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Love: It Bites

Belfast, Maine


a part of Love: It Bites, by KiraArsenic.


KiraArsenic holds sovereignty over Belfast, Maine, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Belfast, Maine is a part of Love: It Bites.

6 Characters Here

Lucius Markus Manius [42] Well this might get serious
Isis O'connor [37] "I will be ever grateful."
Jonathan Townsend [24] "If it's all for one, and one for all, then maybe one day, we all can ball." -B.o.B
Aria Washington [21] "Happiness Depends On Ourselves"
Nathaniel Townsend [18] Did I listen to you? Yes. Do I care? No.
Rosalie Larkin [8] Ok, so you capture me, chain me up, use me as a slave, and drink me blood...wait what? Woah, woah, woah. Back it up a minute. You want to drink my blood?

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Character Portrait: Jonathan Townsend Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Rosalie Larkin
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Nathaniel Townsend

Nathaniel sensed her discomfort and anger, but it only made him chuckle with delight. "Ooh, it seems somebody's not in a good mood today" he said, releasing his grip on her waist. His phone started to bleep and vibrate from the other side of the room. "Oh, for goodness sake, this clan picks the worst time to pester me" he snapped, flitting over to the phone. He picked it up and read the message from his brother. He replied 'I haven't got any plans. Why do you ask?'. His brothers sudden change of attitude had peaked his curiosity, so much so that he actually found himself in a state of confusion, but he shrugged it off and turned his attention back to Rose.

"You want to tell me why you're being such a bitch all of a sudden, or do you prefer to keep your petty human problems to yourself?" Nathaniel asked, his yellowy-amber eyes narrowing into thin slits. He didn't much enjoy Rose's moods, mainly because she'd always take it out on him and anger him. Lately he'd been trying to control his anger slightly more, for her sake. As much as he hated changing himself for a human, he felt it was necessary.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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Lucius had a light chuckle at her reaction, it wasn't quite what he meant but he still slid out of the way for her to man the rudder. " Don't worry I'll spot you, besides I wouldn't let you handle the thing without some faith." He still avoided being too close to the water as he spoke, despite his age he'd never found the time to learn to swim. He put his hand over hers on the rudder, he didn't put any strength in his arm but should anything start going wrong he'd be able to fix it. "See not too hard now is it," he continued playing morale support as he looked at her and spoke, currently the rudder was the only thing between them.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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#, as written by Xiiver
Everything went fine but she did tense her body as she steered because she really didn't want to mess up. After a little while Lucius placed his hands on hers and she tensed a little more but efter a few seconds the tension was gone and she was completely relaxed. Her mouth wis slightly agape but she said nothing. For some reason she didn't feel like it was necessary. She closed her mouth and smile as she once again paid attention to where they were going. As the comfortable silence lingered in the air she evaluated the day. It had been a really great dey. She couldn't remember the last time she had spent an entire day with Lucius. She remembered that she enjoyed them just as much as a kid and now she realized how much time he had taken off to work just to care for her...she looked to the sky and she gaped at the sunset. Its fiery colors reflected in the water making the sight even more extraordinary. She stopped the boat and just stared. "Isn't the sunset beautiful?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Jonathan Townsend Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Aria Washington
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Jonathan Townsend

Satisfied that his brothers wouldn't miss him, Jonathan made a few phone calls to arrange his... date?... with Aria. He hoped it wasn't too much for her. He also texted them back, Thanks. I'll be gone for the evening.

The next fifteen hours were spent in anxious boredom. He paced a lot, bought a lot of music, read a book. He washed his car, picked out an outfit, put it back, and picked another one... three times. He couldn't stand it any longer by four in the afternoon. He hopped in his Black Ferrari V4 bike and headed to the florists. He wasn't sure what to buy her... not roses, she had always hated roses. He decided to go with a bouquet of Baby's Breath. He was home by five and dressed and ready to go by five ten. Fifty minutes to go...

