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Y'nev Amaren

"This would truly be easier if you didn't put up so much opposition..."

0 · 449 views · located in The Land Of Evil Eye

a character in “In The Name of Evil Eye”, as played by Igari








Y'nev Amaren

Silver Queen, Luna, Songbird



Panromantic Asexual

Built almost as lithely as the winds she commands, her frame is a gentle, graceful one. Her height is above average at 6' teetering on 6'1", though often she may seem a bit smaller due to the way her shoulders taper off. Her weight doesn't seem enough to sustain her, on a good day, she will factor in about 150 lbs. Yet she does not look unhealthy, merely small. Her eyes are usually the first thing one will notice, a pale blue and very close to nearly white. There is almost a chalky film coating her pale orbs, which can make holding eye contact a little uncomfortable. Her hair is long and well-maintained, usually she lets it hang free, seeing no need to constrict it to one form or the other. It has a rather striking silverish hue, appearing white when underneath the moon (which lends to one of her nicknames).

Her skin is a rich, darkened hue of caramel and though it can be hard to make it, she has a few spatterings of freckles on her face. Usually this is hidden by the casual flush upon her cheekbones--it's not a feature of hers that she is very fond of and tries not to bring a lot of notice to it .She enjoys donning pastel-like hues in her common outfits, preferring whites, blues, and the occasional purple. Her policy has always been to never weigh herself down with excessive armor--but that doesn't mean she's not ready to don it if the need ever arose. As it stands, she usually has on a casual fleece shirt and some version of pantaloons, knee high boots that have been laced rather tightly. She carries her weapons visibly, though she makes it a point to keep them sheathed so as not to scare those she corresponds with.



ImageBrilliantly fierce and independently alluring, she is a woman who easily commands the fixations of others due to her carefully chosen words and natural presence. She isn't afraid to stand up for herself, she certainly isn't shy about voicing her opinion, and if someone should dare to cut her off, well. She'll have an earful and a raised voice to follow, because she doesn't like being interrupted. Words to her are precious things, as is time, and it's best not to waste either. So the things she says during interactions are usually chosen with as much consideration as she can muster. If she should find herself in the presence of another strong character, she will give respect where it's due--but it is nearly impossible to miss the note of condescension when someone falls short of her standards. Borderline disgusted with those that she deems inferior, she may flat out ignore people who fall in that category, or extend the bare minimum of a greeting.

She prides herself on her intellect, she's a planner, a strategist, and a rather good tactician. If one can get her invested, she does love a heated debate. Actions matter, and they need to be backed with the right amount of force and decision making. If a battle is on the table, then it must be something of an honorable one. She won't pick fights with people left and right, that isn't really her style. Despite how she may treat those that she doesn't deem highly, she wouldn't seek to actively put them down either. Energy is definitely a thing she values, personally so as she is reliant on it to call on the winds for help, and it wouldn't do to be plum exhausted before she even gets going. She's driven and tenacious, that's for sure, and when she's been given a task, she will want to see it through to the end. She does not like things being half-finished, and gives assignments her all. She's passionate about her endeavors.

She's got a loud laugh if one can get her going, and a glorious sense of humor if she can be enticed into that kind of conversation. To newcomers and friends alike, she treats everyone with the same sense of candidness. Censors don't exactly exist around a woman like her, so be prepared for absolute directness. She doesn't shy away from what needs to be expressed--best to have the confrontation or whatever may be as soon as possible. There can be a plus side to that, however, as oft one can trust that she is probably telling the truth. She's observant, to that degree, and it's difficult for things to slip by her. Overall, she can be an interesting companion, and her intense loyalty usually makes for being the kind of person one can call in a bad situation. She tries to be supportive the best she can be, rare are the moments--but sometimes she can see past her own nose and be a good listener. Once in a while.



ImageAt her most fearsome when she enters the battlefield, she is not a woman to take lightly. She was relying on her battle prowess before she touched the winds, and it is here that she excels. A naturally gifted tactician, she makes up for what perhaps she does not have in direct brute strength with cunning and prowess. Her preferred weapon is a claymore, she enjoys its size and has had hers specially fitted for her build. her claymore has been fashioned such that when she swings it, it whistles with the wind, creating a light airy hum. She also carries a pair of daggers each stationed at her waist for quick access.

Her first ability, as it were, is One with the Wind. As her primary card, it holds the closest tie to her spirit--and has taught her the importance of diligence. It allows her to manipulate the winds around her, at a penalty of course. Oft are the times afterwards where she feels exhausted and unsteady on her feet--despite her intense training. Wind's Whisper allows her to pick up on the slightest of vibrations in the air, which leads to her excellent hearing. She can pick up on even the faintest of movements, which gives her the upper-hand in combat. Her secondary sub-ability is Air Touched, which allows her to always breathe in clean, fresh oxygen. This is a passive ability and in essence, makes her immune to noxious gases or suffocating underwater.

Unbeknownst to her, she may soon have access to additional musings. The first of these potentials is Mercurial Beast, which allows her to summon a horse made of the very winds she can sometimes control. However, if she should find herself in an emotionally heightened state, her steed will respond in kind and be less-than-welcoming to her presence. Her second potential is Tactical Disarm, which removes weaponry from both herself and her opponent. Whosoever retrieves their weapon first will force the other party to be unable to touch theirs (as well as anyone else around them) until the end of the bout--but normally this doesn't cause her much worry, she's a quick thinker and a rather tenacious fighter at that.

  • First Card - Knight of Swords
  • Second Card - Seven of Swords

With a perceptive mind and tenacious spirit, it is often hard to find cracks in the armor she wears, both physically and mentally. An extremely good planner due to her attention to detail, she often feels prepared should she enter into battle. She is an enchanting character, perhaps due to her strength, and can usually command the attention of others. She carries with her a "leader-esque" vibe if one will.

However, her blunt nature and sometimes callous viewpoint can sometimes get in the way of her ability to empathize with other people, as she has a hard time understanding weakness in other people. She sees things very directly, and cannot understand why people choose to live in round about manners--or be beaten down when life presents challenges. She is also quick to judge, which can make persuading her out of her judgement a bit tricky, since she can be a bit stubborn and stick with it. Physically, she has a malady, which causes paralysis in her left arm if she strains herself too much. She will experience "shakes", an unsteadiness in her grip or a loose feeling in her arm before the paralysis sets in. This makes it impossible for her to hold her weapon correctly, let alone defend herself properly. It'll go away after a time, but it is mighty inconvenient. In addition, she experiences terrible motion sickness--it doesn't matter if it's a caravan, a ship, carriage, she will vomit and feel queasy on the journey. Best not to take the chance, empty stomach or no, she'll heave and the results aren't ever pretty.



  • [biological] Father - (Divorced) - “Mother tells me he is trash, but perhaps she does that so I don't seek him out.”
  • [biological] Mother - (Alive) - “ She's a strong woman and a fierce warrior, and I am honored that she taught me the ways of the blade.”
  • [unrelated] "Mother" - (Alive) - “She fashioned my weapons--she's got a wonderful heart and bless her patience, she taught me a little about it.”
  • [biological] Eldest Brother - (Alive) - “Oh, he would just love to be the oldest--he can be a bit of an entitled airhead but his heart is in the right place.”
  • [biological] Youngest Brother - (Alive) - “He is always sad when I leave home, but maybe the distance will make him a stronger man. Maybe he can learn to stand up for himself for once!”
  • [unrelated] Younger Sister - (Alive) - “She's a little spark of fire, trained with me the most and I'm rather fond of her--even if she's always trying to pick a fight with me to see who is the better warrior.”

Diligence, self responsibility, and loyalty. Those were the mantra's she was taught, that is how she learned to live her life. Having known she was a card bearer very early in her life, her mother saw fit to push her daughter to her limits... and then past those. She was enlisted in weapon training much earlier than most children would go--where upon others would not touch a sword till they were at least 9 or 10, she would have one in her hands by age 5. She never really had much of a childhood, perhaps because there wasn't much of one to begin with. All warriors felt the pressure of the Museum of Heroes, the need to be accepted and earn their place among the great ones. There was no time for stopping to help another, there wasn't time to be stopped by compassion. There could only be two outcomes: success or failure.

Refusing to fall behind, she pushed herself to do better, to be better. To impress those around her. She didn't want to be ignored because she was younger than the other trainees, she had always been a little insecure about that. So she practiced, determined to prove herself to her superiors. It ended up paying off, weapon training came naturally to her--and she would spend hours upon hours in the courtyard. Going at it with other students, seeing what her capabilities were, trying to eventually realize what she could accomplish with skill. When she wasn't studying, she usually spent time at the library with her younger brother. He wasn't a warrior like her, he was mild-mannered but he was quite intelligent. He liked to verse her in chess and it was partially his influence that she became as good at tactics as she did.

