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Hunter's Game

Hunter's Game


1x1 between thedoctorscompanion and faddedfox, feel free to read along

1,247 readers have visited Hunter's Game since Thedoctorscompanion created it.



Magic, a horrible thing. A product of greed, envy, and destruction. Used by witches, monsters who dare to call themselves human, to terrorize innocent people. Casting spells to cause our children to fall ill, slipping potions to our best soldiers to drive them insane, using their demonic powers to burn our homes to the ground, even going as far as to raise our dead as their slaves. Anyone could be one of these, a brother, a sister, a wife, or a husband, there could even be one siting in this very room and you'd be none the wiser. These monsters are living in our cities, drinking our water, shopping at our stores, marrying our women, and worst of all they're coercing our children into partaking in their unholy rituals. But no longer, I Tobias Searl will take it upon myself to destroy these monstrosities, for the good Britain and humankind!

It was the year 1325 when Tobias Searl made that speech, proclaiming to the public the formation of the Crimson Moon Company. The public support for it was immense at first, word of the 12 members, each mounted on a steed as black as night who would go from town to town eliminating the monsters that terrorized them. As time passed, the witches became more wary, practicing in secret, and as the talk of witches began to slow, the talk of the Crimson Moon Company did as well.

From fact, to legend, to myth.

50 years passed, and though they weren't as well known as they used to be, the Crimson Moon Company, or the CMC, continued to hunt the witches. The children of the original CMC were trained from a young age to take up the roles of their parents, many of them not meeting anyone not a member of, or directly related to the CMC. A lonely life, but the one required to raise a witch hunter. After all, a monster in a human's skin still appears human. They can beg, plead, bribe, attempt to sway a hunter by any means possible. Trying to exploit their weaknesses to save their own pitiful life. To protect the integrity of the Crimson Moon Company they would have to keep them away from that influence.

The result, a group of trained assassins, who in a way are the perfect killing machines, but killing machines who know nothing outside their own 'family'. Taught to believe that there were good people, and there were monsters, with no first hand knowledge supporting this, but you know what they say.

Curiosity killed the cat

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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This situation royally sucked. Not only did he have to leave his home and everything that belonged to his family, but he was being hunted down like a dog. He had nowhere to run to and no one to ask for help. His family was long dead after all and who would help a witch running from the hunters? Anyone caught assisting his escape would also be taken in for questioning and quite possibly burned for dereliction of the church. All he had with him was the clothes off his back and the spell book he had managed to nab when he escaped. He had little Stardust of course but she wasn't going to be much help. A simple cat wasn't much use when it came to protection.

Luka sighed and ran a hand through his disheveled mess of obsidian strands trying to straighten it in some way. He turned his baby blue hues up to the sky to monitor the moon and its guiding light. A week had passed. He had managed to evade the hunters for a good week or so. That was a good thing considering the bastards had shot him with a Sapping Dart. A week had given him plenty of time to recover the magic he had lost but he was starving. He had been so insistent on escape that he hadn't much thought of food. He didn't have his hunting tools so he would have to use his magic to fell his prey. He really didn't want to use too much of his magic should he need it in a pinch, but without food, he was loosing energy regardless.

"Well, my dear Stardust, I guess our stomachs have decided our next course of action!" he mused as he picked up the black cat that was his constant companion. Stardust simply looked at him and offered a little 'mew'. She pawed at his face and Luka chuckled at her. "I know, I know. I am a bad, daddy aren't I? I haven't fed you much either. Not to worry! I'll get us something good."

Luka got up from his makeshift bed in the grass and stretched. He held Stardust close as he began trekking through the forest he had called his home as long as he could remember. He had never been this far, but at least he took comfort in the knowledge that this was still his home. He was going to have to leave the forest soon though. The hunters would be catching up. The young witch scanned the forest for animal tracks and any other tell-tale sign of animal life and it wasn't long before he saw two little hares munching away on some grass. His mouth instantly watered. It wasn't a lot of meat, but it was something and his stomach was clenching in its need for sustenance.

Luka extended his hand slowly and focused his magic on the two creatures. "Yepurasu inima apreste," he whispered, intending on stopping their heart from beating. Instantly, the two little thing suddenly became rigid before dropping to the side. The young witch glanced around to ensure no one else was there before he hurried over to the rabbits and picked them up. Smaller creatures like this succumbed to spells like this so easily, making their death quick and humane. Luka never liked to torture anything.

Luka hurried back to his 'camp' and sat down with his catch. He set Stardust down and the little cat curled up beside him as he began to maneuver the logs he had collected earlier and went about starting a small fire. Having a little fire now was dangerous considering the light and smoke it would give off, but he didn't have a choice. He needed to eat and he wasn't a fire witch; he couldn't cook his food without it. When he finally had a little flame going, he began to skin his snack. "This is a small snack, my dear but once we eat this, we'll be on the road again. I am sure there will be other animals we will come across on our way out. I don't want to be here too much longer," he explained to his cat.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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The sound of hooves slapping against the ground resounded through the forest. As twelve riders dressed in cloaks black as night, atop horses of the same color, made their way through the dense forest. They'd been on the hunt for a week now, far longer than the would normally spend on a single witch. Most gave in without to much of a fight, after all, one against 12 isn't exactly the best of odds for them. This particular one had been stubborn however, laying traps outside his home, and though one of their archers had been able to hit him with a sapping dart, but the traps had held them up long enough for him to gain a significant head start. By now it would have long worn off, but it wasn't as big a disappointment as one would think. It had been months since they had a hunt like this, and though they had barely slept the last week, none of them were tired. Long hunts like this were rare, and they savored every moment of them. Since her father had specified he wanted this target taken in for interrogation, they wouldn't have the satisfaction of killing him, or at least not yet.

