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Basil LeBeau

"Only the rich an' the powerful survive in a dishonest world"

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a character in “Marvel's: The Order”, originally authored by Ivisbo, as played by RolePlayGateway



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【More Than Just A Pretty Face...】
“This super hero thin' confuses me, I think of myself as more of as a guy with a some great powers and a whole lot'a free time”

Full Name
Basil Remy LeBeau

Base, Dru, Druid

Freelancer. Affiliations with the American Mafia.


June 18th, 1991


Sexual Orientation

Resides in Manhatten, New York. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana.


Caucasian, possibly Indian.

Human Mutant

【Be On The Lookout For...】
“If you release this information to tha' cops, I'll make sure you can't take one step our your front door without all of planet earth against ya' ”

Height and Weight
6', 158 llbs.

Eye and Hair Color
Dark Brown eyes, Dark Brown hair

Body Type

Special Markings
Twisted thorny roots running up his arm from each wrist that slowly shift as if the are alive.
The left side of his rib cage, stretching across to the right side of his back is covered in burned skin tissue.

Extras and Fashion
Tanned skin, messy shoulder length hair. Druid seems to wear mostly dark earth tones (ex. black, dark green, dark browns). In public he wears sleeves to cover his tattoos, but will occasionally take them off and 'show off' the moving ink. Basil mostly wears expensive clothes, usually high fashion articles so that he can show off his wealth. Armani suits, and Varron items. He has occasionally modeled for some of the higher end clothing designers. He also speaks with a Cajun accent, especially when angry or emotional. He is also fluent in french, but seldom uses it.

【Behind The Mechanics】
“Vous savez, si vous voulez savoir tant de choses, tout ce que vous aviez à faire était de m'acheter un couple de boissons.”

Likes Dislikes
New Orleans Jazz Music Pop Music
Seafood Traditional American Food
French Cuisine Chocolates and most sweets
Animals, specifically predators Cruelty
Hiking Video Games
Rock Climbing Flying
Drinking Police
Womanizing Rejection
Showing Off Mutant Hate Groups
Doing his own thing Authority, or following orders

Tends to constantly run his hair, giving him a 'wild mane' look.
Suffers from selective hearing, meaning if he doesn't like what someones saying (orders or reprimanding) he stops listening entirely.
Attempts to woo every female he sees, even if they are married or with their partner.
Loves to show off his powers, usually in an attempt to woo a girl. (ex. Growing a perfect flower from a near by bush and offering it to her).

Fears and Phobias
His birth home in New Orleans which he lived in till he was ten was set a light while him and his father were still inside. He does not remember much, but his father was able to get both of them out. Basil suffered from horrible burns across his chest and back, leaving him with a horrible scar across his side. His father, Remy, later discovered that the attack was from a hate group. Every since Basil has been terrified of fire and flames.

ImageThe Death of his Father, Remy LeBeau AKA Gambit
He grew up with only one parent and no idea who his mother was. Basil's only true family is his father, whom is also his mentor and idol. Basil no longer lives with his father but will see him from time to time. He resembles the great thief in many ways and strives to be like him, so naturally his death would be one of his biggest fears.

ImageLoosing his power
Basil has come to rely on his mutant powers heavily as they grow. He uses them without even thinking now, simply every day tasks that he relies on. If he were to ever loose his powers in some way...Basil would more then likely commit suicide. He was once asked what he would do and all he could think of to answer was death.

Instilled in him from a young age, Basil's number one goal is to be rich. He wants to live a lavish and comfortable life off of his own earnings.

While Basil's powers are already formidable, he is constantly forcing himself to grow. He loves to test himself, to push the powers as far as he can go. Though, this has gotten him into some risky business, he feels that it is worth it if it allows him to grow.

ImageThe Stark Girl
Normally, he does not have a problem with getting women to bed with him. Just like his plants, they follow his charismatic and handsome nature without a second thought. But Victory Stark has refused him, so she is his knew goal.

ImageMafia Affiliations
Occasionally, Basil will be called on an errand for the mafia. He does so willingly, as they always pay him a handsome fee for the work, as well as allowing him into their archives for information he has been seeking, but he keeps his work a secret. He does not need to negative looks and anger that are associated with his 'job'. Not even his father knows, although he suspects his son has been using other means of finding money.

While Basil is a master of his nature manipulation, he has recently discovered a new aspect of his powers. Shapeshifting, or rather shifting into the form of an animal. The first time he did it was the most painful experience of his life and had him throwing up for hours and sick for days, but he had been able to shift into the form of a mountain lion. He has begun to train himself to deal with the pain, shifting into smaller creatures. It is still hard and new for him, so he keeps this aspect a secret until he can master it and unveil it.

