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Harold Chester

"I hate winter..."

0 · 324 views · located in Earth

a character in “How to spot a Faerie”, as played by No-one-special


((Alright. I proof read it and spell checked it. Its a bit crappy to say the least but I tried to make it somewhat presentable. Please forgive any mistakes I didn't spot. I'll reread it to make it spotless a little later but I felt that I shouldn't keep people waiting for this any longer.))

Full name: Harold Chester

Height: 5.7


Harold skin is covered in a chocolate brown hue that verges on the line of a healthy tree having its bark touched by the perils of a frosty wind, weakening its over all glowing complexion into a diluted version of itself due to the white tint that has wrapped itself vehemently against his skin to the point that the two frames of color have combined themselves into a single shade that perhaps was a much more brighter pave of tint on his body in the past. As a consequences to the previous mentioned loss of intensity in his frame the once blushed cheeks had recoiled from polished circles and marks on his face to darkened patches of skin that eer off into a mild tip of pink into a overall grim complexion on his cheeks and just a on his forehead underneath all of his hair, the final and most noticeable thing about about his hide is that the changes in skin color are present where a slightly more pale imposed creeping spread has wander over his flesh; now visibly consuming a large section of his body where once a weathered looking tint once stood. Because of this swaps of shades appearing on his body he seems even more pale than before, the brightness getting sapped and the tones even having distinct visual differences in his cheeks and bony sections of his body that clash all around with a once more youthful form.

Upon this elders head is a set of hair that seems to have grown just as much as he has, moving forth in big spirals and splashes of gray that it is surprising that it can be kept in any control and marginally it is not, but thanks to the numbers of threads it has entwined upon one another in the sea of locks Harold manages to have it move only minimally without flinging around at a constant rate or landing over his face like a set of frosty ice picks. The locks upon his scalp move in different directions and constantly spew out random lines of rigid threads and twisted ropes of aging hair that long lost it moisture and color to it, which makes it at points let off fire work-like detachments from the main bundles of messy fur. Harold has long lost the original color within his head although thankfully it stays in abundance as it keeps itself in a white and gray mixture of colors that resemble a fog clambering over a blanket of snow or a spotless snow leopard being wrapped in the embrace of the winter icy grip, because of this the changes in his hair are hard to really notice but there is a definite crawling of white along the backs of the spines that resides upon his head while main bulk of it is a withered gray.

Chester has a frame that fails to really inspire much thought to it, while he is in arguably good shape for his age as the flesh he has hadn't faded into bone nor the outsides of his body fallen into a sea of wrinkles he still has the effects of age kicking in. The upper body is no longer so well formed, what was once a much more paradable chest and bigger set of abs has now retreated back into his heart, leaving a torso that is neither fat but manages to retains some mild sense of form and solid structure to it all without coming off as skinny or rigid.

Harold stomach shares the same quality and has avoided amassing weight but none the less it is scared by a operation to remove his appendix a long time ago back in his life.In addition he is coated in hair up to his chest just as gray as the one flock sitting upon his head. The aged fellows hands both seem functional but keep the rough texture to them that once smooth skin used to have; forming a touch that is harder and much more gripped like that of a handle of a gun which shows due to his skin being bumpy all over, on top of this detail is the fact that his fingers are all much more brittle in tone and poke out more with their inner workings along with the vain that appear vaguely on the back of his Hands.

As a guy getting along in years he fails to keep an athletic body in any sense of the word, especially in his legs as they have just a small mass of fat popping out of his thighs and carrying forth all the way to his feet but to say they where out of shape or form ruining would be a drastic stretch as they still keep their over all composure and retain the much more basic form and hard edged strength buried inside of it all where the muscle has hidden away .

Upon this strangers skull sits a pair of hazel observers that peek from the openings within his head, both of them having a wash of colors splashed together within their pools to create a borderline honey and chocolate mix that has somehow gone off and darkened into a much more dimmer version of itself. Just like his body: his eyes have followed in the enticement of a gloomy atmosphere whom has invaded and tore what once happy and fiery glint that may of resided within his orbs, leaving nothing but a set of bland optical tools in there place with not a hint of a flame burning in them, all that remains is a darkened shadow over the tips from his mass of hair. Below his eyes is a set of wrinkles that spread forth from the ends like that of breaking class and just beneath them is a set of bags that is in a group of mild purple and deep sea blue which all get hybrid with the darker tone of his skin.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight.

Age: 51

Species: Human.

Role: Independent-shifting on external input-

Powers: None.


Can use a gun although not up to a trained level; this means that he couldn't effectively get into a fire fight with a trained military personael or hold off squads of thugs with his weaponry but he can use one enough to avoid breaking his wrist from the recoil or letting off inaccurate shots at close to medium range. He is also familiar with reloading it, making him not fast but not laughably slow when refilling his bullets or maintaining his gun.

