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How I Live Now

How I Live Now


I’d heard the stories. We all had. But they were just myths, fairytales, things of legends. There wasn’t really a boarding school for monsters, for dangerous children, mythical creatures masquerading as humans. Or so we thought.

879 readers have visited How I Live Now since catherinebutcher created it.


I’d heard the stories. We all had. But they were just myths, fairytales, things of legends. Scary stories you were told as a child to make you behave, stuff of nightmares even. There wasn’t really a boarding school for monsters, for dangerous children, mythical creatures masquerading as humans. There was no such thing as magic, no such thing as powers. Or so I thought until strange things began happening to me. Unexplainable events, unimaginable goings on. Things that couldn’t happen, shouldn’t happen. Didn’t happen.
So, I began to wonder, could it be true? That number, that no one believed and yet everyone wondered. Sure, we had pranked it a few times only to get an old ladies voice. Kind of creepy. But just an ordinary number, right? But what if someone was to give their real name, their real situation? Would the response be different?

I was becoming dangerous to myself and others. I was out of control. So, I took the chance to become ‘normal’ once more. I dialled the number, to find that old woman on the end of the line knew me. Knew what had been happening to me. She even knew my name. She told me she could help, that she could make it all go away. But there was a catch, I must say goodbye, come to the given address. Not tell anyone where I was going, or why. Because if I did, they would not help me. Things would only get worse... So I packed my bags late one night, kissed my mother goodbye as though I was just leaving for a sleepover, and left the house. Sure that I would return in due course, I won’t pretend that I wasn’t afraid. I was terrified, but less scared of that than totally losing my mind. The address was hard to find, no one seemed to know it existed. Three bus journeys and a train later I finally arrived at the place I was convinced I should be. Except that it was nothing more than a disused factory. At this point I was ready to make a run for it, to run all the way home. But the idea of the nightmare ending was enough to make me bottle my fears and enter the boarded up building. And that is when it all went blank.

Blinking, I opened my bleary eyes; I was stiff and aching all over. A dazzling white greeted my eyes, from all angles. My back was pressed against a hard surface. Groaning, I closed my eyes once again, my head spinning. Where was I? Why wasn’t I at home? Why couldn’t I remember where I was? I forced my eyes to open, forced my rigid body to sit up, despite the protest from my muscles. It took me a moment to focus, but when I did a horrible realisation hit me. This most definitely wasn’t home. The blank walls, the single wardrobe, one grimy little mirror and then of course the solid bed, these things did not belong in my world. Something around my neck came to my attention. Shaky fingers grasped at the cold, hard metal that was essentially a dog tag. On one side, printed in bold black letters was my name and on the other, a meaningless number. Panic began to set in, as the unfamiliar room grew smaller around me. What was this place? Why was I here? Was it a prison? Had I been arrested?

I had to get out, I had to get away. Shakily I allowed myself to stand, my aim the door. No, that was stupid, it’d be locked. I was locked in this tiny room with no escape. Perhaps...Perhaps I could hit the door hard enough and then I could make a break for it. I could run. That would work, I was sure of it. Stepping back, I prepared myself for a run, taking a deep breath. I ran towards it, as fast as my aching limbs would allow and I jumped at the door. Much to my surprise, the door easily flung open and I landed on the cold, hard floor of the corridor in a crumpled heap.
Much to my dismay, hundreds of students milled in this particular corridor. Many turned to look at my embarrassing blunder, some even laughed and one guy applauded my misfortune, sarcastically of course.

So that was my entrance to the “wonderful” world of Saint Arnold’s school of “gifted and talented” children, or as we refer to it...Hell on earth. I wasn’t the first misfortunate teen to arrive and I most certainly won’t be the last.
Imagine my surprise when I happened across the graveyard in the courtyard, or the old chapel hidden by the old oaks. You see, Saint Arnold’s school is hidden from the world, I’d like to tell you where it is, but I don’t know. No-one knows, everyone was brought it under circumstances that meant none of them knew where they were. What I can tell you is that the school is set on top of a hill, with a long sloping gravel driveway, which leads to the gates, which no-one ever sees open. Looming high above us, five storeys high in fact, the building is huge, made from old bricks, with ivy climbing relentlessly towards the sun, it too imprisoned by in the miserable place. Idyllic you might say, but we’d all love to escape. Nearly all of us have tried. And although the grounds may seem beautiful, with the vast forest, the gentle river and the wonderful meadows, but wherever we go, we’re always met by the same thing. A thirty foot barbed wire electric fence, towers mockingly above you, preventing any thoughts of escape. Not to mention to constant patrolling guards.

They may tell you that you’re unique, that you powers are valuable. But they’re not. There's over two thousand students, and that number in ever increasing. Luckily the massive expanse of grounds means that there must be no limit to the amount of student intake. That explains the number...

People arrive under different circumstances, most people regret that fateful phone call. Some never even made the call, and yet they’re still here. Some students can control weather, others can read minds. The possibilities are endless. The lies endless. ‘Everyone is special’ is just another way of saying no one is. Good luck. Try not to get yourself killed.

Toggle Rules

1. Your GM’s are Catherinebutcher and krazytigger, we co GM so feel free to ask either of any questions.
2. Surprise us with the originality of your powers, but please, none of you are immortal. No one’s powers are endless. You cannot have every single possible power in one character. Be nice, play fair.
3. Oh can I ask you one thing... NO VAMPIRES. (especially of the sparkling variety)
4. No God- Modding- Obviously.
5. Feel free to have more than one character, but make sure you can manage them.
6. You’re Character is over 13.
7. You start your first post with arriving, if you want to do differently pm one of us or ask in the OCC. We don’t bite.
8. Please give us at least two paragraphs, and be literate. Any text language and you will die.
9. We want detail in your character sheet, or you will not be accepted. Grrr.
10. Put ‘combust’ somewhere in your character sheet to show that you have read the rules.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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"H...Hello. Sorry I must have dialled the wrong number."
"No you haven't Miss Brooklyn Morris. My name is Cheryl."
"How...How did you know my"
"Brooke sweetheart, I know everything. Now listen to me, don't put the phone down. I can help you."
"H...Help me with what?"
"You know what. I can make this get better Brooklyn. You just need to trust me."
"I...I don't know."
"Just believe in me. I see this every day. I know what you did to that boy on the street. I know that you lost control. You can't stay at home anymore."
"How did you know that? No...No-one knows anything about that!"
"We do Brooklyn."
"Don't worry about that now. We just need to get you to a safe place."
"The only safe place I know is home!"
"Right, well listen to me. You're putting your family in danger. You need to leave. We can send you to a lovely school that can help you control your 'special pow-'"
"There is nothing 'special' about it!"
"Oh, but there is darling. You’re so very special. You’re unique Brooke. You belong among us. Now, calm down and get a pen and paper so I can give you the address."
"I don't want to leave."
"It's a short program and you'll be home before you know it."
"You promise?"
"I promise Brooke. You have my word..."

