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Jason Voorhees

The Serial Killer of Crystal Lake, New Jersey. Unstoppable, nearly. carries a machete.l

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a character in “Horrorland: Heroes and Serial Killers”, as played by CobraCommander24


7 ft.
300 pounds
Jason is best known by his hockey mask, which he uses to hide his grotesquely hideous face.
Jason does not speak, and usually does not make any vocal sounds.


Jason is invulnerable and extremely difficult to kill, withstanding injuries that would be fatal to anyone else, such as being stabbed in the shoulder, being hanged, or even receiving an axe to the face. It is possible that he cannot feel pain, having suffered many injurys with little reactions from them, like his hand being split down the middle (Part 4). He is not impossible to kill at first, but after being killed by Tommy and resurrected by a bolt of lightning, Jason is even harder to kill, and even stronger than before. He can survive bullet wounds, electrocution, and to an extent, fire. Apparently he can breathe underwater, despite his drowning in Crystal Lake as a mortal at age 11. Freddy does nearly drown Jason in his nightmare at one point, but before doing so he reverted him back to his human form (in the dream world only).

He can also survive getting blown to pieces, in which his heart can hypnotize anyone into eating it, causing the victim to be possessed. While possessing a victim, his reflection in a mirror is that of his true form. After a while, Jason must transfer into someone else's body as a worm creature traveling from his current victim's mouth to his next victim's mouth. This will cause the previous victim to gruesomely melt away. He can also leave the victim's body in the form of a Hellbaby. In order to be reborn, he must possess the body - whether it be living or dead - of another Voorhees.

He also has super strength, as he can lift a person up with one arm (usually while killing them), crushes their heads with his bare hands, smashes through walls, and at one point, punches a person's head off.

If Jason is killed, he can be resurrected by various means (most notably electricity), which is why in order for him to truly be destroyed, there must be no corpse left at all, as he is dragged to Hell at the end of Jason Goes to Hell when another Voorhees (Jessica Kimble) stabs him in the heart with a special dagger, the only way to permanently kill him. However, even in this case, someone from the inside can resurrect him. When burned in Earth 2's atmosphere, however, it appears that only his hockey mask remains, leaving him completely destroyed; however, novelizations of the film state that he survived. Every time he is resurrected, or recovers from serious and near-fatal injuries, he becomes more powerful.

Jason can also regenerate. On a few occasions he is stabbed in the eyes, yet retains his eyesight. For example, In Part VI, his neck is broken, but in Part VII, his neck appears to be intact. Though quite vast, Jason's regeneration ability does seem to have its limits; in Jason X, he is apparently killed when Kay-Em 14 blasts off his right arm, left leg, the right side of his chest and abdomen, and most of his head.

When he is subjected to a regenerative nanotechnology process in Jason X and transformed into a cyborg, Jason becomes even stronger; his strength is enhanced to the point where he can punch through solid steel, he is completely bulletproof, and can survive in the vacuum of space unaided.

In addition to his various superhuman abilities, Jason has shown to be skilled in the use of various weapons, both melee and ranged. Even the simplest of tools can become a deadly weapon when in Jason's hands, ranging from an ice pick (Part 2) to a simple heated rock (Jason Takes Manhattan). Jason is also highly intelligent and a master of stealth, being able to set up different booby traps. On numerous occasions, Jason often stalks an entire group of people at once. On these occasions, he easily avoids detection, and picks off the group members one by one without anyone else noticing.


Anything deadly, but mainly a machete.


On Friday, June 13, 1980, a young Jason Voorhees witnesses his mother, Pamela Voorhees , beheaded by a camp counselor ,who was trying to escape Mrs. Voorhees' murderous rampage around Camp Crystal Lake. Approximately 30 years later, a group of vacationing friends—Wade ,Richie ,Mike ,Whitney and Amanda -arrive at Crystal Lake on a camping trip to find some marijuana that was planted in the woods. As Mike and Whitney explore the abandoned Crystal Lake camp, an adult Jason Voorhees begins to kill the rest of the group one-by-one. Jason also kills Mike, but instead of doing the same to Whitney, he decides to kidnap her because she resembles his mother at a young age.

Six weeks later, Trent , along with his girlfriend, Jenna , and their friends, Bree ,Chewie , Chelsea , Nolan and Lawrence arrive at Trent's summer cabin, which sits on Crystal Lake, unaware of the events that occurred a few weeks prior. Also in town is Clay Miller who has come to Crystal Lake searching for Whitney, his sister. Clay eventually makes his way to Trent's cabin, where Jenna agrees to help him look for his sister on the other side of the lake. As Clay and Jenna search for clues to Whitney's disappearance, Jason kills Nolan and Chelsea out on the lake. Clay and Jenna reach the old Crystal Lake campgrounds, where they witness Jason hauling a dead body into one of the abandoned camp houses.