Her mother seemed proud of her progress and her home life, well, it was home. Chaotic, loud, and full of snark. Her family was a big one, but she never resented it. It was nice to be the eldest, to be depended on. She felt like she could really contribute something to her home life, to protect them from the dangers of the outside world. (Her younger sister never really wanted this protection, for note, as she was a "trained warrior" herself) Her teenage years fell into small distraction when she earned herself her first romantic partner. Well, that certainly didn't end well, as the boy ended up leaving her for someone else. She got him back good during class, though--and managed to laugh it off after some time. Romance didn't really appeal to her after that, not in the typical way--she never really got what all the "behind closed doors" time was about and it never interested her to find out.

As she entered her twenties, she began to take more effort with her ventru, her natural mana. She wanted to understand her own magic, to understand these strange abilities she had been granted. In the beginning, she could not even muster up a small breeze before passing out for a time. When she finally managed to stay awake, the winds she summoned were so hectic that she knocked herself over and fell flat on her face. These practice sessions were met with quite a bit of failure before she began to get the hang of it.... two years later. Magic sure wasn't easy, and even though she's been at it for a while, it's not the most comfortable or logical thing in the world. Fortunately she had the libraries at her aid--the books helped her figure out how to manage her abilities--at the very least, keep herself from fainting all the time.

It was with great honor that she received the news of being sent to Earth. It was news that she regarded with high esteem and she excitedly relayed it to her family. Her youngest brother was the saddest to see her go. She promised to bring him back something special (though maybe those were more empty words, for her summoning was for a situation much more dire than a mere visit), flat out ignoring her other brother as he prattled about how he should have been chosen instead of her. With a heavy heart, she departed from her family and took the claymore her other mother had made for her. It wouldn't be for another several days before she discovered that her siblings had scribbled all over the hilt. She had initially been angry with this discovery but secretly holds this with some affection, since it reminds her of home and of the family she waits patiently to see once more.

⌈Thread: Daily⌋

So begins...

Y'nev Amaren's Story

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Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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Kingdom of Wands: Personale
Servius Lane

Another fight. Huzzah.

Servius wiped his mouth and shook his right hand, attempting to rid it of pain. He stared down the man who had tried to pick a fight and lost. He stepped over the contender's limp body and into the streets of Personale. Dust flew into his eyes and he grimaced, wiping it away. ’Damn sand,’ he thought to himself, turning the corner to move past the bustling marketplace he had been going through. He could feel stares aimed at him. He welcomed them. He wanted to fight. He wanted to beat the living crap out of anyone who wanted to try.

But he hadn’t come for fighting. He had come because of his summons.

Servius felt the parchment in his paper crinkle ever so softly. His fingers went over the uneven surface, trying to read the words through his fingertips. He sighed. Why would the King need any use of him? Was it his relation to Lilith? No, Wands never did something spectacular for the deaths of Card Holders. They barreled through circumstances like this like a bird through air. There was always too much to be done, especially with the recent proclamation against Medicinal Malpractices. So much to do, not enough time to mourn.

That’s what he hated and admired about this kingdom.

His eyes raised, meeting with the elaborate castle of the King where people came and went as any other building in the Kingdom of Wands. Always busy, never a time to rest. Servius took his sweet time going up the steps in the case anyone else wanted a fight but all he received were glares and muttered obscenities. He shrugged, moving past the guards and taking a good look inside. All around him were guild representatives all across the kingdom, all wishing to speak with the King over multiple items and propositions they could never get elsewhere. They gathered at stalls organized for receiving any request or letter. The liveliness of the area almost disgusted him. No, wait. It did disgust him.

Silently, he moved through the crowd to the Card Holder stall located at the back of the reception hall. He pulled out the letter to the attendant, an elderly man with graying hair. The attendant glanced at the seal on the letter before pulling out a card, placing it on the desk. Servius watched as the young man flipped it over and a cat came out, stretching and meowing. “What is it, Clarence?”

Servius lifted a brow. “Queen of Wands?”

Clarence smiled. “That’s me. Chat, please lead Seven to the King.” The cat looked lazily over at him, licking her whiskers. “I’ll get you a nice bowl of milk and a good book from Swords.”

The cat’s eyes rolled. “Keep the milk. I don’t want to ruin the book.” She hopped off the stall, nodding to Servius to follow. As soon as they were a good distance away, Chat began to speak. “Honestly, the boy treats me like a house cat instead of an all powerful familiar. The nerve of it after all these years together. Seven, stay close, I don’t want you wandering off.”

Servius followed small black cat in silence, not wishing to instigate a fight with a cat of all things. The cat sat down, waiting for him to open the door. “The King of Wands will see you now.” After a moment of processing the command, Servius opened the door, stepping inside. As said, the King waited there, brow furrowed. Servius walked in, closing the door. The head turned, eyes meeting his.

“Your Highness,” Servius greeted in mock servitude. “You summoned me.”

“Seven, I see you still have that attitude,” the King responded, standing. She tossed the loose end of her cloak over her shoulder, lips tight. “How are you faring considering the death of two of your fellow Card Holders?”

At times, Servius couldn’t believe this woman- younger than him by six or seven years- was the King of Wands. Yet, she carried the air of royalty and command that he didn't dare have at his age. His eyes narrowed. “If you summoned me for some therapy session-“

“No, that is not why I called you.” Her arms crossed as she stepped forward. “You are summoned for different reasons. One being Medicinal Malpractice, disruption of the peace, not to mention failing to protect several children near the Gateways-“

Servius could tell she was using it. His Danger Sensor was going haywire and his jaw tightened, temple throbbing. “Stop that,” he hissed, teeth clenched. She hmphed, brushing her bangs from her face. “Tone it down your Unsheathing."

“I will if you will,” she replied, irked. “Your ability is affecting my own.” Servius took a deep breath, his Discord lowering. The King sighed as well, almost in relief. “Good. The main reason you are called here is for a project. There is an interkingdom crisis about to unfold, one that I see is fit for your abilities.” He raised a brow. “No, it’s not because I want to get rid of you. Right now, you are the one Card Holder not wrapped up in current affairs. Your Danger Sensor will be crucial for the group.”

“Wanna tell me how I’m going to be ‘crucial’ to an interkingdom project? Last time I checked, the only way to another Kingdom is a Gateway. And I want to stay alive.” He wasn’t an idiot. There was no way he would be able to meet with members of another kingdom any other-

“The Evil Eye.”

His eyes widened, for once breaking through that barrier of never ending anger. “That’s only for the Kings-“ He stopped abruptly as he saw her disregard their conversation and move to another part of the room. There, she stopped at nothing but a bare wall and a candleholder, one of the only light sources in the darkened room. She reached up, removing the candle from its place, and stepped back. The wall fell away, swinging wide to reveal a glowing Gateway. Unlike the others he had encountered, this one shimmered a multitude of colors, all merging into white and separating to become their respective colors.

“Come along,” she ordered, stepping through without a hint of hesitation. Servius, shell shocked, checked in with his Danger Sensor. Nothing? If it said so...

He took a deep breath and stepped inside, eyes scanning the area. Unidentifiable light filled the stone, round room, revealing a simple wooden table and chairs. Four other doors took up the walls, symbols etched onto their frames. His Danger Sensor was going haywire at each door he examined
 except for one. He gawked at the door to their left, a strange dancing figure on the frame. He wondered where that lead to

“That is the Fool’s door,” the King remarked, earning another stunned expression from the usually aloof Servius. “Do your best not to stare. It is unbecoming.”

 Holy shit, what was the King getting him into?

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Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren
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#, as written by Igari

Y'nev brushed her hair over her shoulder, smiling politely at the passerby as she made her way down the long hallway of the Museum of Heroes. She had been here many many times over the years, this place provided her with inspiration and safety, and visible aspirations. She glanced fondly over at a statue of Lelland Gelraye---now there was a real warrior. Practically an amazon and quite adept with the ax. The card bearer almost envied the warrior, she could never hope to be as talented with such a blunt and heavy weapon. But she had found her forte with her claymore and she wasn't about to regret her decision of choosing this weapon so many years ago. It matched her, it suited her. And it was with that thought that she puffed up her chest more, feeling the familiar rush of confidence.

