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inFAMOUS:  Next  generation

inFAMOUS: Next generation


Based off of the hit series inFAMOUS, comes this: a group of kids wake up to find out that they have powers. they have to work together to avoid the government who are hunting them, and fight off the gangs that are trying to take over their city.

1,592 readers have visited inFAMOUS: Next generation since Lone Wolfe created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Based off of the hit series inFAMOUS, comes this:
a group of kids wake up to find out that they have powers. they have to work together to avoid the government who are hunting them, and fight off the gangs that are trying to take over their city.

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you can create your own groups on here or just lone wolf it. basically do what you want but i need people to play as government agents and gang peoples as well.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Character Portrait: Isabella Fitzgerald Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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((OCC: im going to agree with this. why don't we all start with us starting out the day then end up randomly coming together when something big happens.))


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Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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((OCC: we need someone to play as the other groups as well.))

Samus crouched on an icy overhang watching the city below. mist fell from her body and her breath was clearly visible in the warm summer air. she blasted an ice shard into the wall of a building in the ally then jumped down onto it, which it immediately began to dislodge itself from the wall and fall to the ground taking Samus with it, who screamed until she hit the ground, who lied there until she heard gunshots coming from the distance. Samus got up, wobbled a little bit as she regained her balance, then ran to the edge of the ally where a stray bullet hit the building she was hiding behind. she blasted around the corner, surfing a moving wave of ice, quickly evaluating the circumstances: fifteen foot soldiers and two snipers. Samus swore under her breath. The soldiers would be easy but the snipers are out of throwing range and they would most shoot her if she tried to climb up to get them. she looked over her cover in time to see one of the snipers fall of the building and the other drop onto the roof, and a glimpse of a figure. dropping into the courtyard. ((OCC: someone can jump in here.))


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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How many hours had it been since she was last awake? Elise never truly checked the time, it was just hours, passing on and on like a swinging pendulum, a gift from the devil who tortures her by leaving her here. She wanted to die. Die heavily but she was too afraid to do anything about it. The girl decided to tell the flowers about her troubles, she could hear them, know how they felt. It was nice to know that she had somebody to talk to in this world that wouldn't truly judge her. There were little flowers around the courtyard where she rested. No one had to know she could do that however, right? She has never told anyone, for she was too scared, she saw what people did to those like her. Her parents were even dead because of situations like this, the blonde suddenly felt hatred. This was too much of a heavy burden on her head somewhat, she didn't know what else she could do however, she was too scared. Didn't know who to listen to, to follow, to trust.

Her eyes averted up in horror as she saw this girl. Why was she hiding? Elise wasn't sure if she even wanted to know. But could hear wondering thoughts, everywhere. It was something she loathed heavily. She could hear the thoughts of others too, nearby. After a girl who could shoot ice. Could that be her? The blonde wasn't sure. She didn't want to pry but already she was feeling scared. "Um, excuse me..." She called out. This place was her sanctuary but people always came and went. Although right now this is different, this person is bringing violence into the area and she didn't like it. Elise got up and went to walk to the girl, already prompted to ask what she was doing either way.


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Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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Samus looked around at the stray bodies left over from the battle. The gang war between the cops and the gang that are trying to control the city had already caused enough destruction without her involvement, but with more casualties. Samus looks out of the corner of her eye and noticed that someone was yelling at her and created a shield of ice on her left wrist and drew a crystallized short sword out of air. She crouches to get the maximum coverage from her shield. "Who are you? What do you want?" she yelled across the courtyard. Samus walked closer to the girl expecting a trap looking along the roof tops for an ambush.