Brushing long brown hair behind her ear, Brooklyn Morris could feel her whole body trembling with fear, but there was also a hint of excitement. Deep brown eyes scanned the abandoned buildings, the barren land, and the empty darkness. A shudder crept up her spine and Brooke fought the urge to make a run for it. She was here for a reason. Pressing her fear down, she took a few more steps into the disused train station, miles from anywhere else. Stone buildings stood to her left, crumbling, weeds and ivy creeping through the cracks. Broken windows and shattered glass littered the floor. A single wooden bench had been toppled and lay rotting on its side, once a place for lovers or families to sit and watch the passing trains. The concrete platform was raised higher than the steel tracks below. Further ahead, rested the remains of the trains that had once run so proudly along the tracks where Brooklyn walked. Carriages stood tall, though the paint was peeling and the grandeur had all but gone, graffiti scrawled here and there. There was an eerie silence that held an element of tension and fear. It pushed itself upon Brooke, who was more than frightful. She had an awful feeling about this place...

Placing her bag on the floor, she took a moment to look around for any signs of the woman she had spoken to. She had been sure this was the place, but she wasn’t so sure. It had taken her several bus journeys and a train to get there and finally a three mile walk. No, this had to be the place. Taking a deep breath, she chewed her pink bottom lip. She hadn’t come all this way for nothing. Running a hand absent-mindedly through her hair, she pulled herself onto the platform to sit and wait. Cheryl had promised her that she’d be here and Brooke trusted her.

A sharp pain in the back of her neck told her that she shouldn’t have...

A pair of boots scuffed their way in to her vision as she fell heavily onto her side, her eyelids dropping slowly. Someone laughed and then blackness engulfed her mind...

Groaning, Brooke pressed her hand to her head, which was throbbing painfully. Without opening her eyes, she turned on her side, reaching to grasp for her warm duck feather duvet. But it wasn’t there. Instead there was a thin blanket covering her. She froze where she lay, realising that the bed was harder than her own. A disinfectant spell filled her nostrils, mixed with the small of fresh paint. Her room didn’t smell this way. Her eyes shot open, revealing her worst fears. She wasn’t at home. Right ahead of her was a white wall, resting against that a grimy wardrobe and on the wall a cracked mirror. Throwing the covers off, she jumped to her feet. Big mistake. Her muscles ached and her legs collapsed beneath her, causing her to crumble to the floor. Groaning once again, Brooke sat on the cold concrete, looking around. The room was tiny and completely white. The only things present were the wardrobe, the bed and the mirror. One window at the end let little light it, for it was small and barred. Gulping, she chewed her bottom lip, an unfortunate habit of hers. Using the bed, she pulled herself to her feet, leaning against the cold metal frame. Something clattered against her chest, causing her to look down. A chain around her neck held an oval shaped disk of metal. Taking it in her hands she felt the smoothness of the metal. On one side her name was printed in bold black capitals, and the other side was a number, 746. That was odd. Looking up, the disk fell from her fingers as Brooke’s eyes fixed on the door at the far end. She wondered desperately if it was locked. Well, there was no harm in trying to open it was there...

Slowly, her muscles screaming in protest, she made her way to the foreboding door. Once there, she took a deep breath, pressing down on the handle. To her surprise the door opened, without hesitation, towards her. An explosion of noise hit her. Frowning, she tried to make it out, but her head was still hurting and it just sounded like hundreds of people talking...

Then she realised that’s exactly what it was. Blinking, she stepped over the threshold of the room and into the corridor. Shock overwhelmed Brooke as she took in the scene before her. Teenagers milled about everywhere, laughing, talking, and shouting. Some were lent against the walls; others were calling from behind other doorways to people outside, some even sat on the corridor floor. Each one was different, but each one had the same tag as she had. The number she realised was also printed on her door. Most of the teens ignored Brooklyn’s exit from her room, though a few turned around and nudged their friends, whispering and pointing. Brooke suddenly felt very self-conscious about being stood there and long for the security of the room behind her, but something stopped her from heading back inside. A guy walked particularly close to her, then glanced her way with cat-like eyes and as he walked away, she spotted a tail. A girl followed him, chattering madly to her friend, not at all bothered by the fact that flames flew from her mouth every time she opened it. As for her friend, well he was completely blue, all over. That was too much for Brooklyn. Quickly, she backed into the room, closing the door behind her with a snap. What was this place? Why couldn’t she remember how she had come to be here?

A pain in the back of her neck jolted her memory slightly. Hadn’t she been at home, talking to that Cheryl woman on the phone? No, she had gone out. But where and why? Her eyes fell on her bag, nestled in the corner of the room. What was going on?

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Breathing heavily, Arabella Tilling began to run down the dank alleyway. She heard the footsteps behind her make splashes in the various puddles. The sounds echoed through the alleyway and off of the brick building. She heard the person behind her quicken his pace, so she did the same. Her short legs were not as long as the person's behind her, but she moved quickly.

"Hey! Het Back here!" A gruff voice shouted at her.

"No! I didn't do anything wrong!" She shook her head as if to reinforce the thought. The movement caused her bangs to spread across her eyes. Flicking her head to the side to get her hair out of her eyes, Arabella turned a corner and ran down that alleyway. She heard the man slow down to turn, Arabella's petite body did not call for her to slow down.

"I'm not saying it was wrong," The rough voice said. Arabella let her body do the talking as she began to run faster, even though she was running out of breath. She hadn't meant to make that man commit suicide! She had simplay been singing about her feelings! She knew she should have written the song instead of singing the words that came to her, but it had come suddenly. Her hand went instinctively to the black and white, checkered messenger bag that was swinging against her hip. Her iPod, notebook and pen were in there. They were the only belongings she had. Feeling a sudden pain in the back of her neck, Arabella was brought to her knees. She was laying face down in a puddle when she heard boots approach. Had he tazered her? Was he the police? She rolled onto her back to look up at the man.

She had expected the man to be ugly and gross, but his face was handsome. The last thing she saw was the bright white of his sadistic smile. "See ya later, Arabella."

In the darkness, Arabella only thought about the man who had kidnapped her. She had never told anybody her name since she ran away. That was dangerous. Yet the man knew who she was! The darkness ended and she opened her eyes to a room that contrasted with the dark.

The walls were a bright white color and so was the uncomfortable bed she was laying on. Arabella felt out of place and dirty in the pristine room. She had not been able to shower in awhile. She hated that part of being a runaway. Looking down at her usually dirty, dark washed and ripped skinny jeans, she realized her clothes were washed. Running a hand through her long, dark blonde hair, she found it was really soft and clean. It was slightly wavy and ran halfway down her bright purple tank top.