Hearing a voice from up ahead, Evelyn gave the signal to the rest of the company to slow their horses. Walking them behind a ridge, they quickly tied up their horses, double checking that they couldn't be easily spotted. Silently making their way towards the voice, they watched from a few meters back as the witch mumbled a few words. Causing two hares to drop the dead on the spot. Edwin, who was still rather new to the company, began to gasp. Though it never made it out as Evelyn grabbed him, covering his mouth, placing a finger to her mouth with her free hand. She understood his reaction, it was impressive and terrifying that witches could take life away without even touching the creature, but he could have blown their cover, and it would be no fun for the witch to get away now. As if he had somehow heard them, the witch glanced both ways, checking to see if there was anyone else present to watch him. A ridiculous, almost offensive gesture. No hunter would reveal themselves to their prey before they intended to. The group had taken care to stand behind several trees and bushes.

They followed the monster back to what they assumed must have been his camp. The biggest mistake prey could make, stopping for more than an hour almost guaranteed your capture. Fortunately for the hunters it was one witches made quite often. Exchanging a glance, the company fanned out around the camp. They had used the same formation dozens of times, alternating archers, who climbed trees for a better vantage point, and melee attackers on the ground surrounding the clearing. It typically worked fairly well, they could close in on larger camps minimizing the amount of witches that escape. Since this was a retrieval though, they didn't want to shed too much blood, it's much more fun to break someone during an interrogation if they still think they have some hope of escape. So they normally try to avoid damaging the goods on retrieval missions, so as opposed to the messy methods they use most of the time, they choose to utilize sleeping darts.

Perched upon a large tree, Evelyn waited for the right moment to strike. Her hand on the hilt of her sword, ready to leap into action at any moment. Stifling a laugh as she watched the monstrosity speak to the black cat curled up next to him. It was slightly amusing watching a monster like him delude himself into believing that he, someone who preys on the innocent, could possibly take care of an animal if not for some form of charm he used to gain it's favor.

Standing up, Evelyn paused for a moment before making herself known. "Well that's good, I was starting to get a little restless as well." Evelyn smirked, before leaping out of the tree into the center of the witches camp. "I'm sorry to say, but we searched the area, and the only animal we found was you." She continued, pacing around him in an attempt to draw his attention away from the archers, who were still waiting for the perfect shot to be lined up. Drawing her sword she lunged towards him, stopping her sword before impact so it was pressed against hist his cheek. Applying slight pressure so she began to draw blood, she spoke once more. "Though, I'm sure a monster like you could live without." Just as she finished one of the archers fired, and after a momentary pause he crumpled to the ground.

After a few minutes of shouting commands to the other members, they had collected the witch and began the long ride to headquarters. This time in a far more jovial mood.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Luka heard the noise and gasped. He brought his head up and tensed. He hadn't even heard her coming! His eyes quickly darted around searching for the area to see if there were others but she was drawing nearer. That uniform... she was one of the hunters. She had to have reinforcements here. He hadn't thought hunters could be this quiet. They didn't even trigger his warning bead. This was bad. Very bad. Little Stardust stood up and hissed at the woman, fur all on end. Luka didn't want her hurt so he quickly pulled her up into his arms and was about to stand so he wasn't in such a vulnerable position but the hunter was already upon him. His eyes widened as he looked up at the woman, blade pressed against his cheek hard enough to draw a line of blood. The dark pigment of his blood was a stark comparison to his pale skin.

Then he felt the arrow pierce his shoulder. He cried out and his hand reached up to the offending object and quickly yanked it out of his arm and scrambled to his feet. He was reacting too slowly too all of this. He blamed the lacked of food in his system. He tried to make a run for it but the sleeping dart was taking its toll on him. His vision blurred first, making him stumble and his arms went limp. Stardust dropped to the ground with a hiss and the cat ran off in fear. Before Luka could do anything to save himself, his mind went blank and he dropped to the ground out like a light.

The first thing Luka was aware of was a constant 'drip....drip....drip..' noise. His head was pounding and his mouth felt like he had eaten cotton balls for a month. He groaned and his head rolled to the side. Why did his arms and legs ache? His feet felt he had been sitting on his leg for hours. He hated that antsy feeling. He forced his eyes opened and stared at the cold stones beneath him. This whole room was so dark... he could barely see. None of this was making sense. This was not natural darkness of the great outdoors. The wetness and chill he felt was strange He frowned, his eyebrows drawing together in his confusion as awareness and cognition began to filter back in.

That, is when he noticed that he had quite the problem on his hands. Both of his arms were stretched out to either side by a chain that connected to the corners of the room so that he couldn't move his hands. His legs indeed were beneath him and chained to the floor so he couldn't move them to much either. All of his bracelets and chains were gone so he couldn't use his charms. And worst of all? There was a cloth wrapped around his mouth to prevent him from speaking. He was completely defenseless like this and he was immobile; one of his greatest fears.

The young witch cried out against the cloth and thrashed against the chains in desperation. This couldn't be happening! He couldn't end like this! He loved his life! It was lonely, but he lived well! He hadn't hurt anyone! He struggled so much that he ended up pulling a muscle in his arm and it began to shake from the self-induced injury. There was no way out of this. He was truly stuck here at the mercy of the hunters and he knew their mercy was a harsh one.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Evelyn was sitting in the living room enjoying a cup of tea while flipping through a book on the known types of witches when a scream shook the building, she immediately dashed out into the foyer where the scream had come from, finding herself standing with everyone else in the building. In the center of the room stood Edwin with a sheepish smile on his face, grumbling, the others left the room. It wasn't the first time he had assembled everyone that way, and though it was irritating, the house was quite massive, and why spend time searching for someone when you can have them there in moments.

Scratching the back of his head he spoke. "Sorry about that." Letting out a short laugh. "The witch is awake now, and your father's still out. So I figured I'd get you." Evelyn sighed, she had been enjoying that book, but she didn't want to risk letting him fall asleep again. He had already been out cold for 3 days, and her father wasn't the most patient man.

