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Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Marvel: Next Gen Heros


A mysterious new pyramid found in the desert has brought the heros of the Marvel world together to investigate it.

1,749 readers have visited Marvel: Next Gen Heros since Soul_Alchemist created it.


The year is 2021. A mysterious object has appeared in the sands of Egypt, a pyramid that seems to be made of some unknown metal. Attempts to get close enough to analyze it have failed, some sort of force field is keeping anything organic at bay, and causing anything non-organic to explode upon contact. The agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. has taken an interest, and through them some of the brightest minds the world has ever seen are doing what they can to help the situation.

Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, and Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, are just a couple of the minds hard at work on figuring out what this mysterious pyramid is and why it has appeared on earth. They have come up with a machine that will allow them to create a small hole in the force fields, but just long enough for a team to enter the field and explore the site. The only problem is, events elsewhere are keeping some of the more experiences heros from being able to help, and so a team of rookies must be sent in.

This team will consist of 'sidekicks,' younger, less experienced people with super powers, most of which are either the children of or trained under real superheros. Aside from their training and abilities they will be outfitted with special equipment provided by S.H.I.E.L.D. Weapons, protective gear, communication units, everything they might need to understand the reasons behind the mysterious pyramid.

Basically this idea is a Marvel version of Young Justice, a new show about the sidekicks of the D.C. Comic world who come together as their own group. This story involves young heros from the Marvel world that are brought together because of the events described above. These new heros can be the children of the original Marvel characters, sidekicks of theirs, anything like that. And I may allow people to use a couple of cannon characters, although Iron Man and the Hulk are out because they have to monitor the machines.

I would rather the X-Men not be brought into this roleplay though, simply because I'd rather focus on the other Marvel heros. So aside from the mutants, about anything you can think of Marvel-wise could work.

Character Sheet-

Hero Name:
Hero Connection: (what real Marvel hero are they connected to, as in who's child are they, or who did they train under?)
Appearance: (includes physical appearance, normal clothing, hero clothes, and any changes that occure when their powers are in use)

Personality: (option, can reveal in rp)

Equipment: (anything your character carries with them)
Powers: (whatever your characters powers, abilities, or skills might be)

Origin: (how did they gain their powers? Do they have a weakness?)
Background: (what has their life been like since they got their powers, and what about before then?)
Other: (anything else you would like to add)

If you need any help when it comes to the heros, take a look at this site, It goes to the Marvel website, and you can learn just about whatever you need from there.
As heros are chosen by players I'll list them below. They come on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you have any questions or comments please let me know either in the OOC or through a PM.

Taken Heros-
Hulk by Soul_Alchemist
Spider Man by Peeps
Black Cat by shadowkat
Ghost Rider by koolkat104
Submariner by winged1107
Deadpool by Demon of Bereavement

Iron Man reserved for A.C.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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"Thanks!" Ayden said, calling to Will as he made his way over. "Mira, Will, Will Mira." She walked a few paces down the corridor, spinning around to face the other three. "Our resident fish thought she saw something down here, so I wanted to shed a little light on the subject." Laughing at her own joke she gestured toward them to follow down the hallway. "Isaac," she called out rather loudly, "we're going exploring. If you want to join us, I suggest you do it soon!"


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Coral laughed at the joke but frowned when she saw something scuttle in the distance. "Cool trick, and yeah, there's something definately down their." She said outloud and took off down the hallway, very slowly. She didn't want something hidden to swoop down and attack her, now that would've been extremely unpleasant. The flames on the wall was definately helpful and cool but Coral hoped that it wouldn't piss anyone off.

"So. . . if we find something, lets not kill it okay? Just corner it," She told them softly, still seeing that scuttling shadow that kept on moving further and further down.


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#, as written by Peeps
Randy watched Issac green up and come over, but he wasn't angry, and he didn't kill Randy, which confused him. Must've taken anger management classes or something. As group of girls and a Will went into a different tunnel, Randy continued to pull open the metal door.
Finally, the door flew off it's hinges and Randy barely dodged it.
"Woah!" Randy recovered from diving to the ground, dodging the door. He got up and brushed some silver glitter off his suit. "Huh? Hey Issac! Look!" Randy blew some of the glitter into the air. "What do you think it is?" He walked over to the newly busted door. "It doesn't do anything... I guess we'll find out about it later."


