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Iwamoto Orochi


0 · 226 views · located in Kimura School Suite Campus

a character in “Kimura School Suite”, originally authored by Kilgannon, as played by RolePlayGateway


      __▬▬ ❜ BASIC INFORMATION ▪ 」

      _____SSFULL NAME__ Iwamoto Orochi
      _____SSSSSSS AGE__ Eighteen
      _____SSSS GENDER__ Male
      _____SEXUALITY__ Aromantic Asexual
      _____BIRTHDATE__ October 10
      _____ DEPARTMENT__ Music, Fine and Performing Arts
      _____SSSSSS YEAR__ Third Year
      _____SSSSS CLASS__ 3-A
      _____SSSSSS USER__ Shu

      __▬▬ ❜ APPEARANCE ▪ 」

      _____HAIR COLOR__ Olive Brown
      _____SSEYE COLOR__ Green
      _____SSSS HEIGHT__ 183 cm
      _____SSSS WEIGHT__ 73 kg

                                  Orochi has short, olive brown hair, the bangs of which often fall into his eyes that are a shade of olive green themselves. He's unusually tall, standing at about 17 cm (or six inches) taller than the average height for males his age. He doesn't play many sports, despite his rather athletic build, and instead just maintains a standard work out and exercise regime. His complexion is tan, given the amount of time he spends out in the sun, either just going for a walk or a jog, or sitting at his easel.

                                  Orochi prefers casual wear when it comes to his uniform, often wearing jeans or slacks on his lower half, and jackets or thin hoodies on his upper. Regardless of what is worn from the latter, an undershirt will always be worn along with it. He wears a green tie, as in customary, but his is adorned with white polka dots. The knot of the tie is usually pulled loose, causing it to hang over where his abdomen meets his sternum. There are some accessories that can be seen on occasion as well, including a pair of headphones that tend to rest around his neck, a pair of thick-framed glasses, and an orange wristwatch.

      __▬▬ ❜ PERSONALITY ▪ 」

                                  Let's start this off with a question; Would you coddle barbwire if it had roses upon it? Orochi's answer would be 'Yes', although he wouldn't find the metaphor to be that accurate. He believes there is beauty in all things - and people - sure, and that it is to be acknowledged and embraced, but there is a fine, easily recognized line between something with true beauty beneath it and something simply adorned by beauty.

                                  Despite his habit of looking at the world and its inhabitants through rose-colored glasses, Orochi is ultimately a rather withdrawn and absent-minded person. He gets so engrossed in his art that it's often hard for him to maintain social relationships, or do much of anything else at all. He'll forget to eat lunch, for example, and spend the free time in the art room, working on some other painting instead. When he's not doing it at school, he's doing it at home, staying up all night and forgetting to get any rest before the next school day begins. As a result of this, he has a habit of sleeping in the most unusual places during his free periods when he isn't painting - in the school gym's bleachers, in a bathroom stall, on the school staircases - pretty much anywhere that has a wall for him to lean against or a flat surface for him to lay down and curl up on.

                                  The reasoning for him getting so lost in his work, is that he is so incredibly self-critical of it that he never believes it is good enough, and will often 'settle' on a painting. Even if one of his works was considered the greatest work of art a person had ever seen, he'd feel like he could do better. So, to sum it all up, Orochi is a rather kind person, with a very fond appreciation for the beauty in life, and he believes that every person has some form of good in them. He has few friends, because most people aren't keen on him not devoting any time to maintaining the relationship, but is kind enough to have many acquaintances, or just people he can have the occasional off-handed conversation with.

      __▬▬ ❜ BACKGROUND ▪ 」

                                  Orochi didn't have anything other than a completely normal and healthy upbringing. His parents are both employed and happy, and he even became a big brother to twin siblings when he was seven. His life at home is great, he's on good terms with his parents, and loves his little brother and sister to death.

So begins...