Walking back to the living room to retrieve her tea before stopping in the kitchen and fixing a sandwich,she couldn't have him dying before she got any information out of him. Nowadays it was getting harder to find witches just through tips from townsfolk, so they began to use alternate ways to get intel. Picking up the torch at the top of the stairway with her free hand, she began the descent into the dungeon. It took about 5 minutes to climb the stairs, giving the people more than enough time to react to the alarm bell.

What she saw at the bottom of those stairs was a sorry site indeed. Watching the monster struggle against the chains in a futile attempt to free himself to the point of self injury. The lengths some of them would go to try to gain pity were pretty extreme, though none of had been stupid enough to thrash about like that. It's pretty obvious you'd do more harm than good. Careful to lock the door behind her, Evelyn entered the room. Placing the plate and tea on the table and hanging the torch on the wall before walking over to the pitiful figure. Reaching up she slipped her key into one of the cuffs attached to his wrist, undoing both the arm restraints, but leaving the ankle ones. Plopping back into a chair once she finished.

Gesturing for him to sit down at the table across from her, she pushing the sandwich towards him. "Eat." She said blankly. Crossing her legs and leaning back into the rickety wooden chair. Despite wanting to get this over with as fast as possible, her father had made it a rule that they were to act somewhat civil towards the vile creatures they were forced to interrogate, they were more likely to cooperate that way. One of the parts of this being to introduce themselves. A useless formality in her opinion, but it was still a part of protocol. "My name is Captain Evelyn Searl, and you are?" Crossing her arms she awaited a response, though she knew better than assuming it would be relevant. Most of the time she received glares, tears, she's even been spat at once or twice. At this point nothing he might say would surprise her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Luka turned his gaze up and his eyes narrowed. The innocent looking hues instantly hardened to hint at the ferocity there. He was very much a fox baring its teeth in the corner. He knew he was trapped with no way out and he didn't expect this human to do him any favors. He stopped thrashing about and just watched the woman cautiously. Was his torture going to begin already? How long had he been asleep?

The witch was honestly surprised when the hunter unlocked his hands and indicated for him to take a seat at the table like a human. That didn't fit with the image he had of hunters. Hunters weren't civil. They were sick bastards who enjoyed torturing those beneath their thumb. Luka reached up and quickly untied the damn cloth to liberate his mouth and swallowed his groan. He had a red line going from his mouth back towards his hair line and his jaw ached. He rubbed the red line and slowly stumbled to his shaky legs. He had to move them to get rid of the antsy feeling that spiked up to his knees with every step that he took. He managed to get to the seat albeit wobbly and dropped down into it with a huff. His legs were still asleep but they'd get circulation going soon enough.

Now that he was sitting up somewhat comfortably, he could examine the hunter before him. It was the same female from before. She was interrogating him now? Did that mean that she was some higher official in the group or something? Just how important was she? What were their plans for him and why were they interrogating him? They obviously knew he was a witch so what was the point of this? Were they really going to torture him just for the fun of it? Was this interaction itself a test of some sort? He brought his gaze down to the sandwich she pushed towards him and his stomach instantly growled in its desire. He hadn't eaten in a while and he truly was so very hungry. Was it poisoned? Did it have a drug that would make him loopy? He wanted his wits about him but food... if this really was just food he didn't want to pass it up. He didn't know when he'd have the luxury of food presented to him again.

Luka reached out quickly then and snatched up the mouth watering treat and bit into it. It tasted like a regular sandwich. He didn't taste any of the herbs he had experimented with so maybe he was safe eating this. He was well aware that the woman had said something but he was more focused on the food. She could be ignored till he was done. He didn't want something to happen that would prevent him from finishing off this meal. All he needed now was water but he wasn't about to ask for it. He had some pride after all. When he was done, he pushed the empty plate towards the woman again and brought his full attention to her.

Luka would have to be careful with what he said. He didn't want to give her any information that would put him at more of a disadvantage. She had already allowed him to remove the cloth from his mouth which could potentially be dangerous for her. He could easily use his magic to restrain her, cut off her voice and then cut off her breathing or do his heart stopping spell. It would take longer considering she was human and had a will over own, but he could do it relatively easily. Did this mean that she did not know that his power came from his voice? Then again, using his power now wouldn't do much for him. There were other hunters here that would find him and overpower him again. He could blast through the cell wall, but he didn't know how thick the walls were or what was on the other side. By the time he got out, he would be apprehended again. All in all, his voice was still useless even though it wasn't literally restrained.

"H-H-hel-lo," he began, voice breaking from disuse and the lack of water. He cleared his throat a bit before he began again, "Hello Captain Evelyn Searl. I am Luca. I must say, thank you for the sandwich. Luca leaned forward a little to fold his hands in front of him and rest his elbows on the table. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I don't know why you all chase me so vehemently. I haven't hurt anyone. I've lived in my little house for years and that town is still very much intact. Can't we just call this all a misunderstanding and go our separate ways?" he asked and quirked an eyebrow. He was trying to be charming and likable. He didn't think it would work but maybe it would make the hunter laugh or something and the situation would lose some of its edge.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Evelyn sighed and ran her hand through her hair. It was irritating when monsters denied what the hunters quite obviously already knew, they wouldn't have apprehended him if it were possible for a witch to live peacefully with humans. They played to your emotions, manipulating you into trusting them, only to have them kill you the moment you turn your back. Numerous hunters before her had made this mistake, one of the reasons her father had insisted on isolating her from the weakness the outside world plants in your heart. Sympathy, a flaw a hunter couldn't afford if they valued their life. A monster in human skin is still a monster, and though it may walk and talk like us. They do nothing but destroy, normally setting their sight on the feeble townsfolk, people who have no way to fight back.