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After her embarasement with Issac, Scarelet just layed low, not as if she were very noticeable anyway. She saw a part of the gruop heading for the dark hall, but she kept near Randy and Issac. However she started neezing several time due to Randy's little glitter " show" : "Damn cat sences. I'm sorry guys." and she took a couple of steps away from the group as to avoid the sneezing. Just then she senced something else: it was danger and comming their way. "Guys someone or something is comming" she said puting her right hand on the katana.


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Issac simply stood aside as the door came loose, and once that was taken care of he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, which worked, but it also made him cough due to the powder in the air. "I don't know what that is, here." He says, taking some of the powder and pouring it into a vile then placing that into a small machine on the side of his utility belt, "Maybe my father will know. I'm getting kind of worried that they haven't contacted us yet..."

Just then Scarlet spoke up, saying something about danger. Issac was about to say she was just paranoid, but then he was proven wrong as there was a rumbling from beyond the darkened doorway they had just opened up. Taking a flashlight from his belt he shines it down the hallway beyond the door, which reveals a horde of the real aliens they had faced before. Just as he goes to say something to the others, the hallway fills with fire. Without a second thought he grabs up the door and uses it as a shield, going green yet again.

"Hurry, get out of here, find the others!" he yells as the door begins to heat up against his skin. "Ah! Hurry, this hot!"

Slowly the pain was causing him to fully turn into the Hulk he had been fighting to keep inside, which would be bad news for anything nearby when it happened. When fully Hulked out he got much stronger than he was when he could control himself, but he also got very stupid, meaning that anything would likely be seen as an enemy to him.


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Mira was the first to see it. At the end of the hall she and the other girls were exploring, another flame, not Ayden's fire, sealed the entrance to their hallway. She looked back, and made a small whining noise, like an "uuhhh...". She then turned around again and grabbed the nearest person ahead of her, to get their attention. She pointed at the flames, looking rather worried. The other humans had remained in the hallway, and fire generally wasn't good for humans, at the very least not fire this big. She wondered if she could take that heat, even. It wouldn't be comfortable, but maybe if she used that fire control of hers to keep it away from her wing... And used her wing as a shield...


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Coral felt Mira grab her and pointed at flames that seemed to be coming out from the other side of the room. Coral cussed and started to run to the other side of the room, screwing the lid off of her flask of water and pulling it out of the container. She saw Isaac turn into the Hulk and she faltered for a moment, afraid to be near him when he lost complete control but continued anyway, the hot metal would burn his skin.

Coral reached the door that Isaac was holding and engulfed the door in a thin lair of water, making it cool down. At the same time she pulled water out of the humid air, depressed at how little there actually was in the air, sending the small amount past the cracks in the door and onto the flames, dousing a few flames but at the same time evaporating the water.

"Shit..." She mumbled under her breath and tried pulling some more from the air, not quite succeeding. She gritted her teeth and suddenly her eyes grew wide. She could see sweat beading up on the others skin who were close enough to the fire, including herself. With a quick motion of her hand the sweat was suddenly in her command as she pushed it back in the door some more, putting out a bit more flames.

"Everyone do me a favour, make yourselves sweat," She told them with a small smile, still being quite concentrated on finding more of a water source.


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Jon blinked. Everything had seemed to happen just as quickly, Ayden lighting the hall, the other source of fire, Isaac turning full blood hulk. He had to decide which direction to go. Should he go to Isaac and stop his reverting, or should he help the girls. "Such a predicament." He said softly to himself. In the split second it had taken him to say this, he pulled two relatively normal sized bottles of water from a pocket on his suit. The water contained was untouched by the recent increase of heat. "CORAL! Here." He tossed the water bottles, opened so they started to spill out as they spun towards her. The bottles and water would stay cool for a few minutes, as he had just pulled them out. He then turned toward Isaac, feeling confident that Coral could do with the water he sent to her.

He neared Isaac and moved under his thrashes. Once he was close enough, he threw out a sphere of his power to encompass him and Isaac only. Slowly Isaac reverted to normal, while he himself began to 'Hulk' out. He closed his eyes as they both settled down enough to be civilized. Eyes closed, he was concentrating on controlling the release of animal anger that the Hulk drew its power from. "Control the power source, control the force." He muttered to himself. Slowly, he stopped changing (He's already in mid change, so he's kind of half and half) and began to return to his more human form. Once he had an unfaltering control over himself, he helped Isaac up. "Almost didn't get here in time." He said smiling, half jokingly. He then winced, but he righted himself. It was not an easy task, controlling the force known as the Hulk.