Iwamoto Orochi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Allecra Character Portrait: Kamaki Hiroshi Character Portrait: Tachibana Daisuke Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi Character Portrait: Tsukimori Kaori
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        That was the only word she could use to describe the assembly. She didn't see the point in higher years attending it. They'd have been better off attending regular classes. At least they wouldn't waste time. Third years couldn't even do any of the introduction crap, as the students in third year were usually the same people you were with since your freshman year. Their homeroom teacher made the effort to try and round the class up for a re-introduction kind of thing, but it wasn't even halfway through before it all became a big joke. People were cutting in mid-sentence, reminding whoever was talking of a private joke or an embarrassing event, possibly both. The MFPA wasn't exactly the most... disciplined department, much to Kaori's chagrin.

        When her turn came, it was probably one of the few times the class grew quiet. Kaori made sure to keep her words measured and clear. She'd done such a good job of keeping her accent at bay for the past few years, she wasn't about to blow it on a class introduction. "Tsukimori Kaori, voice and dance focus." There was a small, almost imperceptible smile as she realized she said that perfectly, and sat down satisfied. A small victory by itself for her.

        The noise level quickly shot up when they skipped over to the next person. She didn't mind the fact she'd been met with silence; it meant they either respected her presence, or were afraid of her, neither of which she found negative exactly. As they said, any kind of publicity was usually good publicity.

        As the roll call continued, she brought out her tablet, setting up today and the week's schedule now that she had a tablet again, cross-checking it against her phone's. The teal-haired girl frowned as she realized she'd listed today as rest day. That meant only basic warm-ups for both of her talents just to keep them sharp, which meant only an hour, maximum two, of practice today. Free time. Now that was an unexpected luxury, and she wasn't even sure if she wanted it. What the heck was she supposed to do with three hours of free time?

        She supposed she could practice her ear instead; being able to convert what she heard into a written arrangement would be a handy skill. Plus, she still hadn't given a good listen to those albums she'd gotten and transferred over into her phone. "Somewhere quiet..." Teal eyes studied the chaos that was 3-A. Yeah, she definitely wasn't going to find that here.

        Fingers quickly tapped at the screen, finishing setting up the tablet with a passcode. She straightened her back from the beanbag chair, placing it back into her knapsack along with her phone. Her bag didn't contain much, just those two plus a couple of pens and her wallet. She stood, catching a few stares as she did. A few other students had already ditched, just informing the teacher they were heading out. Kaori moved to do the same.

        "Library." She sounded abrupt, even to her own ears. But she didn't want to speak more than was necessary. Hopefully once she got there, she wouldn't have to speak at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Allecra Character Portrait: Kamaki Hiroshi Character Portrait: Tachibana Daisuke Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi Character Portrait: Tsukimori Kaori
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            Orochi raised a hand to cover his mouth as he stifled a yawn during the opening assembly. He sleepily blinked against the oncoming drowsiness and mulled it over in his head for a couple of seconds before electing to slip out from the assembly to 'use the bathroom', when in reality he went ahead to the 3-A classroom and curled up in a beanbag to catch a nap before homeroom. The buzz of excited, first-day-of-the-school-year chatter awoke him, and he quickly slipped back out of the room and down the hall and around the corner, peeking his head out to watch the teacher enter the classroom before joining the rest of the group as they entered - and he reentered - the classroom.

            Introductions were made, for a third year in a row, going by their last names alphabetically and he grew curious at the necessity of it all when it came to his turn. He stood up, raised his hand in front of him as if to half assedly wave, and cleared his throat before speaking. "Iwamoto Orochi. I paint, as you all already knew. It's nice to be back for a third and final year." He gave the teacher an absent smile, then turned his head to direct it at the rest of the class. Afterwards, he sat back down and got lost in a daydream as the excited background buzz kicked back in.

            He was brought back to reality by a sudden silence, and he glanced up to see who was about to speak and realized upon seeing who it was that he didn't even need to look up. Tsukimori Kaori, resident cold shoulder, gave a curt introduction, as always, and then seemed to smile smugly, mostly to herself, before seating herself once more. Orochi thought that he might have been the only one paying attention enough to actually have caught that smile. The chatter kicked in a third time, almost immediately, as if the moment never passed, but Orochi remained caught in it.