"Oh yes, this all a big misunderstanding. I'll go make some more tea, and we'll send you on your way with pastries and enough supplies to last a month." She mocked him, leaning forward to mirror his position. "The thing is, we don't make mistakes. You see, you're a monster. There's no way you could ever live in peace. If you haven't already, eventually you'll give in to your true nature and destroy the town." Her words carried an icy tone, she wasn't holding back in the slightest. "We saw you kill those hares without laying a finger on them. Certainly if you were able to use it on them, you could use it on the innocent. Holding the citizens of your town hostage, because in a moment you could kill their whole family."

This was a technique Evelyn used often. After going days without food or water, many would easily break after being faced with the reality of the harm they and their kind could do. Of course there were also the ones who betray their own kind in a heartbeat if it meant they might be free, though most of the witches she interrogated were hard to tolerate, they were by far the worst. A perfect example of how shallow and selfish monsters like them were. Throwing others under the bus to save themselves. Now came the defining moment, the first proposal of a deal. A deal the hunters wouldn't uphold, but a deal nonetheless.

"You see, we kept you alive, though we had every chance and reason to kill you the moment we spotted you. So I'd like to propose a deal." Smirking, she cocked her head to the side. This was by far the most exciting part, if not the only exciting part of an interrogation. "You see, it's rather hard finding witches nowadays. So we make special arrangements with witches who provide information. Tell us the location of just one witch, and you can have your freedom." Standing up from her seat she began to pace around the small room. "Of course you're under no obligation to tell us, but we only give so many chances. We aren't exactly patient people, you see." Placing her hands on his shoulders, purposefully digging them into him, she leaned over his shoulder. "After that patience runs out, we're forced to resort to some, rather unsavory methods."


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Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Luka knew his hope that they would just let him waltz out was a long shot but could you blame him for wanting to try? He didn't want to die and he didn't like pain. He was truly terrified of burning. It was such a harsh way to go... screaming in agony, unable to save yourself from your fate. He held in a shudder, not wanting the human to notice and think he was shivering because of her. He didn't want to give her any type of satisfaction since really, all that would do is make this whole situation much worse for him. He had to find a way to get himself out of this mess as soon as possible. If only he could information from her as well. He wasn't very eloquent since he didn't interact much with people but it was the only shot he had.

She already had quite the presumption of his morale and behavior to. Monster? Really? She thought him a monster for killing to rabbits swiftly and painlessly? He only ever killed animals. He wouldn't even hunt if he didn't need it. Humans... humans were the real monsters. They were the ones that tortured each other for the fun of it and played stupid games like this with human life. Who gave them the right to judge who was good and who was not? It was not for mortals to decide. They spouted about justice and morals ant heir one true god, but they didn't believe their own doctrine. If they did, they wouldn't murder in the name of their merciful lord.

Luka felt her claws dig into his shoulders but made no indication of discomfort. He continued to sit with his chin on top of his threaded fingers, elbows on the table. Only his eyes had moved to indicate he had followed her movements. He didn't much like her behind him and he was sure that his next response was going to earn him some pain so he had to be ready for that. If only he could numb himself of pain.... well, maybe he could. If he killed the pain receptors, he would never feel pain and that was irreversible. Pain was a requirement to live so he couldn't do that. If he did burn, maybe he'd be able to say that spell just before the pyre was lit. That would make his passing easy at least. He shook his head to clear his mind of such morbid thoughts. He needed to focus on escape before he wondered about death.

"You have me and my 'kind' pegged then, don't you?" he mused. "Witches have ideas about hunters to. Doesn't it take a monster to hunt down others and torture them for so called justice? Only the human animal is cruel in the animal kingdom. It is humans that caused wore and massacred those that do not agree with them. Just look at your history books. That isn't a witch's doing. Humans have a long tradition of enslaving and torturing those they think beneath them, even other humans."

Luka sat back then and folded his arms across his chest and let his hands hold his arms, waiting for the torture to begin. "Regardless, yer shit outta luck. I live 'lone fer a reason, beautiful. I don't know any other witches. Your deal is null and void. Why don't you try again?" Oh him he was asking for it, wasn't he? He couldn't help it though. Interaction was interaction and though this was an awful situation, he wanted to prolong their discussion.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Evelyn swung her hands off his shoulders, balling her hands into fists at her sides. Resisting the overwhelming urge to beat the living daylight out of him. It was uncommon for prisoners to talk back, especially after being outright threatened. He had barely acknowledged her when she had grabbed his shoulders, something that had made most of the witches she'd interrogated squirm a little at the least. He didn't seem to be bothered by it in the slightest, if he was he gave no visible reaction. Frustrated, she returned to her seat, folding her arms across her chest.

"It's not an idea, it's a fact. Most everyone here has lost someone at the hands of your kind, brothers, sisters, my own mother. If I'm a monster for protecting other people from that fate, so be it." This witch had the nerve to speak to her as if she was the one at fault. How dare he, a witch, claim she was he monster. If it weren't for their manipulation and slaughter of innocents she wouldn't have to do this. He was obviously trying to get her worked up, and she was playing right into his hand. Growing more and more frustrated with him and herself every second. She couldn't wait until they would be able to dispose of him. After less than hour interrogating him she was ready to rip his throat out. It was what he said next that was the final straw, she could no longer control herself.

Standing up she leaned across the table, slapping him clean across the face. It wasn't as harsh as she would have liked, but if she were to break his nose there would be a large mess. She rarely got her hands dirty during interrogations, though she certainly tempted to. "Don't test your luck. Remember who's in charge here, I could have backup down here in minutes all of who would be more than happy to tear you limb from limb." Evelyn glared at him before continuing, now a fair bit calmer. "I find it hard to believe you don't know any other witches, you should know we don't tell them who told us their location. There has to be one you know out there. She pressed on, if he was lying she would get it out of him eventually.


