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Candace Carmelo

"Just shut up and fuck me."

0 · 5,119 views · located in England

a character in “Kids in the Streets”, as played by desire99600



"ā€œA wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."
-Marilyn Monroe

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Image| Full Name |
"Isn't it beautiful? Like a movie star's name." Candace Allegra Carmelo

| Nickname |
"Got a sweet-tooth baby?" Candace typically goes by Candie among her friends. Sometimes, her twin brother will call her CC, and the ocasional boyfriend has called her Candie-Cat or Candie-Cane, but that's about it as far as nicknames go. For the most part, it's just Candie.

| Age |
"I'm the older twin by two minutes." 17 years-old

| Gender |
"Why don't you come find out for yourself?" Female

| Role |
"Oh please, like you haven't heard of me. I'm the slut." Girl One


Image| Markings |
"I love marking up my body and making it mine."
When it comes to piercings, Candie doesn't have many. She's got her bellybutton pierced, as well as three earlobe piercings in each ear and one cartilage in her left ear. Other than this though, she's not a big fan of body jewelry.
While most of Candie's scars are internal, she's definitely got several external scars as well. Her left hand has a scar slicing through it from making a lunge for a knife to protect herself from her father and accidentally grabbing it by the blade. Along the left side of her ribs, she's also got scarring from a car crash she was in with her mother. She's got a small scar sitting just under her jaw, from her father as well as another, just under the tattoo on her upper thigh, from the same person. Every scar holds its own set of painful memories for Candie and, as such, she does her best to hide them any way she can, because she doesn't want anyone asking about them and she doesn't want to have to see them herself and remember where they came from.
When it comes to tattoos, Candie has several, most of which she got from a tattoo artist she was sleeping with for a while. Her first, is a small tiger sitting on her middle finger. Tattooed on the edge of her right arm, as in the picture to the left, is the word "Joy". She's also got a black crecent on the inside of her left wrist. Her fourth tattoo runs up the inside of her right arm, reading "Flowers only last so long." Wrapping around her upper thigh, she has the words "Appetite for destruction." Resting on top of her collarbone, she has one that reads "I'm a mess, I confess.". Her seventh tattoo is on the inside of her right hand, on her palm, lyrics from the song Hemorrhage reading "Don't fall away and leave love bleeding in my hands". Right on her pantyline, she has the words "Fuck off." Tattooed. Finally, she's also got the words "I will conquer." tattooed on the back of her neck, under her hair. All this makes for a total of nine tattoos, all of which she loves and are deeply personal to her.


| Likes |
"They don't call my Kinky-Candie for nothing baby."
ā™„ Rough sex
ā™„ Partying
ā™„ Drinking
ā™„ Being a bitch
ā™„ Tansy
ā™„ Her friends (most of them)
ā™„ Donnie
ā™„ Shopping
ā™„ Meaningless sex
ā™„ Fucking with people
ā™„ Flirting
ā™„ Cats
ā™„ Tea
ā™„ Bad boys
ā™„ Cigarettes
ā™„ Attention
ā™„ Music
ā™„ Dirty dancing
ā™„ Danger

| Dislikes |
"Go ahead, get on my bad side, I fucking dare you."
āœ— Being called a slut
āœ— Little kids
āœ— Her mother
āœ— Schoolwork
āœ— Being alone
āœ— Winter
āœ— Being told what to do
āœ— Being ignored
āœ— Rejection, she doesn't take it well
āœ— Stupid people
āœ— Assholes
āœ— Cheaters
āœ— Liars
āœ— People who think they know everything
āœ— Rules
āœ— Dogs
āœ— Having to be nice
āœ— Doctors/hospitals
āœ— Being used

| Fears |
"Fear is like love. It doesn't exist unless you let it."
ā˜  Losing Donnie āž› Her brother Donnie means the world to her. He's the only person in the world who knows everything about her and she honestly couldn't imagine life without him. He's her safe place to land when shit hits the fan. Without him, she'd fall apart.
ā˜  Being alone āž› Candie hates being alone. To her, nothing is more insufferable than loneliness. She honestly doesn't care who she's with, it could be some random person off the street, she doesn't care, anything is better than sheer loneliness.
ā˜  Being forgotten āž› As the bitchy queen-bee type, Candie has a fear of being forgotten or over looked. She's always got to turn heads, hold everyone's attention. She's not so vain as to want everyone to love her, she just wants everyone to notice her, weather it's with hate, jealousy, or admiration doesn't matter, as long as all eyes are on her, she's happy.


| Personality |
"When a girl is born pretty, she figures out pretty early that love is nothing but a sick, fucked up game and if she doesn't learn to cheat, she'll lose." Candie, on the outside, is probably the most confident person you'll ever meet in your life. She's the kind of girl you either hate or love, there's no inbetween, but the thing is, she doesn't care. All she wants is your attention and by taking the time to hate her, you've given her it. Guys want to fuck her, girls are jealous of her.

She's the queen bee. If she's not on top, she'll find a way to get there, no matter who she has to hurt. This paints her with a bad reputation in her school and community. She's the slut of the school, sleeping with both boys and girls alike, not caring who spreads wild rumors about her and making no moves to stop them once they start because most of them are true. Her wild, random affairs have earned her the nickname Kinky-Candie. Of course, unless they have a death wish, no one dares say this to her face, but everyone knows her by it.

Candie is not only infamous for being easy, but a bitch as well. She can cut you down with just a mere glance and moves with an intimidating confidence that's nearly impossible not to envy. The thing about Candie is that she's manipulative. She knows how to get what she wants when she wants it. She's got the world wrapped around her finger and intends to keep it that way. She craves power and control, loving having an influence over others, being able to push people around.

Candie can completely destroy you, all she has to do is whisper a few words to the right people, and suddenly, your entire life has turned on it's head. She does this almost carelessly, liking to play with people's hearts, push their buttons, and test their emotions. This makes her seem heartless, like she enjoys hurting people, when the reality is, she's just fucked up.

Any love she's ever really received in her life has been twisted and wrong and it's broken her beyond repair. To the point where she can't love. She prefers to fuck around and hurt people before they hurt her, keeping an ever-composed face on as she ruins people's lives and breaks their hearts, pretending she doesn't give a shit about anyone. In reality though, every boy she lets use her for sex destroys her a little more, making her hate herself that much more.

No one ever sees this though. No one but Donnie really knows that she's a bitch because she's been broken and if they do know, Donnie's the only one who really understands just how badly she's been wounded and this is only because he's been by her side through it all. He knows all the dark places she's been, making him the only person impossible to fool, because she's an expert liar. Looking at her, one would ever even guess that she's been broken and taped back together so many times that she's finally given up. There's nothing she can't make you believe. It's her most important game, making the world think she's strong.


| History |
"Sure, I've been loved, but in all the wrong ways." Candie has a fairly dark past that she carries with her every day of her life. It's the reason she is the way she is, the reason she craves attention, searching for love in all the wrong places and destroying it every time she comes a little too close, afraid it'll destroy her.

Financially, Candie's family has always been stable. Her father was a doctor, her mother a lawyer. Her and her twin brother Donnie never wanted for anything, they were given anything they desired and more. Life, for the Carmelo children, should have been perfect.

But it was far from that. Their mother was fairly distant. Sure, she bought them whatever they wanted, but she rarely spent more than an hour a day with them, preferring to spend any free time she had with their father, almost completely ignoring her children, leaving them to be raised by nannies.

At the same time, their father was a little too interested in Candie. From a young age, he raped and molested her, always leaving her feeling like it was somehow her fault for being too pretty. This went on for years with no one noticing and Candie making weak attempts to protect herself, but keeping it a secret because she was terrified of what might happen if she told someone.

Not even Donnie knew what was going on until she was fifteen and made another attempt at self-defense. This time, she reached for a knife, accidentally grabbing it by the blade in her frantic efforts to get a hold of it, and turning it on her father. His scream of pain as she stabbed him in the thigh was what brought Donnie and her mother running into the room and the truth from her lips.

After that, her father went to prison and things changed drastically in their household. Their mother was still distant, but she was no longer the same, confident, driven woman she'd been with their father. She fell into a deep depression at finding out what the man she'd loved had done to Candie and what was worse, was that she made sure Candie knew she blamed her for it.

Their mother lost her job and started drinking a lot, bringing home random boyfriends, most of which took the same kind of interest in Candie her father had, cornering her and raping her. Now, even being in the same room as her mother is painful because not a second goes by where she stops glaring at her, making it clear that she hates her for ruining their family and her mother's boyfriends still violate her. Only this time, she tells no one, not even Donnie because the last time she told the truth, it completely destroyed their family. Instead, she let's it happen because she's terrified of being the cause of another disaster.

In order to avoid running into her mother or one of her boyfriends, Candie spends a lot of time away from home, partying all night or spending the night at the houses of random guys, fucking around because that's all she feels like she's good for anymore is sex, but she can't avoid home all the time. Donnie still needs her to come home sometimes, and he's so good at reading her, she's afraid, if she stays away too long, he'll put the pieces together and figure out what's been going on.

Her promiscuous reputation has gotten so bad that she's even started fucking her life long bestfriend's boyfriend behind her back, just because she can.



Lana Del Rey
Darling, darling, doesn't have a problem
Lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf
It's alarming honestly how charming she can be
Fooling everyone, telling them she's having fun

She says, "You don't want to be like me
Don't wanna see all the things I've seen."
I'm dying, I'm dying
She says, "You don't want to get this way
Famous and dumb at an early age."
Lying, Iā€™m lying

The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like god, her mind's like a diamond
Audio tune lies, she's still shining
Like lightning, ohh, white lightning

Carmen, Carmen, staying up til morning
Only seventeen, but she walks the streets so mean
It's alarming truly how disarming you can be
Eating soft ice cream
Coney Island Queen

She says, "You don't want to be like me
Looking for fun, getting high for free."
I'm dying, I'm dying
She says, "You don't want to get this way
Street walk at night, and a star by day."
It's tiring, tiring

The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like god, her mind's like a diamond
Audio tune lies, she's still shining
Like lightning, ohh, white lightning

Baby's all dressed up with nowhere to go
That's the little story of the girl you know
Relying on the kindness of strangers
Tying cherry knots, smiling, doing party favors
Put your red dress on, put your lipstick on
Sing your song, song, now the camera's on
And you're alive again

Mon amour, je sais que tu m'aimes aussi
Tu as besoin de moi
Tu as besoin de moi dans ta vie
Tu ne peux plus vivre sans moi
Et je mourrais sans toi
Je tuerais pour toi
[English translation:
My love, I know you love me, too
You need me,
You need me in your life,
You can not live without me,
And I'd die without you,
I would kill for you]

The boys, the girls, they all like Carmen
She gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes
She laughs like god, her mind's like a diamond
Audio tune lies, she's still shining
Like lightning, ohh, white lightning

Like lightning, ohh, white lightning

Darling, darling, doesn't have a problem
Lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf



Twenty-One Pilots
Night falls, with gravity.
The earth turns, from sanity
Taking my only friend I know,
He leaves a lot, his name is "Hope".

I'm never what I like
I'm double-sided.
And I just can't hide
I kinda like it
When I make you cry
Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside.

The horrors of the night melt away
Under the warm glow of survival of the day
Then we move on,
My shadow grows taller along with my fears
And my friends shrink smaller as night grows near

When the sun is climbing window sills
And the silver lining rides the hills
I will be saved for one whole day
Until the sun make the hills it's grave

I'm never what I like
I'm double-sided.
And I just can't hide
I kinda like it
When I make you cry
Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside.

I'm never what I like
I'm double-sided.
And I just can't hide
I kinda like it
When I make you cry
Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside my mind.

I'm semi-automatic,
My prayer's schizophrenic
But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on

By the time the night wears off,
The dust is down and shadows burn
I will rise and stand my ground,
Waiting for the night's return.

I'm never what I like
I'm double-sided.
And I just can't hide
I kinda like it
When I make you cry
Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside.

I'm never what I like
I'm double-sided.
And I just can't hide
I kinda like it
When I make you cry
Cause I'm twisted up, I'm twisted up, inside my mind.


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So begins...

Candace Carmelo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Tansy was honestly suppressed at how Donnie had just cut loose. Sheā€™d known him practically her entire life and heā€™d always been the responsible one. Sure heā€™d done his fair share of breaking hearts and doing drugs, but heā€™d never once supported her bad habits. Heā€™d always tried stopping her, talking her out of it. The fact that she was seeing a side of him sheā€™d never seen only made her want him that much more. The second heā€™d kissed her she knew sheā€™d fall hard for him and that scared the shit out of her, because while sheā€™d fall in love with him, sheā€™d also ruin him because that was what she was good at.

"Don't worry, he's not going to do it." He shrugged and Tans laughed "Hell, we could probably sit outside and finish these bottles in his parking lot and he still wouldn't." he laced their fingers together pulling the towards the car. "Thanks for the drinks man, I owe you." Tansy laughed at Donnieā€™s sarcasm.

She hated the way he made her feel like an anxious love sick fourteen year old, at the same time also making her feel completely alive and free. Just being around him made her higher than any drug had ever made her and she knew that eventually everything would fall apart, eventually sheā€™d push him away or heā€™d break her heart only to protect themselves, because they could see right through each other.

"Where to babe?" he asked as she closed the door. She didnā€™t answer right away, she lend across the car, kissing him hard. Slipping her tongue past his lips to deepen the kiss, her hand on the side of his neck holding them both in the kiss. Even with all that doubt in her mind, even as she told herself no matter how good he made her feel it wasnā€™t worth it, she knew that it would be near impossible to walk away from what they were getting into.

