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Shiro Kobayashi

"I despise the Humans...not because they forgot the promise, but because they treat my ocean as some dump."{WIP}

0 · 652 views · located in Inside the Shrine

a character in “Legend of the Mountain Shrine”, as played by Leej10100


Shiro Kobayashi

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon


Image| Name |
Shiro Kobayashi

| Nickname |
Shi | Koba | Ayashi

| Age |

| Gender |

| Role |
Spirit of the Moon & Ocean

Image| Eye Color |

| Hair Color |

| Weight |
167.6 lbs

| Height |

| Other Physical Attributes |
Shiro is described as abnormally handsome, he doesn't no if he should take this as a compliment or an insult, though he chooses to ignore the comments about his looks. He is fairly tall and lean-built, able to lift heavy objects 20 times his own weight. Shiro has fair skin the color of the moon with pointy ears, golden eyes, and knee-length silver hair with bangs. He has a Prussian blue crescent moon on his forehead that can be seen beneath his bangs. There are two magenta stripes on each cheek, on the sides of his wrists; as well as one magenta stripe on each of his eye lids.

Shiro's clothing includes a spiked pauldron that covers his left shoulder attached to the upper section of his cuirass. When damaged, his armor automatically regenerates itself. Both his armor and his long flowing sash have a Chinese influence, as opposed to the customary Japanese armor and sash. His Kimono is mostly white with a red and white cherry blossom flower crest at the collar and sleeves. He wears Sashinuki Hakama, which are gathered at the ankles producing the "ballooning" effect. His footwear consists of flat pointed ankle-high boots. The left side of his collar features the crest of his Family. On his right shoulder is a white object that appears to have a fluffy appearance. It is his mokomoko. It gives him defense and constricts people's attacks.

Image| Likes |
ā˜‘ Bitter Foods

ā˜‘ Sleeping

ā˜‘ Water

ā˜‘ The Moon

ā˜‘ Hiro

ā˜‘ The Spirits

ā˜‘ Cats & Dogs

ā˜‘ Apples

ā˜‘ Snow

ā˜‘ Nighttime

ā˜‘ His Moon Flower

ā˜‘ Reading

ā˜‘ Being left alone

ā˜‘ Quiet places

ā˜‘ Vegetables & Fruits

ā˜‘ Listening to Hiro's singing

ā˜‘ Being Right

ā˜‘ Tea

| Dislikes |
ā˜’ Sweets

ā˜’ Loud noises

ā˜’ Annoying people

ā˜’ Seeing Hiro cry

ā˜’ Losing

ā˜’ Being wrong

ā˜’ Humans

ā˜’ Causing Hiro to worry

ā˜’ Seeing his friends get hurt

ā˜’ Lairs

ā˜’ Fear

ā˜’ Talking

ā˜’ Being told what to do

ā˜’ Being woken up from his sleep

ā˜’ Pointless promises

ā˜’ Waiting

ā˜’ Ungrateful people

ā˜’ Complaining

| Habits |
āš„ Shiro tends to ignore people who talk to him

āš„ Read a book or go to sleep while Hiro braids his hair

āš„ Stare at the moon

āš„ Sleep where there is water near him

āš„ Hit Hiro in the head when he does something stupid

āš„ Stare at people for no reason

āš„ Stay by Hiro's side to the point you never see them apart

āš„ Let the moon shine brightly while the spirits sleep

āš„ Glare at people he doesn't know

āš„ When upset the water around him starts to move fiercely.

| Personality |
Shiro, possesses the perfect power that many spirits desire. Because of this he is always composed and confident in his power. His air of aloofness and indifference is a product of dignity that he fills himself with. Shiro is more or less emotionless, only anger, annoyance, and dissatisfaction showing on his face. Because both his heart and body are so strong, he has no desire for anything else. He has absolute confidence in his power, so he believes he doesn't need allies, this belief was later changed when he met the other spirits. Shiro is frighteningly sarcastic to the point, you are unable to know if he is serious or not, because of the way he speaks. In battle he judges his enemy's power level and attacks with the minimum power necessary. He deals with his enemies after determining their power. Once he realizes their weak points, their attacks are usually futile, this method doesn't work on high level spirits.