Jonny headed to their garage and looked around. What to take.. the Maybach? No, showing up with a driver might be a bit much. Not the Lamborghini.. Lucius had the Bugatti.. he would have to take the Lexus LFA. It wasn't too showy.

He finally left at five thirty, thinking it was better to be early than late. He would just drive slow. He decided to go with the top down.

Jonny finally arrived at Aria's at quarter to six. He got out and knocked on her door, flowers held behind his back for when she came to the door.


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Character Portrait: Jonathan Townsend Character Portrait: Aria Washington
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Aria Washington

Aria had a doctors appointment that morning and she didn't want to go. She HAD felt fine, but now she was starting to feel her sickness again. It wasn't much but she could tell it was coming. Margie came in with a big smile on her face and cheerfully opened her curtains. "So you have a date tonight?" she asked. Aria couldn't help but laugh. She wasn't normally THIS cheerful. "Yeah. Tonight at 6." It was 9 o'clock but Aria had been up since 7.

The doctor asked her the same questions. "Have you been taking your medications? How often do you feel nauseous? How have you felt in the past week? Do you have any pain anywhere?" and the questions went on and on. Aria's answers were typically the same with each visit but she knew he had to ask them. Finally the doctor flipped to the last page of her chart and sighed. "We'll keep your dosage the same for this month, you seem to be doing fine with what you have right now, but I am going to prescribe an anti-nausea pill again. I know you hate them, but the last attack that you had was life-threatening." he looked at her with pity and went to write the prescription for her. 'Six pills....' she thought 'I have to take six pills now...' "I'm also going to let you know that we have emergency medical bracelets. If you're out on your own again and you have an attack all you would have to do is push the button and it will help us locate you and get to you much faster." Aria shook her head. It was too much. She already felt alienated enough as it was. Her doctor pulled out the sample and it didn't actually look like a medical bracelet. With a sigh she signed the release form and they gave her a real one. But she knew she probably wasn't going to wear it much.

She was sent home with her prescription immediately and she handed it to margie. Margie gave her a look of sympathy and added it to her cabinet. They both knew what it meant. The more medications they had to give her, the closer to death she was. Aria climbed the stairs to her room and plopped down on her bed. Two hours passed by like that; with her just staring at the ceiling. Finally at 3 o'clock she got up and decided to take a shower. Margie left her alone for awhile and Aria was thankful for that. At 4 o'clock she put on her outfit and sat down to read a book. Before she knew it there was a knock at the door. Margie winked at her and let her answer the door. Aria walked softly down the stairs and opened the door. She smiled at him and said, "Come in for a sec. I have to grab my purse."


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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Lucius knew she was talking about the sunset but she was the focus of his sight at the moment, "Yeah, I agree." The words came out of his mouth anyways and despite everything: his own rule, her mortality, the danger to them both... he found himself leaning ever closer to her. It was something he hadn't felt in all of his long life, his face was hot and he just had to get closer to her. "Isis... I love you," the all important three words got caught in his throat before tumbling out like one word. He knew he should slow down but at this point he'd begun to slide around the rudder, the better to see her face. Truly, I am nothing but an old fool he thought to himself. Her entire life he'd merely been her guardian for virtually nothing more than a whim but at some point that changed, yet here he was after all their time together falling for a girl less than on hundredth of his age.


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Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Rosalie Larkin
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#, as written by Haas33
Rose sighed. "Yes, god forbid I involve you with my 'petty' problems." She pulled away from him and walks to the opposite side of them room. It just annoyed, no, infuriated, her how he just uses her. Uses! For blood of all things. Such a strange thing to be a slave of too. She remembered when she didn't believe in vampires and the such. Now she wished she felt that way again. She always had this mini blow up argument in her mind, about how unfair her stupid life was. Sure, this guy could be torturing her, raping her, or just plain killing her, but still, using someone for their blood? It was like owning a giant pet mosquito.