ā€œThe Lake?ā€ she breathed against his lips. ā€œThat way we can be as loud as we want when weā€™re fucking.ā€ She breathed sitting back in her seat.


His Grandparents house looked more like a model house, that you went to with fake fruit and fake TVs. Everything was completely perfect, not one speck of dust on any surface. It almost made you nervous to walk on the marble floors. He closed the door when Candie walked in locking the door behind him. His grandparents were rarely ever home and when he didnā€™t want to go home and him and Tany were fighting, heā€™d come here. Only heā€™d always camp out on one of the lounge chairs next to the pool.

"Damn this place is huge. How long do you think I'll take to fuck in every room?" he laughed following Candie into the kitchen pulling down one of his grandfatherā€™s expensive crystal drinking glasses and filling it with whiskey before tossing a few pills in it and letting them dissolve and fizzle in the alcohol, before downing it like it was water.

He walked up behind her then, moving her hair to as his lips came down on her neck moving slowly along her skin loving the way her skin felt. He wrapped his arms around her as he continued to kiss her skin. He was glad to just be with her without having to worry about someone walking in on them. He could touch her and kiss her as much as he wanted, they could fuck without a time limit. They didnā€™t have to be rushed. His hands moved along her body. The song changed and he smirked as he placed another kiss on her skin before spinning her to face him.

He started swaying with her to the music, he wasnā€™t entirely sure theyā€™d ever really been alone. Theyā€™d always been in a public place or had someone right down stairs. It was nice to finally be alone with her and he hoped that maybe fore once she wouldnā€™t push him away, maybe for once sheā€™d let him in even if it was just for the night.

ā€œWere going to destroy each other.ā€ He breathed, like heā€™d already accepted it. ā€œBut, I really donā€™t give a shit.ā€ He said honestly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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The bottle Candie pulled down was the expensive kind of whiskey she'd only had a couple times when breaking into her mother's stash of the good stuff. She didn't even bother with a glass, popping the bottle open and taking a drink, loving the way it warmed her body and burned her throat, taking another long drink.

Reed walked up behind her and she smirked as he moved her hair to the side, bringing his lips down onto her neck, setting her skin on fire. She tilted her head back and moaned softly, enjoying the way his lips felt as they made their way slowly up her neck, loving that it was just the two of them. Nothing else mattered but him, not even the fact that she'd probably just lost Tansy forever. All that mattered was the way Reed made her feel.

His hands roamed her body and she bit her lip, breath picking up a little. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't been thinking about having his hands all over her body the entire night. She wanted him to fuck her hard and make her forget everything that had happened that night with his touch. She was eager to have his skin on hers, his hands and lips exploring her body because, even though it had only been since earlier that day, before the club, their fight had made it seem like ages since they'd last fucked and the way he was touching her made her want him so badly it hurt.

The song changed to something slower and he spun her, wrapping his arms around her as he danced with her to the music and she sighed resting her head against his chest. She wanted him to keep touching her, pin her down and fuck her, make her heart race and her head spin, but she knew they had all night and it was nice to actually have that luxury for once.

ā€œWere going to destroy each other.ā€ He breathed, and she sighed. ā€œBut, I really donā€™t give a shit.ā€ He said making her smirk. He was right, she knew he was and normally, now was about the time she'd push him away or change the subject to sex in order to avoid talking about it, but she was honestly tired of fighting him. At least for one night.

"Me either." She finally breathed with a smirk before leaning up on her toes kissing him hard, slipping her tongue past his lips. She walked him backwards, backing him into the counter as she kissed him, fingers running along the waistline of his jeans, leaning her body against his. She pulled away then, taking a step back and bringing her the whiskey bottle back to her lips for a long drink. "You have any drugs on you Lux?" She asked, batting her eyelashes with a smirk, taking another drink and watching him.



Instead of answering right away, she leaned over the middle counsel and kissed him hard, slipping her tongue past his lips. Donnie smirked against her lips and kissed her back hard, loving the taste of her lips on his, not sure he'd ever quite get enough of her. On his deathbed, his dying request would probably be a kiss from Tansy, her lips were just that intoxicating, nothing would ever feel as good as her kiss.

They were going to be a total mess, but he didn't care, that was what was so great about Tansy. He didn't care about anything when he was around her. Hell, he was liable to shoot someone for her. All it'd take would be a kiss and a smile, and he'd commit murder in the blink of an eye. It scared him, what she could do to him, but he was too high on it to give it up. She was officially his new favorite drug and he wasn't giving her up until she completely destroyed him.

ā€œThe Lake?ā€ She breathed against his lips and he smirked. ā€œThat way we can be as loud as we want when weā€™re fucking.ā€ She breathed sitting back in her seat, making him laugh as he peeled out again without another word, driving faster than he should have, enjoying himself and the way he was when he was with her, utterly carefree, with no responsibilities dragging him down.

Eventually, they got to the lake and he pulled up, cutting the engine, glancing over at her with a smirk. He reached behind them to the backseat where they'd dumped their spoils, grabbing a bottle of vodka before reaching across to her, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her bra where she'd studded them back at the store.

Donnie shot her a wicked smirk before getting out of the car, walking around to the front and leaning on the hood, eyes watching the lake for a second, liking how quiet it was out there, just the two of them. He lit himself one of the cigarettes, tossing the pack down onto the hood of the car next to him before popping open the vodka and taking a long drink, chasing it down with a drag of his cigarette, waiting for Tansy to come join him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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He peeled out of the parking lot and she smirked as he drove way to fast. It was a Friday night, which made it even more dangerous. She was honestly surprised they hadnā€™t gotten pulled over. Then again if they had, there was no doubt that Tansy could talk her way out of it. Sheā€™d been doing it for years now, every time Collin got pulled over she got him out of the ticket. Every time he got into a fight over her, she talked him out of handcuffs. So she wasnā€™t at all scared.

Eventually Donnie cut the engine in front of the lake. She watched him reach in the back seat, grabbing a bottle of liquor before reaching over to her and pulling one of the many packs of cigarettes sheā€™d lifted from the liquor store. He shot her a wicked smirk, causing her to raise a brow as he slipped out of the car. She watched him leaning against the hood of the car and light himself a cigarette. She was pretty positive she was in love with him. Not that sheā€™d ever admit that to him, thinking about it was hard enough.

She lit herself a cigarette, trying to push those stupid thoughts from her head. Guys didnā€™t love her, they loved what she did to them and Donnie would be no difference. She made she too convince herself that he was only using her as a great fuck before she got out of the car. She grabbed her own bottle slipping her heels off and tossing them inside the car before she shut the door behind her, popping open the bottle and taking a long swig, before pressing the cigarette to her lips and taking a long drag as she made her way over to Donnie pausing in front of him and looking him over with a wicked smirk.

ā€œHow are you feeling?ā€ she smirked. ā€œBeing the rebellious twin for once.ā€ She raised a brow, pressing the bottle to her lips. ā€œI like this side of you Don.ā€ She said closing the space between them.


It was quite between them for an agonizingly short moment. He thought she might push him away or ask him to take her home, hell he thought she might even start a fight just for the hell of it, because thatā€™s how it had been between them for the last few months. When they got to close she pushed him away.

"Me either." she finally breathed breaking the silence and it surprised him. She lend in kissing him hard and he smirked as she slipped her tongue past his lips setting his whole body on fire.

She was completely intoxicating and he never wanted their kiss to end. She back him up against the counter her fingers moving along his waist line as she leaned her body against his intensifying that electric heat between them. She pulled away then pressing the bottle too her lips and he smirked wickedly. He knew it was going to be a long night and he doubted there would be any sleeping involved.

"You have any drugs on you Lux?" she asked, batting her long lashes and he realized then and there how easy it was for her to get things, she was incredible at her little game of seduction, it wasnā€™t just a game to her it was an art which sheā€™d mastered and had he been some random guy, heā€™d have fallen for it.

He emptied his pocket on the counter. A few baggies of coke, some bags of pills, a bag of weed, a pipe, and a completely separate bag full of acid tabs. When it came to drugs, Lux was always good for an array of them, he was the drug dealer of their group although he very rarely dealt. He turned back to face he, grabbing her and spinning her so her back was against the counter, he pinned her to the counter with his own body a dangerous smirk on his lips.

ā€œI got a few things.ā€ He shrugged. ā€œBut what are you going to do for them.ā€ He said leaning in teasingly close, his lips centimeters from hers. ā€œYou know that shit ainā€™t free.ā€ He smirked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Candie watched, taking another drink from the whiskey as he emptied his pockets onto the counter. He tossed down bags of coke, weed, pills, and acid, making her raise an eyebrow and smirk, glad he was fully stocked because she knew it was going to be a long night and the drugs only made sex with him that much more intense.

She was going to reach for something when he grabbed her, spinning her quickly and pinning her against the counter, a smirk on his lips that made her heart race because it was dangerous, and she liked seeing him that way. ā€œI got a few things.ā€ He shrugged and she raised an eyebrow, holding his eyes. ā€œBut what are you going to do for them.ā€ He said as he leaned in until his lips were tantalizingly close to hers, making it impossibly hard not to close the gap and kiss him. ā€œYou know that shit ainā€™t free.ā€ He smirked and she smirked back.

Candie let silence hang between them for a moment, staying still even though all she wanted was to kiss him, wanting him to think his teasing had no effect on her despite the fact that her knees felt weak and her head had started spinning the second he'd pinned her against the counter. She loved his taunting, and the way he could control her with just a touch. It was intoxicating.

After a minute of sheer anticipation, Candie finally brought her lips against his, kissing him hard, wrapping her arms around his neck. She smirked against his lips, sliding her hands from his neck, down his chest to pull his shirt off, tossing it away before going back to kissing him, slipping her tongue past his lips. "Anything you want baby." She breathed against his lips with a wicked smirk.

She pulled away, lips trailing along his jaw and neck before making their way down his chest, going lower, until she was kissing his abs, on her knees in front of him. She traced the waistline of his jeans with quick, hot kisses, wanting to tease him right back. She smirked up at him before making her way back up to his lips, fingers teasingly running along his waistline where her lips had just been. She kissed along his jaw, pausing by his ear with a wicked smirk. "You name it, I'll do it." She whispered seductively in his ear, pulling back and holding his eyes, raising an eyebrow as her fingers continued to lightly trace his skin.



After a minute, Donnie heard the car door close behind him and she walked around front, her own bottle in hand, cigarette between her lips as she stood in front of him, making him smirk. The moon was pretty much the only light they had, so it was fairly dark, but he could still see her well enough to enjoy how incredibly beautiful she was. Everything about her was beautiful. He could sit there and admire her for hours.

ā€œHow are you feeling?ā€ She smirked and he smirked back, taking a drag off his cigarette. ā€œBeing the rebellious twin for once. I like this side of you Don.ā€ She said as she closed the space between them and Donnie smirked, reaching out and wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close and kissing her lips, a hand on the back of her neck.

"I think I like it too." He breathed against her lips with a smirk before moving his kisses along her neck, kissing her skin slowly, holding her tightly, loving the way it felt to be with her. At that point, he was pretty positive he loved her. She was fucking incredible and he couldn't stand the thought of having to live without her, but he knew he could never tell her.

If he told her he loved her, she'd shut down. She was a lot like Candie in that area. He knew she was only with him right now because she liked the reckless, dangerous feeling the two of them together created. As soon as it got heavy, becoming anything more than casual trouble-making, she'd run. She'd start up her head games again, and close herself off to him. She'd start pushing him away because she was afraid that someone might actually love her for once.

It drove him nuts because she deserved to be loved, but he couldn't tell her she was. Donnie stood off the hood of the car, bringing his lips back to hers, kissing her deeper this time, wanting her to know, through his kiss, that she was important to him because, even if he couldn't say the words out loud, at the very least, he needed her to know he wasn't using her. She wasn't just a fun way to pass the time, she actually meant something to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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He reached out and grabbed her pulling her close, he wrapped an arm around her waist closing the space between them. He pressed his lips to hers kissing her hard and she kissed him back just as hard. The way his kiss set her on fire was addicting in the worst way. In fact she knew the second he pulled away all sheā€™d want to do was kiss him again. Kissing him made her heart speed up and slow down all at the same time, it was something sheā€™d never felt and she never wanted to give up.

"I think I like it too." he breathed against her lips and she matched his smirk with one of her own. He moved his lips along her neck making her bite her lips. He pushed off the hood of the car brining his lips back to hers.

The way he kissed her was different this time. While it was still reckless and fire filled, it held a truth that made every inch of her skin crawl and she fought the urge to push him away out of instinct. He kissed her like she was more than just a cheap fuck or a one night stand like she actually meant something to him and that scared the shit out of her cause sheā€™d never been kissed liked that and if she had sheā€™d ignored it, however she wasnā€™t expecting that from him and she moaned despite herself because the kiss felt incredible.

Theyā€™d only started hooking up a few hours ago, but everything about it felt right. He was incredible and she was suddenly terrified of being without him. He made her feel everything sheā€™d kept going back to Collin for and more. What they had right then and there in that moment was pure perfection and she wanted it to last forever. She pulled away then holding his eyes for a moment like she was trying to figure out whether the kiss had been sincere, deep down she knew the kiss was real, but there was always that voice of doubt telling her it wasnā€™t, because everything she touched went to shit.

