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Killing God: The Game

The City


a part of Killing God: The Game, by CherrySwirl.


CherrySwirl holds sovereignty over The City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The City



The City is a part of Killing God: The Game.

14 Characters Here

Reyna Axelson [0] New to the game and thus unafilliated.
Alex Sledge [0] GO TO RANGER SCHOOL!!!!
Ramona Weston [0] ...
Sarah Freeman [0] [No affiliations]
Valarie Victoria Simmons [0] "Victory is litterally my middle name."
Alice Avara [0] Leader of the Templar of Blood
Mara Yuri [0]
Victor Marrol [0] None.
Hades [0] Skull Brigade
Joseph Halberd [0] Undead Rebellion

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Alex Sledge V.S Kaylen Grey

The sudden action from Shinigami drew Alex's attention, blinding him to the surprise attack from the female in front of him. He felt a sudden, heavy impact on the side of his head from Kaylen's combat boot, causing Alex's vision to swim and making him stumble to the left. Alex regained his sense of balance just as Kaylen swung a left hook aimed at his jaw, The Ranger moved his head outside of the punch, and brought his left forearm up to intercept her own, causing her momentum to carry her strike way past it's intended target, opening her up for a counter attack.

Alex swung a hard right hook at her temple, but to his surprise, the agile woman ducked under it and spun towards him in the same motion, building momentum for the uppercut she delivered to Alex's gut.
Alex moved with the punch and tightened his abs, minimizing the pain and damage as he moved back.

Alex regained his combat pose and studied his opponent. Her power was all in her long legs, accompanied with her reflexes, this made her a dangerous opponent. Alex knew in order to win this he'd have to get inside her leg reach.

The ranger took a breath and charged her, Kaylen attempted to deliver a high kick, but it was batted away by both of Alex's arms in mid stride, knocking her off balance and leaving her defenseless as Alex rammed his shoulder into her chest, causing them both to tumble on to the ground.

Alex came out on top and delivered a brutal punch to the center of the Marine's face, sending a gout of blood from her mouth to spatter on the white floor of the hallway.

He attempted another strike, but Kaylen moved her head out of the way and instead, Alex's fist cracked painfully against the floor. Kaylen took the opportunity to slam her knee into Alex's groin, drawing a sharp gasp from the ranger before she slammed her fist as hard as she could into his nose.

Alex fell off of her, but couldn't recover quick enough to avoid the savage kick she delivered to his mouth after she rose from the ground. Alex shook his head to clear the stars that seemed to be dancing in his field of vision, then crossed his arms in front of his face to deflect another kick.

Alex rolled away just as a third kick from Kaylen glanced his shoulder, and she pursued him. As he got up, she attempted to knee him in the face to put him back down, but Alex twisted his body and leaned back, Kaylen's knee just barely missing his face. As the marine lost her balance from the miss, her right knee stretched out in front of her, Alex brought his right elbow around and it caught Kaylen in the lower abdomen, doubling her over, then before she could recover, Alex came up with a vicious uppercut to the center of her stomach with enough force to bring both of her feet half an inch off the ground.

Kaylen dropped to her knees, gasping for breath. Alex simply walked back, keeping his eyes locked on her, but aware of the struggle between Seph and the other man, as well as the eyes trained on both fights. He spit a mouthful of blood on the floor, and wiped the oozing blood from his sore nose.

"Ready to throw in the towel?", he asked the gasping woman on the ground. He spread his arms. "It doesn't have to be like this".
She started to get up.
Please, for your own sake...just stay down, He thought to himself.
She stood up, wincing as she straightened.
"I have to hand it to you, your one tough chick", he said, hoping his show of mercy and the compliment would disarm her.
She ignored him and began to walk forward.
Alex went back up in his battle stance and waited as she drew near, and for a few seconds, they just stood there, fists up and bouncing on the balls of their feet.
Kaylen swung, and compared to her first few hits, this one was slower and weaker, evidence of the punishment she had taken. Alex brought his left arm up and stopped the strike aimed for his temple, then he delivered a right hook that caught the hurt and exhausted Kaylen right in the jaw, and immediately, she went limp.