Shiro felt nothing for others, sneering and dismissing humane feelings. Anyone in his way is an enemy whom he will exterminate without hesitation. He does not hold back his power, even against women. He rationalizes that all his prey is the same and defeats them accordingly. For one with such pride in his power, cooperation is proof of weakness and being alone is a condition for the strong. Once he judges someone as a obstacle, he is quick to kill without hesitation.

He used to feel nothing for anyone, but after meeting various people, such as the spirits, and finding his lost twin brother, they had brought change to his heart. Shiro has a very inquiring mind when there is something he cares about, but at the same time, he has almost no tenacity of purpose. If he becomes interested in something else, he will arbitrarily turn his back on what he's doing, even during battle. Just like his fighting style, he is quick to make decisions and act on them immediately. Though this doesn't happen often with people,except his twin brother, who Shiro is extremely protective over. Shiro genuinely cares about Hiro and somewhat the spirits; while he rarely shows it, he does appreciate their company. Shiro originally, and still does to some length, held much contempt towards protecting the weak, humans, seeing it as a waste of time and ridiculous. Unlike his brother, Shiro has trouble admitting he has people to protect and out of pride, would never admit that he does. Another trait of Shiro is one he shares with his younger brother. He becomes very annoyed by Hiro's stupidity, and has been known to hit Hiro on the head when he says something that displeases him. But despite all of these traits good or bad, if your are deemed important to Shiro he will protect you with his life.

Image| Skills |
Shiro is the spirit of the Moon and Ocean. He used this power to control the attacks at night, during the battle of Izuzan, giving light to the people and darkness to their enemies. He used the ocean to control the water around the enemy camp, filling it with salt and making it undrinkable and the creatures inside inedible. His control over the ocean is able to stretch out to all water around him, so you can always find Shiro by some kind of water source. He lets the moon shine bright whenever the spirits sleep so they have light, this is a sign of his love for them, which he would never admit. His ability to control the moon also helps him control the tides of the oceans and water. Shiro is also an excellent swordsman; has inhuman strength that he uses quite often, along with his natural skill with hand to hand combat.

| Family |
Shiro only has Hiro, his long lost twin brother, any others are just fragments of his forgotten memory. On rare occasions, he will ask Hiro to show him moments in their past when they were "alive", the reason for this is unknown since he never tells anyone way he does it.

| Sexual Orientation |
Unbiased | Proclaims he is Asexual

| History |

So begins...

Shiro Kobayashi's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Kitagami Character Portrait: Felipe Alegre Character Portrait: Shiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Hiro Kobayashi
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Does love include locking a person away from the world and forcing them in a world of solitary confinement? If that was the caseā€¦ then love has a morbid meaning to it. Amaterasu wondered that herself why her parents did that. It was right to assume by every stranger that the parents did it out of love

If onlyā€¦

The girl believed in the word, shes the epitome of nothingness as far as sheā€™s concerned. Love is a mere word derived from a dictionary. Stillā€¦ maybe, just maybe deep inside the respite she calls her soul maybe it still exist, a small side of her that she locked away that awaits the day a person would save it from the deep darkness that she calls her soul. A small side of her listened to his words while the rest already mulled over how they had done it.

Before when she would run out she always did have to wait till the moon was hidden and sneak out into a small escape route by the wall. No one knew it except for her and her brotherā€¦ their secret get away before he too decided to lock her inside. Why? A younger side of her begged her parents for an answer once upon a time.

Only for them to say it was for her protection, does it meanā€¦ having no will is for her protection as well? Having no one to hear her disagree to their wishes, once upon a time she had a voice to voice out those conflicts. But nowā€¦ it didnā€™t matter anymore.
She certainly lost her care for the world.

Dragging out her mind, she forced it back into the world of the living just as Hiro finished speaking, he chuckled. It wasnā€™t the kind oneā€¦ but a more mysterious one, something inside her spoke that something was wrong with it. Thereā€™s sadness in the smile, a deep longing for something that had already passed.

She could only guess it was something in the past. And there the girl knew she had no right to ask just what it was. They just met, even if urmā€¦. He saw her past, future and probably her entire life. He had been the one to kidnap her after all. To get her away from herā€¦ ā€˜prisonā€™


One question remained unanswered.

Why her?