ā€œDonā€™tā€™ kiss me like that.ā€ She whispered, holding his eyes. ā€œDonā€™t give me false hopes Tae.ā€ She breathed like she was scared of what they could be. ā€œI mean itā€™s not like we could actually be together.ā€ She shrugged lighting herself a cigarette. ā€œIf Kaleb doesnā€™t kill you Collin sure as hell will.ā€ She said honestly. ā€œBesides you said it yourself Iā€™m a disease.ā€ She breathed out a breath of smoke. ā€œNo way Candieā€™s going to let me destroy you.ā€ She said with a sigh slipping out of his grip then and walking over to the lake, focousing on the moons reflection in the water.


It was silent between them for a long moment and he just kept the smirk on his lips. He held her eyes, realizing for the first time just how beautiful they were. She was beautiful, he didnā€™t care that she was broken, in fact that was what he loved most about her. She wasnā€™t like the popular Barbie Cheerleaders and she wasnā€™t like vindictive bitch just because she could be like Tansy. She was legitimately fucked up just like him.

Finally she pressed her lips to his and he kissed her back without hesitation. His whole body was suddenly alive and aware of only her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her tightly against his body. Her hands slid down his chest causing him to moan, because even through his clothes her touch was electric. She slipped his shirt off tossing it aside making him smirk. She pressed her lips to his again slipping her tongue past her lips and he kissed her back hard placing a hand on the back of her neck.

"Anything you want baby." she breathed against his lips, wicked smirk painted on her lips and he matched it with one of his own. She moved her lips along his jaw and neck, before making her way down his chest and he smirked loving every single second of it. Her lips were like heroine in his veins. Her kiss made his skin burn and his heart race. She continued down his chest kissing along his abs until she was on her knees making him groan. Finally her lips traced back up his body till her lips came to his jaw and she paused at his ear. "You name it, I'll do it." she whispered pulling away with a wicked smirk on her lips as her fingers lightly traced his skin.

He didnā€™t answer instead fisted his hand into her hair and kissed her hard, slipping his tongue past her lips to deepen the kiss. Only even though the kiss was hard, it was still slow and meaningful, he always kissed her like she meant the world to him, because in all honesty she did and he was really starting to realize how much he needed her, she made sure to show her when he kissed her. He moved his supply of drugs to one side of the counter before lifting her up effortlessly. His hand moved up her leg, under her dress and past her panties rubbing between her legs, roughly, but taking his time. Heā€™d never once been able to take his time when theyā€™d been together.

His lips left her and he moved along her jawline slowly, making every single kiss linger for a moment too long. He pulled way continuing to rub between her legs using his free hand to break off one of the acid tabs, he forced her mouth open placing one on her tongue with a wicked smirk before placing one his tongue. He pulled his hand out from under her dress lifting her just enough to slip her dress off and toss it aside.

ā€œIā€™m not going to fuck you tonight.ā€ He said holding her eyes. ā€œBecause you deserve more than that.ā€ He said honestly making it perfectly clear that itā€™s wasnā€™t just going to be meaningless sex, he had every intent on making love. He wanted to make her feel like she was worth more then what ever guy sheā€™d ever been with made her feel like. He wanted to give her something to remember when everything elseā€™s was falling down around them, sheā€™d know deep down how much she really meat to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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instead of answering, Reed brought his lips down on hers hard, to tongue slipping into her mouth, hand gripping her hair in his fist and she moaned instantly against his lips. The kiss was rough and hard, but still full of passion and it felt good to be kissed like she was somebody's everything for once in her life. Until Reed, no one had ever kissed her that way. It was the feeling she kept pushing away, but this time she enjoyed it. She was sick of fighting him, and she knew, in the morning, everything was going to fall apart so she wanted him now, while she could still have him. Before he realized she'd fucked up his relationship with Kaleb and Tansy decided she hated her.

Reed reached out and swiped her pile of drugs away before lifting her up into the counter and she smirked against his lips, continuing to kiss him. His hand drifted up her leg, slipping under her dress and she moaned as rubbed between her legs roughly, making her whole body want him. His lips trailed along her jaw agonizingly slowly and she tilted her head bak and closed her eyes, biting her lip as she enjoyed the intoxicating mix of his lips on her skin and his touch, driving her wild.

He pulled away but continued to rub her and by that point, Candie's breathing had picked up, letting out short, breathy moans, loving what he was doing to her. She was too focused on his touch to pay attention to what he was doing until he grabbed her jaw and forced her mouth open and Candie smirked, sticking her tongue out as he placed an acid tab on it and then one on his own. He stopped rubbing her then, pulling his hand out from under her dress and lifting her some so he could pull it off and she lifted her arms over her head as he did so before wrapping them around his neck.

There was a serious look in his eyes, so, as badly as she wanted to get on with it, she held his eyes, waiting for him to say what was on his mind. ā€œIā€™m not going to fuck you tonight.ā€ He said and for a moment she was afraid that he was saying they were going to stop because she felt incredible and the last things she wanted to do was stop. ā€œBecause you deserve more than that.ā€ He said and she knew what he meant then. He meant he wanted their sex to mean something. They weren't just hooking up, she wasn't just a girl he liked to fuck, he loved her and he wanted her to know that.

Candie smirked and wrapped her legs around him, pulling her body tightly against his and pressing her forehead to his. "I love you Reed." She said seriously, holding his eyes, wanting him to know because she wasn't sure she'd honestly told him that yet. After a second her wicked smirk came back to her lips and she kissed him hard before trailing her kissed along his neck and shoulder. She slipped a hand down his chest, into his jeans with a mischievous smirk against his skin. "Now shut up and make love to me." She moaned between kisses because she was getting impatient, even if they had all night.



Donnie was afraid she'd push him away because of the kiss. That, the second he started kissing her like she mattered, she'd lock herself up and the dangerous, exciting feelings they got when they were together would become heavy and messed up because she was too afraid to love him or be loved. They could be in love and still have dangerous, reckless fun, but that would require her actually letting herself care and he highly doubted she would. He knew Tansy. She was just like Candie in that regard, the minute someone showed they cared, she became terrified and pushed them away.

Only Tansy moaned against his lips, giving into it at first, making him smirk against hers and kiss her a little more insistently, needing her to know how he felt. Eventually though, like he'd been expecting, she pulled away and he sighed, holding her eyes while she searched his like she was trying to figure out if he was lying or not. It hurt, that she'd think he'd be the kind of asshole who kissed a girl like he loved her when he didn't, but he pushed it away because he knew Tansy was like that with everyone. It didn't matter if it was him, she'd still be suspicious , and, as much as he wished he could, he couldn't change that.

ā€œDonā€™tā€™ kiss me like that.ā€ She whispered, holding his eyes and he sighed. ā€œDonā€™t give me false hopes Tae. I mean itā€™s not like we could actually be together.ā€ She said, sounding scared as she lit herself a cigarette. ā€œIf Kaleb doesnā€™t kill you Collin sure as hell will Besides you said it yourself Iā€™m a disease. No way Candieā€™s going to let me destroy you.ā€ She said before slipping out of his arms and heading down to the lake.

Donnie sighed, running his fingers through his hair before lighting himself a cigarette as well and following after her. He walked up behind her, staying there for a second, eyes watching the water with hers before leaning down, brushing her hair gently to one side. He brought his lips down on the tip of her shoulder softly, kissing slowly along the top of her shoulder and using a hand to tilt her head, opening up her neck and kissing there too, kissing her like she was everything that meant anything to him.

"It's not false hope Tansy." He breathed between kisses. "I wouldn't lie to you." He whispered in her ear, turning her to face him and holding her eyes. "I don't give a shit about anyone else or who has problems with it, I just want you." He shrugged, taking a drag off his cigarette. "Even if you're going to be the death of me." He smirked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Tansy lifted her cigarette to her lips and inhaled the smoke letting the smoke sit in her mouth before blowing it back out. She was exhausted, for the past week sheā€™d dealt with Collin, fucked people she didnā€™t even know, and was high the entire time. Not to mention she wasnā€™t exactly sure when sheā€™d eaten last and the first thing sheā€™d done after disappearing for a weak was complicate things with one of her best friends. She didnā€™t know how to stop getting herself in over her head.

She raised her hand holding the bottle of liquor to her lips tracing over her lips with her fingertips, where Donnieā€™s lips had just been and she could still taste and feel them. It scared her the way he kissed her, sheā€™d never been kissed like that, even when her and Collin first started dating, his kisses had never been so real and passionate. She was in love with the way Donnie made her feel, but a part of her hated that it had to be him of all people. He was off limits, he was her best friend brother, that was girl code.

Sheā€™d been so lost in thought that sheā€™d hadnā€™t realized Donnie was behind her until his lips came down on her shoulders softly causing her to shiver despite her. Her cigarette had burned all the way back to the filter and it was burning her fingers, but she didnā€™t care, because the only thing that mattered was the way Donā€™s lips felt on her like he had her under some kind of spell. He tilted her head opening up her neck and her cigarette slipped from between her fingers. It was crazy what he did to her with just his lips. She closed her eyes as his lips pressed against her neck.

"It's not false hope Tansy." He breathed against her skin between kisses and she just listened enjoying the ways his lips felt on her skin. "I wouldn't lie to you." he whispered, turning her to face him and she struggled to hold his eyes, because she knew he was telling the truth and she almost wished he was lying, itā€™d be easier that way. "I don't give a shit about anyone else or who has problems with it, I just want you. Even if you're going to be the death of me." he shrugged a smirk on his lips as he took a drag off his cigarette.

She raised a brow, because she wasnā€™t entirely sure that Donnie knew what he was getting himself into with her. Heā€™d only see a small bit of the real her tonight and he hadnā€™t actually been introduced to what she was capable of until tonight. When she was around someone she liked for too long she turned into an even bigger bitch. Sheā€™d cheat on him just because she could and do things just to piss him off. She was dangerous.

ā€œDontae...ā€ She breathed trailing off not exactly sure what to say. Collin she could handle, because she knew Collin well enough to know that her cared about her, but he didnā€™t love her. Collin just wanted to be with Tansy for the same reason Tansy wanted to be with him and it made him absolutely crazy when other guys even looked at her. But, Donnie might actually love her and that could turn him into a cold blooded murder and Tansy would be the sole cause. Just the fact that he might love her made him a million times worse than Collin.

She took a step forward, leaning up and kissing him hard. She didnā€™t want to talk about it anymore simple because she didnā€™t know what the hell to say. Sheā€™d never had to talk openly about her feelings. She figured itā€™d be better to avoid them for the moment and numb her feelings with sex like she was used to doing.

ā€œJust fuck me.ā€ She breathed against his lip.


Reed wasnā€™t entirely sure how Candie would take his words, but he honestly didnā€™t care. In the end sheā€™d either believe that he cared or she wouldnā€™t. He just hoped he could make her a believer before they had to go back to their real, very fucked up lives. In the morning Kaleb would probably be calling his phone looking to beat the shit out of him Candie and Tansy would probably get into it over Donnie and Lauren would shit bricks once she found out about Donnie and Tansy. It would just be one fucked up catastrophe and at the heart of it like always would be Tans ad Candie.

Candie wrapped her legs around his waist pulling his body back to her and he smirked as she pressed her forehead to his. "I love you Reed." she said which honestly surprised him however just as quickly as her face had turned serious itā€™d gone back to wicked and mischievous and he raised a brow. Her lips moved along his neck and shoulders. Her hand ran down his chest and into his jeans causing him to groan. "Now shut up and make love to me." she moaned and he smirked wickedly.

He pulled her hand from his jeans and pulled her off the counter, roughly, but not rough enough to hurt her. He shoved her hips hard up against the counter, he fisted a hand in her hair, kissing her hard and slipping his tongue past her lips to deepen the kiss. After a long moment of kissing her and groping her chest. He lifted her smoothly never breaking the kiss as he carried her into the living room and sitting down on the couch. He ran his fingers slowly up her spine, before coming to her bra and breaking the kiss only to slide her bra off and toss it away.

He moved his lips along her jaw and neck, he kissed slowly and teasingly along her collar bone. Finally he moved his lips along her chest, softly and slowly, letting each kiss linger. He flipped her onto her back smoothly, climbing over her slipping a hand into her panties and rubbing between her legs roughly. Hi lips moved from her chest down the rest of her body. He was well aware that when she fucked other guys, they made it about them, she was so used to having to put out and having to be the one that did all the work, but he wanted it to be all about her for once, so he took his time, wanting to make her feel incredible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Candie grinned wickedly when he pulled her hand from his jeans and yanked her quickly off the counter because she liked rough, but she especially liked Reed rough. He knew how to be rough and love her. No matter how intense it got, he still always managed to make her feel like she was the only girl in the world and she loved that. It wasn't about lust, or anger, or control, it was about making their hearts race and their bodies tingle.

Reed shoved her hips hard against the counter, making her laugh darkly before he cut her off, grabbing her hair tightly in his fist, lips coming down on hers hard. Her whole body lit on fire at the taste of his lips, moaning against them and kissing him back just as hard. His hands touched and groped her chest as he kissed her, making her want to get on with it, her whole body needing him. He lifted her then and Candie smirked against his lips as they continued to kiss and he carried her into the living room and over to the couch, sitting on it.

Candie quickly adjusted herself in his lap so that she was straddling him as his hand ran slowly up her back, fingers tracing her spine in a way that sent a shiver through her whole body. He unclipped her bra, pulling it off and tossing it away before brining his lips right back to hers and Candie kissed him even harder. She'd never get enough of the way his lips tasted. There was nothing better in the world then his hands on her skin and his lips against hers.