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Ayden jumped at the second wall of fire. Everything took place in what seemed to be a heartbeat, and her eyes were flitting at an unfathomable rate as she tried to keep up. Jon threw the water bottles at Coral then calmed down the Green Giant. She looked at her own, not-too-dangerous fiery creation then at the new blaze, which was clearly doing a small bit of damage to Isaac. Still skeletal, Ayden ran over next to Jon and Isaac, concentrating as hard as she could on the fire. Some of it was pulled toward her, almost as if she was a magnet. "There's too much for me to handle," she called out to the other heroes. The fire was bouncing off of her energy and hitting the makeshift shield Isaac had. "Coral! We're going to need that water soon, I think!" The hellfire around her was mixing with the 'human-type' fire as she tried to summon it to her. The mix of the two 'elements' burned her skin, but not bad enough for her to consider it an actual burn. "This isn't working as well as planned," she muttered aloud as she examined the blaze around her.


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Mira followed suit, putting her theory into action. She unfurled her wings, red bat-like appendages stretching out from her back, and leapt into the fire. She hissed in pain as a lick of flame got past her wing, and burned her slightly, but otherwise her wings were doing very well to look after her. She looked around for the others, in case she needed to help somebody with her wing. She was correct that this endeaver wasn't very comfortable, the heat was nigh on unbearable, but she made sure to stand her ground, as surely, she had to have seen worse at least once.


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((...okay, that's it, i give up on this all keep just doing whatever you want despite what i begin with, you had the room fill with enemies then took them out like they were nothing, despite the fact that in the OOC i told you all they were powerful psychics...then you made up a hallway when i said the only way to get out of the room they were in was through the door, which i then tried to get open...after that you all for got that my guy can control his Hulk powers, which that wasn't all that bad...but then you took everything i said and twisted it around...the fire rushes down the hallway behind the door we just open, Issac Hulks out and grabs the door, using it as a shield to protect everyone else, meaning there would be no wall of flames, no fire for anyone to freak out about except for those creeping out from around the door...this also means that when you took his powers away, the door would have flown off at high speeds, hitting both Issac and Jon, and then the room would fill with flames...if you guys would just calm down and stop jumping the gun this would have been at least a decent rp, but no, you've ruined if you guys want to keep going, fine, but I'm taking myself out of this...))


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((Honestly, I didn't realize what you meant with the door thing. You might as well keep going... No point in stopping now. Misreads are misreads. Also, if we all keep going, I will be away this week so won't be able to answer posts.))


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The group had regrouped and was now in one of what appeared to be several dozen halls that wound around this pyramid, from the base, which was actually deep below the sands, up to the top, which is where they believed the base of command was. After the incident in the hall, where Issac had gone Hulk and it had taken Will and Jon to calm him down, Stark and Banner had been able to get through to them on their com units, and using the equipment they had brought into the pyramid, they were able to get a scan of the pyramid, which greatly helped them when it came time to try and outrun a horde of that Banner was calling Brutes, the larger, strong beings who were able to move things with their mind.

They had made an attempt to go after the tall thin one who could create fire, but the flames where so hot they couldn't get anywhere near him, and he had fled. Now they had to come up with a plan on how to get to the top of the pyramid and shut down the force field. There was a catch, however, as Banner was about to tell them.

"Guys, listen up, I've got some bad news," Banner says over their com units, "I'm getting some seismic readings here, and they're very unusual for this time of the year. Tony is out gather more data, but I think the pyramid might actually be a space ship of some sort...and it's about to take off!"

"What's the plan dad? Can you find us a way out or will we have to try and make one?" Issac asks, getting a bit nervous, his heart monitor beeping a bit louder.

"I'll see what I can do. For now, just look the map over and try to get to one of the outer halls," Banner says, sounding both upset and busy, "As soon as I find something I'll let you know, but if worse comes to worse, you may have to simply break out...if it's possible..."