Why did he have to kidnap a girl who had nothing to do with this whole mess? She kept the question at the back of her mind in avoidance to insulting the young man. And hisā€¦ protective brother. She barely heard the conversation between the older twin and the tanned man instead she looked ahead and minded her own thoughts.

She must have been driven deep into them when failed to notice her ā€˜masterā€™s' lack of presence. Silently the girl stopped in her tracks. The others were way ahead of her, she looked back to seeā€¦ him standing frozen on the spot.

Right there, doing nothing except just standing. The girl looked at his quizzically, never uttering a word or a single glimpse of a reaction. Butā€¦ glancing slightly back at the general direction the others went. She felt like she should at least call for the manā€™s brother. Something didnā€™tā€¦ fell right with Hiro at the moment. The empty hallway around them decorated by maple wood floorings made it apparent they were alone. She took a step closer, and then it happened. A small spark of her infamous headache sparked. It started right at her gold eye then travelled to the back of her mind in a split second. Had she not been used to it she would have doubled over. Being the wiser she closed her said eye for a second. The sound of footsteps rushed towards them then the voice of the manā€™s twin shaking the younger twin.

All this took place the moment she had her eye closed. She only opened it when the man carefully carried the lifeless body of the twin and then called out for them to follow him.

Thereā€™s no time to complain and so she did, albeit running at his space was a challenge thanks to the heavy kimono she had on her person. Soft patters sounding from her steps nearly invisible to the hurried ones of Shiro.
Hurry, hurry An inward voice spoke.

Hurry indeed when they passed through doors. She tried her best to keep up in her current predicament. Through five doors they passed. Five gardens that they didnā€™t have the time to admire untilā€¦ the last one, a purple mist floated around them she lifted her hand to touch one of it out of curiosity butā€¦ stopped when her companions rushed ahead.

And she needed to rush with them, but on the ground with only socks on her person? No complains, even as the stones and small pebbles pricked at her heels. A small prick of pain from the small twizzles on the ground that probably few splintered her feet, yet the girl didnā€™t pause for a second,

Around them were several purple and pink trees. Truly it was a sight from the gods. Her face almost gave the expression of awe before she schooled it back to her uncaring faƧade. Ahead she saw Shiro hurrying his twin towards the small bridge right towards the small shrine where a beautiful cherry blossom tree bloomed. As quietly as she could she followed after them then stopped when Hiro slapped his brotherā€™s hand then falling on his back. Had she cared the sight would have made her giggled instead. Her face remained blanked even as Hiro quickly apologized for worrying them. Raising her hand a bit she caught one of the petals blowing in the wind.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Kitagami Character Portrait: Daiki Nagori Character Portrait: Felipe Alegre Character Portrait: Shiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Hiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Kent Lach
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Daiki raised an eye brow at the blonde and he gave a weak smile. "You will not have to do much... Just keep me company as I get lonely... Perhaps get me tea or help me get around if I end up lost in a dream or weaken myself from lack of sleep..." Dai closed his eyes struggling to remember the other questions but they came back to him and Dai sat up deciding to answer them properly. "You will be here until the debt is paid until such a time when it is you will not age and you may chose to stay once it is paid... You will see everyone else again as we will eat together and spend time together... You will only do such things for another spirit if they need it or request it but if you do not wish to... Then don't and I will defend you." Dai took a breath and closed his eyes before opening them again and looking up at him Dai continued to give answers. "You will be well fed I will even cook for you if you'd like... You may sleep here in the garden as I often do or in the room across from mine it is yours to decorate and claim... You will rest whenever you feel it necessary or whenever I deem it needed... I will ensure no nightmares trouble you... I am the spirit of dreams and nightmares after all."