She stood up and noticed her bag siitting lasily in the corner of the room. Leaning over to open the bag, she felt something tug at her neck and a silver disk swung forward. She picked it up and one side said 813 and the other side said Arabella Tilling in bright purple letters. She smiled, happy that the purple matched her eyes. She knew people would avoid her that way because of that difference. That kept people away at home.

Curious to what awaited her, Arabella opened the door.

Outside was a hallway with normal-looking humans. They were normal at first glance, but when she took a closer look she noticed one kept spitting fire and another was part cat. She looked around for someone who looked semi-normal and spotted a girl across the hallway. The other girl's eyes widened as she saw a boy with blue skin and she went back into the room. Arabella looked for an opening in the teens and quickly ran through it so that she didn't disrupt the teenage traffic and get the attention drawn to her. She got a few glares, but she smiled at them. She felt so young, even though she was sixteen. She just looked kind of young.

Arabella reached out and knocked on the other girl's door, hoping she might explain where they were. She was scared of the totally pristine room.

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#, as written by syrafay
Ai Shan sneaked a glance around her room, listening carefully to make sure no one was coming, before she pulled out a small mirror with a beautiful silver frame. If anyone, especially her parents, knew she had a mirror, she would be punished for her vanity. Originally, she had risked purchasing it as a small treat for herself, but now, it had become the only way she could stay in control. Staring at her reflection in the glass, she repeated to herself over and over again that she was human. She couldn't transform, and she didn't have powers. She wasn't a monster. She repeated it until the tingling feeling went away, and sighing, she slid the mirror into a pouch at her hip, hidden by the flowing folds of her pants. Calmly, she stood and slid open her door, every inch of her poised as the lady she was. Today, she wore a sky blue, Chinese-style silk shirt with a complimentary dark blue pair of pants. Her hair was all pinned up with blue crystal ornaments save for a large strand she left flowing over her shoulder. She was a lady, not a monster.

As Ai Shan made her way through her home, the phone near the kitchen rang. She let it ring three times, expecting a servant to come pick it up, but she heard no padding footsteps. Strange, she thought, they must be out today. It's possible mother wanted to go to the market. With a delicate shrug, Ai Shan moved to the phone and picked it up off of the receiver. She murmured the usual Chinese greeting into the phone, but the soft, female voice on the other side responded in English, much to Ai Shan's surprise.

"Is this Ai Shan Ke?" she asked, politely.

"Yes, ma'am. This is Ai Shan speaking."

"You are a monster, Ai Shan."

"Excuse me?"

"You've been suspecting it, and you are correct. You are...a faerie."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Ai Shan's voice was shaky with emotion, but she held firm. She was a lady, not a monster.

"You know what I say is true, and your presence endangers those around you."

"That can't be possible. My parents are human."

"Are they truly your parents? Can you say that for certain? You ask these questions of yourself. Don't make me ask them of you." Ai Shan felt shattered. The woman was correct. She had asked these questions again and again, not believing her life up until now had been true if she had these horrible...tendencies. She couldn't even admit the whole truth to herself, and she definitely wouldn't admit them out loud, but this woman seemed to know the truth without her saying anything. If she knew the truth, maybe she could help...The woman seemed to sense the moment Ai Shan changed her attitude, because she spoke again.

"As I said before, your presence is dangerous. I know a place where we can help you, keep others safe from you. Will you go?"

"Where is it?"

"I will only tell you if you agree to go. I'm sure you understand the importance of discretion."

"I will go."

"Good. Do you know of the abandoned shrine on the other side of the mountain. Go there, and we will meet you." There was a click, and the line went dead. The woman hadn't even told her when to be there, but the supernatural was involved, and Ai Shan was almost positive the woman would know when she arrived. Slightly panicked, Ai Shan decided to take advantage of the absence of the people of the house and go back to her room to pack. When she arrived, she pulled out a large bag, the largest bag she could find, and began stuffing her things in it. As far as clothes went, she didn't need much deliberation, throwing in a few outfits similar to the one she was wearing, a traditional dress that was passed to her as a family heirloom, pajamas, slippers, and a few extra pieces. Then, she tucked all of her hair ornaments in her special jewelry box and nestled the box in the bag as well, knowing their importance and secret ability would be useful for her in the future. After tugging the ties of the bag closed, Ai Shan slung it over her back and grabbed her erhu. Once she finished, Ai Shan heard the sound of the car pulling up in the driveway and ran out the door, her footsteps padding silently due to her training. She reached the back door and slid outside, quick to switch into her outdoor shoes, just as the front door opened and her mother called her name. The sound of her mother's musical voice almost made her turn around, but Ai Shan strode determinedly into the woods. She couldn't hurt her family.

The trek to the other side of the mountain would normally take all day, but she kept a quick pace, glad she was wearing pants today, and reached in in half the time. She tried to travel discreetly, knowing her father could trace her easily if she wasn't careful, but she felt it was more important to hurry than stay hidden. Luckily, she sensed a presence already at the shrine before she even arrived. Picking up her pace, she reached the shrine in no time, surprised to find two muscular men. They spun about, probably surprised by her silent arrival, and eyed her.

"She said you wouldn't be any trouble, that you would come willingly. Is that true?" the larger one asked, clearly taking charge. Ai Shan only needed to nod, and the man ushered for the other one to approach her. The second one obediently walked to her side and tied a blindfold around Ai Shan's eyes, neatly cutting off her sight.

"This is because we cannot let you see how we get there, in case you try to escape." the second one murmured into her ear, explaining carefully so she wouldn't be too alarmed. When he finished with that, Ai Shan felt herself being lifted into the arms of one of them.

"It will be faster this way," the first one explained from ahead. Ai Shan noted her surroundings using her other senses, carefully keeping her erhu and bag tucked in her arms, but they moved swiftly, and she lost interest quickly, nodding off to sleep.


"Hey! Wake up!" A slight pat on Ai Shan's cheek caused her to startle awake. Her awareness was greeted by a blackness that caused her momentary panic before she remembered the blindfold.

"We're almost there," a male voice told her. Still groggy, she barely recognized it as the second man. Their pace was much slower, and she wondered if they had been walking the whole time she'd been asleep, but she had no way of being sure. She remained silent, realizing she hadn't said a word to the men in the whole time she'd met them. She thought that she may seem rude, but given the situation, she was too nervous to make an effort at conversation.

