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In Skylar Street

Skylar Street, England


a part of In Skylar Street, by BOO!.


BOO! holds sovereignty over Skylar Street, England, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Skylar Street, England is a part of In Skylar Street.

1 Places in Skylar Street, England:

5 Characters Here

Aaron Farihen [178] I wish it was warmer out
Elizabeth Jones [127] "Oh.. Hi..."
Tessa Urio [94] "Dear boys, If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you!"
Kyren [75] "Keep things to yourself, or don't. You choose"
Travis Urio [40] "People are like coins, double sided."

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron checked his phone to see a text from Elizabeth. Unlike Elizabeth, Aaron knew how to text without looking at his phone, so it wasn't as obvious as she had been. It was just one of many Aaron's benefits from being popular. "Yeah you idiot! The correct answer was teach's love life" Aaron smartly remarked. The entire class burst into laughter. Aaron had done this just incase Elizabeth had gotten detention. If she wanted him to stop avoiding her so badly she was going to get her wish. Aaron gave her a sly wink before turning back around to see the teacher's reaction.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Laughing, Elizabeth looked at Aaron mouthing the words 'Thank you', then at the now fuming Mrs Jones. She looked like she was about to blow a gasket, her face cherry red like one of those cartoons with steam comming out of their ears. "Mr. Farihen, I shall be talking to your parents. See how funny theyfind it, shall we?" She smirked her usual, evil smirk and turned her attention back to the class at hand. "Oh, and don't expect to be leaving school at regular time today. Or for the rest of the week." Yikes. He'd obviously hit a heart string with that comment.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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"What? That's total bull! Elizabeth was the one who told me to say it!" Aaron lied hoping to get Elizabeth in detention with him for the week. Aaron looked at her from the corner of his eyes to see her reaction. He wanted to laugh at her but he didn't to make it obvious that he'd set her up.

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
"Oh really, Elizabeth?" Mrs Jones commented. "Well, would you like to join Aaron in detention?"
"What! But I-"
"Wonderful! Come to this class room after school."

Trying ever so hard not to laugh, she realised Aaron had stolen her idea all along. Now they're both in detention.. She would have prefered not a week, but you know, whatever goes. Not looking at her phone, she texted:

"Congratz, we're stuck with each other every day after school for one whole week."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron read the text and smirked a bit.

"Look @ the bright side. You've just "told" 1 of the funniest jokes of the yr. Tht should raise ur stock in popularity. Besides Liz, I'd have no way 2 "avoid" u in detention ;)"

Aaron sent the text and waited a minute so she could read it before turning around and giving her a wink himself. Aaron took a look at the clock, he dreaded this classroom especially. He couldn't wait until he got out of it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Smirking, Liz sent a final text back:

"I got a feeling we'd both be in detention together anyway, even if you didn't tell that joke."

Then she turned her phone off and put it in her pocket. After a few minutes of clock watching, Elizabeth started to count how many minutes were left. 30... 29.... 28....

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron smirked at her text and placed his attention back to the class. He started to think back to the fire. Even if Liz was enjoying his jokes, he wasn't so sure how she would address the situation. The whole thing made him a bit nervous. He began to get that urge to burn something to relieve his stress.

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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Liz started to think about what she was actually going to say to him if the occasion arose. He might not even be an Arsonist, he might be good willed... Being in two fires in the same day? He could have went in to save people! Feeling guilty, she carried on clock watching.
19... 18... 17...

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Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen
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As the clock ticked down, Aaron began to think of Tessa. In the less than twenty four hours he'd started a relationship with her, taken her virginity, and now it'd seemed like she was over him. Aaron had found out she had "adopted" a child and kept it secret from him and lied about it. He'd forgiven her later that night, but she hadn't responded to any of his text messages. Maybe their relationship was just a fling, they were both drunk at the time. Aaron secretly wished that it was more to it than that, but it seemed like that was what it was becoming to be.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
The ticking sound soon became very very annoying. It now seemed to be only a meer reminder of all the times she had been stuck in this classroom, stuck in hell, waiting for her ticket out of here. Waiting for someone to come and help her away from the hell hole. She didn't need help, she'd get a job or something, move away. Never have to be reminded of this place.
14... 13... 12...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron knew Elizabeth turned off her phone so he pulled out a paper and decided to communicate the old fashion way. "Hey so what's up with you & Kyren? You know he likes you right?" Is what Aaron wrote down on the paper. He folded it in four and waited for his moment. When the teacher turned her back Aaron pretended to stretch and dropped the note right on Elizabeth's desk. Hopefully she wouldn't get caught with it, it was a lot less inconspicuous than a phone, so he doubted the teacher would notice. She was probably too busy thinking about her failed love life to even pay them any mind.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Glancing at it, and then at Aaron, she picked up and unfolded the paper. She wrote back: "I know. What's up with you and Tess?" Folding it up again, she looked around for where the teacher was, noticing she was no-where in sight. She must have left and it seemed the rest of the class were only just noticing too. Elizabeth leant over and put the note on his desk, not having to have to go incognito.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron read the paper and frowned a bit, since he hadn't heard from her. He couldn't understand why she was so distant all of a sudden. Yesterday happened in such a flash Aaron barely had time to enjoy it. "Well right now that's complicated, extremely complicated, but I think were dating. So much happened yesterday that it's just a mess =(" Aaron wrote down on the paper. He scoped around for the teacher as a precaution before handing the note back. There were about ten minutes in the class, but the more Aaron looked up the clock it seemed the second had went slower. To avoid his superstition of slowing time down he concentrated on looking down at his hands on his desk.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Frowning a little, Elizabeth read the note. "What did happen yesterday apart from the fires?" She wrote. Thinking for a moment or two, she scribbled out the 'Apart from the fires' part. He could've taken it in the wrong way and she felt guilty as hell for accusing him that morning. She didn't want to make it any worse... The teacher walked past them, her beady, teddy bear eyes watching her and Aaron with intent to kill. After walking to the back to shout at some poor kid who happened to drop a pencil, she quickly passed the paper back.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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.Aaron watched as the teacher walked passed him and he quickly grabbed the note and read it. He could see that she scribbled out a part and it was barely readable. Elizabeth used to be a good friend to him and Tessa so he didn't mind telling her. "Well me and Tess were drinking in the clubhouse and too make a long story short we hooked up, or at least I think. Her brother came in the room and he was pretty mad. I tried texting her, but she's been distant since last night. I was probably just another guy to her, no biggie." Aaron wrote on the note. It wasn't the whole truth because it was a big deal to him. It hurt him that Tessa hadn't contacted him. He also didn't mention the face that Tessa ha adopted a little girl, which was more than likely the reason her brother was mad.

