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Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"

"For the last time I will NOT make you a suit!"

0 · 276 views · located in Brooklyn

a character in “Marvel Spirits”, as played by Ozrick of Hightower



To hear Todd tell it, he’s a little on the tall side. To hear anyone else tell it, Todd is pretty much exactly the average size for a guy. He stands at 5"10, but his lanky limbs do tend to the illusion that he is slightly taller than he really is.


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Todd’s outer costume is just regular (albeit custom made) clothing, although he has treated it with a series of homemade chemicals that make it extremely resistant to wear, tear, and all but the most extreme of weather. The soles of the shoes he wears as a part of his costume have been removed, in order for him to be able stick to walls with his feet.
Underneath this outer layer, Todd wears a type of under-armor that he made using his own webbing as thread. It is lightweight, and pound for pound ten times tougher than Kevlar, making it extremely effective, against blunt force and regular bullets, although his webbing deteriorates at the slightest touch of water, and is fairly easy to tear with blades.

(Also, picture the goggles more squared, kind of like Takuya from digimon... I forget what season lol)

Fun Facts:

Much like actual arachnids, Todd is able to eat his own silk as a nutritional substitute. He is aware that this looks very strange, and hesitates to do it in front of other people.


I'm not very good at personalities, but pretty much just like Peter Parker... I'll develop the personality through the story...



Todd does not carry much in the way of items, thanks to his ability to produce his own organic webbing. He does however, bring along a utility belt filled with various survival items, primarily of the first aid variety.
He is working on various mechanical gadgets and biochemical compounds on his own time to help with crime-fighting, but as of yet none of these projects have yielded good enough results to reliably use in his escapades.


Todd carries no weapons, relying solely on the powers gained through the irregularity explosion.


Generally enhanced physiology: Todd’s overall metabolic efficiency has been greatly increased, and the composition of his skeleton, connective tissues, muscles, and nervous system has all been enhanced. Todd is capable of healing injuries faster and more extensively than ordinary humans, though it is considerably inferior to the healing abilities of individuals such as Wolverine or The Hulk. However, Todd is capable of healing from injuries as severe as broken bones within a matter of hours. His accelerated metabolism increases his tolerance to drugs, meaning a larger dose is needed to cause the usual effect, and he can recover from the effects rapidly. His resistance to toxins varies, but is typically significantly higher than normal. Todd has normal human tolerance to the effects of alcoholic beverages and rarely drinks, since it affects his balance, reflexes and coordination. He is also still vulnerable to disease, such as the flu, which affects the reliability of his power, and also has certain susceptibility towards ethyl chloride, which is a commonly used pesticide against insects and arachnids.
Wall-crawling: Todd is capable of crawling on walls and ceilings. He has conscious control over this ability, and it is simple and instinctive for him to use. The strength of attraction between him and the surface he is clinging to is considerable, with an upper limit of several tons per finger. If Todd does not willingly detach, but is pulled off by force, the surface usually breaks still attached to his body. However, it has been shown that a significant shock can cause him to lose control of his power and fall off a surface. If a surface is too slippery, he has problems sticking to it; if it is too fragile or crumbling, it is unable to support his weight. He can also use his clinging ability to lift or hold objects; for instance, he can catch a thrown ball simply by touching it with one fingertip. Todd is also able to jump and sprint against a wall which helps him climb surfaces a lot faster. The ability works through thin layers of cloth, such as the fabric of his costume, but not through materials such as the soles of shoes. As such, the shoes of his costume have no soles, and when Todd needs to crawl without changing into the costume, he removes his shoes first.
Enhanced strength and durability: Much like Spider-man in the beginning of his career, Todd seems to have the proportional strength of a spider, but can lift much more due to his human size and build. As it stands, Todd can currently lift up to 15 tons.
Todd’s bodily tissue is a great deal more durable and resistant to some types of injury than a normal human; however, he is far from invulnerable. While his body is tougher than an ordinary human, he can still be injured in ways comparable to an ordinary human. For example, he can be injured by bullets or knives composed of conventional material and from impacts of sufficient force.
Superhuman reflexes and agility: Todd’s agility and reflexes are far superior to those of an ordinary human, even those that represent the peak of human conditioning such as Captain America. The speed of his reflexes combined with his spider-sense allows him to dodge almost any attack, even gunfire at point blank.
Todd also has the ability to maintain his equilibrium on any surface that he can stick to. For example, he can balance on one finger on a high wire, or stand upright on a wall, his body parallel to the ground. Additionally, he is able to flex his body like a contortionist, assuming postures that would be impossible or harmful for most normal humans. His tendons and connective tissues are at least twice as elastic as the average human being's.
Sense perceptions: Todd’s five primary senses are above average perception, though not superhuman, as a result of his spider powers.
Spider-sense: Todd’s "spider-sense" manifests in a tingling feeling at the base of his skull, alerting him to personal danger in proportion to the severity of that danger. For instance, a little tingling such as a happenstance passing by of an enemy would prompt Todd to be alert, while a strong tingling, sometimes to the point of being painful, is interpreted as a need to take immediate evasive action on a deadly threat. It appears to be a simultaneous, seemingly clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena. Though the exact mechanism of this ability is unknown, his original spider-sense clearly has at least two aspects in addition to sensing potential or immediate danger:
1. A psychological awareness of his surroundings, similar to the radar-sense of Daredevil. Even under normal conditions, his spider-sense helps him navigate darkened rooms, instinctively avoiding obstacles or hazards, or potentially noisy or unstable floorboards, walls or ceilings that may betray his presence.
2. An ability to detect certain radio frequencies.

Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, Todd can casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire. Even point blank, his spider-sense has already warned him in enough time to get away like a precognitive sense, before he can even consciously think about his actions. However, he can ignore this instinct. His spider-sense is sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes, that a threat can trigger them even when Todd is asleep or stunned.
When Todd swings across a city on his weblines, his spider-sense guides his aim, allowing him to travel at high speeds hundreds of feet above street level with minimal concentration, confident his weblines will find secure anchor points.
Todd's spider-sense is directional and can guide him to or away from hidden weapons and disguised enemies. Sudden and extreme threats can cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity.
Todd can also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by a computer. His spider-sense can help him preserve his secret identity since it alerts him to observers or cameras when changing into or out of his costume. The spider-sense does not react to those whom Todd does not consider a threat, such as his mother. Contrary to this, his spider-sense has warned him of people close to him when he does not wish to be seen, such as when he's partly in costume.
Todd can choose to ignore his spider-sense, and distraction or fatigue can force unawareness.
Spider-Man has used his spider-sense to battle even the most skilled fighters in the Marvel Universe. While not being as trained as them in conventional fighting styles his spider-sense and reflexes (provided with split second quickness and agility) allow him to dodge and counter, often with ease. Todd’s spider-sense seems to allow him to do the same thing.
The spider-sense also allows Spider-man to determine the source of the incoming attack, which gives him an advantage against enemies who are all over the place like Spot.
Scientific knowledge: Although this is not a “true” power, Todd was already a gifted academic student before the explosion, with considerable expertise in many fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and advanced technology. Academically gifted, with a recorded IQ of 250, Todd displays an uncanny affinity for science, mathematics, mechanics, biology and physics. He is a brilliant individual, with exceptional skill in practically every field of science, and is an excellent inventor. He is an accomplished chemist and physicist.
Organic Webbing: Although Spider-man briefly had this ability, Todd’s seems to be a permanent affect. Unlike Spider-man however, Todd’s Spinnerets (The gland that allows the production of spider-silk) are located in the tips of all his fingers (and thumbs). They also allow the production of all the types of silk spiders are able to produce, rather than being limited to one kind of silk. Todd’s webbing seems to have the same properties as the Darwin’s bark spider, although the limits of his own webbing have not been fully tested.
(For a detailed look into the capabilities and limits of organic webbing, as well as the different types, look up “Spider Silk” on Wikipedia)


Basic First aid training: Todd learned first aid training before the explosion, and so carries a kit to use during his crime fighting. (Despite the fact that his advanced physiology grants him a better healing factor than non-powered humans)
Way of the Spider: Todd tries to emulate the fighting style Peter learns from Shang-Chi, called way of the spider, but as it is not comprehensively shown in the comics, his fighting style can best be described as an improvisational freestyle that functionally encompasses the usage of his strength, speed, flexibility, wits, intelligence, and his "spider-sense", in order to work his strengths against his opponents' weaknesses. He is also never without a witty response or wise-crack to throw at an enemy in order to distract, anger, or simply insult a foe. (much like the real Spidey.)

The biggest weakness that Todd has discovered so far is water. Not only does water greatly affect his wall-crawling ability in a negative sense, it also deteriorates his organic webbing, even in the smallest amounts. Todd’s own physical wellbeing also affects his own powers. These are the only weaknesses that Todd has discovered so far, but there may be others. (read: definitely there will be others)


Todd spent his entire childhood following and idolizing the lives of the Marvel superheroes. He had a particular affinity to spider-man, mostly because of their similar backgrounds. While his childhood was nowhere near as tragic as Peter Parkers, he did lose his father in his early childhood, and grew up with his mother in relative poverty. Because of this, Todd decided early on to focus on excelling academically, in an effort to rise above his impoverished beginnings (and to help his mother as much as he can financially). Whenever the burdens of his early life became too much, he tried to escape through free-running and parkour, and activity he shared another kid from his neighbourhood.
Much like Peter Parker, Todd excelled academically in high school, and although he was not bullied as harshly as Pete, his family’s poverty was the source of some friction between his classmates and him. Despite this, Todd graduated with top honours and is currently living on his own, working towards his goal of attending university for the sciences.
Todd was in the middle of a solo parkour session when the Irregularity Explosion hit, and instinctively reached out to a nearby wall mid fall. Imagine his surprise when he found his descent stopped and his hand sticking to the wall! This is what allowed him to discover he gained abilities much the same as Spider-man himself, and he spent the rest of the day exploring his new found powers.
Now Todd moonlights as a superhero, realizing the dream he had carried since his childhood.

So begins...

Todd Miller, "The Silk Spider"'s Story