"I'm going to put you down," the man said, and Ai Shan was lowered until she stood on her own two feet. Stretching slightly, she held as still as possible as the man untied her blindfold. The sky darkened as the sun set in the distance, but she could still make out a building in front of her, just barely. She glanced back to ask the men where she was supposed to go, but they were gone, and the only thing behind her was a gate. Sighing, she supposed she needed to approach the building and did so wearily. The front door opened before she could even knock. An official-looking woman stood at the other side of the door with a pleasant but stern expression on her face.

"Welcome to St. Arnold's School for Gifted and Talented Children," the woman greeted. Ai Shan recognized her voice as the woman on the phone. "I will show you your room." With that, the woman turned and walked off, her high heels clicking on the floor as she stepped. Ai Shan followed obediently until they reached a small room, incomparable to the room she had before. Still, Ai Shan viewed it as only right for a monster and walked in without complaint. The woman remained at the door.

"You will learn the rules here as your life progresses. I hoped you will like it here. You will be safe, and other will be safe from you. You are welcome to find me if you have any questions." Ai Shan barely had time to nod her agreement before the woman was gone, the door clicking shut behind her. Once alone, Ai Shan completely ignored her surroundings and sat on her bed, her face in her hands. She refused to cry, but she could not bear to look around at a place that wasn't her home. She was sure she would never go back again. Thoughts of her family swirled throughout her head as she eventually nodded off into sleep again, sliding comfortably on her bed into a ball of misery.

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Layla was sitting quietly in her desk, ignoring the whispered conversations behind her.  With a pencil in hand a white sheet of paper before her, the rest of the world could cease to exist and she wouldn't notice.  Except...

Every once in a while, Layla's personal world and the normal one would meet. She supposed she must be going crazy, if she hadn't been already.  The school was still abuzz over yesterday's incident.  In fact, the voices of the two girls behind her began to penetrate the silent world Layla was in, interrupting the smooth flow of graphite over paper, slowly forming into an old-fashioned light pole.

"Mrs. Swanson is going crazy," whispered the first.

"That old bat?  She already is!"

"No, seriously!  Didn't you hear what happened last week?  No, wait!  You were absent, weren't you?". Her voice rose higher as she prepared to deliver prime gossip.

"What?  Ohmygosh, tell me!". She sounded a little annoyed to have to beg for information so.

"In her first hour class, you know how boring she is, and everyone was falling asleep, cause Brett threw that great party, so she started yelling in her squeaky voice!  She said, like, 'My classroom isn't your bedroom,' or something. I wasn't paying attention, obviously, and then she yelled super loud, 'your desk is not your bed,' and WHAM!  As she said bed a giant, like, princess-y bed appeared out of nowhere!"


"No lie.  Principal K is SO pissed.  She's talking about firing Mrs. Swanson for 'endangering minors' or something."


"Thing is, no one can figure out how she did it."

"So how does that make her crazy?"

"she's been crying constantly abot how she didn't do it, she needs the job, stuff like that."

The pencil Layla held snapped.  She winced as it dug into her skin, and opened her hand to drop it.  It clattered to the desk, scattering bright drops of crimson.  The two girls continued to talk, not paying any attention to the small girl in front of them.

"Serves her right, the crazy old bat.". Blood rushed through her ears, sending adrenaline pumping through her veins, and Layla swayed in her seat.  The air sparkled in front of her.

'Ohnoohnonotherepleaseohpleaseno.'  She whispered, but she fell from her seat, unable to move as an iron column rose from the floor, branching out like a bizarre tree.  Kids screamed as the floor buckled under there seats and the teacher dove for the door, yelling and cursing.  More pandemonium commenced when it pierced the ceiling, sending ceiling tiles raining down on Layla, who lay immobile at the foot of what was now recognizable as an ancient light post.

The school was closed until further notice, the kids told to watch the news for information.  Layla sat on a bench in the park, afraid to move, holding her backpack close.  Inside were her school supplies, including a sketchbook opened to a now-blank page, all the proof Layla needed to confirm that she truly was insane, before she slumped over on the bench, unable to think any longer.

She opened her eyes to a white room.  'Oh, great, now I'm in the crazy hospital,' she whispered, and curled up on the bed, afraid to close her eyes again.

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Dark eyes stared into darkness, 'Nothing seen, nothing there...' Light shone in, he covered his eyes,'To bright....' Lips weren't moving, but a voice was heard. A tall male stood over, in a white coat shining a light into dark eyes. Anger consuming, no rage. He wasn't crazy, they all said he was mad, and drove everyone around him mad. 'NO!' The light faded, the tall man had left murmering to someone else who was out of frame. His voice not heard, only thing he heard was his mind.

He shot up awaken from his sleep from his subconsious." A memory? A dream..." He muttered quietly to himself as he looked around. There wasn't anyone there around him, he didn't expect there to be anyone. He sighed standing up and stretching himself out. Light shone in from the broken windows, from the abandoned building he had taken refuge in at the time. He had run away from the home they had placed him in at the time, he couldn't take it there any longer. He was alone, and they kept trying to drug him for fear that he was crazy. He couldn't tell those 'Happy Pills', he refused.

He ducked down and moved closer to the wall, voices outside talking. "They said there was some kid hanging around here..." the voices spoke. He closed his eyes, attempting to remain as calm as possible. He shifted along quietly. 'They're not going to take me back to that place... I won't go back there...' he thought to himself, his mind playing those words over and over. As he moved those voices started to fade, and grow quietier. As long as he kept quiet, he could get out without a hitch. At least that is what he hoped. He slipt out of the building, and snuck past the police that were after him. He wasn't sure exactly where he was going, but he knew he would get there.

He remembered hearing about a place, that was home to many people like him. With abilites that no one understood, however this place did. That was were he was headed, some place he wouldn't have to worry about anyone thinking him crazy. "Saint Arnold's," he murmered to himself.

Just as he uttered those words, he found himself face to face with two tall built males. "... We heard you were coming," one spoke. He didn't reply, people made him uncomfortable, he just nodded. One man tied a blind fold around him, and told him to keep it on. He didn't utter a word, just listened to the strange men, who seemed to know where he was going. Hours, or what felt like hours passed until he heard them speak again. " You may remove the blindfold..."

He listened and removed to blindfold as they handed him a dog tag with the number, 642 on the one side and his name on the other. 'So this is Saint Arnolds,' he thought, as he walked through the halls that were crammed with other people. They led him to a room, and told him this was his. He looked at it dismally, it was all white and padded. 'And here I thought this was a school.... ' The men left him, and he wandered off looking for something to keep him occupied.

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Finally unable to take the silence anymore, Layla stood, hearing metal clink as she rose. Glancing down, she discovered she wore a dog tag around her neck, saying ‘Layla Tempest’ on one side and 673 on the other. She shrugged; she supposed mental hospitals had to have some identification system. Grabbing her backpack- it sat in the corner of the room- she looked around the ceiling. No cameras. Strange...did they figure she wasn’t dangerous enough to need surveillance? Whatever.

