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Nadie Arnoux

"So? You got a problem with that?"

0 · 118 views · located in Cenriel Academy

a character in “Masks of the Soul”, as played by PinKFisHKabob


Nadie Arnoux



If Itex, blurb?
Rash, bold, and full of opinions.

Which Masks do they possess?
The Mask of Strength


18, going on 19


Maybe it is simply her appearance that gives people the bad vibe or it could be the shadows of rumors of her violent nature. In any case, Naddie is relatively welcoming though the bluntness of her comments would most likely turns people against her. With her own sense of justice and rather loud opinions, many view Nadie as the ‘annoying one’ that is best to be left alone. With short and abrupt remarks at times, she often leaves a wrong impression of her character especially in first meetings. Nadie looks to things in good spirits as the girl with much too many opinions. She is not afraid to voice her thoughts be it complaints or idiotic comments. Even if Nadie only talks about her own beliefs, she is fairly open-minded and accepts others views on matters besides her own as long as they are not too critical. It is best if truths and opposing opinions are not to be force on her because she is incapable of handling them, however, her ability to tolerate and accept others will grow with time. Nadie may be the one who seems to talk a lot but her precision in times to add a stark comment never fails. While being loud and outgoing but not at all loving, Nadie acquaints herself with many people but only a few manage to befriend her.

No matter how hard Nadie tries, she is always consider as an ‘average student’, her grades barely reaching the passing mark. Reluctance to seek a tutor leads her to study alone with little success. Being stubborn, she is unable to stand criticism as well as pointless lectures that she believes should be use on anyone else but her. Anyone who tries to prove her wrong usually receives a rather curt comment before she storms out the room. She cares not of other’s thoughts about her as long if it’s not verbally offensive. Her lack of attention and understanding of others makes her appear rather laidback and uncaring, but one can always count on her to be that friend who never cease trying to help even in direst times.

Her mindset is straight forward and to the point; as such if she does not like something, plan on hearing about it. Nadie prefers to not look too far ahead. Especially in battles, her strategies bases solely on brute strength rather than complex schemes and tricks. She’s not entirely creative but do not count on her to repeat the same mistake twice.

As her way of living, Nadie always goes out for a drink of coffee in the morning and eats out every meal, unable to even cook an egg. Expect her to be out of the house most of the time, either taking a run, out shopping, or out to people-watch at Cherry Grove Park. When spending what is left of her time at home, Nadie does things like every other teen, it could be the internet, TV, even video games. She is a woman of independence and strong wills. Once she has a goal set, Nadie is determined to achieve it by almost any cost even to the point of taking reckless measures.

But even with the steady flow of money from her father aboard, Nadie misses a family of her own. Having no relatives, she wishes to have someone to talk and spends her time with, let it be a pet or a friend.

Brief Description
Nadie Arnoux is more on the tall side standing just over 5’7” with a lean build and well trained muscles. Her pixie cropped hair is bleach-blond against tawny skin. Strong streaks of pinks hair frames a pair of ears with various piercing that Naddie herself spends much time to accessorize. She carries herself with surprising grace in comparison to her inelegant personality. She usually pairs comfortable long pants, blouses with unique blazers of her own taste to bring out her fashion sense.


Even for a girl, Nadie is exceptionally athletic. She tried out for the men’s baseball team several times but was denied due to the obvious. Despite her skill with the bat, Nadie is also natural fighter without any lessons besides readings from several ‘How to Fight’ books. She goes solely on instinct and base on experience alone. Her agility and accuracy is surprisingly high. However, the power she possesses excels the rest by miles. But even with Naddie’s strength, she lacks planning skills and proper training where as her techniques is rough and unrefined. She can follow instructions quite well; however, her hot temper brings clouded judgments and a relatively average stamina only allows her to fight for some short amount of time.


Dark Chocolate: some bitterness never hurts.
Baseball bats: or anything that she can swing, really.
Classical music
Shiny accessories


The cold: it’s very inconvenient.
Little kids: Nadie is bad with them, an exception being her little sister.
Speeches/ lectures
Being proved wrong


Fear of ants
Though she denies it, Nadie has the fear of being alone.


Being the eldest child of two, Nadie played the impossible wall of protection for her younger sister throughout her childhood. Her family was relatively wealthy with her father working in a large company and the stock market. Due to their wealth, her young sister was targeted as a victim of bullying by older students at their school in early years. Nadie, having very few friends, look to her sibling as one of her close companions. As the tough minded child she was, Nadie would be that good friend that throws a punch after a guy gets on her nerves by bulling her little sister.

At a young age, Nadie discovered her gift in athletics. She was always beating up fellow students who dared touched her sister, as the results spent most of her time in the principal office. Her father was a hard working man who largely influenced Naddie. Despite his busy work, he always found time to spend with his beloved daughters. Growing up in small family and was too violent to have any close friends, she developed a close bond to her father and sister. Nadie who never experienced the presence of a mom preferred to not mind being mother-less as the thoughts of missing a mother was burdensome. The three lived peacefully on the outskirt of Throme for some years.

On her 18th birthday, the day she was legally an adult, truth was revealed that she had been adopted as a baby. Though surprised by that fact, Naddie took the truth extremely well and was rather grateful that she had been lucky enough to be taken in by this family. Since she was by full term and adult, her father offered her a new place to stay at the center of Throme and insisted to aid her financially for some time. Taking his offers for granted, Naddie mustered all her will to leave her home to live separately and to attend to a brand new school.

Moving to a new home and a new school named Cenriel Academy was not in the least of Nadie’s worries. The vacant and emptiness that occupied her apartment and apparent but despite that, she continued to live normally in her lonely apartment. Not too long after the move, until a strange letter addressed as her father from across the sea along with a mysterious box which encased a mask none less curious arrived at her door steps that finally turned Nadie toward the existence of the Itex organization.

[size=90] None at the moment [size]

[size=90]Nadie is allergic to most animals.

So begins...

Nadie Arnoux's Story