As a former accountant before his retirement Harold is a pretty good mathematician which means he can add up and work out math equations reasonably fast and even multitask while doing these sums as most of the answers have become routine nature for him now even after his leaving from career.

Financial experience: has loads of knowledge on the world of banking, saving up and exchanging bills while dealing with changing stocks and economical matters, because of this he knows where to look and can successfully understand any kind of document or file if it regards any sort of banking/financial or economic matter while also giving him good inspection on matters of money and guessing one spending habits/history of financial use from a limited amount of information-such as things based on their home, their looks, their house decor or even their preference-which is good for digging up information to use as bartering chips.

Preferred Weapons: Prefers to not fight at all although if forced to he will be drawn to blunt instruments. The gun only when he absolutely sure he is willing to risk fatal injury.


"Its funny how everything can seem so clear...then days later it can feel all like a mirage..."-Harold Chester.

Harold is a guy who wanders the streets to go window shopping, he rarely likes to spend money on himself but enjoys browsing the goods shops and companies have to offer to the general public even if he will solemnly buy anything from said establishments. In terms of coins he has learned to be tight and closed in to others but is very giving to his own family or close friends, being considered loose like an open wallet while at points if an associates or friend he is not really close to even brings up a topic about wealth he will quickly close up and withdraw from the conversations entirely or simply stone wall it all from going any further. Chester stands as a cautious father and on top of that a caring man until the events took away his son, once a kind and diligent fellow who would watch out for trouble and wrap those he come to respect and like in as much protection he can give, even if it may of bought detriment to himself to do so or even seem folly and hopeless to try to lend someone a hand with their past and present choices: Now Harold is a man who finds his world lacking the same spark of light to his actions, as he no longer stands as a example for others to settle besides in time of need since the beat inside of heart has long died out and become silent and still under with the weather of life after all these years.

His former tight lip loyalty to his family and friends which also involved a secure nature to his funds had become undone, now needlessly spending his retirement nest on drinks and leisurely joys or simply out right showing apathy to taking care of his own health or his life style although he does show enough will power to bother to clean himself and at least keep his clothes reasonably presentable by making sure they aren't bruised or filth ridden but even so he settles for cheap sets of wears for himself, not bothering to really strike a first impression on people with his fashion sense unlike when the past self who would wear expensive and well designed suits. Borderline depressed and coping intensely with guilt issues from the recent lose of his son and the whip lash of the past from his wife's death he find himself confused and not as structured as before, most men are cemented in who they are by the time they reach adulthood but with the lose of everything Harold mind is running with a thousands thoughts that weighed heavily on his battered sense of self worth and morality, making him vulnerable to a shift in what he believes, feels and respects anymore. Due to past experience in work he has encountered white collar crime and minor corruption by law official which has also made his wary and suspicious of the government and those who claim to serve it under any badge although to say he is driven by a irrational hatred or vicious state of paranoia to them would be a dramatic exaggeration, he does take precautions and like to distance himself when possible though.

Harold heart is covered in bugs that nip at him constantly, thoughts crawl into his mind like ants marching in and out of a nest which leads him to be burdened mentally and emotionally to the point that the only respite he can find is death or an answer for all these flickering questions that vaguely fly past his sight in swarms and packs. He needs closure for his son but finds that when alone he is in a battle both inside and outside on where to start or how to get it, even if there is anything to get. Emotionally crippled, spiritually shattered and under assault he finds himself sheltering in that one question, for its the only remnants of the thing he has left to care about that can't be demolished...taken away, yes. But his son even if in the ground and only a memory can't crumble like himself or his life.

Emotionally scared and mentally bombarded by all these changes he has developed an intense fear of the cold, to the point that small things such as the window letting in a strong draft or the occurrence of winter can cause damage to his already unstable form, the massage of the icy storms and freezing breaths of a cold hearted sky looms old memories that threaten to bury his mind in the snow which can induce extreme anxiety of ending up a victim to the weather as well as depression, confusion and out right fear which leads this man to seek as much warmth as he can in an attempt to reassure him that he can ward of the perils of the environment from stagnating his body to a painful stop. If pushed too hard he can experience break downs and with too little care to his phobia he can end up in a state that; when combined with his issues make him confused and unable to resist a momentary episode of madness of some form.

We all a have personality archs to ourselves, we all have one driving thought or feeling: A theme of the mind. Lust, self interest,safety, calculation, organization, bravery and care free ...all these things and more but when what you believed no longer matters, when the spirit of this attribute is shattered what is left is a personality in ruins with no support beams to hold them in place anymore. Harold only arch now and the only thing that seems to hold him together is the quest for closure...for truth.


