the bar "I need a Gin and Tonic, also to have a few words with the owner," she looked up "I need to have a word about one of his workers Jen Fauna" She sized up the man at the bar "Privately, if at all possible" she felt her arm through her jacket sleeve her dagger firmly in place.

The setting changes from Wonderland to The Oblivion


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#, as written by Ralinis
The man behind the bar pours her a drink and rests it in front of her. " So a few words with the owner huh? here on business? "

Vivian takes the glass in hand, " You could say its something like that, is he in? "

" Yeah he's here," the barkeep starts pouring another drink, " Suppose you'd like to talk to him. "

She nods. " If you have been listening to anything I've said. "

" Alright, so what's wrong with Jen?"

" I would much rather talk to the owner thank you. "

The barkeep drinks from the glass. " Well, you got'em right in front of you, So, what seems to be the issue? "

" She wont be able to pull her shift tonight. "

" That it? why the need for privacy then? " Valken asks as he pours them both another drink.

" No, that matter i would much prefer to discuss in a more private area, do you have an office? "

" Let me lock up, no one's showin up tonight anyways. "

Valken askes what few people in the bar to pack up and head out, once he has them out, he locks the door and walks back to the bar.

" Here, this is much better then that stuffy old office i got out back. " He takes another drink. " So what's on your mind? "


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"Well, rumor has it you had a bad run in with those goons, they are threatening to rip your bar apart, correct?" "But something tells me you aren't here to talk about that." She half smirks at him "Well you see a gate card has been miss placed and I know it is silly but you didn't happen to find a key card did you? Mr.Clinton just hates to have to make all new key cards because one got lost. And I thought, my coming in would be much more..whats the word..pleasant to have me come in and check correct?" She finished her drink cutting him off before he starts to speak again "Rumor has it you crushed his windpipe, you wouldn't be a supernatural haven would you Valken? You know Mr. Clinton would be here in a moments notice if he thought that was the case, now do I have that to report or would you happen to remember more clearly if you saw the key card?" She smiles hoping her bringing up the name would be enough to rattle his cage enough to spill with out a fight.

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Sparorcica by Lux_Disraeli

What side will you chose?


Silverhollow by RolePlayGateway

The lands that many of the werewolves call home.


Meadowbush by RolePlayGateway

Fairyfolk call this place home.


Clearfay by RolePlayGateway

A small fishing town home to Merfolk

Shadowmarble Haven

Shadowmarble Haven by RolePlayGateway

One of the last standing human cities

High Counsel

High Counsel by RolePlayGateway

The hidden meeting place for the supernaturals.

The Oblivion

The Oblivion by RolePlayGateway

Slayer's bar


Wonderland by RolePlayGateway

Slayer training academy

Kingdom Sanctuary

Kingdom Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway


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Character Portrait: Vivan Spark
0 sightings Vivan Spark played by Lux_Disraeli
Character Portrait: Lux Haven
0 sightings Lux Haven played by Lux_Disraeli
Werewolf (high counsel)

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Character Portrait: Wyn Clinton
Character Portrait: Valken Blut Vollmond
Character Portrait: Mynah Oakbark


Character Portrait: Mynah Oakbark
Mynah Oakbark

lol birdygirl

Character Portrait: Wyn Clinton
Wyn Clinton

Human Slayer


Character Portrait: Mynah Oakbark
Mynah Oakbark

lol birdygirl

Character Portrait: Wyn Clinton
Wyn Clinton

Human Slayer

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Wyn Clinton
Wyn Clinton

Human Slayer

Character Portrait: Mynah Oakbark
Mynah Oakbark

lol birdygirl

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Sparorcica by Lux_Disraeli

What side will you chose?


Silverhollow by RolePlayGateway

The lands that many of the werewolves call home.


Meadowbush by RolePlayGateway

Fairyfolk call this place home.


Clearfay by RolePlayGateway

A small fishing town home to Merfolk

Shadowmarble Haven

Shadowmarble Haven by RolePlayGateway

One of the last standing human cities

High Counsel

High Counsel by RolePlayGateway

The hidden meeting place for the supernaturals.

The Oblivion

The Oblivion by RolePlayGateway

Slayer's bar


Wonderland by RolePlayGateway

Slayer training academy

Kingdom Sanctuary

Kingdom Sanctuary by RolePlayGateway



Shadowmarble Haven Wonderland Owner: RolePlayGateway

Slayer training academy

Shadowmarble Haven

Sparorcica Shadowmarble Haven Owner: RolePlayGateway

One of the last standing human cities

High Counsel

High Counsel Owner: RolePlayGateway

The hidden meeting place for the supernaturals.


Sparorcica Silverhollow Owner: RolePlayGateway

The lands that many of the werewolves call home.


Sparorcica Meadowbush Owner: RolePlayGateway

Fairyfolk call this place home.


Sparorcica Clearfay Owner: RolePlayGateway

A small fishing town home to Merfolk

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Re: [OOC]Sparorcica- The Races


A Slayer is usually described as having extensive knowledge of monstrous creatures hiding among them, including their powers and weaknesses, and uses this knowledge to effectively combat them. They simply humans with more than average knowledge about the supernatural world, while in others they are themselves supernatural beings, having superhuman abilities and a vendetta against the other supernaturals.


