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A Threnodist

Seeking to bring back the dead? How quaint. But anybody who wants to save those who lacked the clout to stay in the game... doesn't deserve to exist themselves.

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a character in “I Miss the Sunrise”, originally authored by Iye Khara, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Even before she entered the Aether, she had no single real name. Names, after all, are such ephemeral little things, aren't they? People manufacture these assemblages of sounds, assign arbitrary meaning to them, carry them close to heart as if they really mean anything in the end. But they don't-- and so she came into the Aether nameless, free of identity. However, perhaps in the name of cruelty and perhaps in the name of sheer ego, once she found herself with something of a... taste, so to speak, for wanton annihilation of other seekers, she began to refer to herself as Threnodist-- derived from threnody, an elegy mourning the passing of another. Her little way, one supposes, of mocking the souls who entered the aether seeking to return the dead to life, only to know eternal obliteration at her own hands.

Age: Her appearance would lead one to place Threnodist somewhere in her late thirties-- perhaps early forties at a stretch.

Gender: Gender is such a quaint little subject-- but the idea that an individual's biological sex encompasses a predetermined set of social behaviours and traits which they are expected to adhere to is not one Threnodist entertains with any degree of legitimacy.


A particularly pleasant individual Threnodist is very clearly anything but: for all her faux-affable mannerisms and her thin veil of illusory congeniality, she fails utterly at producing the impression that she's just some unassuming, harmless bystander, largely because it's hard to look unassuming and harmless when you're six foot eight and three hundred pounds of broad shoulders, hulking torso, powerfully built arms, and robust abdomen. Not that Threnodist's complaining, naturally-- she deliberately cultivated the immense physical presence she now enjoys, and the imposing stature it consequently lends her, though hardly indicative of the strength her self-reflection lends her, is certainly quite useful on the occasion that coercion proves necessary in pursuit of... well, whatever goal she may so happen to be invested in at a given time. Not that she's pretty much ever pursuing a specific goal other than just killin' shit, but hey, it still pays to be big and scary, eh?

Threnodist's lack of definitive identity is by no means helped by her rather inscrutable features-- they render any attempt to estimate an ethnic heritage quite the Sisyphean task. The dark tawny canvas of her skin seems to defy succinct categorisation, and surrenders no indication of her racial background, though it does play witness to quite a gruesome menagerie of scars stemming from her earlier years of murdering other seekers in the Aether. She's gotten better and more powerful, however-- much more powerful. Where previously she once simply took the hits as they came in order to dish out a deadly recompense, now she averts the acquisition of further cicatrix by dodging attacks more frequently.

As facial features go, Threnodist's mien entertains oddly fitting characteristics-- hard-edged, defined, and in a sense weathered but resolute. Her pronounced cheekbones lie high up on her face, carving out an enclave occupied by a small, pointed nose set over svelte pale lips-- one supposes her gaunt features may have produced an impression akin to a corpse if not for her distinctly... vital physique, for lack of a better word. The manic, unquestionably 'alive' gleam in her eyes doesn't serve the deathly impression much well either: slender, characterised by epicanthic folds, their polished green hue would perhaps have been judged rather pleasing were it not for the fact that the person the eyes belong to almost certainly wants you to die in agony. Her hair, what little she has, is shorn down to close-cut bristles of greying, faded black.

Threnodist has long since discarded the attire she was wearing when she entered the Aether, and has instead over time collected a motley assortment of various accoutrements. She currently dons a multi-purpose tactical vest over a thick-skinned military camo jacket, with the hood pulled up over a gas mask, which she wears ostensibly because you only need to get gassed and almost killed once before you start taking precautions, but mostly because as the bad guy, she's obligated to have some scary-ass gimmick along those lines. It's in the villainous handbook of narrative conventions or some shit. Anyway, as lower body attire goes, she wears a pair of combat slacks tucked into rugged combat boots that are caked with mud, dirt, soot, and a number of less than savoury bodily fluids.