Felipe was very worried for Hiro and made sure to keep quiet and out of the way when Shiro somehow managed to revive the other spirit. Feli let out a long breath. "Mr.Hiro... Please... Don't do that again..." Feli frowned the worry evident on his face. "It brings up bad memories... And even if you did kidnap me and Ama...Amaterasu? I would prefer if you did not injure yourself." The worry and concern was evident in Feli's eyes and face but he did not get to close to Hiro with Shiro nearby... Frankly Shiro scared Feli a little... He did not seem happy with anything... Except for Hiro... But still Feli shook off such thoughts he'd told himself he would be strong and helpful starting off with a slight fear would not help that in anyway shape or form!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Kitagami Character Portrait: Felipe Alegre Character Portrait: Shiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Hiro Kobayashi
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Hiro Kobayashi & Shiro Kobayashi

Hiro bowed again hurriedly,"I-I'm so sorry! You don't have to really is rare for me to go that deep into the labyrinth." Hiro's smile was the same bright one as usual. Shiro saw that Hiro was know fine, and it seemed as all his strength was taken away. He slowly sat down and leaned on top of the wall...Hiro is right this is a rare event. It only happens when Hiro's past is triggered...this is why I didn't want Hiro interacting with the Humans.

"This was quite the experience...Hiro what were you thinking about to go that far in?" Shiro knew the Humans didn't understand what they were talking about so he was being quiet when asking the question. Hiro looked at Shiro sadly,"Mom."

At this word Shiro's face turned cold, and he no longer showed anything on his face. That one word explained everything...and it was never a good sign. Shiro didn't sigh, he didn't shake his head, he just stayed silent for a few minutes. Hiro looked at Shiro,"Brother...I'm sorry. I know you told me not to...But-" Hiro was cut short when Hiro held his hand up signaling him to be quiet.

"Hiro...just don't do it're only hurting yourself by remembering that woman." For a split second Shiro showed a pained expression, and whispered softly to Hiro,"Even if you can go into the can't change what we have just can' stop it Hiro." Hiro looked as if he was going to protest,but stopped when he saw Shiro's rare pained expression. That was the sign he really did go to far, and Hiro yielded, "Yes Sir."

Hiro moved the event pass him and smiled at Felipe and Amaterasu,"Well, you met us, and probably figured out part of our personalities." Hiro glanced over at Shiro who had his head down, and smiled mischievously at Felipe and Amaterasu. In a hushed voice he whispered to them," You know even though Shiro looks like that...he's quite simple. He gets embarrassed very easily when you give him compliments,and is easily jealous of others. He also gets really lonely. It's really fun, I promise it'll be a blast...and a simple way to break through his ice wall, Felipe." Hiro smiled at the two who stared up at him. Shiro saw they were whispering and moved closer, sitting next Hiro. Hiro smirked as he saw that Shiro was lonely, even though he didn't show it on his face. He glanced over at the other two, giving them a I-told-you-so smile.

Shiro leaned on one of the poles and looked straight at the Humans,"Okay...questions." Hiro took this chance to start braiding Shiro's long hair. Shiro glanced at Hiro, than back at the Human's not caring anymore.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Kitagami Character Portrait: Felipe Alegre Character Portrait: Shiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Hiro Kobayashi
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Questions, questions should she ask? Wondered the brunette, she spoke far too much for her comfort. As long as they donā€™t ask for her to speak much then the chance of them getting along was high. As for the questioningā€¦ she paused in her thoughts. Taking the split second to take a glimpse of the tanned man the girl let her thoughts continue.

It be logical to think that the same questions she would ask would be ask by him as well. Not to appear anti-social, sweet Buddha, what was this girl thinking. The definition of loner never left her. They could ask Shiori and Ninna to verify thatā€¦ They are schoolmates after all. Or in Shioriā€™s case they are classmates.

Like how she stays up the school roof to eat her lunch alone with the view of the line cherry blossoms along the school yard. The wind cascading around her body, it played with her long untied hair. Making it a mess and letting fly with the wind. She liked the rooftop, during the time of the cherry blossoms itā€™s sweet scent carried by the ever gentle wind scented the place with its calming scent. From the school it gave her a good view of the mountain and the old abandoned shrine. From the left of the shrine was the centuries old graveyard that even to this day the people still use to bury their dead.

Hey, what do you expect from a rural town away from the mainland?

Usually this place possessed more superstitious elders rather than back at the place she was born and raised in. Tokyoā€¦ did she look like a city girl? Wellā€¦ If her inexistent social life existed maybeā€¦ perhaps she would act like one.

If onlyā€¦she actually learned to be sociable.

If only she learned some people skills.