A desire to close windows, especially in winter even if its not cold.

Dislike of going out in the snow, even if the weather is mild.

Always wears a puffy coat and sweater or something equally warm.

Has a habit of numberings things when he needs to remember them.

Over heats his food and his hot drinks to the point of almost ruining them or making them scolding.



His family-albeit dead-


Reading the newspaper.

Watching the news.

His friends-the last of them alive-

Hot savory food above sweets and cold treats.

Spicy food.

Country Music and acoustic guitar.



The cold.

The fey.

The government-he seen some white collar crime by officials-

Modern TV shows and teen books.

Vampires and weres.

Ice cream and lollies.



Born on the date of 1969 September the first he had grew up in a much more conservative home where a stable, traditional family was valued, following the path of a typical nuclear family where two parents played a role in a five child house hold making that the more silent and less trouble making child such as Harold and his Sister: Jenny Chester deal with minimal attention and take on care of themselves outside the range of education, food and bedding. While the family was reasonably well off, a five child pair is a big drain on it all which meant that the father was working all the time and could only dish out minimal attention to his kids, the mother had to deal with the more upstart youngsters more. So the two where often alone or talking to each other for comfort. Harold became the resident mathematician of the family and was widely considered to be the silent but hard working type who preferred to communicate with numbers instead of words which led to a lot of his feelings being absent from view or out right misunderstood or ignored. At the age of 15 he was sent to college where he took a course in economics and to further his studies into the main skill of hard sciences. His life was for the most part text book although his solidarity and mass lack of money to go around when he was a child taught him to be more emotionally introverted, responsible due to all the times he had to mind the troubling and active youngsters of the group and not take for granted exactly how much a dollar is worth.lived in the Tennessee before having left college to work as an accountant, moving around occasionally before settling down in New York after experiencing a rather fruitful life as a successful accountant which only improved his financially power due to his strong stance of not spending any of his money and regular input into his retirement funds.

He meet up with a woman going by the name of Lucy "Lavender", a 19 year old druggie who had to go into prostitution due to family issues and her own poverty caused by her addiction. When her pimp and herself had a fall out she ran away, the pimp choosing to not make a scene let her addiction to make her come crawling back and her lack of an ability to get a job or a lodging in her current state. Harold meet her in the street looking scared as well as shaky. As a general good Samaritan he briefly asked her if she was ok and in a small lapse of fear of going back to the pimp and actually receiving a damn from someone she told him her predicament which Harold took as a chance to do a good deed and give her lodgings. A long process was undertaken where he managed to convinced her to go to rehab and personally managed her funds when she got a part time job at a McDonalds joint not too far from home. A year past before she was clean thanks to the support offered to her by the rehab and Harold but despite all this the kind accountant wasn't happy with the arrangement in her life and decided to help her get her higher level degrees in math and English by personally tutoring her on the time off. Lucy in the end did was hard for her but she did pass and get herself a respectable set of documents to prove her capabilities and with that she returned back home to show her the changed women she had become; with Harold in toe due to constant insistences from her to show them the man that changed her life.

Its here that he meet the twenty two year old nursery Teacher that he would Marry who had been taken aback by the strangers kindness, his impact on his sister and the second chance he offered all along with a reasonable looking mug and a white collar high earning job made her rather curious about the man which led to her asking him if they could perhaps go out on a date at some time. Harold Agreed. The rest to his family was text book, sparks flew and love transpired out of an almost fantasy tale like act of kindness and an equally by the book of fiction romance with her sister. The good graces from the family and his competence instilled by his own kin method of raising him all mixed with his hard working attitude ensured that little drama occurred for their escapades into the world of commitment. They had a house, a good nest egg to live off and soon a child was on the way who was revealed to be a boy in a traditional house hold just like his own parents...but, of course with far less little feet stomping about.

But nothing good lasts forever, no one gets a text book life. Somewhere along the line things had to change.

And things did indeed change for the worst when their son had turned three. The mother of the household started getting extreme headaches along with a new attitude, one that was bossy and crude which was a dramatic swap from her neat and tidy approach to life, after a while they had went to the doctor after trying some pain killers and talking things through but when neither seemed to work the, wife agreed that she felt this was medical and a short hospital appointment later she was diagnosed with a cancerous Brain Tumor. A operation was held but the changes persisted, the tumor reoccurred only a few weeks later and eventually she was declared terminal after a few more attempts failed to remove the affliction and Harold tasked himself with being by her side, even if he had to witness her hallucinations and deeper descent into confusion and madness when the plague consumed more and more of her mind before finally dying. The loss of the second parent left but two boys alone with each other and with Harold being a man of numbers, not words he didn't always do the best job of being a dad.

