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Injection: Spliced Experiments

Modern/ Primal Island


a part of Injection: Spliced Experiments, by LilRed.

The main Gen Tec Laboratory in New York City where everyone goes to or arrives to for their injection of the spliced DNA of their choice. Please don't stay here long: usually used for the introductory post.

LilRed holds sovereignty over Modern/ Primal Island, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

346 readers have been here.


Introductory location to start off the mutation of your character from human to the animal splice of your choice. Don't roleplay here long, we're waiting for you at the island. This is NOT The Shelter Location.
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Modern/ Primal Island

The main Gen Tec Laboratory in New York City where everyone goes to or arrives to for their injection of the spliced DNA of their choice. Please don't stay here long: usually used for the introductory post.


Modern/ Primal Island is a part of Injection: Spliced Experiments.

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Kira Cherkophski [1] "Oh the sacrifices made when you trade your humanity for the ability to [i]walk[/i] again."
Cedric Wellingtons [0] "Just **** off, kay mate?"
Narisa Yveine [0] "Hello. I'm mixed with a bunny. Who are you?"

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#, as written by LilRed
What would one do to walk again? To be bound to a wheelchair over something that was never your fault, never your wish. Kira was willing to do anything to walk again, to be able to walk instead of being known as a crippled young woman at the age of twenty-two. To be beautiful except that one fatal flaw... to not be able to stand like the other girls.

In her town of Moscow, Russia, they took ballet very seriously. Dancing was something Kera took seriously as well, whether it be the fact that she used to be able to make her family proud and remind them of a jewlery box or just the fact that she felt graceful and... free. Yet ever since the accident during the ice storm, the front end smashed after a bus crashed head on, her spinal cord was crushed... leaving you paralyzed from the waist down. She would even be willing to go to that lazy country of America if she had to. However, with evolving forms in stem-cell research do to an internet research project... she was willing to check it out.

The company was called GenTec. Dr. Hallows was one who ran the business, and he worked out of the country. So that is why Kera Cherkophski, the Russian beauty was sitting in the doctor's office right now, waiting for the doctor to consult with her. "Hello, Miss Cherkopshki... we're ready to take you now. Let's just have you lay here and we'll be all set." The doctor spoke up, motioning her on the table as he helped her sit down by him lifting her up.

With her heart pounding, Kira watched the flourescent lights move above her as the doctor pushed her in passed doors and corners until they reached a strange lab. Then before she knew it, he was holding a needle that was as large as a bicycle pump. As she started to struggle, two male nurses started to clasp two metal wrist joints on the table. "Now, do you like cheetahs Miss? Because I think you're more cheetah..." Sweating a little, she looked up, "What- wha... are you talking about?" The russian spoke up in a scared accent.

[b]"Gene splicing... ever heard of it?"[/color] Dr. Hallows spoke up as she watched the top half of her struggle off the table. "No please!!! you can't do this!!!" Kira screamed, until it was too late and she was injected. The burning feeling crawled through her body as pain stretched across it. Too much pain to handle, too much fear to control. Now, she was to Dr. Hallows stature for the island.

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#, as written by LilRed
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The valley was a lush, green carpet set in between two white stones which met at the feet. Moss scrawled on the rocky outcrops, thickening as they neared the waterfall. Untouched, preserved and so full of potential. It was a natural wonder, yet in it's depths did something so unusual, so unnatural dwell ...

*Rattle, rattle*

A metallic rasping broke through the tranquil noises of the surrounding island, perched on a parapet of rocks -with feet barely planted on stable ground, it inspected a device rooted in the mountainside with human-like adeptness. The creature's back was broad, strong and muscled. Thicky sinewy arms ending in calloused digits, wrapped in what seemed like cloth. It wore clothes, trousers and a belt and it's vest was being used as a grip. But no matter how you look at it, no matter how animated it's actions were, the thing was not truly human.

