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Hogwarts: History retold

Hogwarts: History retold


A new war is arising, and the suddeness of it threatens to cease the wizarding world as we know it.

1,448 readers have visited Hogwarts: History retold since iminmiamitrick2233 created it.


(you dont nescesaraly have to read every single bit of information on here, but if you havnt read/seen the movies or books, then I posted a ton of information)
One fatal descision. Hogwarts school plays host to many wizards and witches, pureblood's and muggle-born's. For years since Voldemorts demise the wizarding world, including hogwarts has become once again, happy and hidden.

But upon the eve of going back to school, everything is thrown into chaos. Hogwarts is threatened by an unknown force, and the wizarding world as we know it may cease to exist. young students find themselves playing a part like no other in the saving of the wizarding world, as they find a peice of heritage they did not know of. Each determining thier own fate as they make the decision...Join the enemy, or join their friends in protecting the school they love dearly, and the world they wish to not leave.

The threat that we speak so greatly of is after the children, these children are the hiers of now disceased people. It is said that history will replay itself, as it is now when the hier of Harry Potter and Ginny weasley finds him/her self thrown into this chaos, as a man who people know as a mock version of voldemort, rises to power, killing and inslaving many people, the world is thrown into an ever chaotic battle as death eaters begin to reform.

Summery: This will go along the lines of the books, this is set aproxamatly two hundred years after the last book, this will take place in whatever year your character is in. It is not limited to any specific year.

I will accept those who are mature
No text speak
Try your best to not alter my plot-line please
No Meta
dont god-mod
Animegus and werewolves will be limited, maybe one or two in each house.

Hiers: (relatives of)
Remus/Tonks: Chloe.
Draco (um I cant remember his wifes name):Caelum

(any others you guys can think, you may also play as made up characters)

is well known for bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. The house colours are scarlet and gold, and the house is symbolized by a lion. The entrance to the common room is on the seventh floor hidden behind a portrait of the Fat Lady. In order to get in to the common room Gryffindor students must say the right password

Image values ambition, cleverness, cunning, resourcefulness, and pure blood heritage. The house is symbolized by a serpent, and the house colours are green and silver. Its common room is in the dungeons through three stones. The password for the 1992–1993 school year was "Pureblood". Many people believe students sorted into this house often get involved in the Dark Arts

is well known for loyalty, fair play, honesty, and tolerance. The house is symbolized by a badger, and the house colours are yellow and black. Its common room is near the kitchens.


values wit, creativity, and wisdom. The house is symbolized by an eagle and the house colours are blue and bronze. However the house colours are portrayed as blue and silver in the movies with a raven symbolizing the house, and the interior of the house room is decorated with blue and gold. The Ravenclaw common room is located on a high tower. To enter, rather than give a password, one must answer a riddle from an eagle door knocker, such as "Where do vanished objects go?" or "Which came first, the Phoenix or the flame?"

Quidditch: Tryouts for House Quidditch teams happen at the very beginning of the school year. First-years are usually prohibited from joining a Quidditch team, as they are usually inexperienced with brooms and are forbidden to own them in the first place, however exceptions have been made on both counts.

Unirform: The Hogwarts uniform consists of a white collared, long sleeved shirt, a tie of their house colours a grey jumper vest, black slacks for males and a black, knee length skirt for females paired with black or grey socks. Both sexes wear black comfortable shoes. Each student wears a cloak that bears their house crest on the front, right side and has lining of their house colour: green for Slytherin, red for Gryffindor, blue for Ravenclaw, and yellow for Hufflepuff. During the winter months, a grey jumper replaces the jumper vest for comfort and a scarf bearing their two house colours is worn for warmth. A black pointed hat is provided, but is only worn for special occasions such as the opening ceremony, special dinners, house cup ceremony etc.

Transfers: Transfers to hogwarts are rarely known to happen, though it dosent mean that it is not something that happens. Most Transfers are normally from Bauxbatons or Durmstrang, with the small acception of students from Salem, an american wizardry school.


Transfiguration is essentially the art of changing the properties of an object.Transfiguration is a theory-based subject, including topics such as "Switching Spells" (altering only a part of some object, such as giving a human rabbit's ears); Vanishing Spells (causing an object to completely disappear) and Conjuring Spells (creating objects out of thin air). It is possible to change inanimate objects into animate ones and vice versa, taught by Proffesor Sicily Avis

Defence Against the Dark Arts, commonly shortened to D.A.D.A., is the class that teaches students defensive techniques to defend against the Dark arts, and to be protected from Dark creatures.taught by Proffesor Alistair Tock.

Charms is the class that teaches how to develop incantations for the uses of bewitchment. Rowling has described Charms as a type of magic spell concerned with giving an object new and unexpected properties. Charms classes are described as notoriously noisy and chaotic, as the lessons are largely practical. Tuaught by Professor Caro Strought.

Potions is described as the art of creating mixtures with magical effects. It requires the correct mixing and stirring of ingredients at the right times and temperatures. It is related to Chemistry, but with a more sinister twist. Taught by professor Darius Bromley.
Astronomy is the only field of study at Hogwarts that has a direct equivalent in the Muggle world. Astronomy classes take place in the Astronomy Tower, the tallest tower in Hogwarts, and are taught by Professor Donovan Sirisa. Lessons involve observations of the night skies with telescopes.