            People like her and people like me are akin to water and oil, he thought, destined to be separate.

            It gave him an idea, however, and he patiently waited for the introductions to be over and for the class to be sent off for their free time. When they were dismissed, he shot up from his seat and blazed by the rest of them, his mind already calculating the location of the nearest easel. He gathered his supplies, sat down, and began working first on an underpainting, something that would serve as the basis and guide for the finished product. This was done with watercolors. Next, he would paint over it, mixing the paint with the watercolors beneath it and creating a rather loose, but pleasant aesthetic. He was pleased at how art could overcome what seemed to be laws of nature.

            This topcoat was done with oils.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Allecra Character Portrait: Kamaki Hiroshi Character Portrait: Tachibana Daisuke Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi Character Portrait: Tsukimori Kaori
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Theme Song: Not Today by Twenty One Pilots
Current Song: Resonance by T.M. Revolution

Daisuke let the notes flow through him as his fingers migrated around the keys, reminded of the days his parents allowed him to spend learning songs from less refined media. It had only been one year ago during Daisuke's job as a part-time music tutor that he needed to find some sort of motivation for his younger cousin. Now normally he would be opposed to getting a mother-mandated job; however, this gave him a good excuse to leave the house for long hours and just have it assumed that he was tutoring. Granted, he was tutoring most of the time but in rare cases he would be jamming at a friend's house or playing more anime openings at the nearest park.

Compared to that, this entire break was a load of bull. Constant piano practices and practice exams left him weary and dreading entrance exams once they came about. Even if he had an entire year to prepare for them he knew that this year would be his last year to do anything fun or disobedient while still under his parents' nose (assuming he moved out of course). He needed to make the most of it.

Slinging his backpack on his shoulder, he walked out of the door and headed toward the subway. A short ride (and subsequent walk) brought him to a bread store near Kimura where he had just enough time to grab breakfast and read over a few text messages.

Hey Daisuke-kun~ I just got back from my study abroad in Brazil. Did you know there's actually a huge number of Japanese people here? I had no idea! Anyway don't tell Mom and Dad or they'll badger me about finishing undergraduate classes.

Attached to the message was a picture of his sister and her friends at the beach and Kirin in a bikini (naturally). Tch, typical.

You can't keep this up forever. Mom and Dad will eventually get tired of your shit. Next time you mess up I'm telling-

His alarm rang out before he could finish his message so he closed his phone and walked toward the school with his pineapple bun in hand. He liked setting alarms for himself so that he would always be on time and most of the time it worked but it left little free time (and even that was mandated). In today's case, his free time came in the form of tuning out the opening speech and subsequent introductions of everyone in the 3-A class. By now he knew everyone. There was Iwamoto Orochi (the resident painter), Tsukimori Kaori (the singer-dancer hybrid), and...everyone else. Okay maybe he didn't know everybody but he generally only remembered people with interesting names (Orochi) or reputable skill (Tsukimori). It wasn't to say the rest were awful but that he simply hadn't worked around them enough to get to know them.

"Tachibana Daisuke. Pianist and trombone player. I'm always up to play."

Well it was true so long as the people who offered to play with him had good taste. He spent the rest of the time arguing with his sister over text message (namely over how she was leeching off of their parents), leaving for the basement once class let out.

Please, please I just need another three months to figure out my life. I'm sure that Chopin wasn't born knowing he would be a great musician one day

Ignoring the rest of the buzzes from his phone, Daisuke lifted the cover from the old piano and began playing again. He could pretend it was spring break for one more day right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Allecra Character Portrait: Kamaki Hiroshi Character Portrait: Tachibana Daisuke Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi Character Portrait: Tsukimori Kaori
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díαlσguє cσlσr ◆ #66CCFF
thσught cσlσr ◇#8FBD97
Ɩσcαтιση ◆ MFPA 3-A Classroom → Basement

I have no special
talent. I am only
passionately curious.



