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Lonely Hearts

Lonely Hearts


Even 'Geeks' As they're called wanna find love...

2,194 readers have visited Lonely Hearts since JayZeroSnake created it.


There's always a group labeled in School as the 'Geeks.' The Unpopular people. The Outcasted ones. For their Glasses? Outfits? Mannerisms? Hobbies? Grades? It could be for a million reasons, or none.

But They're not really all that bad. I mean, they're not crazy beautiful, but they've got some looks. The guys look, dress, and act like guys, And the girls with their art and music, makeup, and all that, not needing big boobs or being a total bombshell. They do stuff that's normal like Gaming, to something different like making movies, or parkour and martial arts even.



Every character shares the same interests and stuff, like Gaming or art. The difference is each will prefer one attribute more than another. Remember that the Couples do not have to follow a pattern based on interest.

In addition to the 'Geeks,' There are the 'Elites' who are horribly evil and cruel. The OC signup for them will be added to OOC.

The Boys

1) The Gamer (Church)

The Guy who knows his NES, Sega Master System, Atari 2600, etc... A Regular Scott Pilgrim, pretty much.

2) The Artist. (Xiphoniii)

The Guy who draws, paints, and can use Photoshop better than you. Also knows Music pretty well.

3) The Anime Guy (ArhaHitomi888)

The Guy who loves Anime and Manga with all his heart.

4) The Martial Artist (Reserved for me)

The One who tries to keep the Zen Going in a situation and capable of kicking major ass.


The Girls

1) Miss Artist (Silvermist09)

The Girl who can make magic with her fingers. This includes music.

2) The Lady Otaku (XxanexiaxX)

The Anime and Manga Lover.

4) The Shy gamer girl

Similar to the Otaku, but more like a Gamer however. She's just shy to talk about Megaman and Halo when the Elites are watching.

5) The Schoolgirl (MirrorMirror1498)

The Fighter of the Girls, a bright and kind soul

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding

2. You cannot be some kind of Perfect Succubus or Succubi, with fine endowments. Be happy with the size of your 'member' guys, and for the ladies, small breasts are better than nothing.

3. When the Clothes come off, and Sex comes up, Take it to a PM please...

4. In Fights, superhuman power is accepted as long as you have a somewhat realistic Explanation (Just check out Scott Pilgrim...). Don't go too far with Magic and stuff. Mmmmkay?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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#, as written by phooka
Athena smiled, "don't worry Hexxy, it's cool."
She watched as Ken and the new kid showed off their gaming nerdlyness. And laughed when Hex threatened Ken. Her and Hex were some seriously nice, yet badass girls who could beat up most of the jocks in school. But they each had quirks, that only the other knew about. Like Stormy knew about Hex's fear of blood and bunnies while Hex knew of Stormy's fear of lava lamps and needles and heights.
"So, what class do you have first, Ken and I have math."

((It's totally fine, I don't mind little things like that, actually I kind of like it :) I hope it's okay that my charrie called your charrie Hexxy, I thought it sounded cute :D ))

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Hex managed a simple laugh. "hah, I'm not bad helping out in a hall fight- but I gotta be honest- in a straight up fight, hand to hand..... my bones are bloody hollow. I would bet it would be easier for you to beat me up than the lockers!" she joked, smiling. These kids were alright. they were playful, interesting, and... quirky. Quirky was good. "I have Bio.... I looked at the wrong schedule earlier..." Hex gaped as Aris explained the stats window and such. "that's really cool!" she nodded at the explanation of the strength level as well. "oh, I see... so- No bunnies? promise?" she tilted her head like a little girl, and tried to look innocent and cute.

She was almost definitely failing.

Cute was not her thing.

((yay , glad... so weird that we both said quirky- I hadn't seen yours until just now... so very strange XD))

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Kryss twitched. 'These kids are freaks!' he mentally exclaimed, talking about how one seemed to be the living entity of a video game and the other has just totaled the locker next to his. Yup. The locker next to his. He twitched, showing visible signs of irritation. He scowled a bit, left eye twitching just slightly. "Oh bloody bugger..." he muttered under his breath. The new students this year were troublesome - but at least they weren't elites. Aris wasn't bad at all, a little bit video game kooky, but not bad. Hex seemed to be a little strange, but not that bad either. He was still very wary of this 'Ken' and whoever the other girl was, he had heard her name was 'Athena'.