The girl in all her silence moved just like a ghost towards the porch where she soon sat watching the three interact. Felipe soft scolding towards Hiro already spoke so much of the boy. Heā€™s caring even to the people that literally kidnapped them from their beds. Not like she complainedā€¦ actually, this was a new experience she was still trying to grasp. What did they expect from a social outcast? Harsh? Yes but quite the truth. Worry, it spelled clearly on Felipeā€™s face. Her own thoughts merely voiced out the same things Felipe spoke but she didnā€™t speak it out loud.

What kind of an introvert would she be if she spoke it out? Certainly not herā€¦ Her face still remained ever so blank but in her eyes a flicker of worry did appear. Did they manage to already crack her wall? A small chibi version of the girl wearing worker clothes quickly ran to inspect it. Pretty soon theyā€™ll probably just abandon her, or leave her in a room lock up for eternity.
Jeezā€¦ so much for faith in humaniā€”Errā€¦ the spirit world.

Trust always was an issue for herā€¦ not like she ever showed she cared about it. But itā€™s nice to see she does have a small piece that actually cares for it. No matter how much she wanted to strangle that piece of her and just crawl at the far side of the room and sketch.

Yupā€¦ such a recluse she is.

Raising her head from the ground she found herself staring at she looked back towards the conversation. The silent child listened as Hiro poked fun with his twin. Hmmā€¦ would it be the same if her brother was here right now?
Nope not really,

Her lips moved to speak then paused as Shiro took the chance to do so. Questionsā€¦

Questions, maybe she should let Felipe do that? Speaking always did make her feel a bit opened. A gentle breeze flapped its wings around the garden itā€™s invisible hands caressed the gentle blooms of the purple and pink trees as they also followed the direction the wind dragged them too. Soft flowering flowers on the ground swayed in a dance along with it. In the air, the sweet scent of the wild flowers and the sakura mixed in gentle harmony. All in all, it was such a peaceful garden. A brown bird chirped and flew around the twins beforeā€¦ it perched right a top her head.

ā€œā€¦.ā€ Not even a twitch. Well except for a light quirk of her eyebrow did she react to the bird that was currently sitting at the crown of her hair, her eyes were still on them. Finally her lips moved again, ā€œā€¦What about lodging? And what exactly do we need to do?ā€ She finally asked in that equally quiet voice Hiro first heard from her. The girl found no reason to raise her voice higher than her original tone which was to say. Sounded more like a whisper than anything else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Kitagami Character Portrait: Daiki Nagori Character Portrait: Felipe Alegre Character Portrait: Shiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Hiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Kent Lach
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Daiki blinked. His human certainly asked allot of questions... "Of course..." Daiki closed his blue eyes allowing himself to rest for a moment sleep wanted to pull him down into it's murky depths he wanted to dream of beautiful things he would and could then share with everyone else why they slept so they would all be well rested... But he could not... It was still to early and there was so much to do... Opening his tired eyes Dai looked up at Kent blue eyes clashing with gold... But Dai never allowed emotion to leak into his eyes... Or not many emotions... He did not wish to scare the human... But it was bound to happen... Kent was bound to hate him or find him freakish... Even when there had been other humans before they had all feared him to an extent... Perhaps it was because of how he'd fought back in the times or war... Perhaps it was because he mentioned his ability over both the plains that are dreams and nightmares...

Blinking to cut the gave between the two Dai shakily pulled himself to stand. He hated how he appeared so fragile and yet still scared others... He would rather be thought off as delicate then a creature of nightmares... But he wold not allow his sleepiness and shaky-ness. "Hm... Please follow." Dai stepped down into the soft grass and began to make his rounds of the garden he gazed into the deep clear random pools around the sunny side of the garden admiring the strange ruins or columns or other objects that colorful fish swam around... He checked the hydrangeas in the shadowy part of the garden next ensuring they were healthy and finally he checked each sunflower... Yes there were many but each one he was just as careful with as the last... He would feel the petals and smell the sweet honey smell the golden flowers gave off. When he was finished with his care of his flowers he finally walks back into the shadows following the rock path over the delicate water he slipped into the trees moving deeper into his wild garden. Each new area was just as unique as the last and in each area he stopped to pick some fruit. An apple here... A plum... Some wild strawberries... When the spirit was pleased with his bounty he turned abruptly and handed the colorful mixture of fruit to Kent... He held it out like a peace offering all the while keeping his eyes locked onto the ground refusing to look up at the tall blonde and scare him with his piercing gaze.