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Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Luka wasn't all that surprised that he had been hit. He had been expecting retaliation but a slap? Really? That was child's play considering what he was thinking of. He brought his gaze down to try and see the already smarting mark on his face. It stung but really wasn't all that bad. Luka's lips quirked into a smile that slowly widened against his will and the witch began to laugh. He couldn't help it! Here he was imagining she was about to burn his arm or cut him in some way and all she did was slap him across the face? This was the big bad hunter? Maybe she didn't hold a leadership position after all. She was here tied to someone, wasn't she? She acted so tough but what was her real goal in all of this?

Luca came down from his laughing fit and looked across the table at the woman before him. "Then by your definition I am a monster for doing the same thing. Do you know how many witches die by your organization's hand? By humans in general? I would say that our death rate has been greater than human death by witch hands. We don't want to harm the weaker humans. Well, most I have to admit, not all," he answered her. "And like I said, I don't know any other witches." Luka leaned back in his chair and tapped his lips with his index finger thinking. His eyes brightened then and he sat up with an 'aha!' expression on his face.

"Actually, I do know of a witch," he answered. He leaned far across the table as if he was going to rely the world's deepest secret to her. He even motioned for her to come closer. "I know of a witch that wandered the plains," he mused softly and let his gaze shift about as if he were searching for anyone who may overhear them. "My father is a witch, you know. Traveling around, he was. But guess what, Evelyn?" Luca's eyes narrowed and darkened then to reveal the anger and disgust he kept hidden behind his mask. "He's dead. You people already murdered him while he was buying medicine for my mother. He never came home and she died in my arms. My whole family is dead because of assholes like you. So no, I don't know any other witches. And even if I did have that information, you can bet yer pretty little ass I wouldn't give you a single fucking name."


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Evelyn wasn't amused to say the least. How dare he, not only a witch, but also their prisoner, laugh at her. She immediately regretted not using a more painful method. Though she hadn't bothered bringing much in the way of weapons. Most witches simply opted to sell someone out, or refused to speak at all. She hadn't anticipated that he'd practically be begging to be tortured. She still had a dagger on her. Though it wouldn't be as fun as other methods, it would get the job done if he got too out of hand.

It didn't seem like this was going anywhere, when the monster perked up. Obviously he had thought of something, and a few moments later Evelyn's suspicion was confirmed. Against her better judgement, Evelyn leaned in a bit closer. If he was going to tell her valuable information, she didn't want to miss it. Nodding along she silently listened. She became slightly wary when he mentioned a father, all of her sources had only spoke of one. Was it a possibility they lied to her so they would lead a group of witches straight to their headquarters? If the witches outnumbered them, they might be able to take down the Company. Though a moment later she learned this couldn't possibly be true.

Evelyn was caught completely off guard by the monster's sudden change of tone. Dumbfounded, she leaned back into her chair as he snapped at her. She had honestly thought he had given in for a brief moment. She stared at him for a moment, not bothering to hide her surprise. It took her a minute or so, but eventually her astonishment faded, leaving full blown rage in it's place. This demon had no idea what he was talking about. His parents, if they were even actually dead, for all she knew he was lying to her to gain pity.

Evelyn let out a maniacal laugh. "Assholes like me huh? Call it murder if you like, but monsters like you have no place in the world. I like to think of it as the extermination of pests." Pulling out her dagger, she stood up. Waving the blade around in the air as she spoke. "I'm sorry to say, but your story didn't change my mind like you might have been hoping. In fact, it just pissed me off." Strolling over to one of the barren shelves, she picked up a brown leather pouch. "Now don't go blaming me for what I'm about to do, after all, I did warn you we weren't patient people." A menacing grin played across her face as she stalked towards the monstrosity. "Hmmm, now where should I start." Slamming the witch's forearm down onto the table, her grin widened. "How about here?" Drawing her blade gently across his arm the first time, barely breaking the skin. "Now I want an apology." Digging the blade deeper as she spoke. "And don't spare the groveling. It's always more fun when you beg." As she finished the cut, she grabbed a pinch of salt from the pouch, taking a moment to rub it into the open wound before continuing. Marking his arm with a series of wounds of varying depths, occasionally applying enough that she was confident she must have grazed the muscle.


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And so the torture begins. Luka tensed when the hunter moved towards him again and strapped one arm down before attending to the other. What was she going to do? Luka tried to take steady breath and keep his arms relaxed. It always hurt more when you tensed after all. That is what father often told him. That was always something far easier to say than do. And he'd never been in any situation remotely resembling this. He wasn't sure how much pain he could actually endure. He did know Dark Witches tended to have higher pain tolerance considering their own magic did damage to the body, but still. He hated to admit it but he was a bit scared.

Then the hunter began to slice his arm open. He did tense and for the most part, he was able to refrain from doing anything else or making any noise. The addition of salt however... he couldn't help but gasp and cry out. His hand shook from the strain and began to twitch once his muscle was torn. He was sure she had seared some of his nerves considering the way the appendage trembled. He wouldn't apologize though. He had nothing to apologize for. He had spoken the truth and she didn't deserve any sort of apology. Hunters had caused the destruction of his family and many more.

He winced as his own magic reacted to his pain and his arteries seemed to take on a darker purple coloration. It was begging to be released on this woman to make her regret her actions but he didn't want to use his magic. Not yet. He had to hold on for as long as he could. He didn't want to give them any sort of advantage of learning any secret about his magic. But oh, how it yearned and crawled just beneath his skin.


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Evelyn hummed along as she continued to slice up the witch's arm, completely disregarding the occasional noises he made. The sounds no longer bothered her as they had when she was younger, over the years they became all too familiar. As a child she would stand shaking in the corner while her father carved up witches, and now she was doing it herself, in fact it was one of her favorite methods. Painful, but with the added bonus of costing lasting damage if she hit tissue or bone.

"Awe, does it hurt?" She paused for a moment, moving her dagger from his arm. Pressing the flat edge against his cheek. "Come on, it only takes a moment to say it. Then this'll all be over, for now at least." Grinning, Evelyn dragged the dagger down to his shoulder. "Or maybe you don't know how. I wouldn't be surprised, you are a monster. Would it help if I sounded it out?" Aiming her weapon just underneath his collarbone, she plunged it into him as she spoke. "Sore-" Pulling the knife out, only to push it right back in. "-Ee. It's not that hard, even a lowlife like you should be able to say it."