Reed's lips started to trail her jaw and neck, going slow, intending to tease her and doing a hell of a job. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes with a soft moan as he kissed her, enjoying the way his lips felt as they made their way tauntingly slowly across her skin. He kissed her collarbone before finally moving lower, lips making their way over her chest, causing her to moan deeply. His lips on her skin were incredible, making her want him so bad it hurt, her head spinning wildly.

By the time he flipped her onto her back and climbed over her, she was pretty much desperate. She loved every second of his teasing kiss, but she wanted more so bad she was afraid she'd go crazy waiting for it. Reed slipped a hand into her panties then and Candie's breathing picked up, letting out desperate moans, every inch of her body on fire from his touch as he rubbed her roughly between the legs. He started to kiss slowly down her body, the mix of the drugs in her system, his hand in her panties, and his lips on her skin, making her feel better then she'd felt in a long time, heart pounding wildly in her chest.

"Shit Reed." She moaned, reaching down and slipping her panties off, arching her hips into his touch. "You ever going to fuck me, or are you just going to play with me all night?" She breathed, running her fingertips along his shoulders and down his back to the waistline of his jeans. She traced it around to the front with a smirk, reaching for his belt, dying to get on with it, her body craving his as desperately as a junkie craving drugs.



It was clear by the look on Tansy's face, exactly what she was thinking. Maybe not to him, but he'd known Tansy his whole life, he could read her like a book and right now, she was thinking he was crazy. That he didn't know what he was getting into and, once he finally realized it, he'd find out he'd made a huge mistake and not want her anymore. She was wrong, of course. Donnie knew exactly what he was getting himself into with her. He'd watched, not just her, but Candie do it to guys over and over again. He knew what was in store for him, he just didn't care.

Sure, later, she'd frustrate him and he'd go out of his mind trying to love her before he ever had her the way she had him, but he'd rather go crazy loving someone then never love someone at all. ā€œDontae...ā€ She breathed and he waited for her to speak, afraid of what she'd say. He wanted so badly for her to tell him she was feeling the same things he was, but he knew she never would. Even on her deathbed, Tansy Everett would never admit to feeling anything.

Instead of finishing what she was saying, she took a step forward and kissed him hard. Donnie's arms wrapped around her and he hated that her lips were asking him to make her numb because that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to make her feel so many things, she didn't know what to do. He wanted to be the guy that finally got Tansy to feel something for someone that shook her so much, she finally let him in. He didn't want to change her or fix her, that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to be the person that made her love.

ā€œJust fuck me.ā€ She breathed against his lips and Donnie sighed and pulled away, holding her eyes in the dark, letting it hang silent between them for a moment as he tried to decide what to do. He knew he should just shut up and do what she asked. She wanted sex, he should give it to her, because the second he started being more than dangerous, thrilling fun, she was going to kick his ass to the curb. Still, at the same time, he wanted to ask her how she felt about him. He wanted to hear from her lips, that she saw him as more than a toy she could play with until it was broken.

Eventually, he brought his lips down on hers hard, placing a hand on the back of her neck and holding her body tightly against his as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. The kiss was hard, but it was deep, holding a million I love you's he knew he could never say, letting her know how desperately bad he needed her, how. much she meant to him. He was going to do what she wanted and fuck her. They'd have really good sex until the sun came up and neither of them could go any longer, but first, he wanted her to know something.

He wanted her to know that, for him, it wasn't just sex. It wasn't just about the trill of doing something he shouldn't, or the excitement of chasing someone he couldn't have. It was because she meant something to him and he wanted her to be his so badly he was willing to fight a war to have her, knowing already he'd lose, just for the sake of saying he'd tried.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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He was debating she could tell that much, but she just didnā€™t know what and it was pissing her off. Why out of all the damn guys sheā€™d ever been with did Donnie have to be the one who fell hard for her and she had to be falling just as hard for him. It was torture because she wanted to give herself to him completely and stop fighting him, but sheā€™d fought against her emotions so long that she didnā€™t know how to let herself give into him and it was killing her, because heā€™d honestly never know just how much she wanted to let herself love him. But, she just couldnā€™t.

He brought his lips down on hers hard and she couldnā€™t help but kiss him back. Every time he kissed her it was practically spellbinding and she hated that he made her feel like that. She moaned deeply despite herself, because he wasnā€™t just kissing her. If heā€™d have just been kissing her, then she could have handled it, but he was kissing her like he actually loved her and that was what she couldnā€™t handle. He kissed her like she actually meant something to him, like she was his entire world and no one had ever kissed her like that and it scared the shit out of her. It made her defenses go up and honestly kind of pissed her off.

She managed to bring herself down from cloud nine and realize she was still kissing him. She shoved him off harshly shaking her head, glaring at him. She took a step back, creating space between them, raising the bottle of vodka to her lips and downing the rest of it before tossing towards him, although not with the intent to hit him. It flew past him shattering on the ground behind him breaking the silence between them.

ā€œCut the shit Donnie.ā€ She spat harshly, trying to keep her voice from shaking and she wasnā€™t sure why she was so upset. ā€œI donā€™t want you to love me for fucks sack.ā€ She breathed running her hand through her hair. ā€œYou canā€™t have me.ā€ She said holding his eyes. ā€œThis was a mistake.ā€ She breathed. ā€œItā€™s better if I just call Collin and you go home.ā€ She said pulling out her cell phone fully intent on calling Collin to come pick her up.


Reed could spend the rest of his life with Candie and be happy, because the way he felt when he was around her was indescribable. He didnā€™t care that he was only eighteen, he knew the difference between what heā€™d felt for Tansy and what he had with Candie. He didnā€™t care if he had to spend the rest of his life chasing her or if she continued to screw around on him, because he honestly could live without her touch or seeing her smile.

"Shit Reed." she moaned pulling him from his thoughts as she slipped of her panties and he smirked. "You ever going to fuck me, or are you just going to play with me all night?" She breathed and he groaned as she ran her finger tips across his skin before reaching his waistline.

ā€œWell the plan was to play with your ass all night, but I guess fucking you will have to do.ā€ He teased as he kissed her once more on the lips before slipping off his jeans and tossing them aside before crawling back over her. He brought his lips down on the inside of her thighs kissing up her inner thigh slowly.

When Reed finally rolled off her, theyā€™d been going for so long that his body was sore and he was exhausted, but it had been beyond amazing, it always was, but this time was different. They hadnā€™t had to rush, heā€™d taken his time, let her know exactly how much she meant to him. Told her heā€™d loved her in more ways than one. At some point the drugs theyā€™d taken had worn off and everything heā€™d felt was completely real, heā€™d been sober for at least half of it and as good as it was when they were high it was better sober. Just like heā€™d promised he hadnā€™t just fucked her, heā€™s made love to her

He pulled her to his chest and pulled the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch over them. He kissed the top of her head, before lighting a cigarette. The fingertips of his free hand running up and down her spine soothingly and slowly.

ā€œI meant it when I said I loved you Candace.ā€ He whispered. ā€œYou scare the shit out of me, but loosing you would scare me even more.ā€ He said honestly. ā€œI wished you stop running, but even if you donā€™t,ā€ he breathe out a breath of smoke above him a smirk on his lips. ā€œIā€™ll chase you.ā€ He said honestly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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By the time Reed rolled off her, every muscle in Candie's body was aching. She was utterly exhausted, and struggled to catch her breath. Even when she'd thought she couldn't take it anymore, Reed had made her keep going and every second had been incredible. They hadn't had to worry about getting caught so the only thing that mattered was each other, making it more then just amazing.

Reed pulled her body onto his chest and she rested her head against him and closed her eyes, listening her his heartbeat as she tried to get her own to slow. He pulled a blanket over them and kissed the top of her head before she heard him lighting a cigarette. His fingers started to run slowly up and down her spine, grazing her skin in a way that made her whole body tingle and her moan softly, loving his touch. ā€œI meant it when I said I loved you Candace.ā€ He whispered and she sighed, keeping her eyes closed and listening. ā€œYou scare the shit out of me, but loosing you would scare me even more.ā€ He said and she bit her lip. ā€œI wish you'd stop running, but even if you donā€™t, Iā€™ll chase you.ā€ He said, making her sigh again.

Candie reached over, lighting herself a cigarette, her body so worn out that even that simple motion was exhausting. She let it fall silent between them for a minute as she smoked, not sure what to say. She didn't deserve him. She didn't deserve for him to fuck her, let alone make love to her after what she'd done. She did nothing but string him along, push him away, hurt him, and frustrate him. Then, to top it all off, she fucked, not just anyone, but his best friend behind his back. Not just once, but multiple times. Even the night they'd first hooked up, she'd been fucking Kaleb just minutes before he'd walked in the door.

"I don't understand how you can love me so much." She finally breathed out a breath of smoke. She wasn't trying to push him away, she was just being honest. All her father and her mother's boyfriends ever told her was that she was useless, made to be fucked and nothing more. All the sex she'd had over the years, putting out for countless guys and girls who didn't give a shit about her had only made her believe it. She was a slut. She played games and hurt people. She didn't deserve for Reed to make her feel the way he did. She deserved what she got for all the shit she put people through: meaningless, cheap sex.

"I've done nothing even remotely lovable in the past two months." She shrugged and kissed his chest softly. She she loved him and that actually made sense because he was the first guy in her life that had ever treated her like she was more than sex and a pretty face. But why he loved her back made no sense to her when all she'd done was hurt him. "You're too good to me." She whispered as she traced circles on his skin with her fingertips. "You should hate me for being such a slut, not love me. I don't deserve you." She breathed, closing her eyes, taking another drag off her cigarette.



Tansy moaned against his lips, making Donnie hold her tighter, but even as he kissed her, he could tell she'd only moaned out of instinct. She liked the way he was kissing her, it felt good, but it also pissed her off because she didn't want it. She wanted him to kiss her like she meant nothing more to him than a good time and that drove him nuts because she'd never be that to him. Even without the sex, she was one of his best friends. He knew everything there was to know about her. Sometimes he knew her better than he knew himself. They had history and memories together. There was too much shit between them for her to mean nothing but sex to him. She'd always be important to him and it drove him nuts to think she didn't believe him.

If she didn't mean anything to him, he wouldn't have spent countless nights watching over her, making sure she didn't drink herself to death, or pulling her back from the edge when she got herself into so much trouble even she couldn't talk herself out of it. If she meant nothing to him, he wouldn't have spent an entire week thinking about her, watching his phone waiting for her to call. His heart wouldn't have sped up when he heard her voice and he wouldn't have been relived to hear she was safe. Sure, she was a good fuck, but she was so much more then that. She was his best friend and he needed her. He loved her.

Eventually, she shoved him off and he ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. Why was she pushing him away? Clearly she liked the way he made her feel, the fact that it had taken her so long to push him off was proof of that, but for some reason, she didn't want to be loved and he didn't understand it. He knew the two of them were a bad mix. He was the one that was supposed to keep her out of trouble and that would be fine, they'd actually fit pretty well together, if he could control himself around her, but he couldn't.

He knew everyone around them would hate what they were doing, including his twin sister and her best friend, but he didn't care. He couldn't say he'd never hurt her because the fact that she made him uncontrollable and impulsive was dangerous. He might lose his temper and hit her or do something to get back at her when she fucked him over that would hurt, but he'd never make her feel like shit the way he knew Collin did. He'd never break her so badly that someone else had to try to put her pieces back together the way they'd all been doing since her break up with Colin, and most importantly, he would never make her feel worthless. With him, she'd always be loved, she'd always be safe, and she'd always be important.

He watched her as she took a step away from him and brought the vodka bottle to her lips, finishing it off. Donnie didn't flinch as it sailed through the air past him, just clenched his jaw and kept his eyes on her, hoping, whatever she was going to say, wouldn't piss him off too bad. He knew she had a hard time letting someone in, he didn't want to push her because that might make her hate him, but still, at the same time, he couldn't help but feel like a little push might be what she needed, but he didn't want to take it too far. He couldn't keep himself together around her and that scared him. A little push could quickly turn into a violent shove.

ā€œCut the shit Donnie.ā€ She spat and he rolled his eyes. ā€œI donā€™t want you to love me for fucks sack. You canā€™t have me.ā€ She said holding his eyes. ā€œThis was a mistake. Itā€™s better if I just call Collin and you go home.ā€ She said and that was what really pissed him off. The fact that she'd rather let Colin fuck her and make her feel like shit then him because he'd make her feel incredible. Like she was actually worth something.

Donnie took a step forward again, closing the space between them and grabbing her wrist so hard he was almost afraid he'd broken it as he twisted the cell phone out of her hand and tossed it into the lake, holding he eyes. "You don't mean shit to Colin." He spat angrily, shaking his head. "You'll always mean something to me." He held her eyes, yanking her closer. "Even when I'm throwing you around and fucking you so roughly, it leaves bruises, you mean something to me Tansy. I'll never kiss you like you're worthless." He shrugged and let her go, pushing her away hard, taking a step back.

"You're wrong, I can have you if I want, all I need is for you to want me back." He shrugged. "Fuck everyone else, you can have anything you want Tansy, you're just too afraid to take it." He rolled his eyes. "But if you'd really rather have that asshole, whatever, go ahead." He spat, referring to Colin. "Nothing will change. You'll still feel like shit everytime he rolls off you. You'll still be miserable and broken." He shrugged and turned away, passing the car, fully intending on leaving her there alone and walking back home, even if it was miles.