Aaron a bit upset for reminding himself about the situation. He slyly slid the note on her desk so it'd land on her lap.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth picked it up and read it. "To be honest, I think she really likes you anyway. You two were always close but why was Travis so mad?" From what she knew, Travis was usually quite calm and she thought he'd be happy for Tessa... But then again, Tessa wasn't exactly... Well, she didn't stick to one guy.. Folding it up, she chucked the paper back. And then the end of class bell rang.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron caught the paper before it could hit the desk. The bell had just rung. He opened it up and read it. Elizabeth's words comforted Aaron just a bit, but when he saw the other part he got a bit nervous. He didn't know whether or not he should tell Elizabeth, it felt like it wasn't something for him to tell. Aaron got up from the desk and cut Elizabeth off before she could move. "It's one of those stories you've got to save for another time. Are you down to skip teach's lecture? I like to take my time walking from period to period. C'mon walk with me Liz, let your bad side out" Aaron jokingly egged her on to leave the class without stopping by the teacher's desk like she instructed. They had detention anyway, so whatever she had to say to them could wait till then.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
Elizabeth laughed a little, looking over Aarons shoulder. Her gaze moved back to him and she stared, somewhat evily as if trying to disturb him ever so slightly. "Trust me, you wouldn't like my bad side." Then she pushed past him, exiting the classroom anyway. She half felt like flipping over the stupid table where Mrs Jones always sat, wallowing in self pity. Just to show she wasn't just 'Good Little Elizabeth'. But then again, that'd make her Public Enemy Number One in Mrs Jones's eyes and she didn't really want that.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron watched as Elizabeth strode right past him with ease as she pushed him, before she gave him this look. She walked right past the teacher like it was nothing. "I guess Elizabeth has a bad side after all" Aaron said as he smiled in her direction as she left the class. Aaron followed right after her, after grabbing his book bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Aaron had completely forgot about the teacher because he was so shocked to see Elizabeth act that way. They hadn't been close for a while, so maybe there were changes that Aaron failed to realize in the midst of being popular.

"Well look at you Liz, I'm impressed" Aaron said as he caught up to her in the hall.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
She laughed. "Impressed because I dodged Mrs Jones's lecture?" Heck, Aaron didn't really think that much of her, did he? Come on, she may have been a little nerdy before but she wasn't that bad... was she? Yikes... "Trust me... I've done worse..." She sighed, smiling weakly. She looked at the ground and continued walking, trying to make as little eye contact with people in the corridor as possible. "Anyway, what lesson are you in next?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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"Worse?" Aaron questioned as he waked along side Elizabeth. He tried to imagine what Elizabeth could have possibly done and he couldn't picture her doing anything wrong. Elizabeth was just too good or so it seemed. Normally Aaron would have taken off for his clique, but he felt like hanging with Elizabeth. Part of that was because she was suspicious of the fire incidents from yesterday and the other part was because he was intrigued by her for the moment. "I've got gym next, so now I get to show off my guns." Aaron jokingly bragged as he flexed a muscle at Elizabeth. "What do you have next Liz?" Aaron asked her as he started walking backwards.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
"I think I'm stuck in History. If you fall over I'm not helping you up again." She laughed. "Why are you even walking with me? Is it because of this morning...?" She glanced at him through the corner of her eye, then back at the floor. Maybe she should say sorry... It was a little stupid of her to assume it was him but then again he did make up an excuse earlier saying he did start the fire. She was 70% sure that he did it but he must have had a reason either way.
"...Aaron, did you start those fires?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron turned around and started walking forward again, when Elizabeth asked about the fires. He got quiet for a moment, he'd hate to lie to Elizabeth, but he had to save his own tail. They were close at one time, but he doubted they were ever close enough where she wouldn't tell the cops about burning buildings. "Yes" Aaron said, then he eyes got wide. "What the hell did I just say?!" Aaron thought to himself. "I should go" Aaron quickly said as he turned around and began to head in the opposite direction of Elizabeth.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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#, as written by BOO!
She looked up suddenly, grabbing his arm and stopping him. "You.. You did? Why?" Trying not to make a scene she lowered her voice a little. "I'm sure I'll understand... You wouldn't want to hurt someone, not on purpose. Please tell me.." Knowing fully well of what she was capable of herself, she loosened her grip slightly, but still keep Aaron still. She was in no place to be hypocritical.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Elizabeth Jones
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Aaron was suddenly stopped by Elizabeth who surprisingly had a firm grip no his arm. She asked him why he burned the buildings and for the first time Aaron was at a loss for words. "I just can''s something." Aaron tried to think of how to explain it, but he just couldn't. "I know you're not one to do this type of thing, but skip school with me today and I promise I'll explain everything to you" Aaron bargained with Liz.