----Although it would be her first opening assembly — since she did transfer during the middle of her second year — she wasn't too ecstatic about it. In fact, she was quite the opposite, though she tried hard to hide her lethargy. Despite Allecra's extremely extroverted nature, she had no want to socialize at the moment as she was too tired, which was uncharacteristic of her.

----Usually, she'd be the first one to strike up a conversation with someone. Though today that didn't seem to be the case. Last night she failed to remember that the next day would be the beginning of this school year, and so she chose to forgo sleeping entirely.

----Needless to say, she instantly regretted it in the morning, and she spent that part of her day grumbling incomprehensible swears as she got ready for school. Some point during the assembly, she fell asleep, only to be awakened moments later by the movement of others leaving.

----She soon joined the others in the 3-A MFPA classroom, which was as rowdy as usual. They were beginning to start the class introductions, although she didn't truly pay any mind as she sluggishly made her way to her desk.

----Upon reaching her desk, she immediately laid her head down, even if she could only snatch a few precious seconds of shut eye before it was her time to introduce herself. When it came time, she tried her best not to sound like she was going to pass out from sleep deprivation.

----"Hey, I'm Knight Allecra, and yes, I know it sounds weird. I transferred her from the States during the middle of 2nd year and I play the violin."

----After she finished her short introduction, she went right back to laying her head down, not even roused by the temporary silence that accompanied Tsukimori Kaori's introduction and the chaos that continued afterwards. Soon enough, they were dismissed from the home room, and Allecra surely didn't want to get up, although she had no other choice.

----Even now, she didn't even feel like practicing her violin, she just wanted to get some form of sleep in before afternoon classes started. She eventually decided to head downstairs towards the basement and find some corner to lay down and sleep in. The noise wouldn't even be a problem, she had headphones for that.

----As soon as she reached the destination, she instantly noted that someone was in fact playing the piano. How nice it would be to accompany them, but no, sleeping was a top priority as of now. She quickly found a place to set-up her makeshift bed, she even went as far as bringing a pillow and blanket with her from home and just stuffing it in her backpack. Once everything was nice and set up, she laid down and wrapped herself in her musical note blanket with her headphones secured on her head. Within a full minute, she was already fast asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Allecra Character Portrait: Kamaki Hiroshi Character Portrait: Tachibana Daisuke Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi Character Portrait: Tsukimori Kaori
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Machiko  Kaiya
                                              MFPA, 2-A

►►No pain, No game ▮▮ nano◄◄
"#007556." || #32213B.
MFPA → Art Workshop

"How  much  weight...
       ...can  a  promise  carry?"
It had been an interesting morning for Kaiya. She had woken up late, for starters -- late nights drawing and nightmares had left the girl a tired mess, and it showed in the faint presence of dark circles under her eyes as she had kissed her grandmothers' cheek, tugging her shoes on quickly and heading out the door after stuffing a piece of toast in her mouth. "Gakkō de tanoshinde kudasai!" The old woman called out with a smile and a wave, Kaiya turning to give a wave of her own as she bit into that toast, quickly chewed that bite, and responded with a, "I will!" And off she ran.

She was still trying to force down that toast as she hurried past the boy with the chiming alarms and pineapple bun in a blur of dark hair and lilac-toned hoodie, mumbling a breathy, "Sumimasen." as she passed, her steps quick as she continued to repeat herself and glide through the students. She barely had managed to catch her breath, before it was time for the opening ceremony. Of course, that was an experience she didn't care for. It was the crowds that did it; large groups of people always made Kaiya particularly nervous, and of course, she had gotten away as soon as she could...

... to a completely empty room. Kaiya, it seemed, didn't have anyone to introduce herself to in her classroom. Except for the teacher, of course. It wouldn't be until this moment that Kaiya realized just how hard it was to actually get into this school.

"Do I have to? There's no one here to... to..."
A comment from the teacher, and Kaiya would sigh, rising from her seat and almost mumbling as she said, "Ma...Machiko, Kaiya. I... I paint. I guess."