She interlaced her fingers behind her back as she walked. What was she to expect? Her king had summoned her here with little to no details on what it was regarding. However, she had certainly read the "urgent" on the summons and had wasted no time in traveling to that part of her city. She had always admired her king--he was strong, broad-shouldered, and had such a commanding presence. No one would question the man was a true leader and had uncanny talent in the battlefield. And now she had a chance to meet with him, to converse with him for longer than a few minutes. As a card bearer, of course, it wasn't as if she hadn't been in contact with him here or there. But he was the king, after all, and could not dedicate large amounts of individual time to any one person in particular. So it was with excitement that she pushed open the marble doors at the end of the hall, sucking in her breath as she did so.

She could feel him as she entered the room. His presence was almost overwhelming, oh, it sent shivers down her spine. What she wouldn't give for a chance to face him in combat. Just once, she'd like to clash blades with him. As it where, now was not the time or place. She closed the door delicately behind her and took a few more steps, falling to one knee.

"My Lord, you summoned me?" The man looked up from his reverie, turning to face her with piercing green eyes. He smiled, though it looked a bit strained and gestured for her to stand. She brushed off her knees as she got up, and walked a bit closer to him.

"Miss Amaren, I appreciate your haste. Come, stand next to me." She blinked and did as he asked, unsure of what it was that he was after. To be honest, she was a woman that really valued having more information than not. And the lack of detail was a bit frustrating, even if it was from her king. She waited patiently and after a few moments, he resumed speaking. "I will get right to the point, as I do not have time to spare and you've never been the kind of pupil to enjoy being kept in the dark." He chuckled a bit as a small amount of color found its way to her cheeks. Hm, this man was always a bit too perceptive. It was a quality she both enjoyed and disliked in him.

"It is a dire strait we find ourselves in, and it is because of this that..." Whatever he was about to say was cut off as of a sudden, she heard it, she felt it, and on instinct she rolled backwards. He had swung his lance at her, the king--he'd swung his weapon at her. She blinked several times, trying to take this in but she had no moment for recuperation. He was on her, and he was coming fast. He took a step forwards, his large weapon moving so gracefully through the air. She reached backwards, grabbing her claymore out of its' sheath and she thrust it forwards. Their weapons clanged against one another, a resounding thrum filling the large hall. Oh she was getting her chance now, what she wanted. And she was filled with fire.

She grinned at him--now wasn't the time for questions--and if it was a fight he wanted, he was going to get one. They struggled against one another, he was pushing his lance down and she was having a tough time keeping up with his strength. She wouldn't win like this and she knew it. She slacked the grip on her claymore and let go, side-stepping and letting his weapon glide downwards. He looked a bit surprised at her choice but that's what she was counting on. She ran at him, using the momentum to spin at him as she attempted to land a kick on his mid-section. He fended her off to the side with his lance, sending the girl to the ground. He picked up his lance, losing no time as he shoved it downwards towards her shoulder. She rolled, grabbing her claymore from the floor and scrambling up to her feet.

He smiled oddly at her, and narrowed his eyes. She saw a familiar glow pulse through his body--he was going to use his magic. Oh no, that wasn't... It happened in an instant, he closed the distance between them, she barely had the speed to dodge sideways. His lance sliced through her arm and she winced, oh that stung. She ignored the wound and held her claymore firmly in both of her hands, charging at him and slicing downwards towards his legs. He shuffled backwards and she kept up her assault, the two dancing with one another for a little bit. She breathed out, this was getting her nowhere, she had to change tactics. Well, if he used his card, then so would she.

She held up her hand and called her winds to her aid, sending a gust of wind at his body. He tensed, thrusting his lance into the ground to get a firm foothold. She only had a moment, she couldn't afford to waste it...! She somersaulted to the other side of him and hoping she was quick enough, she swung with all her might. There was a cool rush of silence as her winds ended, dispersing without their source. She huffed out as an unmistakable clang echoed. Her claymore had hit his wristband, she had almost had him, if only...! He laughed, turning on her and hitting her in the stomach with his knee. She choked and fell to her knees, gasping for air. He watched her for a few moments as the woman tried to catch herself, feeling weary and exhausted all in one.

Neither said anything while she collected herself and somewhat weakly, she regarded him through hazy eyes. He gazed intensely at her before getting on one knee himself and offering a hand. "I apologize, Miss Amaren, I had to be sure." She wheazed and took his hand, coughing a bit as she got to her feet. She was shaky and had to use him for support. That hit had really... well,
hurt. "I needed to know if you were still up to snuff. And I'm glad to see that my confidence was not misplaced. The task I have to give you, it is a crucial one, and I need you at your best. But you seem ready." She glanced briefly at the cut on her arm, choosing to ignore it at the moment. It wasn't fatal, it could wait.

"What do you need of me?" She breathed out, sheathing her weapon as the battle had ended.

"Come, let's walk and talk--I've got much to explain. But I'm sure by the end of this all, you'll be more than a little excited." He had definitely caught her interest and as he fell into stride, she sped up to keep up with him. Whatever this was about, she wanted to make her king proud. She was surging a bit from the small compliment he had paid her, she was glad he could place confidence in her. She stared at her king as they made their way down the hall, barely able to contain her anticipation. This was certainly shaping up to be an interesting day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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#, as written by Igari

The woman kept pace with her king, ignoring the slight tingles from her arm as the two of them made small talk. As always, she was impressed with his memory. They spoke of her training, in particular, her first set of classes. She had been the smallest person there--and that was a fact that hadn't really changed up until recent years. She had gained height, that was for sure, but the weight... well, not so much so. She asked politely after his lady, to which she received a chortle of sorts. Marriage and warriors were always a strange combination to put into a topic--but the king had chosen a credible mate, an excellent tactician and (rumor had it) better with the sword than
he was. Hm. Fearsome.

As they approached the end of the hallway, she set her sights on a peculiar door. She glanced around, she was sure that hadn't... been here before? She frowned, and gazed at it again. The longer she looked, the more it morphed in shape. In surprise, she snuck a glance at her king who was observing her with interest. The door expanded and the frame seemed to dissolve as it began to resemble more of a gateway. Before long, it was twice as big and producing slightly ominous lighting. She blinked, she wasn't really sure if she was seeing what she was seeing. Of course she had heard of this, of course she knew the rumors, but she had never imagined that she would be allowed to travel.

"Is this...?" She heard another chuckle and her king shook his head.

"Miss Amaren, no time like the present. After you." She nodded, he was right. A warrior didn't hesitate. It would get you killed on the battlefield. So she took a step through, not quite knowing what to expect. She felt a wrenching in her chest as she did so, like someone was tugging on her from deep inside. It was uncomfortably warm, uncomfortably cold--it was hard to put a place on all the things she was experiencing at once. She felt constricted, for a moment it was like she couldn't breathe... and then the pressure was released. She found herself standing somewhere completely different. She was about to turn around to check on her king when something very unpleasant settled in the pit of her stomach.

Her nostrils flared and she immediately swerved to meet the point of attention. Her gaze fell onto a man standing a ways off from a woman. He had a look of discomfort on his face (or was that annoyance?). Whatever it was, just staring at him was making her feel angry. She wasn't sure why and she clenched her hands into fists as her jaw tightened. She felt riled up, and this seemed the rather unexpected emotion when transported elsewhere--not to mention inappropriate. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked backwards, feeling a bit calmer as she met the stare of her king.

"Coins, Wands, my old friends. It is wonderful to see you again. It appears we..." Almost simultaneously, both her and her king caught sight of two figures towards the back of the room and she heard him adjust himself smoothly. "Well, we are in fact the last ones to this gathering. I apologize, I couldn't help but give Miss Amaren here a little test." She decided to look at the other people in the room while he was talking, lingering first on a small, petite blond girl. Hm. Cute, seemed a little bit a like a pacifist. But maybe that would be a good thing, all things considered. Since that other male was rubbing her the wrong way. She looked over at the blue-haired woman, who honestly seemed the most out of place out of all of them. While the first girl just seemed gentle, this one seemed ill at ease and terribly uncomfortable.

She wondered if she was to greet them in her usual manner. Her king had mentioned Coins and Wands.... and she was sure their kingdoms did not have the same customs as hers. So instead she extended a curt bow towards Wands, trying to smile but finding it incredibly difficult with that irksome male in the way. She placed a hand on her claymore, bowing towards the other occupants of the room. She heard a familiar laugh and settled upon her king once more, who seemed to be the only one in higher spirits.

"Ah, a warrior's fire is alit in this room." He gestured towards the man with the scowl. Y'nev glared at him subtly, why would someone like that be here anyway? "But where are my manners? Come, introduce yourself. Then we can get to business." He pushed her forwards and she privately thanked some higher forces for her training as she didn't fall flat on her face. This "push" was much more like a rough shove and she wouldn't want to be making a fool of herself so soon.

