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Humans, Vampires, and Werewolves - Oh My!



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Dani Leiber [344] "Woof, I guess."
Integra [344] an affluent young man with an uncertain past. Aloof and distant, Integra is closed off to most fellow humans

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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra nodded. "weelll....." He gulped as he sat there. He had begun to sweat by now, the moisture collecting on his brow. His delicate fingers curled into the unknown seat exterior. He was not upset, but wasnt exactly in his current situation. "I may be just a little bit afraid of most motor vehicles." Integra squinted his eyes as the vehicles cheap brakes rode over a slight bump and the shocks set the car rumbling.

He could feel his heart in his mouth, he did not understand why this car was different than the others. He swallowed again and turned to Dani. "What do i look?" he said, suddenly remember that she hadnt finished her thought. He wrinkled his petite little nose, slightly worried she was mocking him. The car rode over another speed bump and he could not take it anymore "Stop the car." The chauffeur hitched to a quick halt and Integra practically fell out of the car.

Integra laid on the ground, his hands and knees feeling the hard gravel beneath him as he wretched. He vomitted, letting his lunch from that day pour onto the pavement. He could feel his ghost white face turn even whiter as he puked. It was not a pretty sight, but he continued to vomit.

A short time later Integra returned to the car. He slumped back down into the car and turned to Dani "well... that certainly was... unexpected." He laughed a little, but was fine, his face shortly returning to a regular shade of white


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Dani watched Integra curiously. She was a little concerned about him. Is that sweat? Something was definitely off about him. Then he said it. Afraid of... I guess I should have known that. He did not seem to be doing well as he spoke to her.

Dani scooted as close to the open door as she could without disturbing Integra's personal space. He had instructed the chauffeur to stop the car. He began puking. Dani did not watch him, but kept close to the door in case something were to happen. The act of puking was not disgusting to her at all. The smell was unpleasant, but she disregarded it.

After Integra re-entered the car, Dani just looked at him with concern. "Would you rather call and have someone bring another car?" she asked. She looked at the chauffeur and then back at Integra.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra sat in the car, hearing the passing cars flash by in a blur of dark metal and motion. Dani asked him a question that he would have regarded as silly and his face plumed scarlet red. He looked away, feeling his face grow hot, "No, i... I am fine now i just had a sudden.... um...." his voice trailed off and he waved the car onward. The engine roared to a start through the magic of human combustion engineering.

Oh gosh. Integra wiped the dark black strings away from his hair, like so many threads wiped out of his vision. Had this come undone while i was puking? Integra cleared his throat, working his fingers backwards through his hair to tie it up and out of sight. "So Dani," Integra started up small talk as the car rumbled forward, the light on the horizon slowly dying away to full darkness. "What was growing up like...?"

He looked carefully at Dani, the question had come simple enough to him, his family had a very long lineage and he talked regularly about it. As he examined her face, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly with a smile. His thin brows arched as noted the little facets her face held Such a canine little girl...


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Dani couldn't help but smile as Integra's face grew red. He's blushing? Is he embarrassed? It was within her vision for less than a second before he looked away. He motioned for the driver to begin driving again. As she expected, he did. The car set off again. She had stopped to watch everything start up again and move around her, but then turned back to Integra. I guess now is a good time to let it go. I know enough. There's no need to push it.

Integra began pulling his hair back. As he did so, he began speaking to her again. She sat up slightly straighter when he said her name. What was growing up like? I don't understand why he'd want to know that... She relaxed in her seat again. "I guess it's very different from how you grew up. I was sent to the center you bought me from when I was old enough to leave the infant section of the breeding facility. I didn't really have a mother and father like normal humans do. I was bottle-fed the moment I was born and then raised in the center. Almost everyday was the same. Did you know that you can buy a vampire or werewolf while it is still nearly a baby? I heard that some people do it to raise the vampire or werewolf with a child of theirs. Some are bought at a young age for training," she explained.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra admired her cute petite features as she spoke. He was happy to hear her explaining something to him and was eager to learn more. He could not imagine being bred like a stock animal. I suppose a canine could be bottle-fed. They are just animals as the humans regard them. Integra wet his lips.