Kryss ran a hand through his wild red hair. His class was in sight, but he didn't feel like going. No one here seemed to show signs of knowing he existed, but he supposed he was used to it - he didn't exactly have any friends here, despite having been at the school since Sophomore year. He leaned against the lockers, just watching them. He thought through the anime he had watched yesterday and pondered on what the next episode might be like.

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Hex stopped a moment, as the others walked on. She marched back to where Kryss was standing, grabbed his arm, and dragged him on. "Oh no, you don't. If you don't like us you brought this on yourself by acting kind." she said so only he could hear. as they caught up, she continued to hold his sweatshirt sleeve, absently.
"besides- I was starting to like you"
she said, smiling.
"And you don't want to undo that process"
she said, scowling.
"Because I think you have seen some of my work in the hall."
she said, grinning proudly and recalling hundreds of various pranks.

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Ken huffed at the idea a mere knife could stop him. What was this? real life?

"Knife? before or after I use my Kyuusoken? (Rush Fist)"

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#, as written by phooka
"Ahh! My brain huurts you guuys." Athena joked, holding her head, "video games are not my thing. I like fighting and track." She smiled, "but it seems like all of us know a thing or two about fighting."
She looked around the small group, and then to the strange guy who had words constantly popping up like nobodies business today. "Erm... I don't think I know your name, I'm Athena, but if you try to call me that, I'll drop kick you, understand? Just call me Stormy."

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Hex rolled her eyes once more
"dude. don't take it so damn personally, it's annoying and childish." she said in the tone an older sister would use.

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[[Sorry guys, I didn't realize how fast you guys were going. Any recomendations on how to get Liam in on this stuff without seeming forced? I'm a little stumped...]]

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((be trying to open your locker, its jammed and wont bloody open. or is that to forced?))

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#, as written by Church
Aris laughed at what she said "Yeah i promise no bunnies." He made the window go away and was about to talk when more floating words appered saying "Feat unlocked: Bunny denial. Small XP bonus." Aris simply reguarded it with suprise. "Hmm... That exists?" He started to chuckle. "Well. I have absolutly no words for that..."

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Kryss rolled his eyes. "Doesn't matter, there's nothing of mine to prank." he said, shrugging. "Besides, any prank you could have done, for example, to my locker, is obsolete." he started. "The totaled locker partially totaled mine too. My locker was right next to it." he sighed. He kept walking though, being dragged along by the sleeve of his black jacket. He didn't complain, just letting himself be dragged along. If anything, Kryss seemed awkward around them. He wasn't antisocial, but he seemed uncomfortable around new people. "And it's not that i don't like you all..." he said, seeming almost a bit shy, a sharp contrast to before. He raised his hand to pull his hood more over his head, face half hidden in the shade of it - Not to look emo or anything, just to keep it dark, the light hurt his eyes after a while, especially in the morning. He heard the girl state her name and said she preferred 'Stormy', so he kept that in mind.

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[[Works for me.]]

Liam grunted. Ugh. How unrefined. These schools realy could use better funding... He jerked on the handle once more, and finally giving up. He muttered, soft enough to avoid disturbing classes, but loud enough to be heard halfway down the hall, at least. This place had great accoustics. "Augh. That's it. I can get a new lock later." He backed up a step, and drew Lady Luck, pointing it at the combination lock that seemed to have a different combination than the school told him it would. "Coup de perçante!" He shoved forward, as he took a quick step in the same direction, the tip of his rapier sliding easily through the lock, sending it clattering to the floor. He scowled, and began putting his things into the locker. "Let's see, II don't have math today so..."

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Hex looked back at the boy she was dragging and smiled. She let go of his sleeve but slowed to stand next to him. "I sincerely hope that you do like us." she said, trying to be kind. It was hard for her to not be either bouncing about or acting like a demon, but she could manage. Not for long though. She suddenly had an idea. It wasn't really an idea, it was just an urge. She had always wanted to go up to the roof of the school building, but never had a chance to do so... but with a copy of the master key...
"guys, today at lunch- lets all go up to the roof."
she grinned, holding the shiny key. she dropped it back in her bag immediately, not wanting it seen.
she continued walking, and saw the words looming over Aris's head.
she laughed a bit, and noticed that Kryss was lagging behind a bit. She grabbed his sleeve once more, and tried to make him keep better pace, as she did so, she ran straight into a boy, angry with his locker.
She fell to the ground, accidentally knocking Kryss down with her.