Matted, yellow fur covered it's entire body with thinner hairs on the face. While stripes intersected along the joints and the jawline, moreso on a long, hefty tail that swung back and forth as it worked. Sharp talons jarted out of it's toes, clawing and scraping the rock it tried so hard to stand on. Dilligently, it meddled with the object scowling whenever something displeasing happens. A open cloth of metal bits spread neatly beside the being, some of which were dismantled skillfully.

"Come to." SNAP! With a quick and sudden turn, the head of the device was dislodged from it's anchor, leaving loose wires exposed dangerously sparking. " ...out. Yeah, you bloody piece of ****." Cedric had spent the the last half an hoursquatting on the mountainside, messing around with what he spotted that afternoon while checking his traps. A camera the researchers had placed to spy on them, glinting in the sunlight.

He placed the dismembered device and all it's component into the makeshift bag and promptly hopped down the high edge with relative ease, something his other side had granted him the ability to do. Walking down the river, he had totally forgotten about the fish traps ...

But life was not as easy as today, come nightfall, one had to be alert as it was an eat or be eaten world out here. The frigid cold could only be put off by a scarce fire, sometimes one wasn't even that lucky to find tinder to start one. It was survival of the fittest, survival of those with the most instincts and they were not the only ones here. If he didn't get meat by tommorow, he would have to starve for another night and he could not eat plants since they gave him severe stomach cramps. Fruits taste good but they were barely filling, they've kept him alive but his foraging spots had run dry. Everything he learnt about life as a human, he had to relearn again.

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#, as written by Riusho
As Kira screamed her horror into the open air of the island, a small shadow of color moved away from the tree she had been reaching for. Small footsteps fluttered about the small forest clearing in which Kira had awakened. Her sharp eyes caught the movement, a small, humanoid shape, almost invisible, ducking behind one of the trees, hiding in the shadows behind it.

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#, as written by Akantha
Narisa bounced along the forest floor her red irises trained on the grass below. Ears long and white laid down against her hair which lay in fluffy pink-white tresses past her shoulders. Her outfit which she had been wearing for how many days? She believed it was just two but it easily could have been several. They were clean and white, smelling like exquisite cotton. The scent wasn't too strong though, as to overpower her own heightened senses. They had been heightened ever sense then. The day she was changed into what the doctors presumably thought would fit her. A bunny. Harmless yet fast and agile. She wasn't a bunny. She had wanted to be something strong. Something that would have made her shy personality fierce and assertive. That was beyond the point though.

There Narisa was hopping along, her ears twitching every time she came across a particularly green grass, when suddenly a cry sounded. This wasn't the cry of another bunny much less a bird. It was the sound of a predator. Something that might have loved to take a bite out of her own hide just by instincts. Weren't hybrids ruled by instincts? Narisa certainly was ruled by those rules. She froze going up on her toes ear perked high into the air. "What was that?" She spoke to no one specifically but perhaps she was testing herself to see if the time was right to run or fight.

Narisa calmed after a few minutes determining that the call was far off and didn't concern her. She strode off quickly thinking that having a sip of water would calm her jangled nerves. Thankfully she hadn't been very far from the river. She generally kept close to the river, her place to sleep being close by. She leaned down lowering her hand into the cold flowing water. She watched the water flow between her fingers then cupped her hand and pulled it up to her awaiting lips. She sipped the water from her palm repeating the steps a few more times before sighing contently. She leaned back sitting down on her bottom where her track shorts hitched up her thighs even higher. She let her tail quiver as she pondered about what to do until she caught a scent on the breeze.

Predator. Hungry predator.

Narisa perked her ears and turned her head towards the scent her eyes widening. She finally ran her tongue over the two teeth in the front of her mouth which seemed to be comparably sharper. She stood with a quick rocking motion and scented the air feeling fear course through her veins as she searched the air thoughtfully wondering exactly how far away the beast was. After many tries she realized something finding that it was closer than she had expected. Narisa's mind blanked and she felt a shiver go up and down her spine as she urged herself to move but fear made her stop. She finally fell to her knees peering up the river her legs having collapsed like they were made of jelly. "Oh god." She closed her eyes and stayed very still hoping the beast would pass.