Well, to say the least there was a lot o things that he probably should of talked to his son both in comfort to the loss of his mum and the lack of her presence as well as general life lessons that needed to be done but despite all the errors they made as they struggled together Harold had managed to keep his son on the track to a bright future and a good education. The out come was another man who was just as emotionally decayed as as his father after the death of the boys mother but none the less they kept a good relationship between the two of them. The boy went on to become a civil engineer and worked on Environmental friendly power plants for the most time and fiddling with gadgets and electronics when he had his jobs finished; just like his dad he become a relatively busy body silent type. A history of stressed relations due to the times did not however come across the last set of kin from enjoying another company and making time respectively to have fun with one another, the two had a thing for getting away from society due to the hard science nature of their jobs which they chose to do by taking rambles, treks and hikes around the nearby areas and sometimes much more further locations when the time and money was open to them.

Harold at this point had been specifically interested in wandering around a small set of high hills and mountains closest to the lands of new York with his son, both of them prepared for the trip and had genuine fun but...unluckily it was at this time the fey had ventured forth into the material world, a love of blizzards don't have a good consequence for humans; especially if they are out in the lands alone with no way to get back to civilization without a ten mile walk nor does it help when the youngest member loses his grip on the frosty rocks and breaks his leg, bleeding out and dropping his phone out of his pocket from a twenty foot high steep, rocky hill with the only other member of the pair forgetting to charge up the one he had before he left. Details aren't important, to put in short and easy terms the son did not survive the cold with an injury and sadly died of hypothermia in a cave being cuddled by his father in an attempt to keep him warm.

Ever since that day Harold hasn't been the same man.

So begins...

Harold Chester's Story


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The Long Winter

A theme of static broke the silence here, a scattering of hectic,rambling sounds and broken notes of life splintered in confusion to assume the form of nothing but a mumbling of an incoherent nature from the devices of man was all that the offspring of the mind had to offer to their masters near the vicinity at this time, the lack of in sync nature of the randomly blurted out frequencies gave the impression that noises themselves where of a chaotic nature in a crowded street; like a volley of spiders tapping their hard insectoid shells against the ground as they mustered their bodies over one another, around their kin and tackling through. At least, that what the heightened static gave the impression of if it didn't have the obvious artificial transparent fakeness to its electronic undertones. The sound emitted from a TV, one which had been unattended, pouring forth a glow into the world that was a slight shaded white and thus lighting up its own edges that held the digital world within its belly while also laying down its illuminating gazes upon the piece of wood below its frame and finally a dark green blanket of fur that layered the floor as a carpet within the devices domain.

The TV itself was black all the way through, of course with the typical days technology it also had the width barely the side of a finger while being lengthy enough to match a small mans torso, the light devoid tint that made its coat was sprinkled and stained with reflections that sparked up upon its own soften, rounded and borderline cylinder edges from the Television own glow: the same light that was the only real thing warding off the shades in the house from totally swarming the landscape in the embrace of darkness. A wooden shelf supported the media contraception from laying on upon the floor while having several DVDs of various colors and names stored away in its small but open compartments. The room itself was in had little to offer to the eyes, especially in the dark but from one could make out in the shadows the carpet did indeed cover the whole ground and didn't abruptly end. A set of walls stood tall and unsullied but failed to spark off much of an imagination as they simply stayed as a blue, a vague blue that lacked the tenacity of the summer sky or the depth of a ocean. To put it bluntly: it was shallow water if one could be kind enough to call it that as it had the aesthetic appeal as a prison wall..dull, gloomy and neutral in its intensity.

Sitting directly opposite from the static puking box was a large, brown armchair, carrying the same swirl of color to it that a sun bathed beach ground would carry.. Its two sides both fat and well endowed to support any set of limbs to be placed upon them in a sea of soft fabric that appeared to be a mixture of various mixture of polyesters, clothe and whatever else the manufacturers could jam in to make it more durable and cozy. The overall design shared the same qualities, a big mess of baggy pillows with over hanging skin which would drown the sitters spine in its own soft mass. It was about metre and a half from the TV, away and finally hidden in the corner was a couch of leather, black. Typical black leather pair of attached seats that just been abandoned; it didn't even face the actual media device as that just turned its face away from it and to the one chair, leaving it to slumber in the dark alone in the shade swallowed environment.

The lack of light in the room became clear after a momentary scanning of the area revealed a pale and mild white breeze of light reaching out of a set of curtains that hung within a few feet behind the couch and TV, the sheets covering from one end of the room to the other with only half a metre left to make the walls that led to the corners: the lights outside themselves though bright didn't reach beyond a few inches at best from behind the grey sheets, the both of them rolled down with a small string sitting besides them to make one able to pull the fabric up to look at the world. As the static filtered the air of any silence a secondary sound slowly emerged from none existence to join the song of ambiance that was now marching as far and widely as it could around the area.