She turned back to him, not sure how to word her frustration. "It's just....isn't there some other way?" She bit her lip and attempts to splutter through her ill-prepared speech in her mind. "And even if you did need to live on blood, what is so special about me? Why do you need me?" She asked, trying to sum up her feelings, giving Nathaniel a defiant glare.


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Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Rosalie Larkin
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"Yes, god forbid I involve you with my 'petty' problems." She told him, causing him to frown. He hadn't expected her to react that way, even though he did give her the option. That was something he'd have to avoid in the future. "It's just....isn't there some other way?" She asked. "I beg your pardon?" Nathaniel asked, arching a brow in curiosity. He knew she was getting tired of being used as a human blood bag, he just never thought she would actually say anything about it. "And even if you did need to live on blood, what is so special about me? Why do you need me?". Nathaniel thought for a moment before grinning and flitting to her side. "Because, deary, your blood is truely spectacular. It would be bad of me to let an opportunity like that just slip through my fingers" he replied, flexing his fingers in her face for added effect. "Why? Do you have some sort of problem with it, slave?" Nathaniel asked. He was hoping she didn't answer, hoping she would just walk away in a mood. But the chances of that happening were very slim.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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#, as written by Xiiver
"Isis...I love you.He spoke the words so quickly that Isis thought she must have heard him wrong. She was about to turn around and ask him but he was already making his way around her so she just watched him and as he stopped infront of her, she realized she had heard it right, she could tell by the look in his eyes. He was serious. "Lucius..." for the first time in years she called him by his real name. As a child she hadn't been able to pronounce it and the nickname stuck with her.

She could not believe what she was hearing. She knew the rules. His rules even. She had heard more than she was supposed to during the nights she spent with her books when she should have been asleep. She knew what was at stake here. "But you can't.." She was at a complete loss for words. She just looked him in the eyes and realized she loved him aswell. She had many times caught herself looking his way more than usual the past year, expecting him to come home one day with the most beautiful vampire woman and announce their engagement, but this couldn't be. Would he break his own rule? What would the clan think?! She took a deep breath. "I love you too, Lucius. But the clan will not accept it because you told them so. Are you going to break your own rule? Would it be worth the consequences?" Her voice was cracking but her eyes never left his.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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"Vampires are only active at night, so I could be yours during the day." Lucius' mind was whirling with possibilities: he could try to become human again- no known method; keep their relationship only to the day-but that wouldn't work either. He had three other options: repeal his own rule and look foolish, abandon the clan entirely, or somehow turn her into a vampire- a technique that had been lost centuries ago. "That would only be a temporary measure, perhaps we could find something more permanent? The clan can't object if I become human again, and I've more than enough experience of living as a rogue vampire."

He didn't mention the last option, after all while the specifics of the technique were out of his memory- no vampire ever cared trying to remember it. The process to turn a human was exacting and potentially lethal to both parties if done wrong. To the best of his memory he'd have to nearly drain her dry and then replace the blood he'd taken with his own blood. With modern science it should seem simple but it turns out the blood must be fresh, otherwise the human would die. Perhaps the darkest part of the ritual was it weakened the original, so if a vampire wished to minimize its lost it'd have to break the ultimate taboo: feed on its own kind. Depending on the strength of those it fed upon, losing no strength was easily possible; in fact gaining more power was also in the range of possibility.