"Y'nev Amaren, blessings be to the Silver Mother." She bowed again, giving a slightly formal customary greeting. She half-wondered if they even knew who the Silver Mother was. Hm. She took a step closer to her king once more, almost in a guard-like position. She had not relinquished her hold upon her weapon hilt yet and kept herself at the ready. Just in case something went wrong. It was always best to be prepared, after all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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Freya observed the final arrival to the room, a tall young woman with the self assured presence of a warrior. Her greeting was slightly odd and Freya wondered who this "Silver Mother" was, but nonetheless she appreciated good manners.

Freya became conscious that she had let her demeanor slip and felt the King's judgemental gaze in the back of her head. Now was not the time for nerves, she was an Adis and she had to put her best foot forward.

She straightened her shoulders, fixed a pleasant, confident expression to her face and surveyed her "battleground", so to speak. Four regal presences, three Cardholders with wildly different auras. She cursed inwardly for allowing herself to be phased, especially by something as simple as a surly young man. She concluded she had too little information to launch individual introductions, that would come later, a group introduction was the best plan of action for now.

The King stepped forward and gestured towards her, "Illustrious majesties and esteem Cardholders, may I introduce my kingdom's contribution to this delicate mission, Freya Adis, The Knight of Cups"

She stepped forward curtsied with a smile and bowed her head slightly as she spoke, "I am deeply honoured to be here during this time of crisis. I hope we can all work well together to defeat the Major Arcana and form lasting bonds for our Kingdoms and people." She smiled and fixed her gaze on each individual, with what she hoped was a commanding presence. She focused particularly on the Seven of Wands, trying to project a message of " "Do not underestimate me and do not undermine this mission." in her thin lipped smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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Evil Eye
Servius Lane

What the ever living fuck.

The entrance of four more people caused him minor distress, his eyes scanning them distastefully. From appearances alone, he could make out the Kings. Then the two women were Card Holder representatives. Great. He could- Why the fuck was this girl standing so close to him? Why were they ALL standing close to him? Discomfort evident on his face, he moved away from them very obviously. ‘Don’t start a riot, she said. They’re all standing too close for me to take the time to counteract it!’ Another deep breath. His Discord retracted even more that usual, dangerously so. Hopefully, he wouldn’t suffer any backlash later for it
 But now wasn’t the time. He could barely catch their names before they were said. ‘A warrior’s fire,’ Servius mocked in his mind. ‘I’d give this up-‘

The blue haired woman’s words tore through his thoughts.

“Woah, woah, woah!” Servius called, hands raising. He didn’t even respond to the look the lady- what’s her face, Freya? - yeah, whatever look she gave him. “Major Arcana? Major- What- King!” His eyes turned to his King who had proceeded to run a hand down her face in internal agony. Did she expect him to just sit down and take this quietly?! “Major Arcana? They exist? Hell, you never said anything about this to me!” His fist clenched, Discord dangerously spiking. A glare from her caused him to halt before saying anything more, taking a deep breath. “I am not backing out of the mission. I want to know what this is about.”

The King of Wands took a silent breath, regaining her own composure for a moment before turning to the rest of the room’s occupants. “I had decided to not tell my representative of the situation until now. I see this was an unwise decision but I had expected the information to be given in a more formal manner.” Her eyes settled to Freya, nodding. “I am glad to see some representatives to be well informed and much more conducted. Despite his faults, the Seven of Wands will be useful to the mission, I promise you.”

Her eyes turned to Page and Nine. “As the Knight of Cups was informed, you representatives will be sent to capture the Major Arcana, the cards that had sought to destroy our world which have escaped into the Human Realm. As Kings, we found you able to contribute the most to protecting the Land of Evil Eye.”

At the side, Servius had been grumbling ever so quietly, eyes glaring at the King who was chastising him like a child. Fuck all of this, he would rather be at ho-

His head turned violently and he stepped between the group and the Fool’s door. His fists clenched, eyes searching the area. He was sure he felt his Danger Sensor go off
 The sudden movement caught the King’s attention, eyebrow raised. “So. Even then you can even sense it from the Fool.”

A clap came from the opposite side of the room. “Oooh, very nice, Seven!” A joyous voice called. Eyes turned to the center table where the Fool sat, hands in their lap. In a way, the Fool was everything everyone portrayed but not. Servius examined him, a strange sense of danger and safety emerging from this one being. The Fool chuckled, crossing their legs. “So
 We have a Knight, a Page, a Nine, and a Seven. Very, very interesting. Now, question time! Who wants to go first?” They giggled immensely. “It’s been so long since I’ve met new people! Oh, how exciting!”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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#, as written by Igari

Y'nev furrowed her brows. This day had been relatively pleasant, as a matter of fact, it had been a day of high honor. The key word being, had. The male, the Seven of Wands as was his formal title, certainly had a mouth on him. And he was getting on her nerves. She tightened her grip on her weapon and went to take a step forwards but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She whirled, glaring expectantly at her king. He shook his head, though he seemed slightly tense as well. Whatever that...
boy was doing was causing her discomfort. It was like white noise, it was like someone ramming the most aggravating sensation right into her gut. She was sure she could take him but this wasn't the time or the place to be... picking fights.

She grimaced, restraining a groan as she glanced over towards the King of Wands from under her lashes. "The Major Arcana? While it is a wondrous responsibility to defend the realm, why us? Specifically, why him?" She gestured over towards Seven as she slid her weapon out of its hilt by several inches. A show of slight force seemed necessary since words alone were not enough to shut his mouth. She continued, the contempt clear in her voice. "He can barely control his temper, and dissonance does nothing to aid a group effort. If he can't even be effectively collared when given a mission, then--" She paused, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up.

She fully drew out her weapon as she noticed the kings placing gazes around the room. Something was here, but what? Her ears twitched. She had not heard anyone enter the vicinity, what could...

A melodic voice rang out and silenced her internal questions. It was hard to put her finger on it, because the voice was simultaneously grating yet relieving. She was a woman that did not like contradictions and she turned her head very slowly towards the newest arrival. There was no mistaking it, there could be no question. She had seen the idols, she had read the texts. She did not sheath her claymore, merely pointed it downwards as she paced directly in front of her King. If something tumultuous was about to happen, she wanted to be near her liege. Better his safety than anyone else's in her books.

She took a moment to process the request of this bizarre character and cleared her throat, narrowing her eyes at them. She began carefully where she had left off, before she had been interrupted."What do we possess over others? While aptitude is not questionable for... most of us, why did this particular configuration strike the fancy of the Kings? Sending representatives for what seems to be a high task seems risky, to say the least." She looked at the other two women. The blue haired woman was more confident than she gave her credit for being and she extended over a polite nod of her head. Respect where respect was due. She appreciated intelligence and this woman seemed to have both that and a touch of grace. Much more classy than that... whatever he was.

Y'nev decided that his presence wasn't really going to be of much consequence. If she had to talk to him directly, so be it. But for now, she was just going to tune him out. He was causing her mental distress, and she wasn't a particularly violent person without a cause. But something about him rubbed her the wrong way and until she figured out what it was, she wasn't going to chance any prolonged interaction.

"In case you missed the introductions, my name is Y'nev Amaren, my fickle Lord. Blessings be to the Silver Mother." She made peace with the fact that perhaps some humility was due in this situation. She wasn't sure how... generous this entity was going to be feeling today and considering the discord already rampant in the room, well, it'd be best to do this kindly, quickly, and concisely. Her temper was already a bit short, she didn't like surprises, and she had a sickening feeling they wouldn't have long to ask what they wished.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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Evil Eye
Servius Lane

The Fool shifted slightly, pulling at their collar. The King of Wands’s eyes seem to shift ever so slightly, her forehead scrunching. She took a breath, patting Servius’s arm. Of course, Servius was far from satisfied from the action. “The Seven of Wands, though a Card Holder that can instill anger and initiate conflict, is a Card Holder that can also sense danger. I am aware you are all more than capable of common sense, something Seven lacks
 But his sense of danger is even more heightened than most. The fact you are all going to a place none of us have stepped in
 It is wise to bring someone who’s sense of danger at any turn, even if the Seven can use some fine tuning of his attitude.”

He could feel her gaze on him. The grip of trust in his arm.

‘Three days,’ he thought to himself. ‘You gave me three days and then threw me back to work.’

Nonetheless, he took a breath.

“You shouldn’t try to push people away all the time, Lane! Tell you what, a good first impression is always wonderful! You want to get to know people more? To have them trust you? You should show them you want let them in, too! That’s how you get the job done”

“Lane, you gotta work hard for everyone, you know?”

“Servius Lane! You’re going to go somewhere someday! And you’re going to make me proud!”