Evelyn knew exactly how painful this type of torture could be, she had been on the receiving end of it more than a few times, albeit not to this degree. Her father's impatience wasn't limited exclusively to witches, and he seemed to have trouble matching the proper degree of punishment to an offense, so he typically went with ones that were significantly painful. Showing no restraint or remorse towards anyone, even his own family. A cruel parent, but the only one she had ever known. Picking up the salt pouch, she dangled it directly in front of the witch's face. "One last chance." She grinned, before grabbing a handful of the salt, pressing it into the large wound.


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Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Evelyn's eyes widened as the dagger in her hand shattered, the minuscule remnants slipping between her fingers onto to the dirt floor. Not a moment later, she found herself being flung across the room into the wall, the impact letting out a loud cracking noise. As she slid down to the floor, a sharp pain shot through her left shoulder. Gently prodding it with her unharmed arm, it only took a moment for her to realize it was dislocated. Though she would have liked to take a moment, she had no time to waste. Popping it back into place, Evelyn let out a gasp.

Attempting to get back to her feet, hand still cradling her injured. The monster noticed her though, and he flung her back into the wall. "Son of a bitch." She had been careful to lock the door, and she had the only key. There was no way a hunter would open the door from the outside unless she specifically requested them to, Hunters were prideful people. Help wasn't offered unless requested under most circumstances. Charging in now would be an insult, her father would have anyone who did's head on a stick. Clearly the senseless monstrosity standing before her was too dense to realize this, as he had made no attempt to retrieve the key.

Panic descended upon Evelyn, as she discovered she wasn't able to move. She had never been in a situation like this before, she had always been with the rest of the company. Most captured witches had given up, losing the will to fight, simply sitting in their chair allowing the hunter to manipulate them with little to no resistance. She had been prepared for hundreds of possible scenarios, but this was never one of them. The hunters knew very little about dark witches, this would be valuable information to have about them, if she could get out of this alive that is. The realization that this monstrosity was likely going to kill her finally dawned on her, she had always been confident in her abilities, but now she was beginning to doubt herself. The alarm was just a few feet away, if only she could move she could ring it, signaling to the others she needed help. With nothing left to lose, Evelyn did something she had never done before. She screamed.

Three hunters burst through the door, Cedric, Johnathan, and Jacob, all wielding swords. They scanned the room for Evelyn, who gave them a curt nod. Wasting no time, they lunged towards the witch, weapons raised. Their eyes ablaze with blood lust so strong you could sense it from a mile away.


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Shit. Even immobilized she found a way to ring the alarm. He didn't want to deal with this crap right now! He just wanted to get out of this hell hole! He didn't hurt anyone or kill anyone in his entire life. He shouldn't be treated like this! Why couldn't the humans see that? Witches and humans weren't all that fricking different. Just because he had a bit of magic didn't mean anything. He just wanted to live his life like everyone else did. He wanted family and friends and a community. Why was that such a bad thing to these people? He growled to himself and crouched a bit as he waited for the other hunters to get in the room. He was ready for them this time.

"Arma levate murin!" he snarled. The hunters weapons began to quake in their owners' grip before they managed to be yanked away. The weapons twirled in the air as they rotated to point at the hunters instead. Luka was done playing games. It was them or him and he wanted to live. That meant he couldn't give them mercy. They would show him none regardless of what he did. "Aruit!" he shouted, his hand directing the weapons to go after their respective masters. With them distracted by the weapons that wouldn't stop attacking unless destroyed, Luka was free to make a run for it towards the stairs.

Just as Luka made it to the door, he looked up and tensed. More hunters were there but that wasn't his main concern. They were already pouring the molten oil. With a cry, Luka tumbled backwards into the room and scrambled to get away from the oil before it reached him. He had no desire to burn by oil. That was nasty business. He whipped around wildly trying to find a way out. Some of the hunters were beginning to turn their attention back to him. Damn it! He rushed back to the female hunter then.

"Sabie!" he called and one of the swords that had been chasing its owners stopped in mid swing before speeding towards Luka and stopped beside him. "imoatse rigid," he panted, beginning to loose his energy. Evelyn was released from the wall but her limbs remained rigid. She would be unable to move her body while Luka was concentrated enough to keep the spell up. He wrapped his good arm around her to press her back against his chest though it hurt considering his wound. The floating sword came up to the huntress's throat then. "If you bastards don't let me out of this hell hole, I will kill her," he growled desperately. He didn't want to try and blast through the walls that may be just too thick for him to demolish and end up powerless.


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Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Evelyn watched, eyes wide as she watched the monster in front of her attack her comrades. Unable to do anything but stare in horror as their weapons were turned back on them by the witch. With them occupied, the witch began to make his way towards the door. The other hunters were up there of course, but if he were to manage to get past them, there were a few kids up there who were to young to defend themselves. Willing her rigid limbs to move, she succeeded in nothing except wearing herself down slightly.

A moment after the witch had left the room, he rushed back in followed by hot oil. Presumably poured down by the other hunters, they had made a good call, he wouldn't be able to get out by the main staircase. It was the only visible exit, there was the hidden passageway, but unless one of the hunters gave in and showed him, it was highly unlikely he would be able to spot it.

As Cedric managed to get out of the way of his weapon, Evelyn let out a sigh of relief. It wouldn't be long until the others followed suite. Unluckily for her in his desperation the monster turned his attention back to her. As she was released from the wall, she was hopeful she would be able to move again, only to find her limbs still stiff as a rock. It took a moment for her to realize what was happening, by the time she had, she was already pressed against the monster's chest.