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Kryss walked slowly, actually at a rather leisurely pace. He hated being rushed, liking to take things at his own pace. He looked down at Hex as she spoke, seemingly more comfortable with her than everyone else at the moment. "Well, you haven't given me a reason to lie!" he laughed lightly. As she let go of his jacket sleeve, he slowed down again. He looked out the windows of the hall, musing at how bright it was outside. It was a cheery day and the birds were chirping in their trees. Actually, Kryss couldn't have cared less about the damn birds and sunlight - All they did was take dumps on his car and sunburn him. When it rained, he could actually lie outside and be buffeted by rain, a pleasant feeling actually.

Suddenly, he felt Hex grab onto his sleeve again and scowled a tiny bit, being rushed once more. "You know, my own legs are perfectly functional. You don't have to dra-" he gasped in surprise as he suddenly felt himself falling. Well, it was less of the sensation then looking down and realizing the ground was getting closer. He fell to the ground, trying to turn to catch himself but failing, instead, getting wind getting knocked out of him by being sandwiched by the ground and his rather heavy backpack. The pressure on his ribcage wasn't comfortable, and neither was whatever he had just knocked his face into - An elbow or knee, perhaps? Maybe even just the ground.

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Hex immediately righted herself, and shifted over to simply be next to him on the ground. "My bloody god, are you okay?" she said, then covering her mouth with her hands. her elbow was bleeding, just a little. But it was bleeding. It took everything in her not to scream, or chatter, or shake, but she did not want anyone else to know about her fear. She gingerly placed her hand on the boys head, feeling awful for hurting him.
"I am so sorry. Really, you have no idea. I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

she was genuinely concerned for the boy.
she hated to hurt people she liked. Perhaps it was because the last time she had accidentally knocked Athena into the wall, she had almost gotten her ass kicked. But for the fact that she ran off and hid until Stormys breeze slowed.

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[[Did I forget to mention he's French?]]

Liam felt the collission, and immediately dropped his stuff to the ground, whirling. "My goodness. You are okay, are you not?" He knelt, and looked at the boy and the girl, holding out a hand. "Fille? Garçon? Are you well?" He bit one finger nervously. He sincerely hoped he hadn't hurt anybody on his first day.

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#, as written by Church
Aris watched as Hex and Kryss hit the ground knocking into another guy. "Ouch... You guys okay?" More floating words appeared. "Feat unlocked: Dominos: XP bonus." He looked up at it. "Okay i knew that one existed but i had no idea how to unlock it..." He shrugged then walked over to Hex, Kryss and the guy who is yet to be named. "That was interesting if i do say so myself." He turns to Athena. "Hey can i get your help with something?"

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Ken waved a hand around. He was eager to make a new friend.

"Yo. I'll help!"

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Kryss lay there another moment, taking a moment to recover from the blow to the face. He wasn't very good at taking hits like that - At least at home he could go to his room and sleep it off or reading it off or at least something. He reached up and placed his hand on Hex's, removing it so he could stand. "Thanks for the concern, but i'm just fine." he looked over at the other boy, waiting a moment. "Um... Je suis désolé, je parle peu le français..." he said, just regurgitating what he had learned in his first year French class back in England. To be honest, he wasn't quite sure if he had just said 'I'm sorry, this is not i ordered' or 'I'm sorry, i speak little french'. He hoped it was the latter, the former would be... embarrassing.

He sighed, reaching up and pulling his hood off. In the light, his fiery scarlet hair was vibrant, and so were his brightemerald colored irises. He was paper pale, unhealthy looking, although really that was normal for him - not the unhealthy part, just the pale part. He had sharp, handsome features and a large bruise across his left cheek. The area around his left eye was reddish and there was a red spot the size of a one euro coin in the corner of his eye, like a blood vessel had ruptured from being hit in the face. Actually, it was only really noticed it if you stopped and and looked for a moment, neither very unnoticable or very noticeable. It happened to everyone at least once in their life and wasn't very major - it's was more of an appearance thing if anything. He reached up and rubbed at his face gingerly, letting his hands drop a moment later. He glanced at the Gamer boy, actually somewhat irked. He seemed too focused on those damned video game thingies to be in touch with most everyone else around him. That was just his opinion though. Real life was real life, although, that was only when he didn't have access to his own little guilty pleasures; Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga related video games, Anime/Manga related computer games, Anime/Manga related sites, etc..