With that the com units went quiet, not even static, and from one end of the hallway Issac felt what seemed like a cool breeze, though it suddenly became very cold. turning to face that direction he curses as he sees another of those tall, thin beings, this one causing ice to form along the hallway, making the floors slick and cold. And worse, from behind him Brutes were starting to appear.


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Will had been meditating a bit on the happenings on this pyramid lately, and although he was having quite a bit of fun, the whole getting sent up into space with a bunch of psychic beings trying to kill them thing wasn't his cup of tea.

"What I wouldn't give for a teleporter right now..." Will said to himself, stopping as he too felt the air temperature drop, looking up from his daze to see a skinny alien, much like the one that had shot fire at them earlier, along with a bunch of the big telekentic ones, which were a considerably big pain in the ass to fight when they were real.

"So this makes the fourth time we've turned a corner to have death waiting for us? I'm starting to lose track" He said, drawing his gun and a sword, running ahead of the group to go on the offensive. The brutes were surprisingly agile for being large slobbering beasts, and Will only managed to knick one on the leg as he jumped into the fray, with another leaping onto him, pinning him to the ground with it's muscular front legs. it brought one foot up and slammed it repeatedly into Will's head, but Will managed to shoot the leg dancing in his brain matter before it knocked him out, though the pain was less than refreshing. The brute backed off, and used it's telekenises to throw him back to the others.

"Alright...They totally aren't illusions...ow..." Will said, taking a moment to heal before standing back up, popping the tendons in his neck before charging again.


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#, as written by Peeps
"Another one?!" Randy knew this was the end, now there was another one of those Brute things turning this hall into a freezer, but way worse. He though he would die, so he went all out and shot a line to one of the Brutes and tried to pull it in, but Randy hadn't realized that the ice would ruin everything. Even his spider-stick powers didn't stick to the super-slippery ice, which was now all over the floor. The Brute being way heavier than Randy, the little blue spider just slid down the hall to the Brute, who effortlessly kicked him, sending him sliding back down the hall to the others.
"Hey Will." Randy happened to stop sliding right next to the other kid on the ground. "I know how you feel." Randy somehow chuckled, but he still would hate curling even more after this experience.


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Scarlet felt useless in situations like those. She looked at Spidey and Will on the floor. "You mentioned these creatures are some sort of highly experienced telepaths?! I am a sort of telepath....I might try to get in touch with them..but only if Issac agrees" she looked from Randy and Will to Issac.


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"Worth a shot...I don't know any more about these...things, than you guys do," Issac says, kneeling, keeping himself low so that if he falls he won't hit the floor so hard, "You try and touch their minds, we'll keep them off you until we get this figured out. Blue Spider, Deadhead, let's try some teamwork this time, alright?" he asks, with Will being Deadhead in this case. As he says this he smiles and starts to turn green, holding out his hand. "Let's see if they can handle a fast ball."

In his mind he pictures Will drawing his swords, then climbing into Issac's hand and being thrown towards the main ice alien. Since he can't really die, even if this doesn't work completely he should cause not only a distraction, but some damage, and then the Young Hulk can charge in, possibly with Randy on his back, so the Blue Spider can deliver a sticky surprise assault to trap the Brutes for a short time, maybe long enough for Scarlet to reach their minds.


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Coral cussed softly as she heard one of those brutes and froze in fear when she had seen it. It seemed like this one had ice as it's element, which was a big problem for her. The fire one wasn't as bad mainly because she had water to fight it off but if she attacked this one with water it would probably just end up freezing it, rendering her completely useless here. She backed up a little, just to make sure she was behind all of the others. She felt scared . . . very scared. She really hoped that the others would be able to take of this one.

She looked at Isaac, Scarlet, Will and Randy as they plotted what they were going to do, the plan involving the four of them. Coral sighed, happy that Isaac hadn't said anything to do with her in the plan. She thought he would have assumed that she would be able to maybe control the ice that the thing gave which wasn't exactly wrong. It was more due with the fact that the thing was a lot stronger than she could ever wish to be.


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Will drew a gun and a sword, favoring the diversity a bit more than two of either of them, and nodded at Issac, leaping up into the air to be grabbed by Young Hulk, who flung him past the brutes and at the Leader off behind them. Will spun as he flew, firing his gun and slicing as he passed the brutes by to get their attention, but was unsure of the damage he was doing.