"Let go of me." Evelyn growled, attempting to escape his grip to no avail. Since her limbs were paralyzed all she managed to do was shake her head. The tip of the sword looming dangerously close to her throat. Petrified, Evelyn was sure she was a bout to die. No hunter would let a witch escape, even if it meant loosing a couple lives. There would always be someone there to fill their place. Turning her head as far to the side as she could, waiting for the inevitable feeling ofthe sword plunging into her. If she was going to die, she would die the way her comrades had, with pride.

Cedric paused, a pensive look on his face. He had been her second in command for years, even before that, they had spent their childhood training together because of the small age gap. After thinking about it for a moment, he strutted over to the lone bookshelf, pushing it to the side with ease. Revealing the dark hole in the wall behind it, the second exit. "There's the exit," he gestured, "just don't hurt her."

Hearing this Evelyn turned her head back around. "What are you doing!" Evelyn screamed. The tunnel exited a mile or so outside the building, but the chances were slim that they would be able to have a group of hunters at the opening to ambush the monster. "Kill him!" Her voice loud enough to wake the dead. Like a toddler who didn't get their way, she repeated this several times in a fit of anger. Craning her neck around she attempted to bite the beast that was holding her hostage, though her neck was far too short to reach.


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Luka's eyes widened. They were... they were showing him the way out? Was this real, or too good to be true? He glanced at the newfound tunnel that was so close to him. He quickly brought his gaze down to the woman trying to pop his ear drums with her screaming and then to the other warriors in the the room. Only one blade was still floating in the air besides the one holding the huntress against him. Two hunters were dead but the rest had survived unfortunately. This could be his only chance of freedom. He had to try. He was loosing strength with each minute he kept his spells up and with the leakage of his wounds. They wouldn't stop trickling while his magic was active.

Luka started to move towards the tunnel then with Evelyn. He didn't want to relinquish the upper-hand just yet. He still couldn't believe this ploy had worked so well. Just who was this girl anyway? She had to be super important if they were willing to let him go to save her. Hunters usually had no qualms risking their own in exchange for a witch's life. The moon was truly looking out for him it seemed.

Luka finally managed to get to the opening that would take him to freedom. He glanced around one last time before he grabbed the sword and shoved Evelyn forward so she stumbled into the arms of her fellow hunters before he ran through the tunnel like a bat out of hell. As he disappeared from sight, the spells vanished, forcing the airborne sword to clatter to the ground and Evelyn got her mobility back. Luka didn't think he could use his more powerful magic again in his condition. He had no energy left to his name. What little he did have was needed for his body to heal. That huntress really had held nothing back during her first initial torture session. He needed to get the salt out of his wounds. It was making him raw and constantly ache.

Luka didn't make it to his hard won freedom unfortunately. As soon as Luka stepped just outside of the tunnel and into the fresh night air, the seal beneath his feet activated. Magical chains lashed out at the surprised witch and drew him to the ground. Luka fought against the bonds, but to no avail. He was a fly trapped in a black widow's web that only tightened with every muster of strength. "Damn it!" he called out in desperation as hot tears slid down his cheeks. "Hypocrites! Using magic when you hunt magic users!" he growled and gave one last struggle before he gave up. He was in too much pain and his strength was fading. The chains were slowly drawing his magic away so he had no defense. "...bastards...I held up my bargain..."


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Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl Character Portrait: Luca Belvarin
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Evelyn was relieved when the monster tossed her into her comrade's open arms. She waited for what felt like an eternity while the witch ran down the tunnel. When she didn't regain movement right away, she began to worry. What if she never regained her mobility, forcing her to live out the rest of her life without the use of her limbs. What use is a hunter who can't even move? She would be turned out onto the streets for sure. The company couldn't afford to harbor the weak, they weren't the most sympathetic of people. A few of the current members had even killed their older siblings for their spot. It's a dog eat dog world, the moment you show weakness they'll devour you.

As the witch vanished into the tunnel, the one remaining floating sword clattered to the ground. Evelyn would have likely followed suit if it weren't for Cedric who had a firm grip around her. Pushing off of him, Evelyn attempted to stand on her own. Her legs and arms felt like gelatin and her shoulder was throbbing, but otherwise she was fine. She couldn't say the same for Johnathan and Jacob who were sprawled across the floor in puddles of their own blood. Eyes still wide with the same look of horror they had the moment they were massacred. Bending down, she took a moment to close their eyes. They died in the way most hunters die, though it was the way most wish to perish. An honorable death.

Pulling herself back to her feet, she got to work. Checking the stairway which still hadn't completely drained of hot oil, she decided against using that route. Before she had even had the chance to suggest the third escape route, she turned around to find Cedric had already moved the second bookcase revealing a ladder in the wall behind. A smug grin was sprawled across his face, one she had seen many times before. He was always rather full of himself, although just about everyone here was. Herself included admittedly.

"You're an idiot, you know?" Stepping out onto the ladder she let out a gasp. Her injured shoulder trembling as she put weight on it. Doing her best to ignore it she began the climb, Cedric a few rungs below her matching her pace.

"It worked out okay, didn't it?" He retorted, seemingly unfazed by the deaths of his comrades. Deaths were so frequent though it wasn't hard to take them lightly. In their line of work they constantly risk their lives, death is inevitable. Over time it gets easier, until one day it stops bothering you completely. Sure, you take a moment to say goodbye. But what use are vows to avenge someone's death when death is as common as dirt.

"Ha, you call this okay?" Evelyn laughed. "In what world would this be okay?" They spent the last few minutes of their climb in silence, the sound of their labored breaths echoing of the walls in the narrow passageway. When they reached the top, Evelyn wanted to do nothing more than collapse onto the floor. Her shoulder felt as if it was being ripped off and had swollen to almost double it's size. She couldn't though, she had to get to the end of the tunnel before the witch did. Breaking into a run, she grabbed her sword she had left conveniently in the front hall.

