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In the Shadows

on Waterloo Isle


a part of In the Shadows, by WingedGift311O5.


WingedGift311O5 holds sovereignty over on Waterloo Isle, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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on Waterloo Isle is a part of In the Shadows.

3 Places in on Waterloo Isle:

11 Characters Here

Kairos Chekov [83] "It's called survival."
Alec Cross [20]
Eleanor Edwards [18] "I never sleep well anyways,"
Celesta [17] "You dont have to say anything, I already heard you."
Jack [16] "I remember you....oh right, You don't remember me"
Iris [2]
Vincent [1] Why couldn't I be normal for mummy...

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Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov
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"I'm good. For now." He said looking at the floor. "...Viola, do you remember school?" Kairos said after a while. Viola thought about this, it had been a very long time since she had thought about it but, it brought back good and bad memory's." Yes, I remember it, I was in my last year when the spill happened but after that..." She trailed off frowning. "I wonder if I'll ever go back." He muttered."Me too." There was a pause before she looked at him and asked, "Do you ever wish this never happened? ....Sometimes I wonder how things would be if none of it had never happened." Viola gestured around her at everything in general, as she leaned back resting her head on the wall with a soft sigh.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov
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" Yes, I remember it, I was in my last year when the spill happened but after that... Do you ever wish this never happened? ....Sometimes I wonder how things would be if none of it had never happened." She said, gesturing around the room. Kairos shook his head. "I may complain about it, but I'd never want to get rid of my powers. They've made me who I am, I guess." He said, shrugging. He folded his hands together and wondered what it would be like if he never had his powers. How many fights he would've lost, how many people he wouldn't have hurt. But then he stopped himself before greif took over him.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov
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"I may complain about it, but I'd never want to get rid of my powers. They've made me who I am, I guess." Kairos shrugged folding his hands together. Viola nodded." Your right, I don't know who I would be right now if it weren't for the spill." She said frowning and not really wanting to think about it but, she did wonder if she would still be in the foster home or if she would be living on the side of the street right now cold and alone. You never really do know. She thought as her mind went more foggy with sleep.

Viola lay her head on Kairos's chest, sleep pulling her in again, and closed her eyes. "Do you mind staying here?" She mumbled quietly. " I don't know why but I feel safer with you here." She whispered. She was slipping deeper into sleep and she couldn't remember what she had said last. I like you?? Thank you?? I love you??? She wasn't sure and the more she tried to grab at it the more it seemed to slip through her fingers, Though she wasn't sure if she had spoken in the first place, it was still annoying to not know for sure.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov
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Kairos listened to her agreeing with him and he nodded. Then she lay her head down against his chest and he assumed she was sleeping. But nearly two seconds after she spoke. "Do you mind staying here? I don't know why but I feel safer with you here." These words melted his heart, because he'd felt the same way. A smile grew on his face. "Sure." He said, and felt that sleep was clawing its way into him. His breathing slowed, his body went limp (aside from the arm that he now held around Viola), and lastly, his eyes closed.

But this time, his dreams were black and empty.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov Character Portrait: Alec Cross
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#, as written by Beta43
Alec lay back in the bed thinking about this morning when he had meet the girl, Viola, and the boy, Kairos. He had watched as Viola had ran after Kairos leaving him alone and in the back of his mind something was nagging at him. It seemed like the more he stood there and tried to figure it out the more it came clear to him what he had missed and he could have just kick himself for his mistake. Alec had then started in a sprint toward the two desperate to find them. It had taken him a cool hour before he had found their trail and followed them to a small community, and there he had to wait to make his move. So that's what he did he waited, he watched as they sat by the fire talking and then followed them into the small bedroom filled with beds taking one for himself that was three beds away.

When they had fallen asleep though he had unfortunately fallen asleep also and it wasn't until Viola had woken screaming that he realized he was asleep. Alec had then sat there and watched as they grew closer and it was then that he knew what he was going to do. Instead of killing the man, that lay in that bed that Alec had been hunting down for years because he had killed his brother, he would take the girl that Kairos was falling for at that very second. Alec waited, watching them grow closer and when Viola dipped her head and fell asleep and was followed by Kairos he made his move.

Alec hopped up out of the bed, stuck his hand in his bag, finding a herb that he had found not only knocked out people when ingested or inhaled when burned but also dulled RAD powers. Then he pulled his bag on, pulled his shirt up over his mouth and noes, And as he walked over to the bed he lit the green plant watching it smoke like crazy. Alec waved the smoke toward the two of them and waited for the two to relax farther.

Once he knew it was safe he grabbed the letter out of his pocket that he had wrote to Kairos, explaing what he had done and why and that if he wanted girl he would have to come and get her, and laid it on the bed next to him.Then he scooped up the Viola throwing her over his shoulder and carried her out of the room, then out of the community and into the forest. Alec had an hour head start and then the chase would be on and he knew he would have his revenge one way or another.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov
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Violas' mind went foggy. Her dreams were blurred and though she though she was still next to Kairos sleeping piecefully and safe, some part of her mind was telling her that something was wrong but, no matter what she did to wake up she just couldn't pull out of her dreams. She pushed once more trying to wake and when nothing happened she figured it was just her imagination, so she sunk deeper into the fog the whole time her mind screaming at her to wake up right now.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov Character Portrait: Alec Cross
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Kairos hardly noticed the soft mist that clouded his mind, nor the feeling of Viola being taken from him. Literally. After a blank and lifeless sleep, he woke to find Viola who was not there. He quickly stood, curious as to where she might've run off to. He was also worried she might get lost in the maze that is the community. So, he glanced around, eyes droopy for some unknown reason. He closed his eyes extremely tight, and shut down his other senses so he could hear better.