Felipe blinked... Hiro had asked him to give Shiro a chance... That Shiro was shy and... Jealous? Hiro had to be joking? Right... Ok well... Maybe not... Once upon a time Feli had not been such a happy boy yet people had given him a chance he had to give off the same courtesy! Fine... He would give spirit a chance... Even if he was a little scary. Slowly reeling himself out of his thoughts Feli looked over at Amaterasu... Her whispers were hard to hear but the questions she asked were the ones Feli was going to ask anyway ok well... Feli had allot more questions but one thing at a time! "Umm..." Feli thought about how to word his questions he was careful with it after all what if he insulted someone! That would simply not do when he was trying to make friends. "Are we allowed to explore the shrine and gardens? A-and... Are we allowed to see the other humans... I mean!" Feli's face lit up. He'd just told himself not to word the questions wrong! And here he sounded like he'd not taken Amaterasu into account! And that he wanted to run away.

Now feeling embarrassed Feli closed his blue/green orb like eyes and spoke quickly. "I-I mean... I-I know Amaterasu i-is here b-but I kinda wanna meet and be friends with everyone! A-And the shrine seems so big so I wanna see everything so I don't get lost and cause troubles and end up being useless! Ahh! I'm talking so much I'm sorry!" Feli forced his mouth to close when he bowed and shoved his now tan and very red face into his hands. He refused to open his eyes! He would keep his eyes closed until the sky fell anything to not see Shiro's annoyed face looking down at him... The spirit wanted someone quiet and he got Feli... Feli wasn't quiet! Feli was curious and loud and happy... He'd messed up already he knew it. Slowly lifting his face back up but keeping his hand over his face he parted his fingers... And opened one of his warm shy eyes to the purple world of Hiro's garden... He wanted to see anything but annoyance on Shiro's face...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Kitagami Character Portrait: Felipe Alegre Character Portrait: Shiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Hiro Kobayashi
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Hiro Kobayashi & Shiro Kobayashi

Hiro paused as Amaterasu took the first step, and asked a question. He smiled more to himself than to them, when he heard her small voice in a whisper. It let Hiro know that she probably didn't speak all that much, which he was fine with. Felipe on the other hand sounded like Hiro when he was trying to introduce himself earlier in the day. This caused Hiro to let out a laugh, which he quickly sucked back in. He looked at Shiro to see his reaction to Felipe's mumbling, and rather than a blank expression, he showed a different face.

Hiro smirked,"So you can make that kind of face to other people? I'm jealous now, I thought you only gave me that look." Hiro was laughing while he continued to braid Shiro's hair. He whistled to the birds in an alluring sound. Immediately the small birds started to bring flowers toward Hiro. Once they all had at least one, they began to drop them around Hiro's body. Hiro thanked the birds, and picked up the flowers one by one as he braided it into Shiro's hair.

Shiro didn't seem to notice this crime. He was still stuck on Hiro's last statement, about his face. Shiro couldn't see it,but he knew what kind of face he was making. His face wasn't...annoyed...but it wasn't happy. It was a mixture of disbelief and amusement without the smile. Shiro didn't look at Hiro, keeping his face to the side,"I do't know what you mean?"

Hiro gave a sneaky smile,"Your surprised aren't you? Isn't this the first time, that a human actually spoke to you? Usually they would be to scared,since your not the nicest person." Shiro's expression changed back to it's normal blank state,"Shut up Hiro." Hiro snickered at Shiro, he than turned to the Humans with a rare serious expression, which caught them off guard.

"Well...So many questions...Okay, to start off...lodging. It's...different with me and Shiro,unlike the other spirits... we sleep in the same place. One day I will be in his garden and the next in mine. It's quite rare to see us I believe it's really up to you guys where you want to stay. We are always prepared so we have enough extra rooms for you two in either garden, but if you don't like traveling you can just stay in the garden of your choice. I'll make sure to show you guys the rooms in this garden and then the rooms in Shiro's garden."