At first it was unintelligible, or rather more along the lines of too introverted amidst the rains drops of various notes that was being let out but after a moment or two to gain some sense of momentum the extra dance partner to the atmosphere soon revealed it self to be a rising intake of breath from a set of two nostrils that widen with each passing second. The same nostrils that where attached to a misshapen flock of hair that now rested on a wooden desk that stopped the sleeper from from letting his face meet the floor, the same desk that was also sporting a set of cups that where carried the small lakes and stains of liquor within the cracks of their inner shells, two sitting next to him while a half empty bottle of vodka sat on the other side of his body as he rested his eyes within the dark. His breath getting more indepth which was followed by a slight twitch of his arm before the bundles of grey hair started to arise from the pit that he made out of the two upper limbs he had, pulling his face out of it enough to look forward up at the world with his set of hazel eyes before driftingly letting them blink, making the the set of wrinkles that lined his sides more indepth as he did so before allowing himself to look at the world once more.

the eyes first sat upon the static before letting themselves look upon the windows and bellow out in a deep toned but barely awake voice between his arms "snowing..." it was dismissive, it lashed out with just enough aggravation and just enough apathy at the white light that poured forth from the sides of the windows to make his discomfort known, before finally pushing his face back into the embrace of the wooden desk. A small, muffled sigh entered the scene as his shoulders extended upwards and then slowly relaxed into his default state before his head raised again to look upon the room he was in. The mans neck and face was littered with a large varying degree of snow flake white hair and lifeless grey threads to accumulate a scruffy beard over his flesh. The bags under his eyes gave an indication that his sleep just a moment ago didn't do the job, only proven further on by his half hearted attempt at pushing himself away from the desk and into a standing position, causing the chair he was sitting on to almost fall over before hitting its head against a mid section of the wall behind him.

Within a span of seconds he was now clutching the small rope that moved away to show the outside world, giving it a firm tuck with his bony decorated hand. arching his back over to look at the bottom as he did so while the grey was uplifted and withdrawn from the world and in its place was a town least there would be if he could see past the blankets of snow that engulfed everything or the big pieces of frost that was serenely letting themselves descend from the sky: also not visible due to the same falling pearl colored amassment of ice. Harold only managed to let out an equally big sigh at the sight, his nose sucking up the air and blowing it out in a loud sign of displeasure at it all while he let his head shake a little from side to side "of course..." he let off in the same disgruntled tone at it all. The static still blaring, caching another quick look from him as he was so close now and finally took it upon himself to approach it before a loud "clang" hit the air with a small sound of something soft being scratched and stroked by steel. Newspaper.

A glance over his shoulder occurred before finally pressing the button on the TV, stopping the static once and for all before walking into the hallway and grabbing the paper "End this fucking snow..." he let off as he picked up the booklet of information, not bothering to open it up but did at least uncurl it and peek at the front page "HEADLINE: Hypothermia reaches all time highs in New York" it said simply with nothing but hospital bed, an image that only made Chester curl the bottom of his eyes and let his head tilt just enough to show a weak disgust as it all "with the winter lasting longer than ever, the appearance of new attribute to the cold weather and the demand for more heat. The board of the GHC has risen their prices dramatically, Poverty and the old suffer the consequences" with that he could only bring himself to let his fingers spread apart the paper to take a quick look at one page. A vampire posed for a picture "teenage girl deaths at the hand of vampires have risen dramatically: Is the latest release of Twilight to blame for these rise in-" he definitely couldn't bring himself to read that, not that and so he flicked one more page "were parlors more successful than they ever have been in the last four years thanks to the migrations of weres to new york; investors are thoruoghl-" and with that he simply threw it on the floor. It didn't warrant any more attention by the old man.

"too much to ask for..." he simply let out when the news once again failed to deliver anything good in terms of the ever lasting state of frost the country has been enduring for ages.


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#, as written by Layla

The skies were cruel. The young woman wondered for long moments as she watched the snowflakes tumble from the skies, unsure of their destination. The clouds had unclasped their seat belts, allowing their children to spill from their wombs and fill with an icy emptiness along the way. They would fall, fall and fall, not knowing of their fates until the very end when they shattered upon pavements or into the heated palms of mortals. She wondered as to why a parent would lead their children to their deaths and an unexplainable guilt slithered up her spine, into and beneath her skin.