History of Magic is the study of magical history. Cuthbert Binns' lessons are depicted as some of the most boring at Hogwarts. They are only lectures, given without pause, about significant events in wizarding history. Topics have included goblin rebellions, giant wars, and the origins of wizarding secrecy. This is the only class at Hogwarts that is taught by a ghost, as the professor simply continued with his classes, despite dying.
Herbology is the study of magical plants and how to take care of, utilise and combat them. There are at least three greenhouses described in the books, holding a variety of magical plants of varying degrees of lethality. taught by Proffesor Karista Baffins.

Arithmancy is a branch of magic concerned with the magical properties of numbers. Arithmancy is reportedly difficult, as it requires memorising or working with large number charts. The subject is taught by Professor Vector.
Ancient Runes is a generally theoretical subject that studies the ancient runic little else is known about this subject. It is taught by Professor Bathsheda Babbling

Divition is the art of predicting the future. Various methods are described, including tea leaves, Fire omens, Crystal balls, Palmistry, Cartomancy (includign the reading of playing cards and Tarot cards) Astrology, and dream interpertation. taught by Freesia Garblins

Care of Magical Creatures is the class which instructs students on how to care for magical beasts. Classes are held outside the castle. Taught by Sacra Orkins.

Muggle Studies involves the study of the Muggle (non-magical) culture "from a wizarding point of view." The only need for witches and wizards to learn about Muggle ways and means, is to ensure they can blend in with Muggles while needing to do so (for example, at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup) Taught by Broden Docks.

Flying is the class that teaches the use of broomsticks made for the use of flying and is taught only to Hogwarts first years. The subject is the only one that requires physicality, taught by the care of magical creatures teacher.
House Roster:
gryffindor: Chloe
hufflepuff: Reita

(class schedule, must be uncluded in character skeleton)
Breakfast in the Great Hall
class of chosing
class of chosing
class of chosing
Lunch in the Great Hall
Class of chosing
Class of chosing
Free Time
Dinner in the Great Hall

Character skeleton:
Animegus/werewolf?: (I will accept very few animegus and werewolves)
heritage: (your relations, more than one person can be related to the same person, Exp. Two people or more people may be related to the same person, but I will require them to know thier relations)
Best class:
Worst class:

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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The night began to turn to day as the children going to hogwarts began to scurry thier ways toward kings cross station, a seemingly normal muggle train station, that was actually secretly the entrance to the hogwarts express. Only those with the powers of magic were able to know of the wizarding world. Eleven O'clock was nearly there, the time that the train would leave, with or without al of the kids.

Chloe found herself wandering aimlessly through the station, muttering in fury at the small cat in her arms, her trunks ad suitcases all piled on to a trolly, being pushed by her poor mother, who could hardly struggle with the stuff. Chloe turned and instantly dropped the cat onto one of the suitcases, letting it ride on it while she took hold o the cases from her mother.
She muttered, boarding the train with a finnal sigh as she moved amung the hustle and bustle of kids boarding the train. it seemed nowhere was empty, as the thousands of kids piled onto the train. For her first few years Chloe had always wandered how all the kids were able to fit onto the train, but had lways summed it up in oneword...Magic. Finding an empty seat she let out a joyful laugh of triumph, picking her cat up once more and moving her trunks into the compartment. Sitting at the window seat she watched the rest of the kids begin to pile on.


"Now I want you o be careful holli, write us every few days, dont forget, and dont keep Page locked up all day, no give me a hug"
Said Holli's mother, Anna Potter, scooping her daughter up in a hug, still not accepting of the idea of sending her oldest child away for so long. Holli attempted to push away from her mother, groaning in frustration.
She graoned, pulling free, and glaring at her mother.
"I wont forget anything, its my fifth year here and your treaing me like a baby"
Said holli, rolling her eyes as her mother hugged her again and said goodbye. She hurried onto the train, seeing as it was becoming quit packed. She shoved her way passed a group of gyrffindors as she made her way to n empty compartment, seeing that it wa indeed not empty, but had one girl in it, a Gryffindor whom she knew to be Chloe Greene, a famous prankster in the school.

(Starting post! YAY! anyways, sit whereer you want, the train will be a few posts and then we will go to some more exciting events from there)


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"Bloody hell... You're joking." Sixth year Slytherin Abe Herrington exclaimed, his blue eyes wide in disbelief at what his friend and classmate, Caelum Glasshart told him.

"I am not!" The dirty blonde exclaimed back, as he told Abe what he had seen two weeks ago in Greengots Bank. Abe laughed, then shook his head, his shoulders shaking as he tried to told it in.

"S-So," His eyes were practically tearing up as how funny the story was. "What did her father have to say about that?"

"He doesn't know, you idiot!" Caelum responded, playfully hitting his friend upside the head. "Can you imagine what he would say when he found out his daughter was snogging a guy like him in full view of the goblins of Greengots Bank!"