Heading towards the door, she wondered if she was locked in, or if there were guards outside, or what. Well, it was time to find out.

Opening the door, she stumbled back a step, surprised by the flow of life before her. People of every size, shape, and…color. Dang. Were there people who dyed their skin completely blue? Or could spit fire?

For the first time, doubt about her location filled her mind. It didn’t look like a scene from a mental ward. Biting her lip, she almost asked someone, before her habits kicked in, honed from a lifetime of avoiding people. She slipped out the door, leaving it slightly ajar- there was nothing of value in there, she had everything in her backpack, so no one could steal anything. Besides, she wasn’t going anywhere.

Layla slid down to rest against the wall, cradling her backpack. From it she drew her sketchbook and a pencil, and began to sketch, capturing the vibrancy around her with quick, rough lines. Numerous scenes bloomed on the paper, suggesting those around her. If this was a dream, or more likely a hallucination, she wanted to remember it. But would her drawings remain if this was all some medicine-induced vision? One could only wonder. With any luck, someone would eventually come and tell her…anything.

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#, as written by syrafay
Ai Shan drifted in blackness, not quite dreaming but not quite awake. For a groggy moment, she forgot where she was and was only confused further when she actually opened her eyes to check. There was so much white, she almost thought she had died, but she knew that wasn't case, and with a sigh, opened her eyes again. Her second look at the bare room before caused her to remember the truth, that she had left, going with those men she had never seen before, in order to protect all she held dear from herself. What a dismal though to wake to, she thought to herself. Shaking her head, Ai Shan sat up and delicately rolled her shoulders, trying to release the tension they'd built while she slept in such an awkward, curled up position. As she stretched, a silver glint caught her eye. Startled, Ai Shan turned to stare at the silver chain necklace and dogtag on the bed next to where her head had been. Knowing that it couldn't be meant for anyone but herself, she reached over and lifted it off the mattress with care. On closer inspection, she knew for sure that the necklace belonged to her, because it had her name engraved on it, along with the number 333. Resigned, Ai Shan slipped it over her head until the cold metal rested on her neck and collarbone.The icy whisper of it settling sent a chill down her spine in addition to the feeling that she was trapped.

Shaking her fears away, Ai Shan looked for bag to find that somebody had unpacked it for her into the wardrobe (for hospitality or security?). After glancing through her things, she was satisfied to realize that nothing was missing and tugged out her beautiful jewelry box with all of her hair accessories. Running a hand over the jewel-bedecked surface, she held back tears. The box had been her family ever since the emporer gave it to her ancestor, his concubine, many generations back. Her mother had given it to her, because her parents had deemed Ai Shan a proper adult. Pushing her thoughts aside, Ai Shan opened the box and pulled out a simpler ornament. The papered hairstyle she'd put in her hair before wasn't suitable for this place, so she felt the need to fix it. Clicking the box shut, she put it back and approached the small mirror on the wall. She quickly slipped the ornaments in her hair out and watched as her black mane slid out of its hairstyle to cascade down her back. She smiled lovingly at its length, soemthing she'd always been proud of, and abruptly twisted it up into a simple bun, sliding the simpler ornament into place. After replacing the old ornaments into the jewelry box, Ai Shan ran a smooth hand over her slightly creased shirt and slipped out the door, clicking it shut behind her.

Awestruck, Ai Shan was greeted by a large crowd of various people her age mulling about the hall. She hadn't expected to see this many epople here, and she wondered if they were like her, coming here to be safe and keep other safe. The thought that maybe there were other just like her made Ai Shan feel not so alone, and in a moment of happiness, she didn't watched where she was going and walked right into a person who was passing by. Stumbling back a few steps, she flushed realizing her clumsiness and looked up to apologize. The person before her was taller than her with long black hair highlighted by red streaks. After closer examination, she realized he was even wearing jewelry, rings and necklaces, something she hadn't seen on a male before. Hiding her surprise, Ai Shan gave him a deep bow.

"My apologies," she said, "I wasn't watching where I was going."

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He had been wandering the halls never seemed to end. This place was large, and would probably take some time to figure out. His dark hues surveyed around the area, not really caring too much for the people, but the locations. He was more interested in learning his surroundings first and, maybe if he felt like it, getting to know people second. People weren't his top interest, most people were put off by him and he just never really cared to bother at all. He let a soft sigh escape his lips, as he let his mind wander. "... I wonder where the security room is..." he spoke quietly to himself.

It wasn't long before he found himself get lost, normally he was good about keeping his surrounding in check. This place however was like a maze, that he couldn't find himself out of. He felt like a lab rat trapped within a maze, without even a scent to lead him. Cursing under his breath, he turned trying to figure out if he could find his way back to at least his room. He ran his fingers through his hair, and took a breath trying to calm himself. He couldn't let his emotions go unstable, it was dangerous.

He stopped again, and turned to face a young woman that bumped into him. She was foreign, Chinese he assumed by appearence, and lovely. His dark eyes gazed at her, as he silently took in her presence. He made a soft chuckle when she bowed appologizing to him for walking into him. Shaking his head, he spoke finally, " No, no you don't need to appoligize. I'm at as much fault, just walking around and such..." She was elegant, probably from a family that was well off. He was curious as to why she was here, he'd figured more often then not there would be a lot of people in his situation here. " Tsubasa, Morio..." he said putting his hand out to her. "And what might be the name of such a delicate flower?"

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Lucinda enjoyed the freedom of her cat form, she was high up right at the top branch of a tree watching sunset. There were bad things happening in her life, but here she could find comfort. Away from her mother, away from her step father. He could not reach her here. He could not grab her, or whisper threats in her ear. However, something had changed in him recently, ever since that fateful day that she got so angry she changed right into that snow leopard right in front of him. How dare he destroy her one picture of her true family! Luckily she had had the sense to bolt from the door rather than attack him, even though she wished everyday that she had the courage to kill him. Humans were so vulnerable... and yet she was a human, wasn’t she? Most of the time she looked just like everyone else... well apart from her white blond hair and her white skin. Oh and her crystal blue eyes, and strange fashion sense. Ok so she wasn’t that normal. So she liked to be alone, and sit in trees. There were stranger people in the world surely. The fact that she could change into a large cat, was just well... she couldn’t describe it. She did not wish that she was completely ‘normal’, especially not in her situation. Of course she wished every that she had died with her father and sister, or that the accident had never happened. But it had, and her mother was so quick to forget. It had been little longer than 6 months since they died, that her mother re married to a duke. A quick tongued cruel hearted man.