He sorted through the different sounds and conversations that were around him, specifically looking through each one to see if he could find anything to do with her. He searched, but to his defeat, found nothing.

Kairos let his other senses float back in, but noticed how weird it was to have not found anything after sorting so feverishly. Actually, come to think of it, I didn't hear much at all. That's not right. His eyes fell to the bed, only to see a note. He read it with eyes intent and focused. When he was finished, his shoulders slumped and his face became somewhat angry-looking.

Immedeately, he began to think of ways to protect both Viola and himself in this situation.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov Character Portrait: Alec Cross
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Violas' head rolled to the side and she slowly came out of sleep, her mind foggy. She saw the woods passing her. "Where am I?" She mumbled, as she noticed she was over someones shoulder and they were walking. "Kairos?" She asked wondering if they had moved last night but, that still didn't explain why she was on someones shoulder. She turned her head trying to shake her hair out of her face and tried to look at who had her but she couldn't really see.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov Character Portrait: Alec Cross
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#, as written by Beta43
Alec walked swiftly through the forest, Viola laying limp over his shoulder. He had to be a good 3 to 4 miles away from the community he had just left and he was feeling pretty good until he heard her speak. "Where am I?.................. Kairos?" He groaned and stopped, swinging her down off his shoulder and setting her on the ground. Then he pulled out some rope and a few leaves from the plant he had in his bag. "I'm not Kairos." He said the venom creeping into his voice at the mention of the man. "And I don't need any problems from you until he finds you." Alec finished. Then he tied her hands together and shoved the plant in her mouth, pinching her nose closed and covering her mouth until she swallowed. Then he sat down and rested, waiting for her to fall back asleep.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov
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Kairos made his way through the community, knowing that the kidnapper wouldn't have been so obvious as to hide in the community. So, he finally go to the forest, slapping a hand over his eyes. "God this is all my fault." He muttered, shaking his head and continued to walk. It would be difficult to move through the forest at a fast pace, and he knew that he would get tiered quicker that way. Instead, he walked, occasionally jogged. Though, little time had passed and he was already feeling drained.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov Character Portrait: Alec Cross
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The man carrying Viola placed her on the floor, and she slumped against the tree behind her. Her eyes moved up slowly, her eye sight going in and out of focus. She finally found his face as he spoke to her with such a hate filled, angry voice. "I'm not Kairos. And I don't need any problems from you until he finds you." Then he reached down and tied her hands together, the rope cutting into her skin as he tightened the knot. She tried pushing him away but it was useless. She tried to use her powers but, it was like they had just left her. After he was done with her hands he shoved some kind of plant in her mouth then covered her mouth and pinched her nose. It was bitter and nasty and she tried to spit it out but, he wouldn't let her and soon her lungs started to burn for air and her eyes watered so she chewed it up quickly and swallowed. When he released her she gasped for air and coughed until her breathing went back to normal.

The man dropped down beside her and she turned to him. "Who are you?" She asked her voice cracking. "And why are you doing this?" Violas eyes started to sting with tears and she wished desperately that this was all just a dream and she would wake up next to Kairos safe and sound but, as a wave of unwanted sleep washed over her she knew that this was far from a dream and just like that she was out again floating in a foggy, black, dreamless sleep.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viola Blackheart Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov Character Portrait: Alec Cross
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#, as written by Beta43
"Who are you?" She asked him as her voice broke, and her green eyes started to sparkle with tears. "And why are you doing this?" Alec didn't say anything wanting to save all the explaining for latter and watched as Viola slumped and her head lull to the side as she fell back asleep. He sighed and got back up pulling her up over his shoulder and continued jogging through the forest. He went about another three miles before he came to a cliff with a steep drop into the roaring ocean. He looked down at the water turning and decided to wait here for him. Alec lay Viola on the ground and sat down next to her leaning back on a tree and waiting.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kairos Chekov
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Kairos continued to move through the forest, senses alert to any sign of movement other than his own. He looked at the ground, making an observation of how in some paces it was disturbed and messy, almost like a person had been walking there. He pushed on, head set on his goal of rescuing Viola. After a while of coming on and off of the trail, he stopped at a tree. It looked like a couple people had been there, so he studied it for a while and then went on. Eventually, he had the feeling like he might be getting closer to them, at this time he began to tread lightly and watched where he stepped.

If only I could see them- er, Hear them better. Then I'd be able to track them down much easier. Aw crap- and holograms won't work either... How will I deal with this guy? Maybe, like I did the first time I dealt with someone when I didn't have my abilities.

(Sorry- It was y b-day on the 6th, I was away)