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Kylie Anne Montgomery

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies. (So I don't know what's real) (So I don't know what's real and what's not). Always confusing the thoughts in my head... so I can't trust myself anymore.

0 · 209 views · located in The Kingdom of the Secret Soul

a character in “Kingdom of the Secret Soul”, as played by AerynV


Kylie's appearance used to be soft... giving a sense of gentle tranquility, but now her eyes are dull, her skin is deathly pale and at times she trembles uncontrollably. She stands at about 5'1 with a thin body from malnutrition. She usually wears simple loose fighting clothes, a t-shirt and jeans, to hide this fact. Her copper colored hair used to be soft and lustrous, but now it's thin and lacks shine altogether. Her eyes are probably her most prominent feature, since they are heavily lashed and are the color of a stormy sea, but really that's the only thing remotely attractive about her if you can get passed the constant expression of fear.


Before (she started seeing the Skol):

Kylie, a young woman of 21 years old, is a good person that is easy to love. She's graciously altruistic and would go out of her way to help a complete stranger at her own sacrifice. Kylie truly has a warm and kind heart. If a friend is happy she will rejoice right along with them with equal/more gusto, when a person is sad she will cry heartfelt tears and provide a shoulder to cry on. Then, at the appropriate time, she will probably do something incredibly ridiculous in an attempt to cheer the person up. If that isn't enough of an indication that she likes you, Kylie seems to often target the people she likes best with jests and innocent teasing. It's true that she goes out of her way to pick on the people she likes best. If you are ever to point out these pure traits of hers, she'd probably punch you (rather weakly) and tell you to quit being such a pansy, as she is eternally modest when it comes to having innocent traits. She likes to make herself seem tough and uncaring, by denying little minor aspects, like having a heart. Kylie tries to put on a front that she's cool and tough, but really she's a big softy and she's really bad at hiding it.


Now that Kylie's world is filled with the things from your nightmares. She's always afraid, always. Even if she tries her best to hide it. She doesn't know if the things are real or not, but it doesn't matter does it? If you can see it, smell it, and touch it.... what does it matter if its actually there, it's real enough to her. She just wants it to stop.

Virtues: ambitious, funny, energetic, enthusiastic, kind hearted, trusting
Vices: fearful, stressed, emotional, extreme, reckless, gullible

Skills: Art

Secrets (besides seeing things): She can't swim, she is terrified of thunder, and she's afraid of being alone.


Kylie has always been afraid of the dark, but that brought on a whole new meaning when she began seeing the skol. Before it was just the eerie darkness, but now there are actually things lurking in it's depths and they terrify her.

Kylie wasn't always able to see the skol, most of her life was rather normal. Both her parents were happily married to each other, and although she never had any brothers or sisters, she never felt like she needed anything else. Her parents loved her dearly, but now that relationship is almost nonexistent because she has to keep such a big secret from them. But how do you tell your parents that you see things? it's not like you're admitting that you're gay, they would still love her the same if that were the case. Tell your parents that you're crazy? Being foolish enough to do that demonstrates very high levels of stupidity bordering on the imbecilic. Telling them and getting scent away to an insane asylum was not an option.

It all began one night, ironically on Halloween, when her and a bunch of friends were at a haunted maze that they thought would be fun. Of course the maze wasn't really haunted, actually it was pretty lame, much to their disappointment. There were no people dressed up in costumes, like you would expect. Instead it was childishly decorated with fake cobwebs and spiders everywhere, a few jack-o-lanterns, several props that looked like monsters, and fake fog made from dry ice. Apparently, they used to have actors dress up, but one of them got punched when they scared the crap out of this teenage boy and there was this whole mess about it or whatever, so now they won't do anything like that anymore.

They were near the end of the maze when Kylie and her friends got separated. She was trying to find them again she started seeing these shadow creatures. At first she thought it was part of the maze, but they looked so realistic... they started whispering things to her and taunting her... telling her to kill herself. That's when she became afraid. She began to scream then, huddled in the corner of a dead end as terror overwhelmed her. Her friends and the maze owners eventually found her by following her screams. She looked like she had gone mad, cradling herself with tears streaming down her face, and mumbling to herself that what she was seeing wasn't real.

Later she played it off that she was just a scardy-cat since that's what her friends assumed. She didn't bother trying to tell them what really happened, they wouldn't believe her. No sane person would. It was about a year ago that this all happened and it has never gone away no matter how much she wished it would. Now she uses her talent at art to draw these things that she sees, often dark and frightening, maybe if someone saw them they would recognize them. Maybe they would tell her that these things are real and that she isn't alone.

So begins...

Kylie Anne Montgomery's Story