Breathless, motionless, Servius raised his gaze, the sense of conflict (at least caused from his Discord) retracted almost immediately, not completely gone but close to absent in comparison to before. The King of Wands let out a breath of her own, appearing more relaxed. He stepped forward, but not too close, to the others, bowing his head. “I apologize for my prior actions. There is no acceptable excuse for my upset but believe me when I say I will hold my part. I can also offer medical experience if needed in this new world. I can fight but the Page of Swords seems more fit for that.” His head raised, nodding to Y’nev. “And I am not built to be a diplomat or leader either,” he responded, turning to Freya. “I will cause trouble but I will do what I must to complete this mission. I ask you to accept my actions and attitude from this point on as the representative of my kingdom, not as I acted before.”

He didn’t want pity. He had been repeating to himself that sentence like a mantra, lips tight against each other, a song in his head droning on and on. He didn’t want pity and thus didn’t ask for forgiveness for acting as himself. Servius would, however, act more accordingly as a representative of Wands. He had to do his duty. ‘Work it off,’ he told himself. ‘Don’t give excuses or ask for forgiveness for your pettiness from now on. You know you’re petty and you’re going to be petty. But hope your benefits can overcome your down points.’

Servius could almost laugh at himself. Him? Trying to sell his own worth to these strangers? How could that happen if he couldn’t even sell himself to his own family half the time? Yet, this was a duty he was being assigned. He’d deal with it. And that damn Discord.

A cough was heard. The Fool had hopped up to the top of a chair by now, their legs crossing each other. They offered and uneasy smile. “Wow, I forgot how energetic people could be. Hehe.” Again, the King of Wands appeared uneasy, as did the rest of the Kings. Servius’s eyes rested on this strange being that had entered the room, watching him. “Either way! Hello, Page of Swords. Blessed to the Silver Mother as well! Oh, I’m so out of tune with the times I have no idea half of the customs that have developed. Ms. Y’nev, may I address you as so? And the Knight of Cups, Ms. Freya if I may call you by such. So surprising to see how all of you have grown! Then again it seems like yesterday I assigned those cards! Then again, time seems like nothing when you are the one in control the turn of the day and night
 Just kidding! Not my duty. Oh, what was I saying?”

“Assignment,” the King of Wands noted.

“Oh, yes!” Their hands clasped each other. “I have no control over who the kingdoms choose. I only have the ability to send four - no more, no less, one of each kingdom - from this world to the Human Realm. I also have the ability to give you abilities to trap these Major Arcana if you are willing to take up the tasks. Do I have four representatives that agree?”

Servius knew he would hate the idea of leaving. Knew He would hate being surrounded by the unknown on the mission for someone else, representing something other than himself. But this was a duty. The one trait he carried from his kingdom was his determination to complete all requested tasks. He took a step forward, nodding silently. He held his tongue, not willing to trust what he would say.

‘Ok, Lilith. I’ll make you proud.’

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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#, as written by Igari

Y'nev felt something warm clasp at her arm, not very tightly. She took in briefly the blue hair out of the corner of her eye, registering that Freya had taken some steps closer to her. Was the other woman seeking to make her feel better? Or perhaps seeking some protection--with how volatile the current energy was, Y'nev couldn't blame the diplomat. She let herself relax just long enough to extend a smile to the other woman. She didn't really do anything to slip out of the other's grasp--it was comforting in a mild way and she had a slight feeling this might become a normal stance. Freya did not look equipped for battle in the slightest. And she had something of a soft spot for those that were out of their element, she knew that feeling very well.

She returned her stare towards Fool as the King of Wands spoke. She was hesitant to remove her gaze from them for too long, all things considered. The entity had suddenly appeared in the room without so much as a heads up and she wasn't about to risk losing sight of them again. She listened quietly to the explanation, it seemed... "logical" enough. Seven had been alerted to the Fool's presence before any of them, and that was a useful tool on the battlefield. The thought of going to a strange new place filled her with a mixture of anticipation, some dread, but mostly curious excitement. This would be a grand story to tell in time--she should only hope that they would live through the whole ordeal to speak of it to others.

She nodded faintly when the King was done speaking, taking note that Serverius' reply seemed curt but... a little sincere. She didn't look at him but took in what he was saying. "If what you say holds true, then we have no reason to quarrel further. But if you step out of line during battle and endanger our lives..." She trailed off, shooting a quick but intense look in his direction. If he was to be her companion, if they were to travel together, disagreements could interfere with their dynamic as a group. With their unity as a team. And most importantly, with the livelihood of the party. She couldn't protect everyone--and that... strange ability of his colored her vision and turned her temper a bit short-sided. And that could be detrimental in the throes of conflict. As long as he understood that...

Besides, she couldn't exactly... ignore him the whole entire trip. It seemed he wasn't going to be able to be replaced (unfortunate) so she could extend him mild civility. At least until he earned proper respect. Something of which had been a bit marred by his previous introductions. The Silver Mother preached, however, that one must allow forgiveness in the face of ignorance and perhaps she had to suck it up too. Even if she didn't really want to.

The Fool interrupted her chain of thought, answering her questions extremely vaguely and without much directive. But what did she expect? A full assignment page? (That only happened during training and this certainly wasn't her Kingdom anymore) She wrinkled her nose but extended another graceful bow to the Fool when they had finished... "explaining".

"If that is the wish of our Kings and the directive you shall assign us, then I have no reason to disagree. A request, however." She turned to her Liege and bowed again, furrowing her brows slightly. "Please tell my family that I will return? I don't want them to worry, my brother in particular gets antsy in my absence. I don't know how long this will be for... But I would at least like them to know that I left bearing them well wishes." She stifled the urge to get more personal. If she had properly known, she would have written a letter. She would have hugged them each especially tight. As it stood, all she had were their scribbled signatures on her hilt. And that would have to do until she... had the chance to see them again.

It filled her with some melancholy. She was going to miss home life. But she had a mission now, a new duty. And she had to lend herself to her kingdom. That was a duty in high esteem. Her King nodded, and released a loud laugh--a sound that calmed her if but slightly.

"Of course, Miss Amaren--you are doing us a great service. I can extend out your wishes to your family." She smiled earnestly. Her Liege was a good man. She knew she could count on him. She looked out at her future travel companions, brushing some hair out of her eyes to meet each of their gazes firmly.

"I will do my best to see that we do not come to much harm. All I ask for is honesty, and you will earn my loyalty in return." She took a deep breath and exhaled very slowly, directing her next words towards the Fool. "I'm ready to depart, My Lord." Whatever she was about to get into, where-ever this journey were to lead her... at least she would not go at it alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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Freya listened intently to the King of Wands and the Fool, from her own experiences and perspective she wasn't entirely convinced that anger and volatility could be useful tools. She had spent so long living under a veneer of calm she had almost forgotten how anger felt, bitter and numb she imagined, like a stiff drink.

The Fool spoke of another world, of heroism and kingdoms in the balance, this stirred up a longing in Freya she didn't know existed. Finally she could use her powers for something other than meaningless pleasantries and vacuous social gatherings. She could be useful, she might even find some answers about what happened to her parents.

Once again she took stock of her group. Y'nev, unquestionably a warrior through and through, she seemed dependable and honourable, traits they would need they were going. The young girl from Coins had not spoken much but she seemed earnest and bright. And Servius...unpredictable, a hothead but she couldn't help but admire his passion and strength, it wasn't a warrior's strength, it was something different, forged through hardship she suspected. And then there was her; socialite, ice princess, blue blood, it was now or never.

She looked at King Yoren, bristling with authority and power, he had heeded the Fool's words intently and was looking at her impatiently. "Miss Adis, your answer please."

She breathed in deeply, and addressed her companions "I believe the time for discussion has passed, and the time for action has begun. I'm willing to place my trust in all of you and I hope you can do the same. There is plenty of time to get to know each other better on the long journey ahead, for now let us advance to the mission at hand."

She turned to the Fool and bowed her head, "I'm ready, do what you must"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Mona Rezart Character Portrait: Freya Adis
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● Mona Rezart ●

All the interactions in front of her came as a blur. So much had happened she barely had time to catch up with her own thoughts. Not sure what to take of the situation just yet, she waited patiently on the side, trying to take in the hustle and bustle in a calm and collected manner. She had to have some sense around her! After all, to be in a room with such important people with many important titles! Everything felt so new around her and she decided to sit back and watch it all unfold in front of her until an opportunity offered itself to her. Then she would formally engage in the conversation herself.