He pointed the gun at the Leader's head and smirked, charging forward with his gun a' blazing at the alien creature. He recieved the bullets being shot back at him, thanks to the alien's telekenises, but to the alien's surprise, Will kept coming... only to get a shard of ice lodged into his chest, the weight knocking him down, and the Leader began freezing the mutants legs to the floor.

Will yelled, firing his gun again, and through the alien's surprise at his continued movement, the bullets managed to knick the leader enough to stop the freezing, at least for now.

"Kind of screwed if someone doesn't help me out here!" Will yelled, firing more shots off at the Leader, who was sheilding himself with ice now, unable to focus enough to send the bullets back with his mental powers through the pain.


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Scarlet listen closely to Issac's plan. As soon as Will and Issac started making way to their part of the plan, the girl took a step back and closed her eyes. Scarlet had done this milions of times, telepathy. She immediatley felt like a mental bareer stopped her"They are strong indeed" she thought to herself. However, the bareer weakened as soon as Will and Issac distrcated them "Good plan guys" she again noted. Scarlet manages to go trough their bareer into their heads, she focused on each of them in part, telling them to retreat for now. However, they were quite a few of them and very powerfull, she managed to transimit the message trough their brains and hoped it would work, as she fell to the floor due to the much amount of energy she lost doing that.


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(Sorry im late, had a standstill in the way of thoughts.)

Jon had taken his roll of web that Randy had spun him when he tried to capture one of the illusion Brutes. He had attached one end at the entrance and there was still about half the original amount. The web was very durable, stretched wire thin. It was something that he had remember happen to him as a child, he had gotten lost in a hedge maze. He noticed a drop in temperature not from his senses, but a small beep from his suit. He had turned and saw the leader type monster. The battle then began in the time it took him to blink. He saw Will and Randy both try to advance on the brutes, but were sent back. Will however kept going back. The next time he was sent back, he had a large spike of Ice in his chest. Jon hooked the roll of web on his belt in such a manner that as he walked it would unravel on the floor, and if he backtracked, it would roll back up. He knelt next to Will and gripped the Ice protruding from his chest. "Hold still." Jon told him quietly. Concentrating on his gloves, he directed the majority of the suits heat flow there and the Ice began to melt. Soon, the Ice was small enough to pull out safely. He tossed the Ice to the side and stood up, placing a hand on his sword if he needed to draw it quickly, if Scarlet's portion of the plan backfired.


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Scarlet picked herself off the floor and closed her eyes once more "I will not fail". This time she concentrated a lot more and she managed to get trough the Leader. She first callmed him down telling him we don't want to fight them, just talk and ih he could stop the fighting so we could talk. The Leader presently communicated something to Scarlet while stopping the attack.

The girl oppened her eyes: "He wants to talk to the leader. Issac I guess that's you. But don't let your guard down, he can attack at any moment, tell me when and I'll put you two in connection" she said as she walked forward to where the guys were stumbling a bit, as she was quite tired.


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For a moment Issac was unable to speak, as he was entangled with one of the Brutes. It seemed that even if Scarlet had managed to get through to the leader of this group, these oversized monkeys were too stupid to really be controlled. After a few moments, however, he manages to lift the Brute over his head and toss him into the wall. After that he looks back to Scarlet and nods, then steps away and changes back to his normal form to better communicate his thoughts to the Leader.

Soon he could feel something enter his mind, it felt a bit like his brain had been taken out of his skull and dunked in ice water for a few moments, but then he shook it off and looked over to the alien and made eye contact as best he could. The Leader being was much taller than him, and so he had to crane his neck up to see him better.

My name is Issac Banner, the son of Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, Issac begins gesturing to himself, These are my allies, my friends. My father, and the rest of our race, asked us to come here and investigate this...structure. He found himself struggling a little with the wording, not sure if the being could understand him well enough, We mean you know harm, we only want some answers. It is hard for humans to simply accept this sort of thing appearing out of no where all of a sudden...

When his words failed him he closes his eyes and imagines all the things he ha seen, all the images he found in the archives of S.H.I.E.L.D. There were images of past wars the Avengers, X-Men, and various other groups and individuals had fought in, images of alien invaders, and several other things he had personally done. Somehow, it seemed the images got through to the being, and a short time later he raises his hand and creates a staff of ice, which he slams onto the ground. This sends a surge of ice through the hall, freezing all of the Brutes in place, but not affecting the young heroes.