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#, as written by Riusho
The scent was very strange, a mix of conflicting scents, all in one being. A twig snapped behind her and out of the corner of Narisa's eye there was a flash of shadow, a movement barely seen. Something was watching her. She could feel its eyes on her as it hid just at the edge of her vision. Her keen hearing traced its small, hesitant steps as it scurried around, keeping to the shadows of the tree line. The steps came a little closer then backed off. Was it trying to see if she would make a good meal? Or perhaps it was afraid that it would be the meal. For several moments there was silence, then a ripple in the water a couple hards away. Something... something virtually unseen seemed to be trying to quietly drink at the river. It was as if a haze of some kind, shaped like a small, humanoid creature, was kneeling at the river's edge and drinking. But then it moved, disturbing the sandy bank as it quickly fled back to the trees. Still, Narisa could feel it watching her almost timidly from its hiding place and knew it was still there.

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" ....ha....ning ..."

Something stirred in the jungle that day, startled fowl took flight from the canopy in fear of their lives. His senses sprang to full alert yet he could barely make out the scream, it was barely audible.
Just then an even closer disturbance took place, water splashing for a short while, unlike that of fish or birds. It was something larger, much larger. But then it stopped. Immediately he turned his eyes to the river he was walking along, his steps became quieter, almost like a prowl. The padded soles of his mutant feet helped keep each step on the pebble banks silent, further intensified by a strange pressence nearby.

His sea blue eyes darted left and right, his face contorted halfway into a predatory snarl, leaving his teeth yet to be bared. It was a new reflex, not one he particularly enjoyed at times like this.

Suddenly the water moved and sand flipped, a hazy figure darted back into the bush from the river's edge. Yet he was absolutely certain there was nothing there before, his face loosened and he took a few steps back. If it was a wild boar or gorilla, he would have jumped at the opportunity to claim tomorrow's meal but something that disappeared that fast was quite a shock to him.

"What the-" Was all he could manage, the island sure had suprises of it's own. No sooner than that thought, did the jungle present one of it's curious denizens to him. There, kneeling in the water, as still as a statue -two white ears stood erect on the girl's heard. Her particularly large eyes were tightly shut and she wore what he recognized as a uniform of sorts, she looked ... ...harmless. Yes, that was the word. Harmless, yet so alienated against the background. If anything more, she made him feel a primal urge swell within. The same thing he feels whenever a young, fragile critter crosses his path.

"The **** are you." He muttered under his breath, albeit almost grateful in tone.

Cedric stood there for a minute, staring at her still form, inspecting her. It was not that often he saw another person on the island, given it's vast terrain, it would be lucky to even find the same tree twice. He was curious, very curious, and hungry. There was no doubt, she was human or at least once was. It would be a plain waste of his time to watch her 'pray'. If she could speak, good, if not ...

He knew she was scared, her shaking did not elude his notice, for the longer he stared at her, the more his instinctual side tried to take over. A golden chance to speak to someone presented itself but he found himself lacking the initiative or the will to think of something to say, it's the only humane thing to do right? Yet the last thing he wanted to do was scare the poor thing ****less, he wasn't the most handsome fellow in the world afterall.

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#, as written by LilRed
Heavy breathing puffed out of her cheetah chest as she tried t oabsorb all of her pain and things from her transformation. Her mouth started to bleed as her human teeth began to fall out, only causing more tears to form since those were her teeth. Then the new ones started to come into play. It was like teething all over again, but faster. Grounding her gums and leftover teeth together. Once her new canines and other molars were put in, she felt the pain go away. It was the last of her transformation. Thank God.

Laying there for a moment as she tried to get her tears to go away, she rolled on her back and felt something on the back of her leg. Reaching a clawed hand down there gently, she felt a roll of fuzz and followed upwards with it using her fingertips. When she finally arrived at the source, it ended up at her bottom. Yep, it was all real now... she had a tail. Placing her hand back down in the dirt, she stared at the clouds while trying to figure out what to do. Were there other people here like her? Or was she the only one?

