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"This will be over quickly."

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a character in “Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep”, originally authored by Skylite, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name:Archer Kestrel
Occupation:Infiltration/Assassination expert for the Thanatos Private Military Corporation.
Class: Infiltrator
Class Skills: Tactical Cloak, Shredder Ammo, Tech Proximity Mines, Damping
Equipment: Dual M-77 Paladin Heavy Pistols, And a modified M-25 Hornet, with detachable butt stock, and full-auto mode. He also has a Disciple Shotgun that he took off of an Asari Commando, Though he only uses it for more "messy work".

Appearance: Archer is fairly tall, and quite well built. He has wavy sandy-blonde hair, that falls down to his neck, and sea green eyes that somehow portray the innocence of this cold, hard killer. While on an assignment, he wears a black coat, with sleeves that end shortly after his elbows, and a button-up collar, in addition to black gloves, and black dress shoes, with blades that can extend out of the front. He also has excellent mannerisms and posture.

Personality: Archer comes off as very kind, and innocent, but he is actually quite ruthless, stopping at nothing to end his targets. He does not like to use rifles, and preffers to exeute his more personally, getting close with the use of his tactical cloak, and briefly appearing to shoot his target twice, once in the head, and once in the chest.

Background: Archer was raised as a child by the Illusive Man, and was trained to become his bodyguard, and his eventual sucessor. He accepted this at first, and was very willing to do his job, but when he had a falling out with the Illusive Man, he left Cerberus after a lengthy battle with Miranda Lawson and a team of operatives ordered to retreive him. His is still hunted by the Illusive Man and Cerberus, and knows that one day, he will have to confront his "Father".
(I'll try to reveal more details about his defection from Cerberus over the course of the story.)

Other: He's afraid of water, and can't swim.

So begins...

Wetboy's Story

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#, as written by Skylite
Wetboy smirked as the Asari waitress winked at him, handing him his drink.

"How come you're sitting over here all by yourself hon?" She asked, sitting down at the opposite side of the table.

"Long day at," he replied taking a swig from the glass. "Just wanted to relax."

"I see," she said, leaning on the table. "I could help you relax..."

"Sorry love." He said leaning back in his seat. "Not interested."

"Awww," she said, frowning. "I was hoping for some fun. Oh well, if you ever want to..."Relax" with me some time, here's my number." She said, handing Wetboy a napkin with the Asari's number on it. She winked at him again, picked up her silver tray, and walked away.

Ah, Afterlife, were drinks are cheap, and women are cheaper.

The human continued to sip his drink, glancing around the crowded club. He noticed a particularly ugly Batarian approaching him, walking with a pace that could only mean he was pissed of at the human for something. Instead of sitting down the Batarian stood in front of Wetboy, looking down at him as he spoke.

"You hittin on my girl, you yellow-haired fuck?" he snarled, glaring at Wetboy with all four eyes. Wetboy smirked.

"No, I wasn't. She was hitting on me." He said, unfazed.

"Yeah?" The Batarian spat. "Bullshit! I should kill you right here human." The Batarian snarled. Wetboy did a quick check, to see if the alien was armed. Nope.

"Why don't you try it, four-eyes?" He said, taunting the angry creature.

"That's it!" The Batarian yelled, as he grabbed Wetboy by the collar, and hauled him up. Wetboy jabbed the Batarian in the stomach, and punched him in the face as he stumbled backward. The Batarian regained his composure and swung a blind fist at Wetboy, which the human easily caught. He Threw the fist, causing the Batarian to swing around. Wetboy grabbed him by the collar and kicked him in the back of the legs, causing him the fall on his knees. He pulled out his Pistol and pressed the cool barrel against the back of the four-eyed male's head.

"Don't shoot!" He pleaded.