With a sigh, he slipped a hand into his pocket, taking a single step away from the light pouring from the window. He glanced down at Hex. "Sorry if i hit ya... with my face." he said, for lack of better wording. He than turned to the other boy. "Sorry about that, I-" he looked down at all the stuff the kid dropped and cursed. "Oh shit, Sorry, man." he knelt down, starting to pick up the kid's stuff for him. He looked over and noticed Hex's bleeding elbow. "Aw, hell... Sorry about that too."

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Hex watched as the boy got up, considering checking his face for injuries. But then, he was probably aware of them and didn't seem so much of a tough guy to say absolutely nothing about it if he really was hurt. She had seen him around before and he was an anime nerd, not the sort so fake a lack of injury. She saw his glare at the floaty-doo boy, and almost laughed. But as he noticed her bleeding elbow, she nearly began to shake.

She had been trying not to think about her elbow. However- the flow of blood was getting worse. Going perfectly, ghostly, white as a sheet pale, she tried to laugh, saying "It's fine, really I'm all"
and that was it. As the class bell rang, she feinted.

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<<Accidental post deleted here>>

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Santana heaved a tiny sigh as she stood up, sliding her backpack onto her shoulders as the sound of the bell rang across the school, signaling the beginning of the break before third period. Jack and Dave immediately stood up as well, following her as she strode out the door, surrounded again by Elites within what seemed to be a mere second--they wasted no time in gathering around their leader, parting way only to allow Jack to stride forward and walk alongside her. Walking directly behind them was a slim young man--obviously not one of the football players, with wavy, shoulder length light brown hair; behind a pair of lightly shaded sunglasses, one could see his eyes constantly twinkling, as if he knew something everyone else was in the dark about. Alex Halford was one of the Elites who was intelligent and yet managed to avoid being a 'nerd' by being suave and charismatic as well--he was also a nefarious trickster with a reputation for being simply incapable of being serious, or of being near a girl without flirting with her.

Standing a good half a foot below Jack, Alex felt insignificant and weak--a feeling only expounded as he heard Santana laughing and talking animatedly with Jack. Times like this, when he realised just how into Jack Santana was, made Alex wonder what the point really was. The only reason Alex ever hung out with these pompous, arrogant assholes was because it meant he could be near Santana--but being near Santana meant constantly being towered over by Jack, and anyway, what were his chances? Jack was a star quarterback, infamous throughout the school and beyond for being not only ridiculously strong but also fiercely protective of Santana--in other words, the sort of guy most people were simply envious of. And Alex? He was some bumbling fool who could probably be out for the count if Jack so much as flicked him. Jack could protect his girlfriend against just about everything (girls liked that sort of thing). Any one of the football players around Alex could have lifted him up, carried him across the school, and then chucked him in a dumpster without any difficulty whatsoever. It didn't matter if Alex was just as smart, if not more so, than Santana, and definitely more so than Jack. No one gave a damn about how intelligent you were--it was all about how many pounds you could bench press, and Alex didn't doubt if he tried to bench press half of what Jack considered a 'slight workout' he'd break both his arms.

And he had no doubt Jack would be pissed if he ever found out Alex was completely smitten with his girlfriend--he was also pretty sure Santana wouldn't be too happy about it either. She and Jack were happy together--who was Alex to think he could do anything to break them up, much less get Santana to get together with him?

At the head of the group, Jack and Santana had, of course, no idea about the thoughts going through the head of the guy behind them. Jack was in the process of recounting a humourous story that Santana always found hilarious, about the time a certain geek who was rather into anime and mangas challenged him to a fight.

"So then he yells "Watashi wa insho-tekina no kaminari!" and strikes this dramatic pose and I go "Yeah, that's right--well, it is if that means 'geeky anime twit about to have his ass handed to him'. Next thing I know, he starts yelling out attack names like "Wild Lightning!" and "Fist of Fury" while punching me with about enough force to maybe bother a fly a bit. I was thinking of just picking him up and tossing his ass in a dumpster at that point, but the whole school was watching and I thought it'd be funnier to just let the kid embarrass himself even more."