Spray painting was her current form of expression, and after the teacher gave her an assignment, he would state that the school had ordered a special brand of paint for her to use; washable, so whatever she painted could be washed away. This was because the fumes made it nearly impossible for her to paint inside. Not unless the staff wanted to deal with a room full of students high as kites every day.

After learning that the aerosol cans were in the workshop, the teacher gave Kaiya a pass to use to head that way to complete her assignment and collect them. She wasn't allowed to use them today, of course -- this particular assignment involved pre-planning what she wanted to paint via copic markers and an easel. A new concept to the girl from class 2-A, to be sure, who was used to just picking a wall and going to town -- painting whatever she wanted. But to precontrive? Well...

As soon as she stepped out of that classroom, her steps would be quick and her gaze cast downward as she quickly headed for the workshop. She wasn't expecting anyone to be there, of course, so when she walked into the room and spotted another student -- an upperclassman, from the looks of it -- she stepped mid-step and stared for a few seconds, before her eyes cast downward again, and she crossed the room to gather some copic markers and a bare slate to start with. As she turned to find a place to set up shop, however, she found herself taking a peek at the piece the upperclassman was painting, her steps slowing just a touch so she could take in the way the colors both embraced one another, and also pushed away, and after what seemed like a battle in her head, Kaiya finally managed to speak up, despite the way her face reddened bit by bit with each syllable, her Japanese a touch too proper and rusty from her years overseas.

"That's... really pretty."

The setting changes from MFPA Classrooms to Kimura School Suite Campus

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Machiko Kaiya Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi
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Orochi was so engrossed in his work, that he probably would have never even noticed the entrance, let alone the existence of the underclassman if she hadn't spoken up and said something to him. He paused mid-stroke of the brush and leaned backwards over the stool he was sitting in, tilting his head back to see who addressed him. Because of this, when he first saw Kaiya, she was upside down, and whether or not he noticed or even cared that her face was reddening, he showed no signs of.

A smile spread across his face, a goofy one at that, but after a moment or two passed, he realized that to this person it might look quite the opposite, so he sat back up and pivoted on his bottom to face her properly. The brush was still held in his left hand, which was presently resting on his leg and causing paint to mess up his jeans, but he paid absolutely no mind to it. This girl had, for the moment, captured his attention. It was a rare moment, but even Orochi wasn't one to pass on some deserved acknowledgement.

A free hand rose to wipe at his forehead before resting back at his side.

"Hey, thanks! It's always nice to think of something, like a concept, then see it come to life on the canvas, y'know?" He responded enthusiastically enough, turning his head to glance over his shoulder back at the painting.

"This idea in particular spawned from something as simple as me looking at another student. Crazy, huh? I guess the thought process of humans has always really fascinated me. How conclusions can be drawn and all that. I digress, though, really, thank you for your compliment. It seems that what my mother always said is true," He began, tipping her a wink before turning back to face the canvas and resume painting, finishing his sentence without looking at the girl.

"Beauty recognizes beauty."

The setting changes from Kimura School Suite Campus to Art Workshop


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Machiko Kaiya Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi
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Machiko  Kaiya
                                              MFPA, 2-A

►►No pain, No game ▮▮ nano◄◄
"#007556." || #32213B.
MFPA → Art Workshop

"How  much  weight...
       ...can  a  promise  carry?"
There was definitely a moment of silence, one that allowed Kaiya to look over the painting that Orochi was so feverishly working on. The contrast of colors and mediums definitely intrigued her, enough to cause her head to slightly tilt and her brow tense as those pale blue hues danced across the canvas. It was long enough for her to have not noticed that Orochi had leaned back in his seat, giving him a clear view of her expression as she studied every detail of his piece.