"How about you get up, walk out of here, and we forget this ever happened?" Said Wetboy. The Batarian nodded, and he allowed him to rise. As he walked out the Batarian screamed "I'm gonna fucking KILL you human! Just you wait, I'll-" The Batarian was cut off by Wetboy firing a shot in the Alien's direction. "Fuck!" He exclaimed, running out. For a second, a lot of people stared at him, but quickly returned to drinking, gambling, and whoring when he sat down.

"Fun times." He mumbled.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Faltus Dezran Character Portrait: Cortex Character Portrait: Wetboy
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#, as written by Skylite
Wetboy leaned back in his seat, observing the chaos around him. 

"Note to self; Don't fuck with Krogans." He said recognizing Faltus, Thanatos's executioner. 

He contemplated calling over the Asari waitress, and taking her up on her offer, but just as he got up, he noticed a message on his Omni-Tool. He opened it up and read it. 

I took a shot in the dark on the songbird. Seems Aria's heard it's tune. She knows more than she's letting on. Bring a blade, things could get hot.

Wetboy smiled, selecting "new message" on his menu. He quickly typed out a message, and sent it to Cortex. 

Hey boss, it's Archer. Just got a lead on a side job I took a while back, it could be quite profitable for Thanatos. Do you need me tonight, or can I check it out?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinderheim Character Portrait: Jeron'Delk Vas Sentinel Character Portrait: Faltus Dezran Character Portrait: Cortex Character Portrait: Wetboy
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14 months ago. The School, Earth

“Arquiez, I hope you didn’t kill her. She was rich, and a junkie,” Kinderheim asked Arquiez as the latter walked up to Kinderheim. It had been nearly four months since Roxanne died and things were going smoothly, too smoothly if you asked Kinderheim. The boring monotony of teaching students, torturing clients and just raking in massive amounts to dough was starting to get to him.

“She's still alive, though I can’t say anything about her mental state,” he said a sat in the chair next Kinderheim. Ugh… Kinderheim was disgusted; having nonconsensual sex with wasted women just wasn’t his style. Arquiez continued, “and she gave me another forty five thousand credits,” and kept the credit chips in the safe. It was Arquiez's job to collect money and keep it safe. It was Kinderheim's job to keep the school running, keeping the clients talking and not caring what Arquiez did to wasted women.

Kinderheim was bad at teaching. He did not know much about anything except how to torture, how to have fun and how to shoot people in the eyes. Since Roxanne died, he had to teach biology to eleventh graders, which if Kinderheim had anything to say about wasn’t fun. Their attitudes irked Kinderheim to no end. Arrogant snotty kids who thought they were great and ‘cool’. Kinderheim occassionally thought about teaching them a lesson in pain but for the drug business to run smoothly, the school, that is the ‘front’, needed to stay open. Kinderheim sighed and looked at the safe Arquiez was closing.

Four and a half million credits. That’s how much money they had collected as profits from “not giving shit to Eclipse”. Roxanne had already saved a million before she had died. All that sweet money went into the safe, which Kinderheim and Arquiez would split after it reached ten million. A few more months, sighed Kinderheim. Not fun times…

Meanwhile. Across the school in a abandoned building

“This is Team Beta. Our targets are some-” the voice was interrupted by a more slurred one.
“Jeron we aren’t playing “badass marine”. Try to be seriou-” the voice was interrupted by a human’s voice.
“Says the guy who’s wasted,” the voice was laughing. The first voice and another voice joined in.
The slurred voice sighed, “Let’s be serious. We cannot be outdone by Team Al- Goddamnit! Jeron, why are we Team Beta again?”
The first voice began, “Well, we are the ones who have to stay behind. Also use my code word, Phoenix.”
The voice who hadn’t spoken yet added his two cents, “Watch out, we’re dealing with a badass over here,” and burst out laughing.

The ship’s door opened and five creatures walked out. They had landed their ship on top of the building a few hundred feet from the school. The Beta team had five members. Their leader, a Salarian by the name of Cortex, walked slowly and carefully so not to fall over. The Krogan went ahead and looked over the building’s edge. The school was smaller than the building they were on and more rundown. Jeron, the Quarian, walked over to the ledge and starting adjusting his sniper rifle on it. He looked through the scope and saw two men walking out of the building. “Two men. 12 O’ clock,” he said to the Krogan.