He ran his dominant hand through his hair "Were you one of the...? Infant companions?" He stopped for a second. He worried and for another moment his face began to feel hot and he turned away quickly. "Um..." He turned back to Dani, composing himself I hope this is not a sore subject... "If you don't mind me asking!" He said routinely , careful to maintain social graces.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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Dani offered a warm smile to Integra. Is he actually interested in this? I'm not boring him, am I? He does keep up a good face... He asked her a question. Maybe he does actually want to know. I don't think he's the type to ask a question if he isn't really interested in knowing. A light laugh escaped her throat. "I don't mind, and no. You're the first to ever buy me. Why are ou so interested in knowing all of a sudden?" She watched Integra again.


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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra was delighted to hear Dani talk. Her smooth velvet purr of a voice made his lips curl into a natural smile. "I," he coughed clearing his throat. "I was eager to hear of the origins of my bodyguard." Integra looked out the window as if to disregard the whole matter. He wrinkled his nose. "The first? Good to hear it. You can add last to that tittle also..." He trailed off as he rolled the window down with the push of a button.

The air filled the car, rumbling along smoothly, the evening sun had set and the car sat carefully in public traffic. Something large was impeding the roadway. Integra was unaware of the origin. "I'm sorry." He frowned as he admired the large traffic jam in front of him. "You're still a relatively young puppy" He smiled again, laughing at his own joke. "Yes i had not thought about that... You're very young arent you..."

Integra ruffled her hair as the car slowly rolled along. The atmosphere was light as he talked slowly about her. "I suppose being young makes you rash. You're a young parent" He gestured towards Nitro absentmindedly with the flick of a wrist. "Tsk tsk Dani. You've failed to uphold House Integra's traditional values." He continued to tease her.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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Dani smiled as he began to talk to her again. Bodyguard... I don't think that's really what I am. I am not treated like one. I think he wouldn't interact with me as much if I were a bodyguard. I'd be on duty as he went on his outings. I think I am more of a companion to him than anything.

Dani leaned against the side of the car and stared out the window when he did. Then his voice came again. She laughed. Last as well as first... I'm glad to hear that. He rolled the window down. She enjoyed looking out windows, but did not like the air in her face. The many scents overwhelmed her. The feel of it was also unpleasant unless it was a hot day.

The car came to a stop. It appeared that they were caught in traffic. Integra spoke to her again. Sorry? It's not his fault and it doesn't bother me. Does the traffic bother him? She didn't take much time to think about it before he spoke again. A young puppy... is eighteen really young? Her eyes never left him as he continued to talk about her age. She wrinkled her nose when he ruffled her hair. Her arms tightened around Nitro when he mentioned the pup. "I'm not that young. He's a puppy. We're pets," she said, trying to defend herself. Dani was not always quick to catch on to teasing and making jokes, so she sat there and wondered what Integra was getting at.


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#, as written by Sepokku
The moment continued along pleasantly. Finally after some teasing Integra laughed and threw his arms around Dani. "You sure are a cute dog too" he kissed her cheek carefully, feeling his alabaster lips brush against her soft skin. "You're quite young in the eyes of the world child." His hands ran across the amulet from her neck, tracing its elegant design and feeling the cold medal refreshingly in his hand.

Now is the time. Integra leaned forwards. He kissed Dani's cheek again, then moved abruptly in his seat. He kissed her on the lips, carefully and precisely. He reached forward, pulling her face slightly towards his and he kissed her mouth gently again. He closed his eyes, the soft darkness enveloping his vision. He kissed her again, gently pulling her towards him. "Dani..." He smiled, whispering her name in between kisses.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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Dani sighed and relaxed a little when Integra finally stopped teasing her. She gladly accepted his hug. It was a sort of relief to her that he did not seem to really think any less of her. Cute? Well, I guess that makes things a little better... He kissed her cheek. She looked away in attempt to hide her blush. Integra's fingers were light on her neck as he touched the pendant she always wore. She felt calm and relaxed where she was.