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Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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It was a bit hectic at first, this moment wasn't making her feel very comfortable at all, all the sounds of fighting and attacking. That lifestyle never suited her, but she was forced to live with it until she, or someone else found a way to remove powers so that she can live a normal life. She frowned as the girl got a bit hesitant when around her. She faintly smiled and walked a bit closer. "I'm Elise. How many more are there?" The blonde then asked as she cocked her head to the side curiously, wanting to know if she should get out of here or if she'd be able to stay in her isolated sanctum. She decided it'd probably be a good idea to show the girl what she could do, maybe she could feel less afraid. Her smile somewhat grew as she decided to speak with the girl telepathically just in case she gets hunted down too for her powers, she had been chased enough. "You see, I'm just like you." She answered, hoping the girl would mentally let her in and would talk to her. It's easier when you have friends, it's a shame Elise lacked any though. Conduits were 'eco-terrists' so it wasn't good for her to expose herself like this poor girl in front of her did. She took a deep breath, already feeling more nervous. What if she is attacked? Elise didn't really want to take the risk.


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Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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Samus Dropped the weapon and the shield, which shattered on impact with the ground then turned to vapor, and backed away wide eyed in shock, "you're, you're like me? a conduit?" she asked astonishingly. ((OCC: sorry i just couldn't think of anything else to write or this.))


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Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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#, as written by Ignetio
Sarra Stood looking over them through the her scope. Listening to their conversation. She was ready for if she needed pull the trigger. After a little bit she stands up and puts her gun of to the side. She presses a few buttons on the gun and it comes apart Putting the guns and its parts into a guitar case. and began to walk away.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf Character Portrait: Mollie Branwen-Grant Character Portrait: Elliot Grant
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Elise watched as the young woman dropped her shield and it shattered. Her eyebrows raised out of curiosity and she looked at the girl, as she seemed surprised. Elise just smiled and nodded before turning her head. She didn't really know how to control her abilities so thoughts came from all over the place, but one was close and it stood out. She didn't like it at all. "Are you okay?" She then asked, looking around for a moment and then she chuckled. "I can get us away of you need to hide." She then added, her way around the town like it was the back of her hand. So getting way would be quite easy.

She took a deep breath. Wondering where would really be a good hiding spot. "I'm Elise. By the way." The girl mentioned with a small smile. Knowing that the girl knew what she was now, she seemed completely harmless right now so the blonde didn't have to be as scared as she was before. "What's your name?" She then asked suddenly, wondering what her name was and what she was like. Using ice powers. "Your powers are, interesting." The blonde then added suddenly and chuckled for a moment.


"How far away?"

"Just east of Ville Cochon."


The girl with the red hair opened her eyes suddenly. Her blue eyes flickered with light for a second before they dimmed. She pressed her small hands from the chair she was in and got up and walked away. Her eyes gazed at the older male with glasses before walking on ahead and into the car. It was behind various other large vehicles with swat like teams and such. Within the limo resided herself and the older male she looked at earlier. He passed her a sat-nav and it was wrapped around her small fingers. Her eyes closed and he watched as directions flashed up to where they wanted to go. A small figure on the device showed up and as the figure moved, the line followed it either.



"You're doing good." He then added, she knew what she had to do as soon as they tracked the person down. "Run, run as fast as you can." She muttered under her breath over and over. She then looked outside of the window as the car moved on forward to their destination. The sooner, the better for the both of them.

"Run, run as fast as you can."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf Character Portrait: Mollie Branwen-Grant Character Portrait: Elliot Grant
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#, as written by Ignetio
It was time but yet again she could not pull the trigger. Those girls, they were too young. Sarra got in the car and put the gun in the back. She just sat there and looks out the window as 2 kids walk by. "I wish i had kids." She pulled out her phone and dialed the number.
"Im sorry I failed again. I will try better next ti..... Like I sai...... Ye.......... sorry. yes I understand. I'm sorry again sir. Bye." she slowly hangs up the phone and then crys. After a while She drove around looking for the girls once again.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf Character Portrait: Mollie Branwen-Grant
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Samus noticed movement on the rooftop and turned to leave, "my-my name?" she said as she thought about it, "Samus. Samus Wolfe, But you can just call me Snow" then she turned back and focused a blast downward creating a column (don't know how to spell that word) of ice that launches her up towards the direction of the sniper.