She sighed, wishing she could stay a little longer frozen in this perfect moment. Totally at one with nature, comfortably positioned in the tree she called her own. She would drag the return trip out as long as possible and quickly return to her bedroom, where she could return once more to her cat form too sleep. She knew it frightened him, it would frighten everyone. Except of course except her mother who denied knowing that it was happening. Luncinda could not remember the last time her mother touched her let along hug her.

As Lucinda leaped gracefully from the tree, she got a terrifying shock. She was not alone. Sitting at the foot of the tree was a large thuggish man, dressed completely in black. He grinned a wide smile revealing an awfully toothless mouth. The smile made her skin cruel, and she arched her back and hissed at him ready to sprint away. He was not phased by this leopard like cat showing such aggression at him, he merely raised an eye brow. It was then she felt a sharp pain in the side of her neck, causing her to leap clean of the floor. She changed back into a human, and fell to the hard floor.

The world becoming blurry, she had realised too late that she had been surrounded...

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#, as written by syrafay
Ai Shan could not help the heat rising to her cheeks. A delicate flower? She really hadn't met many men at all with her seclusion by her family, and none of them had spoken to her so, but she was flattered by the compliment. She didn't consider herself a great beauty, but his words were kind, to say the least. She wondered what her mom would say if she had heard him. She would probably disapprove. The thought of her mother brought a pang to Ai Shan's heart, but she hid it with a gentle smile at Morio.

"My name is Ai Shan, and my surname is Ke. Is is very nice to meet you, Mr. Tsubasa," she replied. She glanced around at their surroundings before fixing her gaze back on the man in front of her. "Forgive me for asking," she began, "But what exactly is this place? I'm embarrassed by my ignorance, but I'm afraid I only just arrived and haven't been given any information." Ai Shan glanced around once more. There was something unusual about the people here, but she couldn't quite put her finger on why she believed so. Sighing, she wanted to shake her head. She'd only been there for a few hours maybe, and she was already getting suspicious. Inwardly scolding herself, she turned her attention back to the boy, embarrassed by her lack of focus. She probably seemed rude.

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Morio leaned against the wall slightly and crossed his arms looking her over once more. He was rather laid back, and calm despite being somewhere unknown. She was definitely different then the kind of girls, from where he was from. She seemed rather sheltered from how harsh life can truly be, however she probably had her own troubles. He made a soft chuckle seeing her blush slightly, it was cute. He probably seemed strange to her, and nothing like any of the males from where she was. He was direct, yet indirect. He leaned forward slightly and teasingly whispered to her," You're cute when you blush." He shifted back against the wall and turned his face to the ceiling.

Morio let out a soft sigh, it was rare for him to talk to anyone. She comforted him somehow with her presence, and he wasn't sure exactly why. "This place is kind of like, what's the easiest way to put it..." he thought aloud. " This is a place for people with unexplainable powers go..." He said shifting uncomfortably. " I always heard rumors about this place.....out on the streets..." it probably sounded really bad saying that to her. He rubbed the back of his head slightly making a nervous smile.

A woman stepped out of another room, stretching out her arms. "Ah such a good nap <3," she cooed to herself. Her tail flickered slightly as she looked around in the halls. "Seems like there are some new students...." she said looking around. She walked through the halls, and checked up on some of the older students. She was a new teacher here, however not the newest.

Kiya continued making her rounds around the building. She stopped noticing two that were speaking about this building, they were new. She walked over to them, and smiled lightly. " Yes, welcome to St. Arnold's School for the gifted," she spoke up. The girl was Chinese and rather formal, while the other was rather untamed. "This facility is here to help those control and maintain your abilities."

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Layla was sitting and minding her own business, when s single sentence broke in upon her consciousness. Someone said, “This facility is here to help those control and maintain your abilities.”

Shooting upright, pencil clattering to the floor, she stared around her for whoever had spoken. With a quick glance around the room, she located a strange trio- an elegant Chinese girl, a pale boy with black and red hair, and a woman that ears?

It was the latter that had spoken- she was sure of it. With barely a second of hesitation, Layla scooped up her pencil and sketchbook, slowly approaching, afraid to but needing to know mare so badly. “Umm...excuse me?” She almost whispered, strengthening her voice at the last moment. “What...where did you say we are? What is this place?” She looked down at the floor, already wishing she hadn’t spoken at all.

“I...I don’t remember how I got here...I only remember falling asleep...” She looked up at the group with pleading eyes, arms hugging her sketchbook to her body like a shield. Looking at the Chinese girl again, her fingers started itching in the peculiar way that meant she wanted to draw something. There was something about her that screamed to be caught on paper.

'In charcoal...yes, to highlight the shadows...with a touch of purple colored pencil...' she gripped the slim book more tightly, the spiral binding digging into her skin, through the thin clothes she wore. Aware that she was probably staring, and would be considered rude, she looked down at the floor again.

'Why does it even matter? They’ll figure out that I’m crazy soon enough anyway. Unless this really is the loony bin and everyone is, in which case, who cares? We’re all screwed.'

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Brooklyn was shaking from head to toe, her back against the door, her eyes squeezed shut. Where was she? And why was she there? She should have been at home. Pressing her hand to her forehead, she tried desperately to clear her mind so that she could think clearly. But nothing would come easily to her, it was all blurred and just thinking about it made her head hurt. Chewing her bottom lip, Brooke threw herself on the hard bed, burying her face in the pillow. As she lay there, tears soaked the material, sobs shook her slender body. It was then that the patter of rain could be heard against the window, but this only made her cry harder. She was a freak. Brooke hated herself and she didn't even know why. She didn't understand anything. She didn't want to be there. She wanted her family. She wanted her room. But most of all, she wanted to remember the events that had put her in this situation in the first place. A flicker stirred in the back of her mind.
"I promise Brooke. You have my word."
The scuff of boots. The laugh. The pain in the back of her neck. Falling to the ground. Her eyes dropping.

That woman...She had lied to Brooke. She had made promises that she couldn't keep. She had said everything would be better and it wasn't! It was worse than it had ever been before. She was stuck in an unknown place, in the middle of nowhere, with no-one. Absent-mindedly, her hand touch the back of her neck, where a little lump was.
After just a moment or two, a knock at the door startled her from her thoughts. Forcing herself up, Brooklyn frowned at the door. Someone was there. Fear shuddered through her body and it took her a few more moments to get from sitting to standing. Hesitating, she inched towards the door, not sure whether or not to open it. What if it was one of the ones that she had seen in the hallway? They frightened her. But she was one of them wasn't she? They were different, just like her. But she wasn't quite that different. No-one would be able to tell what she was if she was stood in a crowd of normal teenagers. Would they?