He stopped and looked at her though, raising a brow. "Games are for children Tansy and I'm not going to play them, call me when you grow the fuck up and you're ready for something real." He spat, turning back around and continuing to walk away from her. Everything in him wanted to run back to her and kiss her, not letting her go until she had to admit she loved him, but he didn't see the point in forcing her. If he had to force her to love him, it wasn't real love. He didn't want her to be hesitant or worried about it, he wanted her to be sure she loved him because he was absolutely sure he loved her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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She was seconds away from pressing send so her phone would call Collin. A part of her was doing it simply because she knew it would piss Donnie off and she hoped itā€™d piss him off enough that heā€™d stop thinking that he might love her. It wasnā€™t that she really wanted to go with Collin, after being with Donnie, sheā€™d never want to go back to Collin. However, Collin deserved her twisted games, Donnie didnā€™t.

Don grabbed her wrist so roughly, she cried out in pain, which was unusual for her. Her wrist burned as he ripped the cellphone from her grip and didnā€™t hesitate before tossing it into the water behind her and her law literally dropped. He held her eyes and she quickly collected herself, she tried pulling away but it was no use he was easily ten times stronger than her.

"You don't mean shit to Colin. You'll always mean something to me." he spat, angry as he pulled her closer never once letting his eyes fall away from hers and although she glared at him and pretended he didnā€™t faze her, he scared the shit out of her. After what sheā€™d seen him do to Collin, she wasnā€™t entirely sure what he was capable of. "Even when I'm throwing you around and fucking you so roughly, it leaves bruises, you mean something to me Tansy. I'll never kiss you like you're worthless."

He shrugged, finally letting her go and shoving her away harshly, causing her to stumble backwards and she was surprised she hadnā€™t fallen into the lake. She rubbed her wrist as it throbbed. Why the hell did he have to complicate things? Sure the two of them were a nice thought, theyā€™d honestly be perfect together, heā€™d probably knew her better than Collin, simply because heā€™d been her best guy friend since she was a kid. Sheā€™d told him things she couldnā€™t tell Candie or Kaleb and she really did love him, she was just too proud to admit she loved or needed him.

"You're wrong, I can have you if I want, all I need is for you to want me back." He shrugged and there was something about the way heā€™d said it the was so completely honest compared to anything else heā€™d ever said. She hadnā€™t heard anything else heā€™d said sheā€™d just played those words over again in her head. ā€œYou'll still be miserable and broken." his voice finally came through her fogged thoughts again and she was smart enough to put together what he was saying and when she looked up he was getting ready to leave. He turned back to face her and she held his eyes. "Games are for children Tansy and I'm not going to play them, call me when you grow the fuck up and you're ready for something real."

She didnā€™t know what the fuck was wrong with her. She was completely torn. She wanted to stop him, but everything inside of her was screaming at her to let him go, because he was going to leave eventually anyways. It was constantly an inner battle with herself. Sheā€™d never felt so fucking confused in her entire life and for the first time, someone else was calling the shots. For the first time, Donnie was giving her an ultimatum he wasnā€™t falling at her feet and rolling over just because he wanted sex from her. She never in her life had someone openly showed her that they loved her, nor had she ever had anyone stand up to her. She was usually the little kid in the candy store throwing a fit until she got what she wanted, but Donnie wasnā€™t buying it and he sure as hell wasnā€™t giving her what he wanted.

ā€œI swear to God if you leave me here Iā€™ll never fucking forgive you Tae.ā€ She said honestly, holding his eyes. She hadnā€™t even realized sheā€™d started crying and she hated herself for crying for a second time in front of him. ā€œPlease..ā€ she breathed. ā€œDonā€™t leave me.ā€ For the first time in what felt like years her voice was actually desperate and she was genuinely begging him. ā€œIā€™ll do something stupidā€¦and I donā€™t want to go back to him.ā€ she sighed looking away from him.

She let out a breath whipping her tears. She hated crying, her mother had always told her it made a person look weak and that was why Tansy rarely ever cried. She walked over to him closing the distance between them. ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ She breathed. ā€œBut, you have to understand that I want you Donnie, but the second we get close, Iā€™m going to push you away and I donā€™t want to hurt you.ā€ She shrugged fighting back tears.


She didnā€™t answer right away and he wasnā€™t even sure she would. It didnā€™t matter to him thought because he could lay there with her forever if given the chance. He knew it was wrong and he knew that he should be trying to make up with Tansy and end things right with her, but he just couldnā€™t bring himself to try and fix something that was never there. With Candie there was fire and Passion, with Tansy there was sex. He took another drag off his cigarette, letting the smoke feel his lungs, before blowing out the cloud of smoke above him.

"I don't understand how you can love me so much." she breathed and he sighed, but he didnā€™t interrupt because he knew there was more coming. "I've done nothing even remotely lovable in the past two months." she shrugged kissing his chest softly and he hated that she couldnā€™t see what he could. "You're too good to me. You should hate me for being such a slut, not love me. I don't deserve you." she breathed, taking drag off her cigarette as she drew circles with her fingertips on his chest.

He didnā€™t know how to make her believe that he was the one who didnā€™t deserve her. It killed him that sheā€™d been so beaten down that she thought she didnā€™t deserve someone as shitty as him. In all honesty, Candie was the type of girl the deserved the quarterback of the football team, she was the type of girl that should grow up and marry the handsome billionaire and have the perfect family. She wasnā€™t at all the kind of girl that fucked the loser, with family issues and she certainly wasnā€™t the kind of girl who had feelings for him.

He was honestly waiting for the day when she realized how much she was actually worth. She was beautiful in every sense of the word and her need to want to be wild and free was contagious. That was what he loved about her. It wasnā€™t just about the sex with them, they could carry on meaningless conversations for hours and lose track of time, she made him laugh, she made him want to be more and actually do something with his fucked up life. She made him want to live.

He moved her gently and sat up, so they were sitting across from each other, but they were still close enough that he rested his forehead against hers and held her eyes. He wanted her to know that not only was he sober, but what he was about to say was honest and he wasnā€™t just trying to get her out of her clothes.

ā€œItā€™s not what you do,ā€ he whispered. ā€œItā€™s who you are that makes me love you Candie.ā€ He said pressing his lips to hers. ā€œYou donā€™t think youā€™re good enough, because people have lied to you for so damn long that you let yourself believe it.ā€ He tucked her hair behind her ear, resting his forehead to hers again. ā€œYouā€™re only looking at the bad that everyone is always pointing outā€¦ā€ he trailed off. ā€œStop letting other people tell you who you are. Baby, your fucking incredible, your beautiful, and for some damn reason I canā€™t get you out of my head.ā€ He smirked. ā€œWhy canā€™t that be enough for you?ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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It was quiet between them for a minute and she was honestly terrified of what he might say. She was afraid he'd tell her a bunch of shit about how great she was, but she was so fucked up, she couldn't believe him. Or worse. Maybe he'd realize she was right and she'd lose him. She didn't understand what it was about her that made him love her, but she didn't want to lose him. He made her feel whole. He made her feel like a person, not an object to be used and abused.

After a second, he moved them so they were sitting across from each other, pressing his forehead against hers. He held her eyes with a look in his that told her he was serious. What he was about to say was the truth and it made her close her eyes and sigh, afraid of whatever it was he had to say. ā€œItā€™s not what you do, Itā€™s who you are that makes me love you Candie.ā€ He whispered before kissing her and Candie kissed back. ā€œYou donā€™t think youā€™re good enough, because people have lied to you for so damn long that you let yourself believe it.ā€

Reed tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and she bit her lip and opened her eyes, holding his. ā€œYouā€™re only looking at the bad that everyone is always pointing outā€¦ā€ he trailed off and she knew he was right but it was hard not to feel worthless when everyone, even her own father, had done nothing but make her feel that way her whole life. ā€œStop letting other people tell you who you are. Baby, you're fucking incredible, you're beautiful, and for some damn reason I canā€™t get you out of my head.ā€ He smirked and she smiled. ā€œWhy canā€™t that be enough for you?ā€ He asked, making her sigh.

Candie leaned in, kissing him again, pulling herself into his lap and letting her lips trail along his jaw and down his neck before pulling away, eyes on his. "It is good enough for me Reed, I love you so much it hurts." She whispered with a sigh. "I just can't wrap my head around the fact that you love me back. I've never been lucky, and suddenly, as cliche as it sounds, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world." She smirked and kissed him again, harder this time.



ā€œI swear to God if you leave me here Iā€™ll never fucking forgive you Tae.ā€ She said and Donnie stopped and turned back to her, raising an eyebrow, realizing she was crying. ā€œPlease...ā€ She breathed. ā€œDonā€™t leave me.ā€ She practically begged, sounding desperate, making him sigh. ā€œIā€™ll do something stupidā€¦and I donā€™t want to go back to him.ā€ She sighed and Donnie rolled his eyes and turned his head away, frustrated.

He wasn't going to stay there and fuck her meaninglessly like she wanted, but she was right, she'd do something stupid and as irritated as he was, Donnie was Donnie. He had an instinct to protect her from herself. He'd have to stay with her and make sure she didn't get herself killed.

Donnie watched her as she wiped away her tears before walking over to him. ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ She breathed and he held her eyes. ā€œBut, you have to understand that I want you Donnie, but the second we get close, Iā€™m going to push you away and I donā€™t want to hurt you.ā€ She shrugged and Donnie just smirked. He placed a hand on the back of her neck and leaned forward so his forehead was against hers.

"I'm a big boy Tansy, I can handle it. Fuck, I've been dealing with you and Candie my whole life." Donnie shrugged and kissed her lips softly, reassuringly. "You don't have to be afraid." He whispered against her lips before pulling back, holding her eyes. "I'll stay, but I want to hear you admit that you love me." He said. "I'll stay either way, just for the sake of making sure you don't run off to Colin or do something stupid." He sighed. "But I'm not going to fuck you unless I know it means something to you. You deserve more then that Tansy. We both do." He breathed honestly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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She knew what he'd say before he said it, because she knew him all to well. She knew he'd want her no matter how hard he had to fight and the worst part about Donnie was he didn't give up easily. Which was a bad thing considering Collin would be smarter the next time he saw Donnie. That was literally the only thing that scared the shit out of her. Eventually she knew Kaleb and Candie would get over it, COllin however didn't like loosing.

"I'm a big boy Tansy, I can handle it. Fuck, I've been dealing with you and Candie my whole life." he shrugged leaning in and kissing her and she kissed him back because as much as she wanted to fight it, the feeling of his lips against hers felt too damn good. "You don't have to be afraid. I'll stay, but I want to hear you admit that you love me." he whispered against her lips before pulling away and she held his eyes. "I'll stay either way, just for the sake of making sure you don't run off to Colin or do something stupid. But I'm not going to fuck you unless I know it means something to you. You deserve more then that Tansy. We both do." she hated the honesty in his voice, because if thee was one person in the world who she listened to when he was trying to be reasonable it was him.

she wasn't exactly sure what to say. It was on the tip of her tongue in all honesty. She knew she loved him the second he'd kissed that day in her bedroom, she was just struggling to admit it to herself. If she said it out loud he'd hold her accountable for it and that what she hated, the idea of commitment, it ruined everything. Her and Collin had been alright until they'd put the boyfriend/girlfriend title on things, her parents marriage was a disaster, she had no good reason to commit other then Donnie's word that he'd be their for her. For Tansy to trust someone was almost unheard of.

She'd spent so much time closing herself off to make sure she didn't get hurt that she honestly didn't even completely trust her own brother. Candie was just about the only person she almost completely trusted, but even then Reed and Candie had been fucking around, so what was the point of trusting anyone? She lit herself a cigarette letting silence fall over them, she wanted to say it but she also didn't want it to be a lie.

"I wanna lie to you and tell you I don't love you." she finally breathed, keeping her eyes on the ground as she pressed her cigarette to her lips, taking a long drag. "But somehow I think you know me too well, you'd see right through me." she said flicking her eyes to his as she blew out a breath of smoke. "I don't love you." she smirked sarcastically, letting him know it was a lie, but a lie he could see through and that was the best she could doe for now.


Reed knew it was hard for her to admit to caring about anyone, but he'd known her his whole damn life. He knew her on both an emotional and physical level. He knew her dark side and he loved it. All he wanted to know in return is that she honestly cared and all the other shit would dissapear. Sure if she cheated on him it'd piss him off, he'd probably beat the shit out of the other guy. There fights would be brutal because they knew exactly how to piss each other off, but at the core of it he'd know she genuinely cared about him and that was all he really needed.

She leaned in kissing his lips and he didn't hesitated to kiss her back. He loved the feel of her lips on his. It made his heart race and skin tingle. She was the only girl he'd ever known that could make him feel so incredibly good with a simple kiss. She pulled herself into his lap and he wrapped and arm around her pulling her close as her lips moved along his jaw and neck making him groan.

is good enough for me Reed, I love you so much it hurts." she whispered against his skin and he could see the honest in her eyes and he had to admit he was relived, because the kind of games her and Tansy played were sick and it was hard to tell what they really thought, He could tell though something in her eyes was different this time. "I just can't wrap my head around the fact that you love me back. I've never been lucky, and suddenly, as cliche as it sounds, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world."

She smiled bringing their lips back together and kissing him harder and he kissed back just as hard, slipping his tongue past her lips to deepen the kiss as he laid her down on her back on the couch and kissed along her neck before pulling away to look her in the eyes.