The crod of about four boys around them laughed as Abe and Caelum did, as well as the cackle of Sophia Middleton who clung onto Caelum's arm like an eagle gripping it's freshly caught prey. Caelum was trying very hard to ignore her, and the feel of her magically enhanced nails digging into his flesh, perhaps even drawing blood. Although this gossip session was boring; who really cared besides him who Molly had been snogging in Greengots Bank. He couldn't believe it! The Griffindor he had been secretly lusting after for four years, turns around and snogs a Hufflepuff! It wasn't even funny! Caelum was only making it seem that way so his friends would never know that he had fancied her...

Ouch. Sophia's claws were starting to hurt just a little too much.

"Anyway, guys, it was nice chatting to you, but I gotta go. There's no room back here, I'm gonna have to find somewhere else." Caelum said with a flash of his charming smile, and all nodded in agreement except...

"But, CaeCAEEE~ You can't sit with me, Anna and Eliza~ You don't have to go anywhere else, if I sit on your knee..." The brunette batted her eyelashes in what she thought was an alurring manner, but Caelum just wanted to puke. She wore way too much Rainbow enchanted eyeshadow for his taste.

"Maybe next time, Sophia. I can hardly breathe in here and, er..." He turned away, looking down the train corridor and in search of freedom. "I don't wanna crease my uniform..."

"But baby~ You're not wearing your uniform." Sophia responded, pulling on the front of his shirt. "And I told you, call me Sophie."

"Look, I gotta go." Caelum said, ripping himself from her grasp and quickly striding off, leaving her stumbling and staring at him in shock. "I'll see you some other time, maybe, er... Sophie..."

Then he was gone, walking as fast as he could without breaking into a run. There were wolf whistles and cat calls, names such as 'Scardey Cat' and 'Little Girl' trailed after him, but he only rolled his eyes. He knew the guys understood how he felt about Sophia, almost every Slytherin and sixth year boy knew! She was like poison ivy; desperate, clingy and gave you a nasty rash...

"Hey there." He breezed into the next compartment, sliding the door open with a charming smile. "Mind if I join you, ladies?"

It took him only a moment for him to realize the two were not Slytherins, nor were they in sixth year. They were younger, and while one clutched a Hufflepuff uniform, the other had a Gryffindor sitting beside her. No matter, he thought, sliding next to the Hufflepuff, it's not like they'll hex me because we're in different houses, right?

A moment later, his smile faltered as he cursed towards the door, remembering he'd left his uniform back near the Slytherins and, ugh, Sophia...


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Chloe shrugged as an older slytherin boy by the name of Caelum asked to sit with them. She watched as he sat down next to Holli. She looked at the two, then down at the trunk, for wich she knew held the latest daily prophet newspaper. Unlatching her trunk she shifted her clothes aside, revealing the front page as another lame excuse for a peice of news. 'Giants invade ministry' they were of course, seaking of half giants, becoming workers in the ministry.
"This paper has become rubbish in the past few years"
She stated alloud, not really talking to anybody, but more to hersel. She put the paper down, and looked at Holli.
"Ist your mum a ministry worker? Cant you get them to write anything better?"
Her tone was slightly agitated, as to why was her own reason. She watched as the kids kept piling on, there had to be over a thousand, she could easily pick out the first years, small, slightly scared looking. It had been the same way for her. She looked at Holli and Caelum, there was realy nothing to say, and it was awefully quit in the compartment, untill Holli spoke.


"yes...and No, and I dont think its rubbish, its quit interesting, dont you think?"
The question was directed at the older boy, who had sat down next to her. She didnt know his name, for she wasnt very sociaized with many of the older students. She examined the boy, he was definatly a glasshart, he indeed looked like a relative. THen it hit her.
"your Caelum right?"
She asked, her eyes shifting between Caelum, Chloe, ad the unmoving train. It bothered her slightly that they hadnt left yet. Even more so it bothered her to be in the same compartment as Chloe, seeing as she would normally be throwing hexes around by now. But se felt slighty better that there was atleast an older person in there, incase Chloe tried to hex sombody.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Chloe Greene
Character Portrait: Reita Loulean
Character Portrait: Holli Potter


Character Portrait: Holli Potter
Holli Potter

A foolish young hufflepuff for a knack for trouble

Character Portrait: Reita Loulean
Reita Loulean

A shy, nervous witch, with a knack for D.A.D.A.

Character Portrait: Chloe Greene
Chloe Greene

"I live for the thrills and chills of pranking people, so better hope your not on my list" ~Chloe


Character Portrait: Holli Potter
Holli Potter

A foolish young hufflepuff for a knack for trouble

Character Portrait: Chloe Greene
Chloe Greene

"I live for the thrills and chills of pranking people, so better hope your not on my list" ~Chloe

Character Portrait: Reita Loulean
Reita Loulean

A shy, nervous witch, with a knack for D.A.D.A.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Holli Potter
Holli Potter

A foolish young hufflepuff for a knack for trouble

Character Portrait: Reita Loulean
Reita Loulean

A shy, nervous witch, with a knack for D.A.D.A.

Character Portrait: Chloe Greene
Chloe Greene

"I live for the thrills and chills of pranking people, so better hope your not on my list" ~Chloe

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