Samus watched the sniper walk towards a car as she glided through the air. Then she hit the building and fell two stories onto the hood of the car. she rolled off the hood and onto the pavement, knowing she was going to pass out. the darkness creeping in around the corners of her vision showed her that. she put a hand onto the majorly dented hood and uttered a word then collapsed onto the pavement.


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#, as written by Ignetio
"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Sarra Screamed and jumped a bit in her seat. She slowly got out. And walked around to see the passed out girl on the road. "It's you." she says while pulling out her pistol and aimed it at her head. The barrel pressed to the young girls head. She slowly began to pull the trigger. But stopped. "GOD DAMNIT!!" she put the gun away and dragged the girl into the car. Diving home.

She lived in the nice part of town. Assassins get payed a nice bit, so she used that to give herself the house she always wanted. Image
She pulled up in the driveway. drug the girl up stairs and into the couch got a blanket And put it over the girl. She sat in the chair and looked at the target. "What am I supposed to do?" She falls asleep soon after


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samus Wolf Character Portrait: Mollie Branwen-Grant
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Samus woke up on the couch in immense pain. she touched her chest and immediately felt like she was going to throw up. her ribs were bruised, maybe fractured. but all and all she was alright. once that set in, she began to realize that the sniper must have abducted her. but why? she thought. maybe they thought they could get a better price for turning me in alive. Samus sat up slowly wincing from the pain. "Damn" she whispered as she formed a crystal of solid ice and placed it on the bruise. She got up and in the other hand, formed a shard as long and sharp as a dagger. if they intend on turning me in, she thought, i'm not going down without a fight.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf Character Portrait: Mollie Branwen-Grant Character Portrait: Elliot Grant
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Elise smiled to the girl who called herself Samus. "It's nice to meet you, Samus." The girl mentioned but the girl insisted that she could be called Snow. "Okay." The blonde added and watched as the ice conduit shot up towards the building adjacent to them in order to get someone. She raised an eyebrow and wondered what she could do while she was on the ground. She just took the opportunity to look around and see if anyone was coming towards them.

She took a deep breath as she was somewhat anxious, and suddenly, after a while she followed where Samus went but on foot to see where she was, but as she looked for the girl, the blonde didn't realise that she had landed on a car nearby. "Samus?" She called out and looked around, her hands against the wall, somewhat afraid to come out from the alley way just in case someone had attacked her. Then, she came out after taking a deep breath and walked off to look for the car that drove off.

Elliot took a deep breath, his eyes looked at the navigator for a moment,their target was moving. This person was supposed to be a conduit who had the ability to shape shift, he wanted to do some experimenting on this person so he had asked Mollie to track them down. "Turn left." The red haired girl suggested and he confirmed it. The driver turned and he then called up back at the office. "Let me know if anything comes up from the others." He called and let go of the walkie talkie. The girl looked around and then directed them to go straight ahead.

Then they stopped, she got out of the car on her own and people followed her, she directed them left right and centre and used her abilities to read the information on the cameras so she could give details on what the target is wearing and how to get him. She followed the directions and sent it to the government forces. She continued on and waited, deciding to connect her phone to the wireless networks to see how the snipers progress and will watch from there what they do. She took a deep breath, hoping this all goes well.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf Character Portrait: Sarra Mayfield
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#, as written by Ignetio
Sarra slowly woke up. Her eyes slowly drifting open. to see Samus standing there with the ice dagger. "Hey! Put that away. Im going to help you. she said standing up putting her hands out to react to a slice coming if it did. "I gave up on the job. Ok? I was hired to kill you that was my job. Not anymore. I can't just kill a girl. Please don't do this."


