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Tacita Saevus Lenia

"The toleration of tyranny somewhere is the approval of tyranny everywhere."

0 · 258 views · located in The Kingdom of Magna

a character in “Long Live The King: A Tale of Necromancy”, originally authored by Lifecharacter, as played by RolePlayGateway


Tacita Saevus Lenia
"It is our duty to put an end to tyrants, wherever they are."

ImageName: Tacita Saevus Lenia

Nickname: Technically, her official nickname is Lenia and was given to her by her father after she beat her older brother with a stick for stealing her toy. Since she knew roughly twelve different Tacita's, six of them in her own family, most took to calling her Lenia and the rest whatever nickname they'd been given. As for other nicknames she's received, none of them that she's aware of have been overly pleasant and have been worth repeating.

Race: The Saevus family has always been proud of its foundation as the offspring of Orcs and Elves, but, as the family has now reached its twenty-seventh generation and has spent most of that time amongst humans, there is little trace of that heritage left.

Age: Twenty-seven

Gender: Female

Magic: Elemental Earth

Occupation: Leader of the Rebellion

Appearance: Lenia is someone who is quite proud of her appearance that has managed to endure throughout all the violence and stress she's gone through. Her eyes, full of life as they are, hold the same emerald shine that she remembers her mother having, and her skin, while naturally fair, has developed a light tan due to the large quantity of time she has been spending outdoors. Her hair, when free of any binds, falls to the end of her shoulder blades, but is normally found in a tightly weaved knot and tied with a red bow to prevent it getting in the way. Unless currently engaged in a fight to the death, she makes sure to make at least her hair presentable, though a few strands always find ways to stick out of place no matter what she does.

Once you look away from her face, which should be done as quickly as possible to avoid confrontation, she appears to be rather little for a supposed warrior. She stands at the relatively short height of five foot six and can't weigh more than 125 pounds. While certainly in possession of a athletic build that seems capable of violence, her small size generally means that most men are likely going to be able to overpower her if they know what they're doing. As a result of the violence that she has participated in throughout her life, she holds many small scars on her body. The most notable being one that begins at the base of her left shoulder blade and rounds off at the top; the result of being stabbed with a flimsy dagger and the surgery to get the pieces out.

Clothing: What she wears outside of combat amounts to a sleeveless gown, that conspicuously ends right before her abdomen, and a loose, flowing skirt that has nothing but a sash tied in a bow holding it up. If the weather would make such attire uncomfortable, an equally loose cloak of varying materials depending on the situation is draped over her shoulders. All of this clothing has been dyed red with gold trim and has been decorated with the markings of her country and her family. As for footwear, she'll go barefoot if the weather permits it and, if it doesn't, she'll wear a pair of steel greaves with a leather and cotton lining for comfort.

Personality: Since she was capable of forming memories, Lenia has been taught about her inherent superiority over others through the virtues of being a Maium citizen and a member of the Saevus family. This gave her a rather good foundation for a life filled with pride and confidence that, at times, bordered upon sheer hubris. The manifestation of this pride and ubiquitous overconfidence comes in two forms. The first is her boisterous demeanor that she exhibits through drinking, cursing, harassment, audacious performances or feats, and, on occasion, all of them at once. The second is the incredibly insulting tone she tends to take with people she identifies as beneath her. Since exemptions to such a perceived quality are few and far between, especially when in a foreign land, not many people get to be addressed in a honest, respectful tone; most just are informed of their inferiority through some means.

Though she is someone who will tout her superiority even in defeat, Lenia is still an educated and disciplined warrior of the Maium Legions. Through repeated punishments for her misconduct, she has been able to keep her insults and notions of superiority at least subtle when being otherwise would cause problems. As she is now amongst people who are all seen as inherently beneath her for being foreign savages, this mild form of tact has allowed her to remain in command of the rebellion and has kept most of the rebels from determining just how much their glorious leader loathes them.

She is also learned in a slew of subjects including poetry, history, philosophy, law, politics, as well as all the other subjects good aristocratic children study. These provide her with the means to be very adept at speaking to groups of people; she is able to call upon poetic verses, historical epics, moral interpretations, and the right words for particular audiences and settings. She may be lying to her teeth when she gives a speech to a collection of peasants, but they'd never be able to tell by the way each word naturally rolls off her tongue and by the enthusiasm that reverberates through the air. It's a shame that the moment the crowd disperses and she is faced with one or two people, her facade barely maintains itself against a commoner's intuition, let alone someone with a keen eye.