Dani blushed as Integra kissed her cheek again. Then he began kissing her lips. She was stunned at first. Then he pulled her face closer to his and she kissed him back. She watched him close his eyes and closed her own when he moved in to kiss her again. This time he pulled her toward him. His voice whispered her name before he kissed her again. Dani was not sure how she should feel, but knew that she did not dislike it. "Yes?" she asked in a whisper in response to him saying her name.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra stared deep into Dani's eyes. In that singular moment time froze around him. However , time is constant and in a moment he could hear a dull roaring sound. There was loud abrupt noises screaming at him soon. Integra looked up and realization quickly ran across his face. This is a main highway. Something major would have to happen in order to hold it up... He looked out the front windshield, feeling Dani's warm skin contour to his as he writhed around.

A few people were running away from traffic. He could see a couple at first, people sprinting madly away from the scene. "Crazy people..." He dismissed it entirely at first but soon the select few were joined by many other people. Integra's eyes glinted in the light. Many people were running in the opposite direction now. They all look terrified. Integra suddenly gasped. His eyes widening. He rolled quickly , pressing his tight suited body against the car door. "Some... Someone." Integra shook his head, feeling panic rise in his throat as he felt bile rise in his mouth. He tapped at the earpiece in his head.

"DEAD!!!" Integra threw the tiny implant against the window. He smoothed the hair from his face as sweat began to pool around his face. "Dani..." He struggled to maintain a calm face. "Dani, there is something happening and it may be..." He breathed outward, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. The chauffeur was trying awkwardly to call someone. Integra's mouth grew dry. "I... I never had to..." His eyes filled with dread as he turned towards Dani. "Dani. I cannot contact anyone right now.... I... Im not sure what to do." The car lurched suddenly, as if a car very far up had been smashed into the rest creating a domino effect. The old car's glass shattered. Integra screamed unceremoniously like a little girl.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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Dani was fully comfortable where she was. However, a low noise caught her attention. She sat quietly and listened. A few people had run by. Integra said they were crazy people. Dani thought of it as odd for sure, but there seemed to be something wrong. It was confirmed when more people appeared to be running in the same direction. Fear and panic were obvious in their expressions.

Integra began to panic a bit. Dani looked out each of the the windows to observe their surroundings. He began speaking to her in his panic. His device is dead. That means Samuel won't know that Integra is in this mess, whatever is going on. We need to get away from here then. She felt a jolt and the car's windows shattered. Dai grabbed Integra's hand and pushed the door open. "We have to get out. Don't run straight back. Go off to the side," she yelled as she jumped out of the car and yanked Integra out with her. She dragged Integra with her up the highway as fast as she could. They needed to get a bit further up before they could move off to the side and out of the way of whatever was happening. "We have to hurry," she said, her voice suddenly urgent and commanding.

Dani had done whatever she needed to make sure Integra was with her the entire time. People continued to run in fear and panic straight down the highway between the stopped cars. Dani kept taking him further and further away. She stopped them in a slight slope. It seemed far enough that they could run if they needed to and get a decent head start, but it was close enough to allow them to hear the commotion on the street. "Are you okay?" she asked Integra with concern heavily shown in her expression.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra's face was ghost white, even more so than usual. "Dani... I'm scared. I recognize what im hearing i mean..." Integra looked away as he heard a loud shrieking noise. The night was engulfing and he was out of breath. A tear raced down his face as he swallowed bard. "I've never had to defend myself before. Dani. Dani..." There was a loud shriek, presumably from a blooded creature hunting in the fresh night.

Integra clung to Dani, following carefully on her heels. He was in shock, numbly following her as fast as he could. By the the air was filled with screams. The highway had erupted into a full on massacre. Local law enforcement was trying to contain the incident, humans were running in panic. Various wolves were off the leash tearing into hordes of pale-faced ghouls trying to defend their masters. Integra held onto dani carefully, afraid to abandon her safety. "Dani..." His eyes continued to tear up as they ran from the scene.

Intera's heels were tearing, the shoes were definitely not meant to be trekking it home on foot. Law enforcement had failed to contain the incident and they continued to flee. They ran along silently. Integra was unsure what happened to his private security. His stomach churned as they ran. He lurched to a halt. Something is... Integra's intuition kicked in abruptly and he managed to turn and catch sight of a dark figure dashing at him.