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Character Portrait: Samus Wolf Character Portrait: Sarra Mayfield
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Samus sighed then dropped the dagger and began to laugh, "an eye for an eye eh?" she began to laugh some more then calmed down enough to brush her black hair out of her face and sit down next to the assassin. "thank you for saving my life. i am forever grateful."


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Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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#, as written by Ignetio
"Well since we are both, 'hazards' well at least thats what they call us," she says as she becomes more and more transparent until she is invisible. "I'm only showing mine because you 'showed' me yours." she then reapers in a flash. "You know they are going to hunt us down right?" She asks. "Think we are ready?"


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Samus threw the other an icy stare. "i just started to lean i had powers." she rolls her slightly injured shoulder, "im still working on the launch technique. (OCC: sorry my posts are small)


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Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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#, as written by Ignetio
"So your new to the whole thing then." She gets up and walks to the kitchen after being in there for a few mins Sarrah comes out with coffee pot and 2 mugs. "What a cup?" As soon as she sits down she pores some into her own cup. "So do you have any where to live? If not you can stay here."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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Samus shook her head "no I'm fine, than you." she gets up stretches then speaks as if for certain, "I think I'm going to leave. and it's best for you to do so too, because the second whoever sent you to kill me realizes I'm still alive he'll send for me, and for you. and i can almost grantee that someone will be leaving in a body bag."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont Character Portrait: Samus Wolf
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#, as written by Ignetio
"Are you good in a fight?" she looks into her coffee. "If not then we need to stick together." she got up and flipped the cushion on the couch. In it was a crate. Sarra opened the box and inside was a few handguns. "I had a feeling one day I would fuck up and they would come for me. Cashes like this are all over the house. Take what you want on your way out, I will be parked out back if you want to join me. Other wise lock the door on your way out. I wont be back but I don't want Thieves breaking into disgrace the house." On the way out she opens the closet and pulls out a gun case. "Oh and by the way, my name is Sarra."


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#, as written by Ignetio
((.....and the rp is dead.))


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((OCC: sorry i've been busy with work lightly))


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#, as written by Ignetio
((lol last post 19 days ago XD))


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((you want to continue it?))

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mollie Branwen-Grant
Character Portrait: Elise Valmont
Character Portrait: Elliot Grant
Character Portrait: Thomas Kemuri
Character Portrait: Samus Wolf


Character Portrait: Mollie Branwen-Grant
Mollie Branwen-Grant

"You've already fucked up."

Character Portrait: Elise Valmont
Elise Valmont

"I get it, you know? It's nothing more than tough love."

Character Portrait: Thomas Kemuri
Thomas Kemuri

A young man of eighteen years old, who discovers he is a conduit. He, fearing what the DUPs might do to his Aunt and brother, leaves, and finds himself caught up in the lifestyle of the conduits.


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Re: inFAMOUS: Next generation

does this have open slots?

Re: inFAMOUS: Next generation

I love infamous and infamous: second sons
I'm interested in this RP and I'll definitely make a character or two(or three out of cheekiness!) for it!

(I'm currently making a government official and someone else who will be aligned with the government)

Re: inFAMOUS: Next generation

I'll hopefully be done with my two characters either tonight or tomorrow

Re: inFAMOUS: Next generation

This seems interesting I may work on a character tomorrow or something

Re: inFAMOUS: Next generation

inFamous is a post apocalyptic game in which the main character acquires electric powers. the story of the game is him finding out who did what to him to give him these powers, and why. as a result of the events that triggered this, the city in which you reside in for the rest of the game is overrun with beings with strange abilities, and it's up to you really, to do anything about them. as you progress, you gain more and more mastery over your electric powers, and choose how people view you (karma system)

the city is also about half destroyed, crumbling buildings, martial state of affairs outside the borders, that kind of stuff~

Re: inFAMOUS: Next generation

Can we get more backstory? Whats the goal of the rp? One of your tags is apocalypse, why is that? Just curious ive been looking for a super hero rp for some time

inFAMOUS: Next generation

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