Moving Mountain: While everyone who wields the elemental art of magic is capable of throwing around their fire or wind or water, Lenia has spent most of her practice focused on covering herself in the finest quality stone or metal of the surrounding area and give herself a strong, makeshift armor. On top of being rather good at defending against enemy attacked, it also gives her the ability to move her body through her magic rather than through physical exertion, allowing her movements to be much faster and putting much more force behind her attacks, To prevent her body from being damaged from the constant, sharp movements of her armor, it is formed in a way that there is barely any space between her skin and the material; keeping her relatively unharmed throughout its use.

Wrestling: The sport of Maius, wrestling is taught to all the young boys as well as any of the girls who are up to fighting with the boys. From a young age, Lenia has shown herself capable of overpowering those she faced and grinding their faces into the dirt, and that talent hasn't faded with time. Focusing on grapples as well as swift blows that would likely be considered cheap shots to foreigners, wrestling is surprisingly lethal when adults take part in it.

Fabian Strategy: While she would like nothing more than to storm castles, crush armies, and win glorious battles, such acts are not possible with her current forces. To still strike at her opponent, she has taken to using a strategy developed in her homeland; the act of causing mass attrition to her enemy while avoiding any type of direct confrontation. So far it has kept her rebellion alive and allowed her many small, profitable victories.

Speechcraft: Oration is a very big part of Maius politics and is only second to military glory in importance. As the only viable heir to the Saevus name, her schooling centered around the great leaders and speakers of the past as well as their speeches; each of which must be memorized to avoid getting a switch across the arms. Eager to restore her family to its prior greatness, Lenia took to such studies with fervor and has managed to become rather charismatic.

Endurance: While her magic is rather formidable, the amount of energy it requires to perform any actual actions during its use is rather taxing. In a drawn out battle, it would see her dealing plenty of damage to the enemy, only to exhaust herself within minutes and likely die as a result. As such, it is only ever used for single combat, when its use becomes necessary for survival, or when she believes she can land a decisive blow and finish a fight with it.

Glory: Lenia is someone who would prefer a single, pitched battle between her rebellion and the forced of the necromancer as there's little honor and glory to be found in skulking around the woods and running from almost every fight you encounter. If it weren't for the advice of others and her unwillingness to die without accomplishing something, the Fabian Strategy she's been relying on would be the last thing on her mind.

Foreign: While Lenia is learned and skilled enough in both writing and oration to sway the majority of a crowd to her side or to a certain course of action, that only really applies in her home country. Now that she is outside of Maius, all the allusions that she is capable of making to history or religion or philosophy are worthless now that she is among people who wouldn't understand the references. She is forced to rely solely on a much more toned down, generic style of writing and speaking, lessening her abilities in such things.

National Pride: While holding it in when addressing the people she's riling up into rebellion, she can't help but occasionally spout her disappointment or disgust with the kingdom she's saving. She is a staunch supporter of Maius' Republic, and sees the kingdom she's now in as a tyranny, regardless of who sits on the throne. Those close to are very aware of this fact, but the men she commands have been kept in the dark due to the blow to morale such knowledge about their leader would bring.

History: Tacita Saevus Lenia was not born in the most auspicious times for her family. While they were certainly still far better off than most of the common rabble, the main house of their family had decided to back a tyrant who attempted to claim power for himself and marched on Maius. When said tyrant was defeated by the forces of the Maium Republic, the entirety of the main Saevus family was purged and her father, Titus Saevus Sextus, was named the head of the family, or what was left of it. The Republic had, as punishment for the family's treason, repossessed most of their land and demoted her father to a mere magistrate. The first child born into this family, Titus Saevus Ambultus, solidified the idea that their family was being punished and was born with deformed and crippled legs, that were promptly amputated so as to avoid such a disgrace being known by others.