However, that time came all too late. Before she knew it, there was yelling from the obviously disgruntled Wands and nearly everyone else seemed to take up his attitude. Mona bit her lower lip, fingers curling in and out of each other. How should she approach the situation? Her eyes glanced to the King of Coins, searching for any sign of what to do or how to carry it out. The King, on the other hand, seemed all too concentrated with her furrowed brow and tight lips. How could such an atrocious attitude fall on everyone on the room? If anything, this appeared as a battle ground rather than a inter-kingdom meeting as was revealed. Was she to be tasked with balancing them out? Oh, dear, no, that would be
 Difficult. She considered opening her mouth for a moment, just when the Wands - Servius
 That was his name
? He began to yell and his King silenced him, just as irked as he - she hadn’t expected the Wands folk to be so easily angered or temperamental but that seemed like the case. She began to explain more into the reason behind this meeting.

Mona’s breath nearly escaped her as the explanation came. Them? Capture the Major Arcana? The term sprung up old memories of the Sorting
 Joyous celebrations she often took her brother to, in the company of her parents of course. They’d wander about, trying different treats, viewing rare items from other kingdoms that surfaced more during the event, and then returned home to share the spoils of plays they had seen, food they had consumed, people they have met, and the spectacularity of all it. She would have smiled at the term were it not for the dangerous shadows that forever loomed in stories, the malicious beings under the bed, and the imagined growls that caused misfortune at a flick of a finger. Major Arcana
 She allowed the shock to hit her before regathering herself, eyes focused and head high. For a moment, she could feel a gaze on her. Her King? A gaze of a proud monarch, determined with the decision they had made.

And that did not even signal the end of it! Mona’s breath fell further away from her as a man - or woman - or child - or
 She could not tell. But a being dressed in regal but humorous garb appeared, dancing about the room with extreme confidence. She knew not what drew her to think the name but it came almost naturally.

’The Fool

The Fool carried all the powerfulness the Fool should carry. Their movements, their words, their clever smiles, free of any worldly care but giving the effort to contribute to their existence. She stifled a gasp and incoherent words, holding herself tall and collected (despite being one of the shorter ones in the room). The presence of such an important being could only constitute to the seriousness of the assignment handed to them. Mona took a breath. She released. Mona knew she would take up this duty with the utmost diligence. She could do this! She knew she could! A thought struck her and for a moment she faltered, looking back at the King. Having been caught up by the energy that circulated the room, her own family had slipped from her mind! The King leaned in, whispering in her ear.

“Do not worry. They are capable and are well aware of what you have been summoned for.”

Despite the reassurance...

An image of a growing young man entered her mind. Her brother... Her parents. How long would she be gone? Why would she go so far out of her way to represent her country? She was confident in her abilities but surely there were others. They needed her at home, especially with the trade going so high. As much as she wanted to contribute and knew she could, this would probably beget an undesired response. She turned her head to her King.

"I... Cannot take up this duty, your highness. I apologize. There are others more qualified than me."

There were words of protest. She shook her head. She could feel the stares but refused to acknowledge them as she again reaffirmed her denial of the request. The King paused, nodding.

"It is... Understandable. I should have acknowledged your reluctance before doing this." She turned to the rest, stern and professional. "I will retrieve another representative in the next few hours. Please wait here."

And thus the King and Mona left, both in search of a proper representative.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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Evil Eye
Servius Lane

Shock overtook him as he heard the “great Kingdom of Coins” representative step down from the call. He should have known off the back that she wasn’t prepared. She had this
 Air about her. It wasn’t dangerous, of course, but it intrigued him - especially considering she didn’t seem perturbed from the Discord. But nonetheless, the disappointment set in. Just another set of questions that would never be answered. Great. Just great.

A clearing of the throat occurred behind him and he glanced over his shoulder at the King. She raised a brow, almost questioning him. Questioning his decision.

‘Are you fucking kidding me? You drag me here, I say I’m going to stay, then you question if I will be loyal to my word? You’re fucking joking, right?’

These comments, as well as ones he dared not reiterate, festered and burned in his mind, face turning into a snarl. How dare she question his word.

Hmphing, he turned away from her, arms crossed over his chest in a final fashion. “I remain as a member of the team, as is requested by my King.”

He mostly directed this comment to his King but it was also offered, passively of course, to any of the other members of this assignment who wondered if he could be switched out as well. Yes, he caused a fucking ruckus but at least he stayed loyal to the cause and would complete any assignment given to him to the best of his ability. And yes, he was a fucktard at times with a insatiable desire to brawl. And yes-


Right. Discord.

While the Coins left, Servius remained silent. He
 Did not trust his mouth to let out anything that was not snarky. His eyes moved over to examine a more curious being instead. The Fool. The being swung their legs to and fro, humming to themself. They seemed to enter into an almost friendly conversation with his King, though, she wasn’t very interested in it despite her formalities. The conversation dropped. Servius sighed to himself, glad to have kept the Discord at some con-

His eyes widened a bit as they met the Fool’s then moved away. His brow furrowed.

 The Fool just glare at him?

Before Servius could speak up again, in strutted another person from the Coins door. Servius looked him up and down and one phrase entered his mind.

‘Pampered poodle.’

The Fool grinned, clasping their hands. “Ah, there we are! Are you the representative of the Kingdom of Coins? Good! I am the Fool and these are the members of the other Kingdoms.” The ever smiling deity turned to each of them, expecting them to speak.

Servius cleared his throat, surly nodding at the new man. “Representative of Wands, Servius Lane. Glad you could make it.” All right, his last sentence was annoyed but why couldn’t he be. This guy took forever.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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Freya was not surprised by Mona's departure, from the beginning she seemed nervous and unsure, which Freya could sympathise with. But they were here for a purpose greater than themselves, personal sympathies had no place here. As Mona was led out the room, and the King of Coins left to find a suitable replacement, a blanket of silence fell on the room.

She watched Servius pace, glare and generally act like a caged animal. The remaining kings murmered amongst themselves. The Fool seemed content grinning and lazily swinging his legs. She tried to think of something to alleviate her boredom but the room was painfully empty.

An idea flashed in her mind, she suddenly remembered her newspaper in her satchel from earlier that morning. The clock ticked as she read it cover to cover, this filled approximately 20 minutes. She then sighed and shifted in her chair. The room had been so alive with tension and emotion only an hour or so prior, now it seemed like an empty husk. She would give anything for a book to read or a decent conversational partner. She resorted to tearing the newspaper and folding it into decorative flowers, like how her mother taught her when they held gatherings.

By the time she heard a creak on the stairs and the door slowly opening she had an entire garden taking up her portion of the table. The door opened to reveal a rather self satisfied looking young man.

She sighed internally and thought "I realise time is of the essence, but surely the King of Coins could have taken slightly longer and not picked a common fop." , one glance at Servius indicated he was harbouring similar thoughts.

She stood up and nodded politely "Representative of Cups, Freya Adis. I look forward to working with you"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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#, as written by Igari

Y'nev watched with mild surprise, much disappointment, and a bit of self satisfaction as the woman named Mona excused herself from the room. Clearly not up to task. The warrior could not share such a silly sentiment. It was an honor being chosen, and it was a true offense to throw such an opportunity away. And for what? Feelings of doubt? Everyone had doubts before an obstacle, but she was never one to tarry from such a thing. The woman pursed her lips as she watched Mona depart, leaving her with her respective Liege, the other kinds, Servius, and Freya.

She watched the fool for a short while, the entity seemed entertained enough. How curious that it did not appear to be affecting them. Did they perhaps foresee that this would happen? She glanced at her King, who was muttering to Cups and every so often released a booming laugh that filled the silence of the room. She found she did not have a lot to say. Her displeasure could be better voiced
without words, as it were. She paced away from Servius and decided to simply polish her weapon. It seemed the most relaxed way to pass the time in this odd "calm before the storm".

She glanced down at her hilt with some fondness, tracing her fingers over the scrawled signatures of her siblings. Of course her sister's was the biggest and bubbliest. But she cherished the smallest one, written so elegantly by her youngest brother. She was going to miss him the most. She felt a pang in her chest. She really wished she had enough time to say goodbye properly. She shook her head. Now wasn't the time for hesitance. Mona had displayed a stunning lack of conviction, and she wasn't about to follow suit.

After some time had gone by, she inspected her work proudly--yes, her weapon had such a fine sheen to it. Clearly one of the superior works of her second mother. She was about to sheath it when she heard approaching footsteps and she looked up. She noticed vaguely that Freya had made an entire bouquet of paper flowers around her and Y'nev bit back a slight chuckle. Fancy in a cute way. The footsteps got louder and Fool cheered practically in happiness--greeting the newcomer. The warrior narrowed her eyes, this one looked like the rich version of Servius. And she barely liked Wands as it was.