"Da..." The air was dashed from his chest as the figure tumbled into him. The person was definitely warm-blooded. Integra could feel the mush of life as it pressed into him. The figure clung to him as they rolled. He held it at arm's length but could feel it clawing for his throat. "Dan" Integra struggled to catch his breath. He coughed again, as the figure rolled on top of him. The shadow was tall, with a burlap type mask obscuring his face. There was a symbol too dark to make out emblazoned on his front. The figured held a sharp object above its head, trying desperately to impale Integra "Dani, help!"


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Dani stuck close to Integra and kept her senses alert. He recognizes what we're hearing? He knows what this is? She did not notice that he had stopped. Many sounds pierced the night air. What is going on?! Dani found herself a little overwhelmed. Something unusual was definitely occurring.

It seemed as if things were moving everywhere. She was not sure if she would be able to escape it. The majority of the action seemed to be closer to the highway, but it was stretched out enough that there was a bit of movement around them. It will probably be much worse soon enough. We have to figure out how we're going to get out of here... We need to find a safe place- Her thoughts were cut off by the sound of a male's voice calling her name.

Dai quickly tore her clothes from her body and jumped into a shift before running off to find the familiar voice. She felt a low rumble in her chest as she snarled. Integra! She darted straight at the figure above Integra and jumped to pull them off of him. It was successful, but the figure struck out at her. She grabbed the figure and sank her teeth into its throat. As she did so, the sharp object was at her shoulder. Dani yelped and released the figure's throat. The body seemed to lay there, motionless. She moved toward Integra and nudged him with her nose to see if he was okay. A concerned whine seemed to be endlessly coming from her as she walked all around Integra.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra lay in the ground gasping for breath. He was perspiring wildly and obvious not in good health. "Dani... Ah la la..." He smiled up at her rubbing her head. With a slump he suddenly lay still. His chest rose and fell carefully, breathing evidently but suddenly motionless. He was quiet, but the night was loud. The man who had attacked Integra was obviously not alone.

The night was loud roaring together into a loud mesh. Dani curled protectively around Integra, doing her best to keep him safe. He moved, unable to comprehend what was happening. Boots crunched against gravel. All at once Integra and Dani were surrounded. Several figures rose above them, wearing the same bags on their head as Integra's attacker. The symbol was more clear, however and Dani could clearly see that a cross was on the bags.

They were surrounded and unable to escape. The figures surrounding them did not move, but stood a safe distance away. A large hooded figure walked forward. The bag on his head was different. The emblazonment was of two silver coins. They were detailed but not greatly. The large figure spoke. "Leave him with us young one. This does not concern you child." The figure held a large golden staff, topped with a silver Ankh. His hands were thin and covered in a sort of dull metal. The night seemed to grow oddly silent around them.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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Dani whined as she watched Integra. It was obvious that he was not well. She did not know exactly what condition he was in, but it worried her. The sound of others seemed to be all throughout the area, Her ears were kept up and alert as well as her nose. A growl escaped her throat every time she heard as much as a rustle in the bushes.

Integra moved. It was then apparent that they were surrounded. Dani's fur stood on end as she viciously growled at the nearest figures. Each of the figures seemed to be wearing bags over their heads bearing the same emblem: a cross. Dani stood over Integra. Her body was ready to advance toward anyone who took a step toward him. Only one seemed to do so. The emblem on this figure's bag was not the same as the others. She took mental note of this and assumed he was their leader. He spoke out to her. Leave him? He's all I have. I'm not leaving him. Her upper lip rose as she revealed her teeth. The growl in her throat grew louder.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
The man with a cross in his head spoke again. "This is a foolish decision dear wolf." He raised the large staff to the sky, as if to call upon something divine. Integra's hand moved, he grabbed Dani's paw, moving slowly but with assured movement. "Shh..." He stroked Dani's fur carefully, trying to calm her down. The man wearing burlap on his head spoke. "Lord Integra Von Hellsing." He waved the staff with a broad sweep of his arm "The Inquisition condemns you to death."

Integra stood up, his inky black hair wild, hanging in a shroud around his face. "Death?" He took a step forward, tip-toeing towards the group. "That is an impossibility for me." His eyes glowed in the moonlight , the milky white eyes refracting light in the moonlight. He smiled , his teeth suddenly long and pointed. The circle that had formed around Dani and Integra stepped slowly outward. The inquisition was well trained. They knew Integra's capabilities and feared him indubitably.