This left Lenia, the second born of the family, Lenia as the only viable heir to the family and, as such, significant amounts of pressure were put on her. While her older brother was taught how to read, write, and how to partake in politics and magistracy, she learned wrestling, martial combat, speechcraft, magic, military tactics and strategy, all at the hands of a rather harsh tutors who applied liberal use of switches and rods in her education. Determined to raise her family out of its current situation and have her face or achievements emblazoned on a coin or, at least, in her family home for all future generations to see, she took to her studies rather seriously, exercising and training in the mornings, studying military matters at noon, politics and oration in the afternoon, magic in the evening, and another round of physical training before falling asleep. After roughly four years of this type of education, when she was twelve, the tutors for oration and politics stopped coming so she could focus on more military matters, as those proved to be her best subjects.

After another nine years of such training and studies, she entered the Maium Legion and was given command of about eighty men, not the highest position possible, but it was the most her family name could get for her these days. As no major conflict had occurred during her times in the military, her and her men spent most of their time patrolling the borders, hunting bandit clans, or guarding traveling magistrates. While such acts weren't going to win her the glory she so desperately wanted, the monotonous tone of it all did allow her to build a report with her men as she spent the nights drinking and gambling beside them. What eventually earned her men's complete respect was when they were ambushed during a patrol by a rather large mob of angry peasants and bandits. Was it two hundred or four, unarmed or armed, drunk or sober; the story differs from soldier to soldier but it was nevertheless a rather unlikely victory she pulled off. Her success in such a matter came when she, breaking ranks when she spotted someone who seemed to be directing it all, utilized her magic, broke through the mob, and tore the man apart. After this display, she managed to rejoin her soldiers and push the heavily demoralized and frightened commoners back, killing about half of them while her own losses never reached the double digits.

Though her most remarkable achievement was defeating a band of farmers who had been stirred up by the promise of riches by local bandits, she had earned her men's respect. Five years later, when she finally left the Legion after serving two tours of duty, she returned to her family with dozens of retainers consisting of the men who served under her. She was going to make an attempt to get into the world of politics since the recent peacetime hadn't provided much opportunity for battlefield glory, when she heard news from the kingdom of Magna. Their great tyrant had apparently been felled and his son had been ascended the throne. Seeing this as her opportunity, she set out for this land with twenty of her former soldiers to try and rouse the people into rebellion against the king's son. Unfortunately, before she could arrive in the kingdom, the king had apparently taken his throne back from his son and was now known to be a puppet of some necromancer. Such an event was prosperous for one seeking to instill rebellion into the people and, with her soldiers, she stirred some unrest amongst the people on the outer reaches of the kingdom with tales of how the evil necromancers the people all feared had taken over and how she had come to liberate them from their tyranny.

With such a system, she gained a respectable following of skilled rebels and, using the peasants' unrest as cover from the necromancer's forces, she has been able to avoid a direct confrontation for a little under two years, at which point she made her most audacious move yet and broke into the palace to free the children of the former king. She would have preferred to lay siege and fight it out more honorably, but the lack of a significant force prevented her and so a more stealthy approach was used. Claiming the heir for the rebellion, her little uprising would now appear much more legitimate and righteous in the eyes of the people and strengthen her position against the necromancer. During the brief celebrations of the half-dead boy, her position was bolstered even more when two of her scouts brought her the person closest to her enemy, his apprentice.

So begins...

Tacita Saevus Lenia's Story

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Character Portrait: Tacita Saevus Lenia
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It was only a murmur at first, muffled by the dazed and drowsy state of the listener, as well as by the layers of cloth, fur, fluff, and skin. It was, at first, ignored due to its assumed nature as a trick of a semi-conscious mind that was currently in a state between sober and incredibly drunk, but its repetition ceased such notions. To have any chance of clearly understanding what this persistent murmur had to say, the great leader of the rebellion, who had launched a direct assault on the enemy castle and emerged with an incredibly important hostage, fought a losing battle against the layers that had kept her warm and happy against the cold and all-together horrible nature of the country Lenia now occupied. While untangling herself from the knot that she had inadvertently created was likely impossible in her current state, that didn't stop her from wriggling her body around until her head finally emerged from the amalgamation.

"Chief, most of the men are awake and eating, including the prince." It was a gruff voice that, while familiar, couldn't be identified until the actual image of the speaker was visible before Lenia's glazed eyes. Gnaeus Flavinius, her second in command in Maius and the third man of the rebellion.