A marine creature with the head and upper body of a beautiful young maiden/man and with the lower body of a fish. They can be found in seas and lakes, or lying on a rock. Merfolk sometimes foretell the future.

According to myth, they lure sailors by singing and with lovely music. They live in a kingdom on the bottom of the sea, and it is here they take their prisoners to. From this story, the fear amongst the sailor grew and they thought that seeing a mermaid would cause bad luck: it could predict death by drowning. Making them a target for the hunters.

Unlike it is commonly thought the Merpeople can get out of water and gain legs as long as they spend a few days in the water. The are decent fighters but more often come to for the visions they get.


fairies are divided into the Seelie Court, the more beneficently inclined (but still dangerous) fairies, and the Unseelie Court, the malicious fairies. While the fairies from the Seelie court enjoyed playing pranks on humans they were usually harmless pranks, compared to the Unseelie court that enjoyed bringing harm to humans as entertainment.

They are smart and cunning creatures become one of the first races to be hunted down by the slayers for the common myth that they had a neck for stealing children.

They are fearless in battle,and willing to put their life on the line to save a loved ones.


For some, it is a birthright; a genetic gift (or curse) passed down the family line. For everyone else, a bite is required, and that bite is usually deadly. Very few humans survive, because when most werewolves bite, they bite to kill. Then there's the ordeal of surviving the transformation itself, both physically and mentally. Unlike myth a werewolf can change at will not by the phases of the moon.


The 'facts' we believed about vampires are actually myth. Vampires can walk in daylight, they do not have superhuman strength, but they are stronger then a human, and they are unable to turn into a bat and flit away in the face of danger. They seem human, lacking protruding fangs (unless feeding), and usually have sun-kissed skin. They have souls and emotions. The slayers are hunting them down for the myth that they are cold blooded killers, they in fact just kill once a year. That isn't to say they don't feed when they get hungry. (That isn't to say that some in fact are killers and do kill as often as they like)
Sub-race in the Vampire race are wraiths

Wraiths are reanimated Vampires, Souls of those who died with much anger left in their hearts, and cannot find rest after being slain.Wraiths are often confused with Ghosts, the difference is Wraiths return to the mortal realm with a physical body,though that body no longer requires the substance, as a Vampire would require. Wraiths feed of the souls of mortals, Human or otherwise. Wraiths still hold many weaknesses that Vampires had, but gain a few unique strengths. Phase Shifting, as many refer to it as, allows the Wraith to shift back into the Realm of the dead, preserving their lives in dire situations, though returning to the mortal realm is difficult, Most Wraith reserve this as a last ditch effort for survival. As well, the Wraith no longer requires Blood to live. Because they can siphon the soul of their victims, feeding is much more easy, and undetectable. A wraith can sustain itself for many years off of one host alone, or they can empower themselves by draining a targets soul at once, giving them a burst of strength, that often educes great physical weakness and fatigue after-wards. Wraiths are often vengeful and don't get along with others, they are great actors often also getting confused with the succubus and incubus alike.

A Gryphon is half lion, half bird. Their front legs are a birds, with claws at the end, and the back legs are lions paws. A Gryphons body is like a lions, except for the wings sprouting from the shoulders. Gryphons have been used for riding through the skys, battles, and hunting. Some Gryphons are able to talk, transform into humans, and have power. A gryphon has been known to control the gift of fire, or wind once they find a element stone. Many of the remaining being the type that can change into human form to avoid the slayers, like the fairyfolk have been hunted, or caught and used against their will.

"Beware the griffon. Those vorpal talons will rend human flesh as easily as the skin of prey animals. Voracious, ferocious, and cunning, the gryphon will come out of the sky with the sun at its back, and take one of your party before you even know it’s upon you. Take heed, then, in the open places." A quote pulled from a Slayer's hand book. Thankfully for this race the human accept of them, is a well guarded secret.

Kappas are typically depicted as roughly humanoid in form, and about the size of a child. Their scaly, reptilian skin ranges in color from green to yellow or blue. Kappas supposedly inhabit the ponds and rivers, and have various features to aid them in this environment, such as webbed hands and feet.They are sometimes said to smell like fish, and they can certainly swim like them.Their most notable feature is an indentation on the top of their head that holds water; this is regarded as the source of their power. This cavity must be full whenever a kappa is away from the water; if it spills, the kappa will be unable to move. Though kappas are dangerous, they are also extremely polite, and a human can outwit them by bowing deeply to them; the kappa will be obliged to return the bow, thus spilling their water and rendering them immobile.

Kappa are usually seen as mischievous troublemakers. Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, to the evilly sinister.As water monsters, kappa have been frequently blamed for drownings, and are often said to try to lure people to the water and pull them in with their great skill at wrestling.

They love cucumbers. It is said that if you carve your family name onto a cucumber and throw it into a river, the kappa living in that river won't harm your family

The faun is a half human - half goat (from the head to the waist being the human half, but with the addition of goat's horns) manifestation of forest and animal spirits which would help or hinder humans at whim. Slayers believed fauns inspired fear in men traveling in lonely, remote or wild places but were also capable of guiding humans in need.
The fauns aligned with the Slayers at the start of the mass killings to have themselves and now act as spy.

[OOC] Hidden Realms of Sparorcica

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