"I don't know who you are.. All I know is you are going to die of cold if we don't warm you up, that body you have isn't made for extreme cold. Come with me inside, we can worry about figuring out who you are in there," said the man before her. The grey ice dug into her flesh, pushing past the thin material of her soaked dress of white. She pressed her back against the rough bricks behind her, observing the man's gold eyes with a curious contemplation. She felt no doubt, being as trustworthy as a newborn child who'd not yet learned to walk or hate.

"If you do not know who I am, why do you care for me?" She tilted her head to the side, standing gingerly and wobbling on her knees made of bones that felt more like shortbread. The cold surface behind held her upright as she leaned against it, her pale existence a mark of light in the darkness of the alley. Apricot lights painted strawberry blonde streaks in her long hair, crimson soaking into her soft lips and amber bleeding into their gold eyes. The sunset cast a mesmerising glow over the snow capped mounds of buildings, the beauty only interrupted by the heavy black coats of people bustling about. They were too busy with places to go and people to meet in preparation for tomorrow to live today.

Soft fingertips touched Azriel's cheek, dancing lightly along his immortal face and tracing the hard line of his jaw. The strange girl's eyes faded from one shade of gold to another, puzzlement drawing her brows lightly together as she struggled to recreate the beauty of his orbs. "You have strange eyes," she whispered, her accent familiar as if she were imitating his. Her voice was near dazzling, as if it'd be able to choke mortals and render them motionless with it's sound of thick honey and eerie winds of night.

The woman turned, each elegant movement as if choreographed. She drifted through the snow like a ghost, walking towards the building the Vampire had gestured towards. Pausing before the strange slab of wall built within a wall, the girl stared at what was the door with utter confusion. Why would one build a wall within a wall? She pressed her palm against the door, pushing at it but receiving no response in return. "What is this odd mechanism? How does one remove the wall?" she asked absentmindedly, poking and prodding the edges of the wall to no avail. She looked at the sign on the door that read 'Pull.' "Pull?" she echoed. She looked at the curved metal on the door, wondering if it was safe or if it was some trigger for a curse. Taking a breath of bravery, she nodded towards the Vampire as one soldier would another. Her long fingers curled around the handle of the door. She pulled.

There was a gust of warmth and a surprised gasp as the wall came undone. "What a peculiar gate!" she exclaimed. A tentative step was taken, then another and another. The warmth emitting from the inbuilt heaters was heavenly, and she quickly raced deeper into the building, clutching both the red cape and jacket to her body. A man on his journey downstairs watched the frail woman with hunger and malice. The clockworks of his mind were spinning rapidly as he fantasised about the things he could do to her and how he would achieve his goals.

When they'd entered the Vampire's humble abode, she gazed around like a small child who'd just discovered the existence of places outside of home. "You live in a box," she said, taking an unbalanced step forward. The walls were very flat and the ceilings were as well, with no sign of murals. Everything was very... Square. She spun on the balls of her feet, spinning around and around like a toddler learning to dance ballet. Yet, there was an almost inhuman grace to her clumsiness. She paused, looking at Azriel with a trust children reserved only for their mothers. "I am weary," she stated. She walked through the doors and into Azriel's bedroom, nodding at the bed within it in approval as if she'd just concluded it was the only normal thing in the entire place. She climbed onto the bed and crawled beneath the covers, tucking the thick blankets beneath her chin. After wiggling about for the most comfortable position, she shut her eyes and fell asleep.

ImageLight sang. Her voice carried none of the power it once did, having been dimmed to a flicker of candlelight. Rather than being powerfully haunting and deep, it was merely... Cute. That was, if one thought ghosts could sound cute. It was as if an ocean had transformed into a shallow - but lovely - stream after years of drought. Her long dress drifted along the grass made of cotton, that had been made from gold, emerald and sapphire. The rocks were translucent as if each were rare mountains of moonstone. Trees bowed before the High Queen, their branches lowered in respect. Despite the kaleidoscope of light dancing along the ivory walls of the enchanting Faerie Realms, a darkness seemed to loom overhead. The atmosphere was subdued, the world void of creatures and sound except for that of the singing Queen.

The stillness was the equivalent of a post-apocalyptal world within the Faerie Realms. No human-sized butterflies batted their crystal faceted wings against gossiping flowers, no obsidian streams cascaded into the skies and no stars gleamed in daylight. Order wandered, her presently amber eyes unseeing as she wandered amongst the lifeless. Her bare feet made no sound, their movements as seemingly stationary as the moonstone rocks they passed.

Freckles of snow tumbled from the skies.


"Which part of 'adapt to human technology' and 'keep your bloody tracker on' do you not understand, Leau?" Kiser growled, cracking his knuckles and his neck. "Did you hear a thing I said? Do you know what I think when IPAF agents don't respond to their calls, Unidentified Flying Ass?" he hissed. "I think they're dead. Dead, Leau. And you know what I think when I think you're dead? I think 'Well, damn. That's an extra fifty bucks to clean up her dead body parts.'" The Werelion slapped Leau across the back, a gesture that was meant to show all was forgiven but he still distrusted her, but instead - most likely - aggravated the Fey's wounds.