Kaylen's legs buckled and she twisted in mid fall, but Alex caught her arms. At least it was something, Alex hated striking women, and in fact this was his first time fighting a woman, and so he grudgingly held on to at least a bit of chivalry as he let her somewhat-gently fall to the floor.


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Hades V.S. The Valkyrie

Still using the dead soldier as human shield, Hades brazenly charged through the gunfire directly to wear val hid. As she brought herself from behind the piece of furniture to fire she was met by the inertia Hades. She didn't have time to react they both flew backwards crashing through the window behind them. Hades grabbed onto the curtain, val onto Hades torso and the lifeless soldier plummeted downward for miles. Their weight caused the curtain to snapped loose, but their momentum caused them to crash through another window on the floor below, rolling into another wide dim room with no furniture. Just pillars.

Rattled and frantic, Val's mind quickly took in what had happened and she jerked her head about, taking in her surroundings as she swiftly got to her feet. When she spotted Hades, she charged. She collided with the recovering man and managed to pin him to the ground. Years of hand-to-hand combat training paid off once again. "You sonuvabitch," she seethed as she reached for her sidearm. She pulled the hammer back and pressed the barrel up under Hades' jaw. "You ruined everything," Val continued, still panting. "Just like you always have... You miserable fuck!" She continued to hold him there as he struggled against here. She was savoring a few moments of watching him struggle beneath her before she bore whole through his skull from bottom to top.

Gazing up at her insane eyes Hades had to smile. "I always...knew you....liked being on top, Val!" He barked at her, trying to force his arms up. "'re a little....too old for my taste!" He brought his knew up, driving it as deep into her crotch as possible. Once her grip slacken he forced her off of him and scrambled for the pistol.

The force of his knee caught Val off guard. The first instant, there was the pain, which was immediately followed by the surprise of her having let him get himself free, enabling him to knee her. She was slammed to one side. Astonishingly, she bounced back to immediately. She looked quickly to her opponent, and saw his attempt for her gun. Everything seemed in slow-motion now. She poised and then pounced for the pistol. If she could get it, she could shoot Hades in the face and be done with this whole business. She could then get everything else under control, and begin her plans for the hospital. Her plan would be completed, not as smoothly as intended, but completed nevertheless.

Val landed hard, a foot shy of the gun. She ignored the slamming of her on the floor and struggled to grasp the gun. A large, manly hand appeared in view and seized it. Then, the muzzle was pointed right in her face. "Bad luck, mate," Hades said with a sinister, crazed grin. "Better luck next time." His finger yanked back the trigger and POW!


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Joseph Halberd V.S. The Shinigami

"You pathetic man... your not even worth killing..." Shinigami drew himself back and launched himself onto his feet before he sent a kick towards Seph's side.

"AHHHH!" Seph screamed.

Roseby had had enough. He wasn't going to just stand there and watch Seph get torn apart anymore. He had to do something. For a short time a few months ago before he was kidnapped and passed from group to group as their own personal medic he'd worked at the Hospital for a short time. When the heat was on the pipes would rattle like crazy, it would drive him mad sometimes.The place didn't have central heating for when it got cold. It had...gas.

The kick landed directly in Seph's side snapping a small piece off one of Seph's ribs. He collided with the wall, but didn't fall. He looked up with a wild expression through the curtains of his messy straw-like hair. "I'm pathetic? No! You're the pathetic one! You parade around here like your some kind of grim reaper! Like you get to decide how long someone lives...or when someone dies! God doesn't even deserve that right! What makes you think you do?!" Seph roared.

"Seph!" Roseby called as he slid a lighter across the floor which landed beneath Seph's palm. Seph's eyes focused on Roseby who until that moment had only been silently in the background. Roseby swept up a semi-automatic someone had dropped, aimed it at the Shinigami in an upward arc firing several times.