ImageHis Tattoo
Some time ago, when he quite living and working for his father, Basil used his power to create an ink in which he could instill actual roots into his arm. By doing this he would always have a plant to control, always be able to whip the roots from his wrist and use them in battle. Only, Basil did not think through the side effects. When he first had the tattoo inked on, the roots simple gathered around his wrist. Now, years later, they have been slowly growing up his arm and now reach to his elbow. Basil does not pay it much thought, but he has a dreading fear that if they reach his chest, they will become a problem.

Basil is a charismatic, charming, and polite mine to most people. He holds an aristocratic air, despite his life outside the law and his constant trouble with it. He is constantly involved with the police and has grown a strong hatred for them, sometimes going out of his way just to make their jobs harder. He lives on the other side of the law, deep connections within the mafia have lead him to mistrust anyone that tries to get too close. Basil lives for himself, only focused on getting higher in his own goals and not very interested in people around him. He hides his true nature from others, keeping up a charade that his father taught him when he was young; stay aloud, mysterious, and never let anyone in.

Behind his mask, Basil has a deep care for nature. His deep connection with the Earth will cause him to cry at the death of a tree, even if it is just a sapling. Of course, he never lets anyone else see this. Basil is constantly caring for damaged plants that his whole flat is filled with plants in his care, sometimes even a small animal with a broken limb. He never allows anyone else inside his home, especially women. His soft nature is something that he goes to great lengths to hide from others.

Gambit, his father, is his true idol and mentor. He grew up learning from him and watching his actions, so it is no surprise that Basil ended up as almost a carbon copy of the great thief mutant. But, unlike his father whom seeks out relationships, Basil keeps to himself. He does not pull people into his life, rather he pushes them away. He does not have 'romantic' relationship, only lustful ones. The only person that has ever seen below Basil's surface character is his father and that is how the young LeBeau is going to keep it.

“You hav'ta' take a risk in order to grow”

Position Within The Order


Nature Manipulation
Basil has a direct connection with nature, just as his father did with kinetic energy. Using his powers, he can touch a plant and bring it to blossom in a matter of seconds, or control the growth of trees and roots around him. He can bend plants to his will and they comply happily, moving to protect him or serve him whenever he calls. Not only can he control, but he can also communicate with Earths natural elements. Plants can become his spies, as well as animals (as long as they are willing). While plants bend to his will without objection, animals take a certain coercion to cooperate. Because he is so taped into nature, any form of pain caused to an animal or plant in amplified within himself. He can literally feel a tree burning like it is himself and it causes him immense pain.

Capabilities and Applications
Plant Control – Take control of the plants in the immediate area to do his bidding.
  • Can pull the roots from his tattoo on his forearm to control.
  • Use roots to trap enemy in his path.
  • Grow plants around him to hide him from view, allowing Basil to move undetected.

Healing – Using the life-force of the plant, he can drain them into an injury in order to heal.
  • Heals minor cuts and scrapes easily.
  • Can heal major, life-threatening wounds, but he has to drain more then a simple plant....forests would have to die.
  • Basil hates to use this power, as he can feel the death of the plant as if it was himself. Seldom does he employ it.

Nature Communication – Can easily speak to plants and animals.
  • Uses plants to scope out area before entering.
  • Use animals as spies, although they are not as accepting of his influence as plants are.
  • Use animals as a partner in missions, as long as they accept to help him.

Shapeshifting? – Ability Unknown
  • Rumors of this power have been heard, but nothing concrete to give a full report. Investigations are underway.

Skills, Strengths, and Talents
Exceptional speaker, can coerce himself out of any situation. But, he has a talent for getting himself into bad situations, usually life threatening. Basil is also extraordinarily good at acquiring large amounts of money, though he does not steal like his father.

Flaws, Weaknesses, and Disabilities
Basil's power comes from the Earth, so if he does not have two feat firmly planting on the ground, he can not order nature to his bidding. In the air he is useless, as well as in the water, unless he can speak to an animal and convince them to help him.

Egotism would be Basil's biggest flaw. He seems to think he is perfect, although he is far from. Basil is self-employed and only cares for himself, he will do anything to dave his own life. He is not a superhero, as he constantly reminds people, but a business man. Basil's only true goal is to make sure he himself is happy, no matter what happens along the way. Now, thats not to say he won't help other out, but their has to be something in it for him, Luckily, he hates Mutant Hate Groups, so he doesn't take much to get him to take action against them.

Basil's only vehicle is a matte black Kawasaki Ninja 600, a gift from the mafia. He does not carry anything sentimental on him, though at his home in New York he does own quiet a few of his fathers infamous card decks. He also keep s massive amounts of plants in his flat, growing and nurturing them into exotic non-existant species. He has created horrible toxins and anti-dotes for them. Basil hides this serums in vials on himself and laces a few hidden daggers with them as well.