With all that to be considered, he'd not go down that dark path unless Isis suggested it herself.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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#, as written by Xiiver
"I have never heard of a vampire becoming human again. Is it even possible?" She broke the gaze and looked down. "I don't know about this Lucius...I want to be with you but if yours or my life is in danger...I can't bear the thought of losing you." She looks back to him and smiles weakly before walking over to him. As she reached him she embraced him. She knew of the possibility of turning her into a vampire but she didn't know if she was fit to be a vampire. She wasn't even sure how the process works or what the risks were. There had to be risks, there always were. She took a deep breath, inhaling his scent before looking him back in the eyes, placing a hand on his cheek. "I need time to think. Maybe we should go home...Maybe we'll think of something, but I don't think now is the time."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Rosalie Larkin
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#, as written by Haas33
Rose averted her eyes from his. Well of course she had a problem with it! He drank her blood! Practically used her as a twenty four hour open buffet. She really was tired of it. But could she do anything about it? Noooooo. Could she tell anyone about it? Noooooo. She had the urge to slap him, but knew it wouldn't hurt him and just make him mad. Instead, she just settled with batting his flexed fingers away, and turning to face the wall. She let out a sigh. She turned back to him, sucked in a breath, willed up her courage, and finally spoke. "Yes, I do have a problem with it. I'm tired of being your slave! How would you like it if I was feeding off of you?" the words seemed to blurt from her mouth. Instantly she regretted it. What would he do to her now?


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Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Rosalie Larkin
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Nathaniel's eyes narrowed into dangerously thin slits, his fists clenched and his muscles tensed. He was about to hit her, to beat her senseless, but he couldn't bring himself to do anything. He relaxed himself after a moment or two of glaring, then huffed and spoke. "See, that's a problem I don't have to face, because I'm the one doing the feeding. It would be impossible for a vampire to feed off of another vampire. And to be quite honest, I couldn't care less whether you had a problem with it or not, regardless of me asking. Your are mine, I will do with you what I please" he muttered, his voice cold and snake-like, like something you'd hear in a freaky nightmare. "Anyway, I think we should change topic, don't you?" he asked, "I've had my fill of blood, you are now free to wander around the room and do as you wish".


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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"In all honesty, I've never heard of a vampire becoming human again- it always ends in failure. But yes, let's go back for now, we have our respective night lives to prepare for," after he spoke the second sentence he gave her a real quick kiss before turning the boat around. If he had too much of her scent on him, the other vampires would suspect him of breaking his own rule. "If we wish to try the other options, we could run now. I've been around enough where I know how to stay hidden from other night-walkers."

He piloted the boat carefully back into the boathouse and began tying it down. He made sure it'd be readily useable in the future if ever required, "Me becoming a human again isn't possible, though you joining the clan is less dangerous...just require finding a volume that was lost in the vaults centuries ago." With that he spoke no more of the topic and walked towards the car, he couldn't be Lulu at this point. The night called for Lucius the clan leader.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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#, as written by Xiiver
She smiled weakly at the kiss and took a few steps back as she spoke. "I don't want to run away. I do not want to live the rest of my life on the run, staying hidden from people who used to be family... I wouldn't be able to bare the thought of leaving." She walked over and once again sat down by the edge so she could reach the water and gently touch the surface with her fingers. If they left she wouldn't only leave her family, but the life she loved. She loved the way things had been. She had a job she loved, a family she loved and there was not a care in the world. But now all of a sudden this big problem developed after nineteen years. She didn't know what to do...