"Right... right!" There was a rather large delay between the beginning of her statement and its conclusion, but when the notion that she was awake and needed to stay awake reached her, her eyes focused and her mind rid itself of its confusion. Exerting actual effort to free herself from the tangled mess lying atop her, she pulled her body through the hole with which her head had found its freedom and now sat on her conquered foe. Exposing herself to the cold nature of the world outside the safety and comfort of her bed was met with the, completely expected, reaction of a body covered in tiny bumps and shivering; this country wasn't as kind to those who eschewed clothing as warm, sunny Maius was. With the one who awoke her still present and still awaiting an actual order, unfazed by something he had seen on many occasions, she ripped the first sheet of cloth she could reach around her suffering body and took her first step off the bed. Thankfully, it was not as cold as she had expected and her feet were capable of treading upon it without constant complaint. Walking over to Flavinius and taking nourishment from the tray of food he had brought her, she was ready to give out her orders.

"Thank you, brother, for helping me escape the enigmatic and enthralling Realm of Dreams." Her hand came to rest on his shoulder and a smile appeared on her face for the first time that day to show her appreciation, but then it was rescinded as she searched about for her cloths. "I need you to spread the word around the men that we'll be breaking camp today; we've stayed here too long and I want to establish ourselves further south for the winter. When you're out and about, make sure to find Neira and send her to my tent. We need to discuss how we'll be traveling and how we'll be establishing ourselves along the border."

With a simple nod, saluting having been determined as something too indicative of foreignness and potentially harmful to the barbarians' moral, Flavinius took his leave from the tent. He would tell the officers to begin breaking camp and find the respective parties and inform them that they were to report to the Chief's tent. Hopefully they would arrive after she had regained her full composure and gotten rid of whatever extra person or persons still remained enwrapped in her bed.

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Character Portrait: Aleric Von Alstheim Aelthen Character Portrait: Tacita Saevus Lenia
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#, as written by cha-kun
Aleric felt the crack of the lash on his back. Over and over it struck, and after what seemed like hours, his tormentor became bored. They decided to pick up a hot poker, but he had no idea what was coming until he felt it stabbed into his flesh, making his neurons flare and his nerve endings scream until he blacked out - He awoke with a start, covered in a cold sweat, unsure the day, or even his current location.

He realized that it had all been a nightmare, a flashback.

His tent looked like an alien world in the mid-morning gloom. He had received many gifts from well-wishers over the past week, most of which were just small trinkets or choice goods, all of which he accepted graciously. However, one of his favorites was a beautifully embroidered sword belt that had been made for him by a local weaver.

He looked up, having been awoken by the flapping the his tent's entrance, and there stood one Gnaeus Flavinius

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Character Portrait: Neira Eis Torelle Character Portrait: Tacita Saevus Lenia
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Having collected and donned the majority of her clothes, and shooed her bedmates out of her bed and then from her tent, Lenia approached the bronze wash basin that one of the men had thankfully filled with clean water fresh from the firepits just before Flavinius had arrived. Not wanting to waste the fading warmth while living in such a cold place, she reached her hands in and, making for herself an adequate cup, brought the water up to her face in an attempt to remove her previous disheveled appearance. After repeating this process until her vanity was sated, she was quick to dry every inch of her that had gotten wet so as to avoid experiencing any more of that damnable cold that she despised.

With said morning routine completed, and the appearance of her reflection acceptable, she approached the table on which Flavinius had set her breakfast and slid the bowl of assorted foods to the side so she could examine the map that lay under it. The table wasn't as big as she would prefer, what with a, rather small, map occupying the majority of it, but such luxuries were sacrificed for practicality. Taking a seat in the stool beside the table, she dragged her finger across the map along the path she would prefer to take, stopping just before she crossed the border. Though it was under layers of extra cloth and furs, she was still wearing the vivid red clothing of her native land, and seeing its name scrawled on a piece of parchment made her desire to be home and her resentment of the place she now resided even fiercer.

Once free from the gauntlet of people swarming the heart of the camp, the walk passed quickly and Neira reached Lenia’s tent without incident. She hesitated outside the entrance, not wanting to intrude unannounced and see something she was not meant to. Since fabric does not lend well to knocking, she indicated her presence verbally. “I am here… Neira.” She drew the door aside and peered in to the tent. Seeing Lenia seated at the table, she assessed that the work had begun and it was alright to enter. She crossed the tent with careful steps respecting the area belonging to the one she served under. Stopping next to the table she looked over the small map. “Time for our next move, is it?”