Wiping the tears from her face, she half noticed that the rain had stopped outside, but instead a thick mist was forming. Confusion. It was what Brooke was feeling and so the weather reflected that. Gathering all of her courage she pressed down on the handle, taking a deep breath. She opened the door cautiously, peering around, ready to close it should she need to. But she didn't need to. She was faced with a perfectly normal looking girl, who looked just as confused as she felt. "Can I help you?" Brooke asked nervously, though she was surprised by the strength of her own voice. It was a lot stronger than she felt inside. She could have quite easily continued to cry her eyes out and mope about her current situation. But then again, what good would that do her? She was stuck there and she couldn't do a thing about it. Deep down she knew that there was no escape...

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#, as written by syrafay
Ai Shan kept her lashes lowered, listening closely but avoiding Morio's eyes out of embarrassment. However, when he mentioned that this place was for those with powers, her eyes flew to his face in surprise. She thought it may have been something like that, but she couldn't help but be shocked. She hadn't expected so many people to be like her, to have things happen they couldn't explain but somehow knew were because of them. Glancing over Morio, she wondered why he was here, what powers he may have. She filed that question for later, her thoughts suddenly interrupted by a woman and then a girl. She evaluated them before speaking. The woman was older and seemed to hold a certain air of confidence and authority. She must be in charge somehow, Ai Shan thought to herself. Then, the girl caught her eye. She was about the opposite of the woman, timid and submissive. The girl took a moment to observe Ai Shan as well, and Ai Shan acknowledged her with a smile before turning her thoughts back to the conversation.

"I remember my journey here, but I don't understand..." Ai Shan paused, "This is a school? But on the phone, the woman said..." Ai Shan faded off, thinking back to her conversation on the phone. The woman had said that she was dangerous and this place could help her, but she hadn't expected a school, let alone a place with so many people like her. Glancing around the circle, she realized that all these people must be unusual as well, and the thought warmed her heart. She had been so lonely, but if there were other people here...

"Anyway," Ai Shan said, cutting off her thoughts and what she'd been saying before. "This is a school, then. So we all...I mean to say, all the people here have...abilities?" She almost laughed at that. That was sure putting it lightly if she could even change into an animal or make it rain. Abilities seemed too mile a term for what she meant, but she supposed the others would understand her meaning.

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"Yes, As I said this is St. Arnold's," she repeated for the other girl that approached. "Yes, More or less this is a school for those with abilities to learn to control them," she added. "St. Arnold's sometimes relocates peoples if the headmaster believes it is needed," she said turning her eyes to the timid girl that showed up. Her tail flicked slightly as she looked over the three students. She expected there to be a lot of questions. Some of those questions couldn't be answered at the time, but in time it would.

" I am one of the teachers here at the school," she pointed out sweetly. " My name is Kiya-Sama Era, and my abilities are pyromancing and teleportation," she added as an after thought. She smiled lightly at the three then looked away. She bowed her head slightly," I am sorry, but I must be going for now." She turned and left the three to themselves. She walked off down the hall, then disappeared around the corner.

Morio was kind of disappointed when Ai Shan didn't respond to his comment. He frowned, and looked away slightly. He thought she was quiet however, she seemed to be just as quiet as him if not more. He made a soft sigh, as he turned his gaze back to her. He shifted slightly, and slouched more against the wall stuffing his hands in his pockets as he did so.

He lowered his eyes only to look up when two others approached them. His eyebrow arched when the women spoke, listening to her words carefully. Dark hues trailed over here as if he was inspecting her. He found himself intrigued by this woman. She was rather different, and probably was very old. The ears and tail, it must of been hard for her to hide. He didn't even think it was possible for such a thing to happen.

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Arabella smiled, glad that the girl was normal-looking. She was taller than Arabella, but it didn't take much to be over five feet tall. Arabella's eyes widened with panic as she tried to think of why she had come over here; why she had followed the girl.

"I-um," She stuttered, her melodic voice sounded so strange when it was confused. "Was wondering if you knew why we were here." She made a gesture with her hand that grouped the hall behind her. "All I remember is falling in an alley and waking up here with this.. .thing." She lifted the tag around her neck and realized the other girl had a similar one. Suddenly one of her worst fears began to unfold.

"I-um," She tried to force the words out before she was forced into singing the song that now filled her head. "I will be right back, you can follow me to my room if you want." Not even another glance at the girl and Arabella had sprinted into her room where she picked up her checkered, black and white messenger bag in a panic. She ripped out her notebook and frantically flipped through the pages. Her face was contorted as she tried to hold the song in. She found her pen and once it made contact with the paper she relaxed.

She watched in wonder as she began writing a song. It was like her hand was not a part of her and was doing everything on its own accord. She watched the song unfold and payed attention to the words. If she sang this song in front of the girl the girl would have become really nervous. She remembered the way the girl's eyes and how red they were. She was crying. She hoped that she had a song that could possibly solve the girl's problem.

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((OOC: sorry for the delay, I've had a busy week.))

The girl smiled at her, then turned to the woman, saying, “I remember my journey here, but I don't understand...This is a school? But on the phone, the woman said..." She paused for a moment, then continued. “Anyway...This is a school, then. So we all...I mean to say, all the people here have...abilities?"

Oh, no. This was all the evidence Layla needed, but just as she was going to speak, the woman said,

"Yes, As I said this is St. Arnold's. Yes, More or less this is a school for those with abilities to learn to control them. St. Arnold's sometimes relocates peoples if the headmaster believes it is needed.” She mentioned something else, but there was a roaring in Layla’s ears that drowned out the rest of the world. She had paled and her eyes were wide with fear. The woman turned and left, but Layla scarcely noticed, as her knees threatened to give oput under her.

“Oh, please no,” she whispered, then let out a peal of high pitched laughter. The other students in the hall merely glanced at her, apparently not caring.

“I was right! This is a crazy house! Were all mad here!” Her voice was tinged with laughter bordering on the edge of true insanity, but was relatively quiet. Silent tears streamed down her face, but she was still laughing.

“Don’t tell me you believe them,” she said, turning to the two others with a plea. “Tell me you know better. They’ve locked me up because I’m crazy. I knew it!” Her voice jumped an octave, then settled back down. “It’s not real. There isn’t such a thing as abilities. God, it’s a hoax! It’s a bad movie! It isn’t real! I can’t do anything but’d be my fault! All my fault...” The last line was barely audible, and she dropped to the floor, still laughing and crying, acting like the crazy person she thought she was.

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#, as written by syrafay
Ai Shan glanced at Morio, who hadn't spoken since the woman left, and turned her eyes back to the girl on the floor. Her eyes softened at the sight of the girls inner struggles, so obviously painful and destructive. The poor girl...Ai Shan thought to herself. Wanting to help her in some way, Ai Shan knelt before the girl and wrapped her arms around her shaking figure. She began humming softly and stroking the girl's soft, black hair. She pent a moment just holding her in an attempt to comfort her before she leaned back to sit comfortably on her heels and lifted the girl's chin, so her eyes met Ai Shan's.