She pushed her weapon back in its casing and walked over towards her Liege, bowing towards the man. "Blessings be to the Silver Mother," She breathed out slowly. "I am Y'nev Amaren, representative of Swords." As if that wasn't obvious enough from the weapon she had just finished polishing. Her liege looked at her with passive disapproval, yes, that was a bit impolite coming from her. But could she be blamed? The last person from this kingdom had chickened out and this one didn't look overly impressive. Maybe she was a bit more foul tempered than usual, there was that biting sensation in her stomach again. She sighed.

She upturned her lips into a faint smile and swiveled her attention to Fool. "My Lord, I believe we are ready to proceed."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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Passing through the Door of Coins, a sense of calm washed over Petyr as he was greeted by many new and interesting faces, each of which a fresh opportunity to further the prospects of his realm.

No doubt they were judging and examining him, trying to formulate a cohesive first impression as he was of them before any single party even dared part their lips. Of course they were. This was to be expected.

What wasn't to be expected, however, was The Fool. Despite his best efforts, Petyr could not read this... figure. It's face, a myriad of expressions and emotions all at once, dazzling the senses.

Ignoring this sensation for now seemed like the wisest course of action, Petyr told himself. He could not afford to appear confused before his peers.

Before Petyr could truly evaluate the situation, his concentration was broken as The Fool grinned, clasping their hands. “Ah, there we are! Are you the representative of the Kingdom of Coins? Good! I am the Fool and these are the members of the other Kingdoms.” The strange figure turned to each of the other individuals in the room. Was it expecting them to introduce themselves? Most likely. Petyr prepared himself, dusting down his cloak and smiling widely at the others.

It seemed a finely dressed man, older than Petyr himself, was the most confident of the group, approaching him first. Perhaps this man thought himself a leader. Clearing his throat, the man spoke.

“Representative of Wands, Servius Lane. Glad you could make it.”

“Naturally, Mr Lane. It is a pleasure to be here.” A classic line that rarely fails to please one's ears. Petyr was used to reciting this.

A dainty young woman with silvered hair was the next to approach.
She rose from her seating and nodded to him, opening her mouth to speak.

"Representative of Cups, Freya Adis. I look forward to working with you"

Naturally, Petyr inclined his head in respect for such a humble greeting to Freya. Simple, yet already sowing the seeds of unity. This one had a skilled, if somewhat unrefined tongue.

“I am certain we will achieve a great many things with our skills combined, Ms Adis”

Ensuring his words remained fresh was paramount to exuding eloquence in this first meeting. Remaining perceptive to the words of others would aid him well here. Petyr observed as a third individual sheathed their blade, addressing him after a curt bow to another.

This one's breath fell slowly from her lips just before greeting him. Frustration?

"I am Y'nev Amaren, representative of Swords."

“...and what a fine blade you do carry, Ms Amaren. It is a pleasure, truly”

Doing his utmost to ensure a positive reception may have not been enough here. How long have they been waiting on his arrival?

“I am Petyr Abram, Representative of Coins, as no doubt you have all been made aware. I understand there was another. My most sincere apologies on behalf of the Kingdom if you have been kept waiting, but we shall wait no longer.”

Y'new Amaren turned "My Lord, I believe we are ready to proceed."

“Yes,” Petyr nodded to The Fool, making direct eye contact with them since he first entered this strange domain.

“let us proceed.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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Evil Eye
Servius Lane

Servius examined the man as he spoke again. He better fucking apologize for the Coins. Choosing someone who would back off really fucking sucked for the rest of them. But he seemed like someone who’d get along with the other two despite his
 Primp and proper appearance. Whatever. He could put up with it like the other shit he did.

One by one, the Fool allowed them to their reintroductions. Servius peered at the powerful being, their eyes carrying a strange light of confidence. He didn’t know why
 But his Danger Sensor carried a stranger tone now. He never felt this before. Even he couldn’t describe it, after all his years
 No. He could.

Highly dangerous but safe?

Whatever did that mean? Could it be him? Was it his general existence near the Fool? It had happened before around some people but
 Such a thought almost shocked him into confused laughter. Him? Affect someone as mighty as the Omnipotent Fool? No, he shouldn’t think that way. He took a breath, awaiting the Fool’s command or guidance or whatever the fuck would happen now. How would they end up in such a far off place as the Human Realm? He almost laughed again. My, all this laughing and thinking. He couldn’t stand it. But he felt the glare of the King at the back of his head - high above her height but being looked down upon. Already he had caused enough trouble. He shouldn’t try instigating anything else from his inability to hold his tongue. But damn, when was the last time he had to do something of such importance? Not to mention, the backing out of the Coins representative should have been enough to change their view of him. He at least stayed! Still... He could almost smack himself for being such an idiot -

“Seven,” a voice called warningly behind him.

Right. Control the Discord.

The Fool grinned at each of them, clasping their hands together excitedly
 and somewhat hurriedly. Apparently, they appeared impatient from the wait. “Wonderful! All four representatives! So wonderful. Well, we should be off then.” The being disappeared in a blink of an eye before appearing in front of a door. The Fool's door. With a great smile, they swung it open, a bright light blurring all view of any possible vision of the inside from their current locations. The Fool bowed, waving an arm to the entrance.

“Everyone in, please. Let’s get started on the mission.”

Servius stepped forward first. He didn’t know why but instead of being averted to it, his Danger Sensor drew him to it. A comforting feeling overtook him - one that overtook the calming warmth offered by the glowing stones and the embraces of ones who truly did care. He stepped first as a signal to the others. ‘It’s safe. Come.’ A sense of familiarity almost came over him. Why? He had never been here. Servius stepped through, the breath being stolen from him. He couldn’t believe what he saw, stunned to the point where the others had to push past him to enter. The door closed behind them.

The four of them were engulfed in light, trying to blink through the brightness. The Fool turned to them, grinning as always, bells jangling excitedly.
“Welcome to my abode! I must apologize, I had expected guests but I didn’t realize it was this messy before
One could describe the room as utter chaos. Another, pure genius. Objects floated in the air and the pathway from the door through the room curled in such a way that defied that force which kept their feet on the ground.
If any one word could identify the room

That word was Magic.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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As Freya stepped through the door she was overwhelmed with an aura that was like nothing she'd experienced beforce, not quite joy, fear, anticiation but a mixture, it was a strange chaotic feeling that made her quite uncomfortable.

The room was a complete mess, she had to duck and dive to avoid random flying objects. She'd experienced magic before but never on this scale. She felt completely out of her depth. She kept her eyes on the group, as strange a bunch as they may be, they were the only semblance of sanity in this room. Each footstep made her feel slightly queasy, as if she was on a swaying rope bridge.
The group seemed to be heading for the centre of the room so she kept her gaze fixated on the back of everyone's heads to quell the churning in her stomach.

It was finally beginning to set in that their mission had begun, the fates of two realms were on her shoulders, and she couldn't back out now. "Oh heavens, what have I let myself in for?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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#, as written by Igari

Y'nev barely processed the greetings of their last occupant, her eyes flashing to the Fool as she was greeted by another familiar crooked smile. Really, they reveled in the chaos--she was none too fond of it. She was short, she was done waiting. Maybe this wasn't the best time for her patience to run so thin. But she could not help it. She wasn't sure about this new one, Petyr, but she didn't have time to question it. They were being beckoned and gestured into the doorway by their Enigmatic Summoner. And who was she to question Fool? She sighed, pinching her nose.

With her free hand, she gripped her claymore even tighter. it was the only sense of comfort. She shot a look over her shoulder, one more look at her Liege. She felt a tug, she felt some regret, she felt responsibility, she felt obligation. She had given her consent, she was a warrior. And if she did not hold her own, that would not be setting a proper example. She sighed again, eyelashes fluttering over towards the doorway. It was now or never, and she had to take the plunge. She tore her eyes away from her King--she took a step forwards, she took a deep breath. Yes, she was strong enough for this. She had been waiting for this, all her life. She had been chosen. Now it was time to make good on her courage.

The warrior entered through the doorway, feeling it close behind her. Sealing off the world she had known. She felt the ground leave her feet for a brief moment, there was a flourish, air rushing past her. She wasn't sure how the others were coping, but her eyes flashed a little bit at the exposure to magic. These winds did not feel anything like her own whatsoever. They were... different. She closed her eyes for an instant and when she re-opened them, she was floating gently down, touching the ground softly. She was about to make a comment when she felt her hair start to rise. One glance behind her and she could see her hair wildly floating about her, suspended in the air--almost as if she were under-water. How odd.