They docked back at the boathouse and as Lucius tied the boat Isis made her way back towards the car and sat down in the passenger's seat. She didn't feel like driving. She wouldn't be able to focus on the road and she was tired. So very tired. "Joining the clan..." She whispered to herself as she put the keys in the ignition and then leaned back into the passenger seat, staring blankly out the window.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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"Yeah, it would be a pain to just up and leave this place," Lucius responded while starting the ignition. The way he drove back wasn't the way he drove during the day, but his clan leader status demanded a certain amount of poise even when doing something like driving home. "Besides if we can find the method again, the family could grow again." That was the thing with vampires, natural reproduction was incredibly rare so virtually the entire population was formerly human. He really was in no rush to get back but at the same time he had his duties to perform as well. The result being he drove at a casual, almost leisurely speed while taking the most direct route back to the mansion. "You don't need to make any decisions for a while so feel free to think it through as thoroughly as you need to," he finished while pulling up the driveway and directing the vehicle to the garage.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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#, as written by Xiiver
All of a sudden Isis found herself with a terrible headache. She gentle placed her fingers by her temples and rubbed them gently. She had been thinking alot about what her life would be like if she chose to join the clan. First of all, she's have to live her life hiding her true identity. Not really hiding as they would have if they ran away, but she'd still have to hide whe she really was and she was not sure how that would be like living. She would be able to be with Lucius but she was so unsure if she'd ever be able to adjust to such a different way of living. Maybe she would...she should ask Lucius or maybe ssomeone else what it was like to be a newly born vampire before she decided and of course find out the risks.
As they pulled up and the car was parked she quickly got out of the car. It was quite late and she was tired and the headache hadn't quite gone away. "I'm not hungry so I'll skip dinner...I'll be in my room if you need me." She walked off and as soon as she reached her room she changed into a too big t-shirt and sweatpants. Sitting down on her bed she decided to do some reading to get her mind off the problem. At least for a while.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Isis O'connor Character Portrait: Jonathan Townsend Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend
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Lucius nodded as Isis headed off to her room and went to his office. He'd unnecessarily delayed clan affairs so he hurried through the mass of papers on his desk, it took far more time than it should have but still less than he expected. " Well that gets everything in order for this the regular business." He went to a meeting with the elders, it was the usual nonsense and he was grateful to leave. Around now it was nearing the early morning,approximately a quarter to one, "Fetch me the Townsend brothers," he called to a younger vampire. The two brothers had great sense for their relative ages and were amazingly efficient at handling things.

Sure there had been a set back a couple years ago with a certain woman, but ever sense then there had been no issues. He had the urge to hunt tonight, the two of them had great taste in targets as well. He gave a sarcastic smile, he was trying to eat, seek advise and get some guy- time all at once.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Rosalie Larkin
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Nathaniel huffed as one of the younger blood-suckers came and told him that Lucius requested his presence. He turned to Rose, bowed, smirked and then left the room. "I assume he's in his office?" he asked, the guy just nodded. "Thanks a bunch, newb". Nathaniel glided through the hallways and tried his absolute best to remember his way to Lucius' office. It was silly, he'd lived there for over four centuries yet he'd not often been requested to see Lucius and so he hadn't had a reason to try and remember the way. He reached the door and exhaled deeply, preparing himself for what was to come since he had no idea if he was in trouble or not. He turned the handle and stepped inside slowly, yet not so slow as to look scared. "Greetings, Lucius, you requested my presence?" he asked, his voice deep and brooding, he would often greet people with that certain tone because it made him look more intimidating. Despite Lucius being head vampire, Nathaniel wasn't very much intimidated by him. "Just to let you know, that incident with the blood bag was not my fault" he grumbled defensively, holding both hands in the air.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend
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"I really could care less about something like that, we have more than enough resources to blow something like that over," Lucius replied. Some clans were heavy handed in hierarchy, Lucius just let people speak of himself for him. After that it was up to individual vampires to decide how they acted in his presence. "Truth be told, I hear you have good tastes and sound judgement and I find myself in need of that this evening," he flashed his fangs. "I'm feeling a little bit...pent up this evening, and from what I've heard, you'd enjoy a hunt as well." Usually going out and actively hunting humans was forbidden because it drew so much attention. Lucius intended to travel a distance tonight before they hunted to keep thing their home turf clean.

"After all, after living in the days where humans were nothing more than cattle to be eaten at leisure; a good hunt is needed to keep oneself calm. Don't you think?" This was the dark nature he'd kept from Isis, he no longer saw humans as something of value. They were food, things to be hunted and used for pleasure at will. For some reason, she'd proven to be an exception and during those times he was closest to retrieving his old humanity. In all truth, he was even beginning to see his fellow vampire in the same light- probably a consequence of living far too long.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend
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Nathaniel lowered his arms when Lucius spoke. "Indeed. Though, that's not the case for me. I use Rose to release my frustration and anger, apart from using her as a food source" he replied. "I suppose a good hunt won't hurt anybody" he said, 'besides me' he thought. It had been a few years since he'd hunted humans, he hadn't the need to since he bought Rose, but Lucius appeared as if he needed to get out and so Nathaniel would help him do it. "I assume you're bringing my moronic brother? Hunting just wouldn't be the same without him" he said, faking a happy tone.