Rather enamored with her imaginings of what it would be like to be back home; bathhouses, warm weather, having several servants, and people who could actually read, Lenia was unaware of her second's presence until she spoke from right behind her. Recoiling her hand from the map and turning her body just enough to see who it was that had stormed their way into her daydreams, she took a moment to recover and let her pulse calm itself. After the momentary and awkward second passed, she turned her attention back to the map and rested her elbows on the ragged wood of the table. "The time for our next move was days ago, now we must pack up camp immediately and make our way to one of the borders." Placing her finger on her preferred destination she turned her gaze slightly so as to look upon her native advisor. "I plan to head south; winter is coming and I lack a savage's tolerance of the cold."

“Mm…” Fixing her eyes on the point Lenia had selected on the simple map, images of the area in question began to surface in Neira’s mind. She scanned the paper trails between the suggested destination and their current position. Though trying to remember a great many of the thoughts stored in her mind felt like trying to grab snowflakes with warm hands, something about spatial memory made it return to her clearer than anything else. She felt that she could travel almost anywhere in the kingdom just by closing her eyes, though the images she saw was not always accurate down to the detail, as evidence in minor changes to the lands they had traversed thus far in the rebellion. After pouring over her memory for a moment she opened her eyes. “Yes, that is a good plan.” She hovered a finger over the map, highlighting an area just off where Lenia had selected. “There is a warm wind that blows in from the south over the border just here. The area has good visibility. There are some fairly large bugs – but they are high in protein.” She moved her finger to a portion between the two places. “There are some unmarked swamps here. Not too serious, but you may lose a boot or two if you’re not cautious.” She retracted her hand and brought it to her mouth, making sure she had not left out anything of importance.

The lack of a proper topographer and the confidence that a barbarian could even create an accurate map had left the rebellion with a rather uninformative map. While cities and major geographical locations were noted, the knowledge that Neira had just provided with her chief would likely only be found by associating with those Lenia would prefer not to associate with. Regardless of their poor map status, it was good to know that her preferred location had some actual value besides being near the border and being somewhat warmer, evidenced by the nodding of her head whenever a new detail had been described. Finally, after Neira had withdrawn her hand from the map, Lenia placed her hands upon the edge of the table and, using the leverage provided by them, stood with enough force to send the poor makeshift seat tumbling back. Admittedly, the back of her calf, which had been the body part to strike her former seat, was rather sore from the unexpected impact of her attempt at being dramatic. After a brief and hopefully unnoticed contortion of her face in response to the pain, she regained her complete composure and addressed her second. "Then it is decided that we make for the southern borders. If the tyrant manages to stumble upon us, we will cross the border and hope he is fool enough to follow."

Neira watched the stool as it tumbled backwards and rolled to a stop an admirable distance away. A subtle smile emerged in response to her commander’s enthusiasm, and she turned her eyes back to address Lenia. “Yes, we can hope,” she said in approval. She wondered briefly what was over the border that could assist them. If there was more men there why not just recruit them to this side? The thoughts melted away with the simple trust that Lenia knew what was best. Believing that there was not any further help that she could offer, she took a step towards the door. “I’ll go and assist the preparations – if there is nothing else you need.”

With important terrain and locations now added to the makeshift map through an incomprehensible shorthand of scribbles, everything that required Neira's presence had been completed. Seemingly aware of this, Neira had began making her way towards the exit while the symbols were added to the parchment. Lenia, with the last drops of ink scattered onto the map, glanced toward her advisor as she left. "That will be all." Flavinius would likely be bringing the sickly prince to her ten soon and it would be very awkward to have a native witness any of the scenarios she had planned for their meeting.

Returning her gaze to her newly altered work to plan out an actual path to travel on, she uttered a slight reminder. "Next time, Neira, bathe before you come to my tent. It's been a week and you still smell like a corpse."

A moment of silence passed. Neira took a small whiff of the air around her but could perceive nothing. Not that her sense of smell had been all that reliable as of late. “Yes… o-of course.” A somewhat awkward bow of the head was offered before she turned and she left Lenia to her work. As she watched the dirt pass under her feet, he fingers grazed over the wound on her arm. She had bathed, quite thoroughly at that. The wound the only thing she could think to blame for the scent arising. A soft sigh left her lips as she came to terms with the idea that she could not evade medical attention for much longer.