"That's how I always want you to feel baby." he smirked. "I don't give a shit what happens between us, as long as you feel the way you feel right now." he said holding her eyes, he pressed his lips to her forehead and then the tip of her nose. "Now enough of this chessy chick flick stuff." he smirked. "I say we go skinny dipping." he raised a brow, gesturing to the back door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Candie moaned softly against his lips as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, kissing her back just as hard as she was kissing him. He lay her back down on the couch and she closed her eyes with another soft moan as he kissed along her neck, enjoying the feel of his lips on her skin, making her whole body tingle.

He pulled away and she opened her eyes, holding his. "That's how I always want you to feel baby." He smirked and she smirked back. "I don't give a shit what happens between us, as long as you feel the way you feel right now." He said before kissing her forehead and then the tip of her nose, making her smile. "Now enough of this chessy chick flick stuff." He smirked and Candie raised a brow at him, wicked smirk growing on her own lips. "I say we go skinny dipping." He said, gesturing towards the back door.

Candie kissed him again, a little more recklessly this time before smirking against his lips and pushing him off. "I agree." She grinned wickedly before standing and heading towards the back door, not even bothering to put clothes on, seeing as they weren't going to need any. At the door, she turned and raised a flirtatious brow at him over her shoulder before smirking and slipping outside.

It was dark but the lights in the pool made it glow softly and she raised a brow, looking the whole setup over because it was impressive. A huge in-ground pool complete with a hotub and sauna not far away. "How does fucking in that sauna later sound babe? Steamy?" She teased with a laugh before diving into the cool pool water, loving the way it felt, loosening the muscles of her sore body.



It was silent between them for a while as she lit herself a cigarette, but he didn't push her, just waited. He could tell she was having a hard time with it, and he knew her. She was Tansy. She didn't love or trust people. Sure, she loved Candie and her brother and him, but not in the way he wanted her to love him, he knew that. Besides, even that wasn't complete trust. She just wasn't used to letting people in, putting herself in their hands, but Donnie wanted her to at least try.

He was willing to put himself right in her line of fire. Willing to put up with her bullshit and games if she'd only tell him she loved him because, no matter what she put him through, at the end of the day, if he knew she loved him, he'd be able to deal with it. If she wanted to play her games, hurt, frustrate, and fuck with him, then fine, but he wasn't going to get into it with her for no reason. He wasn't one of the idiots she was used to fucking who fell for her trap without thinking twice. He knew her, he'd seen her in action. All he wanted was to know that what they were doing was worth something. That it meant something to her because it meant everything to him.

"I wanna lie to you and tell you I don't love you." She finally breathed, and he raised his eyebrows, waiting because he knew there was more. "But somehow I think you know me too well, you'd see right through me." she said, bringing her eyes to his and he shrugged. She was right, he knew her well enough to know she felt something. He just wanted to hear her say it. To hear her confirm it out loud. "I don't love you." She smirked sarcastically, and he raised an eyebrow and smirked back.

He could see, just by the look in her eyes that that was the best he'd get for now, and in the end, he decided to take it. Because he knew it was hard for her to admit to loving someone. Honestly, it was a miracle he'd even gotten what he had from her. So instead of arguing, demanding for her to actually say it, he closed the space between them, placing a hand on the back of her neck and wrapping an arm around her waist, holding her eyes. "I guess that'll have to do." He smirked before kissing her hard on the lips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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She wanted to tell him she loved him, because he deserved that much from her. At the same time though, she didnā€™t want it to be a lie, she wanted it to be real when she said it. She was still high, coming down but still very high and if she told him now itā€™d be a lie and sheā€™d probably say she didnā€™t remember saying it, so for the moment that was all she could give him and she hoped it was enough, because what sheā€™d just said to him was more honest then what Collin had ever gotten out of her in their two years together.

He closed the space between them and she glanced up to him with a smirk as he wrapped an arm around her waist and placed a hand on her neck. She held his eyes as he spoke. "I guess that'll have to do." He smirked, before pressing his lips to hers hard and she couldnā€™t help but kiss him back just as hard. His kiss made her heart race and every time he touched her it set her skin on fire.

It was crazy the when he was touching her nothing else seemed to matter. He made her completely insane, but at the same time he made her sane and she wasnā€™t sure what it was about him, sheā€™d known him her whole, why was everything just now making sense, she wasnā€™t entirely sure but she loved the way he made her feel and as she kissed him there was still a part of her that wanted to push him away because sheā€™d probably end up being the death of him.

She pulled away from him, her lips tracing his jawline slowly, before pushing him away she walked reached through the window past him, pulling out another bottle of liquor starting to feel the buzz from the last one sheā€™d just finished off. She climbed up on the hood of the sports car before climbing on the very top of the car and sitting cross legged, popping the bottle open and taking a swing, before lighting herself a cigarette.

ā€œCan we just talk?ā€ she asked breathing out a breath of smoke. She was so used to having to put out for guys, like it was expected of her, that for once she thought itā€™d be nice to just talk to him. Not as a couple and not as friends, just as people. She wasnā€™t entirely sure that would make sense to anyone else, but it made perfect sense to her. She also wasnā€™t sure heā€™d go for just talking and she was worried heā€™d get bored of her if she showed her real self to him, but she was honestly so exhausted from the past week, that, as much as she wanted to, she wasnā€™t sure she could fuck him for a second time.


She kissed him but her kiss was a little more reckless this time and he smirked "I agree." she sid pushing him away and he just laughed as she stood up and headed towards the back door. He followed her, she turned back giving him a flirtatious raised brow and he raised his own brow.

Outside the pool was massive, nothing short of perfect. Anything his grandparents owned had to be perfect. Everything they had was larger than life and heā€™d almost forgotten how big the pool was he hadnā€™t been there in a long time thanks to his parents. The pool lights gave the him just enough light to outline a soft glow around Candie and he watched her as he lit himself a cigarette. Even when he couldnā€™t see her she was still beautiful just the way she moved was hypnotizing. Fifty years from know heā€™d remember exactly what she looked like and how incredibly beautiful she was, because she was engrained in his memory.

"How does fucking in that sauna later sound babe? Steamy?" she teased, before diving into the pool. He smirked, taking a drag off his cigarette before flicking it away and diving in after her.

His movement was quick as he grabbed her before she went back up for air and kissed her under the water. It was silent under the water, like they were literally the only two people in the entire world and it felt incredible. He could have sworn he heard her heart start racing or maybe it was his own all he knew was that he loved her. He hated the thought of everything changing for them in just a few hours when she had to go home and he had to make things right with Tansy it was all agonizing to think about.

He pulled her back to the surface with him, keeping his arm around her waist allowing the both of them to catch her breath for only a moment before he tightened his grip around her waist pressing their bare bodies together tightly and kissing her harder, slipping his tongue past her lips deepening the kiss just to let her know how much he loved her.

ā€œSounds perfect.ā€ He breathed against her lips with a smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Just seconds after she dove in, Reed followed, catching her quickly underwater and kissing her. Candie kissed back, loving the way it felt to kiss him, with nothing else in existence. Any sounds were murky and distant because of the water, and her body felt weightless. The only sensation was the way his lips felt against hers and she loved it. She'd give up breathing to go on kissing him like that forever. But eventually she knew it'd have to end, and just the thought that their night would be over soon and they'd have to deal with Kaleb, Donnie, and Tansy was agonizing.

Eventually, they resurfaced, but he kept an arm wrapped around her as they took a breath of air before his lips came right back down on hers. He kissed her harder this time, slipping his tongue past her lips and holding her tighter so that their bodies pressed together were practically air-tight. Candie moaned against his lips, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as she kissed him back just as hard, loving the way his bare skin felt against hers.

ā€œSounds perfect.ā€ He breathed against her lips with a smirk and Candie smirked back wickedly, pulling away but only to trail her kisses along his jaw and neck, moving slowly. Finally, she pushed away from him with a grin, swimming back a little ways, eyes on his as she raised an eyebrow at him and looked him over.

"Good." She smirked with a shrug as she ran her tongue over her lips slowly, enjoying the way it felt to just be her usual teasing, flirty self without having to worry about feeling guilty. At least for a few hours. She'd save the guilt and the bullshit for later, when she finally had to face Tansy. "Because I think a sauna might just be one of the only places I've never fucked." She laughed before swimming back over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling herself back against him with a wicked smirk as she kissed along his jaw, pausing at his ear. "I think it'll be hot, don't you?" She whispered in his ear teasingly.



Donnie was glad when she kissed him back and held her tighter, loving the way her lips felt against his, wanting more, wanting her touch. Before he could take it further though, she pulled away, her lips trailing his jaw before she pushed off him and grabbed another liquor bottle from the car. Donnie just sighed and watched her as she made her way up onto the top of the car. It was clear, just by the way she sat there and lit herself a cigarette, that she didn't feel like fucking him and Donnie wasn't going to push her.

He was a lot of things, but he wasn't the kind of guy that forced a girl to put out. He'd already forced her to semi-admit to loving him and, with Tansy, that was like asking her to move a mountain. He was happy with what she'd given him, and honestly, he really just enjoyed her company. Sure, the sex was incredible, but even before that first kiss, just hanging out with her had been one of his favorite things. Shit between them might have changed, but the fact that she was still his best friend never would.

ā€œCan we just talk?ā€ She asked, and Donnie could tell by the tone of her voice and the fact that she wasn't looking at him that she was already assuming she knew his answer. She was worried he didn't want to just sit out there and talk knowing no sex was involved, but she was wrong. Like he'd said, Tansy meant more to him then sex. If that was all he was after, he'd have already been done with her, but he wasn't going to do that to her. He wasn't going to use her for satisfaction like an object, refusing to be around her anytime she opened her mouth to talk or show human emotion.

"Yeah." Donnie shrugged, following her up onto the car, sitting next to her and taking her bottle. He took a long drink before handing it back and lighting himself a cigarette. Donnie sight, taking a drag, leaning back on his hands as he looked out over the lake. "What's on your mind Tans? You can tell me anything, I hope you know that." He said, turning his eyes on her as he brought his cigarette back to his lips again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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"Yeah." he said honestly surprising her and she watched him as he climbed to the top of the car and sat next to her. He took her liquor taking a drink as he lit a cigarette and she took a drag off her own. "What's on your mind Tans? You can tell me anything, I hope you know that." he said and she could feel his eyes on her but she didnā€™t look up.

She wasnā€™t even entirely sure what she wanted to talk about, but for once she just wanted to have a normal conversation even if was about nothing, she couldnā€™t remember the last time sheā€™d had a real conversation with anyone.

ā€œNothing in particularā€¦I just wanna know you.ā€ She breathed finally bring her eyes to his.

Once Donnie had got her talking, she couldnā€™t stop. He was incredibly good at listening to her and she could be honest with him. They didnā€™t really talk about anything in particular and eventually sheā€™d fallen asleep in his arms. Theyā€™d left the car there that night and walked miles, until they got back home. Sheā€™d enjoyed the time alone with him but the second sheā€™d walked inside her house it was like World War III sheā€™d had to help her dad pull Reed and Kaleb apart.

Then her and Tansy had gotten into it, there words were worse than a punch to the face. Her and Candie had gone from practically being sisters, to complete enemies in a matter of seconds and it honestly killed her. Sheā€™d not only found out Candie had been sleeping with her boyfriend for the past few months but sheā€™d also been sleeping with Kaleb. She felt completely betrayed, yet there was still a part of her that wanted so badly to forgive Candie because she loved her.

Sheā€™d kicked Reed out that same day and Candie had gone with him. Then as if her and Candie getting into it wasnā€™t enough Lauren had started in on her and begged Donnie to admit he liked her. Then Lauren and Tansy had fought and Kaleb had pulled them apart and Lauren promptly followed behind Candie and Reed. It was a fucking train wreck. Tansy had locked herself in her room for two days and cried, she didnā€™t let anyone in, including Donnie. When sheā€™d finally came out Kaleb was giving Donnie shit for sleeping with her.

After about a month everything had started to normalize again. Her and Candie ate at opposite lunch tables and the school was convinced it was some kind of joke or that hell had frozen over. Reed sat with Candie and Tansy was blamed for officially breaking up the infamous Carmelo twins. Tansy and Donnie had officially started dating and she couldnā€™t be happier only she felt like a huge part of her was missing, her drinking problem had only gotten worse, although she tried her best to hide it from Donnie. Once again though she did what she was best at and after three months with Donnie she started pushing him away.

Sheā€™d purposely start fights, sleep with guys where she knew he was going to find them, and she was just completely cruel to him. She hated herself, for doing it to him, she loved him although she still had yet to tell him. She honestly wonder why he was even still around. She was a complete fucking nut case. What killed her the most was that her brother knew what Collin did to her and yet heā€™d started bringing him around again and Tansy tried her best not to be alone with him, because it honestly scared the shit out of her.

Tansy had come home last night nor had sheā€™d called to tell Donnie where she was. It was late afternoon and she smelled of alcohol, drugs, and sex. Sheā€™d partied Thursday night, ditched school all day Friday and was just now coming home. Her parents were of course gone again. Donnie practically lived with her despite Kaleb constantly kicking him out. She slipped off her heels as she made her way up the stairs hoping he had gone home.


"Good." she smirked and he raised a brow as she ran her tongue across her lips, he loved not having to leave her and having the whole night with her. "Because I think a sauna might just be one of the only places I've never fucked." she laughed and he kept his eyes on her as she swam back over to him wrapping her arms around his neck and he pulled her close. "I think it'll be hot, don't you?" she whispered as she kissed along his jawline.