With a lurch of quick movement, Integra moved forward, his pale white arms. The circle around them did not move, their arms suddenly heavy and thick. The air grew suddenly cold. Integra lifted the man from the ground, his hand was tight, gripping the man's windpipe and cutting off circulation. The men around them began to freeze, their robes frosted over in sudden white snow. Integra's skin glowed like paper white snow, mirroring the frost that covered the ground. The staff fell from the man's hand, his body suddenly limp. The body fell as Integra walked away, back to Dani.

The men stood frozen in a circle around them. Integra kicked one down to make a sudden exit way, the man's body shattering on impact of the ground. "So..." He said addressing Dani again abruptly. "You're one sexy little dog. What is your name?" Integra said wrinkling his nose. The temperature grew suddenly warmer as Integra laughed, his inky black hair shaking as his body rolled.


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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Dani stood firmly over Inetgra. She whimpered slightly when Integra grabbed her paw, but did not move or relax her muscles any. A snarl tore from her throat as the man spoke of Integra being condemned to death. The man she wished to defend rose. Dani could not stop him from doing so. She watched him address the man. They all seemed to have some sort of sudden fear of him because they appeared to stand their ground less firmly.

Then the temperature dropped dramatically. Dani looked around and found that the men had been frozen. She crouched low to the ground. Integra lifted the man from the ground. Dani wondered where the sudden courage to face the ma came from. Everything seemed to change so suddenly. The men around them had completely frozen over and the man in front of them was dead on the ground. Dani watched Integra walk back to her. She kept low to the ground and lightly licked his hand.

Dani followed Integra silently and obediently, but paused when he addressed her. A... sexy little dog? My name? Is he alright? She nudged his hand with her nose in slight concern. She was somewhat relieved when the temperature rose again, but it did not matter as much as before because she was a wolf.


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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra stretched raising his thing pale white arms above his head, it was dark out and the temperature was still not very pleasant. He looked towards Dani and began to unbutton his fancy suit jacket. He draped it over Dani, unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them back up towards his elbows. "Um," He bit his finger uncertainly for a moment looking awkwardly around. "I Kind of need an answer here. Do you work for me? What is your name...?" Integra walked carefully away, with quick strides avoiding the general chaos of the area.

With an abrupt halt he turned towards Dani. "I need to be able to talk to you." They were at a lull in the walk. Integra stopped for a moment. He hissed aloud, and with a puff of smoke he had a long white sheet of fabric. It was woven loosely together to form a sort of makeshift dress. He held it out, carefully over Dani and dropped it on top of her. He stepped away dramatically covering his eyes with his hands as he did so she was sure he would not peek.

He stood on the top of a long hill. Dani was by his side as they stood, she had Nitro by the scruff of his fur. Integra breathed a smooth circle into his hands, condensation forming and freezing into a sold mirror. The small one foot long by one foot long mirror reflected his eye as he looked into it. He held it between his index finger and his thumb, looking down at the carnage. "Sekhma Than" He hissed an ancient spell, breathing life into the thin mirror.

The reflection showed the driver who had fallen behind. Integra immediately murmured again flashing the image to one of his various other drivers. He whispered a short phrase and the mirror melted. He sat down, staring down at the scene before him, feeling the iced winter winds chill him to the bone.


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Dani stood still as Integra draped his suit jacket over her. He doesn't remember who I am? She was slightly offended at this, but did not make any attempt to show it. He began walking, so she followed him. Then he stopped again. He needs to be able to talk to me... I guess I should shift. She slowly approached and grabbed the dress from him, then quickly shifted and put it on.

Dani stood at the top of the hill with Integra. He appeared to have created a mirror with his own breath. He never told me he was... not fully human. I don't even know what he is. She held Nitro close to herself. Interga worked some more magic before finally sitting down. She sat beside him. "What are we doing now?" she asked quietly and hesitantly. Dani was not sure of him at the moment. He hardly seemed to be himself.


