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Let There Be Death



a part of Let There Be Death, by LoveHateKindOfGirl.


LoveHateKindOfGirl holds sovereignty over Wonderland, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Wonderland is a part of Let There Be Death.

18 Characters Here

Lyra Nitch [13] Oh, looky here! More guest for tea! Splendid! I'm always looking to spread freash blood on the walls!
King Kuronai [0] "Amazing what you can get them to do with a kiss.."
Conary [0] "When I awoke, the old Wonderland was already no more..."
Andrew Wicker [0] "And now for tonights entertainment, your blood will be splatered all over the walls!"
Taara Lavetia [0] "You don't understand, i am not here by choice . . ."
Darius & Valene Cerio [0] "Oh my . . . We do seem to have done something bad again haven't we?"
Estella [0] Lets go together shall we
Elysium's Maze [0] His work, his life, his obsession, and all the things included.
Aradia Rose [0] You want in? You want out? Well, let me help you in that quest!
Darrek [0] "Oh No! That can't possiblly be the time!"

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Taara blushed as he said the last bit and smiled. Everything he said was true but what she found a little embarassing was his cute expression as he stared at his shoes.
"Then i suppose i must stay." she said and took the cup from Jonathan. The others didn't seem completely bewildered or incapable because otherwise they wouldn't have survived. She stared at them a little bit longer before taking a sip of her tea. It wasn't the best, but it was still very good.
Taara cleared her throat before addressing the other Alice's."I have the ability to create Illusions and, if i have enough energy, make things out of thin air. It's very difficult to do and even harder to maintain but it is quite useful. I have been here for 6 years, since . . . yesterday." she said, frowning a little. "That means i'm 17 now . . ." she said quietly but turned her attention back to the others.


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#, as written by allonsy
Kit broke himself out of his self imposed reverie. It had been a nice, extended day dream. Sitting comfortably on Jonathan's floor, he had imagined that he was back on the surface world, the head of an amazingly successful research laboratory that specialized in a grand new kind of explosive powder that was detonated by thought. He was a multi-millionaire with a fleet of sports cars and a rather attractive lingerie model wife who had Artemis' face and hair. All in all a good day dream.

He awoke from this day dream, sitting on the floor of cave, that was also a house that was covered in paper and bric-a-brac, surrounded by people he didn't know, one of whom was throwing crockery around, one of whom was someone he had never seen before, not even for thirty seconds and the third of whom was actually a butterfly. He sipped his tea and wrinkled his nose. It had gone cold. He glanced around the room once more and wished he could go back into the day dream again. Alas, it was not meant to be. He rubbed the fingers of his right hand against his palm and held the tea cup there, reheating it through his skin, taking a sip as steam wafted from the top. Mmmm. Perfect. Glancing at the women, he started to feel drastically outnumbered in this land. He looked to Jonathan.

"So. Other than the obvious why on Earth do these Dark Alice figures want to kill us?"

He sipped his tea again, feeling the need for a biscuit. A good biscuit, preferably chocolatey.

"Don't suppose you have any biscuits do you? Running for your life tends to make one awfully peckish."


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The Tea Gardens

As always, the music played by the Hatter’s ensemble was all too fitting. Despite the beautiful harmonies, Edward couldn’t help but feel there was underlying discord in the notes – a madness beneath the melody. Amused at the notion, the boy reached for one of the sugary scones and bit into it. Not sweet enough for his liking.

Lyra then spoke as she twirled around the room with her butler, about the Alice wielding ice. Liking the crumbs off his fingers, Edward grimaced. He vividly remembered that Alice – she had been a fair archer as well. The other one that escaped seemed to bear fire, even if it had only been a brief flame Edward saw. Elysium was correct. The new Alices truly were growing more and more powerful. ’All the more reason to be rid of them,’ he thought.

Now, the Dark Alices had gathered to share information, but Edward wasn’t all too sure he wanted to divulge what he knew. Rather, in the end, he would probably go looking for them on his own – or better yet, slit the White Rabbit’s throat before he could drag any more surface dwellers down the rabbit hole.

The March Hare’s Dwelling

Conary smiled at Jonathan when he actually managed to convince the newcomer to stay. He always had been awful with apologies, but she assumed his current manner worked well enough. As for the Alice, the young lady seemed clever – she had to be if she had survived in the current Wonderland for six years now.