ā€œHot is an understatement my dear.ā€ He smirked bring her lips back to his. The rest of the night had been incredible, theyā€™d fucked in the sauna just like sheā€™d wanted, then theyā€™d went upstairs and spent the rest of the night fucking in his grandparents master bedroom. Finally heā€™d gotten to fall asleep with her in his arms and it was the most incredible feeling in the world.

However, there happiness was short lived, theyā€™d gone back to Tansyā€™s to clear everything up and it had only ended in everyone fucking fighting. Kaleb and Tansyā€™s dad tried getting in the middle but it only got worse after that. Kaleb was beyond livid. Reed and him had gotten into it pretty bad, however Candie and Tansyā€™s fight was a million times worse, theyā€™ hadnā€™t hit each other, but the words they spat at each other were pure venom. He was convinced Candie would give in and choose Tansy over him, it would make sense, but to his surprise sheā€™d chosen him.

Everything was a fucking mess, Tansy had kicked him out on his ass, but he hadnā€™t accepted her let him stay while he fucked her best friend. Reed wasnā€™t about to go back home and so he managed to get a job working for his grandfather, he made enough money to pay for his own shitty apartment. Him and Candie had practically started living together. Things were fucking incredible, although it was hard for them to get much time between there school schedule and his work schedule, but it was worth keeping her out of her house and him being able to live on his own.

Heā€™d tried to make up with Kaleb, but he was pretty sure Kaleb hated his fucking guts. Not only had heā€™d stolen Candie, when theyā€™d clearly been ā€œfriends with benefitsā€ but heā€™d really hurt Tansy. Heā€™d tried to talk to Donnie but he figured there was still strain between him and Candie for him choosing Tans over his sister which had been a total fucking shock to everyone. The whole group was split, it was agonizing, but theyā€™d all been shitty friends. Lauren had become Candieā€™s new Tansy, because sheā€™d chosen there side after sheā€™d found out about Tans and Don, while Baylee tried to stay neutral.

Reed had a lot of shit on his shoulders, not only his friendships falling apart, but he was pretty sure that his hectic schedule was taking a toll on his and Candieā€™s relationship. They were starting to get over the honeymoon phase and there fights were getting worse, heā€™d hit her a few times when heā€™d been too high to know what he was doing. His addiction to drugs were getting beyond dangerous, he hadnā€™t told Candie, but he was using nearly every chance he had and it was taking a toll on him, heā€™d been sick lately, not that heā€™d let Candie know that. Sure they both used drugs, but it was only supposed to be to loosen them up, but he was a little more than addicted.

It had been four months since the group had really seen much of each other. At the moment Reedā€™s head was pounding, it had only been an house since heā€™d snorted lines in the bathroom at work, but his craving was already coming back and so he rubbed just enough of the white powder on his gums hoping his headach would go away.

ā€œLux? Luxā€¦Reed?ā€ he heard a voice glancing to see his co-worker looking at him like he was crazy. ā€œWhatā€™s with you lately dude?ā€ he asked and Reed just shrugged. ā€œWell were here.ā€ He said and Reed thanked him before getting out of the car and heading upstairs to his apartment, he hoped that Candie was the only one home. Normally Lauren was there, but he was exhausted and all he wanted to do was spend the night with his girlfriend, he could spend the night not worrying about having to get up in the morning because it was Saturday and there was no school and thankfully he had the day off work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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The rest of their night was amazing. They fucked in the sauna before heading upstairs and going at it in the master bedroom until she couldn't go any longer. Almost as soon as she'd rolled off him, she was asleep and it was nice, because for once, she could fall asleep in his arms. She didn't have to watch him walk away to go check on her best friend and his girlfriend. For the first time, the two of them felt real and that scared her more than when they'd just been a nice idea, but it also felt a thousand times better.

As she'd expected, the next day was a fucking nightmare. So much screaming was going on, it was hard to even keep track of who was on who's side or who was fighting with who. It was a mess to say the least, but, all she knew was that, in the end, things had been bad. And that was okay, she'd expected that. What she hadn't expected was just how bad it'd be. In the end, her and Reed were pretty much all on their own, split from the rest of the group, aside from Lauren, but even Candie knew Lauren hadn't chosen her side for her or Reed. She'd chosen it because she'd been hurt by Donnie. Still, to have at least one friend left on her side was better than nothing, so she clung to Lauren because honestly, she was hurt by Donnie too.

She felt like shit for what she'd done to Tansy and she hated her for the things she'd said to her during their fight, but Donnie's betrayal went so much deeper. In the end, Candie had looked him in the eye and told him to choose. Tansy or herself. When he'd wrapped his arm around Tansy and glared at her, it had been like a stab in the heart. That one look had cut deeper than any of Tansy's words. It was clear, by the look in his eyes, that he wasn't chiding Tansy because he loved her more, he was choosing her because he was disappointed in Candie. She'd finally gone to far and it had hurt so bad, she still replayed those few agonizing seconds over and over again, making it even worse when she was tripping.

After that, they'd all pretty much split up. She'd gone with Reed, Lauren had clung to her, but that was all she had left. She never answered, but Kaleb kept calling her, probably because he was pissed at Reed and wanted to get back at him. Not to mention the fact that Nena wouldn't talk to him, and she had to say, even though she was pretty much living with Reed now, no longer having a reason to go home after Donnie's stab in the back, it was still hard to resist him. She'd broken down and answered a few times, and even met up with him once, but she'd stopped it before it'd gotten much farther than kissing.

The fighting had been terrible, but honestly, at first, life with Reed had been amazing. It was just the two of them in an apartment he owned, no one to bother them. They spent their nights getting high and fucking like a couple of crack heads, both of them high on their new freedom, but also overindulging in each other a little, just to get over what had happened to their circle of friends. It had been great, fucking everytime they saw each other, trying any drug he brought home, drinking like crazy.

But, like everything else in Candie's life, it hadn't lasted. Reed's work was a big part of it. They slipped school a lot, deciding to become rebel stoners all of a sudden, but even then, he still had to work or he'd lose the apartment, and he had to work a lot. It was getting hard to make time for each other and it was driving her crazy. She had nothing to do in the meantime and she knew that was bad. Nothing good ever happened when she was bored. That was another part of the reason she'd clung so hard to Lauren. So she could do what Donnie used to do and make sure she didn't do something dumb while Reed was gone.

Still, Lauren couldn't be there all the time and everyone knew, when Candie was hurt, she was self destructive. She started doing things she knew would ruin the good things in her life, just to punish herself for the bad things, like the fact that both Donnie and her best friend wouldn't even look at her. So she drank a lot. At first, it was pretty normal for Candie, but it had gotten worse, until the point where she was showing up to school after missing a full week, chugging water bottles of vodka, completely wasted. She hadn't been sober in two and a half months. There was always a slight buzz in her head and she made sure to keep in there, wether through drinking, drugs, or sex, it didn't matter, as long as she wasn't thinking about Tansy and Donnie.

Because when she did, it got bad. She'd managed to use her drinking and drugs to turn all the pain she was feeling into anger, twisting it into hate and turning it on the people who'd hurt her. She couldn't stand Donnie or Tansy anymore, and everytime she so much as thought about them, she pretty much threw a fit. Reed had come home to find her passed out on the couch, floor, or even kitchen counter, the house around her a complete disaster zone, like she'd torn through it in a bitter rage. He'd even had to calm her down a few times and she was glad she had him, because she'd been so angry at everything lately, that he was the only one who could anymore.

Then there was the fact that Candie had always had a reputation for being a whore and, while she lived Reed and she could finally have him, old habits die pretty fucking hard. A drug dealer in their building, a few doors down from them had taken an interest in her and she'd honestly tried. She tried so hard to stay faithful to him, but everyday he was gone, it was a chore. It was like a heroin addict itching for a fix, the thought always dancing at the back of her mind until, eventually, she'd caved and started fucking the guy behind his back. Reed was the only good thing in her life, but she was even jeopardizing that and it made her feel like shit because fucking people over was how she'd gotten into all the shit she was in.

All of this personal stress, plus the stress she could clearly see weighing on Reed's mind that he wouldn't share with her, but she could pretty much guess, put strains on their relationship that were becoming more and more obvious. He'd hit her a few times and she picked fights just because she could, trying to provoke him into hitting her until they got high, fucked, and got over it. Still, it was clear that things were getting worse and she knew, with her fucking Dimitri down the hall and their increased fighting, a complete breakdown was coming soon.

Reed had been away at work all day and Lauren had been with Baylee shopping. They'd invited her, but she'd declined because they told her, if she was going to go, she had to be sober. It was okay to get drunk and party at nightclubs and when they threw shit at their houses, but being stoned or wasted in the middle of the day at the mall, clearly wasn't going to be okay with them. So Candie had ended up alone.

Well... Not exactly alone. She'd taken a quick trip down to the building's laundromat in one of Reed's t-shirts and panties to wash some clothes, downing a bottle of vodka and singing and dancing, swinging her hips as she did so, drunk, as usual, in the middle of the day. Basically, what had ended up happening was Candie, running into Dimitri down there, also doing his laundry. They'd fucked on the washers before footsteps had forced them to take it upstairs and they spent the rest of the day in her and Reed's bed.

It had been a long day of drinking, drugs, and rough sex. Rough enough to be kinky, but light enough that it wouldn't leave any bruises Reed would notice. The air in the little apartment was hazy from all their smoking, she'd never even brought her clothes back up from the laundromat but she didn't care. All that she cared about was Dimitri as he lit the bong in front of her and she took a long hit before he leaned over and kissed her and they fucked all over again, this time with her bent over the edge of the bed.

Finally, after this continual sex, drugs, drinking cycle, the two of them were laying there in the haze, smoking while he rubbed between her legs before he kissed her lips and slipped something in the hip of the panties she'd put back on a little while ago to walk through the kitchen where there was a window. He leaned over, filling a needle, shooting her up and kissing her one more time before standing and starting to pull his shit back on. Candie was high and honestly, might not have even noticed, but she had some clarity and crawled to the edge of the bed, grabbing his belt loops, pulling him back to her.

She kissed his waistline teasingly as she worked to undo his jeans again, fingers flying, but he stopped her and pushed her away. "Your boyfriend will kill me if he finds me." He shrugged. "Not that I'm particularly scared..." He smirked, flashing a gun he always carried. "But it'd be a shame to let him ruin your pretty face once he realizes you're whoring around." He smirked, trailing a finger across her lips.

Candie just smirked seductively, wrapping her lips around his finger, and leaning forward as her fingers pressed against his abs and slowly ran back down towards his jeans, sliding his finger teasingly deeper into her mouth, holding eye contact with him from where she was, sitting as his as his hips the bed. He seemed by hypnotized by her briefly and she was about to slip her hand into his jeans when he pushed away again. "Seriously Candie-cat, I've gotta get out of here, that's a gift okay? On me." He smirked, gesturing to what he'd slipped into her panties and she sighed as he left, leaving her alone again.

Candie sat on the bed with her back against the wall it was pushed up against, slipping her bra back on so she was in her bra and panties before pulling out the baggie his slipped her and smirking at it as she looked it over. Inside was a baggie of really good weed and a smaller bag of powerfully strong coke. The apartment was a ness from her drugs-and-sex fest with Dimitri, but she didn't care. It wasn't exactly unusual for Reed to come home and find the house a mess, her so stoned or drunk she couldn't stop laughing.

So, knowing he'd be more suspicious to find her clean, dressed, and the house tidied, instead of rushing to pick things up, she just sank farther against the wall and pulled out the bag of weed he'd given her, reaching for the bong still sitting in the middle of the floor and placing it between her legs, in her lap. She fell asleep like that, with it still resting between her legs, head lolled back against the wall. The door opening woke her and she blinked her eyes open, glancing up with a smirk at Reed, glad he was finally back. "Come over here and take a hit baby, I missed you." She smirked wickedly, tossing him the lighter.



The rest of the night was great. They hadn't had sex, but, in a way, just talking about everything and nothing until they fell asleep was almost better. He liked spending time with her, whether it was intimately or not and, at least if they were just chatting in a friendly way he didn't have to worry about whether she loved him or if she was just using him. They could just be real with each other, no pressure to commit to anything or become something bigger and he liked that. It was relaxed and nice, just being with her.

The next day had been a mess to say the least. All the fighting was inevitable, and things were brought up he was pretty shocked to hear, like the fact that Candie wasn't just fucking Reed, but Kaleb, and it had pissed him off and made him extremely upset. Not because of his personal anger towards Kaleb, he wasn't so low as to completely disown his sister over some petty shit like that. The fact that, first of all, she'd blatantly betrayed all the people in her life she was supposed to care about pissed him off.

She'd hurt Tansy and he might be able to deal with it if it was just Reed because he, selfishly, wanted Tansy for himself anyway and he could see the way Reed looked at her. It was clear to him there was more the. Just sex going on and he liked to think he knew Candie. She wouldn't do something like that if there wasn't a good reason and love was reason enough for him. If that was the end of it, things might have been okay. He could have talked to Candie about himself and Tansy, brought her around, and helped the girls fix their friendship. They might have pulled through.