【A Glimpse Into The Past...】
“My past only helped me ta' get where I'm goin', no hard feelin's or grudges against anyone that I once knew”

Born in New Orleans, Basil was raised for a week by his mother. Once she was able to locate Gambit, he was dropped on his fathers doorstep and left by his mother with no further explanation. Remy has refused to say who she is, mostly because he is not quiet sure. The LeBeau man was always known as a womanizer and it finally caught up with him with a child. Basil was raised to be in his fathers image, carted as young as three to watch his father in action. Remy taught his son how to act towards woman, how to fight, how to treat others, and how to make money. Basil took to this all without question, looking to the Great Gambit in awe.

When he was ten, their house was burned to the ground by a hate group in New Orleans. Remy was just able to save his son from being burned to death, but Basil was not able to escape a horrible burn to the left side of his body. Since then, Basil has been terrified of father, even with therapy sessions and help from his father. Fearing for his sons safety while he was on missions, Gambit moved them to New York city where he had friends that he knew could watch over little Basil while he was away.

Gambit started to travel more and more as problems began to arise around the world, leaving Basil to care for himself. He was not angry about it, more happy that his father was becoming a great hero. But when middle school hit and Basil's powers began to manifest along with puberty, the bulling began. He was ridiculed, beat up, and attacked on his way home from school. Basil fought back, but after he horrible hurt a boy and had him sent to the hospital, his father returned to reprimand him. Basil was told to never use his powers against normal humans, so he stuck with the bulling without a word. Remy left once again, leaving Basil alone at such a crucial time, and soon he could no longer cope.

Basil left school half way through eight grade, escaping New York to run away to his old home in New Orleans. Using his powers and the training his father had given him, he disappeared from society. Not even Gambits desperate searching found the boy, as Basil could use nature to hide from prying eyes. He lived like this till he was 18, living the wonderful life that the streets of New Orleans offered. He tricked, scavenged, and worked his way to the top, allowing him to own a massive and old historical building right in the heart of the city. Basil grew connections all across the country under the alias of Druid, and soon he was a renowned business man.

His father found him soon after his 18th birthday, five years after Basil had run away. Of course, Gambit was expecting to be unwelcome in his sons new life. But contrary to his belief, Basil held no ill will against his father. The things Remy had taught him as a kid had allowed him to become the strong and rich man he was now. After a few weeks with his father in New Orleans, finally able to live with him as equals, Remy was able to convince Basil to return to New York and work under The Order. Gambit was still employed with the X-Men, so he was not able to join, but he knew his son could be of service.

Basil notified his mafia connections and moved to New York, where thankfully their head quarters were situated. He moved back into his old flat in Manhatten, which Remy gave to him happily, and rejoined the 'normal' life he used to have. Though Basil continued to work for the mafia, he happily offered his services to The Order in hopes of helping the mutant world. He keeps himself distant from most of the members in order to keep his secret life cloaked in shadows, but he has taken a certain interest in Victory. Not love, he doesn't love, but she would make a great conquest, another notch on the bed so to speak...

Father- Remy Lebeau AKA Gambit
Mother- Unknown

Connection To Members of The Order
Banner, Benjamin/Maven Rage
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Fury, Ásbjorn/Nexus
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Fury, Astrid/Luminesca
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Howlett, Orfelina/Tarot
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Laufeyson, Loki/Joker
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Rogers, Amanda/Freedom
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Stark, Anthony Jr./Showtime
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Stark, Victory/Circuit
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

Thorson, Gunnar/Maelstrom
“How do I know this character...? What do I think about this character...?”

【Just A Little Extra...】
“Careful around the plants, the've got a mind of their own and I won't stop'em if you hurt 'em”

Languages – English and French

Degrees – Nothing

Anything Else

St. James Infirmary ♦ Lois Armstrong
It was down in Old Joe's barroom,
On the corner by the square,
The usual crowd was assembled
And big Joe McKinney was there.

He was standing at my shoulder.
His eyes were bloodshot red;
He turned to the crowd around him,
These are the very words he said:

"I went down to the St. James Infirmary
I saw my baby there,
She's laid out on a cold white table,
So so cold, so white, so fair."

"Let her go, let her go, God bless her;
Wherever she may be
She may search this wide world over
She'll never find a sweet man like me."
Oh, when I die, bury me
In my high top Stetson hat;
Put a twenty-dollar gold piece on my watch chain
God'll know I died standin' pat.

I want six crap shooters for pall bearers.
Chorus girl to sing me a song.
Put a jazz band on my hearse wagon.
Raise Hell as I roll along.

Roll out your rubber tired carriage,
Roll out your old time hat.
Twelve men going to the graveyard
And eleven coming back.