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"Thanks Dudeman" Will said, tossing the Icicle out of his chest, lying there a moment while the gaping hole in his chest sealed. While he recovered, the alien Will had been fighting had frozen the Brutes, and seemed to be giving peace a chance. He looked around as he sat up and noticed Issac had become..well, Issac, and was concentrating fairly hard.

"Oh, are we communicating with our minds now? Can I try?" He said, then focused as well, or as well as he could anyway, letting images fly freely in his head while he made whooping noises in the back ground.

((Short Post is still Short... >.>))


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(sorry for not being here for a while- was gone away... I shall try to keep my place here)

As all of this was going on, Ayden was trying to find ways to destroy the hardened, slippery ice. Showering the glistening floor with every fire-type power she had with no result, she came to the conclusion that there was nothing else to try. Because of this realization, she simply continued fighting the Brutes, balancing expertly on the slippery surface.

"This seriously isn't going as well as planned!" the fire demon called out, killing or maiming every alien that came into shooting range. She fought for what seemed like forever when Isaac started trying to communicate with the leader by sending him mental images. After a moment, the leader raised a staff and froze the Brutes in place, giving the heroes a breather from fighting. As Will caught on to what Isaac was doing, Ayden watched intently. Best not to get in the way, she thought to herself.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Issac Banner
Character Portrait: Ayden Blaze
Character Portrait: Will Wilson
Character Portrait: (Pramiraii) Mira
Character Portrait: Jon Phantasia De' Fantasm M:TNG


Character Portrait: Jon Phantasia De' Fantasm M:TNG
Jon Phantasia De' Fantasm M:TNG

A young mutant, budding into his powers.

Character Portrait: (Pramiraii) Mira
(Pramiraii) Mira

Thought it'd be interesting to have a villain connection.

Character Portrait: Will Wilson
Will Wilson

Son of Wade Wilson...kinda

Character Portrait: Ayden Blaze
Ayden Blaze

AKA Shadow Rider

Character Portrait: Issac Banner
Issac Banner

AKA the Young Hulk


Character Portrait: (Pramiraii) Mira
(Pramiraii) Mira

Thought it'd be interesting to have a villain connection.

Character Portrait: Issac Banner
Issac Banner

AKA the Young Hulk

Character Portrait: Ayden Blaze
Ayden Blaze

AKA Shadow Rider

Character Portrait: Jon Phantasia De' Fantasm M:TNG
Jon Phantasia De' Fantasm M:TNG

A young mutant, budding into his powers.

Character Portrait: Will Wilson
Will Wilson

Son of Wade Wilson...kinda

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Issac Banner
Issac Banner

AKA the Young Hulk

Character Portrait: Jon Phantasia De' Fantasm M:TNG
Jon Phantasia De' Fantasm M:TNG

A young mutant, budding into his powers.

Character Portrait: Ayden Blaze
Ayden Blaze

AKA Shadow Rider

Character Portrait: Will Wilson
Will Wilson

Son of Wade Wilson...kinda

Character Portrait: (Pramiraii) Mira
(Pramiraii) Mira

Thought it'd be interesting to have a villain connection.

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Most recent OOC posts in Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

What the-- OMYGOD IT CONTINUED!!!!! 8D You wouldn't believe the joy over here.

I wonder if I can rejoin...?

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

If it is not too late I'd like to think about maybe re-applying for this RP but I'll have to see how the two other RPs I'm applying for are going first.


Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

guys...what's going on? why isn't anybody posting?

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

The blue skin makes me think of the Na'vi from Avatar. besides, my guy would make an ideal babysitter. my ability keeps its from activating and turning big again.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Actually, it could be that this creature was an experiment by the Leaders, some bad ones. They wanted to try and make their race more physically strong, so they combined somethings they shouldn't have to create the creature. Everything was find until they let it outside, and it reacted to something, turned big, and when we defeat it the thing kind of 'pops' and reverts to it's original form.

This new form could just sort of stow away with us on our way back. It could look humans but maybe it has dark blue skin or something. It could be a new hero later on.