His relationship hadn't been too good with Jonathan since they both became a vampire. At the time, Nathaniel wanted to be one of those self-loathing vampire with no living relative and one of those attitudes where he couldn't have friends because they all ended up dying, but his brother crushed that whole idea and flushed it down the toilet. Now he was referred to as 'Jonathan's brother'. For that, he hated his brother and everything he stood for.


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Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend Character Portrait: Rosalie Larkin
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#, as written by Haas33
Rose Larkin

Rose rolled her eyes at Nathaniel's departure. He was just so full of himself. So determine to get under her skin....both literally and metaphorically. It made her so mad, this whole situation. One of these days she would escape, leave this life behind. They would find and kill her though. Staying with Nathaniel right now was pretty much the only way she could stay alive. If she managed to escape they would kill her. And she wouldn't be surprised. She didn't like being used as a slave...just a nobody you could barter with. It wasn't even her fault....she was walking back to her college dorm and something hit her from behind. She woke up in a cage....and then he bought her. He bought her like a human would buy a cheeseburger. It made her sick.

But it was also sort of smart....nice even. Sure, not to her, but now he would;t have to kill so many humans to get his blood fill. He would just drink from her. It was a clever way to deal with things. Cruel, but clever. Bored with the thoughts that swirled in her mind, she grabbed a book from the bookshelf and sat down on the bed, going right to work, reading. Soon she was lost in a different world. A world so much better than the one she was in right now.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend
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"Well everything aside, you two make the most effective team pairing in the coven," Lucius answered in response to Nathanial's question. "But we do have a relatively long distance to cover so if he doesn't show up in a timely manner, he will be left behind." After all in the olden days, a vampire often out ran a horse and flight was used either to play around or travel very quickly. "So any particular place you wish to hunt in particular or are we going to where ever impulse takes us?" He had no preference himself, he just thought he'd offer the courtesy of choosing the hunting grounds since he probably interrupted something.


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Character Portrait: Lucius Markus Manius Character Portrait: Nathaniel Townsend
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"Well, the choice is all yours, since you are head vampire 'n' all" he replied, waving his hand airily. "But I'll have you know that I have already eaten today, though I'm completely up for hunting. I guess I'll just think of it as a small game to occupy my time; the hunting and killing of innocent humans". Nathaniel had a smug smirk perched upon his lips, his amber eyes full of joy. "Let's hope they have weapons, you know how I love a good fight". He made a few punching gestures, "Pow, pow, boom, head splat. Y'know, the usual".

Before Rose came along, he'd go out and feed, then simply torture cities and villages by killing off a majority of the men, sometimes even women and children - it depended on what mood he was in. "Anyway, have you any idea where Jonathan has been lately?".


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Character Portrait: Isis O'connor
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#, as written by Xiiver
It was now dark and Isis hadn't left her room once she got home. She felt a little awkward meeting Lucius during night time now. But to be honest she rarely met him during night time anyways since she was usually asleep...
She did not want to go to bed. Not yet. She felt like if she went to bed she would stay awake because of all the thinking she would do. She sighed and started back and forth in her room. Was she prepared to become a vampire? She would have to give up her life in the sun. She never went outside much though but she did occasionally enjoy a walk in the sun. She'd also have to hide her true identity for the rest of her life. Would she be able to? Maybe...maybe Lucius could teach her then she suddenly came to a halt and realized somehting important. She would have to feed off of humans...feed on blood. She never realized this.
After many hours of thinking and walking back and forth, she decided it was time to get some sleep. She crawled into her bed and within minutes she was asleep.