Just then, Conary noticed one of the other Alices, an older figure near the back, start. He seemed to be coming out of a daze, and she couldn’t help but think the disappointment on his face was rather interesting to watch. When he started speaking of biscuits, Conary couldn’t help but follow along. She could already predict Jonathan’s reaction to the request, but she always found his reactions rather entertaining.

“Yes, biscuits would be lovely, Jonathan. I’m sure you have some around here somewhere,” she said with a smile. Her violet eyes held a light of laughter to them, though she kept her voice even.


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#, as written by Timothy
Elysium ~

He dipped his finger cautiously into a cup of tea he'd made for himself. Mostly, it seemed, in order to see the small swirls made by the hot beverage as he removed it. Perhaps he ought to install a layer of water within the labyrinth, he thought to himself. One where the wanderers could fight tidal waves and monstrous sharks, perhaps. Elysium made a mental note of this, to be considered further once he returned home.

The madman's eyes drifted over to where Edward was standing, still clearly unhappy about the discussion going on around him. Though familiar with the other Dark Alice's madness, Elysium still wondered about the story behind Edward's particular obsession. Of course, he knew better than to ask. Most of the Alices could be quite enraged when their past was brought up - things had changed rapidly, and many of them had things they'd rather let lie. Elyisum wasn't sure if he was one of them, as his past most often went unspoken of either way.

Even so, he thought he recognized the look in Edward's eyes as Lyra spoke. He wanted them all for himself, possibly to prove his worth or only to stifle his own obsession.

"It is obvious that we should co-operate in order to extinguish the danger once and for all," Elysium said, though barely audible. "Though I'm willing to admit these... insects... can be quite amusing, it will most certainly be less fun once we all lie dead before their feet."

Jonathan ~

"So. Other than the obvious why on Earth do these Dark Alice figures want to kill us?"

"Oh, the same old reasons. Ruling the world, killin' for fun, the promise of unlimited rice pudding," Jonathan said dryly, still slightly quiet after his awkward apology to Taara. "They're the ones that got thrown into Wonderland and discovered that they simply don't want to return home. They want things to stay as they are, so that they can be who they wanna be," he continued, a spot of sorrow in his voice for those who cared to listen closely.

He made his own cup of tea and put it on the table, studying it closely for a few seconds, until Kit and Conary spoke.

"Don't suppose you have any biscuits do you? Running for your life tends to make one awfully peckish."

“Yes, biscuits would be lovely, Jonathan. I’m sure you have some around here somewhere.”

"Biscuits?" Jonathan asked, with a horrified look on his face. The rage was back. "Here I am, offering you tea like a proper gentleman, and you demand biscuits as well? I - And I suppose you want chocolate bits in them as well, hm? Well!"

Jonathan stomped his feet and returned to the kitchen yet another time, rummaging through his cupboards.

"Tea isn't good enough for m'lords and ladies," he snarled, "No, I suppose they'll be asking for cakes next!" He paused, sticking his head through the door opening to narrow his eyes at them again. "I am not making a bloody cake!" he shouted.

Even so, he returned with a jar of chocolate biscuits, putting it on the table before them, and sitting down in his chair to sulk, sipping his tea.


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Taara looked surprised when Jonathan went storming off into the other room growling about how terrible it was that they demanded biscuits. There was noise in the kitchen as he threw things around looking for the biscuit jar when he suddenly poked his head through again.
"I am NOT making a bloody cake!!!" he shouted and disappeared back into the kitchen. Taara giggled a little at this comment entirely for the randomness of it all. There was more noise and then Jonathan reappeared with a jar which he set on the table before slumping into his chair. She frowned a little confused. 'He must like our company otherwise he wouldn't get all this stuff for us.' she decided at last.
"Thank you Jonathan." she said politely and took one, taking a bit she widened her eyes. "These are delicious!" she said amazed and nibbled on it more rapidly, though she was careful not to make it seem rude. "So how do we take out the Dark alices? We will need all the help we can get, especially when we have to face that maze. There's no telling what will happen."