Shiro nodded in agreement, it wasn't a huge nod, but it was noticeably enough. He glanced over at Amaterasu, than at Felipe. He seemed to be pondering about something, his staring lasted for a good few minutes, before he let out a silent sigh. "I guess, I'm going to be the bad guy. The reason you are here is to repay a debt that was forgotten a long time ago. Here you will most likely work, clean, and do other various things. You will also get to enjoy yourselves and have some fun, so don't worry. How long you'll stay here...a decade or more." Shiro said this in a rehearsed voice, like it was a normal thing to say.

Hiro quickly changed the subject, so that the Humans wouldn't start to worry," To answer your other questions! Yes and No. You are able to explore the shrine,even visit other spirit's gardens. But with Shiro's and my garden there are some rules. One, you aren't allowed to go into the dark side of our gardens. Two, don't touch my cherry tree or Shiro's moon flower. Three, Do not cut down or pull out any trees,root,flowers, or weeds.. And Four,you may not wonder past the bridges, in either of our gardens without are supervision" He pointed to the bridge that led to another side of the garden.

Hiro saw the worry on Felipe's face. He knew that he was thinking about the others more than himself at the moment. He was probably worried about...Kent...if Hiro could remember correctly. Hiro laughed a little as he looked at Felipe's facial expression," And don't worry, you guys will be able to see the other Humans quite frequently. So...any other questions?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Kitagami Character Portrait: Daiki Nagori Character Portrait: Felipe Alegre Character Portrait: Shiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Hiro Kobayashi Character Portrait: Ninna Olla
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Daiki was secretly pleased with how well things had been going with his human. The blonde showed no signs of fear and although he did smell like smoke (much to Dai's disapproval) he hoped they would get along fine. "Please eat... They are healthy and shall keep you strong... I cannot have you getting sick." Dai frowned and looked about his garden wondering if they should go deeper or return to the central part of the garden...

But before Dai could decide he suddenly went wide eyed. "Strange... Someone is calling me but they know quite well I am never in my room during the day..." Sighing Dai grabbed Kent's shirt (not his arm he was too shy for actually physical contact) and pulled the blonde along quickly. Dai returned to the central part of the garden and turned to one of the large trees shading one half of his garden. It was difficult to notice but within the wood there was the distinct shape of a door. Dai turned to Kent as he pushed open the door revealing a very plain ordinary bedroom. It seems that the tree door was where a closet should be. "There are many shortcuts and secret areas... I shall show you more latter but keep them secret... Ok?" Dai smiled a gentle awkward smile as he made a 'shhh' motion with his finger pressed to his pink lips. Keeping the door open Dai stepped into his room and pulled open the front door. "Ninna... Has Yajirushi requested my presence... Because if not I believe you two should be getting know one another." Dai's tone was cold not annoyed or happy just cold and emotionless. It took him awhile to warm up to anyone... He'd only begun getting use to the blonde's presence so he already felt overwhelmed just trying to make conversation with the purple headed individual.


Felipe could not express the sheer relief that melted over his body when he saw Shiro looking relaxed and amused. Slowly Feli pulled his hands away from his pink cheeks and smiled. "Hmm... I cook and clean all the time so Il do my very best~" Feli smiled his heart felt... Slightly (more then slightly) shattered at the realization he'd not see his family again... But... What did his mama always say? 'Keep moving forward and always be brave and happy as you can!' Yeah! No way he would disappoint his mama. Smiling Feli rested his chin on his knees which he'd brought up close to his chest. "Hey... Shiro your the spirit of the ocean and the moon right?" Feli's eyes went wide his curiosity causing him to look like a kitten who'd just spotted a yarn ball for the first time. "So... Does that mean your garden is full of water and always nighttime???" Feli squirmed. "I really wanna see it~ I bet it's so pretty~ Il be able to paint lots of things while I'm here... I already wanna paint Amaterasu..." Feli turned to the girl a sweet innocent smile on his face. "You have the perfect eyes to be captured so lively~" Feli giggled. "I also wanna paint Hiro... Your eyes are also really pretty~ Shiro's are too... But I wanna paint him under a bright full moon... I feel like that would be the only time I could capture his essence... Or maybe right now." Feli's fear was slowly falling off and the more he talked about his secret passion for painting the more his features lit up. His smile became happier and his strange expressive blue/green eyes had there spark back. 'I won't disappoint you mama I will definitely find a way to be happy here.'