Whiletrying to figure all of this out, she heard someone behind her and immediately called out to the noise. "Who's there?" She called in english, trying to figure out if it was a someone like her or just an ordinary animal. "I promise I won't hurt you." Which was true for the moment, she was still mostly human, she had no reason or will to hurt anyone at the moment right now. Once her catlike instincts kick in though, perhaps that ideal will change a bit.

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#, as written by Akantha
Narisa squeaked under her breath tiring of being so tense. When the body kept fear for so long it became a numb sensation easily balancing out the emotion until something made the fear stronger. She opened on eye to peer at the predator, a man, silently. She hadn't expected a man but then she hadn't really expects anything more than a beast.

The man seemed to be nothing of the sort, perhaps an intellectual being. She reached up running her hand over one of her ears trying to seem as if she was calmer than she probably looked. Her tail quivered as her brow furrowed in concentration. She had heard something in the bush but being as scared at that moment as she was she had ignored it to only cower further. She hesitated to turn her eyes away from the hybrid but successfully turned peering into the brush. After a few minutes of silence and examination she peered back to the man. He wasn't handsome but he did seem like the type of person who was kind. After you got past the barriers on the exterior. A beautiful person. Narisa couldn't judge well enough though because she didn't know what defined the line between being handsome and beautiful. What was the difference?

She stood shakily keeping her eyes on the creature examining the way his fur graced his skin. Her own creamy toned skin was just dusted in white downy hairs. Hardly noticeable most of the time. Narisa opened her mouth about to speak but her voice broke and her speech died in her throat. She took a terribly shy step back, blush spreading across her cheeks. She began to try once more. "H-hello." She felt happy that she had succeeded but her mind acting on it's own made her speak before she could think. "Please don't eat me." She trembled at the words then went still watching the man again.

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Lev woke to a prickling along her back. She froze – it wouldn’t be the first time a spider had found its way into her bed, but that didn’t mean she was used to it. After a moment, it hit her that she wasn’t in bed, wasn’t wrapped up in her blue comforter with its matching blue sheets, wasn’t laying her head on her favorite pillow, wasn’t even off of the ground. She flexed her fingers as she pushed herself into a sitting position, the arachnid temporarily forgotten. She was in the dirt near the tree line. A few yards away was a long strip of sand and beyond that the ocean.

Where the hell was she?

She turned her eyes to the sky, trying to think back to the last thing she remembered… she had been in New York. It was the day after she had gotten off the plane and she was going to meet her father. But then what? She put a hand to her head and closed her eyes, trying to remember. Had she been kidnapped? Drugged maybe? She didn’t feel hurt, achy maybe but nothing serious. Her mouth felt sticky and gross, which made her think she had been asleep, or unconscious, for more than six hours. But she had gone to see her father in the afternoon, which would mean that she---

Lev turned to the side as her stomach constricted and forced the last food she had eaten up her throat and out her mouth. She heaved again twice before her body relaxed. Tears in her eyes, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Shakily she tried to stand. She was still wearing her jeans and the dark green snap up shirt she’d been wearing before and she was surprised to see that they were still relatively clean. Her shoes, however were gone and the dirt and rocks hurt the tender part of her feet. As she was taking stock she paused and brought her hands up to her eyes to examine them. Were those claws? What the hell? She pat down the rest of her body and almost screamed when she found her ears were not on the side of her head, but instead on top, small and rounded and twitching.

She needed a mirror.

Now she realized that her ears and been twitching to and fro the entire time and that she could hear things – birds, the wind, waves, gurgling water. Setting her mouth in a thin line she headed towards the last sound, steps shaky but getting stronger as she moved. It didn’t take her long to find the mouth of the river, but she moved up stream until the waters calmed and didn’t taste so salty. There she found a small pool and balanced herself on an over hanging rock to examine herself in the relatively still waters.

Golden eyes stared back at her, framed by auburn hair and set above whiskers. The face was hers, but its features had changed subtly, becoming more predator like. “What the hell?” she whispered, but then her voice rose in hysterical volume. “Am I a cat? Oh, Jason will love this, he’s always wanted to fuck a neko.”