Kiser turned away from the Fey, brisk walking away from the IPAF agents behind him to tuck himself in a secluded corner. He pulled his personal phone from his jean's back pocket - as for his upper body, he was shirtless, that being nothing unusual - and dialled a familiar number. "Harold, my old man," Kiser said. Harold's wife had been Kiser's aunt, of sorts. She'd been a good friend of his mother's and a family friend. Family friends to Weres were as good as family and they protected those people with their very lives. That was both a strength and weakness when it came to Weres, they were incredibly loyal, especially to family. When Harold's wife and Kiser's aunt had died of a brain tumour, the Burntwood clan - yeah, don't laugh - had mourned for months. Harold was a bit of a kink in the head. It was as if he'd been a stuffed pillowcase and when his wife and son had passed away, the seams that held his stuffing together had come undone. Still, Harold was a good man and more importantly, did not like the Fey.

"I need a favour," he said without pause. "I need you to find out all you can about the Fey. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm in the IPAF but they're hiding things from us," he whispered before correcting himself. "From us. They keep the Fey they capture, Harold, and they put them in these suspicious laboratories. I mean, I've always known about them and they tell us it's for 'the study of how to defeat the Fey' but that sounds like a load of bull. Iron and/or decapitate. How simple is that? But, no, see, there was this creepy scythe-wielding Faerie and he smelled like power, Harold. He reeked of power. Not the normal immortal Vampire stink but I mean, he smelled weird. Different from the other Fey I've fought." Kiser was speaking fast and more than he normally did but the adrenaline pumping through his veins urged him to continue.

"That's where you come in. You're not with the IPAF, you have nothing better to do and you hate the Fey. We're next to the Grill House. That's 1991 Bronxdale Avenue. Tell me what you know. Call me, in a completely non-homosexual way. I'm just not into that, grandpa," Kiser joked before ending the call without waiting for Harold's reply. The Werelion walked towards the car, the icy winds throwing his hair about his face. The blizzard seemed to be getting worse and...

"Why, Rorgen. Why would you drive such a nice car in the middle of a blizzard." Kiser frowned at the limp figure in the backseat and at the colourful blood that spilled from the boy. Its perfection was irritating, as always. "That's going to be a sucker to clean." The Werelion slipped into the passenger seat beside his fellow Were, taking Rorgen's hand in his in the way Weres often greeted one another: by crushing each other's fingers. Kiser clenched his close friend's hand, a competition to see who could crack who's hand first. Kiser grinned, his teeth so white, it was nearly blinding. "At least it's not my car."


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Character Portrait: Harold Chester
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The long Winter-part 2

(OOC note: The following is back in time, when I state him getting the message from kiser he will be at the current time line with everyone else)

The single ray of white light leaked within the front room like that of the TV, yet the complexion of the ethereal particles managed to be a whole new level of pale compared to the former glow that once emitted from the whinging gut of the mechanical box beforehand. The heighten tint that fell within its gaze manage to metamorph from there original colors into much more sickly versions of themselves, as if the world that fell within the winters sight shriveled up into a depressed prison like alternation of itself under the knowledge of what the world has become or perhaps simply of what snow was threatening to do them soon if the walls around ever fail to hold back the mounds of drifting frost from the sky. That lights reach was only so far, it had but a small opening to pour through but despite its quantity it still managed to contrast heavily against the shady atmosphere of the room that Harold was just in, managing to make the small glow to be spotted from the hallway the man was in.

The aging vessel stood in the hallway for a moment, his recent dissatisfaction at the news was still fresh on the mans face as he kept his gaze upon it as he peeked towards the ground for a moment before letting his eyes slide back onto the flowing light that was standing within his front room, its radiating effect managing to just be in the corners of his vision before looking at a wall without entering his living room. One of the grizzled, grey eyes brows upon his head lifted it self in an arch like manner when inspecting it once more, though he had a good look earlier it seems that the apathetic laze in his movements had dissipated a little after having been slapped by the harsh going on in the world once again for another day "Hmm.." he merely let off in a small thought as he moved to the entrance to look at it spread upon his floor like that of a liquid being thrown into his house before lifting his chin up to face the window that called it forth and finally at the wooden desk he had been sleeping upon but only a moment ago.