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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra sat on the hilltop. He was in a profound state of mind and a million miles away. "We...?" He turned to her, admiring her unique canine features. "What is your name my dear pup?" He rolled his shoulders, mildly concerned about the small girl before him. He pulled her close to him, letting the natural resistance to cold he had envelop her. They sat on the hilltop for a moment as he breathed cool air outward

"Well...?" He pulled Dani close to himself, awaiting the car that would whisk him to safety. "I assume you are... benevolent." He nodded and kissed her cheek softly "You were protecting me well enough..." He trailed of as he stared into space. "You're pretty... And that amulet." His eyes glowed white with a brilliant light. "You work for me then... So who are... you?" Integra admired the young canine draped in clothes he had summoned


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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Dani sat by Integra. She caught herself staring off into space when he spoke to her again. Her eyes were trained straight in front of them. Why doesn't he remember my name? He pulled her closer to him and she thought for a second that he finally remembered her.

Then he began listing his observations of her before asking her who she was again. She sighed. Her eyes slowly made their way to him. "I'm Dani, the werewolf you purchased not too long ago. What happened?" she asked, trying not to be offended that he didn't remember who she was. Will his memory come back or did something happen that took his memory with it?


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Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
The eerie moonlit night continued, wind blowing throughout the hill. He sat in silence for a moment. "Ri... Right" He nodded his head slightly, as if recalling a not all too forgotten thought. "Dani... What are... uh..." He looked at her, thinking things over a bit. "What is my job? Do you know my occupation?" Integra rolled his thumbs as he sat there, trying hard not to make himself look silly

They sat there as Integra questioned her, asking her various things that would be silly to have forgotten "What is my name? Where do we live? What day is it?" He asked a few more questions, then finally they sat there in silence. A small silver car pulled up behind them. An all-terrain multi purpose vehicle stood before them, the back hitched open on automatic hydraulic doors.

Integra smiled, he was tired of being out here. He was also eager to see his home. He stood up, making great pains to look normal. His eyes drifted down to Dani, and he reached down, picking her up. "Come on!" He laughed, carrying her to the vehicle. He set her inside and jumped into the small car. The door locked into place and began to roll along home.


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Dani pulled her legs closer to herself and wrapped her arms around them. It was cold being human outside during the night hours. especially in winter. She shivered and took a deep breath. A lot has happened since I've been here. At that thought, she quickly turned and looked at Integra. "Have thi- Oh. Never mind." She stopped herself from asking him if things have always been that way for him, but figured he wouldn't remember. The question would have been pointless to ask.

Integra began asking her questions of his own. His occupation? I don't think that has ever come up in conversation... He continued to ask his questions as they sat there. She answered them to the best of her ability. "I don't know what your occupation is. Your name is Integra as far as I know. We live... Well, I don't know the address. I am only familiar with the route there. I don't know what day it is either." She rested her forehead on her knees.

Her had popped back up at the sound of a vehicle pulling up behind them. She was about to stand on her own when Integra picked her up. A shy laugh escaped her as he carried her to the car. Some things never change... The thought was reassuring to her. She sat in her seat and watched him enter the vehicle as well. With that, they were on their way home.

Dani sat back in her seat. She watched everything move by in a blur as the car made its way to House Integra. What is going to happen once we get home? Is he even safe right now? He doesn't remember anything. What if there are more after him? What if there is someone else is after him? She turned her head to look at him again. I wonder if he knows anything...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dani Leiber Character Portrait: Integra
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra sat in the car, millions of things running carefully through his mind. My face hurts... Integra rubbed his hair and face together, a mess of inexplicable frustration as he sighed. He turned to Dani, looking carefully at her, it was slightly cramped in the vehicle and Integra's leg had begun to fall asleep. He ran his hand through his hair, a familiar motion and for a second he looked like the same Integra that Dani had left with that morning.

The car rolled along silently, Integra had assumed that the driver knew where he lived and he hoped dearly that it was not a blind gamble. He talked mindlessly to himself as he tried to make sense of the days happenings. "I woke up.... There was...? a man calling himself the Inquisition..." Integra looked at his hands, then about the car, thinking quietly now.

He laid down in Dani's lap, resting his chest on her knees and draping himself over her. "Humm..." He made a extremely melancholy sigh and laid there for a bit. "Dani...?" He bit his lip, carefully thinking over his next few words "How long have you worked for me Dani? Do we talk alot...?" he turned about, looking straight up and into Dani's eyes. What have I gotten myself into here...?