Threnodist is a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder-- though her mannerisms when interacting with others (at least, when she isn't trying to kill them) certainly don't betray this reality. Polite but on the whole amiable, soft-spoken but expressive and congenial, an ever-present smile tinging the thin line of her svelte lips and unafraid to simply shoot the breeze about the most inconsequential of subjects. Hell, you could say she has something of an unassuming way about her, if a 6'8 behemoth in a gas mask could be called unassuming-- but then, stranger things have been seen in the Aether, wouldn't you say? Frankly, an affable juggernaut decked out in camo and a gas mask could hardly be called altogether unusual-- not if you've been up around the bend a few times in the Aether.

All bullshit, naturally. Threnodist is nothing short of a sociopath: empathy of any sort is beyond her, and she wholly lacks the ability to value the lives of others, or really her own life any more than that. What she can feel, however, is an overarching, all-encompassing contempt for all life-- she finds it repulsive, disgusting to behold, a stain on her senses and an insult to her presence, and therefore she knows no greater delight than to extinguish it at every turn. This didn't change when she entered the Aether-- if anything, it became only all the more a game, all the more a matter of sport, and she began to kill not only for the sake of killing but for the purpose of becoming more and more powerful, so she could slay more and more of the impetuous shitstains who saw fit to challenge death-- the only real certainty-- and drag the dead back into the muck of the living.

Not that she sees herself as any better-- certainly not. She knows her own base nature as a living thing is just as hideous and abhorrent, but she is nevertheless superior because unlike the rest, she knows it. Unlike they who believe the dead are worth returning to life, they who believe they themselves deserve to continue existing, Threnodist realises full well that she doesn't deserve to exist-- and yet she does. And she knows that she exists for a purpose-- that she suffered the things she did for a reason: she was meant to cleanse the world, every world, of all life, and to guarantee that those who would seek to pollute the world with those who have already departed it vanish forever.


Threnodist uses her self-reflection for really rather a straightforward effect: to drastically boost all her physical characteristics, from strength and speed to durability and her senses. As a consequence of her immeasurable time spent slaughtering other seekers in the Aether, Threnodist now enjoys quite a hefty magnitude of power, and has also developed many different adaptable scenarios to accommodate the variety of combatants she has encountered-- her sheer durability serves her well in wars of attrition, her strength and speed proves of greatest use in hit-and-run scenarios, and her impeccable senses and dexterity are of peak utility when stealth and subtlety are of the essence.

Bio: What is there really to say? Threnodist entered the Aether several years prior, but her reasons for doing so very clearly never had anything to do with seeking to return some figure from her past to life. Instead, from the very first, she set about to destroy those who had come here to do exactly that-- wandering the Aether, reveling in annihilating other seekers and crushing underfoot their hopes of reuniting with the deceased. You want to know her past-- what led her to where she is now? Eat a dick. She'll gouge out your eyes, feed them to you, slash out your tongue, shove it down your throat, sunder your ears from your head, and then staple them to your ass so all you can hear is the sound of your own shit.

Well, actually, she's not gonna do any of that. Fictional 'n all, see. But she'll sure as shit do it to your character if they're a cunt about it.

So begins...

A Threnodist's Story


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Character Portrait: A Threnodist
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"Hey. Hey, shithead."

A certain hulking, gas mask-clad individual had stepped out of the building beyond which Patraeko Payemyndii was currently harassing some poor 'lil pretty lady with demons sticking out her back or some shit. Real cruel shit, y'know? It was absolutely sickening, really. Bullies. Just bullies, nothin' better than that. Threnodist really hated bullies, you know? Really hated the sorta folks who had to put down others 'cause they had some dumb fuckin' inferiority complex or some shit. Why, it brought tears to the eye to simply contemplate such asinine individuals-- Threnodist really had no patience for them.

And yes, one supposed one could bring up the point that an individual who had something of a nasty practice of habitually massacring immeasurable lives and dooming their souls to an eternity of emptiness and abject nothingness probably didn't have a whole lot of room to criticise a bully, but hey, fuck you. Threnodist wasn't here for you to fuckin' judge her. Prick.