As the Elites walked down the halls echoing with laughter, Santana snapped her fingers as if she had forgotten something, and stopped abruptly. "Hey, we need to go back to the French 4 class. I need to ask Mr. Lefèvre about the extra credit assignment...I'm in danger of falling from an A to an A- if I don't get it in."

Even as she spoke, before she was done, the entire group of Elites turned right around, walking the opposite direction back down the hall.

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"H-Hey!" Kryss reached up one arm and caught Hex before she hit the ground. He had all the kid's stuff gathered in one arm and Hex in the other. "Aww- shit! What did i do this time!?" Awkward would be an extreme understatement to how he felt at the moment. Strangely enough, he found himself worried for the girl - mostly because she had been kind to him and had made him feel like part of the group, so he felt indebted to her in some sick, twisted way. Kryss didn't really understand it himself, this kind of stuff only happened in anime or manga - like Ouran High School Host Club, Soul Eater, or JUDAS. If he didn't have his hands full and had even one free hand, he would have seriously slapped himself as hard as he possibly could.

He looked at the others with a look of great confusion - He hadn't had many friends over the course of his life (Because of moving so often and staying out of most social situations), so he wasn't quite sure how to deal with this situation. "Did i like, kill her?" he asked. He had some band aids and stuff in his backpack and locker, but he wasn't sure that was what she needed right now. In fact, he was starting to even get angry from his confusion - He hated being confused!

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Ken sipped a soda that was fizzing all over the place, since he'd shook it...

"Oi." He said to Kryss. "You didn't kill anyone. So Don't go batshit, dude."

He sipped some of the bubbles and the drink, burping, and quickly saying "S'cuse me."

"By the way, I noticed that Pretty boy Bishonen look you had for the chick, which was just like that Ouran High Anime." Informed Ken. "Not that there's anything wrong with it, but if you keep projecting an image like that, you'll either be beaten up, or worse, raped. Just Sayin' it's better to be a Jotaro than a Lelouch." ... inline.jpg ... 941389.jpg

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Character Portrait: Athena (Stormy) Moore
0 sightings Athena (Stormy) Moore played by phooka
Just call me Stormy, and I'm sure we'll get along just peachy.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Liam Di Angelou
Character Portrait: Hoshi Nakamura
Character Portrait: Hex
Character Portrait: Aris Carter
Character Portrait: Ke-Eiko Narumo
Character Portrait: Kryss Cornelias Williams


Character Portrait: Kryss Cornelias Williams
Kryss Cornelias Williams

"My old friends called me Nelias. Oh- And if you call me a girl's name, i will make an honest attempt to break you."

Character Portrait: Ke-Eiko Narumo
Ke-Eiko Narumo

Mangas count as book right?

Character Portrait: Aris Carter
Aris Carter

"Suck it bowser!"

Character Portrait: Hex

You can call me hell~

Character Portrait: Hoshi Nakamura
Hoshi Nakamura

"I don't need the cheat codes"

Character Portrait: Liam Di Angelou
Liam Di Angelou

My life on a roll of the die. RNG, stay with me!


Character Portrait: Kryss Cornelias Williams
Kryss Cornelias Williams

"My old friends called me Nelias. Oh- And if you call me a girl's name, i will make an honest attempt to break you."

Character Portrait: Ke-Eiko Narumo
Ke-Eiko Narumo

Mangas count as book right?

Character Portrait: Hoshi Nakamura
Hoshi Nakamura

"I don't need the cheat codes"

Character Portrait: Hex

You can call me hell~

Character Portrait: Liam Di Angelou
Liam Di Angelou

My life on a roll of the die. RNG, stay with me!

Character Portrait: Aris Carter
Aris Carter

"Suck it bowser!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ke-Eiko Narumo
Ke-Eiko Narumo

Mangas count as book right?

Character Portrait: Aris Carter
Aris Carter

"Suck it bowser!"

Character Portrait: Kryss Cornelias Williams
Kryss Cornelias Williams

"My old friends called me Nelias. Oh- And if you call me a girl's name, i will make an honest attempt to break you."

Character Portrait: Liam Di Angelou
Liam Di Angelou

My life on a roll of the die. RNG, stay with me!

Character Portrait: Hoshi Nakamura
Hoshi Nakamura

"I don't need the cheat codes"

Character Portrait: Hex

You can call me hell~

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