Only Candie had been fucking Kaleb too and that made no sense. She didn't love Kaleb and he knew for a fact Kaleb didn't give a shit about her. He'd had to throw a punch or two at Kaleb before for sexually crass comments that came out of his mouth whenever his sister walked by. He'd been willing to put up with it if it never amounted to anything, but now it had and he realized he didn't know his sister as well as he thought. She'd willingly hurt, not just Tansy, but Reed, and even Nena for no reason other than selfishness and he had to say, it disappointed him.

Maybe he should have thought about it. Maybe he shouldn't have instantly reacted by taking Tansy's side like it was a war, but in the end, he'd done what he'd done and he couldn't change things. Reed and Candie left, going god only knew where, Lauren suddenly hated him, and Nena was crying and heartbroken over Kaleb while Kaleb now hated him more than ever for fucking his sister. It was ridiculous that Candie and Tansy could do that much damage, but that was only the tip of the iceberg with the two of them. He had a feeling worse was coming.

After that, the group was pretty well divided. Being Donnie, he'd tried to fix things. He'd done what he did best and played the mediator. He'd gone around, trying to patch together relationships, trying to talk to Candie, trying to bring Tansy around, and even trying to console Nena. In the end, none of it had worked. He'd only succeeded in making Candie hate him, pissing Tansy off every time he brought it up, and making Nena fall for him all over again.

Still, things weren't all bad. He had Tansy. He lived at her house as much as he could, going home only occasionally to take care of his mother and ask about whether anyone had heard anything from Candie. He knew her and Reed were living together, but no one had yet to find out where besides the two of them and Lauren, and he only ever saw them on the days they bothered to show up to school. Which weren't good, seeing as Candie had yet to come sober and he normally had to spend a good hour or two in the principle's office, talking her ass out of expulsion even if she wouldn't look at him or sit too close to him.

If Kaleb kicked him out, he went home, but never for long before he was back at Tansy's because he couldn't get enough of her. She was driving him crazy with all her purposeful teasing and cheating and her refusal to admit to loving him, but he needed her more than air so he couldn't stay away.

It had been a while since Tansy had so much as called him and it drove him crazy to think where she was. Donnie was pacing her room, about ready to smash his fists into things when the door opened to her and he stopped, turning to face her, eyes raking her over. He could smell whatever nightclub she'd been in from where he was across the room and the hint of men's cologne made his jaw and fists clench.

"Where the fuck have you been Tansy? Are you okay?" He spat, looking her over again, this time less angry, more worried, making sure she was unharmed because, even though he'd been stewing in jealously and irritation since she'd gone AWOL the other day, he was still worried about her safety. That came first. The asshole she fucked came second.


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Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Tansy felt like shit in all honesty but she couldnā€™t help it, she destroyed everything she had it was just how she was. She was in love with Donnie, he was everything to her, but she couldnā€™t tell him that, because she knew the second she told him everything she did would only hurt him worse than it already was. She heard footsteps behind her and she didnā€™t have to look to know who it was, he grabbed her and spun her to face him and she held her breath, his lips were centimeters form hers and like always his touch was hypnotizing.

ā€œParty tonight.ā€ He breathed and she smirked. ā€œAt the old hang out in the woods.ā€ He smirked and she raised a brow, his hands were placed on her hips with perfect precision, like he knew exactly where to touch her to keep her intrigued and even after as long as it had been it was working, she couldnā€™t tear her eyes from his.

ā€œCollin, if Donnie walks out here, heā€™s going to kick your ass.ā€ She smirked but he didnā€™t even flinch. ā€œgive you another scar to match that one.ā€ She glanced to the one above his eyes from the night club.

ā€œIā€™m shaking in my boots.ā€ His lips grazed hers, his tone sarcastic and she smirked, finally getting enough nerve to push him away. See you there right babe?ā€ he called after her.

She turned back to face him walking backwards towards her room. ā€œYeahā€¦me and my boyfriend will be there.ā€ She said making it clear to him her and Donnie were together, but it was Collin, she knew he didnā€™t give a shit.

She sighed as she turned back taking a breath and letting it back out, before opening her door only to find Donnie as he turned to face her and she rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind her tossing her heels as she started to peel her clothes off until she was wearing nothing but her bra and panties. She stood in front of her closet, her eyes looking over her perfectly hung clothes as she lit a cigarette.

"Where the fuck have you been Tansy? Are you okay?" he spat and she could feel his eyes on her as she took a drag of her cigarette. She blew a cloud of smoke out, before resting the cigarette between her lips as she slipped on a pair of leggings and a long shirt. She tied her hair into a messy bun on top her head not bothering to answer him.

ā€œSoā€¦Collin says thereā€™s a party in the woods.ā€ She smirked knowing the mention of her ex would only add to his suspicion of who sheā€™d obviously been with and piss him off more, not to mention sheā€™d totally disregarded what heā€™d said. ā€œYou wanna go?ā€ she glanced to him before making her way over to her bed and sitting cross legged, taking a swing of the bottle of liquor on her night stand.


Reed was exhausted and he was high as fuck, he was honestly surprised his grandfather hadnā€™t fired him, he came to work high every day. He was worse than an addict, his anxiety had gotten so bad that it was impossible for him to be sober or anywhere close to it. His life had gone from free and perfect, to stressful and complicated in a matter of a month. He sighed as he walked down the hallway towards his apartment. Dimitri passed him in the hallway and gave him a simple two finger wave. Reed hadnā€™t thought much about it, because most of the people in the apartment complex bought from him.

He opened the door to the apartment, the strong sent of weed, hit him immediately. A cloud of haze hung in the tiny apartment and he sighed as he shut the door assessing the mess. It honestly looked like a hurricane went through the apartment and he ran his fingers through his hair glancing to Candie who looked higher then him and he raised a brow as she glanced to him, that smirk he loved so much on her lips.

"Come over here and take a hit baby, I missed you." she smirked tossing him the lighter and he caught it. He used it to light himself a joint before tossing it back to her, but staying where he was for a moment letting silence fall over them for a minute. Finally he made his way over to her, kissing her lips softly, before pulling away.

He started to clean up the apartment, opening the windows so that the smoke filtered out. He was honestly exhausted and it had become a daily thing for him to come home to a fucked up apartment, Candie high off her ass, and him having to clean up after her day. He was exhausted, because he worked his ass off all day, outside on constructions sites. Yet, he never complained because he just like having her around however he was already agitated and h knew she was unhappy he could feel it and he didnā€™t know what to do. It was killing him that he finally had the girl of his damn dreams and he couldnā€™t even keep her happy.

ā€œWhat that fuck did you do all day?ā€ he spat harsher then he meant to, he actually hadnā€™t even meant to say it, he was thinking out loud, but once heā€™d said it out loud it was like a snowball effect it actually pissed him off saying it out loud. ā€œDid you even fucking go to school?ā€ he said throwing an arm full of half-filled bottles of liquor into the sink. He leaned over the sink feeling sick all of a sudden, his heart raced and he coughed violently, spitting blood into the sink, but washing it down before Candie could see it. He turned back to face her.

ā€œGod damn it, I donā€™t think you understand the sacrifices Iā€™m making for this to work.ā€ He gestured to the apartment around them. What he hadnā€™t told her yet was that heā€™d dropped out of school, they only had half a year left, but heā€™d dropped out and taken more hours at work so that they could keep the apartment and afford their drug addiction. He went over to her and grabbed her by her arm lifting her off the bed roughly and shoving her into the wall, pinning her there. ā€œThe least you could do is keep this fucking house cleanā€¦Iā€™m exhausted Candie.ā€ He breathed.

He was aware that his words would probably piss her off but he honestly could care less, the drugs were fogging his thoughts. He released her with a sigh, hating how strained things had become between them. He went back to cleaning the apartment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Candace Carmelo Character Portrait: Tansy Everett Character Portrait: Dontae Carmelo Character Portrait: Reed Luxington
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Reed didn't come over to her and she sighed, watching him light a joint. She wanted him to come kiss her and spend the rest of the night in bed with her, no complications, no fight, but lately it almost seemed like they never fucked without a fight first anymore. She could tell he was frustrated. Hell, if she was him, she'd be frustrated with her. She wasn't exactly a homemaker. More like a homewrecker. She could work if she wanted, but she really didn't. She'd end up in some minimum wage job where she got hit on by customers at least fifty times a day and she had to stay sober. As selfish as it was to let him do all the work, the thought of doing something as mind-numbing as stacking shelves for hours upon hours was agonizing.

Eventually, he walked over to her and kissed her, but it wasn't an "I want to fuck you" kind of kiss, it was more of an "I love you, but I don't know what to do with you." kiss and she hated it. She was going to reach out and kiss him harder, intending to pull him into bed with her and hopefully avoid the argument she could practically taste on his lips, but before she could, he slipped away.

Candie sighed and took a final, long hit off the bong before setting it aside and leaning back against the wall, watching him open windows and start to clean. She hadn't meant to fuck the place up so bad. Half the time, she was blinded by anger and emotion, just swinging at things until her steam ran out or Reed stepped in and she cried herself dry before shooting up and passing out. Either that, or she fucked it up with Dimitri. She knew he wouldn't know the difference, but she did and she felt like crap but she ignored it because the thought was ruining her high.

ā€œWhat that fuck did you do all day?ā€ He spat harshly and she winced. She knew she was a pain, getting high and drunk all the time, practically forcing him to take care of them on his own, practically making herself nothing but dead weight, but he'd never really complained before. Not that she didn't know it bothered him, she'd just never heard him say it. ā€œDid you even fucking go to school?ā€ He asked and she just shrugged, looking away as she lit herself a cigarette, hearing him coughing but ignoring it.

ā€œGod damn it, I donā€™t think you understand the sacrifices Iā€™m making for this to work.ā€ He Said, gesturing to the apartment and she kept her eyes on his as he walked across the room towards her, grabbing her roughly from the bed and pushing her hard into the wall, pinning there so hard it hurt badly, even through the haze of drugs in her system. She only smirked wickedly though, loving the feel of his body against hers, liking it when he was a little mean. ā€œThe least you could do is keep this fucking house cleanā€¦Iā€™m exhausted Candie.ā€ He breathed and she raised an eyebrow as he released her and went back to cleaning the room, bringing her cigarette to her lips as she looked him over.

"Damn, I'm sitting here by myself, missing you all day, and that's the hello I get?" She scoffed with a roll of her eyes, putting out her cigarette and walking over behind him. "Don't be like that baby." She breathed with a smirk, turning him to face her, so high she didn't care if her attempt at seduction worked or pissed him off. One way he'd fuck her, the other way he'd hit her, and honestly, with them, either way usually ended in sex anyway.

She leaned up on her toes, kissing along his jaw and neck slowly, hands running down his chest teasingly, loving the intoxicating heat between them. With Dimitri, it was a dull tingle that felt great, but that was only the drugs. With Lux, it was a burning fire that completely controlled her the way drugs controlled and addict, taking away her sanity completely, but in a good way. "You're not the only one who's had to make sacrifices Reed. I get it, I'm not a good houseguest, but I gave up my best friend and my brother for this. It's still got me fucked up alright? Sorry if the fucking dishes aren't my priority babe." She spat bitterly between kisses, voice venomous. "If you want me to move out, don't be a little bitch, kick my ass out, I'll go. I'm not going to stay if I'm a burden." She shrugged continuing to kiss him slowly along the neck and jaw, voice seductive, words cruel.

"If not..." She smirked wickedly, running her fingers along the waistline of his jeans, biting her lip as she brought her lips within centimeters of his. "What's the point of arguing when I could be making you feel so much better?" She breathed before turning away from him and going to sit back on the bed, grabbing a bottle from the floor and taking a long drink, looking him over, wondering how he'd react. He looked high, so he'd probably get pissed, but he also looked exhausted, so he might just drop it.



Donnie knew already he wouldn't get an answer from her. At least not a straightforward, honest one. Whether she ignored him, lied, or danced around the question, it didn't matter. Anything she said next was not going to be what he was asking for. If years of Tansy-experience couldn't tell him that then her whole demeanor could. She had an attitude about her he knew well, it's called stubbornness, a word she practically trademarked.

Honestly, it pissed him off she wasn't going to tell him. He wanted to find the guy she'd slept with and beat him bloody, but he knew he couldn't do that. Hell, Tansy probably played the poor bastard so, no matter how pissed he was, he let it go before she ever spoke. At least she was safe. With the way she lived her life, that was all he could hope for and he was glad to see her come home, alive and looking well.

"Where the fuck have you been Tansy? Are you okay?" he spat and she could feel his eyes on her as she took a drag of her cigarette. She blew a cloud of smoke out, before resting the cigarette between her lips as she slipped on a pair of leggings and a long shirt. She tied her hair into a messy bun on top her head not bothering to answer him.

ā€œSoā€¦ Collin says thereā€™s a party in the woods.ā€ She smirked as she changed, choosing to ignore him entirely and he rolled his eyes and sat on her bed. He fucking hated Collin and he definitely didn't like the prick talking to her. ā€œYou wanna go?ā€ She asked, glancing at him before sitting on her bed too and he sighed. Donnie ran his fingers through his hair. Anything Collin suggested probably wasn't a good idea. It was asking for trouble, going somewhere he told them about.

But it was Tansy he was talking to. "I really don't have a choice you know." He smirked with a shrug, leaning over and kissing her cheek before her lips. "If I say no, you'll go without me and there's no way you're going to a party in the woods that Collin's attending so I guess it looks like we're going." He teased as he lit himself a cigarette, liking the idea of a party. He hadn't been to attend many with all the drama going on lately. Showing up might risk pissing off the wrong person and they'd never get over it that was.