"Well, I suppose your claim isn't unfounded," Ai Shan frowned slightly, "But if this was a place was only full of crazy people, that would mean I am crazy. You don't think I'm crazy, do you?" Ai Shan sighed dramatically and pouted pitifully at the girl, though her facial expression couldn't hide the glint of humor in Ai Shan's deep brown eyes. "If you think it's so, it must be true, because I wouldn't know if I was crazy, I suppose. Oh, goodness. And I thought I was coming here to control myself." Ai Shan watched the girl's face for any reaction. She wanted to convince the girl that what she thought wasn't true, but she would need to tread carefully. She wouldn't want to make anything worse. That's why she had decided to act a little bit. It would be easier for the girl to see the truth if it was through another person.

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Brooklyn frowned at the girl, who was considerably shorter than herself, though she was very pretty and had an innocent look about her. She instantly felt protective, as though she should shield this girl from the cruelties of this hell. She was greeted by a smile, but it soon turned into a look of confusion. Brooke couldn't blame her. She was confused as well. However, the girl before her was also extremely nervous, and it showed painfully. The girl's words were tumbling over one and another and before Brooke could even get a word in, she had said something about following and dashed out of sight. She was slightly taken back, a look of surprise flickering across her face. What had that been about? Chewing her bottom lip, she glanced over at her pure white room and shuddered, before closing the door and following the girl. She couldn't stay in there alone any longer, or she would go completely insane. Wasn't she already insane? Wasn't that the reason she was in this place? No, she was just different...Yeah a mental different. She loathed herself. Or did she? She was so confused... Pushing her thoughts from her mind, she darted between the students, avoiding making eye contact with any of them, or else she was going to frightened herself. She was scared of them, scared of what they might be or...even do.

The girl's room was just across from hers and she spotted her disappear. Hesitating slightly, she followed her in, pushing the door open. Without saying a word, she walked across the room, curious as to what the girl was bent over. Leaning over her shoulder, she looked down at the notepad, reading quickly. She didn't mean to be rude, she was a curious person at heart. Surprise flickered across her face once again as she read the lyrics of a beautiful song. "You have a gift," She said softly, stepping back to look at the girl. "That is a wonderful song, I truly felt the emotions." She gave a half smile, extending a hand, her other hand brushing her hair from her eyes. "My name is Brooklyn. It's a pleasure to meet you. You look just as confused as I do." This time a true smile found its way onto her lips and for just a second she looked beautiful, even though she didn't feel great. It faded quickly, as she glanced around the room. "I see your room is just as wonderful as mine." She muttered sarcastically, an eyebrow raised as she turned back to the girl. She hoped that she wouldn't reject her kindness, for Brooke was taking a chance trusting one of the pupils at St Arnold's, but she sense that this girl was in the same situation as herself and it would be best if they teamed together. At least someone would have her back...

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“No, I suppose not,” she answered quietly, “But...God, I’m so confused!” Layla rubbed her face, erasing the lingering signs of tears. “I just...I want to go home,” she whispered. “Maybe I don’t fit in there, and maybe I cause trouble with my...abilities, but...but at least I know what’s going on!” Her voice rose slightly, on the verge of breaking. “I’m sorry, but I..I need to...” Rising abruptly, she hugged her sketchbook even tighter.

“Don’t you think that this is weird? That a place like this isn’t...right? Aren’t there laws against this? Is this kidnap?” Her eyes flicked over the faces in the crowd, a jumble of mixed expressions. “How many of them were snatched like me?” She turned back to the two, an abrupt gesture, and searched their faces. “Did you know about this?”

“And if this is a school, why aren’t we in class?”

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#, as written by syrafay
Ai Shan frowned delicately at the girls words, a crease of disapproval appearing right in between her eyebrows. The girl was saying something about kidnap, but Ai Shan had gone with the burly men willingly. Thinking back, though, they had wanted to make sure she wouldn't resist. If she had, what would they have done? Even then, she had assumed that struggling with them as the result of a disagreement would only occur, because these people were trying to help her, but this girl seemed unhinged by being taken away.

"I'm sure..." Ai Shan began, "I'm sure that there is a good reason for this place, and I suppose we will need to go to class eventually. I will say, I have very little knowledge about what is truly going on, but...I think this place is for our good."

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computer acting up

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Arcs are bundles of posts that you can organize on your own. They're useful for telling a story that might span long periods of time or space.

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Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 1 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in How I Live Now. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ai Shan Ke
Character Portrait: Kiya-Sama Era
Character Portrait: Lucinda Rose
Character Portrait: Morio Tsubasa
Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer


Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

An ages old Dragon Teacher

Character Portrait: Morio Tsubasa
Morio Tsubasa

Delightfully Nicknamed Rio

Character Portrait: Lucinda Rose
Lucinda Rose

Is beauty really only skin deep?

Character Portrait: Kiya-Sama Era
Kiya-Sama Era

Fiery Inuthrope Teacher Once Known as Slayer

Character Portrait: Ai Shan Ke
Ai Shan Ke

A Chinese girl with the ability of Chinese faeries


Character Portrait: Kiya-Sama Era
Kiya-Sama Era

Fiery Inuthrope Teacher Once Known as Slayer

Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

An ages old Dragon Teacher

Character Portrait: Lucinda Rose
Lucinda Rose

Is beauty really only skin deep?

Character Portrait: Ai Shan Ke
Ai Shan Ke

A Chinese girl with the ability of Chinese faeries

Character Portrait: Morio Tsubasa
Morio Tsubasa

Delightfully Nicknamed Rio

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Shadow Slayer
Shadow Slayer

An ages old Dragon Teacher

Character Portrait: Ai Shan Ke
Ai Shan Ke

A Chinese girl with the ability of Chinese faeries

Character Portrait: Lucinda Rose
Lucinda Rose

Is beauty really only skin deep?

Character Portrait: Morio Tsubasa
Morio Tsubasa

Delightfully Nicknamed Rio

Character Portrait: Kiya-Sama Era
Kiya-Sama Era

Fiery Inuthrope Teacher Once Known as Slayer

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » How I Live Now: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in How I Live Now

Re: [OOC] How I Live Now.

Sorry, I'll be gone for the weekend and am not sure I'll have internet.

Re: [OOC] How I Live Now.

I think I may play another charrie, A sexy male. But whom to choose...

Re: [OOC] How I Live Now.

Nice characters everyone! We'll just wait for a few more characters and then we'll get started. Hopefully we'll get a few more guys, as everyone loves a bit of romance!!

Catherine x

[OOC] How I Live Now.

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "How I Live Now."

You may edit this first post as you see fit.