Then she heard the scream.

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#, as written by Riusho
So many new faces, new... creatures. He wasn't the only one who had been changed it seemed, he wasn't alone. Still, he did not know this place, or these... people? Here he knew only that he could be a predator, or he could be prey and he had no idea which. As he darted through the forest, working his way swiftly and almost silently away from the big predator he had seen with the girl who smelled of rabbits, he lost footing. He had been traveling in the lower boughs of the trees, keeping high and quiet as his instincts had instructed, but now, with a sharp, fearful cry, he found himself falling ten feet, heading for the ground. Suddenly, almost subconsciously, his tail lashed, his head turned and he found himself landing soundly on his hands and feet. It was a miracle he had landed nearly so deftly and it left him unharmed. His head lifted up, checking to make sure he had not aroused the suspicion of predators. And then he froze. There before him, mumbling to herself was a young, female cat-woman.

It was the first time he had allowed himself to be seen, and he cursed him for it. There, revealed before Lev's eyes was Edan. His body was small, almost like a young kid's. He was clearly naked, and seemed to be an incredible mix of cat and lizard. His scales were a dark, subdued blue, his fur was dark grey and covered him in patches, working seamlessly with the scales covering most of him. His eyes were large, almost cat-like save for the lizard-like irises. His ears twitched, moving to trace the sounds around him and as he stared at Lev with almost prey like fear, his long, reptilian tail lashed about nervously behind him. He said not a word, his body tense to either run or fight as he watched the cat girl with sharp eyes.

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His stare hardened a little, clearly she just called him some kind of monster but whose fault was it?

"Whose going to eat you?" He asked, trying to make her feel stupid in revenge. He then looked into the water at his own reflection. She's got to be like ****ing blind ...

Tightening his grip around the sack of scraps and putting his first foot forward past her, he non-chalantly started walking off down the river bank. Still scowling ...

"Acting cute doesn't work with everything here, lass. Next time you fight if something wants to eat you." Truth be told, he had hoped to find more people on this island to talk to. There was more people could do when they were together, it's a rule of thumb for humans. But talking to someone who still thinks he's less than human was going to be difficult, after all he's strived for.

"Start moving." He said before taking off, through the dense growth of the island.

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Disbelieving she reached a clawed hand to touch her whiskers softly. They vibrated, sending more information to her brain than her eyes. At least her pupils weren’t slits. A crash behind her made her whirl on her rock, precariously close to the edge. A boy stood before her, a mad scientist’s idea of artwork, no doubt. Her first reaction was a mix of disgust and curiosity. He was beautiful in the way a spider was beautiful – unknown, graceful, creepy.

Her nose brought her the smell of adrenaline and sweat: he was nervous but he hadn’t run or attacked yet. Slowly, as she had read people do it books, she lowered herself into a sitting position at the very edge of the rock – so she could fall backwards into the water if she needed to – and held up her hands. It both relieved her and pained her to find that she wasn’t alone on this island, wasn’t alone in what she had become.

“Greetings” she said lowly, holding up her left hand with her index and middle finger together and her pinky and ring finger together, thumb extended. “I come in peace.”

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#, as written by Riusho
The boy, for that is clearly what he was in his own transformed way, came out of the shadows of the trees and stood up, giving Lev an almost annoyed look. He started to fidget, scratching himself behind the ears. For a moment he got lost in doing this, a soft purr coming from his chest as he seemed to relax. Then he remembered what was going on and coughed slightly in embarrassment.

"Ahem. Hello," he said, his voice soft, hesitant. "Uhm. You're not going to try to eat me are you?"

He gave her a wary look, but tried to settle himself down. It was clear he was suspicious but he knew he was caught and at least the girl had not attacked. She seemed human enough, which was enough for him to at least give her a chance.

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#, as written by Akantha
Narisa blinked feeling only slightly offended. She was more shocked that he hadn't been after her in such pursuits as she had previously believed. To know that he was not only friendly, if not a little snappy, but also safe made her feel a little gleeful. She stood and watched him stalk off apparently irritated at something or another.