"Must be midday at least..." he voiced to himself with a mild folding of his eyes, a lift of his cheeks that was not spurned on by a smile but by a slight reaction to the idea that his slumber had taken such a amount of time from him as he peered at the intensity of the day. Midway? Who knows, really with the snow this thick there wasn't really a true indication of the time besides from the keepers of man made machines and the changes of daylight between depressing gray, blinding light and contrasting night but none the less he couldn't let his eyes relax as he stood there and soaked in the thought of such a time while both of his withered brows lifted a little as well before finally coating his back in a series of heightened shades by turning away on the snowy projector from outside the shelter of his home and simply let his boots hit the floor as he walk from the front room again.

Two men entered the scene, one was always there and the other had showed up unannounced, both of them had the same brown eyes that swirled between a toffee mixture and the lifeless lack of glow that only a dead tree in the most Grime of stories could obtain. Both of them had the equal tone of skin that manage to gaunt itself while being showered in a wave of many grey hairs upon their cheeks and by the end of their bones, each leading to the ears. the both of the two kept a long look at one another with a set of slightly baggy and tired eyes that each seem to crack at the sides. Each of those men just stood there for a breath as they soaked their gaze in the image of the person before them before the pair turned to look at the tap to the right. A grab and a twist later activated a spilling of water from the nose of the construction; transparent liquid letting off a mild fog from its form before getting the tap knob twisted back a small amount and decreasing the outflow to a smaller pillar of water. The sound of the liquid hitting the plain green ceramic sink was the only ambiance that emerged to fill the air while the man stared upon the mirror at the copy of his present self.

Harold simply let his fingers fall under the water, filling the small indent that made his palm before raising its up and letting the mounds of hot water fall over his face as he gave it a quick flick of the wrist at himself, his hand following suite and pulling a little on his skin before sliding off to reveal a slightly more blushed persona before him due to the heat of the water. Chester shoulders rose up an inch as he breathed in a deep amount of air while peering at his own eyes once more or rather the bags that lingered beneath them; a sign of a set of observers that had witness a lot lately yet had not experience the daily needs of a simple rest, the heavy bruise like skin patch between their black tints hardly seemed lessened or relaxed due to the sleep he obtained just earlier. Harold kept his gaze on the stranger that stood before him still for a moment, letting the swirling of the gushing water soak into his mind as it fluttered around the room with its clashes and smacks upon itself before finally reaching to the mirror and pulling it open to reveal a set of hygienic items and medicine.

A little while later he had come out of the bathroom with his body losing the stink of a whole night slumber in his clothes and the odor of staining alcohol yet his hair and beard was still as scruffy, messy and unsettled as before but at least the layer of grease upon it had be cleansed off for another day. He had taken it upon himself to redress within that time too, now donning a burly red jumper and some simple gray jogging bottoms. Despite his wash he was clearly not thorough with it all and rushed, the skin on his body still looked gaunt and uncared for, rough and his over complexion looked only slightly rejuvenated from pale and sickly self. The look on his face was one that hardly seem to be very refreshed spiritually either by giving himself a clean over, the apathetic stare was still lingering in his orbs and a severe lack of any glint or spark in his orbs was present as they where the day his son had passed away.

His bathroom was connected to his bedroom, this room was just as bare as his living one but not the less it had a bed that was made for two and a set of desks. The curtains here where open which is a fact he didn't let go amiss as he peered at the intensity of the harsh conditions outside with a still set of eyes, He pulled a face that seemed to lack expression for a moment before curling into a slight pull of the lip and raise of the brows at it all. The gaze he gave was one that seemed to be stuck to the scene yet his tilt of his head was an opposing force that weakly tried to withdraw from it which all finally climaxed into a loud sigh after a few seconds of this. "Fucking snow..." He cursed out in a voice that managed to be covered in acid yet failed to have the strength to be extended into hate. With the realization of what awaited him, he plucked his coat as he left into the hallway from a nearby hook and let it hide cover his body before having to look upon the door he was at once more. The place which he called his home was small as anyone could tell by now and with nowhere else to go but outside he simply found himself unable to turn the handle. It took steps, steps that had to be made to ensure his hands could twirl the door knob and release the weather that he looked upon outside onto himself.

"Come on..." he whispered to himself, a silent utter of weak demand from his lips towards his own ears as Harold allowed let his shoulders rise up a little and the two eye lids fall over his dim observers, immersing himself in darkness as he let those fingers bent and wrap around the metal handle in a much tighter manner, covering it all like that of a set of snakes that where trying to constrict a prey to death "You can do this..." another whisper into the air assured before finally creating a squeak of the lock getting itself dislodged from the doorway; albeit slowly and reluctantly " got to do this..." he let off in a final voice, one that had lost a lot of its stability and now shaked just a little with just the most barely visible shiver of his body before getting tightened and reigned back in by his muscles as he finally let the entrance to the outside world spread apart.