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#, as written by allonsy
Kit had been raised well, by a string of carers instead of actual parents but nevertheless, he had been brought up, not dragged up. He had table manners, he had decorum, he had....holy crap was that chocolate on those biscuits?!

All manners forgotten, he darted over to the table where Jonathan had plonked the cookie jar, rambling on about cakes before he sat down to sulk again. That boy had two moods, raging and sulking. The newest girl took a bite from the biscuit and declared them delicious. That was all the prompting Kit needed. That and the chocolate slathered on them. He grabbed a handful and munched them down like a man who had never eaten before. Well, hadn't eaten anything other than a half fluffy chocolate bar in the past week or so. Licking the crumbs from his fingers, he grabbed a few more (surreptitiously hiding a couple in his pockets) and sat back down in his spot on the floor, cross legged. He looked to the new girl as she spoke again and waited as the room fell silent, Artemis standing stoically in the back, the new girl on a chair, the butterfly, well, hovering he supposed and Jonathan once again sulking in his chair.

"How do we take them out? Well, I think we have to find them all first. Might be easier to strike at them when they're all converged in one spot instead of mindlessly tracking them down around Wonderland."

He drained the last of his tea and looked over to their sullen host.

"Jonathan, seriously, thank you. Thank you for taking us in, for the tea, for the biscuits...Hell, thank you for giving us somewhere to just sit for an hour without having to look out for suicide bomber daisies."

He placed his tea cup on the floor next to himself, devouring another biscuit rapidly.

"Also, buddy, gotta give me the recipe for these things."


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The whole time Artemis had only spoke of her name, and that was it. She watched the newer people in the room with careful, non-trusting eyes. Heck, she looked at all of them in the room like that. Every time she exhaled a icy mist passed her slightly parted lips, hanging in the air for a second before vanishing all together. Standing in the back of the room, behind the others a little ways, she was hidden partially in the shadows, holding a tungsten tipped arrow in her right hand. Her gloved thumb ran across the tip before a sharp pain seared up her right arm causing her muscles to tense, releasing the arrow as it fell to the ground with a gentle 'clank'. It was not heard, however, Johnathan was ranting about cakes, you couldn't hear anything.

Art placed a hand on the white cloth tied around the upper part of her right arm. It was drenched in her own crimson red liquid, drying now since the cut was from earlier. It still ached though. With a gentle sigh and the slight clench of her jaw beneath her dark hood, she grabbed the end of the cloth and yanked it off. She cringed some from the wisp of pain the quick movement brought, shaking out of her right, metal shoulder-pad. It hit the floor with a louder thud, the bloody cloth floating down after it to land on top. Artemis was already reaching for the rip in her shirt from the cut the cat-like thing gave her. She ripped it further down her sleeve as she gazed at the wound. It was a strange dark red color, the skin around it rosy pink-ish purple. She quirked a brow, head turning towards the group as they began talking about 'How to take out the Dark Alice's.'

"How do we take them out? Well, I think we have to find them all first. Might be easier to strike at them when they're all converged in one spot instead of mindlessly tracking them down around Wonderland."

That was the most stupidest idea Art had heard. "Our first mistake would be trying to take them out together. First off, we don't know what they're bringing to the table. What if they are stronger than us? Most likely they are. Taking them out with all of them grouped up is just idiotic. We'd be picked off. I say staying in a group and tracking them down would possibly be better." she explained quickly, voice smooth and calm sounding, almost blunt. It was the second time she had spoke, a new record. Finally stepping closer to the group, she didn't care if they gawked at her tore shirt, hadn't anyone ever seen a cut before?

Lifting her left hand she slid it back across her head, knocking her hood off. It fell around her shoulders, black hair framing her face, it a bit unkempt from the hood always being on. "Also, I have never seen this maze before. How big is it? Does anyone know any paths? I'm thinking when we get to it flame boy here can burn the thing to the ground.Unless, stone.. Hmm.. No way around..." Artemis went on grumbling the last part to herself, glancing at Kit, then Johnathan as she bent down a little, grabbing herself a cup of tea. As she touched it, however, the liquid inside froze over, the cup bursting into a million tiny, glass shards in her hands, falling to the floor. Her eyes widened barely, "I apologize, I still haven't got this ice thing under control." she explained almost sheepishly, taking a step back once more, dusting the shards from her gloves. She hoped Johnathan wouldn't go crazy.. He had broke many of his cups himself! It was an accident!