"Acting cute doesn't work with everything here, lass. Next time you fight if something wants to eat you."

She sulked and bounced after the man before pausing to analyze his gait. Giving a few awkward movements she began to mimick his walk which was about like one of confidence. "I don't fight though. I don't know how. Do you fight? Oh that's a silly question! You seem strong and powerful so it's likely that your good at fighting. A knight in shining armor right?" She smiled following behind him but paused as he sped off into the brush. "Ah..Wait!"

Narisa leapt into the brush after him letting her fear deflate as her less primitive instincts arose. Charge blindly into danger. A magnificent idea but she felt that if she could keep up with the man then she might have a chance at making a friend and even better, someone to talk too. Someone who wouldn't be bothered by her shy nature. His own, brisk and assertive, would compliment hers in some points. "Can I stay with you? I wanna.." She trailed off blushing, her steps faltering. Narisa took a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale again. "I want to hang around with you! You seem really kind compared to some people. Truthfully your the first person I've ever talked to on this island." She began to pant finding out that keeping up with a predator was harder than it looked. Sure she was fast, but not to the speeds of thousands which is what it felt like in her aching calves. Bunny's were meant to hop, not to run insanely through the bush!

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Jublin gave a slight sniff to the air, catching the east blowing gust in the face. he smelled nothing in his new territory, which relieved him. he had already chased away the squirrels, and some ducks away from his drinking hole. he was now lying on a branch sixty kilometers above the ground. he had figured using his teeth was a smart idea. he just had a very sore jaw right now.

He woke to a chattering sound above him, and saw two birds tweeting a branch up. °BARK!° came his answer, and the two flew off in haste. With a long yawn he stretched until the muscles were popping, and bones cracked. then rolled over off the branch, he reached out his hand and caught the side, then swung himself to the base of the tree. to hop down from branch to branch.

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"A knight in shining armor right?"

Those words repeated themselves over and over in Cedric's mind while he was running. This girl, whoever she was, had a tongue more more glib than silver. What was there to gain from praising him? He pondered, grabbing a tree trunk to stop himself in his tracks, his breath had ran too short. But he liked the idea of a knight, the word felt ...civillized. Too long has he been in here that he had forgotten what the streets of London looked like...

"Can I stay with you? I wanna.. -I want to hang around with you! You seem really kind compared to some people. Truthfully your the first person I've ever talked to on this island."

Looking sideways, he turned to have a good look at her as she ran behind. She may look harmless but she's clever, animated, her way with words showed. She probably already had a good head on her too.

"...You can stay if wish but I am leaving way or another." That was his solemn promise, he had already made up his mind. "This place is unfit for human beings."

"...How did you get here?" Cedric then asked, trying to make it something about her if not to satiate his conscience for sounding rude earlier. It's been so long that he had forgotten that he was speaking to another person, not the usual figment of his imagination.

Little did he know that they were near other, unfortunate souls who had been placed on the island.

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Lev watched him sit, and raised her eyebrows at his purring but said nothing. Maybe he was just more animal than her. At his words she gave a bark of laughter, more dog-like than cat-like. “Eat you? Oh god, what do you think I am? I…” she trailed off, looking him over thoughtfully. “Wait. People try to eat each other here? What is this? Animal style battle royale?”

Her ears were on alert now though. Her voice was taking on the hysterical quality again, air being snorted from her nostrils in between breaths. A musky scent could just be sensed in the air. “How many people are here? You’re not going to eat me, are you?”

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#, as written by Riusho
"You're too big, and too close to my own species," he replied, his voice low as he tried to look thoughtful. "You'd be too much trouble to try and bring down and then eat... besides, I prefer to be able to eat me food whole now... I don't think it was that way before but I can't remember... anyway, I'm not sure what goes on here. I just know you smell like a meat eater and I smell like meat."