Clay and Jenna run back to warn the others about Jason, who arrives shortly after them and cuts the power to the cabin. After killing Chewie and Lawrence, who ventured outside the house, Jason sneaks inside the cabin and kills Bree. Trent, Clay, and Jenna escape the house, but Trent is killed shortly after when he reaches the main road. Jason then chases Clay and Jenna back to the campgrounds, where Clay discovers Jason's lair and finds his sister chained to the wall. Clay frees Whitney and all three of them attempt to escape as Jason arrives. The trio find an exit, but Jenna is killed before she can get out. Jason comes after Clay and Whitney, who use Jason's love and memory of his mother to distract him long enough to stab him in the chest with his own machete. Afterward, Clay dumps Jason's lifeless body into the lake, but before he and Whitney can leave, Jason bursts through the lake dock and grabs Whitney.

So begins...

Jason Voorhees's Story


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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers
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As Jason: It was dark in Crystal Lake...Too dark for the 7' monster that roamed the forest. Monster, they call him, because though he IS man, he has killed nearly 300 people in his time. And HE can't die, they whisper in hushed voices. No one dares to go to the old abandoned camp where it all started."Camp Blood" it'd come to be known as....but in 1980...The little boy drowned....Jason Voorhees. In 1982, his mother Pamela Went on her own ravenous killing spree. but now, in 2012...the monster was worse. He was stalking this girl...Dusk...through the woods, watching her discover the mutilated bodies of her friends.....But if she thought this was bad, it was only going to get worse if she lived to go back to Haddonfield, Illinois.
As Michael: "Huf.Huf." the only sound in the room was his heavy breathing beneath the white-turned-grey-with-wear cracked mask. he stepped over the still bleeding body, looking over the guts and gore to a little seven inch photograph of his sister Laurie, with their cousin Dusk. Odd. He'd thought Dusk was dead in his murderous Rampage. Well, he'd change that.


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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers
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as Jason: Hell. He'd been there. The Haddonfield Police was working in conjunction with the Crystal Lake police. That much was obvious, but the reason why he was remembering his place of torment is that the nightmares reoccur every now and again...leaping off the tree, he broke into his slow, but impossible to escape stride, unsheathing his machete. unfortunatley for him, he saw a cab ahead. The Boy'd left the meter running. From Haddonfield, too. A realization snapped on. THe boy was her cousin, come to warn her about someone or something and take her home from her spring break vacation here in New Jersey. But his determination told him, that no matter how far, or how armored she was, He WOULD kill her.
as Michael: He Hefted the nearest body up, shoving it into a closet. he wondered if Dusk'd come home...the cat still needed food, apparently, from the list on the fridge. but, he'd killed the cat, and ate it, not bothering with the moral thoughts of it. he had no morality. no sense of right or wrong. But he had a mission. To Kill Dusk, the way he'd killed Laurie.and Lisa.

The setting changes from Earth-x to Crystal Lake, New Jersey

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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees
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As Jason: Crack He let go of the now lifeless cabbie. it'd be another 10, 15 minutes before the idiots called "Police" Found him. resuming the hurried trail, he'd found she went to her house, in town. risky, but with the pigs all here, there'd be little opposition. Living in the woods for years will teach you a thing or two of tactics and tracking. Erasing his trail as he went, he came to her house. Opting for the subtle route he knocked on the door. OOC:XxChristinaxX, Dusk does know that she's in New Jersey and not Illinois, Right? If not, we need to plan this out.

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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees
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As Jason: He grew tired of this. Smashing body through the plate-glass window, he searched for her. He lifted the couch singlehandedly. Ripped the closet door off its hinges. but everywhere he checked for her small, quick breathing, he didn't find her. Looking in her purse he found an ID to Haddonfield High School. So she was on a vacation from Illinois. Denting her car keyes in an unuseable shape he threw them out the now nonexistent window. Using his machete, he left an intimidating message. He stomped his boots upstairs and tore the Crap out of her bed. Then he hid himself in the attic, and waited.

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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees
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OOC: DOn't forget her cousin Michael....
IC, as Jason: he decided to act, jumping from the ceiling. unfortunatly, the attic's floor was strong and made a loud crash when he dropped. he went to her bedside waiting for her to awake and scream.He drew his machete, letting the blade glisten in the moonlight. OOC: Remember Jason's seven feet tall, and 300+ pounds.another thing I'd reccomend is reading up on Jason and Michael's bios and such. do a little research.

The setting changes from Crystal Lake, New Jersey to Earth-x


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Dusk
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OOC-Right i'll get to him after this...

She heard something she opened her eyes and turned to her back..she looked over and Jason..She screamed as loud as she could...she got up and got up against the wall.....She knew someone was in here....She said "What do u want with me she said, with her eyes watery like she was going to cry.... She looked at the machete...and took a deep breath and looked at him and tryed not to freeze up because she knew she was going to have to run if she could..Her phone rang it was Michael...She didn't know what to do pick it up if she could or just let it ring...she was to scared to think. what was she going to do?