Of course, when she did notice the upside-down face smiling at her, she was immediately all afluster, enough so that she took a step back, lifted her hands, and waved them back and forth a bit as she was quick to apologize, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to distract you. I-I'll leave you to your wo-"

"Hey, thanks!" He had said after twisting upright and turning to face her, which was enough to catch her off-guard and force her words to die in her throat, lips still lightly parted from ceasing to speak mid-sentence. "It's always nice to think of something, like a concept, then see it come to life on the canvas, y'know?" Kaiya listened as Orochi spoke, and as his gaze turned to look back at his painting, her own followed suit, and that awkward tension she carried in her shoulders in that moment eased to allow a timid smile to tug at her lips as she responded, "H-Hai. I personally always find that it's hard to place the first stroke on such a pure surface... I suppose that's why I paint on brick."

As Orochi began to explain his vision, Kaiya slowly took a few steps, enthralled by the way Orochi spoke, and she would opt to take a seat in a stool next to him, lacing her fingers together and placing her hands in her lap. Humans? Kaiya thought to herself, and so, her brow would tense again, particularly due to a particular series of thoughts that flashed through her subconscious. She forced the thoughts away with a hard blink, tuning back in at the tail-end of his long-winded statement. "Oh?" Kaiya queried, expecting him to leave his mothers' words a mystery, until he gave her a wink, and turned back to his work.

"Beauty recognizes beauty."

Of course, Kaiya wasn't expecting that in the slightest, and whatever red had left her face, was now back, enough so that she was quick to unlace her fingers and cover those reddened cheeks with her hands, twirling in her seat to turn her back to him, as she made a noise -- like a squeak -- that gave away just how surprised she was by that compliment. "Y-You flatter me. Arigatou." She nearly whimpered, patting her cheeks a few times to attempt and let the light sting mask her embarrassment, before she turned back around. It was then, that she would have finally noticed his he had left a mess of paint on his jeans.

"A-Ah! Your leg!" Kaiya would exclaim, and in a flurry of flustered movement, Kaiya would scramble back up to her feet, hurrying over to the sink and grabbing a handful of paper towels, which she would lightly wet one side of in the sink with warm water. Scurrying back, Kaiya would attempt to hold them out for him to take, though her hand was trembling slightly. Poor girl. Not used to compliments at all.

"I-If you let it set, you might not ever be able to get it out. Here..." She wouldn't dare look him in the eye, instead opting to simply look down at the tile. If he didn't take the paper towels after a few seconds, Kaiya would glance upward, blink again, before setting it down on a flat surface within his sight, before returning back to her seat.

It would be this moment, that she had picked her place to work, setting up her easel, and after staring at the blank slate, picked up a pencil to start with via her left hand, and started to lightly sketch out what she was planning on painting. After a long stretch of silence, Kaiya would speak up:

"My name is Machiko Kaiya, by the way. I'm in class 2-A. It's nice to meet you."

The setting changes from Art Workshop to Kimura School Suite Campus

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Machiko Kaiya Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi
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-ignore this >:I-

The setting changes from Kimura School Suite Campus to Art Workshop


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Machiko Kaiya Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi
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Orochi smirked at the girl's reaction, but other than that, he seemed to have already become lost in his work once more. The pain left on his jeans was irrelevant to him, as he often got careless enough while painting to ruin clothing, and he had a suitable supply of replacement clothing to warrant not worrying about it. The kind gesture of trying to present him paper towels to clean it up with was not lost on him, however, even if he did not visibly appear to acknowledge it. Though he gave no indication of hearing when she had introduced herself, her name and class was stored all the same.

There wasn't much remaining that he wanted to do with the painting, so completing it was short work. After he had done so, he moved the canvas and easel over to the far wall of the room, setting it up against it so the painting could dry. Later, after it dried, he would come back and sign his name on the back like he always did, and hopefully begin working on a new one. At least, that was the routine Orochi had taken to the year prior, and it ultimately resulted in him lining not one, but two walls with finished works in a short amount of time. When there was too many, he either sold or donated them.

Returning to his stool and sitting, Orochi now looked at the paper towels set out and reached for them. The wet end was still slightly damp, and he used it to clean up any spills he might have gotten on the floor and surrounding area. Afterwards, he gathered up his paints and brushes and went through the almost autonomous routine of cleaning the brushes and returning the paints to their respective areas. As he did so, he finally tuned back in to the world and turned his attention back on the girl.