"I don't like cocky motherfuckers," she added as she approached the dipshit with the dumb ass parrot or whatever, fixing him in particular with a hard gla... wait, fuck, it was kinda pointless to try 'n look scary as shit with a gas mask in the way. Torn between relief and irritation, Threnodist dispensed of the callous glare and permitted the amusement and anticipation that was brimming within her crawl up to the surface and manifest in the form of a joyous grin carving across her hard-edged mien. "They think they're worth shit, when really, they're no different from the rest of life-- every bit as putrid and disgusting."

Threnodist came to a stop a few paces from the parroty cunt, and tossed a cursory nod his way. "Just look at ya," she continued, like an adult admonishing a toddler. "'Oh look at me, guys, I have an inexplicably sentient parrot! I claim to be somehow 'very thin but very strong', which makes no fucking sense! I have a cybernetic leg that 'lets me jump amazing heights', because obviously a single leg is the only thing involved in jumping! I got thrown into a generator as a means of execution, presumably because my 'executioners' were fucking brain-damaged, and as a result somehow lost an arm and a leg-- and then I built myself new limbs, because I'm such a genius! Everybody's afraid of me! Look how insane I am, guys, pay attention to me!'"

She chuckled, and added, "I've taken shits scarier than you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Carrow Character Portrait: Drannec Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Ambar Character Portrait: Michael Aefenleoht Character Portrait: Violet
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Michael smiled in response to the compliment that the man on the elk--or rather, shapeshifting Guardian--gave him. "Well...I hope I don't have to explain why I chose that name, though," he laughed, although he really did hope that. "Although...I suppose your Guardian is also pretty amazing...shapeshifting is a very convenient ability, isn't it? It's like you can practically do anything."

The two were starting to near a group of people, the leader of which was talking with Luna. After the man with the shapeshifting Guardian finished saying something about Luna being scary, Michael almost laughed, but he quickly silenced himself, for fear she'd hear him. "It's sound advice, sir. I'll remember to be careful," he nodded, taking his claymore back. Oh dear, he probably wouldn't have time to get a scabbard crafted after all.

But as they got closer to the group, Michael quickly realized they were talking about him and Atlanthal. A little bit worried by this, he cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Ah, yes, um. I am the master of the magma titan whom you all...seem to have been a little bit unsettled by," he declared, trying to keep his voice calm. Public speaking...ugh.

"Well, I believe I heard something about an expedition into a ravine? If that's the case, I might not be qualified to go into such a dangerous place right away, but I would like to accompany you." And with these words finished, Michael waited for a response.

As he waited for the leader to say something, he noticed the two girls that he had tried to chase after earlier. It seemed they were starting to calm down...not very much, though. While Michael wanted to go over to them and ask what had happened, he figured it was probably best not to do so...the woman standing near them, who was speaking rather harshly to some kind of cyborg abomination, was proof enough that whatever went on with those girls was too intense for him to approach them now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Carrow Character Portrait: Drannec Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Ambar Character Portrait: Michael Aefenleoht Character Portrait: Violet
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Jeremy moves away from the flying sword at the same speed Patraeko does. Leaving shadows in his path, it seems the reflection also covers the bird. He flies over to Patraeko and sits on his shoulder, causing the shadows which were dripping up from his shoulders to swerve around his body.

Ignoring what the girls were saying he heard the speech of someone who obviously had some speech impediment or something, after hearing the insults he slowly turned around. Slight pieces of anger flowed through his body, the balls of shadow orbiting him reacted by becoming slightly spiked as they were being pulled apart in all directions.

"I don't recall claiming any of that. You obviously do not understand the systems of my substitute limbs. And as for the fuckers who threw me into a generator, they were thugs. Gangmembers. Of course they are retarded." Patraeko spoke in a normal tone, it was rare to hear him speak normally, but he normally does when someone presses the wrong buttons.

"That girl. That girl. Meanie. Swords. Attack me!" Jeremy called out facing Luna while flapping his wings.