She followed the others to the center of the room. It did not feel like she needed to be on guard terribly but she still kept to herself slightly. The disorientation of the natural state of chaos was not an easy transition. With wide eyes, she observed the Fool. They seemed content to move about in their own space, excusing the mess for what it was. Laughable, surely that was only a pleasantry. She sat on one of the floating cushions, feeling herself slowly moving through space once she had relaxed. Once she got used to the disorder, the floating was almost... comforting. It reminded her of meditating.

She watched the Fool intently, not saying a word. Better to wait, impulsiveness was not the right action. Not right now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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Breaching the doorway, Petyr stood in awe of what he witnessed on the other side.
Chaos? Disorder? Nothing could describe the utter cacophony at work here.

When summoned by the King, never did he expect it would lead to... this. What even is this?
The Fool's work. Perhaps its time to pay more attention to it.

Before he could truly finish his musings, Petyr's train of thought was interrupted by the very subject of his pondering.
“Welcome to my abode! I must apologize, I had expected guests but I didn’t realize it was this messy before
The Fool chimed in, with their bizarre tone which Petyr could not quite pin down. Were they being facetious, or genuine?

Were they mocking him?

”...It's beautiful”

The words just fell out of Petyr's mouth; he couldn't contain them, nor could he deny them.
In a strange way, this room was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on.
He found his feet taking him blindly towards the center. Towards The Fool.

Perhaps answers will come in time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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The Fool’s Room
Servius Lane

Onward, the others moved but Servius remained stuck to his spot, shell shocked. A flurry of confusion and nostalgia slammed into him, scanning his mind for any sign of true memory of the place. He didn’t but
 When did he not trust his instincts? His eyes glanced back at the door, closed and drifting from the path almost on instinct. There was no going back
 Not that he cared, anyway. There was no one to go back to in his kingdom. And he had a job to accomplish. Yet
 Something felt off.

Shaking his head, he continued onward, slightly perturbed but fascinated by the curling pathway the group tread, the Fool hoping out of vision from one angle and back in at another. He groaned slightly, arms crossed over his chest for a moment to show his distaste before letting them fall to his side. Despite his dislike for the almost plastic Coins representative, he had to agree... It was beautiful Toward the center they tread, Servius having to distastefully deal with more than a few flying objects as they drifted in the air and towards his face. But as angry as he got at such simple things, he felt
 Calm. Why? He was so confused at this sense of
 Comfort? Control? Satisfaction? He didn’t know. Everything felt so new around the Fool. He couldn’t understand the half of it.

At the center, they came to a pause. Servius noted the cushions flying toward them. He glanced at the Swords member, watching her easily mount a cushion and relax. Servius sighed, grabbing one and fumbling into it after a moment or two. He acted with less discretion than he liked, causing his lips to form an even sourer expression than usual. After all, the rest of the group probably already saw him as a nuisance if anything. He folded his legs in, eyes widening when it began to overturn. Fingers gripped into the cushion as the four beings in front of him turned upside down. Grimacing, he tugged at one side, hoping to make it go upright. Nothing. To save face, he crossed his hands over his chest and floated, upside down in front of the lot of them.

The Fool, however, saw other plans. The being chuckled, wandering over and righting Servius without a word and then appearing and disappearing throughout the room, bringing cushions to the other two who still remained standing. Upon coming across Freya, the Fool gave a bright smile.

“I’ll make sure to explain all of it clearly to you in just a moment! After all, I won’t want you to go in there unprepared. At least, as much as the rest of you.”

They hopped onto a cushion of their own, legs folded to reside on their hips as they waited for the rest to get comfortable. Their hidden eyes appeared to close behind the mask, hands on their lap, chest rising for a calm, clear breath and than exhaling again, as if the air in the Evil Eye had been much too stuffy for their comfort. Servius continued to eye the
 “benevolent being,” unsure how exactly to deal with these mixed warning signs still residing within him.

“Please listen to every word and instruction I say. This is crucial to your survival as well as the survival of this dimension.” Shivers travelled up Servius’s spine at the start of the Major Arcana Card’s words. They had a different tone now, one contrasting greatly to the picture that had been offered to them in the Evil Eye in front of the Kings. Was it the air of the room? Was it their presences? Whatever it was, it caught his attention enough to have him on edge
 Possibly at the danger the words said would cost lives? Most likely

“As you all should have been taught since childhood, the Major Arcana caused great change in the Human Realm, causing chaos such as this. However, with such a great amount of power comes a great amount of corruption. As the Major Arcana’s power grew, the Human Realm fell into deeper turmoil. I, along with the Minor Arcana representatives, sealed the Major Arcana into cards and then created the Land of Evil Eye, separating the Minor Arcana so they too would not gain enough power to grow corrupt - as is the order of things. This story has been morphed to your kingdoms by their beliefs and interpretations. I, however, have told you the facts that remain true to me in my old, old age.”

“The Human Realm we speak of has, in the absence of magic, advanced greatly. There will be objects and tools you have never seen before. Attires that bring to question how our worlds are related. Mannerisms that have developed at the eras split apart from this dimension and that realm. Magic, in their world, is nearly gone save one area. The Major Arcana that have escaped can reside only there, gaining strength until they can come back and swallow up the magic of the Land of Evil Eye. You, in turn, can also only remain there. If you leave this area’s boundaries, your magic will fade immediately. Five breaths in and out is the period it will take for you to disappear into nothing. You must find these boundaries and never cross them.”

“In the Human Realm, you will seal twenty one cards. The names of these cards have been hidden from you since childhood but will be revealed to you once entering the Human Realm. Your tools of the Minor Arcana will be found on your being the moment you are fully awakened the Human Realm. You will be offered a book to help identify what each Major Arcana does as well as have a mentor, whether they know so or not. You will also be provided a box to keep these cards in and prevent them from activating once more.”

That said, the Fool jumped off their cushion serenely. They drifted down into the floor and then back up, a small book and box in their hands. They nodded to the four, offering the tools.

“Are there any more questions? If not, I can send you straight into the Human Realm as we speak.”

“I have a question,” Servius spoke up, surprising himself. The Fool’s eyes focused on him and he felt
 Aware of himself. He sat up tall in the
 Strangely concentrated gaze. Taking a deep breath, he asked.

“Do we have to use the enchantment?” Thinking about having to cry out that ridiculous phrase horrified him, especially in such a serious situation. “The
 It went like
 ‘In the name of the Evil Eye, be cast to’ - hm?!”

A hand went over his mouth. His eyes stared at the Fool who appeared to be glaring straight at him. “I prefer you don’t say the sealing words around me. Even without the tools of the Minor Arcana, words can have powers.” The hand pulled away. “Yes, you will have to use that phrase when sealing the cards. As for the tools of the Minor Arcana, they are the tools of your Suits.” They nodded to each in turn. “Swords, a saber. Cups, a mirror. Coins, a shield. Wands, a staff. Each are useful in their own way and I assure you, you will need to use all of them to the best of your abilities.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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#, as written by Igari

Y'nev sat quietly and calmly on her cushion, watching the Wands struggle to sit on his. She actually felt the inclination to snort at this, it was so ridiculously clumsy. She kept her poker face, watching as he floated upside down almost indignantly. She would have offered to help him (for she couldn't continue this conversation seriously with him hanging like that) when the Fool adjusted him quite easily. She re-positioned herself, placing her weapon horizontally across her lap as more cushions were pushed towards the other two group members.

She listened closely as the Fool took their seat, delicately telling them the details of this new world. How bizarre... a world devoid of magic? A world devoid of so many things that she had come to understand... She had a wonder for their culture differences. Were the humans there going to be different? Were they even human to begin with? Or had they mutated without magic in their culture? No, that wasn't an accurate thought, mutations didn't occur that quickly... Though come to think of it, how long had it been that their worlds had been separated? She quietly mused after it, glancing a bit at Fool--almost biting her tongue. She didn't really care to ask after their age, it was irrelevant.

As the spiel came to an end, she rubbed her chin a bit and took a deep breath. "These relics, do they contain any special properties?" She curiously wondered after the mirror, as it did not seem like it would be very useful in the midst of battle... but then again, that was her field. Her territory. She was here to defend them more than likely. So maybe she'd be the only one needing a weapon...

"And... are our... our current abilities are up to snuff, yes? We will not be requiring anything further?" This was all coming along so fast--and she felt her heart speed a bit. The Fool had offered to transport them so soon, so immediately, and it was hard to put a voice to all her concerns, her questions. Yet one would not guess it by looking at her face, which remained stony and stoic.

She almost half-hoped one of the others would voice some of her concerns--she wasn't over-fond of questions to begin with. She fell silent as she stared at Fool, folding her arms across her chest. She wasn't used to this feeling of hesitance and she didn't plan on getting used to it. Answers, answers would make her feel better. So she would wait.