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David let go of her and walked away, "Aw, i was having fun." she turned on her heel and walked over to her guest. 'Elysium, how is that "present" i sent you?" she said, cringing. even without saying mother, it still aggravated her to think of her. the woman who so badly wanted for Lyra to call her mother would only beat her and her sister. she looked down and clasped her hands together tightly, that woman also is the reason why her sister id dead.


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#, as written by Timothy
Elysium ~

Bright eyes drifted over to meet Lyra's gaze as she came over, asking him about the victim - he assumed - that her servant had dropped off earlier. He shrugged.

"I'm planning on setting her out in the maze as soon as she's healed from the wounds you inflicted on her," he answered softly. "Rule thirty-five prevents me on setting her out in the maze until she is of able physical strength, as she was given to me and did not enter the maze of free will. Once she has had her fun within it though, I'm thinking of making her into a door," he continued absently, putting down his tea. "There's a lonely door towards the east that could truly do with a companion every other Tuesday."

Jonathan ~

He glared at Artemis, but nodded slightly, drinking a bit of his tea. "The cutlery wrecker has a point," he said. "We would be idiots if we tried going after all of them at the same time. The more we are, and the fewer they are, the better. I'm guessing you've all seen what one of those bastards can be capable on their own, now try imagining them teaming up. Though I suppose they'd spend a lot of time bickering about the best way to kill you, eventually, they would have. Probably in the most horrible way imaginable to man," he finished.

Jonathan suddenly look surprised, as if he'd remembered something incredibly important while the others spoke. He got up from his chair, knocking down his teacup on the way, but completely ignoring the loud crash it made as it hit the papers covering the floor.

The March Hare practically jumped into a larger pile of papers in the corner of the room, beside the fireplace where the hatch still stood open.

"As soon as I went into hiding, I tried my best to get as much information on the main Alice's as I could," he explained, dragging forth a A4-shaped box from the bottom of the pile. "Though it’s difficult to gather anything on these people without getting yourself killed, you'd be surprised what you can understand from simple observation."

He paused, blowing a strand of hair out of his face, bringing the box up to his face. "Hm," he said. "Wrong box," before throwing it away and diving into the pile once again.

"Ah. Now. The maze stretches as far as the eye can see, and in-between several dimensions. It's attuned to the mind of its owner, and I don't even think he has complete control over the entire thing. Our best shot would be to lure him out of it, and hope the maze falls when he dies," he explained, covered in dust and small pieces of ripped paper having settled in his hair.

"I've only ever spoken to one survivor. They don't know how old or how cruel the owner is, as he seldom comes out. To break a part of the maze can either result in getting even more lost than you already were, or you could call upon yourself the rage of the creatures that live within it," he was reading aloud, now, squinting his eyes at the page in front of him. He was getting old. "As for the owner himself... In truth, I've never seen him. Never met anyone who has."

Pushing some more random papers of yet another table inside the room, he began putting down the ones that included information about the other Dark Alices, as far as Jonathan had managed to gather over the many years he'd been here.

They were all orderly written out, all including things like "type of madness", "domain". Under "description", there were two that stood out. Elysium, though not named, was a crudely drawn picture of a reptile or dragon like creature with large bug eyes and tentacle hair. On Lyra, the Mad Hatter, there was a slightly out-of-focus picture of a young girl; quite different from the one Artemis and Kit had run into earlier. It was still quite obviously the same girl, and yet there were many small things that simply seemed... Off.


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Taara was completely ignoring all of the breaking and instead stared at the information Jonathan had gathered with awe. She had her own files at home about each Dark Alice but they weren't as good as Jonathan's. She picked up one of the pictures and stared at it. Lyra was out of focused and smiling slightly though she seemed a lot younger. Obviously the Dark Alices had been here much longer than she had.
"I would suggest that if we must go into the maze that we do it as a last resort only. There is no way at all that we could actually get out unless we kill the Maze master once we get in. As for the guard of wonderland i suggest the first thing we do is make him think we are all very weak. And they think I no longer exist so it's best if they don't know about me for as long as possible. Crys might be a bit difficult because of her shadows of course but it should be fine. Then there is Lyra who tends to make her opponents think they are safe until she suddenly pulls something out you would never expect, after that the twins who don't fight fair. They capture you then torture you from what i hear. After that i have no idea." she said quietly picking up a piece of paper while all the faces started appearing and disappearing like a movie on the sheet.