That was when Patraeko lost his temper, yeah people could insult him or attack him. He just finds it fun most of the time. But attacking Jeremy is asking for shit to hit the fan. As he faced the little girl, he said nothing but walked up to her. The shadow balls simply broke up and molded together and circled closely around his body, covering most of his body.

"What are you doing attacking Jeremy!?" Patraeko spoke through gritted teeth, grabbing his rifle. He also drew his sword and held the rifle in one and and the sword in another. Firing the rifle would make no difference, the recoil would be cancelled out by his arm.

Patraeko stopped when he was so close to Luna that he could elbow her in the head without moving any closer. He didn't point his weapons he just stood and waited for an excuse. The guy is simple enough to accept any excuse anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Carrow Character Portrait: Drannec Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Ambar Character Portrait: Michael Aefenleoht Character Portrait: Violet
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Suddenly, the crazy cyborg was standing right in front of Luna, demanding something about attacking some person called Jeremy. Though Michael wasn't sure who this Jeremy person was, he was aware that he was holding a gun and a sword, as though he was going to attack Luna at any moment. And regardless of whoever she attacked, alarm bells were going off in his mind. "Atlanthal! Come here, now!" he shouted, as if to open air.

The magma titan did not disappoint, and the familiar rumble of it moving resounded through the air. Meanwhile, Michael, gripping the claymore with both hands, rushed between the cyborg and the girl who had given him the sword. Shoving the cyborg backwards with his shoulder, and pushing Luna away with his free hand, he raised the claymore in the best defensive posture he could manage at his level of skill and strength. The worst thing he hoped Luna would do to him after this was poke him (as usual), but he was more frightened of what that monstrosity of metal and flesh would try.

"Stop right there!" he commanded, voice unusually steady despite the sweat dripping down the back of his neck. "I don't know what my friend may have done, and I apologize for it. But you are acting equally out of order! Please, put down your weapons, and talk this out!"

But even someone like Michael was prepared to go to more violent measures in this sort of circumstance. For Atlanthal's hands were both upon its lava whips, and it was raising them in the air, poised to swing. And this time, should this crazed more-machine-than-man try and attack Luna, the colossal guardian already had Michael's approval to smite him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Carrow Character Portrait: Drannec Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Ambar Character Portrait: Michael Aefenleoht Character Portrait: Violet
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The mere touch of the shadows enveloping Patraeko brings a burning sensation to Michael. The anger of Patraeko causing the shadows to burn through Michael's clothes and his skin upon touch.

"No need to act all hostile. Newbie. But if your only friend had a sword thrown at him, you would react in the same way. Like you are now. You are acting more out of order than you should do, it's obvious by the sweat and the poor usage of your blade." Patraeko spoke in a deep, evil-like voice. The anger within him reached a steady level, stalling him and talking to him about random stuff was the best thing to do back on earth. It calmed him and allowed him to return to his happy, hyperactive state.

"That guardian of yours... I like it. I have no quarrel with you, but if you are wishing for a fight then you should make it a fair sword fight. After all, you pulled the sword out at me, not your guardian." He smiled, bearing his teeth which were covered in blood. He was gritting his teeth so much that his gums began bleeding, his insanity really has removed the natural 'Limiter' from his brain.

Even though Patraeko was claiming his peaceful nature towards the newbie, the shadows showed differently. Above his head, a new ball of shadow began falling. It did not have the liquid properties of the rest of the shadows, instead it was so dense that it became a solid. The shadows surrounding his body even began to fade and thin as they were transferred to the ball which was already soo tightly packed that it could explode with great energy at the slightest touch.


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Character Portrait: A Threnodist
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"Man, you talk a whole lotta shit," Threnodist mused to the parroty cunt. "You know, I take offence to that. I used to be a gangster myself, back in the day. I like to think I'm not retarded-- after all, I'm not the one who thinks you can somehow wield some impressive degree of physical strength whilst still being skinny as a goddamn anaemic stick. I mean, that's some A-level retardation right there, kid. Or, uh, what'd you call that idiot with the big-ass guardian? Newbie. There's a nice condescending word to use. And it sure as hell fits."