Now that I've told my story,
I'll take another shot of booze.
And if anyone should happen to ask you,
I've got those gamblers' blues.
Howlin' For You ♦ The Black Keys
Well now

I must admit
I can't explain
Any of these thoughts
Racing through my brain
It's true
Baby I'm howlin for you


There's something wrong
With this plot
The actors here
Have not got
A clue
Baby I'm howlin for you

Da da da da

Mocking Bird
Can't you see?
Little girls
Gotta hold on me
Like glue
Baby I'm howlin for you


Throw the ball
To the stick
Swing and miss
And catchers mitt
Strike Two
Baby I'm howlin for you

Da da da da

So begins...

Basil LeBeau's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson Character Portrait: Ásbjorn Fury Character Portrait: Astrid Fury Character Portrait: Johanna Thorsdottir Character Portrait: Amanda Rogers Character Portrait: Anthony Stark Jr.
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Junior wandered around after Astrid, his arms folded over his chest and the expression on his face unmoving. He was aware that this was coming and as a matter of fact had a lot invested in how they were all going to be perceived by the public. It called for a lot of sleepless nights, in the past and yet to come he was afraid. Deftly reaching over and plucking a cherry from the bowl he hitched himself onto the counter and took a bite from the juicy, red fruit, his fingers now stained a bright crimson as Astrid made her case for Loki, punctuated by the appearance of a television appearance by The Joker that Junior himself had orchestrated.

He wasn’t a fan of Loki’s, he could say that unequivocally. Anthony wasn’t a fan of unpredictability and preferred the straight forward and direct approach from the people he surrounded himself with. He didn’t exactly relish spending quality time hashing out battle strategy with the trickster god, he was even fairly sure that his mutation would be useless upon the asgardian which pretty much left Anthony defenseless. Sighing, he cast one wary glance towards Astrid and quickly winked before deciding to cast his vote so to speak.

“Benji’s right.” Anthony finally spoke, his big brown eyes drifting from face to face, his gaze finally coming to rest on the man in question himself. “We have to give him a chance to prove himself, it’s not like we were just handed the keys and told to go have a good time while we tried to save the world. We had to earn each other’s trust, so we have to give him the same opportunity. It’s only fair.” The eldest Stark child put his two cents in before shrugging his shoulders a bit as he reached over and stole another cherry from Astrid; he knew that no matter what he said Loki was here to stay. He might as well get use to it and showing his support for Astrid was an added bonus.

“Just let me know before you agree to any interviews. Better still; just don’t talk to anyone with a camera. It’s kind of my job to make sure we don’t come off like militant vigilantes riding on our daddies’ coattails.” Tony casually remarked to Loki with a friendly smile that seemed made for the camera. He was what you called a media liaison, he was the one in charge of the information released to the media and spent a majority of his time speaking to various news channels and newspaper reporters. He also used his mutation to get his point across to the more stubborn members of the media and government with decent results. Anthony was essentially the Minister of Propaganda for S.H.I.E.L.D. and it’d also be a role he’d take on once the reveal took place.


Amanda rose from her seat and obediently followed along as the rest of the group filed into the kitchen after Astrid, keeping her thoughts about the subject to herself until she fully mulled over the pros and cons. Loki was clever, ambitious and from what she knew he didn’t care who or what he had to hurt to get what he wanted. Something which went against her very fiber of being, yet here she was being asked to trust him. To basically put her life, and the lives of her friends into the hands of a spiteful Norse god who had something to prove. If you asked Amanda it didn’t seem the wisest move but she was rarely asked her opinion on such matters and was use to carrying out orders whether she approved or not. That was until now that is.

Nervously she bit her lip as she watched the flickering screen and listened as Ben and Junior threw their opinions into the ring, Freedom vaguely wondered what Lina and Basil thought, or would say when they returned before her gaze settled onto the niece and nephew of the man in question. Loki was Johanna’s and Gunnar’s uncle and she couldn’t imagine what they thought about the whole matter but figured if anyone was going to be put on babysitting duty it’d probably be those two. There were only a few members of The Order who’d be able to put a stop to Loki if he turned on them and Freedom was fairly certain she wasn’t one of them.

“I wouldn’t say people love him. Infatuated, maybe like all those women who proposed to Ted Bundy, but love is a bit strong.” Amanda replied, her tone a bit more barbed than usual, as she quirked an eyebrow at Loki. Letting out a huge breath she sat up straight and shook her head slightly, her long brown hair curtaining around her shoulders.

“If you think we can trust him, Astrid, I believe you. It’ll just take time to get adjusted, but if he proves himself who are we to deny him, right?” Amanda nervously agreed as she began to absently pluck at the loose thread on her military style jacket.

“Oh, and I’m sorry for talking about you like you’re not here. That’s completely rude of me.” Freedom apologized quietly to Loki, realizing in her haste that even if she didn’t trust the man she didn’t have to act like she was raised in a barn. Amanda was nothing if not properly polite and completely genuine, yet even this event was testing her.