“There should be a woman named Roxanne in there somewhere. That’s who we came here for,” said the Krogan. “Actually, that’s what they came here for,” said the Salarian pointing towards the other ship landing near the building, “We’re here to back their asses.” The Krogan laughed and started walking towards the rooftop exit. The Salarian sat down near the Quarian and pressed his head and spoke, “Archer go with him and make sure he doesn’t kill anyone.” The taller of the two humans followed the Krogan out.


“Hey you there human,” called the Krogan out. Arquiez and Kinderheim look back and see a Krogan and a human approaching them. Arquiez started talking, “Yes?”

“Do you know Roxanne?” asked the human. The Krogan was staring at Kinderheim's red trench coat. “No,” said Arquiez and started walking away. The Krogan ordered, “Don’t walk away, human.”

Arquiez didn’t stop and the Krogan unholstered his shotgun. The human looked at the Krogan, then at Arquiez and spoke, “Please stop. We don’t wish to kill you.” Kinderheim smiled. Thank You, God. Thank You for these idiots.

“Uh… sir, we have a problem,” said Jeron to Cortex. Cortex still was rubbing his forehead. He sighed and spoke, “I did send Archer didn’t I?”
“Isn't working, at all,” said Jeron. Cortex tried to stand up but his was screaming. He had outdone himself with the drugs. “Go and help them out, Simon,” said Cortex to other human. Simon just nodded and left. “Are you sure?” asked Jeron. “Nothing I can do now. Where is Alpha Team?,” said Cortex and sat back down. Jeron looked through his binoculars and spoke, “They’ll be there in a few minutes,” and turned his attention to his teammates.

Kinderheim removed his yellow sunglasses and smiled at the human, Archer. Kinderheim could smile and laugh, but wasn’t able to remove the seriousness in his voice when speaking. “I’m Kinderheim and that there is Johann,” he spoke stretching his hand out. Archer shook Kinderheim's and informed, “I’m Archer. This here is Faltus.” Kinderheim stretched his hand out towards the Krogan but the Krogan pointed the shotgun at Kinderheim and barked, “I don’t shake hands with filthy humans.”

“And I don’t shake hands with Krogans,” said Kinderheim and took his hand back. “Well, Sir. The school is closed for the week,” Kinderheim spoke to the human, “If you are looking for someone, I will suggest you come back next week. Please tell the same to your friends,” he said refering the group of Krogans approaching them. “Enjoy your stay,” he said left. The Krogan, Faltus, started for him but Archer stopped him.

Kinderheim walked fast and reached Arquiez. “Eclipse I presume,” he wondered loudly. “The worst of the lot. I don’t understand why they were sent. It’s not like this operation is of much importance to them,” Arquiez said.

“The money?” enquired Kinderheim. “Still in the safe,” said Arquiez as he called for a cab. “Oh my…” was all Kinderheim could say.

“The mission plan was simple. We find and retrieve the money, and you stay the fuck away,” shouted the leader of Alpha Team. Both teams had regrouped on the top of the roof top. The Salarian had regained a little composure. Faltus grunted, “I don’t care about your fucking plan. If you come in my way I’ll fucking kill all of you.” The leader of Alpha Team, a much younger Krogan, flinched. The Salarian spoke, “Well. She isn’t here. So I’ll suggest that Simon or Archer track her down and bring her to you.” “Whatever,” the leader of Alpha Team said and left with his team.

The Salarian looked Archer, “Well, what now?” Archer was smiling. “We need to check out those two humans first,” he said. “Anything special about them?” asked the Salarian readying a syringe. “One of them just started walking away from Faltus and the other didn’t even flinch when Faltus had his shotgun aimed at him, point blank. In short Faltus got burned,” Archer said and laughed. The Salarian smiled and looked at Faltus who looked at them with anger.