Shinigami didn't even wince as the bullets pierced his body he merely tilted his head and stepped forward. Blood ran down between his lips as they were contorted into a smile. "I do get to decide who lives and dies... you see unlike you I don't need a gun to kill you. Even with one you've failed..." He brought his foot on Seph's foot before sending his knee up towards his face. He followed by with a round house and a underhanded knife towards Seph's stomach which he slid out of his belt. "Why do I get to choose? Because I have surpassed God... I am beyond divinity."

Some of the rounds when straight through the ceiling giving space for other bullets to travel slightly farther beyond thin layers of wood and plaster, piercing the tin pipes that was mere inches above. A thick smoke billowed down which would shroud the Shinigami in a curtain of white.

"You're beyond...shit." Seph coughed flicking the lighter on and flinging it toward the Shinigami which would ignite a pillar of fire with the demon god burning at the center like a witch.

The pillar of flames encircled Shinigami as he was smashed against the floor by the force of the explosion, however as fire travels upwards it did not engulf him entirely. Even so he lay still on the ground before slipping another set of knives into his fingers and sending them flying into Alex's strike team. "Heh... heh... I am beyond shit... while you are drowning in it."


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Shinigami rose his back charred and his front pierced with several bullets. His pearl white smile seemed to tint everything else about him a solid black... he stepped forward the decimated ceiling above cast shapes that gave the mortal form a demonic appearance. "You've done well... you've earned my attention." He spoke softly as he reached out his hand towards Seph... his fingers felt like rebar as they grasped for Seph's neck. Shinigami wanted to feel this man's life extinguish... feel his last moments of struggling. He wanted to drink in his suffering until his victim's courage fled right before his life was expended.


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Alex Sledge
The fearless Army Ranger had been standing in front of his strike team, facing the fight between Seph and Shinigami. It was becoming unbearable for Alex to watch as the Death God cruely struck his friend over and over again, but just before Alex was about to step in an end the fight with brutality of his own, he heard a voice behind and to the left of him and his team.
The doctor from Seph's base unloaded a few rounds into Shinigami, who barely seemed to notice.
Alex took a step forward and then noticed a hissing noise coming from the ceiling, but he didn't realize what was about to happen until the lighter went airborne.
"DOWN!", Alex cried out as the gas ignited in a roar, sending a heat wave on the Sniper and his team. When he came back up, he felt a sudden and sharp impact on his side and his thigh, both of which quickly became very painful.
"AH! SHIT!", came a female's voice from behind him, followed by a few thuds.
Alex looked down and saw a knife stuck in the fleshy part of his side,a merely a flesh-wound (XD) but it still bled. Below that was an identical dagger stuck in his thigh, but not too deep. Alex ripped the dagger out of his side, and gently slid the knife out of his thigh with a grunt.
When he turned around he saw that somehow, Shinigami had taken out three of his strike team members, including Jon, and he had wounded Elise with a dagger to the shoulder.
Enraged, Alex held one of the bloodstained daggers in his hand, letting the second one drop to the floor, and charged the charred Death God, the anger he felt driving out the burning in his leg.
At full speed, Alex dove at the man attempting to choke the life out of Sephs body, aiming to plant his shoulder under Shinigami's outstretched arm.

He wanted this to be up close and personal.


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Shinigami's ears perked as he heard someone running towards him from behind. He quickly turned moving Joseph as a shield to blunt Alex's attack before kicking his shield forward in an attempt to make the new opponent to lose his balance. Making quick foot work as he rushed towards the remaining strike force rolling forward his drew two knives from the corpses. He slammed his shoulder into Elise moving to catch her in a hold. Women were always his favorite playthings... and he needed to leave... he may not feel pain like most do... but the amount of blood that was staining his shirt was a very clear indication that if he didn't patch himself up soon he'd bleed out. He wouldn't let his legend end from blood loss! No... he'd never make it out not with the Templar roaming the upstairs delaying his passage... The man began to laugh hysterically as his final acts came to mind. "If I can't win... God will." He said dropping one of the knives he had lifted from the corpses and drawing the slim black detonator. "Every group is here... more or less everyone who still lives is -HERE- that means... I end this game with one button..." The sickening smile that crossed his face was more then a little disturbing.