"A-Ah! I apologize, I often get rather, um, lost in what I'm doing. I should have been more accommodating, I'm sorry." He jut a thumb towards his chest, gesturing to his heart and himself as a whole. "Name's Iwamoto Orochi, but I'd prefer it if you just called me Orochi. If you ask me, I think the formalities between students here is a bit silly."

"I'm in 3-A, and I assure you that the feeling is mutual."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Machiko Kaiya Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi
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Machiko  Kaiya
                                              MFPA, 2-A

►►No pain, No game ▮▮ nano◄◄
"#007556." || #32213B.
MFPA → Art Workshop

"How  much  weight...
       ...can  a  promise  carry?"
Poor Kaiya. At first, she didn't quite understand his silence. Did I upset him? She thought to herself, a rather solemn expression filling her features. Well, what a lovely way to start her first day. Typical.

Regardless, Kaiya sat down, and after getting her area set up, began to sketch. It was important to note that next to certain areas, she'd jot down numbers -- most likely estimated measurments. Being left-handed, she held the pencil in such a way that her hand didn't smudge the lead, her brow tensing as she slowly began to grow accustomed to the silence. The girls' eyes did shift over to glance in Orochi's direction every once in awhile, her brow knitting together bit by bit each time, as well as her beginning to lightly bite the inside of her cheek.

Kaiya was convinced she had done something to upset the upperclassman, and so, by the time he had finally tuned back in, Kaiya was completely focused on her work, even if her right hand had tensed on her leg, lightly clutching at her skirt. And so, when he spoke, Kaiya quickly turned her gaze up to Orochi, and blinked a few times as she listened.

"A-Ah! I apologize, I often get rather, um, lost in what I'm doing."

So that was it. Kaiya would blink a few more times, before a wave of relief washed over her, and she exhaled softly, placing that pencil down and turning to face Orochi a bit. "It's okay," Kaiya would say, that relief nearly impossible to hide. "I'll admit, I was worried I had upset you somehow... but I know what it's like to get so focused on something you tune everything else out. So, there's no real reason to apologize." A smile would be flashed towards Orochi, which only grew more as he gave his name, and class.

"3-A, huh?" Kaiya would repeat, her voice thoughtful as she turned back to her work, and picked up that pencil. There would be a moment of silence that followed suit, particularly as she added a few lines, before she stopped again, and asked, "So... are you the only one in your class too, Orochi-senpai?" Pursing her lips together a bit, she'd glance back at him again, before explaining, "I only ask because I'm the only one in 2-A."

The setting changes from Art Workshop to Kimura School Suite Campus

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Allecra Character Portrait: Kamaki Hiroshi Character Portrait: Tachibana Daisuke Character Portrait: Iwamoto Orochi Character Portrait: Allecra Knight Character Portrait: Ayumu Kita
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"That sounds good to me!" Hiroshi told Ayumu with a grin. Inwardly, he mused about what he knew about his fellow 3-A students. Daisuke, Allecra, Orochi, Kaori... It was strange that he only knew three of his classmates off the top of his head. He frowned slightly as he searched 3-A's classroom but found no one. That rather put a damper on things. Still, there weren't too many places where the others could have gone. As he went searching for the others, he passed Orochi talking to a cute girl and he grinned.

"Oi, Orochi-san! We're having an improv out in the school yard! Bring your friend, it's going to be fun!"

With that said, he made his way past him and down a staircase towards the foundation of the building. The basement familiar hiding place for MFPA students. There were Daisuke and Knight now. True, they were more inclined to appreciate the musical arts, but with his charm, he figured he would be able to entice them to join in his and Ayumu-chan's performance.

"Good morning sleepy-heads," he said cheerfully. He wagged his finger in mock sterness, "Knight-chan, what would the professors say about napping on the job? I got the perfect remedy for that! Improv!"

He grinned at them, perhaps genuinely a little happy to be organizing this get-together.