He scratched at his ear again and got up, pacing around. He seemed nervous, almost scared. As he paced his color would continuously change, subtle shifts in pigmentation as he tried to subconsciously blend in with his surroundings.

"Do you remember how you got here?" he asked suddenly.

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Jublin awoke again with a rabbit nibbling on a aloe leaf by his head. and with a snap of his jaws had himself lunch. The rabbit went down easily enough. He then trotted on all fours to his favorite watering hole. and when he bent down to drink two blurred shapes sped by without so much as a hi, bye, kiss my ass, or nothing. with a curse in Comanche, he went back to drinking. and sat down by the water. "Looks like i'm not the only one who got suckered into this." he said to himself. then began chasing the two. he needed the exercise, and if they were small enough, he could just have fun with them. he could teach them how to play soccer. with that thought he gave a loud thunderous bark, and ran even faster.

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Lev watched his closely, nostrils flaring. “You don’t smell like food. To big? Yea, that’s what I’m getting. If you were injured, perhaps…” she shook her head violently, then spoke as if she was trying to convince herself. “No! I’m not going to eat humans. Not ever.” She stretched her back and grit her teeth. Now that she was fully awake and alert, her whole body had become one big sore.

Cautiously she stood on her rock, watching him in her peripheral vision. Her instincts said he wasn’t lying – he wouldn’t attack her, but her human half didn’t trust someone who just happened upon her.

She bent over to touch her toes, her stiff back protesting, as she answered his question. “I remember being in New York to visit my father. I was walking to his work from the bus stop… I don’t remember anything after that. I think I might have been kidnapped.”

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#, as written by Akantha
Narisa squeaked happily and bounced faster giving up the facade of running like a human being. She grew tired of the act and much preferred this way of bouncing. It was speedier and more stable for herself unless she tripped. She sped up to run beside him and smiled.

"Oh. I'm not sure if I want to leave." She shadowed her eyes peering away in deep thought. She had her own reasons for wanting to stay. She would never be what they wanted her to be. Final. "I kind of like the place. If you know how to get around the place."

She turned her face to look back up at him trusting that he would warn her if she was about to trip or fall in any way. As she listened she felt confusion. Humans? Were they still humans? Would society back home accept her ears and bunny tail? Most likely not. They would probably shoot her on the spot for being a mutant. "Mister, I hate to tell you this but we aren't humans anymore. I mean we once were. Sure, but now were these types of hybrids. I don't think civilization would accept me for becoming a bunny. Just look at my tail. My family would rip it off and watch me bleed just so I could be normal and 'like them'." She let her tail wiggle slightly the chuckled glancing away from him, a bit embarrassed about sharing her opinions.

She let silence envelop her until he spoke once more. "Here? Well probably just like you. I came from a human family. I wanted an escape from their hurtful plans on my future and then..." She trailed off into silence remembering the fear of the blade and surgical tools. Narisa shook her head her brow furrowing before she continued. "Then those doctors changed me and put me out here. I think they watch us and see how well we do. What do you think?"

Right as she was about to hear an answer she felt a thunderous bark sound from behind her sending chills up her spines. She let out a silent scream and her speed kicked up several notches as adrenaline spiked in her. She had reverted completely to full rabbit posture with the hands in front of her and her legs bent just slightly full of power. Her eyes were widened as she looked behind her for the dog. If she hadn't been so terrified she would have screamed. She glanced at Cedric almost as if to say 'Help me! I'll do anything!' before she tripped over a root not paying attention to where she was going. She lay there, a ball of female rabbit with her tail in the air trembling from fear.