She pulled at her sword absent mindedly. She was nervous around this bunch and Artemis was giving her a glare of suspicion and Kit was simply chowing down on a biscuit with no awareness of Artemis or Jonathan whatsoever, or at least he didn't show it. The butterfly seemed to be taking in the scene with amusement. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't remember her true form Taara would have felt completely out numbered by the madness.


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Lyra nodded, "if you want a fun game you must make it fair." she said to Elysium, before calling Miranda to her side. "Miranda, please make sure that crys is ok, it not like her to be late." she said, giving her maid a map so she could get in and out of crys forrest saftly and walked back over towards David. "david, come, be social, there is no reason why you should feel like you should not interact." she grabbed him by the hand a dragged him over to the table and he put his hand around her waist, not saying a word, as always. Lyra simply loved David, he amused her and encouraged her killing.


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#, as written by Ruriko
Darius and Valene watched with amusement, listening carefully to each conversation. Crys still wasn't here which was putting everyone on nerve but they all played it calm. The twins watched as Lyra danced with her butler and Darius smiled at Valene.
"A dance, m'lady?" he bowed and Valene accepted. Lyra told her favorite maid Miranda to go check on Crys and gave her a map. The twins frowned at each other before Darius asked,"How should we take care of the white rabbit? It is the reason that we have to gather like-"
"-This in the first place. And who is to say he wont bring more of these insects into Wonderland." Valene finished and they nodded in unison. "Not to mention the more we wait here the stronger the Alices get, and the better chance more come in." Darius broke away from his sister and back to the table where he picked up a glass of tea. Valene glared a little upset with her brother but said nothing and instead moved away from him with distaste.


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Estella was walking down the trail of the Nightmare forest. She was wearing a sterling blue dress that had very small amounts of white lace. Her long black hair was following behind her with no tangle in sight. Her steps were quiet and extra careful. How she fears of being alone in the nightmare forest and what happens if she meets Cheshire Cat! She shook her head not wanting to think of such a scary thought.
Estella continued on to the Tea Gardens in the middle of wonderland, because right now she felt like that is the only place safe right now. Well, except from all the posions and tea. She sighed as she walked with dull strides. Her dull blue eyes glanced everywhere there has been a snap of a stick or a crunch of dead leaves. "This forest.." She said quietly not finishing when she saw the opening of the forest ahead. Soon enough she will be at the Tea Garden, safe for maybe 5 minutes. Which is alot to wish for, expecially in Wonder land, Estella thought with dry humor.


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The Tea Gardens

Lyra’s events always grew tedious, and sure enough, Edward began to grow tired of the dancing and music of the ball. There didn’t seem to be as much information as he had expected anyway. “I’m taking a walk,” he announced, rising from his seat, but grabbed a good number of cookies as he left the room. Despite how large the Hatter’s manor was, he always felt like he was drowning in the insanity within it. The spacious ballroom might as well have been suffocating him with music and tea.

The first step he took outside was refreshing. The cool wind messed up further his already messy black hair, but that didn’t matter to him. He took a moment to close his eyes and relish it. Sometimes he found it difficult to believe that the very air of wonderland had been tainted with madness. It didn’t seem possible when it felt the same as it always had, before the Dark Alices changed the land. However, Edward knew that the breeze held malice, along with the soil itself. The fact that it was partially his fault somewhat ate away at him…

“I bet those new Alices are still at the March Hare’s place,” he mumbled out loud, attempting to direct his thoughts away from the past. Suddenly losing his appetite, he dropped the cookies one by one, each dissipating into thin air before they hit the ground. They weren’t gone – he had just simply put them into storage. With just a bit more concentration, his favorite scythe materialized in his hands. The weapon held no trace of the blood it had seen just that morning. “Lyra’s servants do a top notch job as always,” he mused, admiring the glint of the azure blade in the sunlight.