There was no way she'd let that monster get away. He'd killed two of their own. It was her responsibility as a hunter to keep him from escaping. If she had been a little more careful he wouldn't have gotten this far in the first place. They should have killed him the first chance they had. Maybe if they never started taking witches as prisoners this could have all been avoided, Evelyn's mother would still be alive then. She wouldn't kill the bastard quite yet though. No, she would make his last days a living hell. That's what he gets for daring to attempt to escape.

Upon her arrival the monster was running out of the tunnel. Much to her relief, he stepped right into their trap. The chains shot out restraining him. Not slowing her pace, Evelyn ran the rest of the way to the monster. Doing her best to slow her rapid breathing to a regular pace, she stood in front of the pitiful form of the monstrosity who had slaughtered two hunters not long ago. He put up a fight at first before giving up.

"Awe you poor thing." Evelyn cooed in a nauseatingly sweet voice. "You almost seem like you actually have feelings. Don't worry, we'll take you right on back to your room." A twisted grin played across her face as she cupped his cheek in her hand. "I hope you like it, darling. Because you're going to be there for a long, long time."


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Luka looked up through his bangs at the bastard of a huntress that had foiled him again. He was so sick of looking at her and her damn colleagues. He just wanted to go home. He had never hurt anyone until he came to this wretched hell hole. He wanted to be left alone and free to just live. It wasn't fair that he and others like him were hunted down for just living and existing. He hadn't chosen to be a witch! He was born this way. There was nothing he could do about it unfortunately. He glared his hatred at the woman but his glare was softened by the tears that threatened and slid down his face unbidden. How could people be this cruel?

"I hate you," he murmured against the ground. "You people are the monsters, enjoying the pain you inflict on others! You look for devils but you don't see the one that glares back in the mirror!"

"Shut up you fucking worm," another hunter spat and stepped on his back, shoving him into the dirt and earning a cry from the witch. "Can't believe you are still spouting that shit. Can't you see you ain't goin' nowhere? Why doncha just make this easier on yourself and us and spill your secrets?"

"I don't have any you moron!" Luka growled back. The hunter hit the witch hard and knocked him out to finally shut him up. He pulled the witch up off the ground and hauled him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes none-to-gently. And just like that, Luka's attempt at freedom again was snatched away. He was brought to a different cell and dropped against the wall. His hands were chained above him and his legs chained beneath him. And he had that wonderful little gag shoved into his mouth to prevent him from saying any spells, just in case. Since they didn't want the witch to die just yet, they washed and bound his wounds before they left him, waiting for him to wake.

It was a couple of days before Luka woke again. He groaned against the gang and his head rolled to the side and his eyes opened lethargically. Huh. Wasn't this a bad case of deja vu. Thirsty, hungry, alone, chained, and gagged. This time he was a little worse for wears and too weak to use any magic to save himself, not that he could if last time was any indication. Maybe he should have killed himself with the last bit of magic he had last time. At least then he'd be free.


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The witch obviously didn't know when to shut his mouth. Evelyn would have gladly taken the liberty, but another hunter beat her to it. The monster was particularly unlucky, he wasn't the most lenient of the hunters. Even after being spat and stepped on he still couldn't take a hint. The hunter, fed up with his backtalk, knocked him out with ease.

If Evelyn had any choice in the matter she would have kept him conscious a bit longer. He had gone so far as to attack her, it would be nice to make him suffer a little bit more. Even though it was unintentional, he had a taste of freedom, only to have it taken away in a moment. Certainly it would have made him a bit easier to break. The look on his face would have been priceless as well. A monster mirroring human emotion was always a sight. At times it was disgusting, others it gave a sense of accomplishment as you saw their mask deteriorate, exposing their true nature. There was nothing she could do about it though. So she simply followed the hulking hunter. Supervising as the monster was brought to a new cell and was securely fastened into the chains and a gag.

Over the next few days they had worked shifts watching over the monster. Apparently he had been hit a little too hard, as it took several days for him to wake up. Much to Evelyn's joy, she was the one watching over him when he finally woke up. This time she sat outside of the barred cell, the book she had atop her lap was promptly shut as her prisoner came to. She wouldn't be treating him to any of the things she had before. Grudges were a thing she kept for a rather long time. As a punishment for his stunt the other day, she would make him go with out food or water for another little while. If he had any information she would get it out of him, but before she resorted to more extreme methods she'd make him a bit more pliable.

"Welcome back sleeping beauty. I take it you'll want something to eat?" Evelyn questioned, although she already knew the answer. "Sorry to say, but the kitchen's closed for you today." A smirk played across her lips, he would regret what he did.


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Luka heard the voice of his favorite hunter and groaned again. Joy. Today was going to be fun. Luke wished he could just go back unconscious. Nothing was going to be pleasant from here on out. At least he had given the damn hunters a run for their money. He didn't have secrets of other witches to share. He only had the knowledge of how his own power worked and he didn't want to give these bastards any information that would help them capture or kill any other witch. It wasn't right and no one deserved what he was currently going through and what he would be experiencing shortly. He tried to swallow but his throat was so dry and scratchy. Swallowing didn't really help and the gag just dried up any saliva he could produce. He rolled his head to ease the ache in his shoulders at least.

Luke looked up at the hunter then and scanned the area around her. He didn't see any torture equipment laid out on the table so maybe she was just going to talk to him or something. She mentioned something about no food, but he had expected that. At least he had eaten last time. He had to admit, water sounded a hell of a lot better than food but he doubted he would be getting any of that either. He sighed inwardly and focused his eyes on the hunter again. What was she going to do to him now? He tried to curl up in a different position but tensed with the tug of his wound and the strain of his muscles tugging against chains. His leg was numb and he was starting to feel the pins and needles shooting down the ligament.

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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Hunter's Game. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl


Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl
Evelyn Searl

"Monsters have no place on this earth."


Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl
Evelyn Searl

"Monsters have no place on this earth."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Evelyn Searl
Evelyn Searl

"Monsters have no place on this earth."

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Hunter's Game

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