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"Oh Shit! Jublin cursed as he sped passed the fallen bunny thing. he tried stopping abruptly by sitting down, and holding his paws forward. when he stopped he was a yard passed Bunny thing, and stood on his two back legs. "I'm so sorry!' he quipped. staying a few feet away to try and give the creature a sense of safety. "I'm not going to eat you, i just saw you run passed and thought chasing you would be fun. are you hurt?" he took a step forward to try and see if he could spot any blood. he couldn't smell it. but better safe then sorry. his attention span had shortened after the transformation, an quickly began wagging his tail excitedly. giving another loud bark. then he walked over and began sniffing the girl he had made fall. "Do you like soccer?" he asked as he climbed a tree, and began weaving leaves together. when he was finished he had a tightly weaved ball in his hand that bounced a bit. he then began kicking it back and forth then hacking it up on his knees. soon he was bouncing it off his head. and then let it drop. he put his foot on it. and pointed to it. "Soccer." his attention then shifted to the other creature, it curiously standing far from him. he had forgotten the bunny girl. Kicking the ball over to him, instead. he didn't look as if he knew what it was. but then most wouldn't the Americans were even bigger fans of a sport called football. he hated that sport, and would stick to what he knew. His attention was then drawn back to the bunny girl, who was trying to make herself as small as possible. "Hey brave, mind helping me with the fluffy one? Shit. these damn genes are pissing me off. he walked back, and tried to help her to her feet. taking cautious steps .

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"Oh. I'm not sure if I want to leave."

Cedric's brows furrowed a little when he saw that she was hopping on all fours.

"I kind of like the place. If you know how to get around the place. Mister, I hate to tell you this but we aren't humans anymore."

"Yes, we ARE." He insisted in a low, growling murmur -looking ahead than at her. It was like a kick in the face to what he has been trying to prove all this while, this ignorant brat comes in and says that he wasn't human like it was nobody's business? After all he has done. But she continued her story ...

"...Then those doctors changed me and put me out here. I think they watch us and see how well we do. What do you think?"

By this time he almost seemed furious, if not seething beneath his expression. He was angry, at many things, it was her yet not only. His fist clenched, tightening the bandage in loud audible pops. And just as he was about to turn around and answer passionatedly, something LOUD took place. A bark and unfortunately for it , this bark become the accidental ire of his anger.

HOW DARE IT INTERUPT. He thought. This THING he saw approaching her prone figure. HOW DARE IT THREATEN HER. Immediately Cedric turned heel, veins were popping out from his neck by this time. Within seconds, was a tiger-like man, disgruntled, in between her and the intruder. The ball just bounced off Cedric's frame, not letting him step one step closer to the girl.

"Who the **** ARE YOU!?" He demanded. It was clear that a wrong answer would be quite dangerous, he was not fond of anything that looked like it just tried to eat a person.

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#, as written by Akantha
Narisa peeked out from her spot on the ground seeing the 'knight' protecting her.


Her voice came out soft and weak but it was not without the sound of extreme gratitude. She pushed herself up keeping her eyes on the dog-like figure. At what seemed to be a comfortable position for her she shuffled forward to hide behind Cedric grasping the edge of his clothes. She held on to him like this as if he was the only support that kept her standing and as if he was the big brother who had come to her rescue. Personally she really wanted to hug him and cry because Narisa had never felt safe around dogs. They were always looked like big, muscled, slobbery, ferocious beasts.

Narisa chewed on her bottom lip staying silent. While she had felt comfy enough to talk to Cedric for some odd reason she didn't feel her voice rising to the challenge of talking to the man named Julian. He had said he wasn't going to hurt her but that's what they all said. They all said the same thing before fangs were exposed and they were pouncing and reaching with those sharp claws for her already frozen body. When she had first arrived she hadn't really understood the danger that the island proposed. So when another person came up and said that she wasn't going to hurt her, Narisa thought it was okay. Wrong. That lady scarred her body with claws covered in red. If her instincts to run and hide hadn't kicked in as soon as the first slice had been made she would have been mincemeat. A play toy for the utterly dangerous. She let her fingers on her left hand slide over her abdomen faintly in memory of the scar there. After that incident she hadn't refused to talk to anyone on the island and had kept to herself. Narisa looked up to Cedric. Times were definitely changing.

Narisa peered at the boy then looked away a blush creeping into her cheeks. She wanted nothing to do with him. What if he really had lied just so he could eat her tail off? Screw that. So she moved even closer to Cedric's stronger form and hid her face from sight mumbling a few words to Cedric. "Thank you. Alot."