Although he said he was simply going for a walk, he now felt the urge to go search for the Alices himself. He always did enjoy a head start… but at the same time, the other Dark Alices probably wouldn’t take him abandoning the party in good stride. Either way, he could afford to linger outside some more. Swinging his scythe to make himself a patch free of carnivorous grass, Edward sat on the ground and sighed. Those Alices and the White Rabbit had to be dealt with, and fast… slipping into the depths of his thoughts, he absently turned his scythe in his hands, gazing at it distantly.


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Estella finally reached the tea garden. You would assume that she was happy but she wasent, not anymore. She spotted Edward also know as Twiddle dee. She hid behind a tree hopping he hasent seen her. Estella bit her lower lip to keep in the heavy breathing come from her. It wasent the best time to see Twiddle Dee, all she wanted was 5 minutes of peace and safety. But then again, Estella would have to face him sooner or later right? She sighed quietly wondering what she should do.

[ooc:sorry its so short laggy computar..]


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#, as written by Timothy
Though he noticed Edward leaving the room, he decided not to comment, finding a seat by the wall. The twins were talking, mostly to each other, and Lyra was busy flirting with her butler. With a sigh, he wondered ever so slightly if the maze was alright, and if he was needed back in his castle any time soon. It seemed the other Dark Alices knew little of the danger ahead, and most of them didn't seem too worried. Perhaps it was time to take a few measures for himself. Elysium closed his eyes for a moment.

In the maze, one of the brick creatures suddenly had a brilliant idea, and managed to find his way out of the labyrinth without any trouble. As he stood by the opening, watching it disappear behind him, the creature wondered why the idea had come to him in the first place, before he realized. It was on a mission now, as it reared its ugly head in the direction of the Rabbit Hole. With newfound determination, the lizard moved swiftly over the ground, slithering across the surface with practiced ease, seemingly ignoring the fact that this was the first time he saw grass in his life.


The March Hare hesitated for a moment while Taara spoke. "You can probably leave Lyra to me," he said. "As for the maze master - if we're lucky he wont come out of his maze before we've managed to take the others, so we wont have to worry about him for now. However, Edward didn't look to happy with the two of you -" he pointed to Kit and Artemis, "so there's a good chance he'll want to take you down as fast as possible."


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Lyra walked away from David, she ended up stopping in the middle of the room and laughed loudly. "Why don't we all pick an Alice and kill it!" she practically screamed. she licked the idea, it made the game more interesting. she thought of Johnathan, things would have been different if he believed her when she went to his house after her mother had killed her sister, if only believed her. she frowned at the thought.


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#, as written by Timothy
"Dearest Lyra, you speak as if you're planning some sort of fox hunt," Elysium said, absently, but he couldn't hide the slight smile on his face. Though hunting wasn't his way of working, he knew many of the Alices might try to seek refuge in his maze if his allies decided to go that way.

"Though, would it not be a good idea to gather more information on the miscreants before we exterminate them?" he wondered.


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Lyra cocked her head to the left and looked at Elysium, peering deep into his eyes and trying to get a glimpse at his soul, "Yes, that does sound like a splendid idea." she said, walking up close to him, still starring into his eyes, "You must like games." she said, a devious grin growing across her face. "I have a little riddle for you." she couldn't help but grin. "If a knife is dripping with crimson liquid and a body lay dead on the floor, was the knife used to kill the person?" she laughed, pulling her knife from her pocket and humming happily, she wasn't going to kill him, devils no, she just simply wanted to see he get scared.


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#, as written by Timothy
Elysium's eyes drifted across the room, refusing to stay still as Lyra attempted to lock his gaze. Eventually, however, his eyes met hers, as he sighed.

"If a knife is dripping with crimson liquid and a body lay dead on the floor, was the knife used to kill the person?"

"Not if the perpetrator wielding the knife was ripped to pieces before he or she could put it to it's proper use." he answered dryly. Though there was little chance Lyra would actually use the knife on him, he refused to let himself being intimidated. He spent enough time being shifty and pathetic for his own gain.


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Lyra smiled, "Takes a Murderer to know one." she said, grinning as she walked away from Elysium, "Many can die but i think we can't." she said boldly, "We know this land like the back of our hand. What could be a possible scenario where we die, who could any of us be killed?" lyra smiled, she liked good story, especially the one filled with death.