Basically the same idea I guess, lol.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Ahh. not a bad thought. Not a bad thought at all. Hmm, heres another! if this happens, the creature, once defeated leaves behind a baby life form that the aliens dont want to keep, so they put it in our care! it has enough of a humanistic appearance except for a few things like slightly scaly skin, an oddly shaped birthmark, or something. It is what the creature was before something, or someone tampered with it and it then grew out of control. and it resulted in what the avengers had to defeat. Well, its a thought anyway

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros When this is all said and done we'll be on earth, and it wouldn't work to have a bunch of Brutes walking around with us or following us on missions...

My half-baked idea is that we go to the main Leader of the ship, and he tells us about a crisis on their homeworld. A being that they either purposefully created, or that was created accidentally. This creature is immune to psychic attacks, even stuff like trying to move him with the mind wouldn't work. His skin also keeps him from being affected by elemental attacks. This thing has basically gone berserk on their world, and at first they were going to try and settle on Earth, but now they think maybe the Young Avengers, for lack of a better name, can help them take care of the problem.

They take us to their world, which is in chaos, and we have to destroy, detail, whatever we have to do, to take down the creature.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Heres a thought, if things go as you want, the orders are that they stay with us no matter what happens to the other aliens or if they do decide to leave, those that are assigned to us HAVE to stay with us. pretty much allying with us for the rest of their lives. Maybe each was assigned to a separate person.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Chu, if you want to make a sidekick or son/daughter character for Sentry, then sure, but this rp isn't about the original heroes, hence the name. Techically we shouldn't be able to accept anymore characters, but like I said, if you can make a character like that then I'll it over.

And thanks for clearing it up CF. If we keep going in the direction I hope we will, then I'll have the main Leader assign a group of Brutes as our guards, maybe a couple of low ranking Leaders as well.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Yea, its the quirk i gave him to seperate him from being exactly like his parents, and be fair to the other people playing. And hey Chu, i dont know if you remember me, but I mainly kept to the name Fantasy a few years back. I have a question, is that Heroes RP still active? the one in your sig. I also finally recognize your avatar, which I didnt before, since Ive seen the entire series of Heroes.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Hey Can I join this RP as the Avengers character Senrty please? If so I'll get too work on my original characters sa well. :)

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros other words...yes, they do have to stay close...

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Well, he can always expand the sphere generated when he uses his power, but that runs the risk of enveloping other people and taking their abilities, giving him access to their abilities, which I don't want to do. Remember, the sphere is relative to his body. so its imperative that the one he wants is close to him. which is why, as I said, if things turn offensive, one of the things needs to be captured. so he can keep the sphere as small as possible.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Does Jon have to keep the 'person' whose powers he's taking close by? If not then you could go ahead and take the basic powers of the Brute, or ask the Leader is you could have his. Keep in mind, though, that while the leaders do have basically all psychic powers they normally specialize in controlling one of the elements, so that might be a bit of an overload for him

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

lol, kk. If things take a turn towards the offensive, could we think about capturing a leader type and having Randy capture him? with my guy taking its powers away, it stays in the webcoon and I get its powers. or if we become reluctant allies, maybe the aliens could assign me a brute for the same purpose.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Sorry for the too FC, forgot about the icicle in the chest part.

shadowcat, yeah, you can establish contact with the Leader, start trying to explain to him what's going on. Maybe have him stop freezing everything, though the Brutes would keep coming...after all, they are large bestial idiots with psychic powers, lol...anyway, I'll take control of the Leader in my next post and have him calm things down.

And guys, I don't mind you doing things on your own, it's just that sometimes I'll have something going on and you seem to want to just ignore it and do whatever...

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

Im still in the process of editing my post, so I'm just going to stay in the background. thanks DoB. There. I went ahead and mellted the ice to a point and took care of that. As I said, Im sorry for before. Ill slow down.

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

so what is Scarlet supposed to do now? do you want her to manage to get trough the leader and stop the fight or something? ( cause I'm not going to do anything without asking)

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

well, to be fair to CF, I had the Leader Alien START to do that, before Will tried to shoot him in the face. didn't freeze him enough to actually freeze him to the ground or anything. Mainly just needed some backup to get that ice-cicle out of his chest XD

Re: [OOC] Marvel: Next Gen Heros

oh, sorry. Ill edit it again.