The mass murderer rolled her head around her neck a bit, cracked her knuckles-- showy as shit, y'know? Ya had to be real theatrical-like about it. Give it some flavour. Didn't do no good to just get shit done with no class 'n no style. And ya had to give the fuckers a little bit of their own medicine-- shit, that was why Threnodist was talkin' so much shit here. Man, she hated fuckin' shit-talkers. Never shut the fuck up about how much ass they kicked, and then whoop-de-fuckin'-doo, didn't take nothin' short of a flick of her fingers to paint the walls behind 'em with their brains. Real disappointin' shit. But a shit-talker deserves shit-talkin', am I right, gang?

But more importantly, a shit-talker deserved an ass-whoopin'. And Threnodist was just handin' out them motherfuckers.

"You think you're scary?" she continued gleefully (man, this shit-talkin' shit could be a bit fun now that she gave it a go). "Kid, you ain't shit. I've been in the game longer than you've been alive-- both in this world and in the other. Killed more motherfuckers than your 'so insane l0l' brain could conceive. You wanna try 'n play a game of who's the scarier psychopath? I'll feed you your goddamn intestines, ya insignificant little--"

Threnodist was halfway through layin' down the mother of all verbal smackdowns on the parroty cunt when all of a sudden some daft little bint with a couple big ass swords decided to have a go at him, completely shitting all over Threnodist's speech. "HEY, WHAT THE SHIT, MAN," the mass murderer bellowed furiously, immensely distraught at having been so unceremoniously interrupted. "I WAS DOIN' SOME SHIT HERE." Man, y'know what? The fuck with the shit-talkin'. The time had come for ass-whoopin'. Bloodlust flitting across her masked features, Threnodist launched herself at the parroty cunt, becoming a blur as she hurtled toward him, snatched him up in one of her hands, and then slammed him into the ground so hard the ground beneath them cracked and fragmented from the force of it, because godmodding is okay when the other person did it first.


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Character Portrait: A Threnodist
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"Guess my work here's done," Threnodist decided with a shrug, before turning and walking away from the lot of 'em. "Well, for now, anyway." After all, ya never knew when you'd need a crazy fuckwad in a gas mask to teach a motherfucker a lesson about proper RPin' 'n whatnot.

Or maybe you do know. I dunno man. Shit's fucked.

((Good on ye lad.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luna Carrow Character Portrait: Drannec Character Portrait: Patraeko Payemyndii Character Portrait: Ambar Character Portrait: Michael Aefenleoht Character Portrait: A Threnodist
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"A newbie..." Michael sighed and lowered the sword, rubbing his arm and wondering what the pain was...he couldn't see any serious injury at all, save for a slight discoloration. It seemed to have damaged his clothes a bit...disappointing. But there was no point in crying; his clothes were way too extravagant and expensive to begin with. "Well, I guess that does summarize me well enough." He watched the person with the gas mask slam the cyborg into the ground and walk away. "Um...okay, no need to worry anymore, I suppose?"

Looking up, he called to the magma titan, "Atlanthal, the problem has been taken care of. Ease off a bit, but just be prepared in case he tries anything." Then he walked back to Luna and smiled, a relieved look on his face. "Well, sorry for jumping in there without knowing what I was doing. I probably caused you to worry more, didn't I?"

Just as the cyborg had claimed he had attacked Luna for attacking his only friend, Michael also had jumped in to defend one of his only two allies--Atlanthal couldn't really be called his friend yet. Seems he was still being a bit too reckless about it, though...clenching his hand a little, he reminded himself he'd have to get a bit stronger. Let's see, what had the person with the gas mask called him...a "goddamn anemic stick"? That really needed to be corrected.

With the claymore lowered to his side, he changed to a more serious expression as he faced Luna. "So, why did you attack his bird, anyway? It's not like that could have been the rapist. So don't go attacking people on a whim like that again, okay? That might get us into a bit more trouble next time."