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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees
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as Jason: He simply raised his arm...and hit nothing but bed. The phone was ringing,a Haddonfield number. he swung at her again, but he heard a whisper in his mind...don't hurt me it was cold, and fearful, but the girl's voice. How? How in all the places in the world did he have to run into another telepathic teen? As if the last time wasn't enough. He swung at the girl harder, and angrier, but missed every time. destroying the headboard, wall, alarm clock, cuckoo clock. and oddly enough an Alice Cooper poster. Each time he heard the same message inside his head. Each time elicited an angrier reaction than the last.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Dusk
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She screamed everytime he swung....she closed her eyes she knew that he was going to hit her one of the times....she heard things breaking she wanted to run but she knew he would probably just grab her....She was scared, where where the police...her phone kept ringing she didn't pick up or she might get her tying to get it...She slightly opened her eyes and he was getting ready to swing..she closed her eyes again terrifed....She thought "i'm gonna doe i know it" She was getting ready to scream again she hoped the police would arrive soon..she was getting more and more scared very time her swung she was crying


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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees
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As Jason: He heard her last thought and stopped swinging his machete, sheathing it. Kneeling down, he lifted his mask, and simply waited.
OOC: Here's a pic of what Jason looks like without his hockey mask and with it.:


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Dusk
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She heard him fall...She opened her eyes...and looked at him, she was so frightened she fainted...she was so scared she couldn't speak she never knew he would take off he's mask....she fall on the bed. She fainted because she was so scared and surprised she couldn't take it. She never wanted any of this but sometimes she happy....and fine with it, she kinda but she hates it some times


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers Character Portrait: Dusk
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She took the letter and read it....She said "i-i have to go....." She got out of the bed and ran to get out side...She turned before leaving "Thank u for giving me this" Than she went out the door, she saw Michel...waiting....she walked up to him and said "This letter....u sent it"....she said lookng at the sank he was holding with the mask in it..she didn't want to look at his face and scream so she looked down....She was scared so she was ready to run, in case something would happen


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers
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OOC: Sorry, had family stuff to do.
IC, As Jason: He nodded and held out his massive hand
As Michael: He turned and headed toward his nest in the sewers.
ooc: Here're some pics of michael Masked and unmasked:
Masked: Image
Michael Unmasked:Image


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Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Dusk
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She touched his hand, Seeing that it might be okay but she's not really sure...She managedto look at him...She tried not to she held it in....she looked at him studing his face...looking him up and down..she didn't know what to say..she didn't have a clue so she just waited...for something to happen.... She never understood things like this first they try to kill you now they want to be your friend she doen't know if thats what this is though she still down't know whats going on she needs to catch up with things she's so confused...She just looks at him..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers Character Portrait: Dusk
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OOC: To be clear which one is she talking to: Hockey mask or hobo cousin?
IC: He led her down to an old abandoned house, unwittingly thinking that this was once the home of Michael Myers, Her homicidal Cousin.
OOC: SHe's a telepath, so she can read minds...
IC: He began to think: will I kill her for mother, or will I let her live...I've never done that before...let one live.
He turned to her.
IC: as Michael: He put his mask on, the reslipped his hood on..., grabbing the knife, from it's sheath. Time for his Cousin to die...He just had to find out where she was..
OOC: Here are pics of Jason and Michael's weapons of choice:
Michael: Image


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Dusk
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OOC-Shes taking to Jason....

"Well, i'm going to to get home now Jason..." She says as she starts to walk down the street to get back to her house, She just hopes no body follows her home....When she gets back to her house she goes to the couch and layd down...she wants to sleep on the couch so shes gonna sleep there...In a few mins she fell asleep


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers Character Portrait: Dusk
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As Jason: he simply follows her to her home....and waits. Sensing someone nearby, he drew his machete. the sound seemed to startle the girl...and he donned his mask...No longer is he her puppy....Now he is the feared Killing machine, but now, he is protecting the girl.
as Michael: Kill.Kill.Kill. That's all he thought as he smashed open a panel on the door to open it. He hadn't expected the big man to still be her side...But he could hold his own in a fight. then he noticed the girl beginning to stir...he raised his knife.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers Character Portrait: Dusk
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Dusk, saw that Michael...when he raised his knife...she backed right up to the couch...looking at him..She looked at jason with his machete in his hand...she knew he ws going to protect her...she was happy but scared..she didn't know what to do should she run or stay...

The setting changes from Earth-x to Haddonfield, Illinois

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers Character Portrait: Dusk
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As both Jason and Michael: they both began to engage in battle, resembling two Alpha Wolves contending for leadership of a pack. Blow for blow, both drew blood, destroyed Items around the house, and Michael even managed to make a small gash on Dusk's shoulder, but all that succeeded in doing was getting jason angry, Shoving his shoulder into michael's gut whilst running, smashing the duo through the window when they both heard a roaring thought.....STOP......Both froze, muscles locked, and came to a realization...the girl held power...and she was just discovering the extent of it...

The setting changes from Haddonfield, Illinois to Earth-x


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers Character Portrait: Dusk
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When she got cut she fell to the ground holding the cut with her hand....Everything was happeng soo fast, she didn't know what was happening, She saw them both freeze she woundered why they had stopped she thought "What is going on" She looked at them both waiting for something to happen as she held her shoulder to stop the bleeding


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Voorhees Character Portrait: Michael Myers Character Portrait: Dusk
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OOC: I'm going to let you flesh out how she discovers her Psychic (and any others that you may want her to have)powers.